As some economists said is shutting down an entire economy and killing livelihoods will really save lives . Coming up fda commissioner dr. Steven hahn is here on the race for a Coronavirus Vaccine and the treatment along the way and why the fda continues to allow our most critical drug to be manufactured in china, and also ahead, he was dubbed americas mayor for his leadership after 9 11, former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani is here, under the big apple is ready for the peak of the virus, this week. We will also hear from the man who predicted back in january, former white house chief strategist steve bannon is back with me and why the u. S. Only has 30 days to defeat coronavirus and how to do it plus, georgia congressman doug collins is here addressing the latest fisa scandal and a status check in georgia all that and more as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Maria and right now, as we speak, scientists across the country are racing against the clock to develop a Coronavirus Vaccine and therapeutics to treat it but can they roll it out quickly to make an impact . Joining me is dr. Steven hahn, the member of the White House Coronavirus task force joining us live. Dr. Hahn great to see you this morning thanks very much for joining us. Hi, maria thank you for having me its great to be here. Maria so its been about two weeks now since the president called on the fda to cut red tape. We know we are entering a very dangerous stretch, the next two week period which the president has called horrific. Give us a status check. How do you see things today . So first of all, i just want to reiterate what the president and the Task Force Members said yesterday that mitigation appears to be working, were beginning to see signs of that. Its really important for everyone to continue to follow that and i think the American People have done a great job. So, with respect to the issue of red tape, this is always a balance but what were doing is trying to remove as much unnecessary regulation as possible to speed medical products to the American People. At the same time, the American People depend upon us, to actually ensure that medical products are safe and effective. So were doing both. Its an allhandson deck approach to it and were working very close with the private sector to make sure that that happens. Maria yeah, and its interesting, because i know that on friday, the fda said that it would allow the imports of n95 masks from china. They were not fda approved, so what does that mean in terms of the approval process and what the fda is approving, for example, coming from foreign actors like china . So what we do is we assess each medical product as it comes before us. We want to make sure that its appropriate for its intended use so some products may be labeled as one thing but we know that they could be used for Something Else. So let me give you an example. About a month ago, we gave permission for whats called nay ash masks which is typical used in the industry. We said that could be used in the medical setting, as long as it wasnt used in certain conditions where it wasnt necessarily protective. This was following a cdc guidance. Previously, we hadnt permitted that. This is just an example of how we allow that to occur. With respect to foreign products were at every day to look at specific foreign products. We look at their specifications, and then we match that to the appropriate condition for american providers and american patients. Maria Steve Scalise it all just about the fact that we can do so much Work Overseas in china at so much cheaper levels . Is it all about money . The fact that weve been import ing so many important items like the active ingredient in our prescription drugs from china, youve got to explain this to me and i recognize this as three administrations that we have been taking so much , importing so much of our critical products whether it be the ingredients in prescription drugs or other things why are we still so reliant on china and how are you going to change this maria this is a really terrific question, and i just want to sort of layout the ground for this. First of all, fda doesnt have the authority to determine where things are manufactured. We can encourage manufactures to stay at home, or to be in certain areas, but our job once the manufacturer tells us they are going to go some place and actually manufacture in another country is to ensure the qualita associated with that manufacturing so we do inspections, we look at records, et cetera; however, this is an area that we identified many months ago as a critical risk factor for the country and the point that youre making is excellent in that, we really need redundancy in the medical product supply chain, as its incredibly important in prescription drugs, with ventilators, its incredibly important with masks. We cannot be dependent upon any single country, and we need whats called redundancy in our manufacturing. The other point id like to make is theres a whole concept of advanced manufacturing bringing digital and modern approaches to manufacturing particularly for drugs in our most recent legislative information we gave to congress, there was a lot of interest on the hill and on the administration on this , and we got additional funds to be able to increase our Technical Assistance to manufactures because we believe that domestic and advanced manufacturing is one way to provide that