Of wanton endangerment. Johnsons bond was set at a million dollars. Hell be back before a judge on october 5th. Law enforcement on high alert tonight, more violence is feared. Fox correspondent mike tobin live tonight in louisville with the latest. Mike. Reporter and, lou, we have already seen some weapons show up on the scene, but weapons i mean some of those particle boards fashioned into shields to defense against the nonlethal weaponry the police use, also some guns here on scene. So its going to be another tense night in louisville. If you look behind me, you can see a humvee, indication of presence of the national guard. Behind that you have a snow blow and some of the jersey bears that are snowplow and some of theirly bears, they take the blades off and use them to block the streets. Another jersey barrier, and then youve got Jefferson Park, and thats where the demonstrators are gathering, that is where weve seen some of the weapons start to show up as the protesters numbers are growing slowly before we get to nightfall. Some 24 demonstrate theres were arrested last night after the assembly was declared unlawful. That declaration came after windows were broken and the Public Library was vandalized. One of those arrested, state representative at ca scott. She is the author of breonnas law. She calls the charges ridiculous and promises to be back out with the demonstrators today. Benjamin crump, an attorney representing the family of breonna taylor, is demanding transcripts presented to the grand jury. What the Kentucky Attorney general, daniel cameron, present to the grand jury. Dud he present any evidence on Breonna Taylors behalf . Reporter a spokesman for the attorney general responded saying everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but prosecutors and grand jury members are bound by facts and the law. Of course, grand jury proceedings are generally secret. And youre looking now at Jefferson Park where the numbers are growing, but keep in mind the curfew remains in place and remains in place throughout the weekend. Lou . Lou mike, thank you very much. Mike tobin from louisville. Major developments today in the exposure of radical dems and the deep state thes efforts states efforts to overthrow the president of the united states. The Justice Department released an interview conducted earlier this month with fbi agent and member of muellers special counsel Investigative Team. His name is William Barnett. In that interview he declared ma mules muellers special counsel investigation had a, quote, get trump attitude. And although mueller was the leader of the special counsel team, the attorneys under him were the ones actually directing the investigation. Barnett provided examples of that get trump attitude. The report stating, quote barnett referred to incidents involving President Trump whichn in the most negative american or in some cases miss interpreted. Quoting from the report and as an example, barnett described comments made by trump in that investigators needed to get to the bottom of a matter, redacted. One of the special counseling attorneys said trump wanted to cover it up. Barnett corrected redacted, saying, no, he said get to the bottom of it. Parenthetically, i will say to you that would be just the exact opposite of what they tried to construe. Back to the report. Quote barnett claimed that muellers investigators didnt let the evidence or lack thereof determine the investigation. Rather, their attitude was to do what they could to find evidence. At the end of the day, they found none, and the president was vindicated and exonerated. Barnett also told the Justice Department that he was issued a cell phone by the special Counsel Office which he did not wipe, but that he did hear other agents talk about wiping their phones. Earlier this month the Justice Department issued records showing dozens of cell phones were wiped from muellers team before the departments Inspector General could review them after having specifically asked them to be presented. Barnetts interview published only hours after attorney general william barr dropped a bombshell. That bombshell . The primary source for the discredited antitrump steele dossier was investigated by the fbi for suspicious russian contacts. Suspicious contacts with with the russians. The attorney general wrote to senator Lindsey Graham saying, quote, a footnote in the Inspector Generals report contains information which up til now has been classified and redacted. Bearing on the reliability of the steele dossier. The fbi has declassified the relevant portion of the footnote, number 334, which states that the primary subsource was the subject of an fbi counterintelligence investigate from 20092011 that assessed his or her contacts with suspected russian intelligence officers. End quote. So the primary source of the steele dossier was suspected of being a russian agent. The source twice told the fbi the information in the dossier was unreliable and further told the fbi that steele recharacterized some information to make it appear more reliable. Yet with all the these warnings straightforward and clear, all these red flags, the corrupt Justice Department and the corrupt fbi launched the worst political scandal in our nations history and tried to overthrow the presidency of president donald trump. Joining us tonight is tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. He has a new book entitled the republic under assault the lefts ongoing attack on american freedom. Its available for preorder, we recommend it to you highly. It is good to have you with us, tom. This is mesmerizing, to listen to these transcripts and to read them and to see what was known within the Investigative Team made up principally of fbi agents, and they knew that