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Rove Senior Adviser to president goernl w. Bush welcome i know you jo in me wishing president and first lady a speedy recovery, as all americans do, but this is another real eh , you know, just a crazy fact in a crazy year. What do you think how do you think this changes the race . Yeah, just when you thought it couldnt get strangeer it does it is like the weird election of our lifetime. Look. We dont really know bols sarro in brazil got ill Boris Johnson interiorly dies of covid, poll numbers in middle of a highly divisive deeply partisan enormously polarized election wick rear i dont anticipate for the president ironically enough it may be when you are faced with adversity in politics plrl president ial campaign figure out how to take lemons, lemonade making sure opportunity for president no longer 14 days is he going to be giving speeches in front of 90 minute speeches in front of adoring crowds in which he goes off on tangent becomes news of the day, instead they may have an opportunity for discipline stick in the white house, cant go to west wing but can make phone calls, he can being give make remarks he can tweet, and this may be 14 days where they can be disciplined focus on two things, what is it youve done what do you want to do how does that contrast with what joe biden wants to do plrl on, of the economy. First thing i would suggest, transparency, lets be honest, the white house should when president symptoms tell us what they are how he is feeling, dont hide anything. I think that would be my first bit of advice do you agree . I totally agree he ought teeing giving update pick out somebody that he is comfortable talking to, and every couple days call in to Brian Kilmeade say i want to give you American People update, or could something, on a regular basis to give us you a an explanation he is feeling, how first lady is feeling because look he is our president. She is our first lady, and American People are going to want to know transparency absolutely right is the critical thing, he also ought to have others talk about it ought to have attending physician say examining the president first lady here is what we know here what is is happening to hope. The other thing related to your point about how he turned lemons into lemonade seems to me that if the president like any leader in under adversity pro rejecting optimism, fortitude, and if president says look, you know what you know what this proves noim different on that anybody else in the country just goes to show you that we are all vulnerable, but we can all get on with our jobs who knows how serious a turn will take with him. Lets assume as with most americans he has relatively mild symptoms. You know, he can maybe show, a different side of his character, certainly from one he showed at debate if you agree with that. Absolutely, he can show empathy look i am going through what a lot of americans given me greater sense of gratitude for the people healing arts, our doctors, our hospitals, our nurses, our our scientists, all thooedz people 4 den extraordinary job i am beneficiary like so Many Americans of skill application of enormous talents absolutely this is a moment where we can see a softer side of donald trump we can also on the political side, as i said beforecy a more disciplined side of donald trump, simply because he is going to be you know, constrained where going to be what he can do. But if they are smart will turn this to their advantage. If you are advising democrats observing them how do you think they ought to handle this themselves . I mean, you already are seeing some real progressive partisanship you you partisans social media elsewhere kind of blaming did president not taking this seriously i suspect doesnt have a lot of carey with mostly americans. If i were sitting in the high demand of team biden would i say should we be erupting nasty negative ads may be a moment we articulate pull down trash for president put biden talking about vision for the future what he wants to do for america, this is not a moment to be attacking the president i would be inclined to do that this is a moment for biden to say, here is what i want to do because realize, on tuesday neut, we heard very little from either candidate, on what they intend to do with the exception of moment when it got to climate biden gave that laundry list of thingsable indefensible to magically revitalize we will all be in electricity cars homes all retrofitting, he, too, wasnt of jobs that will automatically spring up take all these people oil and gas Refining Industries put them to work, installing solar panels, and doing wonderful things, that will pay them more than they are making all this baloney, that was only moment that he was really talking about the future, neither one of these mened laid out a vision for what next four years are going to look like. See how they adjust in days ahead thanks for coming in joe biden claims that he is the the Democratic Party are the why did he dodge questions about eliminating the legislative filibuster and Packing Supreme Court, plus panel take on President Trumps covid diagnosis what it means for the final month of the campaign. Dinners almost ready. But one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with our renters insurance. Yeah, switching and saving was really easy drink it all up. Good could have used a little salt. Visit geico. Com and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be. Noand if youre troubledan a liby falls and bleeds,ners. Worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. So youre a small businor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. 