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Nasdaq nearly 4 , will get back to the markets, theres a lot of News Headlines to go through, we will take you to that with our fox Business Team coverage, our reporters are set up, blake at the white house, hillary bonnet capitol hill, Edward Lawrence in washington. But blake has been the case, the news coming out at 1600 pennsylvania avenue what is the latest. One of the big pieces that came out was a phone call that happened earlier this morning between President Trump and the top democrat in the senate, Chuck Schumer tried to advance the tree and dollar rescue package that the white house hopes to get over to the president desk at some point next week. One area that the president and democrat agree on if money ends up going to big corporations making sure those can enter and use the money for stock buyback. The president said that he and schumer at this point really are not that far apart. I had a very good telephone conversation with some, we are working on various elements of the deal and the democrats are wanting something to happen in the republicans likewise are wanting something happen. And i think it will. Reporter the treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said the tax filing deadline would be pushed back three months to jul. Both Steven Mnuchin and the president are still urging people to file now especially if they are your refund. People will have time and people will be able to hopefully by that time have people getting back to their lives, families and businesses who have the extra time to file with no interest or penalties are getting rid of interest and penalties. However, if you have refunds or credits you would like to claim, you may still file. Reporter i am told by the Treasury Department that we should get guidance here from the irs as it relates to the state tax returns that you have to file. Federal taxes, state taxes, two different systems and we expect to hear from the irs on that shortly. Connell thank you. Blake burman at the white house. Melissa you probably know but its the worst week for stocks since the financial crisis, lets go to susan lee with more on that. It was the worst week for the stock market since 2008 and on track for the worst month for the s p and the dow since 1987. There is a distortion effect of what we call a quadruple witching where futures and options expire and at one point we saw 60 more volume than usual. We did start off the day with hopes and optimism because the gains we saw in europe and asian side but then you sell the market continued to triple as a negative territory once andrew cuomo said nonessential workers should stay home and add to that the california stayathome order last night and thats why we sell these declines. But we did hear from President Trump and he says hes hopeful stocks will rebound. If you look at your stock market geniuses, some of whom are not geniuses but they think they are, a lot of people think i am right about that, once we defeat the virus, i think youre going to have a very steep like a rocketship, it will go up. We did see Oil Rebounding yesterday with the best day but today we see declines of 5 , we sell the Strategic Petroleum reserve with 20 million extra bells in texas said they might cap which might lift some of the oil pricing but good news, for workers because walmart says they are hiring 150,000 workers as amazon hiring 100,000 and paying bonuses, its good for the american workers. Melissa thank you for that. Connell a little perspective from steve forbes who joins us from his home office. Just on the stock market we might have backtoback games in six weeks, i dont know how important that wouldve been if it happened, not aggressively in the dow rent levels at the close, we have not had this close since november 30 of 201,619,173. How discouraging is that the way it ended, this crazy week. I think what underscores is that technical factors, there is still no confidence that washington is going to do enough aggressively and timely enough to prevent an Economic Contraction and serious economic harm. The builder putting through trying to get to the senate and congress right now, the trillion dollar package, i dont know why they dont just go to the Federal Reserve which under section 133 can set up a facility which is done for commercial paper and make loans industry neutral to companies that are solvent, go to the facility and get the money now. A straight loan above market Interest Rate instead of all the politics in choosing who gets it and who does not get it, make industry neutral and do it right now, they have the capacity to do it all in the permission of secretary mnuchin and from the Federal Reserve they could do that with a couple of phone calls, that we get relief out now and keep the politics out. Connell i want to talk more about that in a moment. Isnt there something that no matter what they do or the fed does or anybody does is a realization, there is no way out of this. Were trying to make it less bad or easier to bear or how you want to present, there is no real answer. This obviously what happens with this virus and the steps are taken on that but in the meantime that kind of facility would right away provide needed liquidity, needed credit to all companies that were otherwise solvent and face oblivion. The other thing they should do is tell Bank Regulators right away to call local Bank President and say what companies and customers are