Operation legend which launched earlier this month in kansas city and past agencies including the fbi, Marshall Service and dea with assisting state and local police. The announcement comes on a separate limit of federal Law Enforcement to Portland Oregon following almost two months of violent protests there. Democrats are calling it abuse of power and violation of the constitution. Michael served as the 81st attorney general of the United States. Welcome, good to see you after a while here. Lets talk about the law first. Many democrats are saying its a violation of the law for a president to send and federal enforcement officials into their cities against their will. The law on that is the opposite of what they say. Federal Law Enforcement officials enforce federal law, they are not only permitted to do that, the president is charged with doing that in the constitution. The one major obligation he has is to faithfully enforce. It is his obligation to do that. They can enforce federal law without a lead from any local state official. Paul usually when you think of police powers, they are preserved for states and localities what youre saying as long as they are going to be enforcing federal law, thats fine. They can enforce federal law thats appropriate. Absolutely. In portland, they firebombed a federal courthouse. Thats a violation of several federal statutes. They do it repeatedly, that is racketeering activity. Its one of the predicate offenses so i dont know what people are talking about and they say its not permissible for the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property. Paul are there any limits on what federal Law Enforcement can do . Lets say, obviously they can protect federal property but lets say you get somebody who they observe looting a private business. Can they act as Law Enforcement and that kind of a case, arrest somebody doing that . I think they are regarded as peace officers and could but thats not what they are there for. Also, understand the federal government has limited resourc resources. Just to give you an idea of the scale, the new York City Police department has about 38000 officers. The entire fbi has 12,000 or 13000 special agents worldwide. Marshall service has people and dea has people but again, we are talking about a small number compared to the large number of local officials that exist so its a matter of discretion, you have to be careful how you allocate those resources. Paul is also the issue a lot of these local Officials Say they dont want any kind of federal presence. They can handle it themselves. Apart from whether thats honest or not, the issue is you got the federal officers coming in with political leaders saying we dont want you. That creates real tension, does it not . Of course. Usually federal Law Enforcement officers cooperate with local Law Enforcement officers and act cooperatively and jointly and obviously thats a big force multiplier. Yes, it creates a political problem but again, thats a political judgment for political officials to make and clearly the president has made it. Paul he has made it. What you think though . Is it a wise judgment to make . Leave aside the electoral politics, im talking in terms of restoring law and order here and whether it would be effective in this kind of an instance. I think that depends on local conditions and i cant sit here and tell you i know what the local ones are. But i do know for the president , or any public official, to tolerate people committing crimes and say we dont want to do that, we dont want that to stop is something i dont think is tolerable under a system of law. Paul so you think there really is some obligation here on the part of the federal government, obviously the attorney general to make sure the lawlessness in these cities does not continue unchecked. Obviously you dont know the specific conditions but as a citizen and knowing your experience as the ag and knowing the constitution, do you think theres a real problem the president has to address . From what ive seen on news reports of whats going on in portland, and what we hear going on every week in chicago, there is a problem. Paul even in new york for example, the police were told to tread lightly or with the light footprint when they were dealing with writers. The unit that was enforcing gun laws has been disbanded. The effect of that is to tell people who were intent on lawlessness that they have free reign. Paul thank you. Appreciate that. When we come back, strike and violence in u. S. Cities, an issue in the november campaign. President Trump Federal response and d d d as a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. Thats why i like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But what if you could stdo better than that . K. Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. For america cities could not be more different from the lawlessness being pushed to the extreme radical left while others want to defund, defame and abolish the police, i want to support and honor our great police. Paul President Trump continuing to drive his law and order message this week and draw contrast with mayors and governors as he moves to expand the presence of federal Law Enforcement in u. S. Cities backed by violence. Is it a smart political move . Lets bring in our panel. Dan henninger, mary ogrady and columnist in manhattan senior fellow, jason riley. Jason, what you make of this decision by the president to send in federal Law Enforcement to cities . Jason on the one hand, i think its another example of the president doing something his predecessors has done and being held to a different standard particularly in the media. We know for decades, there have been joint task force between the federal government and state and local officials to go after gangs or drug smuggling and the like. Again, as we heard from the judge, this is something thats usually done when both sides agree with each other on how to proceed and when you dont have agreement, i think you can run into all kinds of problems. I think the president certainly has the right to do this but im not sure the smart thing to do politically. For starters, the protesters are more popular than President Trump is right now. I dont sympathize with the protesters but they do seem to have one over a lot of public sympathy here. Second, these are local jurisdictions we are talking about where the president doesnt have a lot of support to begin with so not sure theres a lot to be gained here politically. Paul dan, i agree with jason myself but there is an issue here. People who are private businesses in portland, people who are private citizens who could be damaged with these protests and they are not being protected by the police or the Public Officials there. What do you do other than, you let it burn . Daniel i do think we have to make some distinctions here, i feel bad about people in portland businesses being damaged like this but i am afraid some of these cities are, what i call cities beyond hopeless. In that category, i would put new york city, san francisco, portland and seattle, they are governed by progressive government elected by the majority of the people there and if they want to do in their own juices, that is the problem. I think the president , short of defending federal privacy in places like portland should stay away from those for cities. Having said that, i think you find much more to some sort of collaboration between federal officers and local officials in cities like chicago, kansas city, albuquerque, atlanta, detroit and cleveland. They are governed by liberals but nonetheless, i think they have a more serious attitude toward trying to get their crime under control. I think the president is entirely entitled to try to settle things down in cities like chicago that obviously need help. Paul the line drawn, whether or not he should be invited in . Is that the lines you draw . Daniel in effect, yes. If you have mayors like ted wheeler in portland or bill de blasio in new york saying he will file a lawsuit in federal court if the president times to help them, that is there problem. They can deal with their cities if they want to allow their cities to disintegrate. Eventually, they will have to settle it at elections but yes, i would draw the line there and say the president should try to do business with people more concerned about establishing civil order inside their cities. Paul mary, how do you think this is politically . Trump obviously thinks this is going to be helpful for him politically. What you think . Mary i found the development around chicago fascinating. William barr when he initially talked about going to chicago, albuquerque, he basically read his announcement, he was talking mostly about investigations and intelligence work which is so important to defeating cartel of violence in these cities. This is different than protesters and defending federal property in portland but when he said he was coming there, the mayor immediately reacted in a very sort of trump derangement syndrome. Youre not coming here. Phoned her and they talked about and now she says yes, they can come there. So that kind of leadership of trying to communicate with across the aisle to parties and powers that dont agree with him, thats a positive development. Paul jason, what you think of the politics of this . Jason i think trump is looking for an issue here, frankly. Theres speculation he wants to talk about these protests instead of talking more about the virus and the economy. I dont know if thats going to work. I think his biggest problem is with older voters and their concern is the virus. They are disproportionately affected so i dont know how much political mileage he will get out of shifting the focus to protesters. Paul when we come back, President Trumps resumes his Coronavirus Briefing is the end ministration respond to outbreak and progress. Treatment and vaccines. Treatment and vaccines. Is the president striking the if your gums bleed when you brush you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Leave 49i found you behind. Good job. Now im gonna stay here and you go hide. Watch your favorites from anywhere in the house with the Xfinity Stream app. Free with your xfinity service. Now any room can be a tv room. Stream live tv, on demand shows and movies even your dvr recordings. Download the Xfinity Stream app today to stream the entertainment you love. Xfinity. The future of awesome. We worry so much about this disease and we know who the vulnerable are and we are going to indeed, shield them. The vaccines are coming and they are coming sooner than anyone thought possible. Some countries are doing well and some are doing less well. It will probably get worse