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Marylands governor overruling Health Officials on keeping private schools. Public schools you can do what you want. When it comes to private enterprises or schools, that is a step too far according to the governor. Seattles police chief says the city needs to intervene when protests get out of control but the emphasis was on the city doing so, not federal operatives. Well get the latest on that. Meantime to chad pergram on the back and forth in those coronavirus stimulus talks. I guess the good news, chad, is that theyre talking, right . Reporter thats right. They continue to talk but there is a chasm of difference here between the sides. Theyre talking about unemployment insurance. Theyre talking about extra money for schools, how they reopen. Theyre talking about state and local government money. Theyre talking about money for the postal service. That is a big ask about it democrats. Senate minority leader, house speaker, they have been in the house talks more than a week. They met on saturday. They will meet again this afternoon. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin coming to capitol hill alongside with mark meadows, white house chief of staff. They will meet with the Senate Republicans this afternoon. They will go back into the conclave. They got a sense yesterday that they were starting to crack the ice a little bit but theyre not there somebody who is not in these talks, Senate Minority leader, Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. That is significant. Listen to what mcconnell said today about these talks and what is going on between pelosi and schuler. Today the script is the same. And the script is, we had a pleasant conversation but we dont feel like making a deal. Maybe tomorrow. Heres the problem. Every day the Democratic Leaders repeat the same act in the capitol theyre letting down struggling people who need our help. Reporter now nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, she indicated to her caucus that she does not think that there is going to be an agreement this week. She told democratic rankandfile members, if there was an accord it would take next week or week beyond that. Think about the size of this bill, how big it will be, how long it will take everybody to run through this. Why were hearing rattling the senate could be in session next week. If they dont get a deal, this is where the president has discussed possibly doing an endrun around congress where he is talking about, maybe putting something in unilaterally. Maybe a payroll tax reduction. That is something that wont go through congress here. I want to come back to why democrats are so important. Listen to what Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer said on the floor this morning. At the moment the gap between our two parties in the negotiations is about priorities and about scale. Reporter so there is a long way to go here on these talks. We dont know why when they might wrap these up. Just the fact theyre talking, it is going to take days, that is the significant part here, neil. Neil thank you very my friend, very, very much. Chad pergram following those developments. Yesterday i had a chance to catch up with Chuck Grassley, iowa senator and chair of the finance committee. It sticks in his craw right now that democrats want to push the 600dollar a week federal dollar benefit, it disincentivizes folks from finding work in the first place. Take a look at this. It is very unfair to people that create these jobs that people want to go back to for the federal government to be an unfair competitor by paying people more not to work than if youre working. Neil now a lot of those folks are saying with the states closing down again or reimposing restrictions, they dont have that opportunity and they need this what do you say . Well, first of all, there is a general agreement between enough republicans and democrats that there ought to be some continuation of some help. Neil all right. The most pivotal part of that exchange there ought to be some continuation of some help even for people who have very black and white view on this, Chuck Grassley is no fan of adding this extra 600dollar a week federal jobless benefit. The question what that will be, what that middle ground will be. Do you reduce the benefit over the course of time . How long would that be . What would you take it to . Byron york, washington examiner, chief political correspondent, Fox News Contributor much, much more. Byron, where do you think it is going . It is going nowhere right now. When senator schumer says theyre far apart on priorities and scale, that is pretty much everything. They havent agreed to anything. Now both sides do agree you need to continue these enhanced Unemployment Benefits. Republicans think the 600 is too much. I think some democrats have said it doesnt have to be 600. It could be less than that but when somebody threw out the number 200, that didnt work. So this actually sounds like it is something that actually can be negotiated through a classic capitol hill process. I mean 600 is too high, 200 is too low, i dont know, 400 . There is a way to come to an an answer on this one. Neil all people come upping up with a middle ground was mitt romney. Reduce it, 200. Review it every 30 days . I dont believe, you know this better than i do, byron, there was a peg to that whether it followed the unemployment rate, something that nancy pelosi was talking about but that it would be sort of a structured wind down. How likely is that . Well, that is one possibility to make it much more complicated and dependent on various circumstances but here again, if you look at this whole thing, this is really kind of a classic washington standoff. The budget, excuse me the deadline is approaching. In this case it actually passed. Something desperately needs to be done. Budget needs to be passed or in this case Unemployment Benefits need to be extended and democrats want to spend zillions and zillions of dollars. Republicans want to spend a little less and theyre arguing over that. Nancy pelosi says she does not expect a deal this week. I would believe her. She is in charge of the house side of this. And so, this could go on for quite a while. As standoffs over budgets have gone on in the past. Neil you know, the president has threatened just taking unilateral action on his own through executive order or what have you. Do you know what that action might be . No. Everybody is a little confused about that. First of all there are several different issues here. One there is the enhanced unemployment were talking about but two, there is a trillion dollars that democrats want to spend for state and local governments. There is something to do on the issue of evictions, to extend essentially a moratorium on evictions from people put out of their jobs by coronavirus policies. So there is a lot in there. It doesnt seem to plea that the president can do a lot in terms of the money that is being spent. That is a congressional thing. Is there something he could do on evictions . Possibly so. Unclear whether it would be something that would be opposed by both parties or supported by republicans i dont know but the fact is the president s hands are pretty narrowly tied here. Neil got it. Byron york, thank you very much. Byron of the washington examiner. I want to bring Noelle Nikpour into this, the gop fundraiser. When you issue an executive order it can show strength or seed confusion. The president hinted at just that as i was discussing with byron on this stimulus measure as he has on the tiktok issue, to take, wheel discuss with Charlie Gasparino later a chunk of that money involved, a bounty if you want to call it that, save some for the treasury. Unprecedented. Im not a lawyer. I dont know if it is legal but he is taking matters into his own hands. How is this all falling out, do you think . If your trump supporter and you love everything that comes out of his mouth, everything that he is say you are thrilled about especially tiktok. You know putting his hand in a business deal, almost like a miffed middleman, expecting a fee for the transaction this is never heard of. All these things are putting our constitutional, our constitutional laws at a breaking point. We have never heard of a president doing many of these things. Executive orders, sure, obama did some executive orders. Im sure bush did some executive orders. Trumps done some executive orders but they reach into areas that we dont even know if theyre legal and we never heard of. We never heard of delaying elections. We never also never heard of if you cant come together, if congress, you know, cant come together if we cant get things done, im just going to pick what i want and do an executive order. So you know, this is why i think you will interview a lot of pundits and get a lot of different answers because a lot of people just dont know and you know, trump is making a lot of statements that we all have the burdens of picking through to see if in fact they are legal. Neil you know, this order on mailin voting, do you know what that is about . Because it could potentially delay final results and just being resolved for maybe a couple of months . Im just wondering what the impact is here . Oh, gosh, neil, we even had this trouble before the pandemic. I mean we tried, remember the online, which were still in a tunnel of darkness on