On an american citizen at any time should automatically be a sensitive investigative matter . So this socalled reform appears to be a mere fig leaf and likely would not have prevented the abuses and illegalities that were part of the radical dems and deep state conspiracy to overthrow President Trump. It is simply an outrage and an insult to every american citizen in our bill of rights. The swap the swamp has prevailed again. It is sickening to watch. President trump has yet to signal whether he will veto or sign the bill. Despite having been the central target of fisa abuse for three years. These are the days of outrage and all the more outrageous because republican and democratic leaderships of both houses seem devoid of principle or care for the constitution at least when it comes to the fisa courts. Two republican senators voted against the fisa renewal bill; rand paul whose amendment preventing fisa warrants from being used against citizens was rejected and richard burr, dealing with professional and personal issues. Burred today announced hes stepping aside as chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee until the conclusion of an investigation into his stock dealings, stock that he sold after an advance briefing on the wuhan virus that took place in the early days of the outbreak. The senators announcement comes after the fbi confiscated his cell phone and took information from his icloud account, presumably to review communications between burr and his broker. President trump today leaving swampy d. C. Politics behind as best he can to talk with working men and women in pennsylvania. President trump took a firsthand look at a company near allentown where Company Workers are helping to replenish the National Stockpile of medical and protective equipment in response to the wuhan virus pandemic. In the United States, that virus has now infected nearly 1. 5 Million People, killed more than 85,000. Worldwide the casualties number almost 4. 5 Million People infected and more than 300,000 People Killed by the virus. While in pennsylvania today President Trump says the National Stockpile of protective equipment has relied far too much on foreign suppliers, and he took a major shot at the globalists and multinationals that sent american jobs overseas instead of protecting american workers. Earlier today i signed an executive order invoking the defense production act to grant new authority to the u. S. International Development Finance corporation. This federal agency normally invests in Economic Development projects in other countries. I said how about investing in our country. We invest in other countries. Globalists, do you know what a globalist is . They want the globe to do well, but they dont care about us. We have to take care of america first. Its got to be america first. We have a bunch of globalists that didnt know what the hell they were doing. But under my order, well now also invest in our country, helping to bring vital factories, pharmaceutical producers and, most importantly, jobs back home where they belong. Lou the president s visit in pennsylvania coming as the Labor Department announced another 3 million americans filed for Unemployment Benefits last week bringing the total to 36. 5 million americans filing for benefit over the past two months. President trump says its time for more states like pennsylvania to ease their restrictions and bring back jobs. I say its the transition to greatness. The transition is the third quarter. The fourth quarters going to do very well, and next year is going to be through the roof. We have to get your governor of pennsylvania to start opening up a little bit. You have areas of pennsylvania that are barely affected, and they want to keep them closed. Cant do that. Lou President Trump on fox Business Today making some of the strongest comments to date about how his administration plans to deal with chinas lies, its coverup and refusal to warn the world about the severity of the wuhan virus that it unleashed. Here he is. There are many things we could do. We could do things, we could cut off the whole relationship. What would happen . Youd save 500 billion. If you cut off the whole relationship. Lou President Trump talking with Maria Bartiromo this morning. Joining us tonight is treasury secretary steven mnuchin. Mr. Secretary, great to have you with us, and lets begin with the president talking about the prospect of actually cutting off the relationship with china. His displeasure is clear. The acts of the chinese are chris call career crystal clear. Your thoughts tonight. Lou, its great to be back with you again. Ask if as you said, the president is concerned. Hes reviewing all his options. Obviously, were very concerned about the impact of this virus on the economy, on american jobs, the health of the American Public, and the president is going to do everything to protect the economy and protect american workers. Lou it is, the is making strong the president is making stronger and stronger statements, mr. Secretary. We are hearing almost nothing from wall street. Were hearing almost nothing from corporate america. Weve heard from the chamber of commerce, but theyre talking about removing tariffs, sort of a mad interlude for the chamber. But we, most importantly, have not heard a word from the Chinese Government expressing remorse, expressing contrition in any way communicating to the American People, the people of the world about what they have done here in not choosing consciously not to warn the world of unleashing this deadly contagion. That is impossible to ignore, and it is at the very least extraordinarily a difficult and complex matter to resolve. Your thoughts. Well, lou, i agree with you, its a difficult and complex matter, and the president