before it gets better. Paul after a weeklong hiatus, the Coronavirus Briefings are back. President trump urging americans to wear masks and warning things could get worse before they get better but also emphasizing what weve learned about the virus and progress in made in treatment and vaccines. The president using thursdays briefing to announce hes canceling the jacksonville Republican Convention has florida struggles with a spike in covid19 cases. Dan, what you make of the resumption of the briefing . Daniel they are shorter, 20, 25 minutes and hes not taking debate from the reporters like he was before. Paul thats for sure. I think its pretty impressive. Lets face it, some of us have been saying for a long time if President Trump dialed back belligerent even 50 , he be on more solid ground. Hes done that so ill give him credit for. I think theyve done pretty impressive performances. Hes conveying useful information and yes, in the q a, hes not taking the debate. Hes simply answering questions, turning to the next questioner. Theres an old saying, a day late and a dollar short and the question here is whether made this turn to light. Hes down in the polls but the coronavirus is not a past event like a hurricane, this is a work in progress. The virus will have a lot to do with Donald Trumps fortunes. It may recede through the rest of the summer, down to the south and west, whether there is a resurgence in the fall will be a big issue for the president but i think if he stays on this course, hes going to deliver to the a lot of the public what they want to see from their president which was leadership and intelligence about handling the virus. It does mean the federal government will have to consciously, specifically address some of these outbreaks as they occur. They do have to keep showing they are on top of their game. Paul mary, what you think of the president s new seriousness, if you will . He wasnt really talking about it at all for many weeks. Coinciding with the breakouts in the south and west. Mary finally. [laughter] the jacksonville event is super cautious. There are 113 deaths and thats out of like 960 thousand, the population. I think you survey the change and rate of change in terms of people getting infected and also people going to hospitals was enough he decided to take a cautious stance toward it. I think that is smart, a little bit more caution in places where that havent yet experienced what we experienced in new york in the spring. Paul jason, you mentioned the virus in the last block, do you think the breakout here in the southwest is the most important factor behind the president decline in the polls . Jason i do. A lot of ways, youre talking about trump country, places he did well. These are red states, i do think it played a role. It was very tough for him after the cancel, i think he wanted a big crowd, he likes and feeds off the energy. Those are tough calls for him to make but it wasnt keeping with the change in tone weve seen in the reboot of the Coronavirus Briefing. I agree with dan and mary, hes done a better job. Pretty much, hes a little more disciplined on these things. I think that will help him. The problem, there were too long and too many of them. If he could cut back on both, hell be fine. People do want to hear from the president about the pandemic. Paul we dont have a lot of time but i think on the good news this week, progress on the vaccines, potential vaccines has been moving ahead. What you think of the governments decision to spend billions of dollars in advance of these, succeeding through phase three trials . They are lining up manufacturing already, is that a wise use of federal money . It is, they should be doing that with other treatments like remdesivir and i think it is finally a smart thing for the federal government to be doing. No question. Paul thank you. Joe biden stepped up on President Trump as the race for President Trump as the race for the white house is tough. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. 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The attacks come as brandnew fox polls show hes leading in the battleground state of michigan, minnesota and pennsylvania. Lets bring in carl who served as a Senior Advisor to president george w. Bush. Before we get to the polls, which you make of joe biden calling the president of the United States a racist . I cant recall any president ial candidate using that language against another. Trump was rough but he didnt use that against his opponent. Not only did he call him a racist, he called him the first racist president in the history of american history. Thats a pretty strong depiction of the current president. To me, a lot of what biden is doing is somewhat mystified because it strikes me the greatest strength is not that hes capable of the same level of schoolyard talks the president is capable of hurling his opponents, it strikes me if he had a unifying message that went beyond and said if i were president , i would unify this country, bring us together, in order to meet the challenges of our times. Thats a much better tone than hes worse than i am, hes really bad, hes racist, hes incompetent, he cant provide leadership, etc. That is what hes doing. Paul why do you think he is doing that . I agree with you. Hes been running for a long time now by saying on the alternative trump. I am