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The president cant do that. On top of that you have a null gdp report that everyone envisioned. Claims are stubbornly high. That is weighing on investors right now. Spiking case, worldwide whackamole, no sooner control in one country than pops up in another. Germany, the posterchild how you handle a virus is reporting spikes in cases as well. Doesnt seem to be matter if youre welldisciplined on this, it is still a major concern. Right now cases are popping up and deaths increasing at the rate of one every minute across the globe. So well be following all of that. Also following a lot of developments on capitol hill. True to our name, coast to coast. Were watching in washington, d. C. , scramblings and moving as fast as we can getting a stimulus going, as far as dollar amounts. Republican plan. A trillion dollars, still generous but not as generous as the democrats 3 trillion out of the house. Well monitor. That well monitor what is going on in portland and also what happened in Cape Canaveral today. A big launch of the nasa percent convenience rover. This will be the first time when we get on the martian surface. Well be able to tour things. There will be a live mic. Why didnt we think of this earlier. The idea as it is traveling around it will pick up sound. Wouldnt you love it, if someone said, would you get off my foot . That is coming up as well. Well explore that. Were exploring the ongoing violence in portland, 63rd night of them. Were told the administration there, the mayor there, governor of oregon come to sort of a semiagreement where agents, if you will, some call them troops, guards, whatever, can help interseed here to keep the calm, keep the peace. So far that is not really happening here. Then were focusing on tech earnings. This is includes with the likes of facebook, a lot going on right now. Back to the economy, where things were. We knew the Second Quarter would be awful. We got confirmation of that, the gdp numbers. We knew when weigh would look at april, may, june as people were hunkering down, economic numbers were going down. This pretty much confirmed that. So lets get the read on all of it with Jackie Deangelis now in new york. Hey, jackie. Reporter neil, i like to take my bad news first. That is how im approaching it. Lets start with the numbers. The gdp number definitely not a good one. It definitely fell 32. 9 . This is the worst contraction weve seen in this country since the great depression, but it was only because the country came to a standstill because of the coronavirus pandemic. That reason is very important. So as economists are looking at this, theyre remembering not necessarily fundamental and it may take longer than were hoping to get back on track but at some point normal activity is expected to resume. For people who dont necessarily know what gdp is, it is the value of goods and services produced here in the United States. So it could be a little bumpy as we get the numbers going forward. This is a tough one to swallow. You know, but well take that in conjunction with the weekly jobless claims today. You see why the markets are down 300 points. So those jobless claims went up for the second week in a row, 1. 43 million. Slightly below the estimates but 12,000 higher than last week. Continuing claims, those are important too. They are the workers getting continued benefits. Those were 818,000 more than expected. So those are the people staying on these benefits. It raises some questions, right . How long will this last . Will congress do more for people when the cares act benefits expire tomorrow . Neil, im going to the Positive Side of the coin and thats you know with the pharmaceuticals and developments weve been making to combat covid19. J js vaccine candidate is starting human trials and in monkeys it gave, that got a single dose, it actually showed very strong results. Also Inovio Pharmaceuticals had positive trials in monkeys as well. I will finish off with the trump tweet that you mentioned. The market is digesting that. 2020, will be the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history. It will be a great embarassment to the usa. Delay the election until people can properly, securely and safely vote . And that is a question that Market Participants are trying to digest right now, whether it is possible there has been no precedent like that before. So well have to see where this goes. Back to you. Neil jackie, thank you very, very much the president of the United States cannot postpone an election. That is up to congress to do. The just the fact he is looking at that, his attorney general was musing that, that rattle ad lot of folks. Is this a sign the president were to lose he is going to lock himself in rooms and not leave . That is a bit of an extreme, but that is the snl view of the situation. I dont mean to be facetious bit. But it is what it is. On inovio we have the doctor behind that vaccine getting all the rave reviews and promising results coming up next hour on coast to coast. What progress if any is being made on another round of stimulus. The real loggerhead here seems to be over these Unemployment Benefits. The federal 600dollar a week benefit that ends, effectively tomorrow. So the issue do you extend it, do you cut it down and extend it . What do you do. Chad pergram following from washington. Hey, chad. Those talks are at a standstill. Nothing is moving. There is chatter about possible bill to extend Unemployment Benefits. That does not seem to be in the cards. Mark meadows, white house chief of staff says from his perspective, that the democrats are entrenched. Listen. I think the president was willing to look at doing some smaller legislative initiatives that would deal with Unemployment Insurance and i dont sense a willingness on behalf of the democrats to do this. Reporter republicans are criticizing House Speaker nancy pelosi for inflexibility. They argue she is unwilling to budge with extra Unemployment Benefits at the end of the week. Pelosi oppose as stopgap bill. We have to have comprehensive full bill, that again, honors our heroes, the people who are doing the work. Secondly, kills slays the virus and puts money in peoples pockets. Reporter Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has problems with his members. Many Senate Republicans out right rejected mcconnells bill released monday. Some 20 of our members think we did enough. Some regret what we did back in april and march. I do have about 20 members who feel weve added enough to national debt. Reporter if theyre going to pass a bill it will have to include a combination, a cocktail of democrats and republicans. Nobody knows what that mat look likes just yet. Something could give impetus to the talks. You talked about the gdp number which was terrible. A week from tomorrow, we get the Unemployment Rate from july. That could jumpstart the talk. The house of representatives is gone next week. Senate is here. House majority leader steny hoyer would recall them to vote if they have a deal. If they have a deal. That is a long way off,. Neil that is a big if, chad. Thank you very much. I want to go to market watcher dave bailey on it. Dave, i will be blunt, does the market want to see more stimulus . They were over concerned about government spending. Those days are long gone. What happens if we dont see the stimulus or significantly delayed . Yeah. I mean, it is a bad cocktail of number, right . 33 , a third of the economy kind of vaporizing at the start of this thing. I think your first instinct as a market denizen, jesus, i hope the bottom is not falling out of this thing entirely. I think some level of saying we better make sure this is not a trap door, you know, to the lower circles of hades is kind of an important first step. I dont guess that it is, you know, that there is a huge market differentiator between one and three trillion, after you spent a certain number of trillion, you lose a little bit of sensitivity exactly to what the number is. I think, the idea of gridlock could put a real spin on a really negative spin on Consumer Confidence or lack thereof and really start to open up bad things below. Neil you know, two weeks in a row where claims are rising, we had obviously the gdp report which is i know, were seeing some of the reopenings among the country among states were slow if not reversed. Are you worried were going to fall back into something bad here . Yeah, were not as a human race setting out a consistent target and sticking with it. It was very clear started out thinking we were facing an overwhelming foe and highly fatal foe, the best we can do is hope to tamp this down, flatten the curve. The fact that we didnt sigh an even, kind of, you know, we have an asynchronous disease showing up, right . So it is hitting different places different times and psychologically i think we have begun to move the goalpost to say, wait a second, we can probably avoid this hitting lots of people. We can avoid really