Michael flynn and former Russian Ambassador sergey kislyak. Judicial watchs tom fitton is with us tonight. He will be with us for an extended period tonight. Well be discussing, among other things, what the two men said in those calls now released to congress and to the public. The other top story of this evening, the local politicians in the city of minneapolis who are finally, finally reacting to the outrage of a citizen murdered and caught on video and a local Political Community that did nothing for days. Murder and manslaughter charges today filed against fired Police OfficerDerek Chauvin for the memorial day death of george floyd. We take all of this up here this evening, what turned into three days of violent demonstrations, looting and arson that ultimately, ultimately seemed necessary to convince the mayor of minneapolis who tried to blame everyone but himself for the, for the days of violence and the local District Attorney who initially said there wasnt enough evidence when so clearly to all of america there certainly was clear evidence of the culpability and at least the basis for charges against the fired Police Officer. Interestingly, minneapolis a community that is for some strange reason did not turn first, turn first to their mayor, to the District Attorney, the city council. The local political authorities who they seemingly forgot to include amongst those responsible for the death of this man. The other story of the hour, President Trump today make his strongest statements to date about china. Standing in the rose garden, President Trump saying directly that the Chinese Communist party told lies, committed espionage and Global Expansion will no longer be tolerated by the United States. The president announcing his administration will block chinese nationals from entering the United States, those that the United States government deems to pose a National Security risk. He also assured that he will terminate the u. S. Relationship with the World Health Organization forthwith for helping china cover up the wuhan virus pandemic and the deadly contagion that was unleashed on the World Without so much as a slight warning by the chinese government. And the president promised to begin eliminating policy exemptions that give hong kong preferential treatment in the wake of the Chinese Communist government effectively, effectively ending hong kongs autonomy and limiting the freedoms such as they are of hong kong residents now that they are under the power of beijing directly. The president s unprecedented actions following through on thoughts and feelings of the american people. Recent polling showing twothirds of americans now view china unfavorably. Nine in ten see communist china as a threat to the United States. And 70 of americans also say they want restrictions on trade with china. President trump did not make any comments at the white house about new charges against the minneapolis Police Officer who killed an unarmed black man kneeling on his neck for several minutes. Fired Police OfficerDerek Chauvin charged with thirddegree murder and manslaughter in the death of george floyd. Local authorities finally bringing charges on what was a clear cut case of some form in the league lexicon of homicide. What specific legal charge really never in question. Everyone who saw the video knew what had happened and exactly who was responsible. Local authorities chose to ignore that evidence and blame, amongst others, the president of the United States, almost anyone but themselves in avoiding their duty to their community and to their citizens. Its more than time, if i may say at this moment, that in this country we begin to acknowledge facts and truth and acknowledge the failure of local authorities to take responsibilities for the cities, the citizens that they have failed in so many instances. The Third Precinct Police headquarters thats where the officers worked was torched and left to burn by minneapolis mayor. The police force withdrawn effectively by that same mayor. No curfew put in place, no restrictions of any kind on demonstrators and protesters, some of whom turned into looters and arsonists. Hennepin county District AttorneyMichael Freeman triggered last nights outrage or at least much of it. He said no clear Video Evidence existed of floyds killing, and it did not support a criminal charge. But newlyreleased video does show Police Officer chauvin and two others laying on floyd as he is helplessly, held helplessly on the ground. Another Police Officer standing nearby. The District Attorney today, after viewing that video, says he now sees criminal activity, suggests more charges could be coming for other officers as well. Hours before any charges were announced, President Trump tweeted a warning that he would send in the National Guard to save minneapolis from its incompetent local officials and certainly incompetent mayor. The president said this, quote these thugs are dishonoring the member the memory of george floyd, and i wont let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control. But when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you. Twitter once again censored the president s tweet, incredibly, claiming that the president had gorefied violence. Twitter apparently underway what had unaware what had happened over the previous three days, refusing to acknowledge that a 43yearold man had been shot and killed as protesters looted stores wednesday in minneapolis or that the mayor has allowed his city to be looted, to be set aflame by socalled protesters who became arsonists and looters, angry, they said, about the death of george floyd in the custody of his Police Department. A city that is still grappling with nearly 10 unemployment, a poverty rate near 21 , and the mayor has the temerity to blame the president of the United States. Minnesotas governor, tim walz, has since