the online . Neil yes. Then we go to, you know, mailin which has a potential of massive fraud. And then we have inperson and right now, a lot of the democrats are saying if we do inperson it could kill us because we could get the virus and be out and you know, how dare the president make us go to polling places. Theyre even having a lot of trouble recruiting polling workers, which is, if you can recall, when you go to vote in person a lot of those voter people, that take the information, recruits are older. So there is fewer places which means longer lines. Wouldnt you think that we could all come up with something that can make sense, and to keep us safe . You know, back to your original question, on the mailin ballots. Yes it will delay because if you dont think that a lot of, you know, judges and in different people from that space will get involved with mailin votes, plus putting your trust in the post office. I would be almost thrilled if we had amazon or fedex delivering these votes versus the postal service. Neil yeah. I heard a democrat operative on one of the other networks this morning, i am probably misquoting him, that is why we, democrats have to win in a landslide, make it all a moot point. They say, man or woman, the democrats, the president will not leave the white house if he loses. I dont see that. If push came to shove and American People are to say, were shoving you out of the white house, do you think he would go . It depends. The reason i say it depends because in a situation where you are had a lot of, lets just say we do a majority of mailin votes and you have got a, think about the thousands of votes. Can they, can they count that in one day and two days and one week . Who knows . And just think about, think about when you mail a letter and sometimes the other party says i didnt get that. Okay, i have will put the check back in the mail or whatever, can you imagine, you know, the amount of questions over mailin ballots . So i can see, a, we may not have the results on election day, the day after or even a week after or even neil like 2000 all over again. He may not leave office because he may not know. Neil well watch closely, my friend. This applies to everyone. You know, i always say the same thing, if this place fired me i will go down fighting and continue doing imaginary shows beamed to no one, because i dont want to leave. That is just what i do. Good seeing you. Charlie gasparino is with me. I will do imaginary shows with him if it comes to. That he joins me now. I did want to talk to you about tiktok, but i want to get your tick, charlie on the mailin voting thing, it certainly could lead to a delay in tabulating results. I dont know to the degree we waited in 2000 to the bushgore controversy, it could cause a lot of confusion. What do you think . We had a delay. Those hanging chads, that whole business. It could be a delay. We should point out that the president is the president until i believep january 20th, correct . Do i have my date right . Neil right. So there is time to count the mailin ballots. So it is not like, it is not like we dont have enough time to do that. Mail gets delivered. Delayed a week, two weeks, a month . There is more than one month to do the mailin ballots. I just think that if President Trump loses on these mailin ballots and he doesnt leave office, i which i think he will, he would be escorted out by federal marshals. Thats it. I mean i guess it can go to court to try to challenge it and get a stay. Neil i hear you. Youre in uncharted territory. I dont think that happen by the way. I think this is the democrats put out crazy notions. Democrats say trump is insane, crazy things. Sometimes he gives them the rope to hang him on, and a lot of times he doesnt. He does very rational things. Some of this is propaganda on the other side. Neil it is getting crazy. The idea you bring in federal escorts to get you out of there they might try the same thing for me here. You have to come to my home to do this. Lets get latest on tiktok now. Looks like apple might be sniffing around as well. There could be other players. What are you hearing . Theyre saying no. Listen, there are many interested parties in tiktok. All of big tech is interested. Apple sniffed around. Theyre saying theyre not interested. Everybody did. Because it is a very popular app. It makes money. Kids like it. There are ways to you know, utilize that data as were afraid the Chinese Communist party is utilizing it. Tiktok as you know is owned by bytedance which is a chinese company, you know the Chinese Communist Party Controls their economy. So a lot of interested parties. We understand facebook and google have kicked the tires on this. This is the problem with anybody but microsoft. None of these players will pass, even apple will pass regulatory muster. They are too big as it is. There is antitech sentiment, even in the white house forget about congress. They will not pass muster. Only place can do it, theyre not into Consumer Internet and online stuff and social media is microsoft. Theyre the most likely bidder on this. Maybe the only bidder. A couple of things. You know, President Trump kind of upended things yesterday, by saying this is kind of crazy, they would have to pay a fee or pay the treasury a fee. Two things. First off, my sources close to bytedance which is the parent of tiktok, microsoft, there is not going to be a fee paid. Number two, talk to any legal expert it comes close to extortion if he says in order to get this approved you have to pay me because im the middleman here. It was really a reckless thing to say. This is here is the bottom line, say it doesnt get approval now. Bytedance, microsoft could sue the federal government saying they were extorted this is really dangerous territory that a president of the United States can go out there and say pay us or else we dont approve your deal. It is really crazy. Neil charlie, do you know whether the president raised that in his conversation with the microsoft ceo . Because im just picturing reaction ever the microsoft ceo saying whatever. What do you make of that . He says he did. That is what he said. He told him, and you know, heres the thing. I talked to john coffey today, no better legal expert out there. Very, by the way, middle of the road guy, not a republican, not a democrat. He might be a republican or might be a democrat, you just dont know the way he answers questions. He said it is so legally dubious it comes close to extortion. Im telling you if these parties want to sue because of this, they now have the ability to sue. I think this makes it more likely he will approve the deal now. Unfortunately he cant not approve the deal. Neil that is very interesting. Might be a way to get that done. Charlie, thank you very much. Youre always welcome on my real show or in the near future my imaginary show but great having you, my friend. In the meantime i do want to take a look, can we look how things are faring on sixth avenue, avenue of the americas outside our new york city headquarters . They have new york city under a tornado watch. Very, very strong winds along the midatlantic. This is coming from that Tropical Storm isaias and the fear seems to be, at the very least were looking for pounding driving rains and winds something the new york metropolitan area has not seen since superstorm sandy, that was back in 2012, Something Like that . That is a real problem. It is a concern. It has knocked out power for a million folks from North Carolina to virginia. So were keeping an eye on it. After this. Geicos been helping people save money for over 75 years. Theyve really stood the test of time. Much like these majestic rocky mountains. Which must be named after the. That would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. Gecko sir. Obviously ahh come on bullwinkle, theyre named after. Our first president george rockington that doesnt even make any sense. Mr. Uhh. Winkle. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Where you can find games, news and highlights. All in one place, right on your tv. The xfinity sports zone. Use your voice to search every stat and score. Follow the teams you love. And, even get notifications with breaking news alerts and more. With the xfinity sports zone everybody wins. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Say xfinity sports zone into your voice remote today. Neil let me remind you. You dont have to be hurricane to cause a lot of damage and raise a lot of anxieties. Along the midatlantic coast right now with a lot of tornado watches in effect, flooding is very real and palpable, close to a Million People out of power through many of the Southern State coastline areas. As adam klotz was warning us it is a big deal, though it doesnt have a hurricane register next to it. Adam, what are we looking at right now . Neil you talked about one of the big issues and that was possibility of tornadoes. This is the storm reports last 24 hours. Those red triangles those are a tornado report the last 24 hours. They are relatively small, ef 0s and ef1s, and they cause little damage. There is still a tornado watch in place. That includes philadelphia, new york city, stretching farther to the north. As the storm lifts north, that box will head north. Even if youre not in there, 70 miles an hour as the storm is spinning south of philadelphia. It will bring with it winds and rain. It doesnt move along the coast t actually shoots inland a little more. Across pennsylvania, to upstate new york, before eventually heading up into canada as it makes that move, slowly with the winds dying down. It is not just the wind. Well continue to see heavy rain. There are flood watches, warnings, stretching across the midatlantic, up through new england. As far as north as maine we could see areas four to six inches of rain. With areas of Higher Elevations the water runs somewhere, and flash flooding happens more quickly. The storm only picked up speed, last 24 hours moved very slow across florida or near florida. Where it sits south of new york. It will run through the city and shooting to new york. Im taking you through 11 00 p. M. This evening. It is almost completely out of the region. We still have a while to go, neil. It will be a fast mover. Everything were dealing with, possibly tornadoes, still heavy rain. It will be clearing out before the day is over. Back out to you. Neil incredible stuff. Thank you very, very much, adam klotz following all of that. There is lot of promising developments right now, with all the potential vaccines, treatments, really strategies foredealing with the coronavirus but the one that is getting a great deal of attention right now is regenerons antibody cocktail. Dr. Devi nampiaparampil joins us right now. It is getting a enormous amount of buzz. I am always leery getting ahead of ourselves on potential vaccine, so many are circling around this what is the significance . There are a couple of things. This morning regeneron announced its antibody cocktail seems to be effective both preventing treating covid in monkeys. That is always positive news. But i dont know if that particular news advances the landscape that much. Theyre already doing human trials. Normally when you do Animal Studies it is to set up a foundation or basis for doing human studies but theyre always looking for prevention in humans. That news doesnt necessarily change things that much on the other hand im optimistic about their antibody cocktail while most vaccines are used for prevention, right . You inject the vaccine, it is supposed to be sort of something that lets the immune system know this is what the virus looks like, this what you need to prepare for as a method of prevention this could potentially work as a treatment. Theyre monoclonal antibodies they can attach to the virus, signal the immune system, hey, this is where we need to fight. This is where the vie us is. Because that reason they can used as prevention and treatment im more optimistic about it. Im optimistic in general as vaccines were talking about these things that vaccines are just around the corner, that we have large phase three studies going on in humans, we have tens of thousands of people enrolling in studies but it really makes a difference when it is at that vaccine is available in the fall of 2020 or if it will be available in the fall of 2021 or 2022. I think people make their decisions daytoday based on this idea when a vaccine or treatment be available and it is very different if youre planning for covid to be coming to an end maybe years from now versus within the next year, right . I mean in terms of our education, our economy, all the daytoday decisions. For me as a health care provider, what i see too, just personally anecdotally people coming to cancer, heart disease, things unrelated to covid right now. Theyre either putting off treatments or what is happening theyre losing Health Insurance and theyre not able to get treatment as effectively. Neil real quickly, doctor, youre right, there are so many competing for the right to get a vaccine out, sooner rather than better, i dont know where that stands but were already seeing spikes in cases to any activity that is resumed in states where theyre trying to dial it back. Certainly in baseball where a number of teams, players, Staff Members tested positive for the virus to the point where the baseball commissioner is well aware of the possibility the season might have to be scrubbed. Im just wondering at what point do we have to acknowledge some spikes are going to happen but shutting down everything shouldnt happen . I agree. I mean we need to have a wellarticulated goal what were trying to look at because in the past we used to say, okay, were just waiting to try to shut down things to stop the surge, to keep the hospitals open, to allow hospitals to take care of people. Now it seems like people are waiting not necessarily for the surge to pass but for the vaccine to come around. So i think that there is a lot of debate between people. Some people may not realize what exactly theyre waiting for either. To me, personally i think we need to open but we need to take a lot of precautions. We need to have lot of social distancing. We need to have the masks, need to do these things and there will be risks either way but it is a very heated and charged topic. I dont think there is one absolute answer. Even within my family there is a lot of debate. Hard to say for sure. Neil if they dare debate you, doctor, i will have to give a talking to that family. Doctor, thank you very, very much. Well see what happens. Youre right, this is happening in one household across the country whether there are doctors in the household or not. Well keep you updated on those various treatments and the companies behind those vaccines. Keeping updated corner of wall and broad. 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Shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. The most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about protecting yourself with shingrix. Shingles doesnt care. Shingrix protects. Neil all right, when you bring in agents, federal agents to some of these troubled cities, whether portland or seattle or washington, d. C. , there is a price to pay for that. Hate to break it to you youre the one paying that price. The federal price tag right now on this, and anything and Everything Associated now with coronavirus, and then these protests, goes up, up, and up. Hillary vaughn following that from washington, d. C. Hillary. Reporter hey, neil. Protests in major cities across the u. S. Have drained Police Department resources. It caused damage on city streets. The latest figure for how much that is going to cost businesses to rebuild, 1. 4 billion. Which means local businesses and taxpayers that fund these Police Departments are really the ones left picking up the tab. In new york city, Police Overtime is now projected to go way over budget by 400 million. In portland, they say they spent over five Million Dollars to staff more police on the streets. One fence alone weekly rental, 200,000 to keep a barrier between police and violent protesters. The seattle Police Department says they spent over 12nal Million Dollars in the past two months alone on police over time and equipment. The president of the seattle polices guild, he thinks that protesters are strategizing to defund the police by instead draining their departments budget. They understand that if they hit the pocketbook, thats their way of really to getting defunding the police. We will be out of money as a Police Department and well be out of police jobs. Reporter if not just taxpayers footing the bill as Police Department budgets balloon. Damage to Small Businesses and Property Owners is on track to be the most expensive in history. Portland police say damage to downtown businesses totaled 23 million, including lost customers because of violence shutting down the street. In minneapolis the chamber of commerce says damages to the local economy is approaching a whopping one billion dollars. That does not include jobs that have been lost or any looting in the area. We talked to one national insurer, businesses are also potentially facing higher prices down the line because one consideration, neil, theyre going to make when a business wants Insurance Coverage in a area, in a city, where police have a policy not to do anything when protesters are overrunning the street, that could mean higher insurance premiums for businesses in those areas down the line. Neil. Neil hillary vaughn, thank you very much. Hillary in washington. Here is how bad things are getting in seattle. The police chief there was imploring Council Members in the city, you have got to do something. Why was she making a big deal of it. Because protesters were coming to their home. International group ceo, paul, you said a lot of these Police Chiefs kind of have to answer to the mayors who buy and large hire them but are their bosses but enough to say, all right, this is getting crazy. She made it official. This is getting crazy. What happens . Neil, this has been crazy for a long time. This is at quintessential example of this the administration. These are municipalities gone wild at this point. Why are people scratching their heads . I was listening to what hillary was saying empirical information on costs. Business of policing has awful lot to do with budget, when you look at this, why are people surprised, neil . Why are government employees, administrators, surprised rioters, protesters are coming to their house . You allowed that to happen. You allowed it to happen self months ago. You let them take control. You created shock. Where did you think this is going. You were more concerned with optics . Theyre coming to your house. I find one thing really interesting, neil, the same