high numbers of deaths. That is our goal now, avoidance. Coming back to a goal we would have set back in march or april, we would have set, yeah, that is what, now this is better than expected, now becomes this is really bad. I think we may see constant rejiggering of what our human expectations and tolerances are. That is a tough, you know, that introduces uncertainty. As we talked about many times, the market hates uncertainty. Neil certainly does. Dave, thank you very much. Scott mcfleely expert on that, and uncertain environment around all tech titans. Remember they were in washington yesterday, virtually, getting the you know what beat out of them. Im wondering scott mcnealy, former ceo, tech giant, you know what that is like. All these guys ended up being pinyatas. Has a lot of people wondering about breaking them up, breaking them down, what do you think . I think there is a couple things at work. Obviously the antitrust laws if theyre too big to fail, they should be broken up. We didnt do that with the banks. We decided to prop them up instead of break them up. That is one issue. S there a monopoly control. You might say that facebook and google owning 60, 70 of the digital ad business, thats, thats pretty strong market power but that is a issue businesses have, not necessarily consumers. Consumers dont buy advertising. There are issues there. There is another issue i think really driving the energy and noise in this crazy Election Year and that is free speech and political speech and whether things can be blacklisted, all the rest of it. My recommendation on that is, that we ought to have a forum, america need as town hall. We need a digital town hall available only to american citizens and everybody is verified. There is no anonymity which breeds irresponsibility and animosity and we ought to have a place where people can go to have the political discourse, like you do in a physical town hall, but lets do it virtually, move all of this off of twitter and facebook and google and other things. All algorithms would be open and published on this thing. It would be managed by the private sector for auditing to make sure the government isnt influencing the speech. And scotus could be used to decide what is free speech violation and whats free speech allowed as opposed to, you know, having the political discourse controlled by the ceo of a private sector company. I dont want us regulating what facebook and twitter allow. Theyre private organizations. If they want to, if they want to aggravate half of the world by you know, banning speech on one side of the aisle or the other, that is their business decision, you know. Every company has a right to do their social Justice Warrioring on one side of the other or the aisle and alienating the other half but we need that political discourse. The final point i would make on antitrust, whatever we do in terms of breaking up corporations we should not harm the shareholders. And you dont want to criminalize unless theyre actually breaking the law, but just because you win the race, we didnt shoot secretariat because he won a lot of races and was the best horse out there. If were going to break things up, we got to do it intelligently and do it in a way that does note harm shareholders. That is my view. Neil no. Very good view here, because so far wall street reacts with stocks that nothing will come of this. Well see. Scott mcnealy, thank you very much. We have a lot of breaking news. Some sad news to share with you if you havent heard already, herman kaine, a conservative voice, a former fastfood giant, 20 years in the business never gain ad pound, i used to joke with him of that, he died of covid19. More after this. Businesses are starting to bounce back. But what if you could do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. Neil you know they say one out of three americans knows someone who has to come to the coronavirus, covid19, but three out of three americans i would wager know who herman cain was. He passed away a victim of that disease after testing positive for it less than a month ago. He has left the world stage and he was a very loud voice and a friendly voice at that on the world stage, over the many, many years i knew him, dating back to decades ago when he was a powerhouse in the fastfood industry. He had a way of communicating his point without getting obnoxious about it. Are you going to run for president . Youre one of my closest friends. I believe in the power of prayer and i want people to keep praying and no, i didnt answer your question. Neil no you did not. I think youre running for president . I believe in the power of that is my story and neil jesus just told me youre running for president. Tell him to contact me. That would be the only reason i would do it. Neil you have a very lucrative life. Youre a big talk show. Maybe this is the next step. You argue politicians on right and left havent been doing what they should. The only reason that this is, even, even a consideration is the fact that i went neil its a consideration. Even. Neil it is a consideration. That i went through a bought with cancer as you know. Neil you did. When i was able to recover from stage 4 cancer, stage 4 cancer, i had only 10 chance being alive today. Im 100 cancer free for three years, 15 months, 15 days. Neil congratulations. Im a very faith driven person as you know, i simply said god said, not yet. I dont think he kept me here to just play golf. That is still unfolding. Neil i hear youre a lousy golfer. It cant be to play golf. When you announce it for president , will you announce it on hannitys show or mine . Keep praying, neil. Neil you heard him say my show, right . [cheering] you are getting me in trouble. Neil all right. You had a lot of time, industry, fortune built in the fastfood world and you never got fat. Theyre not going to believe that. I dont believe it. Neil, first of all, you continue to believe this myth that i made a fortune. Remember i had a small company. It was a small chain. Neil okay. Youre running for president now. I can look it up. But you didnt get heavy. Did you just exercise more . I just controlled my intake in all honesty. I know when to stop after two slices. Neil let me know what that is like. Some. Some people cant stop at two slices. That is not my fault. Neil i deserve that. Herman, youre a deeply religious man, you have to feel a little bitter. You were like moses. Talking about this stuff four years ago, when no one wasnt, no one was, now they are. Theyre tripping over each other on same thing, lower taxes go better, the better, do you feel robbed. No, i dont. Neil come on, herman, talk to me. Being the religious man that you said i am, and i am, i believe there is gods plan and then there is your plan. My plan. Neil i like that. My plan was nine nine nine. But god has another plan. In my perspective, i dont feel robbed. I am elated that they are putting, replacing the tax code on the front burner. Neil mr. Nine nine nine himself. Whether you agree, disagree, he was way, way ahead of this simpler tax system. He really was. A lot of people say he paveed way for one donald trump. He put message out to all republicans, we just got to make things simpler. But he never did it with any nastiness. Without any cutting that you see in society today. Where both sides are at each others throats. Liberals liked him. Conservatives loved him. He was admired by everybody. A guy who rose from nothing to become the king of godfathers pizza. Later on as a very promising candidate in his own right for president of the United States, all the way to successful radio career that was just now rocketing. Irony of it all. So coming to a disease that many thought we were on the up swing from, and getting better. Not for herman. Diagnose ad little more than a few weeks ago, testing positive for the virus and last night succumbing to it. Herman cain gone at 74. We will miss him, regardless of your politics, my friends we will miss him. Anita vogel looking back at his life and impact and how people of all stripes are reacting right now. Hey, anita . Hi, there, neil, i remember seeing him so many times on your show. We first learned herman cain was ill when was hospitalized in atlanta on july 1st, two days after he diagnosed with coronavirus and was having trouble breathing. In the oxygen were told he was undergoing oxygen treatment. There were various reports in recent weeks that he was actually improving, and then the sad news that he in fact passed away. As you heard him he was a survivor of stage 4 colon cancer he had in 2006. He was given 30 chance of survival but he said 10 in your interview. He was declared cancer free the following year. Cain always talked about his rags to riches life. He was in fact an American Business executive, syndicated columnist, tea Party Activist turned republican president ial candidate. Most recently he had a brand new talk show. He is perhaps most wellknown as the ceo of godfathers pizza. He took it over in 1986 and