redundancy and reduce our dependency on other countries. Maria i just think that look, its pretty clear at this point that china is a competitor of the United States, and china wants to win and be number one in everything, in all of the Important Industries we are, so right now the chinese probably will be in a position later this summer to release a vaccine, this fall. So the question is, is there going to release all the patient data, they have probably begun to inject people, they dont care, they dont have any more all code they will just in correct people and see if a vaccine works. Do we use this vaccine from china if its released so the question is if the chinese were to create a vaccine in six months or less and they release it at scale to the u. S. , is the fda ready to quickly review that data to make this vaccine available to the United States . We are prepared to look at any data around any medical product, and in particular, vaccine because thats obviously the answer for the next season, at any time those data become available. What i can assure the American People is that we will look at all the data and science, and its our job to make sure that that data and science show us that a vaccine, in this particular case, is safe and effective. Let me just point Something Else out, maria and that is we have been working with vaccine manufactures for weeks now. As you know, a candidate vaccine was put into Clinical Trial several weeks ago, and that is the beginning of the process. This is record speed for the development of a vaccine , but well look at data from any source but we will ensure this is our job, the safety and effectiveness of any medical products including vaccines. Maria this is so important what you are just saying here, dr. Hahn i want to drill down on this , the prophylaxis because a lot of people are talking about prophylaxis right now, a drug, a shot that you can get to give you temporary immunity and then just get back to work. How close are you in terms of finding the proper prophylaxis right now so we can get a shot and get immunity for 6090 days to eventually open up the economy again . Even if its temporary . So maria this is again, and i have to tell you, we absolutely need to get back to work. We do need to do that. We need to balance that as you said in your opening with the Public Health issues. So one of the things that weve been working on now for the last two months is something called con have less enter plasma and what that means is we take plasma from a patient who has recovered from covid19, it has all of the immunity in there, and then we can give it to someone whose sick, and once we determine that thats safe, and effective, we then move to something called hyperimmune glo bulin, and this is not one followed by the next, all of these are happening in parallel and youre speaking about the hyperimmune globulin where we can plasma, manufacture it and scale it up and give it as a shot and it can work as a therapeutic as a treatment and we have to study but doing this quickly but also as a prophylactic and that acts as a bridge to get us to a vaccine so were pushing hard on that end and one other component of this is there are manufactures, Great Companies in the u. S. That have a lot of experience in developing what we call monoclonal antibodies so thats actually genetically engineered antibodies different from taking it from a patient but against the coronavirus, and we have been working with them for several weeks also, to try to scale that up. Again as a bridge to get to a vaccine. Maria i see , and then in the meantime, youve got china threatening that theyre not going to send us the prescription drugs that we need. Just a month ago there was a story in staterun media from beijing that said well if the u. S. Keeps fighting with us over tariffs maybe beijing and the communist country will not send the prescription drugs that they need, so i ask you, commissioner, what are we in short supply of right now . Are we, are you worried, as commissioner of the fda, that were not going to get the active drugs that we need for our prescriptions, for our penicillin, et cetera, what are we in short supply of right now . So we have on our website a list of drugs that are in short supply, and thats been ongoing for some time, and its very complicated situation. Right now, we dont have any evidence that theres a drug in short supply because of anyone blocking the active pharmaceutical agreement ingredients coming to us but what i can tell you is that were monitoring that very closely. I can tell the American People that critical medications are available but there are spot shortages because of increased demand, so we are working very closely with domestic and International Suppliers to increase the supply of those and this is an ongoing issue. I mean, every day were looking at this , demand changes every day. We are just helping the manufactures ramp up to get the supply in, so so far so good but were keeping a close eye on this , and theres a great deal of pressure on the supply chain as you point out, and then my last point, maria is i want to go back to what i said before which is that this is a long term solution, but we absolutely must address the issue of redundancy in our manufacturing, and we must absolutely make an effort to have domestic manufacturing as well. Maria im really glad you said that. Were going to be counting on you, certainly this is something that america has