otherwise solvent, extend credit, dont cut off credit in that way local entities are not going to get cut off. We dont have time to go through the bureaucratic that is contained in this bill. This would provide instant credit to people who need it and otherwise be solvent. This is not stimulus, this is a lifeline to Small Businesses, Large Businesses so we can make sure we have something there on the virus crisis is over. Otherwise we will have wreckage and obviously none of us want that. Not at all, you want to talk about the bill. Stick around for a few minutes. Melissa providing relief to Senate Republicans a third round of those impacted by the coronavirus outbreak, Edward Lawrence is live in washington with the details. Reporter this afternoon there was a phone call between nancy pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Steven Mnuchin about all of this, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell wants to have a decision in an agreement in the next couple of hours so we can start the process and have a vote on monday, this is moving quickly, some pushback by democrats but not allowed upward, senator kevin cramer says this negotiation is being done the oldfashioned way. Member to member negotiation, not staff to staff and not majority leader to majority leader, member to member, putting in their ideas that there picking up from main street back home and i think thats a recipe that america wants to see. Republicans say that the package to help not only businesses but workers they want to help businesses so they have someplace to come back to, these can be direct payments, were talking about 1200dollar payments to workers going there out of direct deposit based on what you did on your 2018 taxes and if it bounces back, check will be issued, there is nothing the taxpayers have to do. One more thing that i have to pull out, its not been talked about, if youre affected by the coronavirus if you havent or have hardship, you can draw up to 100,000 of your retirement without a 10 penalty to cover the cost. This will include babysitting if youre a medical worker who has to go to work or on the flipside you can use it for rent or mortgage if you been affected by this. It could be immediately relief for people who need cash right now. On the business side theyre looking at Small Business loans that would turn into grants of those Small Businesses use it to avoid layoffs or business extensive like rent or mortgage. This is not 9 11, that was really bad, the meltdown in the financial market, that was terrible, this is indescribable. You are literally have shut down the economy for a period of time and no one can tell you how long itll go. There is a bailout for large sectors that will be loans, not ownership. This is the republicans say this would be worse if we do nothing. Melissa there are so many moving parts to this and the details have changed and you have stayed right on top of it. Thank you for that. We appreciate it. Steve forbes is back now as well. What do you think about this package, to me it looks really good, what concerns me is it looks like theyre going to get the first checks out in three weeks, that is not that soon. No, i wish with electronics they can get the checks out right away, the irs has records and social security, and they have ways of depositing cash, the sooner the better, yes there will be mistakes and people will try to commit fraud but most people need and need it now. They are moving on this, i supported and i also wish they would go for a tax holiday on the payroll tax which would make the cost of keep ente more on tr paychecks. Do everything, not just one thing. Melissa is concerning that the getting the checks out a couple weeks, ive not seen the details and they keep talking about programs for Small Business, in the meantime Small Businesses trying to make their payroll and make the rent in new york and they said nobody can be evicted for certain period of time, that was the new ordinance, the companies are making decisions when theyre trying to decide that theyre not going to spend every last dollar on payroll and not have anything when they come out on the other side, every second they are deciding what to pay and what not to while they wait for this money to come. I dont know obviously you hold out as much as you can but this is where the government can speed things up. Having the Federal Reserve and the regulators can bring the control in the other regulators together. Banks make those loans to solvent businesses, businesses that were solvent before the crisis and do it now. So you will not get gigged for an infection get gigged if you dont make the lifelong loans. They had the windows open to provide the needed cash so you dont have to worry about liquidity at local banks which theyre worried about because everybody is drawing their lines of credit, provide the cash, do it now and let owners know relief is immediately on the way and then they can csi every leave and knowing they can make decisions and knowing when the cash is going to arrive. Melissa the idea if you use the line of credit to make payroll or pay rent it could turn into a grant, thats a powerful thing because it gives you the incentive to keep the people on as a Business Owner you have to decide whether to conserve your cash to keep your business alive, it makes that part of the decision to pay your employees so much easier if you know itll be a grant and not eat into what you have. Thank you. Thank you for that. Connell another story that is getting a lot of attention on capitol hill, a group of senators that have come under fire, a number facing question overstock selloffs that came right ahead of the market in coronavirus selloff. To Hillary Vaughn in d. C. About what we know about this. Of the senators facing scrutiny senator richard burisma only when taking responsibility for making the cell himself on february 13th, he sold as much as 1. 