activated the National Guard to restore order as the president intimated he should. As the state is bracing for the potential of even more violence. Fox news Senior Correspondent mike tobin is on the ground in minneapolis and has the latest for us. Mike . Reporter lou, im in minneapolis with a traumatically different scene than yesterday with no Police Presence and the mob ruling the street yesterday. Take look behind me, you see a row of National Guardsmen, also with state troopers behind the guardsmen with m16s at the ready. The state troopers with riot gear. Beneath those padded vests are ballistic vests, and you see in front of them what forms and goes away from time to time is crowds of more demonstrators. Still dissatisfied, dissatisfied that it took four days and tremendous social pressure to arrive at a murder charge against Derek Chauvin, the Police Officer. The Hennepin County attorney saying that more charges against other officers are possible. We felt it appropriate to focus on the most dangerous perpetrator. Im not going to speculate today about the other officers. They are under investigation. I anticipate charges, but i am not going to get into that. Reporter and last night we saw something ive never seen in my career of tv news. Police officers from the 3rd precinct of Minneapolis Police department retreating under pressure from the if angry mob. The mob had approached the 3rd precinct building several times, the Police Officers beat them back with tear gas and other nonlethal weapons. At one point they formed up in the parking lot, they got in vehicles, they got on foot, and they got out of the 3rd precinct. What followed was rioting, arson, vandalism unabated in these neighborhoods. Police presence not to be seen at all. Now you have this Dramatic Development with the charges against the Police Officer, and you have the family the attorney, i should say, for the family saying the family is dissatisfied with these charges of thirddegree murder and manslaughter. They wanted firstdegree murder. Lou . Lou mike, it was an extraordinary scene that you witnessed and brought to us all. Its, it is also extraordinary the degree to which mayor frye and the other local officials, where in the world were the citizens . Why werent they demonstrating in front of that mayor who was absolutely, in my judgment and i dont want you to get involved in my opinion but absolutely irresponsible. This community has, you know, complete control of their lives through their local officials. And apparently, this mayor decided he didnt have to protect his police force, he didnt have to protect the 3rd precinct. I mean, this is outrageous conduct on the part of any local official or any state official for that matter. To not have had this protection from the National Guard immediately, this is just outrageous. What is the feeling there about their the City Government, for crying out loud . Reporter well, some people clearly were dissatisfied with the absence of Police Presence. I talked to people as the looters were coming and going from the target throughout the day. They were dissatisfied. But it really seems that mayor frye made a decision to go 180 degrees from what we saw in ferguson, with the police in ferguson way back when in the Michael Brown case with a large overreaction and a big show of force that was ugly and really ignited the crowd out there. Here was a situation where where they decided were not going to have friction with the demonstrators, were not going to have these conflicts that play out over the airwaves. Anytime the tear a gas comes out, the riot gear, its always an ugly scene. That is the lead story, and it really ignites people. So they went the other direction and let the mob have the street. We got another ugly scene. Lou . Lou and we got the same result; that is, looting, rioting and arson. And i and for the life of me, i cannot understand why the Community Leaders in minneapolis were not talking to that young, inexperienced mayor and talk to him talking to him about what was going on. We had Video Evidence of a death, for crying out loud. Why charges would not have been brought immediately is, its incomprehensive bl to most americans. And i dont care what Political Part of the spectrum youre on or ideological. This was a man killed by a Police Officer with his knee in his neck. And it was straightforwardly so. Reporter well, theres not really anyone who would disagree with you, and all i can tell you to supplement what youre saying is that the Hennepin County attorney mike freeman said this is the fastest charges have ever been brought against a Police Officer in this county, but clearly what the demonstrators who were out here, theyre absolutely dissatisfied that it took this long. The one thing i keep hearing is the hypothetical that if that was a white person laying on the ground, the charges would have been rap, the arrest rapid, the arrest would have been rapid. That is their opinion out here. Very dissatisfied with the speed that thingses took. But overall with the Different Things people have been calling for along the way. They wanted to see criminal charges, a Legal Process playing out. Well, the Legal Process is playing out, you do have criminal charges. Theyre still out on the street. Why . One word, anger. Lou . Lou yeah. Well, their anger should be placed on their local leadership, their local officials because they behaved unconscionably throughout these five days as far as im concerned until today, and they should be holding them accountable. And, by the way, mike, as i wrap up this part of my opinion on this, i have to tell you the idea that these folks are not in that Community Every day with their city council, their mayor making certain theyve got the kind of Police Department and City Government that they want and deserve, theyve got to commit that energy to avoid more scenes like this in minneapolis. Mike, i want to just say too thank you always for your great report and throughout the years and throughout this week. Thank you, sir. Up next, we discuss the president s strong address on china. Dr. Michael pillsbury joins me right well, just within a moment. Stay with us, well be right back. We love the new apartment. The Natural Light is amazing. Hardwood floors. There is a bit of a clogging problem. clog dancing at least geico makes it easy to bundle our renters and Car Insurance. Yeah, helping us save us even more. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com lou joining us tonight is the counts lead aring authority on leading authority on china, or dr. Michael pillsbury. Hes the director of the center for chinese central at the hudson institute. Mike, its good to have you with us. Lets talk about, first of all, your thoughts about the president s statements today, first breaking with the World Health Organization as he had said he would do if they did not begin immediate reforms. Well, lou, i thought there were both actions that the president announced and also some really stinging allegations that will shame china. In particular, saying that china instigated the pandemic which cost a million lives around the world. A lot of really harsh statements in this presentation caused me to believe this is the toughest statement any president has made to china in 50 years. You have to go back to 1970 when president nixon deployed an abm system against what he called a reckless china that could not be trusted. For those 50 years, all american president s are spoken very positively, even cooperatively with china. This is a real historic statement today, lou. The actions also are powerful, but i think its the allegations against china for treaty violations and for causing the death of a Million People by using this word instigating. He also is back to saying wuhan virus. This, remember, was disavowed as not proper. Quite striking speech, i thought, in terms of 50 years of history. Lou everyone who is calling it anything other than the wuhan virus is playing a politically correct, cowardly game of mind control control which the chinese are winning. That is their insistence as if it was not the wuhan virus. It would go through the list of pandemics and outbreaks of contagions, theyre named after places, nearly all of them, most of them. And why wuhan should not are that same label is preposterous. So im, like you, delighted that the president is using plain language particularly now that were dealing with a country thats responsible for the infection of millions and the deaths of another million around the world. Lets talk about where the president goes now. Hong kong, he was very upset as well about that, putting the blame entirely on china, of course, with the wuhan virus and the contagion that has followed the worldwide pandemic. He was also very strong on hong kong, i am pleased to say. Yes with, lou. I think he used the magic word there too, which is treaty. The britishchinese agreement or socalled joint declaration in 1984 is, in fact, a treaty by our point of view and by the british point of view. The chinese are trying to weasel out of it and say, no, that agreements no longer active, its just a historical relic. So the president is calling out the chinese now as violating an international treaty. Those are really stinging words in beijing because hes laying the foundation that china is a rogue state. I noticed he also used the word unlawful. Theres a u. N. Tribunal decision at the hague in 2016 that the South China Sea does not belong to china. So President Trump used the phrase unlawful, chinas making unlawful claims of the pacific as being part of its territory. This is the another example of laying the foundation for what looks to me like a new strategy toward china that is not based on trust. He also had ambassador lighthizer standing there, lou. Not a word about the trade agreement, but there is the 600pound gorilla, present but no comment whether china is observing or violating the phase one trade deal. That really was the big question the president left in suspension, you might say, lou, for the future. For the next statement. Lou lets go to a couple of the overt statements of the president , if we may, talking about what china has done. And it begins this pandemic has underscored if we could roll that sound bite, please this pandemic has underscored the crucial importance of building up americas economic independence. If we could listen to the president. This pandemic has underscored the crucial importance of building up americas economic independence. Reshoreing our critical supply chains and protecting americas scientific and technological advances. For years the government of china has conducted illicit espionage to steal our industrial secrets of which there are many. Lou the president stating very clearly that the days of tolerating the outrages of a lawless china are over. Your thoughts. Well, i think this was another stinging allegation, lou, where hes essentially implying that chinas growth can chinas becoming the number two power in the world, close to surpassing us is based on unlawful conduct, stealing our industrial secrets which, as he put it, with characteristic understatement, he said of which there are [laughter] not a few, or many. This is the key to chinese economic growth. Its why they can challenge us globally now. Theyve essentially stolen their way to the top, in my opinion. So it was quite striking for me to hear the president use this kind of tough language against the chinese. Im thinking back to his speech when he visited beijing, lou, in november 2017. Very different in those days, looking forward to the u. S. And china cooperating, sort of getting rich together. That seems to be to gone. Thats now a distant hope that the president just barely mentioned. Lou and i think back to january 15th of this year. Quite a different tone, as you say, and as im sure you vividly remember. Dr. Michael pillsbury, thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. Wed like to hear your thoughts on all of this. Please share your comments. Follow me on twitter loudobbs like me on facebook and follow me on instagram loudobbstonight. Up next, the local authorities in minneapolis failed in their duty in seemingly every way to protect their community, their citizens and the family of a murdered citizen. Fox Friends Weekend cohost, minnesota native pete hegseth joins us to take all of this up right after these quick messages. Please stay with us. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Sleep number 360 smart bed. Memorial day sale on the can it help keep me asleep . 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Youre precisely correct. Having been born and raised in minnesota, i mean, minneapolis has suffered from a generation of terrible leftwing leadership, but its even more acute right now. Governor walz was effectively awol until today. Mayor frye, who had never held a real job until becoming mayor, he ran on improving Police Community relations which clearly he has failed at. He has flipflopped back and forth this entire crisis. Then the senators for the state are completely awol, one was running for president , one is an empty suit. You have got the attorney general in Keith Ellison whos completely ideological. Theyre completely rudderless. Youve seen it in every way this has been handled, and ultimately you cant how a sin, a terrible thing that was committed to george floyd be compounded by absolute lawlessness and the utter destruction of looters and rioters who are crushing a community and businesses inside that community. Law and order has to exist for the people who need it the most as well. So maybe with a curfew, maybe with a direct approach, maybe with the National Guard well see the situation come under control. But because they give candidated, were not direct, clear and strong, this tragedy has spiraled into something much more dangerous to the community. Its terrible to see. Lou it is terrible, and it is without question a tragedy and also a needless tragedy. Yeah. Lou it also you have to wonder where are the leaders of the community . Where have they been during City Council Meetings . Where have they been trying to counsel this inexperienced and untested mayor who is facile and unwilling to stand up like a man and take responsibility in a moment of great sorrow and pape for his community . And pain for his community . To see this kind of ignorance unleashed on the streets of minneapolis because a mayor doesnt have guts, because the city council isnt engaged, because the community there isnt engaged with the city council, obviously. They had the ability to control their lives with those local power centers, and i dont know where the black churches are are, i dont know where the black teachers and leaders are. It is such a failure of community and local government that its just a pathetic. Enter its been its been abandonment. Its a generation of abandonment because of leftwing policies that have failed that community. I want to live, lou, in the kind of place where if someones at my cub foods, which is what happened, and maybe using a framing lent 20 bill, that owner have call the police, and the police will be there in two minutes regardless of the race or gender of whos calling and try to be the rightful arbiter. Unfortunately, the wrong thing happened on the scene, and what has unfolded since is people whose businesses are being destroyed and and crushed cant call anyone as their livelihoods are gone. And that is a direct reflection of a total void of leadership, as we talked about. Lou and youre exactly right. And to think that that Police Officer put his knee in that mans back, video of it, another officer also on his back, and prosecutors, the mayor, everyones wanting to say we need time to figure this out . Everyone who saw that video knew that man had been kill by that Police Officer. The charges, the legal matters, the all of that is a matter of, of course, due process. Yeah. Lou to not even take that evidence and apply common sense to the situation and say this officer now has to be held until we can figure out the appropriate yeah, you wonder, you wonder, lou, they didnt understand you wonder, lou, if they didnt understand the urgency. I want to think maybe it was just a burning desire to follow proper protocol, to make sure justice truly is served and there is no mistake there. In that sense they could have been in the right, but it doesnt mean theyre not tone deaf to the reality of the moment and what people i mean, you dont want a rioting, looting mob to set the terms of justice. At the same time, you only have so many levers at your disposal as a leader, and in this case they were leading from behind. Lou absolutely. And let me be very clear, im not in any way condoning looting or arson or rioting. In fact no way. Lou i condemn it to hell. But the fact is, the sad fact those street demonstrations and those protests were absolutely necessary because they have fools leading that local government. The protests [inaudible conversations] yes. The protests, indeed. The looting, absolutely not. It reinforces how important policing really is when done properly, which 99 do, as you always talk about, lou. Lou and how important just plain old decency is each and every day in this country. Pete hegseth, thank you for being with us. We want to remind you to grab a copy of his brand new book, american crusade, and let me be very clear, we recommend it highly. Pete, thanks for being with us. Up nextness theres a conflict of truth right now about mailin ballots in this country. Why should that be . Well set the record straight. Judicial watchs tom fitton joins us. Hell be here for two blocks, not one. Maybe three. Right after these quick messages. Messages. Stay with us. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. Messages. Stay with us. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. 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In the past several election cycles, Heritage Foundation has documented 1300 proven instances of voter fraud, more than 1100 convictions. And joining us tonight is tom fitton, the president of Judicial Watch and one of the most knowledgeable people in the country on the issue of voter fraud. And im sure that you had to be more than a little chagrined to hear the rather pious twitter statements about the president i mean, i cannot even imagine what the whats his name, jack dory . The precious idiot jack door is city . The precious it yoked who leads that organization. Who does he think that is . Well, twitter came down on the side of a a partisan, illegal move by the governor of california to send ballots willynilly to, quote, everyone registered to vote. Which would include under newsoms own rules people who have died or moved away who are still on the registration rolls. So when the president raises concerns about that, hes right. And when twitter says those concerns are unfounded, theyre wrong, and theyre misleading people. And i tell you what, lou, if the governor of california is illegally going to be sending out ballots, those ballots may end up never getting counted under law. If you want your votes to count in california, if you want the rule of law to prevail on election day, we want to stop dead this plan by the governor to blow up the elections at least in california. Lou well, and we [inaudible conversations] well, yes. Lou right. And other states are push harder on it, but its a major, major issue. Lou its, its stunning stuff. I just you know, i cannot what is the president s recourse here . Hes taking up the, you know, the section of the fcc regulations, trying to get responsibility rather than immunity for big tech and social media platforms. What more can be done . They come right back the next day and act like they are a leftwing activist organization. Well, thats what they are. Section 230, the law the president s referenced, people talk about changing section 230, aye always been of the opinion and the president now seem to be of the opinion too that the law didnt need to be changed, that reality needed to be recognized. That these companies were acting as publishers as opposed to neutral party just allowing people to post on their bulletin boards. When you start telling people what they can and cant post outside the typical forms of unprotected activity like violence and pornography and you start saying politically you cant post that, thats publishers. And publishers dont have the protections that the twitter and facebook and google monopolies do. So the president s lou is that really theyve given up their protection, and so people who were victimized, they may have cases now. Lou right. Well, this is the time for an end to these immunities that have been created whether it be in civil law or criminal. Its time for people to be held accountable for their actions and their malign acts. This is certainly one of them against a president of the United States. Well be back with more from tom fitton. Were going to take up the latest declassification of communications between general flynn and the Russian Ambassador. Sounds sinister, doesnt it . Stay with us, well be right back. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from anyone else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief an herbal stress reliever ashwagandha, that helps you turn the stressed life. Into your best life. Stress less and live more. With stressballs. Lou were back with Judicial Watchs tom fitton. Tom, i want to turn quickly to the release of these transcripts between kislyak, the Russian Ambassador, and general michael flynn. What to you make of them . Well, no wonder theyve been hiding them for so long. Not only did flynn not commit misconduct, but he should get another medal. He was able to persuade the russians to not escalate in a tit for tat fashion a battle with the obama administration. They had kicked out some russians, and flynns like dont go do whatever you want to do, but dont escalate it in a way thats going to require us to keep on escalating it back and forth. And thats exactly what the russians did. And so flynn didnt do anything wrong in that regard. In fact, it reads like Diplomatic Communications between, obviously, the russians and the incoming administration. The fact they were spying on him and the fact the transcripts exist, to me, are evidence of a crime. They should are turned the tape it is off as they were listening to kislyak as soon as he started talking to flip. They had no business to flynn. They had no business monitoring the conversations of the trump campaign. And, of course, they knew that because on january 4th they concluded there was no viable case against flynn, and that cia memo suggests they had no evidence. They ambushed him and tried to put him in jail based on false pretensions. It is a scandal beyond measure. Lou a scandal beyond measure, and every one of them ought to go to jail, period. There is no question whatsoever. These people are absolutely evil to have done this to a man who stands absolutely blameless of everything they could even conjure up fictionally to charge him with. Lets turn also to, speaking of conjuring, emmet sullivan. Continuing against this, this man whos been so wrong for three years. Emmett emmet sullivan, is there the can he be removed from office . Is that simply a fantasy on my part, or is there any way in which the Justice Department and the judiciary can actually bring the hammer down on a man