they were involved in a conspiracy to overthrow the president of the united states. And we are only now learning about it. This is material the fbis had about for years that they withheld from the american people. Sidney powell got it because its in her litigation for general flynn, and she deserves a medal for it. Weve been suing for the records, theyve been stonewalling the release of this information. But, you know, the president has been so right to call this conspiracy against him treasonous. To have fbi officials, doj officials knowingly worked with a suspected russian spy, and even the russian spy was telling them you cant believe everything youre seeing in that dossier. Its treasonous. And they were using it to target trump. Yet barnett, hes talking about i want out of the flynn investigation. I saw an ig report, i saw an ig investigation coming down the trail here because he saw i there was no there there. He saw there was no there there on trump and collusion. And yet they continued and continued to pursue President Trump. And this is, obviously, confirms what we saw from the outside, right, lou . I mean, we saw all the indications this was their approach. Everything trump did, no matter how innocent, turned into what the fbi agent said was collusion clue. It was a game within the mueller special counsel operation that you could put anyone in to any situation and then draw a collusion inference from it. Is so if you talked to if you with had so and so on your show, well, youre part of the conspiracy too, lou. I mean, that was their approach on these issues. And it was an abuse of power never seen before in american history, and it went on under rosensteins watch. And, you know, given the fact that weve got the wiped phones, further conversation that they were joking about wiping phones, we have new information mueller likely lied about his interest in the fbi job, we have this in your face evidence, they all knew it was a scam and lied to the court and obstructed justice otherwise. This is a seditious conspiracy. I dont know how else to describe it. And it needs to be prosecuted. Obama needs to be called before the lou very similar blue, very and then questioned under oath. Lou very simply, we, as far as im concerned, i dont know that we can believe them any better under oath than we can their own words on transcripts of their earlier remarks when they were not under threat. Theyre under threat now, i believe, tom, and there is here a perhaps small but nonetheless are present opportunity nonetheless present opportunity to actually hold accountable those who carried out this effort to overthrow the presidency of donald trump. It is, it is really, to me, astounding that this is here. As you say, Sidney Powell doing a magnificent job to defend her client, and in so doing defend, defend this nation, this republic against its own fbi. And then we have that braying Christopher Wray talking nonsense and yet still remains the head of the fbi. Hes decided that i dont know what hes decided. The fact is the man should be removed from that office immediately, dont you agree . Well, certainly he needs to answer for the questions that have arisen here. And i dont know, maybe he can go on a leave of absence, you know, talk some time out take some time out so we figure out what he was up to and what he knew and when about this coverup, because this is a coverup. These are not documents that they found in a box somewhere they didnt know they had. They all knew they had these documents. Weve been litigating for these documents. General flynns been asking for the documents for a year or two, and they had an obligation to give them to the court lou isnt [inaudible conversations] no, we dont know what because the judiciarys every bit as corrupt as the department of justice and the fbi. And everyone, it seems, in those agencies and departments and branch of government really dont give a damn about their integrity or that of their colleagues. People are not coming forth to explain why an Appellate Court moved against law, tradition, precedent to further become an active force in the persecution of general Michael Flynn. It is, it is unbearable to think that this is what this country has descended to. But make no mistake, anyone watching you and me very clearly, your suspicions of the worst of this government have been absolutely corroborated. Your thoughts, tom, as we wrap up. I dont see how durham can avoid prosecutions given this new information. I dont know how long theyve had it for, but barnett was just questioned last week. Is this the first time hes been questioned . If so, that would be problematic. I think there have been theres an increased likelihood or, you know, maybe i have an increased hope that durham is forced to do more significant prosecutions than we otherwise were led to believe. Lou with that knock wood. Lou im sorry . Knock on wood. Lou sorry, tom. Knock on wood. Lou or whatever it takes or just i think ill add a couple of prayers to it as well. Thanks so much, tom. Tom fitton, judicial watch. Coming up next, Christopher Wray caught lying again, slapped down by the trump administration. We take it up with congressman andy biggs, the chair of the freedom caucus. And you can buy few new book, now that has a ring to it, doesnt it . The trump century how our president changed the course of history forever, available now at loudobbsshop. Com, loudobbsshop. Com. For all american patriots, republicans, democrats and independents. And anyone who orders between now and next friday entered to win an autographed copy of my new book. Well announce the winner on next fridays show. Stay with us, well be right back while you quickly go over to loudobbsshop. Com. Well be right back. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Keeping your oysters busihas you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo so youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . 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Weve already seen some have vicious attacks on a number of nominees that have been mentioned as possible candidates. Theyre coming after their faith, their catholic faith, and if theyre going to go after a judge becaused on what they believe based on what they believe, not on how they voted, not based on their record, shame on them. I thought we were better than that as a nation. And when we look at our constitution, it allows us to really worship and have a faith as we dictate, and that shouldnt be a litmus test for the court. Lou we apologize, obviously, that is the wrong sound. But a fascinating statement by the chief of staff. Well get you the correct sound in just a matter of minutes, i assure you. Some in the fbi knew the plot to overthrow President Trump would be exposed for the fraud and crime against the country that it is. In january of 2017, an fbi analyst investigating general Michael Flynn said colleagues were obtaining Liability Insurance ahead of trumps inauguration to protect themselves from what they had been doing to this president and to this country. President trump today addressed the radical dems and the deep states efforts to cover throw his presidency. We went through three years of crap. Lets see, lets see what happens now they got caught. Did you see where they were buying insurance policies because they were afraid they were going to get caught . So they were buying with insurance policies, fbi agents. And buying insurance policies for themselves because they were starting to think this is really bad, were going to get caught. I mean, its not even believable, and theres more coming out, theres more coming out. Its getting deeper and worse and worse, and it was, it was spying on the campaign. But that was the beginning. Then it was a coup. And, you know, you never think of this country as a coup. You think of certain south american countries, but we have them cold. Lou cold, indeed. In fact, in his interview with the Justice Department, fbi agent William Barnett said one of the mueller special counsel attorneys, jeannie r e e e, was, quote ree, was, quote, obsessed with russia and flynn. And she had an agenda, quote with. Thats the word of the day, obsessed. Well, joining us now is congressman andy biggs, chairman of the House Freedom caucus, also member of the house judiciary committee. Congressman, its great to see you. This is, i think most americans are now as they are hearing what was said, how this effort to overthrow the president was constructed and where it led, they have to be stunned, and they have to be outraged. And Christopher Wray, the head of the fbi, has been slowwalking, stonewalling and covering up the conduct of fbi agents through this period. And i cannot think of any other, any reason in the world why he is not fired. Well, lou, i agree with you 100 , and ive been advocating that for some time because it is exactly what you say. This was a coup attempt, and Christopher Wray is, the buck stops with him. Weve requested documents, documents that should have been declassified including the recent dump thats come out that reveals what barnett has done, what Sidney Powells been able to get through foia requests. They Christopher Wray and his fbi has denied my requests, other members of congress requests, he has failed to declassify documents that would be exculpatory to this president , and he knows it. Its just amazing, and he should have been gone, in my opinion, a year ago. Lou yeah, id like to we had the wrong sound. This is congressman, former congressman mark meadows, now the president s chief of staff. Lets listen to this. All due respect to director wray, he has a hard time finding emails in his own fbi, let alone figuring out whether theres any kind of voter fraud. This is a very different case. The rules are being changed. And so what im suggesting is perhaps he can drill down on the investigation that just started. Others that were seeing in North Carolina and other places where multiple ballots, duplicate ballots are being sent out, perhaps he needs to get involved on the ground, and he would change husband testimony on capitol hill. His testimony on capitol hill. The chief of staff, you know mark meadows well, he is one of those people we are fortunate to have serving the president who is, who absolutely is a place, wherever he is, integrity and guts come together. Its nice to hear a chief of staff speak as he did, straightforwardly, on principle and leave, frankly, christopher i wray no room to weasel whatsoever. Your thoughts. Yeah, no, thats right, and mark does a great job for the president , and hes in there, and he is a man of integrity. And ill tell you what, when Christopher Wray said theres no evidence of voter fraud, explain what we found in pennsylvania with the ballots for military folks. Explain what were seeing in North Carolina and other places. Explain how come i get anecdotes of people calling in or people i see at events telling me, yeah, ive gotten three mailin ballots, and i for people who dont live here anymore. There is going to be fraud because there is not a way, when you just send out undiscriminately and youre not cleaning up your voter rolls, youre going to have voter fraud. But im also concerned about election fraud, tampering with machines. I just, for him to sit there and say that, Christopher Wray, thats a astounding. And dont forget, lou, it was just a little, almost a year ago, a little under a year ago when he testified in congress about investigating computer documents, and it turns out they never even investigated those. So hes not a stranger to dissembling. Lou i think is what that does dissemble mean the same thing as outright damn liar . [laughter] prevariation, lying, yes. Dissembling. [laughter] lou congressman andy biggs, always good to see you. Appreciate it. Up next, oregon Law Enforcement fed up with the city of portland. The little leftwing buttercups who run the leftist city. The mayor there endangering portlands citizens, and theyve had their fill. Well talk with Investigative Reporter laura logan here next. Stay with us. This is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, mobile phone, auto, home and life youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today so when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. 