7 million worth of investments divided over 30 different transactions per hes the chairman of the senate and Intelligence Committee and part of the question whether not he used information that he received an classified briefing about the virus and how it could potentially impact the market to shape his decision for his own personal investment. He explained, i relied fully on public news reports to guide my decision on stocks and febrile 13th in understanding the assumption that many can make in hindsight, however, i spoke this morning with the chairman of the Senate Ethics committee and asked him to open a complete review of the matter. Two other senators involved, inhofe and feinstein is bringing her husband for making the tray tweeting the quote, under senate rules i reported my husband financial transaction, i have no input in his decisions. Inhofe and leffler said they are not in charge of their own investments. First of all i did not give the briefings when i became the chairman, i invested myself of all stocks, i said get rid of all stocks that we have, put in mutual funds and no one can argue with that. That is false and cannot be true. If you actually look at the personal transaction reports that were filed, it notices at the bottom that im only informed of my transactions after they occur. Some are weeks. The president reacted to this news calling them all honorable people. I am sure we will heal her about this. Not to the numbers as we see today, we will give you some sort of update every day, more than 260,000 cases of the coronavirus worldwide. Of those, 15600 are here in the u. S. We are seeing an increase but not across the entire country in particular areas getting hit really hard. New york state, reporting a 130 increase. Just from yesterday morning, new jersey up 74 , louisiana where will take you later in the show, 71 increase, illinois 45. 5 and you get an idea why they are making these decisions. Melissa new york on pause, andrew cuomo regards everyone to stay home. Warning the spread is double the hospitals capacity as Health Professionals across the nation are really terrified about the shortage and supplies, were gonna talk to emergency room doctor in the dire conditions in his experience on the frontline. That is next. The unique challenges in that sector . Coming out here, seeing the infrastructure firsthand, we can make better informed investment decisions. Thats why i go beyond the numbers. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun all we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on your cells. Trillions of them. Thats why centrum contains 24 key nutrients to feed your cells, supporting your energy so you can take care of what matters most. Centrum. Feed your cells. Fuel your life. Oh no, here comes gthe neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his Xfinity Customer Service is. Im mike, im so busy. Good thing xfinity has twohour appointment windows. They have night and weekend appointments too. Hes here. Bill . Karolyn . Nope no, just a couple of rocks. Download the my account app to manage your appointments making todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Ill pass. Connell fox business alert, new information from the state of illinois, they issued a stay at home order for that state, it looks like its similar to what we seen in other states, they have different names in different states but california, new york, illinois similar. If you can stay at home, you stay at home, if you work in a business thats not essential, you dont go to work but you can get out get your food, medicine, go up by yourself and exercise, whatever the case may be. The Grocery Stores will remain open, cases have been going up, that is a john hopkins map worldwide at 258, but illinois is the place that they announce one more death where the cases have been going up and the governor taking and making a similar recommendation of what we have seen in other states. Melissa really scary. A dire situation on the frontline hospitals, the new york city on the verge of running out of protective equipment like the masks, disposable gloves and all of the protective gear frankly. Governor andrew cuomo addressed the issue earlier today pray heres what he said. If i had a new York State Defense production act i would use it. We need masks, if youre making clothing, figure out if you can make masks, i will fund it. I am doing everything that i can to increase the production, thats besides having people all over the globe trying to buy product. Melissa here now doctor calvin, an emergency room doctor and has worked with the majority of Hospital Systems in new york city and new york state, we are hearing from so many people that they cannot get the supplies that they need and at the same time, we had the Big Press Conference yesterday, the coronavirus update with the task force where they said theyre releasing williams of masks and all things from the government strategic reserve. I have been trying to figure out all day, how do you get your hands on