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A whatever position i take that will become the issue the issue is the American People should speak. You should go out and vote. Paul democratic nominee joe biden refusing to say whether he would support demands from the left to end a legislative filibusterer pack the Supreme Court, if he is elected president. The former Vice President ducking questions repeatedly in recent days despite declaring a tuesday night debate that he is the Democratic Party. Lets bring in panel columnist Editorial Page Editor Dan Henninger columnist kim strassel bill mcgurn how do you think the covid diagnosis reshapes the Election Campaign if it does at all . Well it does to some extent, lets start with the baseline, that the overwhelming number of voters out there are already committed to either joe biden, or donald trump, i dont think they are going to change their views. Everyone the big issue paul is the course of the disease, for the president. We have two capitals president bolsonaro brazil got through it pretty easily Boris Johnson uk seriously ill, i think if president experience with coronavirus is mild, then that will be a positive for him if it is very severe, then i think people will maybe mark him down for having underplayed not wearing a mask and so forth. As you were suggesting more importantly is that the white house be completely up front white house doctor perhaps out there every day, giving the president s diagnosis and straightforward way, about what his condition is. So that the American People can believe and trust the information they are getting about the president of the United States. Paul and bill, this issue of how the president he handles it i think is also crucial. Because he has been telling the American Public, i think correctly, that we are going to have to co captivity with covid19 for a long time certainly until we get a vaccine. That means you have to work we have to try to abide by certain social distancing other protocols, but we have to get on with our life demonstration effectuate by president crucial can he do that, too. I think the other question, with us not only the question how severe are symptoms that is going to have usage effect, because very mild he could be back to the second debate Bernie Sanders was back after a heart attack, if more severe it kind of takes him out of the race, until the end of the race, i mean Boris Johnson was out for more than a month from when he was first tested, right went into the hospital, in early april, didnt come out until late april. So it could be a big game he changer i think right it could be a real moment for the president , to educate people, that, you know, even with different precautions someone as protected as president you can get covid too people are going to be very curious about how he handles it how and whether he is up to handling the campaign. How would you recommend the president handle this events in the white house stick to twitter in he cant go to west wing tooffal cant bring in press corps obviously, cant bring in oneonone endures can do a lot by phone a fireside chat i guess . Well, obviously, the big question how ill is he. Can he do those things, assuming a minor version of this, people have been talking about how viral loads have been decreasing in this so better chance that he does have a minor version thf the more he can talk the better, yes, but if he can do it with discipline i think that is number one thing, there is an enormous opportunity here, on first glance when you look at this you think oh man advisers now front and center again this is exactly what joe biden wants. If you turn that around use it as you and karl were talkings express empathy show average american to express admiration for the health care services, you can form a real connection with americans, yes i can do that with you could do face timing, and other social media. And i think that could be a real upside for him in the jeaned lets turn to joe biden, and the debate in question he didnt answer hasnt answered Kamala Harris hasnt answered, Packing Supreme Court and filibuster, is that going to wash for the American Public here that he just he is as he says the Democratic Party, but he wont tell you what he thinks about the crucial question. Well, i think, the issue of packing the court add to that as well admitting colombia puerto rico democrats get four more senators pabing the senate a big detail i think probably disturbances most americans to tell the truth but the possibility of that real, and they like legislative filibuster to do it has to be put in front of American People it wasnt elevates well during that debate the question who is going to press joe biden, on it . The press corps is not going to do it by and large the president out of action i suppose he could talk directly, go an excellent idea next two weeks address these subjects to American People to help them understand what the stakes are. Other than that, though, paul, i dont think biden will get pressed on these issues if it isnt the president himself doing it somehow. Thank you all when we come back, as both sides gear up for a broougz Supreme Court confirmation battle he democrats frame the opposition to Amy Coney Barrett, as an attempt to save it be about the Affordable Care act would the Supreme Court Court Majority really vote to overturn obama care . What is at stake the president made it clear he wants to get rid of the acting, he has been running on that ran on that, and he has been governing on that in Supreme Court trying to get rid of acting, which will strip 20 Million People from having Insurance Health insurance now 100 Million People he with preexisting conditions take place away as well. As both sides gear up for a bruising Supreme Court confirmation, obviously care taking center stage in that battle