was said it turned it around from the brink of bankruptcy but he had a love for politics. First serving as an Economic Advisor to bob doles president ial campaign. He ran for senate in 2004. Of course he brought some lefty and personality to the president ial primaries in 2012 with slogan, nine nine nine, referring of course to his tax plan, calling for a flat 9 tax rate across the board, always pitching that plan with a smile on his face and a flint in his eye. Most recently he was the cochair for black voices for trump. He remained and Ardent Supporter of the president until the very end. Until recently he tweeted out a picture of himself at a trump rally in tulsa. He leaves behind a wife, two children, several grandchildren and legions of fans. Cain will be missed by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, as you mentioned, neil as well as many people across the country who always appreciated his love for america and of course a good slice of pizza. A very good slice of pizza. Neil, back to you. Neil yeah, but only one slice of pizza. I learned that. Never got fat. Neil everything in moderation, neil. I never quite got that. Anita, that is a beautiful summation after great life. Thank you very much. Herman cain gone, 74. Stay with us. Tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Neil in case youre counting, 63 nights in a row, violence in portland, oregon but authorities there working in concert with federal agents, they want to see out of there think they have reached a quasiagreement. It might be too soon to leap on that but william la jeunesse has the very latest from portland. William, what are we looking at here . Reporter neil, that agreement was reached yesterday of course. It was carried out by portland police. By 5 30 this morning they began clearing the park. Everyone forced out across the street, not allowed n this was used as a staging area and safe zone for protesters to attack the federal courthouse the last two months. Theyre now in the process of dismantling everything inside. Shelters used by homeless by protesters as well as medical tent. They we suspect they will control the space and deny violent protesters access tonight and beyond. Homeland, feds, border security, i. C. E. Have left the courthouse but they have not left portland. Now the u. S. Marshals are still sizable contingent inside should something develop. We spoke with a protester. I dont trust the governor as far as i can throw a rat. She said i. C. E. And Border Patrol are leaving. I believe it when i see it. Reporter the majority are peaceful. They could declare a victory and go home. You have hardcore guys, 100 or so, burn it down and any badge is a bad one. What will they do . Will they test the police tonight . Well find out. There were definitely, just coming out for no reason, teargassing people, shooting pepper balls. Throwing flash bangs and hitting you with canister african, after canister. Reporter this is a phased withdrawal. Some agents left the building, not portland per se. Should things go south again they will redeploy im sure. Some of the iron i, you remember the mayor blamed the feds for escalation of violence bringing in more people. What did they do . They brought in 100 state troopers today. Blamed them on militarized look that they had . What do we see this morning, Tactical Gear with state and local cops. Finally the methodology, crowd control methods. They were warning the crowd today they would use crowd control methods if people did not comply. Neil i had no idea. That is great reporting, william la jeunesse on maybe the odd did is of all of that. Many cities experiencing violence themselves look what happened in portland including those from seattle. One much my favorite guests in the region, jason rand, the jason and show on kpph. Good to have you back. Im sure you and a lot of fellow residents look what is going on in portland, wondering if you can avoid that where you are . Your reaction . We would like to see that but over the course of 10 days that culminated on saturday we saw three riots. It was blamed on federal Law Enforcement officials were here for five minutes which is ridiculous. We saw over the weekend, as son, targeting starbucks, throwing munitions against the east precinct, late yesterday afternoon we found out according to the Seattle Police adopt they van a van filled with explosives in the form of munitions and fireworks. Lots of weapons passed out before the quote, unquote, peaceful protest. Neil jason what is the mood there like now . After the lock down and of the city of sixblock region i guess that eased, for businesses and residents, say nothing of tourists, very little draw being there right now. What are you hearing . It is just quite tense. And so you have businesses that put up the boards around their windows during the early riots that we saw and they had taken it down about a week 1 2 ago. Then of course they had to put it right back up because they had the same kind of fears they were going to be targeted. If youre a Business Owner right now if youre working in a business, this is very precarious, not only dealing with a very serious coronavirus pandemic here with numbers continuing to go up at least as far as positive cases, but now you have to worry about some an antifa gone or anarchists will break out our windows. The residents are saying, can we get on with this . This is kind of silly. Doesnt seem like there is any end in sight. We dont really know what it is they want. We do know one part of what they want is 50 reduction in the Seattle Police Department Budget which will be voted on august 6th. Right now the council has vetoproof majority to get to that point. They have not presented a literal plan what they would do to get down to the 50 . Neil jason. Its a beautiful city. I wasnt there that long ago obviously before the virus hit. The multiple times i went, homelessness seemed to be getting worse and worse and worse. The city authorities are kicking around getting some land from the feds. Can you explain that, how that connects to the homeless situation . Absolutely. It is a little bit more than kicking around. At this point they submitted a report essentially to hud and to the department of defense. There is a piece of land here. Fort lawton decommissioned army center. 34acres. Next to the largest, most beautiful park. The city would like to turn that into housing units, Affordable Housing units essentially a Homeless Center or encampment. They can get the land for pennies from the federal government if it can be used for the city in the base Realignment Closure process. The land is worth Something Like 35 million. Well create a public good for the city but they have not shown any ability to get the homelessness situation under control here. What it appears based on my reading of this plan is that it would become another low barrier shelter where youre talking about bringing in chronically homeless folks who are dealing with Mental Health issues. Folks who are dealing with addiction problems. Doesnt seem like they will do anything different what they have already been doing. Give you a sense to what they have been doing. The 10year plan is end homelessness is five years overdue and homelessness has gotten worse. When we encam papments and you the city which allow for use of drugs and alcohol, exactly the reason theyre living on the streets to begin with, weve not seen any meaningful results. During a pandemic where there is a economic downturn, the idea we would take millions of dollars away from federal taxpayers just to give over to the city of seattle just seems completely unwarranted. Neil got to keep us posted on this one, friend. It sounds a little crazy, but it is seattle these days. Jason, thank you very much. Always good having you on. The dow is down about 238 points right now. So were well off the lows for the day. The Airline Industry is still taking it on the chin. As you heard there is a report out right now despite some airlines trying to crowd the skies again, trying to get passengers on board, even if they scoop up the middle seat as well, the the industry is acknowledging well have the problems for the rest of this year, the next year, the year after that, the year after that. After this. Introducing stocks by the slice from fidelity. Now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Get your slice today. Breeze from the air wind blows through my hair dont care if people see my dancing in my car and if it shines or rains oh i cant complain its still a Beautiful Day because i got love got love got love got love its a Beautiful Day. Neil you ever think how difficult it is for the Airline Industry to come back because there are so few places regarding the Airline Industry can fly. There are requirements in europe no american passengers are wanted, if they are allowed, some locales they have to quarantine 14 days. There are states like new jersey, that has a long list of 32 states, if you visit, you better quarantine