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Secret grand jury evidence from mueller russia probe. This is happening. A republican Led Committee in the senate, voted to issue subpoenas involving bidens conflictts of interest in ukrai. And republicans looking hard at a newly declassified email that susan rice sent to herself on Inauguration Day in 2017. The fbi probe of the Trump Campaign could and targeted Michael Flynn. As these officials, include susan rice, deny knowing anything any surveillance, republicans moving to subpoena these officials. And push to keep them accountable. We have official examples there we have senate madge h majory leader Mitch Mcconnell saying, stop trying to fish for another impeachment. Thank you for joining us. I am elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit starts right now. President trump hosting governors of arkansas and kansas, now threats ening to hold up the threatening to hold up the Coronavirus Relief money for states that use mail that ballots, this is hot story, Hillary Vaughn in washington. Reporter president wrapping up a meeting with governors today, and talking with krec Gretchen Whitmer this afternoon, after criticizing secretary of state for, sending out mail in ballo. The president threatening to hold up funding over this, saying he is concerned what role the mail in ballots will play as it relates to voter fraud in the upcoming election. I have specific funding, we discussedr. More the topic at hd and the dams breaking, but well let you know, if st necessary. You will be finding out, they will be finding out soon if it is necessary, i dont think it will be email in ballots are a dangerous thing. They are subject to massive fraud. Reporter as all 50 states begin to open some parts much their economy, total confirmed cases for virus in u. S. Hitting over 1. 5 million and 12 million tested so far, this news, link pentagon memo obtained by web site task and said they might not have a vaccine for the virus until end of next summer. Testing number needs to increase to get america safely back open according to guidance from cdc released to the states that want to get back to business as usual, testing and contract casing will be key. That something that apple and google have teamed up to work on. They release their phase one of software to aid in the contact tracing, president said that also he almost finished taking his regimen of hydorxychloroquine. He saidn his doctor signed off n him taking, but. That decision to take that drug did catch the attention of his political opponent for former ve President Joe Biden who said he disagrees with the president s doctor and medical advice, and he thinks that drug is not safe, and no serious doctor would prescribe it in this case. Elizabeth thank you. Lets get to this fight between Trump Administration and House Democrats, it looks like a big loss by House Democrats, and house judiciary, Supreme Court rejecting a push by house judiciary democrats that get secret grand jury material out of the trump Mueller Probe. To ranking republican. He is congressman doug collins, your reaction. When you heard that House Democrats lost in this fight by the way thank you for coming on. What is th is what are House Democrats saying now about that Supreme Court loss. They say they will try to fight it, and say it was wrong, but they have been wrong from the start, jerry nadler and house and Judiciary Committee have been nothing but a perpetual investigation witchhunt against this president , they never engaged with, the doj to find out what they could get, they just went straight for information they should never get in the processes. Sad part, if they wanted to change it, they could look at changing the law, they those to go to court, thinking that court would give them that relief, they got what they deserved, nothing. Elizabeth he congressman, lets move on to susan rice email to herself. Backing up. We have been interviewing with you and other House Republicans and Senate Republicans. Push to determine whether obama officials im properly influenced trumprussia probe and targeting of flynn, rice saying now they should release transcript of flynn phone call with the russia ambassador. Ricesba spokeswoman said that American People deserve to judge for themselves what happened on the phone call, should the transcripts be released. Susan rice is this is the most famous cia memo ever written, in the oval office with obama biden, comey, waits, and she wrote it two weeks after, shean said, comey made sure that president knew they were doing it by the book, we know he was not doing it by the book. We have been following this for a long time, on the day of the inauguration, she may had an epiphany and said oh, my gosh, someone might find out weve been spying on the incoming administration, i need to do something to cover it. It could not be further from the truth, susan rice has credibility of nothing now, she needs to own up to what she did, i look forward to the senate looking into that and doj, who let it be liked to press, that is a crime. Elizabeth is it by the book for outth going administration to consider that the Incoming Trump team was had an official who were russia agents . Is it by the book to determine 5 months prior to Michael Flynn had nothing to to with russia but then tried to target him in a perjury trap after the steele dossier was falling apart. No, when you look at this when peter strzok found out that