the not trump. Im going to bring the country together and get, here he is engaging in what essentially is titfortat. Karl think hes become the notion that hes got to be the person who placates the hard left of the Democratic Party by being just as angry and mean and nasty and divisive as they are in their rhetoric and attacks on the president. Figuring out the moment to bring the country together, hes trying to unify the Democratic Party by moving to the hard left. The problem for him, unless he has answers that be to the people who are up for grabs, those who havent made a firm decision, he could well lose a great many of those people. We saw a big example of that monday, first time on a program he was the inaugural guest. He lashes out at the president for failing on coronavirus. She says well, what would you do . Get elected in december and when you take office in january, what would you do . Tell us what you would do differently. He then proceeds to lay out six items, all of which the administration is already doing. Defense production act, having mask, doing testing, having somebody in charge of production and distribution of vaccines, making it possible for anybody who has covid doesnt get stuck with the hospital bill, providing aid to small businesses, all six of the things he said he would do are already being done so he doesnt even meet the test, give us one new thing he would do that not being done today. Paul what you make of the president s renewal of the virus briefings . Is it a reflection of the recent shakeup in the campaign stuff . Or is this the president looking at the hard numbers and poles and saying weve got to change . Karl i think i think its the commutative result of his staff, removed as Campaign Manager and the replacement, i think everybody in the operation are saying we need a change in tone and i think it also reflects the growing influence of meadows whs to be bringing some amount of discipline and order out of chaos in the west wing and i think it all had an effect. Dont they wish theyd had this tone and control and discipline when these things were going on a couple of months ago . Where he got into trouble was deviating from what he did this week which was going out with a concise message, taking questions and be gone. Instead, we had long human days with the White House Press corps trolling him and he fell for their trolls. Paul lets talk about swing staples. Bad news for michigan and pennsylvania and minnesota, all close to upper single digits, maybe even double digits. This late in the campaign, pretty formidable. Karl hes got an uphill climb. National polls, weve got not lots of national polls. You can get a sense of where the race might be, weve got to be careful about looking at individual polls. The fox pool, which came out on the 20th of july, had 11point margin for biden in pennsylvania, michigan, the fox pool had ninepoint margin, they came out on the 20th. Cnbc had a pool on the 12th and it had it at like five. Paul does this mean you think the race is closing . Karl i think weve got to be careful looking at the individual state level polls and say thats where the race is likely to be. I feel better if we had a number of poles and average them together. I do think this, i had the conversation the other day with a friend of mine, not a fan of trumps but out of the blue, he said this race is going to close and things will look better for trump because the economy is likely to get better and also because the coronavirus will be in better shape by the election and three, republicans are going to be enthusiastic and independence will help out about biden the more they see him. I think thats likely to be right. I dont know how much it will close with the president s campaign has to work very hard to close it. Paul appreciate it. Still ahead, lawmakers scrambled to work out a deal on a new Coronavirus Relief package,, businesses are starting to bounce back. 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Paul lawmakers scrambled to make a deal on a new Coronavirus Relief package, faultlines are emerging within the Republican Party over what should be included in a new bill and whether a new round of spending is needed at all. Mitch mcconnell says the economy needs another shot of adrenaline and set to unveil details of the agreement hes reached with the white house early next week. Some of the party are barking at the price tag. We are back with dan henninger, mary ogrady and jason riley. Mary, shot of adrenaline. Do we need it . Is another trillion or two from the federal government the kind of shot we need . Mary did i mention this is Election Year . [laughter] lots of politicians need this money. Whats interesting to start with is about 40 of the last package has not been spent and thats about, thats more than the 1. 