yourself for 14 days there. What would be the appetite to fly anywhere if you know that is what youre facing. A lot of people are saying, you know what . I do want to travel. I do want to break out of this but i cant. The former Spirit Airlines joins us right now. It is one much my favorites in the industry. I always remember the Famous Commercial much you inside of the overhead compartment showing the great space that spirit had. If i had done that, it would be at best my elbow but looking at the industry today do you wonder like, man, oh, man, theyre talking about they need more rescues, even with the money they were initially given, theyre still hurting . Where are we going from here . Neil, great to be with you again, thank you. It is tough to say where things are going. Obviously demand is very weak for the reasons you said. There is a sense that consumers are not yet confident enough they can be safe on an airplane. Even though the industry is doing a lot to make that happening, with cleaning, with distancing, a number of airlines leaving extra space on the airplane. Not all doing that, but some doing that. But clearly laws like new york and new jersey put in place that require quarantine, keep a damper on things. Long haul International Travel probably has the longest Recovery Period in part because people are not going to necessarily want to be on a plane for 14 hours even if theyre willing to be on a plane for two or three hours. Then you have all of the rules about quarantine. What if you get stuck while youre there and rules change while youre there. There is lot of things affecting industry demand right now. It will take time, neil. If you have think about other families visiting other families, think about families going on vacation and think about business travel, think about different dimensions for all of those groups. Neil what do you do, ben . Do you file around much or do you about youre in the overhead compartment or not . I am staying home mostly like most people. I have thrown three times in the past six weeks. Part of that was because of being an airline junkie, wanted to sort of what is really happening in the airports and in the airplanes and ive been surprised that the flights i have had how sort of nice they were, in the sense that people behaved really well. By that i mean customers in terms of the boarding and deplaning, on board everyone wore their masks. The airlines that i flew were careful about giving good guidance. I talked to a lot of people who work in the airports and work for the airlines and asked them if they felt comfortable . They felt they did. The biggest complaint from airport employees that not enough concessions were open and they got to the airport early and couldnt get a good cup of coffee. Neil there is a study out today, that Airline Industry will be hurting right through 2024. Do you buy that . I think 2024 is a later estimate than i would say actually. It is going to take time but at some point, neil, were going to learn as a society how to live with this virus or live accepting the risks or knowing the risks better. That is probably post a vaccine even though i dont think a vaccine is a Silver Bullet for the industry. Just because im vaccinated i dont know that will make me want to get on a real crowded airplane again when i dont know everybody else is vaccinated. It will take time, it will take time for businesses to say this is a good expense and i will put my family on vacation and go to disney world or go to cancun. But i think families visiting families will come back more quickly. People need to be with family. They want kids to see grandparents and things. I would think more of a 2023 would be a better estimate than 2024 i think to be honest. Neil that depend if you want to see family. That is whole another issue. Thank you, that is true. Just being very, being nasty for no reason, ben. Thank you very much. Good to see you. Ben baldanza former Spirit Airlines head. Knows industry really well. Did you knee the launch this morning perseverance rover. What this puppy will be able to do, even take a microphone there and hear what it is doing as it traverses the martial shun surface. That will be pretty cool. What will we hear when it arrives . After this ou know geico is now offering an extra 15 percent credit on car and motorcycle policies . Ok . Thats 15 percent on top of what geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for . Dj khaled to be your motivational coach . Yo devin remember to brush in a circle motion. Thank you. Dj. Khaled. Tiny circles, devin. Do another one. Another one. Is this good . Put in that work, devin. Dont give up. Geico. Save an extra 15 when you switch by october 7th. Save an extra 15 you say the customers maklets talk data. S. Only Xfinity Mobile lets you switch up your wireless data whenever. I accept. 5g, everybody is talking about it. How do i get it . 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The fact that this rover will be able to do a lot more things than prior vehicles have on the surface of mars and it has a number of microphones to pick up any sound it is getting as it traverses mars makes it intriguing. Im sure to michio kaku theoretical physicist. With many bestselling books. Always good to have you, my friend. Thank you for coming. Why this crater, why this area and why the focus on it . Well, this mission has a number of firsts and it was to land near the jazro crater because once at a time it was a lake. We see rivers going into the crater and rivers going out from the crater maybe perhaps there was rain and seasonal variations which filled up the crater, not to mention the fact that the Perseverance Mission will also release a helicopter, the first helicopter on another planet and it will be able to roam over the crater, for example. This mission has number of firsts. The first to have a helicopter. The first to begin the process rock retrieval, bring rock from the red planet, to planet earth. It is the first to have groundpenetrating radar. So we can look under the surface of about 30 feet to see if there are underground lakes, recommendnant of the original lakes billions of years ago. And then it has another first. The first to begin the process of converting Carbon Dioxide into oxygen, paving the way for astronauts to one day breathe on the surface of mars. Neil you know, you talk about the helicopter, you talk about the rover itself, you talk about where it is going. Scientists get so excited at prospect, some proof, that even long, long ago there was life on mars. Do you believe that long ago there was . Well, its possible that microbial life may have gotten off the ground on mars and of course mars was more or less tropical when the earth was still molten. Mars cooled off first. As a consequence, maybe dna got off the ground. We have meteors from mars on the earth. They launched into space which were meteorites and there there might be microbial life on the meteors and that is controversial. That maybe mars seeded the earth, in which case we are the martians. So who knows. This is all conjecture. But maybe dna got off of the ground on mars first. Neil well watch it closely. Professor, thank you very, very much. You have to wait until february much of next year but it is going there. After this neil welcome back. Youre watching coast to coast. We are following a number of developments right now, including stocks falling though not as much as they were on a gdp report that really didnt surprise, but some concerns that improvement on the jobless front maybe stalled a little bit. Two weeks in a row we have seen claims back up a tad. That has folks saying we got to worry about that. Then the president saying we might have to postpone the election with all this possibility of voter mail fraud and all that. There have been a number of clarifications what he meant by that. The president has no say in the postponement, thats a congressional matter. It did rattle folks. We are following that, also following the nfl reaching a deal at least for itself on new covid19 policies. They are still insisting the season will start as scheduled in the fall but there are no guarantees of that. A lot of schools, of course, are perplexed between what do we do, when we do get back. Not all of them are going to get back so they are relying on new technologies to make it seem like the real thing. Can they do that . Will that work . Were on it. We are also on whats happening in washington where they are trying to come up with a stimulus measure that satisfies democrats and republicans. Thats the problem. Both sides are looking at stimulus, both sides have very different ideas what that stimulus should be and how much it should cost which brings us to republican senator Marsha Blackburn. Senator, good to see you. Where are we on this, senator . We are still talking about it and there are many of us that say look, weve got to get people back to work, children back to school, and we need to give the states clarity on how they