investigation was going on, he said we got to make sure that this investigation stays hope. Then comey, for those who want to know about this memo with susan rice, said he did it by the book. Jim comey himself in december said he was not doing anything by the book, he said i used chaos of early part of the administration to do what i normally would not have been able to do, his own words out of his own mouth, he condemns himself, he walks around like superman he is a shim full part of shameful part of a corrupt kabul he should be punished. Elizabeth he wanted to see what was going on with the phone call, even though you know they didnt have the goods on Michael Flynn. The context of what susan rice said and democrats said, that Mueller Probe would find contact between Trump Campaign officials and russia. That happened after wikileaks released a hacked emails but Mueller Probe did not change anyone for russia conspiracy. No, this did not happen, in that Oval Office Meeting, it is interesting now. Were seeing with deputize criminal gang it seems now with joe bidengo and president obama and susan rice. This goes back you know months when they were looking him as at candidate, to carter and page, andd papadopoulos this is trying to get a president they did not like. If you dont believe it just look at the textmessages. Elizabeth should Congress Call cin susan rice . She is denying in spring 2017 she knew anything about obama thofficials doing anything surveillance. Ic in last few hours weve ben following a disclosure by chairman of house en tel Intelligence Committee devin nunes, in final days of the Obama Administration, after President Trump had been elected that he and the people around him may have been caught up in surveillance of foreign individuals, and their idea identities may have been disclosed. Do you know anything about it . I know nothing about this i was surprised to see reports from chairman nunes on that count today. Elizabeth she denies it but listen to senator ron johnson. Your reacted. Amid first thought when i read that declassified email, why in the world was that classified . My next thought to the point you made, we didnt went what america has become so famous for, a peaceful cooperative, well wishing transition of power, instead we saw corruption of that transition. It transition designed to sabotage and up end the new administration. Elizabeth your reaction . Look, susan rice, is used to telling a lot of whoppers in the Obama Administration. You can lie to judy woodruff, but sheru better hope she did nt lie under oath, or she does not lie if she get called in under oath. If she does there, then she is perjurying herself. Now we see the corrupt kabul that developed and was forcing this with comey and strzok. Strzok interviewed general. Flynn, susan rice had an Oval Office Meeting, with obama and biden, where they discussed this issue after the fact with president when yates and comey stayed amound that should send shivers down that the president was concerned and he was taking an interest, and joe biden, you keep hiding in the basement, someone will ask you, why were you one of those unmasks general flynn, it needs to be investigated and answered, if they can do it to them, they can do it to anyone. Elizabeth thank you congressman. Thank you take care. Elizabeth up next, more on Supreme Court. Today blocking democrat on house judiciary from seeing secret evidence from Mueller Probe to try to impeach President Trump. They want Supreme Court to look into im proper political influence in Justice Department, dropping thert case against Michael Flynn, cor corey lewandi is joining us next. We have a referral on a set of leaks and a referral on leaks and then lying or misleading congress, i do ebbs pebs t ee referrals on what i call mueller dossier team who put together a twopart fantasyland story and then also indicted people from that i expect some indictments on that also at some point. I am sorry, this is decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. I come face to face with a lot of behinds. So i know theres a big need for gasx maximum strength. It works fast. Relieving pressure, bloating, and discomfort before you know it. So no one needs to know youve got gas. Gasx [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Elizabeth lets welcome former trump 2016 Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski, great to have you back on. Thank you. Elizabeth House Democrat told the Supreme Court they may get involved in the glyn flynn case. Feel it is improper to drop the case. Ic what do you think of House Democrats here pushing ahead . House democrats are a partisan group of individuals whof used their majority to assail people, and leak information, they did it to me, adam schiff did it to me when i had closeddoor testimony he came out said things which were untrue, with no recourse. This notion they will be arbors of what Justice Department should do, they think that Michael Flynn should continue to be prosecuted, from a crooked system headed by james comey. And mccabe is laughable, Michael Flynn is an American People, wronged by american justice system, his life destroyed, he was bankrupted, i believe that flynn has a fantastic h case, im not an attorney, of violation of his constitutional rights, i hope shhesues them, individually and collectively. Elizabeth his legal people is something sullivan to be removed from the case. Or fo for overstepping authorit. Law is