that, is it not out yet, what breed are you getting on the situation . Thank you for having me. The situation on the ground as we were already running out of supplies even before the pandemic was even on our radar. So we were not getting enough equipment to begin with and any of her Hospital Systems and when the pandemic hit it was like running naked into a category 5 hurricane. We are doing our best to get as much as possible of what were being supplies in trying to raise the alarm bells and make sure we do not have nothing by next week and the earth some places that are not doing so. Melissa what is your Hospital Administrator say to you, do they say, were tried to get from the state or local companies, and turned to figure out where the bottleneck is. Because 3m says they produced millions, the government says theyre releasing millions and i swear i spent so much today trying to track down, why is it not getting to you . What are your Hospital Administrator saying . Everyone is doing their best and we are doing our best on the ground and are trying to get us as much equipment as possible. However, there is a sense that the supply chain issue, china and other countries that have been bound to month ago, they had to shut down their factories, even to produce all the stuff was an issue. You can release and get orders to release but even to deliver is also an issue. Finally with the news on the pandemic coming the last two to three months, families have been worried, we have seen patients and patient families hoarding the masks and stealing our supplies to no fault of any of our staff members, weve been doing our best to keep as much as possible and give masks to as many patients and up the same time for taking more than we are giving. As a result were left with an issue of how much do we have to ration to protect ourselves so we can take care of other people. A lot of moving parts going around where were being assured that everything being done, theres a lot of other things beyond our control. Melissa we are doing our best to shine a light and to help you guys get what you need because it is heartbreaking, i have a lot of friends on the frontline in these Emergency Rooms and they are sacrificing themselves and their families frankly to be there to save other lives and they do not have the gear that they need to stay healthy and not get infected themselves to bring it home to their families. It is a terrible problem and i hope you know the media is all over it and were doing everything that we can to try to help get light on the situation. Thank you for everything that you are doing. Connell we are covering a lot of stories. That is the most important one. Getting equipment to people like that. In a moment what companies are doing, go from liquor to hand sanitizer, using resources to help fight the pandemic and making adjustments. A lot of other industries are as well. Lets check in with the resident who is on our show yesterday under quarantines not testing positive for coronavirus. Limu emu doug [ siren ] give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. I wanted more from my copd medicine thats why ive got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved oncedaily 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy the power of 1,2,3 trelegy 1,2,3 trelegy woman with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works three ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation, for 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. 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Delivery drones, or the latest phones. No commission. No matter what you trade, at fidelity youll pay no commission for online u. S. Equity trades. Melissa getting creative to fight the pandemic, one distillery is using his main ingredients to make can sanitizer instead. Grady trimble is out of distillery in illinois with the details. I love the creativity. This is their tasting room, obviously it cannot be open, this is what they normally make, vodka, gin and burr under bourbon and they have all this equipment they dont have use for, so they can use all of this to make can sanitizer. They just needed a few more ingredients and chemicals they have been scrambling all day to get, what makes this situation unique, they grow their own corn which is used in their product which will be used in the hansen a taser so this is farmers and their ingenuity. Farmers by our main occupation and when we decided to do this as a family, we just basically looked at it the way any farmer would and we will over sleeves and get to work. Distilleries across the country have been doing similar things, so have other companies, President Trump thinks those on twitter and appreciated what they are doing at the press conference today. Many, many companies, Great Companies and are willing to do things and make things, they make product and theyre willing to make product for us in medical product some of the automakers might be called on to make ventilators, so far that has not happened but the president said theyre in talks with the major automakers to do that, melissa. Melissa you are mainly talk to the doctor, we have another warning that they just dont have the protection in the equipment that they need, this one coming from nurses across the country who have been sounding the alarm over a turning and to massive supply shortages as they are being called to the frontline. An entire state on lockdown, nearly 40 million california residents