can use the funds that have already come for them. This is what we want to see and hopefully well be able to say all right, lets do that, lets put some liability protections, some tax credits in place, lets get people back to work, lets limit ui and not do the 600 a week enhancement. We want people back to work and i will tell you, talking to tennesseeans and tennessee businesses, they are ready to get this economy rolling again. Neil so you know, given the slowdown in the opening up of the economy and the fact that some states, you know, have slowed down or reversed reopening measures, lot of democrats come back and say thats a reason why we need to continue these benefits because a lot of those folks, if theyre lucky to get back to work, its going to be delayed and for many of them its going to be denied. What do you say . I say ask your county mayors. Im talking to all of my county mayors. Im talking to our state. Our state revenues were only down 2 during the month of june. I was doing a Virtual Meeting with county last night. Their revenues are actually above where they were last year. So this is not going to be a one size fits all. I think to say look, to do it as one size fits all is going to advantage and disadvantage certain areas. It is going to be important for us to be very targeted, very limited and very specific on anything we do. We have nearly 1 trillion that is in the pipeline that has not been spent so i think it is not wise for us to start appropriating other money that may not be needed or may not be used. We do have to think about future generations and what theyre going to be faced with as they try to pay back this money and pay down the debt. Neil 10 trillion into this, right, what the Federal Reserve has done and what congress has done. Its why people are so mad at china. Neil right. No, no, no, the anger is palpable. Let me ask you very quickly, the president rattled many in the markets this morning with a tweet saying the election might have to be pushed back because of concerns about voter fraud and maybe mailin voting and all of that. What did you think of that . I served on the Election Committee in my county back in the late 80s so i know that our local election commissions will do everything they can possibly do to make certain these elections are fair, the elections are set, they are going to take place and i dont think that youre going to see them stopped. Neil so you dont think hes setting up something if he were to lose that hes going to claim it was rigged and he just wont leave the white house . Ill tell you who has not accepted the results [ speaking simultaneously ] the 2016 elections, you look at what nancy pelosi and the democrats have done now for over three years. They never accepted the results. Its been russia, its been collusion, its been impeachment, its been any host of things. They absolutely cannot believe that the American People did not elect Hillary Clinton so they are determined to get donald trump out of office regardless. I mean, it is their goal and not only that, i think its their obsession. Neil so if the president were to lose, lets say its way too early, as you remind me, we are months away from this, if he were to lose, lets say by a fairly comfortable margin, you might not like that, do you think he would say all right, thats it, im out of here . Im going to tell you, i think donald trump is going to win. When i talk to not only tennesseeans but people around the country, they are furious with china, they want china held to account, they feel like neil i understand that, senator. I just want to, in your heart of hearts, do you think that if he were, if he were to lose, that he would try to come up with a reason not to leave . He has always honored the will of the American People and he has been their voice and he has stood for them and i think youre going to see him continue to champion usa and the American People. Neil because if they tried to push me out of here, i would just continue doing shows in the ether because i would not leave. Senator, thank you very much. Im going to continue doing these imaginary shows. Thank you, senator. Marcia blackburn. We are following that. We are also following other developments in the markets. This selloff goes way beyond what the president tweeted, obviously. We are in the middle of earnings season. In fact, this is one of the busiest weeks in that season. Some big ones coming later today after the bell. Lauren simonetti on all of that. Lauren . Lauren hey, neil. So earnings are coming in fast and furious. The market is down today, but i want to show you some positives. Some winners, and the reasons why. You will see the theme is that all of these companies have changed the way customers do business and the way businesses conduct business. Lets start with procter gamble. This is number one on the Dow Jones Industrial average. Shares are up 2. 75 right now, record high. They make mr. Clean and other cleaning products, and sold a lot of them in the quarter. The company also said they have changed, the virus has changed the way people think about germs. Revenue coming in at 17. 7 billion, 8 billion in dividend payouts for next year. All right. Ups, this is another stock at an alltime high, number three on the s p 500 right now. Look, more people are shopping from home. Residential deliveries for ups grew 62. 5 in the quarter and guess what . Its three times more expensive for ups to deliver to your home as opposed to a warehouse or business, so they are starting to increase prices because they can. Ups is a winner today, up 15 . All right. How do we pay for a lot of those purchases . Paypal. Paypal is number four on the nasdaq today. They have touchless payments. They are inking a deal with cbs where touchless payments, you can also do in the store. They said it was their strongest quarter ever. 22 million new users. And gilead, this is the maker of remdesivir, the antiviral coronavirus treatment, getting a lot of buzz. They report after the bell today. You can see the stock is down, its actually been weak in the past three months, although annually, it is a winner. We are expecting both their earnings and their revenue to fall, but anything they say about the coronavirus treatment will be key. Its all on after the bell in addition to the Big Four Tech Companies worth 5 trillion in market value. See you there. Neil all right. Thank you very very much. So Many Companies that are coming up with vaccines and the like. We will talk a little later with dr. Brodrick, the researcher behind the vaccine that that company has come up with, inovio, thats getting a lot of press attention and positive reaction. Thats whats the underpinning for a lot of this view of the markets here that we are only one promising vaccine away from all this going away and maybe some of the angst of the markets going away as well. Thats the hope, at least. The dow down 206 points. With us right now, danielle mcloughlin, attorney, much, much more. I want to touch, if i can, first off on this report and tweet out of the president that hes sort of saying hes concerned about the propriety of the vote and whether the election is safe and if there isnt any fraudulent activity going on, and it might have to be delayed. I dont know, im not the lawyer, i know danielle, you are, but im wondering if he can do that because it certainly rattled folks. Did it rattle you when you heard that . It didnt rattle neil alicia first, im sorry. Thanks for having us. Look, the market got rattled earlier this morning because the thing that the market hates the most is uncertainty. So whatever policy is, once its a known quantity, you can run models and get a sense of where things are going. The uncertainty is what rattled the market earlier. But as it became clear that only congress can do Something Like that, the market has recovered somewhat. Thats what really rattled the market earlier today. Neil danielle, where do you think this is going . Im wondering, it did rattle a few folks and to her point, it calmed down a little when they realized there was a process for this sort of thing. Your thoughts . Well, i think people are concerned first and foremost, you are absolutely right, it takes an act of congress to change the november 3rd general election date. What has been interesting is allies of the president , like Mitch Mcconnell, even Marsha Blackburn in the last segment, are saying the election will be on november 3rd. This is really just a trial balloon from the president. But the concern i think comes from the pretty wellestablished track record of not really paying attention to norms. By norms, i think [ inaudible ]. So its not a norm to have family members advising you in the white house. It is not a norm to pardon or grant clemency to roger stone, someone accused of obstructing justice to help the president. We see these trial balloons, we see these concerns about not really typically, you know, going along with norms that other president s have done. I think thats