clear, there is a new supremehe court decision, decidd within the last two weeks, that makes it clear he cannot invite the he does not have that authority. The case isas over, his bias iso egregious he should be removed from the case. Elizabeth she is citing a Supreme Court case, and a Dc Appeals Court case. What do you think of this . Almost never does the Supreme Court agree on a 90 decision, this one theyre righ right on. Attorney powell is right, the bias in this case by this judge are so outrageous. Oi elizabeth i want to get back to what happened to you, you were unmasked. One of the Trump Campaign officials that were unmasked. Did you notice anything happening . No one knows for sure the truth, we know that Michael Flynn was unmasked, congressman jordan told us numbers of first family were unmasked on day that donald trump was warn in as president , other Senior Campaign members were probably also unmasked. It cost us hundreds, millions to defend ourselves when our government came after us it is a very scary proposition when people with badges and guns do that to american citizens. Elizabeth so you spent a lot of money defending yourself . I did hundreds of thousands defending myself against a crime i did not commit because i supported donald trump and worked for a candidate in political offers offers that id would change i was right. Can you imagine if this was jush george busgeorge w. Bush spyinge obama team. It would be world news. All right, Corey Lewandowski thank you for joining us we appreciate it. Thank you. Elizabeth next up, democrat now attacking republicans, saying when you do with the probes are chases wild conspiracy theories, trying to. Trying to. Keopen road and telling peoplete that Liberty Mutual customizes your insurance, so you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. To ewhether youreting these uncaring for your. Family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. Were working hard to answer your questions. Like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. Were more than a financial company. Were a together we can get through anything company. Now, more than ever. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. 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But lets find out what happened. Once and fore all. Elizabeth because you dont want it to happen again, americans should not have it happen again. At every stage something went wrong, transmissio transition,se email is troubles, mike flynn interview troubles, and charges against flynn, troubles, behavior of judge sullivan now, extremely troubling, we need everything out, first let me say, we need to get the charges against general flynn dismissed. This is a tragedy with all due respect to judge sullivan we need to get everything out on the table, and analyze it and close the chapter on a very sorted part of american history. Elizabeth governmentt documents show they did a Counter Intelligence operationhe on Michael Flynn, 5 months trie pro the january 27 Oval Office Meeting with obama, today december of 2016, james comey said, i dont think were going to look into flynn. We does not look to be a russia agent. But then a phone call on december 29, james comey said, wait, peter strzok tell the case agent to keep the case open. Lets see what happened. Yeah, it seems to me that one would expect in jim comeys position, to expect the National Security adviser to the incoming, to be communication with counterparts from the world. There are issues, russia sanctions and so forth that Obama Administration was im posing. Belatestly, he had every reason, general flynn had every reason to be communicating with the Russian Ambassador. It is troubling that there would be an unmasks of general flynn when he is just doing his job at the time, he should never have hadha that interview at white house on january 24, the case should have been over. The Counter Intelligence case was closed. Elizabeth then they tried to get him in a perjury trap, and lie. He felt they were just an informational interview, they went around. Sat him down trying to corner him, then there was an indication he did not mislead. Then they turned around and said he did mislead fbi investigators. You know, this story still on on going, your take on now, Senate Republicans voting to subpoena in the against the consultant blue star, for Ukraine Energy company burisma. Where joe bidens son wases on the board of, they want to see if they unduly influ ended u. S. Agencies during the Obama Administration. Coming up,vo first subpoena, yor reaction with that story . I thought it is about time. Because as you know during the fall, these k issues were arisig with respect to the ukraine, burisma and the like. And there was no inquiry, no investigation. The i democratic majority would not allow that. So, i wish this had been done a few months ago, better late than never. My view is simple, the American People would like to have the benefit of all of the facts. As opposed to namecalling and suggesting that these are all conspiracy theories, lets get the factsor and assess them. Elizabeth yep. You know, yep, burisma hires blue star, they work inside the obama Obama Administration agencies, you know, then there is vice i President Joe Biden sittingg there,. Ken starr thank you. Thank you. Elizabeth okay. Here is the story, this is what is going on, republicans increasingly demand ton how much former president obama and joe biden knew what was going on with abuses in trump russia probe and targets of Michael Flynn, growing debate, can people be held accountable, we ask Texas Attorney general ken paxton about that, and what happened to 15ag that story next. That story when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. That story but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. 