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The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. No vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. Oh, oh, oh for just 25 each month you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need. Thats less than a dollar a day. Joining our boxamonth club is the best way to help provide ongoing lifesaving aid and nourishment to a holocaust survivor in need. For joining, you will begin receiving this beautiful promises of the prophets scripture set for display in your home. God tells us to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Lou one of my very favorite people, his name is ted wheeler. He is the leftwing, radical mayor of the leftwing, radical city of portland. And he continues to put the people of his city in danger. Now that wheeler has banned Police Officers from using tear gas to control riots thats very sensitive, dont you think . The county sheriff, mike reese, and Oregon State Police superintendent Travis Hampton now say they will not in any way help the citys Police Department under those circumstances. The Portland Police have asked for help to carrot crowds at this to control crowds at this weekends proud boys rally and antifa protest, but they said wheelers ban means their officers would be put in jeopardy and in harms way. Possibly hurt, possibly killed. Thats ted wheeler and the city of portland. They should be acclaimed for ever electing him, they should be ashamed for putting up with him. He should just leave. Our next guest is the host of a new show on fox nation. Laura logan has no agenda. He has no four new episodes about radical socialist movements across the country. Joining us tonight, awardwinning journalist lara logan. Lara, great to have you with us. Lets start be our friend ted wheeler in portland, oregon. He looks for all the world to be the biggest fool, and the people of portland appear to be right there with him, because theyre putting up with him. This is madnd, what we are witness madness, what we are witnessing in portland. Do you have an explanation for it . You know whats quite interesting, lou . I have actually been speaking to people who live in portland, and when you look at the news from the outside, you speak to them, you think everybodys going to be 100 behind wheeler, and its not what you find at all. In fact, there are many, many, many people in portland. Unfortunately, their voices are being drowned out, but they dont like whats going on. And so while you may have a lot of people who support, you know, they support racial justice, they dont, nobody wants a police force that overreaches or is excessive lu violent or anything like that. But people see through whats happening here. And whats quite extraordinary is when you ban tear gas and you ban other forms of riot control that are nonviolent, then what you do is you leave the police very few options. And thats why youre seeing the situation that youre seeing now where other Police Departments are saying theyre not going to step in there because essentially what you have is a police force that is entirely vulnerable. Youre putting them in a situation where these people are trained. They know exactly what theyre doing. They have shifts. They have different roles, lou. Is theyll have barricaders, theyll have have the nonviolent protesters, theyll have people who are on sound systems to keep the morale going. Theyll have people whose job it is to do projectiles. Theyll have people who stage, you know, various or weapons for them. Theyll have people with the umbrellas, you see them, who act as shields. And those umbrellas double up as weapons, some of them are fitted with knives. It may look chaotic on television, but it is extremely well organized. Theyre coordinating, they have command and control lou thats what weve been reporting that here, or lara, for weve been reporting that on this broadcast for quite some time, that it is an organized effort by antifa, black lives matter. What is difficult to understand, and our audience would really appreciate your insight into this, is why would the people yeah. Lou of portland, oregon, or anywhere, for that matter, in this country puppet put up with a mayor who is just as appallingly limited and foolhardy irrespective of his ideology as Ted Ted Wheeler . Peoples lives are being threatened almost nightly, and why is there no investigation into the rollout of antifa and black lives matter marxist organizations which we know are behind all of this, but authorities dont want to mention their names . The president is going to designate, we understand today, antifa and the kkk as terrorist organizations. Why in the world would he exempt black lives matter from that categorization . Well, its very simple, lou. Why do the people still support ted wheeler, why dont they force him out . Because they believe the lies. If you look at the entire social justice movement, it is being used in the name of justice, but it doesnt mean justice for black Police Officers, for example, who are