democrats claiming President Trump is trying to rush through the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett in order to repeal the Affordable Care act oral arguments set to begin november 10, in a case brought by 18 republican attorneys general, and joined by the Trump Administration seeking to over turn Health Care Law would a newly confirmed Justice Barrett conservative majority vote to strike down obama care with Dan Henninger kim strassel wall street Journal Journal rider. Is the Supreme Court really going to of turn obamacare tell us about this case here hearing. Well, logic of this case that now that individual mandate required people to apply insurance has been zeroed out, that the entire structure of the law should be constitutional here is reasons why we should not expect a court ruling, that strikes down the entire law the first is that the there is question about whether the plaintiffs m standing whether they have proven injury the second paul even if mandate the requirements to buy insurance was ruled unconstitutional that doesnt mean entire law has to fall, as you remember in 201 we had a long debate in took reform about what congress wanted to do when it repealed individual mandate many voted for tax reformer under pretense the rest of obama care would stand why they did it wapped to keep the rest of the law but swvred off that part that should end severable this court will not strike down entire law i couldnt agree more with you i looked at the opinions of the Justice Kavanaugh justice alito, chief justice roberts, on this issue of severability in other cases what they made clear it has to be a rather extraordinary case, for the court to throw out a whole lot based on one corner being declared unconstitutional, this case that is even more likely that they wont overturn it reliance interest all people who depend on law didnt when they first considered mandate, in 2012. Right this is mostly a political posture for democrats think in 2018 republicans on republicans want to take away commissions they think that works for them trying that again, republicans also they have to do believe liability having tried to repeal obama care and failed they lost doesnt have much hope succeeding can care political damage. I am puzzled why they associate themselves with this case dan preexisting condition question, and bidens astonishing figure a hundred Million People with precedence will lose Health Insurance if the law is overturned, that figure has no basis in reality, as far as i can tell. No, it doesnt, and here is the astonishing thing paul. The press writing about President Trump have they ever used think phrase more often than president has claimed about something without evidence or president has asserted falsely . What joe biden has been saying about the Supreme Court, and acting is false as indicate a made clear what he is saying about preexisting conditions, is also false, there is no effort being made, to point out to American People, that that no such thing is going to happen the idea preexisting conditions a threat is one of those phrases used in politics kind of a political boogeyman to scare people, and into thinking it is going to go away. The fact is, that for many democrats, the goal is indeed nationalized health care they see obama care Affordable Care a Halfway House between shth ma system and issue nationalized health care, high premiums have not worked as they promised they works. Kim, the most person people of Medicare Medicaid dont have to worry about precedence people will with private Health Insurance most people you know as tense of he, too, wasnt do in america that also is not an issue. So you are talking about people who are in the individual Insurance Market smaller pool those can be handled with preexisting conditions a private for private insurance can be handled tlub risk pools highrisk pools some states did before obama care. Yeah, you know, the obama care actually set up this transition program, plan for people with preexisting conditions and just to get to the point about the actual number, never had i think it is peak enrollment was 100 a couple hundred thousand not talking tablinging mills and mills that joe biden is suggesting republicans didnt set themselves up for this lifting this law suit, up and giving, the democrats the opportunity, to make this an Election Year issue, and you got to wonder what they learn auth to come up with health care placement rather than loufg this to be a Campaign Issue every election. The Labor Department reefgs final employment numbers before november what fridays report tells us about the job market the state of the American Economy heading into the election. Diane retired and opened that pottery studio. How did you come up with all these backstories . I got help from a pro. My financial professional explained to me all the ways nationwide can help protect Financial Futures in peytonville. Nationwide can help the greens get Lifetime Income because their son kyle is moving back home and could help set up a Financial Plan for mrs. Garcia. And he explained how nationwide can help mr. Paisley retire early and spend more time with his pal, peyton. And their new band. Exactly yeah. Dont forget the band. I havent. And still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib. Not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im reaching for that. Eliquis. 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Your medication keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo paul the u. S. Economy adding 661,000 jobs in september, a slowdown from previous months increases but sending jobless rate falling to 7. 9 down from 8. 