where the uncertainty comes from. Neil you are a democratic, you know, consultant and that was not the norm, i should point out, with bill clinton pardoning mark rich, a financier criminal. But youre right to say that they all play at this. Let me ask you, alicia, on the markets themselves, the president has long argued and i brought this up, a lot of smart guests so i want to bring it up with you two if i can, he was in pennsylvania talking about the great progress being made for energy independence, in texas he said much the same. Thats where he was actually on that. But to say that in energy independence, its something that goes away if joe biden comes in, the market runup goes away if biden comes in, kiss your 401 k goodbye if joe biden comes in. I dont see that yet reflected in the markets, if they are anxious about a biden presidency, could be they are thinking its way too early to conclude that. What do you think . So the clock really starts ticking on monday because monday is the date that its 90 days before the election. What we have seen is that markets tend to like incumbency90 days before the election. If the incumbent is set for victory markets tend to rise. If the challenger on either party is set for victory, markets tend to fall. We are going to start looking starting on monday. Lets remind everybody that markets have rallied under both administrations, democratic and republican. There are certain sectors, though, that will be better off under a Democratic Administration versus a republican and vice versa. This is where investors are going to start looking on a sectoral basis to start hedging their bet. Neil normally, markets recoil at the thought of taxes going up, the prospect of that, danielle, and that doesnt matter whether its republican or democrat doing it but im wondering your thoughts on that and the fact that at the very least, joe biden has talked about a 15 tax on companies that somehow legally escaped paying taxes like amazon, and others who right now have been enjoying a 21 corporate rate, that he wants to bring up to 28 . What do you think . I guess the first thing is [ inaudible ] the stated rate, because corporations take deductions. Thats the first point. The second point is i think any Market Participant right now is looking at the economy, looking at slowing growth, looking at rising unemployment and the idea that it would be some high taxes on some persons or corporations in order to bail out, you might say, middle class america who are suffering under this pandemic, maybe thats why we are not seeing a reaction because its something that will have to happen if we are ever going to get out from underneath this. Neil ladies, thank you both very very much on that. Also, when we talk politics, we should focus on who will be joe bidens running mate. Theres been a lot of talk that hes also close to picking Kamala Harris, the California Democratic senator, but theres a move afoot to tell joe dont even think about it. Whats the real skinny on that . Charlie gasparino after this. Businesses are starting to bounce back. But what if you could do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. 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Its also more descriptive. Cynics could say anything that reminds people of cruises these days isnt exactly a draw even though thats by and large what they do. They have resorts and all of that, but this is their way of simple simplifying things. Even though cruising is put off until fall or later, Royal Caribbean group is now. Charlie gasparino, he doesnt have to relabel himself as sort of the best business jernlist is journalist in the world. Hes been following Political Developments concerning the biden camp, very very close to Vice President ial pick, running mate, and a lot of the talk seems to be centered on california senator and former president ial candidate Kamala Harris. What are you hearing . Some are concerned, right . Charlie you know, i often get when i do these stories, obviously we do them for fox business and fox news, theyre like why is a guy from fox business reporting about the democrats, what does he know about democrats, particularly joe biden. I should point out that wall street is filled with democrats that are very close to joe biden and they are my sources. So just so you know, thats where im coming from on this. Its not like im making it up. This is wall street is filled with democrats and they are intimately involved in this campaign. Heres what theyre telling me. That hes very close to picking a vp candidate, not much news there. But it could come next week. I think, you know, what people are saying is that either the official announcement comes by next week or theres a leak on who it exactly is. Its coming down the pike, we are talking days away. Again, from what i understand, he has not made up his mind. Were in whats known as the gut check territory right here. From what i understand, there are still interviews going on and you know, Kamala Harris, it depends on who you talk to. Lot of senior people on wall street, they like her. Shes apparently, you know, someone who has raised money from wall street, considered maybe more of a moderate than some of the other candidates. Shes the california senator. She is still, at least according to my sources, again, my sources on wall street democrats, she is the oddson favorite. They think i mean, what do you seek in a Vice President ial candidate particularly if you are joe biden . You want someone with a degree of stature because hes older and god forbid if he becomes president and god forbid something happens to him, he needs someone to step in. Shes seen as somebody since shes a sitting senator and has stature, that can do that. She can raise money. Shes also been vetted a lot. Unless they found Something Else in the vetting process, shes been vetted by the media, being a senator and running for president , as she did against biden. Shes been vetted. So there is a degree of certainty with her and you dont want to do any harm with a Vice President ial candidate. Vice president ial candidates that do harm often sink the president ial candidate. You know, you can look at sarah palin as someone that did not necessarily help john mccain in 2008. That said, she is not the only one thats in the mix. Karen bass, the congresswoman from i believe california who is chairwoman of the congressional black caucus, she is considered a very, maybe not a favored but shes moving up on the ranks from what i understand. So shes a contender. And theres a host of others. Val demings, congresswoman from florida. Susan rice, former u. N. Ambassador under obama. This is the sort of short list. Again, we are all a function of our sources. My sources again are wall streeters that are democrats. They may have a bias towards Kamala Harris because they know her, shes a known entity, shes raised money from them, theyre friends. But they believe shes got the inside track. The negative on her obviously is what you have been reading. There was clearly a leak about an interview she gave with chris dodd, the former senator, and that could be an issue. Back to you. Neil all right. Thank you very much, charlie gasparino. We will be following that very very closely. In the meantime, you probably caught some of the aggressive backandforth yesterday you saw with high tech ceos on capitol hill virtually. Some might say they were treated like they are gods and all of that. There is a collective angst among republicans and democrats, so the fair and balanced rage at these tech guys that somethings got to be done, especially with no less than the president of the United States saying somethings got to be done. After this. Its easy to get lost in the economic uncertainty. The volatility. The ambiguity. This moment calls for more. And Northern Trust delivers more. With specialized expertise. Proven strategies rooted in data and analytics. And insights borne from over 130 years of successfully navigating economic turbulence. 