people concerned and upset that rioters are showing up at their homes, are the same ones ready to burn federal officers in effigy because they didnt have their names on their uniforms. They didnt for that reason. They were protecting the homefronts. Neil what are the rules when it comes to that . I remember this st. Louis couple that you know, got out on their front stoop, when protesters were going by, brandishing guns, perfectly legal to do there. They were threatening legal action against them. I think the case was thrown out but i wonder what the rights are of protesters here who fist that . Protesters say they cant do that but by the same token can the protesters be coming outside of peoples homes . No. Heres the thing, neil. We need to draw a line in the sand relative to the definition of protesters demonstration and rioters. What we have in the United States is rye rioters hijacked the protest. Public administrators taken teeth out of police to enforce the law. Peaceful protests fine. We all celebrate that. It is constitutionally protected, peaceful being the key word. When we stop that, when we allow them to damage public property, cause this type of insecurity that citizens are feeling across the country, not just seattle, then we shouldnt be surprised where were sitting right now. Police need to address the difference, the line in the sand. That is to your point, neil. That is the rule of law. You break the law, you get locked up, that is all there is to it. Were not doing that. When we allow people to burn Police Departments, neil, to burn and tear down and loot, we let them do it why are we scratching our heads right now how much it costs us in the meantime . Dont know. Neil in the case of portland, i believe that the mayor there was against bringing in, you know, government agents or whatever on the federal level, to do any kind of interference, to bring this under control. So instead, she, they utilized that as, various local law enforcement. Theyre in their uniforms. Theyre still brandishing the same kind of weapons, god forbid if necessary, that the federal folks would. Right. Neil that would be more favorable. I thought that, why didnt you do this in the very beginning if that was what you were going to end up doing after all . Right. No question about that, neil. Im so glad you brought portland up too. What we need to understand, all the viewers need to understand there is a gross difference between what the president has done with respect to deploying federal officers, not troops, not being semantical not troops, as opposed federal officers going to other cities. We have late couple years, 200 years the federal Marshall Service has been in existence have responsibility to protect federal buildings especially when local municipalities have not. The mayor of portland dropped the ball. Not debatable. You forced the president s hand to send agents of the federal government there to legally protect federal property. That is what is going on. The mayor should not be really confused at this point, neil, why things are where they are, because you didnt protect it. Then we had to come in and protect it ourselves. Neil paul, thank you very much. Good catching up with you, be safe and well. Signs of stability on that front by the way as we wrap things up here just to let you know, progress being made in key states, not all states, just some states. After this. About medicare and 65, ysupplemental insurance. Medicare is great, but it doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medicare costs, which means you may have to pay for the rest. 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Were told it was in the capital of beirut itself. A number of people have been injured. It is already caused as you can imagine widespread damage. It seemed to center around beiruts ports. Caused wide scale destruction. Shattered windows, shook buildings miles away. All of this at a tenuous time certainly in the region right now as, you know, the country itself has been rocked by disturbance and some of the weakest economic numbers it has seen in decades. As well as ongoing hostilities between hezbollah, israel. Were also told that this facility that was near with where some of these explosions occurred, might have in fact been a plant that makes firecrackers. We dont have confirmation of that. We know this looks pretty bad. We know there are a number of injured. We dont have much more than. That well keep an eye on it for you. More after this. Hi, this is margaret your Dell Technologies advisor theres an art to listening. Its the ability to hear more than whats being said. 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It is packing very, very strong winds, so strong, conditions so unstable, that in the new york, new jersey, connecticut area, theyre under a collective tornado watch. Add to that the fact that you have massive Power Outages up and down, certainly the midatlantic east coast. Better than a million, presumably without power. Most of them concentrated in North Carolina and virginia. But it is moving north. Many likened it, right now, the winds at least to superstorm sandy. That was back in 2012. Connecticut governor, ned lamont joins us. Thank you for taking time in the middle of all of this. How are things looking there . Look, in terms of the Tropical Storm and tornado, it is still coming up. It is about to hit new york. Well be next stop on that express. Were battening down the hatches. And were ready did. Were trying not to get everybody into big shelters. That is not very good when you have a covid crisis. Mainly people, their own dwelling, their own homes. Theyre locking the doors. Neil obviously, this does have some sandy elements to it. It never became a hurricane. But it did a lot of damage here. The winds on this are quite, quite strong. How are people responding to your call, just stay indoors, stay safe . Well they responded very well during the covid crisis. That is why we have very low infection rate. Who needed this now on top of everything. I think connecticut will react responsibly. We have got to be careful. Neil i have no doubt. Governor, you got some praise from dr. Anthony fauci yesterday, talking about the progress in states like yours. This is from dr. Fauci yesterday. Connecticut is in a good place. The numbers that the governor just showed are really indicative youre in a situation that you now are, in many respects had the upper hand because you have such a low rate, that when you do get new cases, you have the capability of containment as opposed to mitigation. Neil he didnt feel the same way about your colleague nearby in new jersey. As you know, governor, Governor Phil Murphy has had to reinstate some restrictions on indoor gatherings, no larger than 25. Other steps might follow. He has been stuff on gym owners who want to reopen their businesses and theyre not being allowed to. But what are you doing to prevent the kind of stuff happening in the garden state . Well, we are really happy to have dr. Fauci here. I think he speaks with a lot of credibility. He is right, because we have a very low infection rate. We are able to contain. We are table to do track and trace. Im a little, thinking now about schools and colleges. I have mean if we cant get schools opened with a 1 infection rate i dont know who can. As regards some other states. There have been some parties. Some of those parties rule resulted in big flareups. Im urging people you have got to quarantine a little bit longer. Neil what are the plan for schools in connecticut this fall . How do things stand now . Weve gotten all the reports back from all of the 160 superintendents. Most plan to open up. All of them plan to open up with some form of in classroom. Either full time or part time, depending how they want to do that. And, obviously there is some trepidation from some of the teachers. Were trying to do everything we can to give them confidence. Weve been able to open up our economy safely. Well be able to open up our schools safely for you as well. Neil all right. Knock on wood, governor. Thank you very much, Connecticut Governor ned lamont, dealing with twin issues with storms and a virus. The latter seems to be contained. The storm, well see. After this. Neil all right. The coronavirus front and center for us as we start our second hour of coast to coast. Glad youre still with us. Welcome, everybody. Im neil cavuto. First we have all the potential antibody treatments, vaccines, therapies that are being considered, competing for attention of investors. Eli lilly chief among them. Regeneron and some others also getting fair play. We will get to that in a second. But its the stimulus around that that is getting a good deal of attention as well. There is still talk in washington about what that stimulus might look like. A chasm of differences between the two parties. But again, they are talking. Blake burman with the very latest. Reporter i guess an announcement of something in washington. You know the drill. Its a familiar pattern. The white house negotiators, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin, chief of staff mark meadows set to be having lunch with Senate Republicans and after that, they will meet with the top two negotiators for the democratic side, speaker of the house nancy pelosi and Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer. Over here at the white house, they are continuing to talk up