figured out at this point and we need leadership on it. Final question, commissioner and this is about data. I know youre doing a lot on data right now in terms of min ing the data but are we going to have a data crisis . Are we ready in terms of the infrastructures at the fda to handle what we need to know about . Who was inoculated, who had it, who didnt have it and someone mentioned to me an immunity passport whereas you will have to have perfect proof that youve been inoculated, itll be on your phone. Any thoughts on that in terms of getting ready for all of the data thats coming at us after all of the testing . Im confident that the fda has the systems in place to handle the data but this is going to happen in partnership with the private sector. Make no mistake about it, its the only way that this works with respect to data capture. Were already working with the private sector on these issues to try to collect what we call realworld evidence around the use of drugs and prescriptions, and were just going to see more of that and maria, thats a really good thing thats going to come out of this that were going to be able to expand our capacity to collect data and analyze it. Maria yeah, a lot of lessons learned, real quick. Why are we still at go when it comes to testing, commissioner . I still hear people say look, were not doing enough testing, south korea has been more successful than we have been. Weve, as of yesterday, performed 1. 55 million tests in this country and obviously, more are going to be done today, so on a per capita basis were doing really well but youre absolutely right and im hearing from my friends and colleagues around the country the same thing that in certain areas, theres a lot of demand there and this is again complicated. I think admiral gerard and his group have done a great job but its about supplies, its about reagents, and also in our country, we have a number of different platforms, so in some countries its just one platform and you can scale up with that one platform. The hospitals have different platforms, that means the machines that run the tests. So thats why its been so important for us to have all these approvals that weve had to get those tests approved. Maria all right, commissioner, thank you so much. 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My next guest led new york city through its darkest days following 9 11 earning him the nick name americas mayor, 18 years later the big apple has become the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic with thousands of new cases every day is the city prepared for the virus to peak in next two week, joining me right now is former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani. And mr. Mayor, its always a pleasure to see you thank you for being here. Pleasure to be with you, maria youre doing a great job of covering this terrible crisis maria thank you, so much. I know that you were in new york this week, you toured new york city, brooklyn, other areas, what was your assessment . Well, i spent about three or four hours in the car yesterday i drove all through manhattan and then went all the way out to coney island and took some pictures, tried to see , you know, are people complying . The answer is by and large yes, but there are some people that are not either not Wearing Masks or too close together yes, but its a minimum. It definitely is a minimum so if you ask me is the city prepared . I would say the people of the city are emotionally prepared. I think the president , the governor, and now even the mayor, theyve all done a good job of getting the people ready for what is going to be, they say, a terrible now about a week and a half. It coinsides interestingly with the passover, with good friday, and easter, all very very solemn religious holidays. Passover is about the angel of death passing over you praying for it. I think people are sitting at home praying for that, so i think were prepared. Are we prepared with supplies, with the number of supplies, who knows . I mean, remember, before we get too hard on anybody, nobody ever knew this existed four months ago, right . This is novel coronavirus. Novel means new. Its a totally different strain. It acts differently. But i think weve made a lot of progress medically with it. We have medicines now that can at least deal with the symptoms and some of them have become politicized which is a shame. Its really just a shame. Maria i just spoke with dr. Stephen hahn the commissioner of the fda and he talked about the vaccine, talked about working with hydro chloroquine. You think that we should be using hydrochloroquine . I think we should let doctors decide whether we should use hydrochloroquine, not the national bureaucracy. This disease can kill you, and if hydrochloroquine has side effects, none of which are death by the way, then those side effects i may want to endure because of the risk of death and it may be different if im 25 or if im 75. Those choices should be given to doctors, not to the bureaucrats in washington, who want to go through three blind tests. When we finish the three blind tests, you know, most of america could be gone and they sit there in an ivory tower, whereas the guy sitting at mount sinai hospital with a person walking in whose 65 years old with 104 temperature, and i sent one there just the other day, first thing they did before they even talk to them is give them hydrochloroquine and its banned in new york by the