attacked and who are beaten and who are injured. It only means justice for the people that they choose. And so you have a lot of young people who believe it, you have a lot of people who really, they dont want to believe anything negative because they want this president out of office. Theyve made a personality contest about donald trump lou youre describing and it obscures people from seeing what hes really doing. Lou youre describing what, unfortunately, sounds like anytime wits. Its almost nitwits. Its information warfare, lou. Thats what it is lou i understand. And information dominance. Lou and i think theres some nitwit too lara, weve got to go, im sorry. Thanks so much. Lara logan, she has a new show called the socialist invasion on fox nation. Be sure to join her. Up next here, President Trump in atlanta today highlighting the achievements of Husband Administration for the black community. Dr. Alveda king was at the event, and she is right here at lou dobbs tonight with us limu emu doug you know limu, after all these years its the ones that got away that haunt me the most. 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Plus, 0 interest for 24 months free delivery. Ends monday. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Im here today to announce a brand new plan to deliver more opportunity, more security, more fairness and more prosperity to black communities. We call it the platinum plan. If you vote republican over next four years, we will create 3 million new jobs for the black community. [cheers and applause] open 500,000 new blackowned businesses [cheers and applause] increase access to capital in black communities by 500 billion [cheers and applause] and this includes investing in community development, Financial Institutions and minority depository institutions. Build up peaceful and safer urban neighborhoods with the highest standards of and you know this of policing. [applause] bring better and tailored health care to address the historic discuss parities that weve had for so many years, advance Home Ownership and wealth bidding in the black Community Building in the black community. Bring more manufacturing back to the usa, which were doing anyway. [cheers and applause] lou President Trump in atlanta today. At that event he said he would designate the kkk and antifa as terrorist organizations. Our next guest was there, and joining us tonight is the niece of Martin Luther king jr. , dr. Alveda king. Alveda, it is great to see you. And that was a powerhouse list of offerings for africanamericans in this country. What was your reaction . Well, lou, im right here in atlanta, boots on the ground. Ive got that whole list in my hand. Im going to show you that for a minute [laughter] to say that its real. I believe it, im excited, and all of my brothers and sisters who were here today, we had masks and all that, social distancing a lit built, but we little bit, but we believe it, and were excited, lou. Lou well, you ought to believe it. I think thats the case because this is the president who delivered the lowest unemployment rates in history for africanamericans, the lowest unemployment rates for his painings hispanics. This is a man who backs up what he promises, so that has to be very attractive. Let me e ask you this, as he sat there, just stood there and talked about designating antifa and the kkk as terrorist organizations, there was a conspicuous absence in that label, and that would be black lives matter. What do you think . He spoke about black lives matter organization. Now, black lives do matter. We are all human beings. Were not even separate races. I talk about that in my book with ginger howard, were not color blind, we can see ethnicity, we are one race. And so black lives do matter, human lives matter, babies lives in the womb matter, blue lives matter, human life matters. But the organization is marxist, it is socialist, and its antifamily. It wants to get rid of all the dads, no patriarchs and all of that. They had all of that information on their web site, so they would be lou want to destroy the family. Kkk and antifa, black lives matter, you know, get the dad out of there, who needs a dad and all that kind of thing. They are just not familyfriendly, and we know that in the Africanamerican Community lou not streetfriendly either. Not streetfriendly at all lou theyre not streetfriendly either, are they . No, with the molotov [inaudible conversations] not church family, no. Lou you know, the last time, you know, alveda, you and i have known each other a long time. Long time. Lou the last time i looked when a man had a brick in one hand and a molotov cocktail in the other, i think i wouldnt be too far wrong if i didnt say they were a terrorist. They were terrorists. Lou it just awe maizes me. Absolutely. And that is true today lou so [inaudible conversations] yeah. Lou so with that, i think everybody has to be feeling pretty good in the black community. I know one thing, these polls show blacks in this country are ready, with that polling, all the most recent polling ive seen, somewhere between 2530 are ready to vote for president donald trump. What do you think . We are waking up, lou, and we are ready to have more houses, to own more homes, to have better education for our children, to have alternatives to abortion so that our families can grow. Were very excited. And i think President Trump has done much of that in the first four years. And so its just only going to grow. So 500 billion opportunities into moving towards the trillion. Thats what were looking for, and he has already delivered, and he is going to lou i wanted to, id like to get just a quick test as we wrap up here, were out of time okay. Lou but this president em seems to have done so much for africanamericans, for