are being asked to stay home as new yorkers are brake enter bracing for more restriction. Connell look at this, 95yearold woman from new york was not able to celebrate her birthday as planned during her quarantine so the family brought over the birthday, they brought it to her from a safe distance, singing happy birthday and celebrating with a milestone, 95 years young. Good stuff. Can be tough. You diet. Exercise. But if youre also taking Fish Oil Supplements you should know they are not fda approved. They may have saturated fat and may even raise bad cholesterol. To treat very high triglycerides, discover the science of prescription vascepa. Proven in multiple clinical trials, vascepa, along with diet, is the only prescription epa treatment, approved by the fda to lower very high triglycerides by 33 , without raising bad cholesterol. Look. Its clear, theres only one prescription epa vascepa. Vascepa is not right for everyone. Do not take vascepa if you are allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to fish or shellfish, have liver problems or other medical conditions and about any medications you take, especially those that may affect blood clotting. 2. 3 of patients reported joint pain. Prescription power. Proven to work. Now with a new indication. Ask your doctor about vascepa. whistling now with a new indication. Melissa fox business alert, President Trump wrapping up a meeting with Small Business owners at the white house, the president tweeting about the event saying today i spoke with our nation Small Businesses which employ nearly half of americans workforce, we are taking the most aggressive action in history to deliver fast relief to your businesses and workers, we will always protect her Small Businesses, plus senator mcconnell files closure on the stimulant stimulus bill which sets up a vote on monday. Connell it will still have to go to the house after that. Workers starting to feel the pinch with the coronavirus cases in this country as we talked about earlier in the hour, 15000 yorks Governor Andrew Cuomo has called on doctors and nurses who have retired to come back to work and help out any way they can with the crisis. Americas nurses union is demanding more from immediate testing for Healthcare Professionals and supplies to fight the threat. We are joined by Sophia Thomas a family nurse practitioner. What about in your similar line of work, is there a call like that for more supplies, how are things on the ground. Absolutely, Nurse Practitioners are also calling for relief with personal protective equipment, there is a shortage nationwide and im hearing it from my colleagues across the country, gowns, masks, gloves, all equipment is running short, were seen in my own office as well. Patients are actually stealing personal protective equipment like gloves and masks so it is in short supply, nurses and Nurse Practitioners need to be protected and prepared to care for patients and certainly we can be the biggest threat to the safety of her own families working without the protective equipment and coming home, we risked infecting our families who are living by the social distancing guidelines. Connell you are down in new orleans, weve been dealing with this in new york and talked to emergency room doctors and i think its similar, i saw some of the numbers started to spike, when you say there is a short supply and could be a major problem, what type of timetable are we talking about before the crisis is even bigger in terms of medical supplies. I know offices are running very short. Some offices from when im speaking to my colleagues have run out of masks and things like that so they have to improvise using bandannas and things in the cdc guidance, truly we need the proper protective equipment to provide care to the patients and to protect ourselves and those that are uninfected. There is always a risk of a Healthcare Provider being infected but not showing symptoms but work to care for patients. We want to be sure that everybody is protected. Connell ventilators two, the governor has talked a lot about that being the main priority. Have you seen that in terms of the shortage, the other thing, people are wondering, do you know where to go, do you know who to call, do you know who to ask in what response are you getting when you raise these concerns . In my facility, our administration has been on it every day, we have daily coronavirus meetings at 8 00 a. M. In the morning, my colleagues at work in hospitals, everyone has pulled together, and the new orleans area, last week the governor in mayor took bold steps by closing down schools in gyms and churches and really trying to enforce the social distancing to protect people of what the curve in the Healthcare Community in new orleans on board and were really doing everything that we can to be creative and get through this crisis. We know its a healthcare crisis and we talked about the economic crisis, the two are linked when you talk about the potential for overwhelming our system in hospitals, we will keep covering and raising awareness to the best of our ability. The best to you and everybody you are working with and keep us updated. Thank you so much. Melissa life and the containment zone, we will speak again to one resident whose life may never be the same. We are the defense of the outbreak so theres a lot of test in there. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun all we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on tto examine investmentgo opportunities firsthand, like innovations in agricultural research. Because your investments deserve the full story. T. Rowe price invest with confidence. Can we go get some ice cream . Alright, we gotta stop here first. From smarter atms, to after hours video tellers comcast business is connecting thousands of banks to technology that turns everyday transactions into extraordinary experiences. Hi there. How are you . Do you have any lollipops in there . laughing no, sorry. Were helping all kinds of businesses go beyond customer expectations. How can we help you . To be our guest. With an invitation. The invitation to lexus sales event now through march 31st. Lease the 2020 rx350 for 409 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Melissa inside the nations first containment zone, we last spoke with a resident over a week ago when she was on her ninth day of self quarantine and showing no symptoms of the virus, it was also the same day the National Guard arrived in town, she joins us now after having tested positive for the coronavirus. How are you feeling . I am actually feeling great, thank god, i have to say right now im feeling good because i know of home and i know im able to stay in and im not a threat to anybody around me. Melissa what about the rest of your family. Think god my family tested negative, they are doing well, nobody has symptoms, i have mild symptoms but we are actually great, i isolate from them as best as i can, i have young kids was more of a challenge than i thought but were holding it together as best as we can. Melissa i dont know how you could possibly isolate from the rest of your family, im a mom of three young kids, my youngest four, its impossible to tell them to stay away, youre the mom, its hard for me too force yourself just not to have the involuntary reflex whether you realize it or not. I imagine thats one of the hardest parts, how are you doing it or trying. Were in a very different type of world, my kids do not understand what is going on in the dynamic at the house is a little different so they been able to entertain as best as possible, the school itself has done very well in making sure theres virtual classes so they have a structure and following the structure and i maintaining business as best as i can and under the circumstances it is challenging but they have been exposed to me before i tested positive and they are negative, their asymptomatic and negative. So we are following protocols to completely quarantine and isolate and hopefully when this passes i will be no threat to anybody else out there and my children and families will also be fine. What have they told you about the schedule and when do you test again and when are you allowed to be back with the rest of your family. The recommendation is 14 days. But i will say, the situation is very fluid. There is a lot of mix recommendations, check with your doctor and go to the testing sites, i am not sure, there is a lot of inconsistency in terms of how things are being communicated but i hope i will figure it out when im at that point and things will be a little bit more hammer not. Melissa i know other people in your situation say the same thing and they get different answers from different people and probably because its also new, you cannot blame anyone, their train as hard as they can, how are you getting supplies and the like. Thankfully we still have the essential places still open, theres Grocery Stores doing deliveries, its difficult like amazon, all of those Delivery Services are booked for god knows how long, but theres a lot of eateries, restaurants in particular, neighbors that have been amazing that had to drop off things at our door. We have a great support system and i am forever thankful. Melissa that is amazing. Our best to you, i hope you will check in again we want to know you are doing well and were sorry you did in fact contract the virus but it sounds like youre hanging in there and will be thinking of you, thank you for coming back. Thank you so much. Schools in Senior Centers around the country continue to shut down food pantries have been stepping up and they really have been stepping up in a big way to ensure nobody goes hung hungry, is not just an increased demand for food, its organizations have to rethink their strategies for disturbing food in order to contain the spread of the virus, we are joined by paul, the ceo of long island care which is a food bank out of long island in new york, im sure this is been a crazy week, tell us about it and how the week has gone. It has been a week that i dont think any of us at long island ever witnessed before. Certainly in the 13 years that i had the privilege of being a c ceo, we are getting inundated with phone calls from the public, a lot of the calls coming in from the school district, different organizations that rely upon the food that were able to deliver, everyone trying to get into place, letting us know what is going on and we are certainly contacting our agencies to find out what their capability is and i think now as we come to the end of the first week, the concerns are really starting to set in as to exactly what is going on in our state, in our country and for us of course in the long island region. What would you identify as the largest of those concerns and also why youre answering that, maybe you could speak to what i referenced on the way in, how you keep the food safe in this environment. What are the