governor. Why is the governor banning it . Everything shows that it works. Everything shows that its side effects dont bother you until you take it for a month or two, for chronic illness like Rheumatoid Arthritis or lupus, so far no side effects and the statistics in france where they allowed it were exceptional ly good. Maria yeah. Theres a dispute of whether it aggravates symptoms or cures the disease but it works. Maria i want to talk more about this. Thats right and im glad you brought up the governor because i want to ask you about Governor Cuomo and where his leadership is going to take him. Well take a look at that as well as more inmates getting released, because the coronavirus is ripping through the prison system. Were back, with former new york tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Its more than just fast. Nd. It keeps all your devices running smoothly. With builtin security that protects your kids. No matter what theyre up to. It protects your info. And gives you 24 7 peace of mind. That if its connected, its protected. Even that that petcamera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its. Simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] maria welcome back and im back with former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani the president s personal attorney, and rudy, i want to ask you more about new york and why we werent ready. I mean, new york is really getting hit the hardest here in the whole country. I know we cant believe chinas numbers i get that but what were looking at now if you were to believe chinas number is new york city is worst than wuhan. Why is new york city so hard hit well, i think its a very simple way the crossroads of the world. We love to advertise that and were kind of proud of that. I cant tell you how often id point out to people this is the center of the universe. Theres no place in the world that gets more people for more different places just the u. N. Alone assures that as well as business, finance, so if theres going to be a virus thats going to spread like this , this is the Perfect Place for it. So i dont see it as unusual that we be , the center of it, and i think maria people, you know, people are leaving new york in drones. People were leaving before because of taxes and high crime, and people being released from prison, crime having gone up this year. This is a whole different thing now youve got to confront the fact that new york city looks like a place thats a target for terrorists, and it looks like its a place thats a target for contagious disease just given the nature of the density of the population. These are things that were going to have to overcome but i should tell you, maria maria we have this bail reform law. Terrible. Terrible. Thats why i think its the most wacky thing ive ever heard. Just think about it. The prisons are overwhelmed with covid19. We tell people, stay home, because there may be covid19 in your home and you dont want to bring it outside and were letting the prisoners out so they can bring the covid19 thats rampant in the prison, they can bring it to us. Maria yeah. Well look, i was talking about before the other day. I was talking with a source the other day from the manhattan d. A. office and this person told me they are looking at requests every day to let prisoners and inmates out because the covid19 is ripping through the prison system. So, you know, look at these stat s that we have on crime in new york. You wonder if this is actually making things even worse now, and this is partly because of the bail reform law that was totally botched up by mayor deblasio and Governor Cuomo where there was no bail so the prisoners were just let out on the street, no wonder all those numbers are up in terms of breakins, et cetera. Crime is up in new york. The idea that most of the people in prison are there for some minor offense and some judge put them away for 100 years for a minor offense is absurd. I mean theres an exception here and there. The vast majority of people in prison are in prison because they committed crimes. When you say a nonviolent crime they include major drug dealing, along with nonviolent crimes. Major drug dealers all carry gun s and shoot people. Maybe they got caught for the drug dealing but if youre a major drug dealer, i guarantee youve done a couple of shootings and youre ready to do it again, so were doing two things. At a time when were really fragile with everything locked up and stores locked up, were letting a whole bunch of criminals out on the streets and number two, were letting sick people out on the street. They should be housed,rikers island is very big and i know it ive been more often than anybody that hasnt been in prison i guess. There are a lot of buildings there. You can divide them into buildings and it would actually be an intelligent way to do it. Put the people infected in one place, on the far end, do a lot of studying of how to deal with it, and if you administered the right medicines youve cured most of the people and most are not over 70 years old or over 60 years old. Most of them are a different portion. Maria mayor deblasio is being called the worst mayor ever. Now, Governor Cuomo has gotten high marks for his leadership. Whats your take on Governor Cuomos leadership here, and do you think in november, hes going to be on the ticket and he will be running against President Trump . I do not think that andrew will be on the ticket running. Im