this idea that should a deal stall, President Trump could take executive actions on key priorities. Larry kudlow told Stuart Varney earlier this morning that they do not believe an executive order can touch upon extending unemployment claims, but they do believe the president can unilaterally take action on the eviction moratorium. Interestingly enough, neil, kudlow also shrugged off the idea being pitched by steve moore. For the president to direct the irs to suspend collecting payroll taxes. Look here. I think strictly speaking, legally, that could be done by executive order. Im not sure, though, that it would play very well on either side of the aisle in congress. Steves a good guy and he wants to make it growthier, too. I think if youre going to go payroll tax, youre better off cutting the tax rate. Reporter kudlow says he does believe a deal will get done but he stopped short of saying it will undoubtedly happen. On the senate floor, right side of the screen, earlier this morning, schumer described some form of progress. I believe were making progress. We came closer together on several issues. However, we remain far apart on a number of issues, but were finally moving in the right direction. At the moment, the gap between our two parties in the negotiations is about priorities and about scale. Reporter back over here at the white house, we are expecting to hear from the press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany at any moment. She will be holding a briefing within minutes. Back to you. Neil real quickly, you touched on it, the president by executive order at least trying to make sure people who are falling behind on their rent arent thrown out because of the china virus, as he calls it. Any news or progress on that . Reporter well, the white houses position on this is this has to deal with federally backed loans so because so many of the loans, if you have a mortgage or the rental property, the mortgage of the rental property might be backed by fannie and freddie, on down the line. They feel that is why the president could essentially take an executive order on his own and deal with it. Of course, the top two priorities legislatively which really cements things even further are eviction moratoriums and these unemployment claims. The priority is to get something done through congress, put on the president s desk and passed but because these are federally backed loans, thats why the white house is saying they believe the president can, if need be, use executive action, use executive powers to deal with one of their two main priorities at this point. Neil all right. Got it. Blake burman, thank you very very much. In case you are counting on this, there are 24 million americans who reportedly are in arrears or will not be able to make the august payments, it gets kind of in the weeds here but Ashley Webster has been following it because this occurs at the same time a lot of those folks are now seeing that those jobless benefits might be going away or at least very cut down. Whats the latest . Ashley yeah. Poof, going away. In fact, you mentioned that 24 million number. Some analysts say 40 million americans could be facing eviction notices within the next several months. Statewide moratoriums on evictions have been lifted in more than 30 states now. And that means protection for the renters in the cares act has gone. So basically, you have renters unable to pay their rent and landlords following are unable to pay their mortgages and its not just on the residential side. We should point that out. The picture just as severe on the commercial side. The question is what can be done. Well, there are calls for direct government assistance for renters who cant pay their landlords. Thats one. Others argue this a moratorium is too much causes too much harm for the landlord. It also could create an affordability crisis in housing. But interestingly, the New York Times did a recent oped on this and said in part the immediate need is for congress to impose a nationwide moratorium on evictions, and then to give people who have lost their jobs the money required for rent or mortgage payments, unquote. Clearly that will cost a lot of money. As we just heard from blake, President Trump says he does support temporarily halting evictions for those who have lost their jobs, and he is pushing for a bipartisan solution. If he cant find it, maybe an executive order on those federally backed loans. But so far, none of this has happened and until we see some sort of agreement reached, renters are going to have to follow these regulations on evictions in each individual state that they live in. According to some analysis, two in five renters across the country, especially those low wage workers, will indeed be getting an eviction notice or in danger at least of being served with an eviction notice. The economic short fall when no one is paying the landlord, lost in all of this, conservatively now is north of 20 billion and that number will just grow as time goes on. If people are evicted, where do they go . They could stay with family, maybe friends or could become homeless. All of those possibilities are not helpful when we are trying to fight the spread of the coronavirus. Neil thank you very much, my friend. All the more complicated, if you cant get back to work or say the governor of new jersey in this particular case wont let you get back to work. Two new jersey gym owners broke into their own shuttered gym to reopen it up. They face now having their license revoked and some fines, maybe some jail time. They told me they didnt care. You did everything to the letter of the Health Guidance rules that are out there and still, shut down and forced to shut down. You have to be pretty ticked off about that. We have gone above and beyond to the point shutting us down is absurd. We know were on the right side of this thing. We know we can protect people. Weve had close to 14,000 visits to the facility since midjune and not a single case reported. So the measures that we are putting in place are proven to be effective at this point. Neil we did reach out to new jersey governor murphy. We have not heard back yet. But his staff is saying those gym owners are in violation of the law, including anyone who violates the provisions on facilities like gyms that cannot reopen. In fact, the governor tightened restrictions just yesterday, limiting indoor capacity crowds to no more than 25 for parties and the rest. Also making it very tough on, you know, a number of other establishments and as cases heat up in the garden state, hes cracking down. Bill mcgurn joins us, wall street Journal Editorial Board member, former bush 43 speech writer, so much more. Bill, i feel for these guys. Theyre having fits because they cant open up a place that keeps you fit and talk about rents and mortgages that go by the wayside because this is playing out all across the country. Where is this going . Well, thats the big question. Congress is sort of fiddling over this and you know, for once i agree with senator schumer. He said the reason the republicans and democrats are having a tough time coming up with a bill is that they have different priorities and scale and i think the priority the republican priority is or should be how do we help get the economy back and running. You know, get people back on their own feet and working and businesses hiring and doing their business. Well, thats one aspect. But the democrats seem to want to keep it closed. It was very telling, for example, i think they opposed a provision thats designed to help schools trying to reopen. They wanted closed. Whether they want it closed because they think that will help them win the election, im not sure. But they have come up with this massive spending, kind of democratic wish list and unfortunately, they have caught republicans flatfooted. The republicans should be making that case, were trying to get the economy open, to put in the Risk Mitigation that we need to do that, and all our efforts in washington should be geared to that. You know, i know a lot of people that are out of work, really suffering, mostly in retail and so forth. They dont have the luxury i do to work from home. They want to get back to work. They dont want to collect benefits. They dont want to hear about more money for this. Even some of them struggling with rent. What they would like is to be able to pay their own way and go back the work. Unfortunately, washington just doesnt seem to be clued to that message. Neil you know, its gotten so bad, especially when you touched on the school thing, its one thing to shutter Public Schools or delay their inperson reopening. Its another thing for officials in a state, i think montgomery county, maryland, to advocate that Public Schools be similarly shuttered in the middle of that, and that prompted the maryland House Minority whip who was with me yesterday to say all right, thats crazy. I want you to respond to this. Its not crazy. We have an editorial on it today. It seems like again, this is a chance, the teachers unions see an opportunity to maybe destroy some of their competition. Unlike the Public Schools, the private schools depend and religious schools depend on tuition and donations so they are very vulnerable. The Cato Institute says more than 100 have closed permanently because of covid. We should be trying we should be laying out the rules as the cdc does, then letting