has made very clear he wants more information. They didnt let us in, they didnt let us understand what was going on, and the American Public have the right to understand all the facts. Lou they do, indeed. And its, its pretty clear amongst the facts that we can martial is that conscious decision on the part of president xi not to warn the world. Thats simply unforgivable as well as unconscionable, is it not . I agree with you, lou. There should have been a lot more information coming out of china, and the president is reviewing the situation. Lou well, lets turn to the economy. The devastation wrought by the wuhan virus. The damages, extraordinary. You have talked about it as an unprecedented event and certainly it is. We are looking at trillions of dollars being added to the national debt. The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet is skyrocketing toward 8, 9 trillion, who knows, and we have a Federal Reserve chairman stepping up yesterday to talk about how difficult and how severe this downturn is. Totally unhelpful, to put it in the kindest terms i can, and without talking about any of the policies that he will pursue or solutions that he might offer. The fed chair, your, your sense of how well the cooperation is between your departments, the administration and the fed and what in the world Jerome Powell thinks hes doing as fed chair. Well, i think the, lou, first of all, let me just start with we had an unprecedented response from congress, 3 trillion. Were putting that money into the try. Were just beginning to see the impact on that. Thats very important. As part of that, we have over 450 billion that we can work with the Federal Reserve. I must say theyve been a terrific partner working with us on these facilities. Weve approved about 2. 5 trillion, and if you look at the Corporate Bond markets, just the mere fact that we announced these facilities with the fed unlocked record issuance of Corporate Bonds. So Companies Like boeing could borrow in excess of 25 billion. So i think, i think youre being a little harsh on the fed at this point because the fed has really done a great job whether its the Monetary Policy or working on these facilities. This is whats keeping American Business alive. Lou im being perhaps harsh, i dont mean to be, im just trying to be straightforward about it. A Federal Reserve chairman, in my experience, who talks as Jerome Powell does without consideration for both effect and prospect of a policy solution is, is frankly contributing to the problem rather than solving it. Thats been, i think, the history of fed chair, chairmen, fed chairs. Dont you think . Let me just say i think the good news is we got approval to spend 3 trillion. The good news is Interest Rates are really low, so we do care about a deficits, but we can borrow this money for 10, 20, 30 years, lock it up at close to zero in many cases or 1 on longterm borrowing. So were going to do everything we can. The president is determined to protect the u. S. Economy and u. S. Workers and open up in a safe way. Lou i think thats laudable, and i certainly am cheering both you and the president , the administration and, yes, the Federal Reserve on as you do so. Now comes the speaker of the house with a 3 trillion additional piece of legislation, a third of which would go to states and other governments. I mean, it looks this looks like utter madness to me, mr. Success secretary. What mr. Secretary. What does it look like to you, what she has proposed . Well, i think the speaker is off working on her own as opposed to on the last two deals we had enormous bipartisan support in the senate. You know, we passedded one 960, one 1000. We had tremendous support. I think our view is lets take a step back for a few weeks, lets see how the 3 trillion we just got approved is working. And i think its pretty clear that what the speaker is doing is a partisan position that isnt going to go anywhere if they pass it in the house. Lou yeah. Its unclear what kind of partisan position it is because it was constructed without benefit of congress being in session, as you well know. But thed idea that a trillion dollars would be going to governments all being treated exactly the same in what were dealing with this some cases in some cases, some of the most irresponsible state governments in this countrys history. And to support that kind of behavior, conduct and policies or that are led by various governors across the state would be irresponsible, dont you think, of the federal government . Well, we have made very clear that we are not bailing out the states for previous issues and bad management and pension problems. Any of the money, and we did approve 150 billion thats going to the states for coronavirus expenses, we also approved it could go to policemen, firemen, first responders, so we made sure that none of those people got laid off given what theyre doing protecting us. But for now we dont need more money in the state, we need to see how this plays out. And were working hard to get all this money out into the economy. Lou out into the economy and out to the men and women in this country, working men and women and their families who need it most. You have done a magnificent job, mr. Secretary, and we applaud the administration and you for doing so. Good to have you with us. Up next, who is this man and why is he now the face there he is of the corrupt judiciary . Trying to stop the [laughter] exoneration of general Michael Flynn. Why do people like this even operate within the judiciary which is starting to look just as evil and corrupt as the obama era fbi and Justice Department. Well be talking with someone whos well acquainted with all of the devils at work, flynns defense Attorney Sidney Powell joins us right here next. Please stay with us. I love audible because its a lot of stress relief, its a great escape. So many Great Stories from amazing people. It makes me want to be better. It changes your perspective. It makes you a different person. See what listening to audible can do for you. 