virtually certain of that. I think that deblasio has had a very very poor record as mayor and as far as i can tell in my lifetime hes the worst mayor weve ever had. I do think in the last two to three weeks were talking about a low bar but hes acted a lot better and a lot more responsible. Governor cuomo mainly has been very good. Hes given valid information. Hes reacted properly. Hes reacted with the right amount of fear and worry for people, as well as trying to encourage them. I think the situation, however, on hydroxychloroquine is a terrible terrible mistake. It deprives one person of the medicine and that person dies its a mistake and number two the whole situation with prisoners is looney time, crazy time, it makes no sense even from the point of view of covid19. You are spreading, suppose my building im right outside my co op. Suppose my building was overwhelmed with covid19, everybody come out and go to another building . Maria right. Well i will say this , Governor Cuomo joined me on this Program Three weeks ago, and three weeks ago he said to me, maria im going to make a decision on the bail reform law by april 1, so im going to be calling him when i get off, when i go on air here Governor Cuomo expect my call im going to call you to find out what is happening with the bail reform law in the face of all of this. Mr. Mayor its great to see you this morning. Good to see you maria. And god bless you for the coverage. Its been about the best that ive seen. Thank you. Maria thank you so much. Ill see you soon. Rudy giuliani, coming up he was one of the first to warn about the covid19 threats impact on the economy now former chief white house strategist steve bannon is back because we have another looming disast for many of our members, being prepared. Wont be a new thing. And it wont be their First Experience with social distancing. Overcoming challenges is what defines the military community. Usaa has been standing with them, for nearly a hundred years. And well be here to serve for a hundred more. People at higher risk, must take extra precautions. You are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have any serious underlying medical conditions, like heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or if your immune system is compromised for any reason. If youre at higher risk, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for twenty seconds. Avoid touching your face. Disinfect frequently touched objects. And wash up after being in public spaces. And when it comes to social situations. Less is better. Stay six feet or two arm lengths away from other people. Better still, stay home if you can. If youre sick, please stay home and away from others. And if you think youve been exposed to the virus, call your Health Care Provider before going to their office. In challenging times, the choices you make are critical. Please visit coronavirus. Gov for more information. Maria welcome back. In just three short months what started as a local Health Crisis in china has exploded into a global pandemic, infecting more than 1. 2 million people, in 179 countries. My next guest was among the first to warn about the coronavirus threat and its impact. Telling sunday morning futures back on february 2, that the country was at war and President Trump had just become a wartime president. Here is what steve bannon and the president had to say yesterday. President trump we dont want to be doing this for months and months and months, were going to open our country again. This country wasnt meant for this , few were, few were, but we have to open our country again. Maria joining me right now is former white house chief strategist steve bannon and steve it is good to see you this morning when you joined me about a month ago you basically said look the president has to shut down the country, take a pause for 30 days, we havent done that, its been rolling closing. Whats your take on the response to the coronavirus, steve . Well first i want to say maria, one of the reasons Everybody Knows about this , when you within in davos i believe in midjanuary you had an Infectious Disease person on your show at that time in mid january, so people were becoming aware of this in mid january and the lying of the ccp. Now President Trump laid out yesterday hes going to have one of the hardest decisions any president of this country has ever had in our history coming in the next couple of weeks, and i think what we have to do is number one is that to inform that decision and start to look at outcomes, the first thing i think that we have to do is that dr. Birx and dr. Fauci and whoever the scientists are we keep talking about the scientists weve got to get into very precise language. Im afraid weve got a lot of im precision and i believe what dr. Birx and dr. Fauci is put forward what is the government and whats the cdc, the task force, dr. Birx, we have to see their model and their set of metrics. You remember from jack welch if you cant measure it, we had this trick models from columbia and stanford and things weve been using on our show but those are outsiders doing terrific work but we need to see what the governments position is on exactly where these rolling waves are and these peaks. In addition i think dr. Birx keeps referring to this concept of full mitigation and we need to know what she means by full mitigation because the assumption they keep talking about this in this model to flatten the curve goes along