4 in august, that monthly Labor Department report, the final one to be released before november 3 what does it tell us about the u. S. Job market and the state of the economy heading into the election . Don luskin chief investment officer, nice to see you again. Good to be here. Thank you for coming in lets talk about jobs report what does it tell you about the state of the recovery . O well, we are halfway down we lost 22 million payrolls, in just two horrendous months march april no i five months since then gained 11 back got work cut out vshaped recoveries look like this when you are living in have real time just one agonizing day after another just trudging up right side of that v, when done after three, three and half quarters you say that was easy, it is never easy. Paul right but some people say this is actually disappointing, because the pace of the recovery has slowed down, because i think some economists were predicting more than 8 h00us. Jobs he internal of the report government lost a couple hundred thousand, jobs private payrolls better than 661, what about this argument that the pace of the recovery is slowing . It is really easy to have a scorching pace when coming back from artificially zeroing out of economy all things diminish returns can we celebrate where we are we have 661,000 new payrolls in most context that would be a darned blockbuster we are being blase about it oh things slowing down he terrible. No, it was really good. Paul yeah, okay. So what about the Third Quarter growth we finished Third Quarter looks like, it could be, a blockbuster as well. Does that seem like it was . Do we see slowing coming into are you worried about Fourth Quarter some economists are with what they call demand cliff, because there is less stimulus right now from the government . Well this the time path of arrival stimulus payments has been very unique very interesting, in this particular recession when stimulus payments were made Second Quarter that was where you couldnt spend the money. So sure, you got those checks Donald Trumps name printed on them in april and may, but you were locked in your house couldnt enjoy those check. So, the cash flow happened in Second Quarter, so did savings that means spending unleashing pentup demand bomb is going to happen quarter three and four we are beginning to see that, you know one community at a Time Restaurants say massive employers 25 50, capacity 75 finally blessing one hundred percent capacity bringing all kinds of jobs back diners back, people are going to love spending money they couldnt spend secretary convert i am not all that worried about q4. And so the key here, sounds like, is reopening economy a fastest pace particularly when you think about those job parts of the economy, where consumer facing like restaurants, for example, like retail, and i think that if you look at restaurant hospitality jobs report, is still 2. 3 million lost jobs from the peak, that in february. Correct, 70 neither payroll gains, whereas in the same jobs report, Something Like i think 66,000 payrolls loss in the Education Sector, now what is the difference . Between Education Sector and retail and hospitality sector . Well the Education Sector is monolithic unionized centrally planned government controlled the others ones leisure, all the ones that are bouncing back, are granular diverse entrepreneurial controlled by individuals one strip mall at a time, of course, coming back there is a lesson in that paul. Paul do we need another big one and a half trilliondollar two trilliondollar Government Spending bill here . Well, that simply question a lot of difficult to define words need is a big word stimulus a big word just because you throw money at people if you dont engineer it right, you can end up paying more not to work than to work. Some benefits to that some real harm, oh some day going to have to pay for this. That is what i steal growth from the future. Paul right. Because of future tax increases what about covidpositive covid diagnosis, by the president , obviously, introduces element of uncertainty into the race can you speculate at all on Economic Impact of that . The well, first i want to just say that my hopes and prairs he prayers to president and family the worst thing in the world. I think people you know whether they love or hate trump as pattern he is our president our leader a celebrity, people take queues from when somebody has covid we can go through a while people selfquarantine say i am staying home this week if president can get it may be i can get it on the other hand if he comes through fine i am betting praying that he will oh, my god that is like Ronald Reagan back from assassination 1981 a superhero really inspires people. So this might work out really well economic terms i hate to talk about human tragedy in economic terms but that is what you asked me. Thank you, i appreciate it as Ronald Reagan said honey i forgot to duck as he was shot projecting that fortitude optimism can be important thank you. Thank you. Still ahead former fbi director jim comey faces a senate grilling, on the trumprussia probe telling lawmakers he is proud of the work done by his former agency but failing to recall details of the investigation. What kind of system is it if the fbi director has no clue about the most important investigation maybe in the history of the fbi . See yourself. Welcome back to the mirror. And know youre not alone. Because this is not just a mirror, its an unstoppable community. Come on jesse, one more its every workout. Come on you two, lets go for everyone. So join in now. And see your best self. In the mirror. In the may be it was done by the book, it was appropriate, it was essential that it be done. Paul so your so you are proud of it . Overall i am proud of the work there are parts are concerning when i am sure we will talk about overall i