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Former cia director john brennan rearing his head, today giving high praise to fbi director Christopher Wray despite wrays silence in the face of recentlyexposed deep state corruption in the fbi and the Justice Department. Here is john brennan. Im just hoping that individuals like chris wray who is a remarkable public servanting will continue to stay strong in the face of this type of abominable, again, abuse of authority. Lou a abominable, he said. Brennan, the personification of abominable conduct. President trump today tearing into senator Lindsey Graham for not fully grasping the depth of obamagate. President trump tweeted this, quote if i were a senator or a congressman, the first person i would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the usa by far is former president obama. He knew everything. Finish do it, Lindsey Graham, just do it. No more mr. Nice guy, no more talk. But once again, after being called to action, graham has wilted. Take a listen. No president s above the law, but we do have separations of powers, and i think itd be a bad precedent to compel a former president to come before the congress. It would open up a can of worms, and for a variety of reasons i dont think thats a good idea. But we will do a lot of oversight over all things crossfire hurricane. Lou perhaps the senator hasnt noticed, but that can of political corruption has been opened up and been spread across all three branches of our government, and this is a National Crisis of unprecedented proportions. It is truly a constitutional crisis. Perhaps the senator might want to reflect on that. The clintonappointed judge presiding over general Michael Flynns case, emmett sullivan, making yet another, another extraordinary thely apparent corrupt action. Sullivan chose to appoint a retired judge, john gleason, to argue against the Justice Departments efforts to drop the case against flynn and to take out the prosecution of flynn if he considers it to be appropriate and charge him with perjury. Those, the instructions of the radical judge [laughter] emmett sullivan. Gleeson already made that argument, he wrote in the washington post, quote there has been nothing regular about the departments effort to dismiss the flynn case. The record reeks of improper political influence. But when gleeson was on the bench in 2013, he argued this, quote the government has absolute discretion to decide not to prosecute. In addition, the government has near absolute power to extending wish extinguish a case that it has bought. I should say brought. We should also point out that gleesons law firm represented sally yates when she testified to congress in 2017. Gleeson also worked with mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissman on prosecutions against the mafia. Well, joining us tonight by phone is sidney powell, general flynns attorney, former federal prosecutor, best selling author. Sidney, it just continues to pile up. I, frankly, thought at this point you and i would be talking about the man who was free of the burden for the first time in three years of federal persecution, and i mean persecution. Your thoughts about what judge sullivan has chosen to do. Well, its unconstitutional, its in defines of a new Supreme Court defiance of a new Supreme Court decision that just came out the week that, by the way, was unanimous and written by justice ginsburg. Its defiant of a d. C. Circuit decision written by the nowchief judge, i think, of the d. C. Circuit. So i dont know how long thats going to last. Were certainly planning on talking further action taking further action to try to restore the rule of law in this case, because its certainly not being applied now. Lou sidney, at what point does chief justice roberts, at what point does an Appellate Court say, wait a minute, judge, im not waiting for motions from defense attorney or prosecutors for that matter, were going to stop the nonsense that is on its face in violation of the law, in violation of the constitution and simply is an additional burden to three years of what has been the most malicious, politically corrupt prosecution in history . What in the world does it take for this judiciary which is now appearing every bit as corrupt as the fbi and Justice Department and parts of the Intelligence Community under president obama . It shouldnt take much more than a few more days, lou. Were working on a couple of motions that shouldnt take much longer, and i wouldnt think the court in light of the precedent as it stands to decide that. So we will be getting after it. Lou well, that is good to hear. I have to say that my disappointment in the judiciary is like, im sure, most americans. I am so sick of the political corruption in this country. I have to believe that the intelligence agencies, the fbi men and women, they have to be tired of being played for fools and pawns in all of this, men and women who work every day to protect the nation are being played by the likes of a federal judge like sullivan, prosecutors like mueller and his team. It goes on and on, and it is absolutely appalling to watch, sidney. Just when i thought we had a chance to right wrong, truth, justice and the american way to have it all foiled by a judge who has taken leave of his senses as well as the law, thats not the case. You get the last word here tonight. Well, i was certainly hoping judge sullivan would take this opportunity to just correctly apply the law and resolve this issue because