2 trillion. For the rest of us, we look at that and realize somebody will have to pay this money back to that hasnt been spent and now the democrats come along and say we want to spend a whole other pile of money and republicans start negotiating with them, which seems like a mistake in a lot of ways because all their negotiating, their negotiating with themselves in a way. You dont really need this right now somebody will have to pay it back. Its not good for growth in the long run of the u. S. Economy. Paul is there anything in here you think would be something you would describe as a progrowth measure . Anything . Mary some ways before like a portion he would get in your normal paycheck but not this bonus that makes it more attractive to stay home than to actually find a job. Theres Liability Protection that could be helpful but most of it is just more money thrown at, basically money to stay home. I think that, in the end, its destructive. The wrong incentives for people to go out and look for work and again, its going to be take back so entrepreneurs are going to say taxes are going to go up and people are going to be less inclined to with their own money at risk. Paul jason, how do you read within the gop . From the first cares act bills, everybody rallied behind it and pushed behind it, now we are beginning to see opposition based on traditional fiscal conservatism running out. How serious do think this rebellion would be . Jason apparently its based on traditional conservatism but as mary said, we are an Election Year so some of the more local centers, ted cruz of texas arent up for reelection this year. We have to remember that and some of their colleagues, that enables them to look at the longview. Any of their colleagues including Senate Majority lead leader, mitch mcconnell, cant look past november. They are not able too or dont want to. So the temptation there to send people money in hopes of getting their vote in return is very, very strong. One of the things i do like in the bill, use money to entice them to send kids back to school so parents can go back to work. I think they will have an in tandem. Paul i think the problem is, a lot of the school money, republicans want to make it continue on reopening schools. Democrats wont go there. They will just say lets write a blank check to any schools, even for virtual learning. Jason they are clearly animating their constituents and turning them on. Ron johnson, wisconsin, wrote a terrific piece this week and said he got reelected amidst the Tea Party Movement and remember the origins were about concern over federal spending and confidence. Those republicans were originated in the tea party are still out there. Publicans were running this fall, they had to be a little concerned about reanimating that opposition to extraordinary federal spending. They dont want to give republicans a reason not to vote in the fall. Paul when we come back, mike pompeo says blind engagement with china has failed. Tensions with beijing continues to rise. To rise. Theeee when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. To rise. Theeee but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. So visit chase. Com mobile. Simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. Touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. The old paradigm of blind engagement with china simply wont get it done. We must not continue it, we must not return to it. Mr. President trump, hes made it clear, we need a strategy to protect the american economy. The free world must triumph over this new journey. Paul mike pompeo thursday at the Nixon Library in california, delivering a review to the Chinese Communist party and saying the old paradigm of what he called blind engagement with beijing has failed. Tensions with china escalate with the u. S. Ordering beijing to shut its counsel it in houston this week amid charges of visa fraud and economic espionage. China retaliated friday ordering the closure of the u. S. Consulate. Lets bring and retired general, fox news senior strategic analyst. First of all, let me ask you about this titfortat on the consulate closures. I cant remember a time when that has happened, is it that rare . It certainly is. Dealing with the ccp communist china, what truly happened is the recognition that our sites, five consulates and one embassy a five platforms much more prolific and involved in anything the soviet union did and something has to be done about it. Director ray of the fbi said ten days ago that he has thousands of counterintelligence cases hes working on and he averages a new one every ten hours just dealing with the Chinese Communist party operating inside the United States. Thats what this is about. Paul lets step back a bit, you mentioned directors speech, maybe mike pompeo. What is this new emerging strategy . Can you describe it . Is there one the administration has . How would you describe it . It is an emerging strategy. I think there is a significant strategic shift taking place in the world, largely driven by the ccps aggressive behavior dealing with spreading regionalized local epidemic to a world pandemic, i think consciously trying to destroy western economies, particularly the United States, crushing the autonomy of hong kong, 27 years earlier than what the treaty calls for. Countries of the world are reassessing the relationship with the ccp as a result. The United States sees this as a huge strategic opportunity to try to establish a Broad Coalition and stitched together a grand strategy dealing with china, much as the United States postworld war ii had with world war ii allies, exception being russia. We were in a confrontation with them and did develop a strategy on how to deal with that transcended multiple president s. They are taking a much more whole of government approach than what they have done in the past. Certainly when they came in, they changed the strategy thing china is