this full mitigation. The president basically shut down the country for 30 days and they will discuss what happens in early may. To me if you got to shut it down and im going to continue to harp on this is lets shut it down. Weve put this plan on to support the president called 30 days to basically save america or to crash this bug, and that requires no more air traffic of people into the United States. Cargo can come, but no more people flying into the United States. No domestic air travel. Its virtually shut down but lets shut it all down. Even stop vehicular travel except for inter interstate commerce in logistics and medical emergency and also put all 50 states under one uniform, lockdown policy and make it as tough as possible because were already taking 30 days off in addition, i think certain areas like new york city and new orleans and detroit have to be quasiquarantined if people just cant, i love new york city, i do a show there, i live there and love it but we cant have people from new york flying to puerto rico and south florida. We have to quasiquarantine that and in addition this is what gives the president the tools to unlock the country. We have to the hydroxy, we know from talking to doctors all day long its working for their patients they have to and the president opened up the supply chain yesterday. They have to be allowed to put that through their patients, if they think that its prophylaxis when they first come into the hospital. Its clearly working for some doctor patient relationships. Maria thats the hydro chloroquine, yeah. Hydrochloroquine needs to be on a doctors basis and also from around the world and france its working for those doctorpatient relationships. Let them take charge of it and let them do it. If its working for them let them do it. Number two the mass testing has to be testing, tracking, and then quarantining of people that have it in the last and this was on judge jeanine last night which was very powerful is that this antibodies test. The way we open a country back up is weve got to get mass distribution of the antibodies test because that tells us basically who has immunity and give us the people that can start to unlock the country. If we do all of this and do it in a tough, hard way, the president is going to have some metrics and be able to make more informed decisions by better outcomes, what were really doing to flatten the curve, when it comes to late april, early may when he has to make these decisions hes absolutely correct. The United States of america cannot be shut down for months and months and months. We have to see the ridge on the other side of the casm. Maria you want a report card. A report card but also i think its very important, look ive got a lot of confidence in dr. Birx and dr. Fauci but i think they have to come forward and we have to see the metrics shes talked about, weve built a model from the ground up. I can go online and to the university of washington and see all of the ones and these guys, the professors have done a great job. We need to see what the metrics are that shes looking at and that she thinks is success. That way we can make different decisions, policy decisions to basically flatten this curve or what i saw crash the curve, crash this virus, by the end of april, early may. Maria yeah, no i understand and then at some point, we have to discuss china, and there must be accountability. Weve got this china deception timeline here i want to go through because youve been so good on this and your pandemic special, your podcast, but i also have been calling this out now for months, the fact that, you know, one of the earliest known coronavirus patients fell ill in wuhan in december. They sent the delegation of 50 people to the white house, the next month, ship everybody to do the phase i china deal and sent the largest delegation ever to davos 350 people, and then they downplay it. Now we understand, theres some speculation here, that china was actually cornering the market, back in december, for protective gear, for things like masks, gloves, you heard my conversation with dr. Stephen hahn at the fda how reliant on china we are so here is whatever got in front of me from january 24 to february 29 the National Customs inspected and released 2. 46 billion pieces of Epidemic Prevention and control materials worth value, among them 2. 4 billion pieces of protective equipment, the chinese bought 2 billion masks, and 25. 38 million pieces of protective clothing in january. China, the capacity to make mask s in china, they make half of the worlds supply already of masks in china. Why are they buying 2 billion masks in january, before they even told the world about this crisis . Look, this is not about the Chinese People. This is not the chinese virus. Its not the wuhan virus. Its not the covid19. Maria thats right its the Chinese Communist government this is the ccp virus. The good and decent people and the Chinese People are among the most good and decent people on earth. Its the people in wuhan that bore the brunt of this and were basically destroyed. The Chinese Communist party we know knew about this from at least late december in all probability from early december, and they knew it wasnt about the market okay . They knew it and im not saying we should have a full investigation, that it came from the p 4 lab or the cdc, and the p 2 lab in wuhan. That is all to be adjudicated later under an investigation but we know for a fact there