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A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. Elizabeth welcome back, republicans demand toic know how much former president barack obama and joe biden knew of what going on with abuses with the russia probe. There is growing debate, on how to hold people accountable. Lets welcome Texas Attorney general 10 paxton, he is one of 15 republican attorneys general in filing a brief. Great to have you on. Republicans including devin nunes are talking about criminal referrals of obama officials potentially for perjury for lying to Congress Also possible criminal referrals for conspiracy. This surgthis is under debate r. They have been investigating donald trump before he came to office, there has been thousands and thousands of hours put into investigating donald trump and his administration. If there was wrong doing involved, i have no problem with the investigation the other way, certainly putting someone through that, if they have done it v inappropriately and violate the law they should be held accountable for it. Elizabeth back to you. With a briefing. 15 state attorneys led by ohio, we signed on. Focus is separation. You have a judge, supposed to be im partial, stepping in role of a prosecutor by saying he is not going too dismiss the case and appointing his own prosecutor. You have taken him out of role of judge, and now prosecutor, that is inappropriate, we should recuse himself, and the case should be dismissed. Elizabeth lets move back to the obama officials who could be subpoenaed to testify. Actually is she testified under oath that she had no recollection of a single request to unmask the individual talking tota russia ambassador. Also john brennan testified to congress you know about issues where he was found to have denied that the intelligence. Ohr relied on it, when it did. And so, those are the individuals that come up in government documents, also according to jonathan turley. What is your take . R the thing they said had an impact on peoples lives, including general flynn, they are important statements to not remember or to falsely say these things, should have consequences. Certainly had consequences to general flynn and others who were investigated and to donald trump put up with this almost 4 years, this ought to be consequences if done inappropriately or a lied. Elizabeth trey gowdy on a g barr saying he is not expecting referrals. Broader point barr said we have to have more ways to hold folks accountable authorize than an indictment. You cant say you are either indicted or you did a good job, others have to say, you may have narrowly avoided an indictment but you abused a position of trust, well held you accountable. It cant just be indicting someone, they have to there have to be other ways. What is going on, the individuals going on tv, media, talking as if it was statements of fact about things that were proafer en tprove en later to bd wrong. I think that tray gowd treys right. They may have lied, they impugn people wrongly, these people deserve to have their names cleared, if they did not do the things they have been accused of doing year after year,. Elizabeth attorney general thank you for joiningoo us come back soon. Thank you, have a good day. Elizabeth up next, more on dub aldouble standard, Trump Administration did this. We have hill media repor repr looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. 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President sea seems to have s secretary he always wanted in kayleigh mcenany, she has the ability to throw things back at media they are wrong, in times and cases. Or hyp hypothetical, right. What happens. I would not have used heads would explode. I would say protest pitch fork store would have run out of protest Pitch Network fork, bote is, unmasking is one thing, if you want to make argument that it is routine that is fine, but from a media perspective why is this that unmasks of flynn ended up in pages of washington post, why did andy mccabe leak on wall street journal, then after leaking and lying, did he go off into b obscurian . No he was hired by cnn to be legal expert on all things intelligence in terms how you act from moral perspective with a certain ethics code, which just amazing, he talks about this on tv, and james comey, admitted he liked to new york time fostime to prop the tha0 year felony if you leak, no one in our industry, or very few are curious. Elizabeth yeah, stay on this democrats funded, including hill rare campaign, fusion gps, paid for oppositions research, and steelee dossier. And yahoo news runs a story. That fbi uses. Staying on new developments now. About Michael Flynn. Washington post reporting his name was never unmasked, it was already known appears that mike will flynn of the at that time in late 2016 was under a Counter Intelligence operation, his name was already known. But the context here, danger that media concern that media. That when Michael Flynns name was revealed. In county intelligence documents at that time james comey and the top officials of the fbi felt they did not have a