people adapt locally to their own conditions and rooting for everyone to succeed. But the teachers unions, the protests, they not only want their own schools closed, they dont want the other schools to open and show them up by showing that you can teach in person. Remember Liberty University . All the grief it got for bringing people back to campus, then they had no one on campus with covid. This is whats going on and its ugly. Neil yeah. Thats why i thought we had the sound bite but i will tell you the gist of it. The House Minority whip there saying, by the way, the governor agreed with it later on, saying that its one thing to go ahead and shut your own schools down but to use this as a weapon and use the coronavirus as a wedge to go ahead and get your way, thats one step too far. I dont know where this is going there, but it is sort of a line in the sand, i guess. You know . Right. Also, presumably, some parents who are not happy with the Public School decision, they seem to be wanting to do remote learning. Might take their child out and put it in private school and they dont want to happen. Thats why again its not enough for them to be closed. They have to make sure their competitors are closed. The larger point i think that you are making is the way to look at the schools is a way to look at the general economy in this time of a pandemic. What we want to emphasize is flexibility. Let people try Different Things within reason and within the risks and lets see what works. Neil those are whacky concepts you bring up. Try to refrain from that in the future. Always good seeing you, my friend. Wall street journal and much, much more. I do want to bring your attention to the corner of your screen showing the dow well off its highs but still up about 94 points with not getting quite the same attention as whats been happening in the metals arena. Gold is up. In fact, it was over 2,000 an ounce a little while ago when last i checked. Its having about a 1. 5 runup. Silver having about a 5 runup. Platinum, more than 2 runup. A lot of people look at this and say well, the gold thing, metal thing, thats a fleeting phenomenon. Fact of the matter is this fleeting phenomenon has continued unabated through Strong Equity markets and weak ones alike. What to make of that . Jackie deangelis has been following it very very closely for us. I also have john trainer here, peoples united adviser cio. You have been monitoring this and im wondering the significance of it because it seems to go no matter whats happening in the stock market or in the bond market, its a life of its own. Whats happening . You are like my long lost nerdy soulmate, because i have been watching the gold price and when it crossed 2,000 today, i said this is really remarkable here and i dont think the market is paying enough attention to it. I looked on an absolute basis, this would be the alltime high for gold. I looked on an inflationadjusted basis and the only time that inflation adjusted it would have been, you know, we are just around the same level was in 1980 when you were dealing with the iranian revolution, for example, and everybody was worried we were going to see running massive inflation in this country. The situations are a little bit different right now. I think investors right now, you know, look at the dovish fed and they see gold as a good investment, as an alternative to equities right now which could be risky because we just dont know exactly how the pandemic is all going to play out here. Youve got a rotation in asset classes, a little bit of diversification, if you will, and at the same time, i think this is a safety trade and people are worried and that uncertaintys got them piling into gold. 2,021 an ounce, i think that tells you a lot about Investor Sentiment and it says while the markets keep rolling higher and the fed says were ready to act and the administration is saying a vaccine is coming for covid19, the market is saying i want a little bit of everything in my portfolio now. Neil what do you make of that, john, because golds runup does occur in this coincident environment where Technology Stocks are doing well, you know, but the fact of the matter, most sectors have been going along here, eventually one or the other or some versus the others sort of stand out and take the direction from there. What are you looking at . Correct. What youre looking at, you called it correctly, the tech stocks versus gold, its almost like a barbell portfolio. The techs are doing well because their cash flow is improving, revenues are improving. They are one of the few bright spots in the market. Gold, i wont say its a vote of no confidence but its certainly a vote of skepticism in the fed policies, the amount of debt that we are issuing, the amount of money that we are creating. Youve got sort of got a barbell portfolio. I will be aggressive with tech but let me put some money in a safe spot right now so that seems to be working for the market. Neil john, how do you like the markets right now . Where we are right at these levels . We are we actually started the year neutral with regard to our stock, bond, cash ratio and in early april, we went to overweight equities, overweight equities, underweight bonds and thats worked out well for us. It was based upon we had a very lets say cautious expectation for economic growth. We still are sticking with that. Any time people start to say we are going to rev up, we definitely think theyre wrong, we think going ahead over the next 12 to 18 months, you will do better in the equity market than you will in the bond market. The easy money has been made off the may 23rd low, so we think just like the economys going through a little bit of a roller coaster phase, the market will move from the v to more of a roller coaster so be prepared but over the next 12 to 18 months, we think you will be rewarded more in equities than in bonds. Neil you know, jackie, this is more personal question for you, but with a reason. I still think the virus will dictate where these markets go from here, anything promising on the vaccine front or fewer cases, we are off to the races and the opposite, just the opposite. I was thinking, when you put off your wedding, because of all the unknowns here, and i think of some friends of mine who have kids that were getting married in new jersey and lo and behold in the middle of all of that, they discover that the governor has clamped down, limited indoor gatherings to nor more than 25 people and the weddings are off. Im wondering if thats part and parcel of the unknown. You presciently put things off a bit but thats part of the economic headwinds i think people face and the uncertainty that at the very least, at the very least, bums them out. Absolutely. Let me provide coast to coast with an update. We are going to get married this year in a very small ceremony with my family but we postponed our celebration until june of 2020 which i had told you, and as this continues to go on and on, i believe that we actually did the right thing because i dont know if in june of 2020, people are going to be able to gather over 100 or 150 people, for example, in an indoor space without severe neil june of 2021 . Im sorry. Neil a year from now. A year from now. I still think thats not going to be that realistic at this point. The market is looking at this, all the unknowns we are seeing and asking all these questions, too. And looking and making very heavy bets, by the way, on a lot of these drug makers to come up with a vaccine, but a vaccine may not be, pardon the pun, the shot in the arm we necessarily expect it to be. There may not be enough. People may be concerned or skeptical or scared of taking the vaccine. Then you have people in the vulnerable populations, this is where my wedding comes in again, a lot of our guest list is over 60 years old. I dont want to put those people at risk by trying to gather them in an enclosed space with younger people who may not be taking the same precautions. When i look at this from a personal perspective, from a business perspective, you know, from my work perspective, im saying were in this for the long haul. This is not over and i see so many people letting their guard down a little when it comes to the virus, and i think thats a dangerous thing to do. Neil yeah. The times we live. Thank you very much. Good luck. Do consider, though, outdoor bo bocci ball courts. Just throwing it out there. More after this. Im searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like im just wasting time. Thats why Td Ameritrade designed a firstofitskind, personalized education center. Oh. 