he doesnt have any discretion under rule 48a that the government filed its motion to dismiss under. And it could have been a big step towards healing the country and putting things back on the right track. But, you know, god works in mysterious ways, and people are getting a real education, a very strong, eyeopening experience, and the more this goes on, the more they learn. Lou well, god loves truth as well, and the American People are now, now conscious of many new truths about our judiciary, about our government and about the radical dems and the deep state who tried to overthrow this president working through, including your client, general Michael Flynn. Sidney powell, thank you so much. Great to have you with us. Up next, did former ambassador to the ukraine know more about Burisma Energy than she testified about . Last year . Newly uncovered documents suggest he did. We take that up with investigate i reporter john solomon who broke the story. He joins us here next. Please stay with us. You ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Yeah, i could see that. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Lou joining us tonight, john solomon, awardwinning investigative reporter, editorinchief of just the news. John, good to have you with us. A lot to talk about tonight. The unmasking of general flynn, who could have imagined where we are tonight that judge sullivan would both encourage a vigorous prosecution from a retired leftwing, antitrump judge who just had an oped published two days ago three days ago now and who is beinged asked to decide whether or not they should go after general flynn for perjury. This is not only unconscionable, but it is the height, the height of politically corrupt arrogance. Yeah. Everyone ive talked to today has been exasperated by the judges conduct. But at the end of the day, its a lot of show for an inevitable cob collusion. At conclusion. At the end of the day, these charges are going to be dismissed against general flynn because the law requires it. When both parties go in, as they do in this case, and when there is a preponderance of evidence of wrong doing, the courts have have consistently allowed vacating of a conviction like this. Its just going to extend the drama a little longer, but its going to ine evident by end up whether at the Supreme Court, the Appellate Court or the district court, the charges are going to be dismissed. Lou there is one person in congress, and thats Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, who seems to have both the command of the levers at this particular moment with the Judiciary Committee who has the power to really investigate the investigators as he promised he would to do almost a year and a half ago but has done nothing. What the president is encouraging him to call president , former president obama. Why is graham doing everything in his power, it seems, to simply ignore his responsibilities, to spew monosense and blather nonsense and blather, seeming at one point to support the president , the next to support unknown figures in the deep state or perhaps even amongst the democrats . It is quite an act that he is putting on. It is not a performance. Yeah, listen, i think theres some good news for those of us who have wanted transparency and accountability which is finally, and i do say finally, Lindsey Graham has scheduled a hearing to dig into these very serious issues. I know his investigative staff very well, theyre very competent. Theyve been working very hard behind the scenes. Heir going to have some big, big revelations that are not yet public that will move this narrative along and show just how far reaching the corruption inside the bureaucracy was. As for the issue of president obama, you know, theres going to come a moment after that first evidence is laid out in these hearings where people are going to obviously say, hey, this started at the top with president obama. And then i think Lindsey Graham will have to face the music of his own evidence and decide what hes going to do. And i think that moment may you know, when the evidence is all out there, therell be an even more poignant question to the chairman, why arent you talking to president obama. And i think, you know, lets see what the evidence comes out. Keep in mind over the last few months theres been a lot of information taken from the national archives, from the Obama Administration. They lay out a very powerful case. Were going to begin to see that evidence over the next three, four weeks, and all i can say from what i know and from my reporting is buckle your seat belt. Lou well, seat belts are buckled. Ive been in anticipation for so many years now along with most of the country that what is in prospect is not quite as bright and vivid as it once was, but i take your counseling john, and we will come, john, and we will remain anticipatory in posture. John, thanks so much. John solomon, just the news. Appreciate it. Up next, was general Michael Flynn targeted because of his soft position on russia or his tough position on china . What was going on . We take it up with dr. Michael pillsbury here next. Well be right back, stay with us. Thanks for sharing your diy haircuts. Thanks for sharing your savage moves, and especially your awkward ones. Thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your adorable pets. Now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. So thanks again. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. 