am proud of the work. Former fbi director jim comey wednesday testifying before the Senate Judiciary committee telling lawmakers he was proud of the agency handling of the 20126 investigation into Trump Campaign and rush saying probe was appropriate, and done by the book. His defense comes despite sting Evidence Bureau relied on expected russian agent for the information to obtain a secret surveillance warrant against former trump adviser carter page back with dan have anjer kim strassel big mcgurn, kim you wrote about this hearing this this week jim comey, did we learn anything from his testimony . No, unfortunately not. Mr. Comey was brought into answer for all of this new information we got in passing, number of times he said i dont know our cant remember or i dont recall with mindblowing hard to fathom said all along was handled at top level case it was so supposedly he knew nothing about about what was going on. Bill was it by the book done emotionally. I think uggig says otherwise what was extraordinary, is that comey look like a guy trying to avoid a perjury trap ya recall i dont remember probably most important fbi has taken up this was not regular fbi investigation in building where jim comey was they dont usually do it didnt seem to recall any details, his claim is belied by the ordinary fbi agents notes came out last week, you see them saying, hey looks like there is a get trump attitude some guys want to install hillary god event us if someone foias new information new attorney general looks around came up with a game conspiracy clue take any two people unite them in you russian extraordinary, extraordinary the man claims a professional leader didnt know about the most important things going on in his own building. Kim thank you russian agent disclosure last week isnt it remarkable did they shed any light on this. Think about this paul by september fbi knows dossier is using came from the rival Political Campaign paid for by the clinton campaign. They found out by Intelligence Community it would be a product of russian disinformation, then by december they find out that the man who was the main source for that dossier information had been under investigation by fbi himself, years earlier, as russian agent nonthat i had them cease and desist or rethink indictment of the fbi i are we going to see more i have thought the president gave fbi authority to declassify if he wanted . Well, dni director ratcliffe is attempting to put sore documents out apparently there is real pushback within the Intelligence Community, of doing that lets hope he and bill barr win that fight because we still need to see more information here. Paul bill, does this i mean, just step back on whole thing if you look at this i mean if the rolls were reversed finding out somehow a republican had relied on russian disinformation to try to undermine a democratic president ial campaign, would it be bigger news . [laughter] i think so it is extraordinary how this has been, we have evidence of corruption moral corruption of how they looked into this from interest Justice Department to fbi, and now frankly from the courts in the way judge sullivan is freelancing, this justice decision drop against mr. Flynn obviously, would be treated differently the sad thing i dont think there will be any reform until people go to jail. But more important than that is that we get full story we still dont have the full story driabout iblings of information tell us dont have it may never get. It putting in context of the president ial race, i mean, obviously, the president is tweeting about this, are republicans are talking about it we are having a hearing, but there is no echo in the Mainstream Media at all almost zero. Do you think that this is going to matter in the president ial race at all . I doubt it i mean one of the most depression aspects of our time the extent Mainstream Media participated in the false russian collusion narrative the litigious of major washington institution, alienation from important people is a profound problem, as bill suggested these reforms somehow had to be done they will be i think if trump gets reelected. I am sorry to say paul that if joe biden wins the sands are going to wash all this away. Paul all right when we come back judge Amy Coney Barrett nominated to be just fifth female justice to serve on United States Supreme Court why arent feminists celebrating a closer look at attacks on judge barrett by other women, next. Nonvalvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. And if youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. The president has asked me to become the ninth justice, as it happens, i am used to being in a group of nine my family my children greatest joy even though they deprive me of reasonable amount of sleep i couldnt manage this very full life without the unwavering support of my husband jesse. At start of our marriage i imagine we would run a household of partners, as turned out, he does far more than his share of the work. Paul that was Amy Coney Barrett, last saturday amgdz her family accepted President Trumps nomination to u. Supreme court. Will the if confirmed barrett will become fifth male justice in high court history, but dont look for feminists to celebrate she is being denounced as threat to womens rights with National Organization for women climbing claiming barrett will turn back the clock on equality. As it happens two working mothers highly productive working mothers i might add. So kate you wrote this week that there was there is a cultural resonance for all women but for all of us in the Amy Coney Barrett story what did you mean by that . Well paul i think some womens rights can demand conformity of women i was interested in Amy Coney Barretts life seems to defy