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The quest for tiktok has earned this country the status of being a rogue country, according to china, saying that well do anything to smash and grab tiktok any way we can. Theresa payne joins us now, former white house chief information officer. Theresa, they are not happy with this, they are not happy with the strongarming they say of the president of the United States interfering in this. I thought to myself briefly, this is the same country that demands Companies Open up their spreadsheets and books if they want to do business in china, but be that as it may, what do you think of all this dustup . Well, whats interesting is a lot of people may not have paid attention but since 1999, the department of defense has been mandated to keep a list of software, hardware and other products that are believed to have close ties to nation state governments that could be unfriend friendly to u. S. National security interests. They have been maintaining that list every year and its almost as if people started paying attention now that a consumer app, because typically the things that are banned or that make the list are critical infrastructure, think 5g cellular like huawei. Tiktok is a big consumer sensational app, right, so its interesting to me because this has been a process thats been around a long time but because of the intersection with consumers, its really gained a lot of interest and obviously, a lot of pushback from china. Neil obviously, the chinese are protesting this move on the part of the president here but tiktok and even its Parent Company are saying even the Parent Company saying we will move out of the u. S. , there wont be any spying on americans, not that that happens, they say, but its sort of like going on their word. How do we verify that thats exactly what theyre doing . Well, theres a couple of things that if i were advising microsoft and tiktok right now at the deal table, because cfius, the council for foreign on foreign investment, has a seat at the table in matters like this. I would counsel them to hire a Third Party Cybersecurity assessor to come in and actually assess how the program works, how it collects data, where the data is stored when they do load balancing and actually create that Third Party Independent assessment of how things are really working. Neil all right. Theresa, thank you very very much. As theresa was speaking, we were showing microsofts stock dipping a bit after soaring yesterday. A lot of that could be the backandforth between china and the u. S. , of course. A lot of it could also be that other companies are apparently kicking around the tiktok tires, if you will, including apple. Stay with us. This is decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Neil all right. We are still trying to figure what caused this massive explosion in beirut, lebanon, i think around 20 minutes ago. We are getting more details on it here. I guess its near a place that makes explosives but what can you tell us . Reporter neil, good afternoon. A massive explosion has rocked the lebanese capital of beirut. As you mentioned, this port city is an important part of the lebanese economy and there are a lot of questions this evening about what could have caused this explosion. According to Lebanese Security sources, at least ten people are dead and dozens more injured. As for the cause of the explosion, local media is reporting that this could have been caused by a warehouse that stored fireworks and chemicals. This is unconfirmed. There are a number of possibilities at this point. To give you an example of how large the blast was, the airport, the international airport, is six miles from the port in beirut and it was damaged. We also saw images showing broken glass and damaged buildings across the city. Hospitals flooded with patients. Some reporters on the ground saying that these hospitals are damaged in many parts of the city and cant accept more patients. Lebanons president says he is calling an emergency meeting of Supreme Defense Council as a day of mourning has been declared for tomorrow. As for any Regional Security issues, right now, israel is denying any involvement in the blast. This is an Important Note because right now, there are increased tensions between the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah and the Israeli Military after weeks of exchanges of fire along the northern border, and even just two days ago, there was an incident along the Syrian Border that could have been linked to hezbollah or an iranian proxy in the region. So there are a number of questions, as you noted, about the cause of this blast. But again, the latest information that we have from security sources in beirut, at least ten people dead and dozens more injured after this massive explosion has rocked the lebanese capital. Neil . Neil all right. Trey, thank you very much. If we get any more details, of course we will go back to trey, go back to the region. Going back to the corner of wall and broad, where the dow is up about 90 points, a lot of this precipitated on optimistic talk about a vaccine the president was saying last night could be well in advance of the end of this year. Others might disagree with that but theres no shortage of potential vaccine winners here, including regeneron which is also reporting positive results for its treatment. Eli lilly, after numerous phase three trials that are looking promising, then a host of others, sanofi and so many others. Glaxosmithkline, enjoying 2 billion in u. S. Government support to develop and ultimately then make available vaccines and treatments by up to 100 million doses. This is the backdrop here that will ultimately, many say, set the course of the markets direction. Dan geltrude on all of this. It is interesting that the vagaries of Technology Stocks notwithstanding, anything promising on the virus front, whether cases are stabilizing in some regions or we are seeing that things are looking better across the globe, it could be punctuated by distinctions here and there, but you get news like that thats promising on top of vaccine news that looks very encouraging, that, the market does like to hear. Right . Yeah. Thats huge news, neil. I mean, lets face it. We are really not going to have a full economic recovery unless somehow, we have a major breakthrough as far as developing a vaccine. And from what we know about vaccines, it takes years to get there. Now, we have literally put this on full steam ahead. You have the smartest people literally in the world trying to solve this problem. Not only will there be a huge economic and market breakthrough if we do get something developed lets say before election day, but the political ramifications can also be significant. Neil you know, the president was saying once again today, tweeting in both an interview with axios yesterday, joe biden gets in there, you can kiss this market runup and comeback goodbye. And thats just a fact, he stands by it, says that all that ends. Now, others who are not so politically smitten one way or the other say well, when the other guys talking about raising corporate taxes at a minimum, thats not a favorable market development. Where are you on this . I am not in favor of more taxes, neil. I dont think thats the formula for Economic Prosperity and we already know that the market is not going to like it. Joe biden is talking about increasing taxes, new taxes, 3 trillion over a tenyear period. Now, maybe that doesnt sound like a lot because of the way we have been spending, but theres a reason for that spending. That spending is related to economic stimulus because of the impact of covid. When were talking about taxing to that level, and i think well probably tax less than what well spend, take on more debt, where does this end . Eventually you have to pay the piper. We just cant go on like this, taxing the rich is not the answer. There is not enough wealth out there neil no one is paying the piper, right . No one is paying the piper. The reason im saying that, i know republicans bemoan all the spending thats going on, they are asking for things, too, and have not really done much for that. I think its a fair and balanced rap against the parties that they dont seem to care about all this spending or are now contemplating trillions in more virus relief. Im wondering where this all leads. It doesnt lead to a good end, neil. Look, there is no way out of our deficits and our debt other than cut spending and raise taxes. Now, the raising taxes part seems to be something that the parties one way or another seem to get around to. But making cuts in spending, nobodys for that. Both parties have done a terrible job. Doesnt matter who has congress, doesnt matter whos in the white house. Spend, spend, spend, run up the debt. Where does it end . Neil, i dont know. Where do we go at this point . 30 trillion the cutoff . 