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But could it have been also his tough position on china, perhaps, that led to his unmasking, which was highly up popular with president obama, of course . Former National Security adviser susan rice testified in september 2017 she tried to meet with her successor after she returned from an International Trip with president obama. That trip ended november 20, 2016. Flynn and rices first meeting took place on december7th. Between those two dates, flynn had been unmasked six times including three times by former u. N. Ambassador samantha power, once by the director of National Intelligence james clapper. Rice testifying in her meetings with flynn, quote we touched op all the major policy issues that i you might imagine that you might imagine. Obviously, russia was one of them. We touched, however, more superficially on russia than might have otherwise been the case, whatever that means. We spent a lot more time talking about china in part because general flynns focus was on china as our principal, overarching adversary. He had many questions and concerns about china. He downplayed his assessment of russia as a threat to the United States. He called that overblown. He said theyre a declining power and then reemphasized the importance of china. So it wasnt about russia at all. It was about china for general flynn. Our next guest says it could be possible flynn was targeted for that very reason. Joining us tonight is dr. Michael pillsbury, director of the center for chinese strategy at the hudson institute, author of the 100year marathon. Mike, good to have you with us. Lets assess this, the reasons for the attack on general flynn. Because they knew his politics, but something spurred them to attack him straight in december, begin unmasking him and to do so in ways that i think must be unprecedented not only because its the white house doing it, but also the number of the breadth of Top Administration officials going after him. What do you make of it . Lou, i was very surprised to read susan rices testimony. Like everybody else, i thought general flynns problem was russia, russia, russia, and they claim to have been investigating him, tormenting him because he somehow had ill list licit ties illicit ties with the russians. This now totally changes with susan rices testimony. It now seems from her own account that the Obama Peoples main concern was his being a hawk on china. This fits in with later reporting that devin nunes, learning that susan rice had been unmasking people in the transition not just general flynn, but others i happened to be one of those people in the transition working on china in trump tower. And, lou, im thinking back seeing her testimony, im thinking back if we realized that theres a chinese bank in trump tower, and its wifi range was very strong on the 14th floor where we all were. So one possibility, pure speculation on my part, lou, the chinese were somehow spying on us, and then the u. S. Government could pick up what the chinese knew and show it to susan rice, allowing her to give advice; dont hire general flynn. Maybe there was some advice about keeping obama holdovers, which the president did. I think it was a mistake, myself. The president kept a large number of obama holdovers to work on china. So this testimony yesterday, to me, explains a lot. Whether the Mainstream Media will cover this, i dont know. [laughter] lou well, we do know, they wont. And because its inconsistent with the narrative that they press throughout spygate. Lets turn to china. The president for the first time talking about today the possibility of cutting off the entire relationship with china. Hes obviously displeased. He is, i would guess, personally he is angry as hell about what president xi has chosen to do which is unleash a virus on the World Without warning anyone. But particularly the United States because the president , i honestly believe he considered xi to be what hes described him as, a friend. And he has proved to be nothing approaching a friend, but certainly a committed enemy. Well, it seems to me a number of things could be on the president s mind. First of all, the chinese announced just a couple days ago that their purchase of American Products has declined this year in the first four months compared to a year ago a. Now, thats the opposite of whats supposed to happen. They promised to buy more. Not just agricultural, but other kinds of products. If theyre falling behind, theyre not going to make the quota that they promised. The second thing is this theft of our vaccine research. They promised to knock off the cyber attacks, the theft of our intellectual property, and here theyre being caught stealing some of the most sensitive secrets we have, progress in the vaccines. Is so so apparently, theres a long list of things that are on the president s mind now, and hes losing faith, i think, lou in some of the obama holdovers who are around him who have been advising him not to take any more strong actions against china. Lou well, talking with treasury secretary mnuchin earlier, i mentioned the number of forces within this country of that have been silent on what is an obvious conscious act, a hostile act against not only the United States, but the world, in the to warn the world of the wu not to warn the world of the wuhan virus contagion around the world. These are not oozy matters to resolve. Easy matters to resolve. Theyre serious and at any other time would cause great conflict between two nations. I dont know how, ultimately, the president will decide to express that, but it is were a nation dealing with more than 80,000 people dead because of the choices that the communist government of china made and more than 300,000 people infected. Its outrageous. It is outrageous, lou. And the chinese have begun to attack President Trump for botching the recovery. This is really an unkind cut, if you will, xi jinping. Theyve also openly said bidens going to be the new president. They seem to be casting lou they pray. So if i were President Trump, id be pretty angry at china about now. Lou well, nearly all of america is with them. Dr. Michael pillsbury, as always,ing thanks for being with us. Up next, emergency room visits have decrooned during the wuhan virus pandemic. Positive news medical correspondent dr. Marc siegel with us on that and much more. Well be right back. Looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Then you might have a dcondition called dry mouth. . Biotene is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. 