was a patient that this came from and most importantly, because the taiwanese have told us this , they knew there was human tohuman transmission. On january 14, the World Health Organization put out a tweet that said after consultation, with the Senior Health ministers of the Chinese Communist party they had told them there was no humantohuman transmission. Maria thats exactly right. The who is protecting china, and the Chinese Communist party thats right. Steve bannon its great to talk with you. I know you mentioned cuomo on your war room special you thought it was weird that the governor brought up his brother. I wonder if chris cuom ox took the hydrochloroquine . Well see. Thank you, steve bannon. Well see you soon, back in a minute. woman somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them because she didnt know they were talking to her. deborah i just could not hear. I was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. avo our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason weve been the brand leader for over 70 years. deborah when i finally could hear for the first time, i started crying. I could hear everything. avo call 1800miracle to start your 30 day riskfree trial and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. Music maria welcome back. Here is a picture of the normal ly busy streets in atlanta now nearly desserted as georgias governor orders the state to shelter in place amid the corn pandemic. Joining me is georgia congressman doug collins the ranking republican on the House Judiciary Committee and congressman always a pleasure to see you thank you so much for being here. Good morning, maria. Maria was it too little too late in terms of a stay in place order in georgia, just friday . Yeah, no i dont think so. I think it was coming. Remember we had a lot of our local counties, municipalities that had already been taking this leave and the. Governor under had been watching that and now it confirm s it all over the state. We are tough and were making head way into it. Its still very active in certain areas, but im confident our hospitals, our local officials will continue to and state officials will keep doing their job. Maria so congressman you have been really showing such leadership on your committee, judiciary, and of course, been dealing with a lot of back and forth with your colleagues on the left. Now, the speaker, nancy pelosi, says she wants to investigate President Trump again. This time shes going to create a commission to investigate the administrations covid19 response. Adam schiff is proposing a separate 9 11style commission with subpoena power, they want more subpoena power here, on these commissions. Youre reaction, is this whats going on now in terms of your committee . You know if there was a possibility, i keep my hair short in congress, maria, not pull it out because every time we turn around Speaker Pelosi, adam schiff, all they want to do is take any environment they can and turn it to attack the president. The president is doing a good job, the president is working hard, hes on tv every day, talking to the American People every day, hes got his Vice President leading the task force , all these leaders leading and what do we hear from Speaker Pelosi and now adam schiff is they want to have these commissions or these 9 11 commissions to investigate the president. All theyve ever done is sort of amazing i heard a quote yesterday from Speaker Pelosi i think she said wherever theres money theres miss chef. Thats pretty rich coming from the speaker whose the pied piper who tried to put everything into this bill and worried about where its going now. Why dont we focus on helping the American People, do like the president has asked lets get the m in to where it needs to go and help our healthcare officials and help our hospitals and help businesses get back to work just like youve been talking about on the show this morning this is something weve got to get through and then recover from, and just to simply do this not to attack and basically say were going to follow this president is just randomly what weve seen the last year and a half. Its frankly just painful. Maria so i want to ask you about the 2. 2 trillion relief package. Do you think its going to work . Do you think we need a fourth stimulus but lets do it on the other side of this break, congressman doug collins will go through the response stay with us, doug collins well be right back meet jim. For jim, comfort is king. Which is why when it comes to his dentures only new poligrip cushion and comfort will do. The first and only formula with adaptagrip cushioning technology. Choose new poligrip cushion and comfort. [ one morwoo me b[ laughing ]] woo play pop music no way dude, play rock music yeah woah no matter what music you like, stream it now on pandora with xfinity. And dont forget to catch trolls world tour. Lets party people one more time the president met with his Coronavirus Task force today. There were no plans initially for a briefing, but they decided that because well, the president announced that if there was to be news coming out of their meeting today, he would hold such a briefing, and that appears to be the case. The Coronavirus Task force has assembled on stage in the brady Briefing Room in the west wing of the white house. The media are there. And we expect to see Vice President mike pence who is the head of that task force as well as in almost all certainty President