50 trillion . Your guess is as good as mine. Neil well see what happens, my friend. Thanks for outlining it. Dan geltrude on all of that. The dow Still Holding on to gains, a lot of it based on good economic news. We saw it on the housing front, on the factory orders front. The underpinnings of the economy are improving. Thats without debate. The question is, if things change, will that continue to be the case . More after this. Inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, theres a pill that may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. An unjectionâ„¢. Neil all right. Were beginning to learn a little bit more about what its going to take to get those boeing 737 max jets flying again. Lets just stress, easier said than done. Edward lawrence with more on all of this. Hey, edward. Reporter that is true. You saw the stock is up on this. Investors, very happy about the news thats coming out. Boeing believes they can have their planes flying around the globe next year, in early 2021. Now, the reason that is a big step forward for the faa. The faa says in a preliminary report that the changes that boeing made mitigated the problems that happened that caused the two crashes last year. Also mitigating further problems that were found during that investigation. Now, one of the things heres exactly what boeing did. One of the things was Flight Control software, they are changing that. They are revising flight crew procedures. And rewiring some of the internal wires in the aircraft. Now, once the faa ruling is finalized, all of those steps have to be fixed on all the grounded jets before they have to be delivered. In a statement, boeing says we are continuing to make steady progress towards a safe return to service, working closely with the faa and other global regulators. While we have a lot of work in front of us, this is an important milestone in the certification process. It is a step forward, possibly to be flying in the u. S. This year but there are hurdles around the globe. Canadian and European Union regulators have issues. The European Union today saying they have no firm date for the max jets to fly again. In fact, adding the plane maker has to do some more work before the ban can be lifted. The European Union Aviation Safety Agency has said they want to do their own tests on the max 737 and the covid crisis has postponed or delayed those so again, boeing Still Believes they can have these jets flying and delivered, the parked jets delivered by early 2021. Back to you. Neil all right. We shall see. Edward lawrence, thank you very very much. Theres so much happening right here we want to keep track of, just what investments are in favor, what are not in favor. Boeing again one of those surprising winners today on that. But sometimes all it takes is talk that you are making progress on a vaccine that is lifting virtually the entire drug sector. We are on that after this. Businesses are starting to bounce back. But what if you could do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. Neil all right. The 14day trend is the friend we are told when it comes to coronavirus cases across the entire country. Indeed, the world. But we do see spikes, noticeable spikes in states like massachusetts and new jersey, connecticut, but again, they look at this a variety of different ways, not only as a percentage of those cases reported, which one ends up being positive or more worrisome down the road. Anyway, jeff paul keeps track of this very cleverly in dallas, texas, with the very latest on what the data is telling us right now. Reporter yeah. There is a lot of it, too. We will start here in texas. Governor greg abbott, busy guy today, started the day out in san antonio to review personal protective equipment situation in that particular city. Now hes on his way to mcallen, where he will look at a Convention Center that has since been converted into a health care facility. This was done to help meet the demand from hospitals being packed with Covid Patients here in texas. Now, the numbers here in the Lone Star State remain high but they are seemingly stabilizing. The governor issued a mask mandate about a month ago and since then, new cases have leveled off and the Positivity Rate is starting to go down. But some cities like houston are taking this facial covering business so seriously, the mayor there says that people can face fines if they are caught not wearing one. Dont get mad at the police officers. Its all about Public Health and driving our numbers down. Reporter with summer break starting to wrap up, for many students across the country, schools now face the issue of when to reopen and exactly how. Dr. Anthony fauci had said that it is okay for schools to reopen, but they need to sort of look at their own situation, especially if they are in an area that is a hot spot. Safety needs to be a priority and they need to take caution. Tens of thousands of students have already resumed inperson school this week, but some schools are giving parents the option to stay at home, do the virtual thing, while others are pushing for a hybrid approach like mixing inperson and online. Honestly, for all of us, we want inperson. We want everything to go back to normal. But right now, just because of the spikes, i think theres a disappointment i mean, all around, because its just kind of where we are. Reporter here in texas, the governor wants schools to reopen in person teaching, but is going to make exceptions if there are outbreaks in certain areas. Neil . Neil thank you very very much. Jeff paul following all of that. To his point, how do they find out whether social distancing provisions are being ignored . Oftentimes, theres a snitch involved. There was a case down south of someone who had noticed that his particular church, the reverend was having too many people in the pews. Then there are of course those new jersey gym owners who had the backing of people on the phone showing them breaking into their facility to reopen it. The governor said its a nono. Be careful who you tell or who you crowd around with. Other people have a way of letting the authorities know. Kennedy is with us and cat timms. What do you think of this, the notion that the quickest way to get word to authorities might be through your own neighbor and your pal or your friend or someone you thought was a pal or a friend . I dont like that part of the virus at all, the fact people are now turning on each other, because what its done, its created an entire society of parents and also, if people want to congregate, they will congregate. If you keep it up too long, they will do it irresponsibly like 700 people in a house party. I dont have a problem with people in a church. I have a problem with someone snitching on them so all you have to do is change the name of your gathering. Dont call it church. Call it a protest. Youre fine. Neil you know, we touched on this trend but it is real and in new jersey, for example, they are clamping down all over again. A number of other states are looking at doing the same right now. Again, the way it gets relayed through people who witnessed it or thought well, it didnt look like 100 people to me, that didnt look like 50 people to me, and sometimes thats all authorities need to clamp down without even getting the proof. Yeah, absolutely. And on the one hand, someone could say hey, you know the rules, if you talk about, for example, the gym owners, you have been warned that you cant have your business open, youre not following the rules so youre arrested and thats that. Could say that. I would never say that because one thing you will notice about me is im at work right now. Okay . Im working, im doing my job. Its really not that when its just okay, okay, then how do i pay my bills, then . Just saying just stay home doesnt really work when that involves you maybe not being able to afford to have a home to stay in anymore. Neil you know, kennedy, now they are, you know, striking big fines for people who violate either mask provisions or the rest. Theyre not cheap. I think in one state they are up to 1,000. Once you have an ordinance like that in effect, it doesnt disappear. As a libertarian, how do you feel about that . Thank you for bringing that up, neil. Its the golden axiom of liberty and its dont hurt people, dont take their stuff. If you are in a gym and you are social distancing, and you are not disgustingly sweating all over someone or coughing on them, but you are engaging in physical exercise which is strengthening your lungs and by virtue also strengthening your immune system, i would say thises a positive. You do have to leave it up to certain businesses how and when they are going to reopen and no city is ever going to see any money from these fines because if people are out of work and you are forcing places to close, they will never be able to pay you. So you are destroying another imaginary revenue stream before you even get to paddle your canoe in it. Neil cat i wanted to get in. I heard the great news youre engaged. Lucky guy. Im very happy to hear that. I do want to check when we have you back again, whether it will be an outdoor or indoor wedding because that could decide the crowd size there. A lot of friends, lot of people who love you call it a protest im going to get married at a protest. Neil you would. She would. She would be the first one to say no, no, no, its over 1,000 people at that event. Guys, thank you again. Again, congratulations. All right. We have a lot more coming up including a dow thats stubbornly not giving up the goat here and we have a lot of medical related stocks on vaccine optimism that are keeping that going. Stay with us. Introducing stocks by the slice from fidelity. Now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Get your slice today. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. We adapt and we change. You know, you just figure it out. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. Neil all right. Well we knew this day was coming. As soon as we heard broadway was shutting down for the rest of the year it would be a matter of time before we learned that the radio city christmas show, iconic event been going steady and spectacularly true to its name, 1933. No show. No christmas spectacular, none of that. This year. Sad news. Cheryl casone in for charles payne. Cheryl christmas is canceled . Neil at least the rockettes are. Cheryl we have breaking news. Stocks are mostly edging higher. The dow up 101 points right now. You have only three losing sectors were watching this afternoon, one of which is, believe it or not, technology, despite plenty of great earnings reports weve seen from the biggest names in the business. Our que

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