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In march hospital admissions for strokes, for example, down 31 . Epilepsy and seizures dropping 28 . Admissions for coronary issues like heart attacks fell by 11 . One reason behind that decline, a recent poll finds 70 of americans concerned about contracting the wuhan virus if they go to the hospital. Joining us tonight fox news medical correspondent dr. Marc siegel. Doctor, good to see you. Lets start with this virus, and i want to get straight to dr. Fauci and the divide between the, it seems, the task force and fauci as well as the president. What is fauci doing, if you can, if you can tell us, talking about end of the world . Its extraordinary. He says that there are more deaths, dr. Birx says there are fewer. What is going on . First of all, the overall trend in the United States is few or cases. We still have some hot spots left, lou. Were looking at minnesota, were looking at illinois and texas. But new york has shown dramatic improvement. Covid wards are are closing even in my hospital. New york is definitely on the downward side of the curve. Theres been a lot of social distancing. My concern is about the word lockdown. Lockdowns are antiquated terms. We imported lou okay, okay, okay, okay marc, marc, excuse me. Forgive me. I dont want to get into that right now. I want to get to the point that i asked. What is going on with dr. Fauci talking in one direction, dr. Birx talking the opposite, and why is he talking in direct opposition to the president he is ostensibly serving . He should not be. Hes there to serve the president , and hes not hes more of a virologist than a Public Health official, but if hes going to look at the larger picture, you already said what the larger picture is. Look at all of the medical care that is not occurring right now. No prevention. People are afraid to go to emergency rooms. Lou, much worse in april than more, by the way. Four out of five people in march were afraid to go to e. R. S, i cant convince anybody to go to an emergency room. A 90yearold last week with an acute gallbladder attack, i was begging him to go to the emergency room. Heart attacks afraid to go to the emergency room. The whole Health Care System in tremendous disarray. We have to look at the larger picture here, and the larger picture is what impact is it having overall. The virus were starting to get some control over. Lou well, and dr. Birx has said that, basically, she cant trust anything the cdc telling her, and that, by the way, is a complaint that works its way into the society at large. The cdc has been uneach, lets say, in uneven, lets say, in its performance. Your thoughts. Well, first of all, the cdc was way behind this from the beginning. They underestimated this, and i got a lot of calls about this from the cdc saying the president is overreacting, the administrations overreacting. Well, the cdc didnt have the testing right, they still dont have the testing right. Theyve always thought less of this virus than they should have, and thats led to a huge problem here. I think the president s been out in front of this. Even today the president is talking about bringing the military in on vaccines. Its already been set up. The department of defense is going to be involved in this. Its a very heroic attempt to get a vaccine as fast as possible. Lou dr. Mark marc siegel, wert of time. It is great to see you and, as always, we appreciate your clear voice on all things, most of them medical. Great to see you, my friendful well be right back, stay with us. So i listen to audible almost any time that i can. Its my own thing that i can do for me. Since i dont have time to read, i mean i might as well listen. If i want to catch up on the news, or history, or learn whats going on in the world, i can download a book and listen to it. I listen to spanish lessons sometimes to and from work. Yea, it makes me want to be better. Audible reintroduced this whole world to me. It changes your perspective. It makes you a different person. See what listening to audible can do for you. Lou treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin on this broadcast tonight dismissed speaker Nancy Pelosis gargantuan 3 trilliondollar relief legislation. Weve made very clear we are not bailing out the states for previous issues and bad management and pension problems. Any of the money, we did approve 150 going to the states is for coronavirus expenses. We also approved it could go to policemen, firemen, firstresponders. We made sure none of those people got laid off given with theyre doing protecting us. But for now we dont need more money in the states. Lou rnc chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel and pastor Robert Jeffress here tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Good night from sussex. Elizabeth all three major averages ending the day in the green. The dow up more than 300 points. Senate republicans on the move ready to launch hearings into Obama Administration abuses of power including origins of trump russia probe including unmasking of americans by widen group of obama officials and spying abuse. What does this mean for the Biden Campaign and president obamas legacy . We have senator bl

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