back americans. Is it correct to say hes done more in his first term in office than anybody else i can think of whos been in that office in modern history . In the first four years lou do you agree . I agree, lou. Im 70 years old. Ive been in the white house many times with many president s. President Donald John Trump has done more for africanamericans than any other president did in their first four years, absolutely. Lou dr. Alveda king, great to see you. We need to talk more. Come back sooner looking forward to it, thank you, lou. Lou you got a deal, alveda. Thank you. Tonights lou dobbs tonight quotation of the day from my new book, the trump century, and perfect for tonights news exposing the mueller special counsels get trump attitude and, oh, yes, overthrow his presidency while were at it. Quote the president s ballots with the radical dems, i wrote, the deep state and rinos of the last four years would have been of exhausting for most of us, and then there are the adversaries outside our borders all around the world. He has met every challenge, every threat, yet he is far from exhausted, he is exulted and appears stronger than ever. Though we have no right to ask this president to take on another term, i believe we have every reason to do so. The trump century, available at loudobbsshop. Com. Coming up next, a church in louisville giving sanctuary for violent black lives matter and antifa rioters. We take it up here next with pastor Robert Jeffress. Pastor Robert Jeffress. Stay with us. We got no free pass. Everything we have, weve earned. 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Lou the First Unitarian Church in louisville giving sanctuary to rioters and looters because its exempt from the citywide curfew. Dozens of rioters taunted the police from the churchs courtyard last night because they were given sanctuary. After what was a two hour standoff, Police Officers let them go home without fear of arrest. Joining us tonight, pastor Robert Jeffress from the First Baptist church of dallas, fox business contributor, great american. And, pastor, sang chew their louisville sanctuary in louisville. Your reaction. Well, lou, first of all, the idea of sanctuary by a church is a complete myth. Churches dont have that a ability to do that, to harbor criminals. Law enforcement, if they wanted to, could go in any place and take a criminal. But what this church is doing is wrong, and, lou, the reason theyre doing it is because they dont believe the bible. The unitarians throughout the bible threw out the bible years ago. But if they did believe the bible, they would know that romans 13 says Law Enforcement officers are ministers of god sent to punish evildoers and to resist Law Enforcement is to reresist god himself. No, im not talking about condoning police malpractice, but those cases are few and far between. Most police are doing the right thing, and the bible says to resist them is to resist god himself. And ill tell you, at our church here in downtown dallas, our citys out of control trying to defund the police, were handing out yard signs to our members that says defend, dont defund, the police. Because we know were on the right side of god and his word when we stand up for Law Enforcement officers. Lou you know, in standing up for them, none other than shaquille oneal, Charles Barkley and being viciously then attacked from the left. Just as soon as you hear voices that break the socalled monolith of the black political class, they are, theyre shouted down like Everything Else that the radical dems do. The politics of personal destruction. They could its just a shame, what we are watching the left do. And when i say a shame, i mean, it is horrific what they are trying to do again after trying four years to overthrow this president. Your thoughts. Well, it is. And thank god we have people like that black attorney general in kentucky who stood on the right side and others lou daniel cameron. And they dont care what the critics say about them. But this is just an attempt at anarchy, and i think this next election is largely going to be decided on the issue do you want chaos in the streets or order in america. Lou well, about this time tomorrow we should know who the justice, who will be nominated to be the justice of the Supreme Court by the president. Your personal favorites . Well, look, i think anybody on the president s list is a good choice. Theyre all conservatives. And, lou, this is a huge accomplishment. You know, in 2016 exit polls showed that the number one reason evangelicals voted for the president was his promise of a conservative judiciary. Well, with more than 200 federal Court Appointments and now three Supreme Court justices, he has more than delivered on that promise. And, you know, in the end, lou, most thinking evangelicals, they dont care about tweets, they dont care about temperament, they care about accomplishments. And this president has a long list of accomplishments especially when it comes to the judiciary he promised. Lou and if they do care about tweets and temperament, pastor [laughter] remind them that theyve never had such Straight Talk from an american president in their lives, perhaps in history. Pastor Robert Jeffress, thanks for being with us. Have a great weekend. Thanks so much. 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Hes heading back out to a rally later tonight in virginia. Weve got the latest. But first, a triple bombshell, major new problems, abuses of power, issues with serious National Security implications tied to the botchedded probes into trumprussia, general Michael Flynn and also the debunked antitrump steele dossier that the fbi relied on. General flynns attorney, Sidney Powell, joins us on newlyreleased government documents showing fbi