a longterm strategic threat to the American People and we have to recognize that. Theyre not just a competitor. They didnt have a comprehensive strategy, they didnt stitched together work with our allies. Now they see huge opportunity with partners and allies. Paul are we talking about something that could go by the name of containment . Which is what the strategy was during the cold war, is it going to be that broad . The problem here is china is much more integrated now than the entire Global Economy and the soviet union was in this 1950s. Certainly the approach has to be a little different. A couple of things have been dramatically different. Well have hundreds of thousands of forces facing each other across a border as we did in europe backed up by significant air powers. Well have thousands of Nuclear Weapons looking at each other as we did during the cold war. The fact that the soviet union had a very weak economy which contributed to the ultimate collapse, partly. Here we have a very robust economy on china, the u. S. Obviously has a struggling economy but they are significant. They are interdependent. There will always be some measure of cooperation as a result but i believe this is much about trying to influence the ccps behavior. They know they are not going to reform, theyre not going to move to some kind of capitalistic democracy. Weve tried that for 40 years, not going to happen. But you have to be willing to confront them and containment as part of the. Paul trying to make the hocks in beijing who have been pushing some of this hardline strategy, make them understand theres a price to be paid for this economically, theres a price to be paid in the opposition of the world so maybe they say this isnt the time we want to push. The hardline is certainly encouraging and i think is the most ambitious and aggressive. I do believe in my own mind, he has overreached here recently but nonetheless, i dont think we will see a course change immediately. Yes, this is much about that. The way to deal with this is the right course of the administration, they didnt do this initially. We have to do with partners and allies, thats the essence of the strategy. They are in the isolation they feel right now as a result of the pandemic and how the world is looking at them. Remember image to the ccps very important internationally but the most important public image for them is their own people. 1. 4 billion people. That, they take notice of. They are more concerned about those people than any adversarial country in the world and they need to cater to it to preserve their authoritarian and repressive regime. So yes, there are opportunities and i think we are moving largely in the right direction here. Paul thank you. Appreciate it. We have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and Massmutual Healthbridge is a free Life Insurance program just for healthcare workers fighting covid19. Apply today at massmutual. Com healthbridge groans hmph. food grunting menacingly when the food you love doesnt love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. Tum tumtum tum tums but what if you could stdo better than that . K. Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. And other Money Managers dont understand why. Because our way works great for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. But you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . We dont have those. So, whats in it for you . Our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Paul time now for hits an misses of the week. Jason, start us off. Paul, the Trump Administration has announced that its going to expand or of planning to expand the School Choice program, the School Voucher program for low of income kids in washington, d. C. Its a program thats very popular with parents. Its got a 98 High School Graduation rate versus 68 for d. C. Public schools on average. And call me crazy, paul, but i think expanding a successful School Choice program will do a lot more than tearing down statues, Defunding Police when it comes to helping low income minorities. Paul thanks, jason. Mary . Paul, a miss for st. Louis, missouri prosecutor kim garth near who has gardner who has charged a couple with unlawful use of a weapon. They used the weapons when an angry mob broke down a gate and was on their property. The prosecutor might want to try going after real crimes in st. Louis. Paul all right. Dan. Paul, this is a hit the way its true that every cloud has a silver lining. We know the damage the coronavirus has done all over the world. This week, the wall street journal reported that anticovid19 measures have just about wiped out the seasonal flu across the southern hemisphere. From chile to south africa to new zealand, flu is way down there. We dont know whether thats going to be true for us up here in the north this winter but at least theres hope. Paul thats it for this weeks show, thanks to my panel and especially all of you for lou democratic leadership in americas largest cities continue to allow wallace writers to so chaos and destruction. They are forced to remain in their homes. Police and portland, oregon, declared a riot last night during what is the 56th straight night of unrest in the city. Arsonists starting several fires around the federal courthouse despite federal Law Enforcement officers. They threw fires, molotov cocktails at