norm boundaries of culture wars whether women should work stay home she makes her life like she said mot very are full having children working as judge makes it look enjoyable, something worth aspiring to i started to look for interviews to decode some patterns of success some things she he mentions, enjoys the job, probably, a lot easier than working as a fulltime partner at big firm, she says husband does a lot of work around the house, also a saying men should do in marriages what about criticism this is easy for her affluent, you know can afford a help around the house has aunt helping out, for example . Yes, i did not hear those when she was managing life with mom and also a wife and lifelong marriage but separate from that i think what is easy to admire about amey barrett more durable than a job and career, and there is no amount of household help can give that fortitude, so i think, women should come and think about because just attitude she represents what she tell young women about live having has advantages has been very open about that. And, of course, not every won will be a mother of seven and Supreme Court justice, but i do think there are still things we can learn about her learn about life from her. The steertype that in roles stay home interesting what she says you cant to do that great work career as well great celebrates the fact that her marriage is a partnership also i think the reality for most two career couples. Speaking for all those women out there have husbands do more than fair share that was one of the nicest comments or most inspiring comments i heard her say, but, you know, look when you listen to Amy Coney Barrett talk about how she juggles things, she talks about it, with the same level he have freedom, that she does when she talks about jurisprudence she exists to interpret constitution where everyone has equal opportunity, that means equal opportunity to say home, to go to work, equal opportunity to forge her path that way kind of lives her constitutional ideals, and also what makes this argument you are seeing from some feminists going to turn back the clock absolutely crazy, it is hard to imagine, her doing any decision that would do anything other than expand continue expanding those opportunities for women. Briefly is she a threat . Couple words to abortion rights no, no not at all many reasons she is one vote hard to see enough votes on court for that to be changed a very long time if ever. Thank you all very much, appreciate it, we have to take one more break when we come back hits misses of the week. Im alphonso, and theres more to me than hiv. Theres my career, my cause, my choir. Im a work in progress. So much goes into who i am. Hiv medicine is one part of it. Prescription dovato is for adults who are starting hiv1 treatment and who arent resistant to either of the medicines dolutegravir or lamivudine. Dovato has 2 medicines in 1 pill to help you reach and then stay undetectable. So your hiv can be controlled with fewer medicines while taking dovato. Dont take dovato if youre allergic to any of its ingredients or if you take dofetilide. If you have hepatitis b, it can change during treatment with dovato and become harder to treat. 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If youre having difficulty paying for your medications, we may be able to help. Millions of men are keeping their hair thanks to proven hair loss treatments, and you can to thanks to keeps. Get Online Access to a physician and fdaapproved treatments delivered right to your door, safely and affordably. Go to keeps. Com tv to learn more. See yourself. Welcome back to the mirror. And know youre not alone. Because this is not just a mirror, its an unstoppable community. Come on jesse, one more its every workout. Come on you two, lets go for everyone. So join in now. And see your best self. In the mirror. Paul time for hits misses of the week kim first to you. This a miss to California Governor Gavin Newsom and his promise to get rid of gas powered vehicle sales in the state by 2035. Forget what this does to lower income californians forced to pay for expensive vehicles what it would do to california roads rely on gas taxes in part Consumer Choice millions of americans out there i among them attitude you can pull gas fired truck from cold fingers another reason to exit california. To professor mayhew at ohio state university, week ago wrote article for inside higher ed why America Needs college football, amazing it was what happened next, he apparently learned he was a racist for writing this, so he wrote an abject apology article so gravell. A. Thought it was apology he will begin long process antiracist learning, welcome to modern american. I am giving a hit in the memory of George Malone former Deputy Editor the wall street journal editorial page died at 92 after distinguished career reporter george was deputy for many years served as mentor model teacher fend for many of us contributions to the conservative ideas that shape public opinion, from the cold war into the decades Going Forward are im immeasurable we will miss him. Indeed mentor to me so many others that is it thanks to panel and all of you for watching i am paul gigot we hope to see you right here next week. Lou good evening, everybody. The washington swamp is in a full panic. They are frantically trying to stop americans from learning more about the corrupt, treasonous plot by the radical dems and the deep state to overthrow the presidency of donald trump. Recently declassified intelligence reveals intel agencies, Hillary Clinton launched the phony trumprussia collusion farce in july of 2016. And now the federalists sean davis is reporting that cia director has pell is

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