who would be so irresponsible and ignorant from the bench . I guess, in theory, he could be impeached. That isnt going to happen with a democraticcontrolled house. The court should order him to dismiss the case. He is playing judge and prosecutor at the same time which is contrary to the american system of justice. I dont understand it. Weve been before judge sullivan more than in this this town. Ive been in his courtroom often. Our lawyers have argued before him off. He brought in all these clinton email witnesses in the middle of the campaign. Judge sullivans case that allowed Judicial Watch to figure out the contours of the clinton email scandal is as much a contributing factor to Hillary Clintons loss as anything. So to see him go after flynn like this with this judicial adventurism, its difficult to explain and disa appointing to see, to put it mildly. Lou tom, as we wrap up here in about 30 seconds, Lindsey Graham thinks itd be an idea for all of the republican judges who have been appointed by a republican president who are nearing retirement age to resign now and be replaced by republicans while they still control, apparently, the senate. Have you ever seen a more defeatist [laughter] too clever by half recommendation by anyone . Yeah. Well, you know, the senate isnt doing much else, so they might as well just confirm judges. The other problem that, in the senate is that theyve been successful in confirming judges despite the obstacles by the democrats. Theyve got to get the appointees in in the administrative agencies. Thats been unconscionably slow, and the reason its not happening is because the Senate Leadership basically works two and a half days a week. Lou tom fitton, as always, succinct, to the point. We appreciate it. Tom fitton, great american. Up next, where have the religious leaders been as minneapolis burned . We take that up and much more with pastor Robert Jeffress here next. Stay with us. Whatd we decide on the flyers again . Uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. I think were gonna swap over to over seventyfive years of savings and service. What, were just gonna swap over . Yep. Pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. Pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over . Thats right. Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. As the covid19 pandemic sweeps the world we urgently need your help. Who are so precious to god, have no access to food, medicine; or to keep themselves safe from the virus. And right now, we must take extraordinary measures during these extraordinary times to fulfill what it says in gods holy scriptures, comfort ye, comfort ye my people. 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Lou join us tonight pastor roberts jeffers, the members of the white house initiative, the First Baptist church of dallas, fox business contributor, author of the new book, praying for america, available for preorder, we recommend it to you highly. Praying for america, doctor robert jeffers, it comes out tuesday, you have time to order early. Great to have you with us, lets start with two, its great to have you here and great of you to be writing such wonderful books, lets turn to illinois, the governor there finally loosening up but it took Justice Kavanaugh demanding more from that he respond to lawsuits against his sanctions against religion, your thoughts. For the last few weeks he has been huffing and puffing in threatening to blow illinois churches down and last night he fold like a cheap suit and he does so for one reason, the reasons name is donald j trump, after tren President Trump encoe people to defy the purity of others that embolden churches to stand up and not only that he did not want to face the trump appointed justice that Brett Kavanaugh is a champion of religious liberty, this is just one more reason that evangelicals believe that President Trump is the most proreligious liberty president in history and they will turn on Record Number in november 3 to reelect him. Lou. Lou lets turn to minneapo, where the president had to tell the governor of the state if he did not get in control of what the mayor the mayor was lost, he was absolutely he was saying he was awol, it was worse than that. It is just discussing what they did there. What i dont understand is where are the Church Leaders in minneapolis, where are the black Church Leaders, where are the evangelicals, all face in that city grabbing that young mayor by the caller in saying, dont be a damn fool, get out there and work for your people and stop this silly political nonsense. That is right, time for religious leaders to stand up and say without stuttering, god does hate racism, the hate a person for the color of his skin is the hate that god who gave them their skin color, we also need to say that the answer to despicable acts in this act by this policeman was a despicable act, the answer is not more despicable acts but it is peace. Lou absolutely. I wish we had time to send you all of the hotspots in the world and straighten them out. The new book by pastor jeffress is praying for america and pray we do, it is available for preorder, we urge you to buy and also available petes new book, american crusade, a fight to stay free, thank you very much pastor great to have you here. Congressman jim banks will be with us monday, we will talk china, china and china. Good night from sussex. Liz we begin tonight with a fox business alert, the former minneapolis Police Officer seen on video kneeling on the neck of a handcuff george floyd until george boyd could no longer breathe, that Police Officer has been arrested on thirddegree murder and manslaughter charges. The other officers involved also expected to face charges. Now this, minneapolis and a growing list of cities across the nation bracing for what could be another night of violent protest, widespread loot