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A Medicare Supplement plan may help pay for some of the rest. Two this type of plan allows you to keep your doctor as long as he or she accepts medicare patients. And three these are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Learn more about why you should choose an aarp Medicare Supplement plan. Call today for a free guide. Neil all right. There does seem to be something fishy when it comes to story or tweet selection on the part of twitter right now. It seems these days anything from President Trump is deemed bad, anything we get from irans supreme leader, not so bad. Edward lawrence has been following that and the dustup over whether twitter is playing fair at all. Sir . Reporter neil, very sticky topic here. You know, the big tech hearing yesterday, twitter was not part of that, but the company came up over and over again for its actions against conservative voices. Companies like facebook, Googles Youtube and twitter have become the Public Square of today where political debate unfolds. I havent even mentioned twitter. Who we actually invited, mr. Chairman. We asked for you guys to invite them as one of our witnesses. You guys said no. I havent even mentioned them. Reporter twitter answering how it censors President Donald Trump but not tweets, for example, from irans ayatollah when he defended the right to bear arms as part of the palestinianisraeli conflict. In the hearing yesterday, a twitter spokesperson tried to walk a line and i think its important to hear exactly what she said. Listen. We have an approach to our leaders that say direct interactions with public figures, comments on political issues of the day or Foreign Policy saber rattling on military Economic Issues are generally not invited. [ speaking simultaneously ] if a world leader violates our rules but there is interest in keeping it on the service, we may provide a note that provides more context about the violation. Reporter not likely to stop the criticism. Also not likely to change the tweeting habits of President Donald Trump. Back to you. Neil all right. Thank you very much, edward lawrence, on all of that. By the way, many of you who might have seen these tech ceos on capitol hill, you got an earful, didnt you . Take a look. Can you assure americans today you wont tailor your features to help joe biden in the upcoming election . We wont do any work, you know, to politically tilt anything one way or the other. Its against our core values. But you did it in 2016. It is possible that at facebook, your employees do have the power to disadvantage conservative viewpoints. Of course when you have tens of thousands of employees, people make mistakes, people have some of their own goals some of the time. Neil there was interest in the hearing yesterday among the collective ring these guys dont play fair, that is that they might have to be broken up or might have to have their businesses reined in. But this idea that they are aligned politically against any conservative thought got the most press. Brendan carr is with us. Thank you for taking the time. Is there something to this line of attack some of these guys are getting that they are much more zealous going after conservative thought than say, i dont know, ayatollah thought . Yeah. I think what we saw yesterday with that hearing in israel, Government Official pretty blatantly said look, you know, tweets calling for genocide are permissible, other tweets commenting on political situations in other countries arent. If it werent for double standards, im not sure twitter would have much. When you look right now, its not so much that they have stort of a covid misinformation policy which we saw this week when they took down tweets from donald trump jr. You go on twitter right now, you can see tweets up from democratic congressman swalwell that says dont wear masks. You can go on twitter right now today and see tweets from the w. H. O. That says theres no real evidence of humantohuman transmission of covid. So its less about a misinformation policy, it appears, than an orange man bad policy and its playing fast and loose in an arbitrary way. I think some of the concerns you heard at that hearing yesterday are pretty well founded. Neil im wondering what the solution is. A lot of people say all right, if youre going to check conservatives on things that theyre saying, you should check liberals on things that theyre saying. Others say its the wild west. Anyone can say whatever they want and you know, reader, viewer beware. What do you think . At the hearing yesterday, what was interesting was bipartisan consensus which is rare in this town, as you know, that a lot of these big Tech Companies are abusing dominant positions in the market. Not just participating in the free market, but taking advantage of a level of a Playing Field that has been skewed by government regulation including section 230. The interesting debate is what do you do about it. I think the democrats have their path forward. They want to break up big tech. They want to block mergers and see less speech on the internet. Whats interesting on the republican side and for conservatives, which is really part of a broader debate about what we do. There are some that say we should just sit on our hands and do absolutely nothing in the face of this abuse of massive power. I think that we should do more than nothing. I have laid out a path forward where we can work towards transparency, accountability, and user empowerment that will make a lot of progress on these issues. Neil do you worry, though, commissioner, because then democrats have their own beef with a lot of these guys, that they did very little to explain and report on florioreign elect interference in our country, that they are doing it all over again, thats a lot of things these guys supposedly have to do to police themselves. Should they do that . In other words, whether its offensive on the left or the right, that these are great public forums, whatever you make of them, and that the government getting involved and policing them will only make matters worse. Yeah, i dont think the government should step in and we shouldnt step in, the fcc, and micromanage these decisions. What we have is Congress Passed this law as you know, section 230 in the 1990s that gave a special set of protections to whats now big tech and all other websites and the question is how do we interpret that law today. Can we do it in a way that promotes more speech, not less speech. Again, i dont want to be micromanaged in these decisions. We shouldnt be trying to skew the speech right or left. But like every business in this country, there should be some transparency and accountability. If you say voluntarily we are a neutral platform politically, for all the takedowns we do, we dont do partisan political takedowns and if in fact you are doing that, you should be held accountable. In fact, we do that with broad band internet providers today. We make them be transparent about anything they do to mold traffic or discriminate against traffic. That should be the baseline at a minimum for big tech. Lets make them be transparent and hold them accountable to their representations. Neil fcc commissioner brendan carr, thank you very much. Good chatting with you. Thanks. Neil we have been following the markets as well here, down about 260 points. What if i told you that all of this could change and turn around on a dime if we had proof that theres a vaccine at the ready . So Many Companies are so close that its just a matter of time, maybe less time than you think. Including whats happening with inovio. The chief researcher behind the promising treatment thats getting a whole lot of buzz, after this. Neil you know, you ever notice with the markets that any time theres even talk of a promising vaccine or phase 2 or phase 3 trials are looking very very promising, that stocks turn around very very quickly . That is how much the street seems to believe that a promising advancement to combat covid19 changes the game entirely. Its very obvious, to say nothing of those who are dealing with this, afraid of getting this. Theres been a great deal of talk around inovio and what its coming up with right now. Dr. Kate brodrick joins us now, the senior vp of research and development of the promising vaccine candidate in its own right. Doctor, very good to have you. Where is inovio on this . What exactly are we talking about in terms of combatting covid19 . Thank you so much for having me today. We at inovio are extremely excited with the data that weve generated both in human Clinical Trials and also just really recently in an animal challenge trial where we asked the question, does our vaccine protect from covid19 disease. What we released today datawise were showing that our vaccine does indeed protect animals from virus challenge, but also does that over a duration of time. Thats a really key component for a vaccine thats going to be effective and be a solution towards this terrible pandemic that were all suffering through at the moment. Neil where is it now in the trial phase, doctor . So we are currently in phase 1 trials. The data that weve released so far from that trial is really incredibly promising. We have shown an excellent safety profile, a really pristine safety profile which is such an important point when you consider that this vaccines potentially going to be given to every human being on the planet. Additionally, we have shown the immune responses we believe are exactly the type of immune response that we are going to need to be generating to protect from this disease. So we hope to use that data to start our phase 2 Clinical Trial this summer. Thats going to be a huge step forward in moving towards a vaccine solution. Neil doctor, you know, assuming a vaccine eventually, whether you guys do it or others or all in concert down the road, there are a lot of people across this planet who are vaccineshy, who say look, i have never gotten this, i dont want