Trump there at the microphone, giving us the latest on the coronavirus. We have been warned by the president and other members of the task force that the week, perhaps two weeks ahead are going to be excruciating for this country. The United States now leads the world in the number of coronavirus cases, that is if you can believe the numbers out of china. We were just talking with gordon chang about that. It is not at all clear that the number of cases china is reporting is an actual believable number. But at this point, the United States has basically a third of a million confirmed cases, and we are closing in on 10,000 dead of the coronavirus. We should get some new numbers tonight, in this coronavirus briefing, but we do not absolutely know where this thing is going and about the economic effect. Gordon chang is with us as we await the members of the task force. Gordon, china has been on something of a goodwill tour sending doctors, sending medical supplies to other nations around the world. Is that part of an effort to win back, i dont know, world confidence, world trust after the initial mishandling of the outbreak by both china, the Chinese Government, the Chinese Communist party and the World Health Organization . Gordon . It is very much an attempt to win back trust, but it is an attempt to displace the United States at the center of the International System saying the u. S. Is has handling this terribly. China handled it well, china should be the steward of the International System. This is not just sort of a defensive maneuver on the part of beijing. It is answer offensive maneuver as well. Jon what do they get out of this kind of pr campaign . I guess they get a couple things. First of all, they get to sort of fuzz over where this started. So for instance, from basically the end of the first week in february, they were tarring the United States, and that culminated on march 12th with the infamous tweet from the Foreign Ministry that said that the virus started in u. S. , patient zero was in america, and that the u. S. Army brought the virus to wuhan. So they do a little bit of that. But they also get some goodwill in places where their messages normally resonate, so for instance, in spots of antiamericanism around the world, but also you see this in places where, you know, they need chinese equipment because theyre desperate, so for instance, italy, and so china has been mischaracterizing its transfers of equipment saying that they are donations when they are really just sales. As we know, jon, a lot of that equipment and those diagnostic kits are ineffective or substandard. Jon as we were mentioning a moment ago, gordon, the Chinese Government and the World Health Organization said initially that coronavirus could not be transmitted from human to human, when in fact, it is one of the most contagious viruses that history has ever seen. Yes, and this has had consequences because the United States and other countries did not take those precautions that were necessary. You know, it was very good that President Trump imposed travel restrictions and quarantines on arrivals from china on january 31. That was very early. But sometimes those arrivals were not treated with the same rigor that we needed. And that was because china just sort of told everyone dont worry, and so the United States didnt worry, and the result is what we see today, almost 10,000 american deaths, and this is going to get much worse as the president s Coronavirus Task force has warned us this last week. Jon if china wanted deliberately to cripple other nations around the world, with the virus that first appeared inside china, well, they would have done very much like what they did. President trump now emerging to speak about the Coronavirus Task force and his work today. Lets listen in. All these people have been working very very hard today, i will tell you, for a long time, they have been working, but before i begin, i want to express our nations well wishes to Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he wages his own personal fight with the virus. All americans are praying for him. Hes a friend of mine. Hes a great gentleman and a great leader, and hes as you know, he was brought to the hospital today, but im hopeful and sure that hes going to be fine. Hes a strong man, strong person. Today every patriotic american heart beats in solidarity with the incredible people of new york and new jersey. Theyve really become a very hot zone, but some very good things are happening. In new york, the first time where the deaths were less from the previous day. Thats the first drop so far. So maybe thats a good sign. It could be. And the hospital levels are starting to perhaps decrease. Its been very short, but perhaps decrease. L of the people in new york and new jersey, your governor is doing a great job. Hes doing a great job in new jersey. They got hit very hard. I just want to say that the full power of the American Government and american enterprise, it really is, this is an allout military operation that weve waged, and especially over the last number of weeks. 50 states and territories have now been approved for major disaster declarations, which is very unusual. Thanks to the army corps of engineers, new york citys Javits Center is now one of the largest hospitals in the United States. Its designated for treatment of the virus. Patients and staff by hundreds of federal

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