case against dpliflynn. They did not think he was a rush agentrussia agent, then he calls russia ambassador, they corner flynn without a lawyer saying what is the goal, get him to lie to an fbi official to prosecute him. That is the context, your reaction to this development. He was not unmasked. That is is amazing, this is something that in terms of what you said, we need to prosecute him, get him to lie, that is documented, that is on paper, this is not a source telling someone that it happened. Bottom line, other questions that media should be asking a lot more, what crime did michael bliflynn committment remember we we were. With russia to 2017 as it pertained to syria, and that war torn country, where there were u. S. Forces, russian forces, and eyes, and yes, if i am National Security adviser, i think that is the first call that i am making to Russian Ambassador to set table when i take office, what was he being investigated for in the first place. Mueller report concluded that is all bs. Elizabeth joe come back we love you coming on, great inside. Thank you, liz, i have a home studio in jer jersey have to use more. My kids have not run in yet. Elizabeth great to see you, next up. Retired i. C. E. Acting director tom homan. Restrict on nonessential travel across borders with canada and mexico. And news in southern border with covid19 outbreak there, stay with us, thomas mohan vo our communities need help like never before and wells fargo employees are assisting millions of customers across america through fee waivers and payment deferrals, helping people stay in their homes through mortgage Payment Relief efforts and donating 175 Million Dollars to help hundreds of local organizations provide food and other critical needs. When you need us, wells fargo is here to help. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief i am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. It was a very struggling period of time. Up and down. Depression to exuberance. 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If that person would have been released into the community, the right moveade a again. Elizabeth but Border Patrol guys are trying to help those individuals, illegal border crosser who are 6 sick . Absolutely, if there is a situation, across that border, and then they need medical help they are not turning them back to mexico. Humanitarian is till still there, men and women of Border Patrol saved over authorize 4,s last year. Elizabeth here is other thing, covid outbreak in detention centers, can you talk about that . Administration is flying people back to various countries in northern triangle. Also, south america can you talk to us about that. I. C. E. Has done a very good job with the covid, they have are kept separate for 14 days, if someone becomes symptomatic, they are immediately put into isolation, and. These detention facilities have 24 7 doctors and nurses, that is better than average american gets. However, if you are in i. C. E. Detention and symptomatic you have 24 7 medical attention in the facilities. They have a great medical program, they take all of the prerequisites fromil people comg in, make sure they are tested, masks are handed out, and facilities are cleaned. Elizabeth what you are telling us is county to what democrats have been saying about i. C. E. And Border Control and their criticisms of it. Attacking Border Patrol as inhumane. That is a shame, they are patriots they have saved a lot of lives, in my 34 years, i have never seen such hatred toward a Law Enforcement agency in my life, if they dont like what Border Patrol does change the law, they are the legislate ours, stop vilifying these heroes, they are mothers and fathers. They are doing 8 great wonderful job. Elizabeth reuters said that mexico has a severe out break, two hospitals in Southern California near border forced to shut doors because of Covid Patients coming in. Theyde are u. S. Citizens, can yu tell us about outbreak in mexico . . Ou i wrote an oped april 9 to foxnews. Com. Mexico they are not responding to covid as quickly as u. S. Did, they dont have President Trump running that country. Two things happening in mexico, covid, and then your remittence payment sending fam to family in mexico has stopped, they are take a a double hit with their economy. They are not getting billions of dollars in remittences right now, you will see them come across border sick they would rather be in an american hospital. You have people like nancy pelosi with stimulus packages and gavin newsom giving 75 million to illegal aliens in Covid Response in california, why wouldnt they come . We have best health care system, and politicians like pelosi and gavin newsom giving them money, it will get worse before it gets better with that sickness coming across and taking advantage. Elizabeth critics say we have Homeless Veterans and a lot. I am elizabeth macdonald, have a good evening, join us again tomorrow night. Join us ag. 100,000 creepy crawlers. Spiders thatll cover your whole face. All collected from the far reaches of the world. Wait. Is it alive . Talk about a bugs life. Walt disney went into the museum and wanted to buy the collection. But theres a bigger story behind this bizarre bequest. That was an interesting and eyeopening experience all of its own. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] im jamie colby, and right now im driving on the outskirts

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