to worry about this, ive heard horrible things about flu vaccines and the rest, and they dont want to chance it. How do you counter that angst people, some, have about vaccines in general . Yeah, absolutely. You know, i can speak with one tone as a scientist but i can also speak with another as a mom. Truly, what we are experiencing at the moment is so devastating and i can only compel people, i generally believe both as a scientist and as a mom that the only solution that we have to really go back to being having our normal lives as we did in 2019 would be a successful vaccine or multiple successful vaccines. I understand peoples concerns and i think we should have a dialogue about those concerns, but truly, please know that all of the Developers Working on vaccines at the moment have the absolute safety of the people receiving the vaccine as their number one priority. Neil we will watch very closely. Thank you so much for taking the time. Very very interesting. Keep us posted. We appreciate it. Dr. Kate bshroderick. The nfl is saying we are ready to play this fall. They also sent a signal to players, behave and do everything right on the field but they added this little proviso. Do everything right off the field as well. Thats got some players upset. After this. How they gonna pay for this . They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident. Cut is that good . No you were talking about allstate and. I just. When i. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Neil all right. If your kid is lucky enough to get back to inperson classes there will be some big changes afoot. Grady trimble on what they could be in for. Grady . Reporter hey, neil. D. C. Announcing they will go all virtual for the start of the school year through november 6th but a lot of schools like this one, George Washington middle school in lyons, illinois is trying to bring students back for inperson learning at least for the Second Quarter leehere. They will have new technology in place like this temperature scanner tells me i have a normal temperature, right around 97 degrees. This company that makes these systems also has this. It looks like a metal detector and does serve as one, but when i walk through it, it also tells me my temperature up there. Pretty small, kind of hard to see, but if you have someone staffing and keeping an eye on the temperatures you know that you dont have anybody with a high fever coming in. Chris rivera is superintendent of schools for this district. You are investing a lot of money to have one of these in each of your schools. Why is that a decision you decided to do . Safetys our top priority of the students, staff and families that enter the building. Thats definitely a high priority here. Reporter one thing you had considered as we take a second camera that can scan 50 people at a time, which you wont be having at your school, but one thing you had thought about was maybe having teachers have to take individual temperatures. They probably dont like that idea a whole lot. Yeah. Thats definitely a consideration in moving to these devices, is to try to create a safe environment to monitor covidlike symptoms. Reporter you can sort of do it from afar instead of having someone right next to a student taking their temperature. Thats correct. Thats correct. Reporter they also have portable technology, too. Some that could even go on a school bus, for example, like this one. Your temperature is normal. Reporter once again, fortunately normal. Theres a lot of options out there for schools that are trying to go back to inperson classroom learning. But might want extra layers of protection to give parents, teachers and kids peace of mind and protection. Neil . Neil its a whole new world, my friend. Thank you very much for that. Grady trimble in lyons, illinois. Want to keep you updated on not only schools returning or they hope to, in many locales, even though half the states in this country are either delaying it or looking at a mixture of, you know, inperson and online, but professional football. That is supposed to resume this fall as well. But the nfl is really cracking down not only on rules about empty stadiums, players keeping their distance, doing everything carefully, but off the field, too, with those players, limiting to not go to parties and all of that stuff. It goes on and on. Jack brewer, former nfl great, with us now. Jack, some players are bristling at these requirements, thinking they are very very intrusive, down to if they are caught at a party or caught at an event or crowding in a restaurant, that their privacy is being violated. What do you say . Its a sticky situation for the nfl. I mean, think about it. Theres already been six new England Patriots who have opted out of the season. You got a couple dozen more players across the league that have opted out and arent playing this season. Then when you look at the other sports, i think the league has seen whats happened recently with the nba, with players going out to strip clubs and then you have what happened with the marlins having over a dozen players test positive for covid. This is real. Its going to be very difficult for a sport that has so many folks on the roster. This is the biggest roster of any sport and so you got to manage so many players who are moving around to keep them from getting covid is a very difficult thing to do. Then add on that, on top of that, these guys are tackling each other in practice every day and sharing sweat. Its going to be a challenge for the nfl this season. Neil you know, you mentioned these half dozen players who opted out. None of them i believe had the virus but they were concerned enough to say its just not worth it. Do you see other players doing that kind of thing . Definitely, because if you look at the players, there are a lot of pro bowlers who are actually opting out. Its not like teahese are guys o dont have high jersey sales, who arent fan favorites. This is a real situation. I think whats happening is pressures from your wives, from your family. Remember, these guys are human. They have to take care of the best interests of their families. They may have elderly parents or folks, grandparents that are older that they are around. It really is a big decision to make in the midst of this pandemic when there are so many unknowns, particularly for nfl players who are going out there playing a violent sport. Neil jack, how do you think this seasons going to go . I know empty stadiums, very different look and feel, baseball when i do watch it just seems weird. What do you think . I couldnt imagine walking on a football field with no one in the stands. I know they say they are going to use speaker systems and other technology, but i just cant see playing the game at that level, thats that violent, each and every snap getting up and getting ready to play with no one in the stands. I think its going to be a difficult time for the nfl this year. I mean, once they put it on tv, ill probably tune in because i just miss not seeing sports, but it will be difficult for those guys out there on the field. Neil i think the whole idea of virtual fans, i said what idiot would come up with that. Then i heard well, fox has come up with that idea. I said brilliant. Is that going to make a difference to Television Viewers . I think so. I think if you can figure out a way for fans to interact, you know. Football has been a sport that has been challenged, if you look over the years, you know, folks participating actually at the games has gone down because people want that, you know, that tv experience and its so comfortable, you have so many angles to see when watching football these days. I think they have increased the Fan Experience that way. If they can take it to the next level now, it will probably benefit them for the long run and dont forget, you always have fantasy. Fantasy football keeps eyes on those football screens, whenever you can compete locally with the folks around you. Neil there is that. Thank you, my friend. Thanks for some great memories watching you. Jack brewer, much much more, former nfl great, now Jack Brewer Foundation ceo. 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A Medicare Supplement plan may help pay for some of the rest. Two this type of plan allows you to keep your doctor as long as he or she accepts medicare patients. And three these are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Learn more about why you should choose an aarp Medicare Supplement plan. Call today for a free guide. Neil all right. Cheryl casone in for Charles Payne. Hey, cheryl. Cheryl hi, neil. Im Cheryl Casone in for Charles Payne this hour. Stocks began singing earlier in the session after President Trump tweeted about the possibility of delaying november general election, making allegations that it could be the most fraudulent election in history. Well delve into that. Well get reaction from senator mike braun on the way. Gdp report wor

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