biggest concerns you have that you have identified. What we see right now, we support 349 Community Food pantries in the county and as of this week, 44 of them or 13 have already closed and that will put a strain on the other agencies and put a strain on the Regional Food Bank on our seven soup kitchens, to have shut down and were seen sadly and exists of volunteers. Connell is there anything we can do, im sure people watching are wondering how they can help. It is not just about the money, its about the people power, i would encourage people who want to help and want to volunteer to contact us, contact your local pantry, our situation, we are safe here, the building has been cleaned and is being cleaned every day, were doing physical distancing so you are not coming in contact with people that are right in your face. Connell so you can keep everyone safe. Im assuming youre a Central Organization so you can so operate next week. Correct, all the best and i hope some people that are watching will reach out and get the help that you need, we will check back. Thank you so much. Taking drastic measures to curb the spread, illinois issuing a stayathome order to follow a similar decision in california and new york, here now is our own david asman. The lenten season has really been teed up for us. That is a great point, right in the middle of lent when were supposed to be meditating on what is really important in life. Granted what your last guest showed us what is important, charity and nonprofit, so our companies, companies are very important and some people would say their part of the essential nature of what america is. Thats why it concerns me that more of the cities and whole states are using a shelter in place policy which essentially eliminates commerce and bring the gdp close to 0, at least in terms of what is considered, who considers what is essential and what is not, some people say factories is an essential thing, the wall street journal says nobody can safeguard Public Health for as long as the cost of the economic health. I would agree with the wall street journal. What do you have coming up on your fantastic show. The National Association manufacture j simmons is going to be with us, he will talk about how companies manufacture who do consider themselves to be essential can retool to provide essential services for the government for fighting the virus. They are definitely needed. We will see you at the top of the hour. Connell fox business alert, the impact of the virus on companies in context, dow jones is reporting comments that have come in from the delta ceo in the last few minutes, an internal memo sent to employees saying that the airline is burning roughly 50 million in cash each day. Burning through 50 million in cash despite selfhelp measures, that is delta air lines. Melissa that is a big number. A virtual competition, how nasa asked canascagunter nascar drivg it from the airways. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. From anyone else. So why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms which most pills dont. Get allinone allergy relief for 24 hours, with flonase. Could another come aroundot, the corner. Which most pills dont. Or could it play out differently . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. And eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling numbness or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planed medical or dental procedures. Whats around the corner could be your moment. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Nascar is, you may not be seen for a while. Its going to be on their this weekend. Talk about companies being creative. Nascar serious where drivers are competing in a virtual race and fox news. Com on this. Everybody is looking for something new. How does it work . Talk about working from home, nascar racing invitational, its a stimulator, they run a dedicated e sport nascar series with dedicated eastport drivers. Look at the drivers, its going to be broadcast on fox sports jeff gordon in the booth for added realism. This is a very hyper realistic stimulator. A lot of drivers already doing it for fun. Theyre going to cannot controllers, steering wheels, racing seat, petals, shifters, maybe even one to three screens. He started out as an eye racing teenager, didnt get into it until he was 15, five years later he was raising. They gave him the opportunity to do this. Well see what they do. I guess well take what they can get. Its funny, i was looking at the video and for second, i thought it was a real race, thats how realistic it looks. Anyway, have a great weekend. Thank you for joining us. From a quiet streets of new york city. Its a friday, hopefully everybody has a great weekend with their families. Its been the longest week of my life, how about you . Unbelievable. That was not a great finish. Four and a half . Well see where we are and we will see you monday. Bulls bears no. David the state of california is now virtually lockdown. New york and illinois following this weekend but day five of the administrations 15 day plan to slow the spread, President Trump today said hes not looking at the possibility of awful national lockdown. Listen. I dont think so. Essentially weve done it in california and new york, those are two big places, the two hardest of them all. S p and spots in florida, too. If you look at it, problems like you wouldnt believe. So no, we a

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