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Enter the county. This is bulls and bears. I am david asman, a fourth unprecedented halt to trading today, after s p 500 plunged 7 that happen during the Task Force Briefing this afternoon, we go to Kristina Partsinevelos at New York Stock Exchange. We got word that they will close the trading floor, wonder how traders feel about that. Reporter a lot of people surprised, you find out via media, there was app emai an el that circulated after market closed had. , saying two people tested positive for covid19. Since monday we have screening here at New York Stock Exchange, they take your temperature, on your forehead, a floor trader that tested positive was caught on the front e entrance, they he not been on the floor this week. I can not confirm they were not on the floor last week, that is a big question mark. And supposedly someone else in the building tested positive, wire goin go were going all electronic as of monday, note tomorrow could not friday, but as of monday. The big question mark which interface are traders using New York Stock Exchange has its own interface on these computers. That is the big question, there is a lot of traders that have stayed hire, normally they are out the door. Heading home, there are so many right now milling about on their cell phones trying to figure out what are going to be the next steps, that is latest david in regard to sentiment on the floor given how many people are still here. David quickly. Another day, fact that market did come off session lows dow hit lowest at 10 lower, and it went up slightly higher, after a coronavirus aid package was announced and automaker, they will put production on hold, ford and equipmen gm saying unth 30, caused a huge selloff, and american airline, travel industry hit. They hit the worse point today, share price falling 25 . On a bright spot, walmart record high, only dow stock to hit a record high in last month, it has to do with people stock piling and other retailers have crosseclosed up shop. David kristina thank you. Thank you. David what the stimulus package could mean for american workers. Reporter we knew it would be a trillion, now we have a general outline, sketch to how the white house potentially envisions this a 50 billion dollar lifeline for the airline. 150 billion in loans for the critical sectors of the economy. 300 billion in Small Business loans guarantees. And 500 billion in direct payment to americans, half will be april 6, other half may 18, direct payment on income level, and family size, when do you math, that is roughly 750 for every american for each w. H. O. Y outs, i put them by president he acknowledged this is still buying finetuned. Every number that you mentioned, yes, we talked about those numbers be were also moving them. In both direction, well let you know, it is moving along fast, there a great bipartisan effort going on that i have not seen before to this extent. Reporter meantime in last hour here at white house president invoked defense production act that wases i put in place to 70 years ago. It would allow for shift in production to critical items, larry kudlow said this afternoon he spoke with heads of ford and gm, they suggested they could turn their focus elsewhere overcoming weeks. I spoke with two of three of the big three carmakers today had. And they want to get going as soon as they can. As soon as they can. And actually one of them told me, even while the men and women may be off for two weeks, she will try call them back so they can produce ventilators. Reporter potentially turning shift to ventilators. Meantime Trump Administration separate of that bailout for individuals, and businesses, large and small. Within government, Trump Administration also asking for some 45. Pa 45. 8 billion in a supplemental question. David a lot of money, thank you, blake. Bring in steve forbes, and steve moore. Wall street journal ed col edl board calling the move a fiscal stimulus panic. And warning that 1,000 checks to individuals will not help the economy. But a new fed backstop will, steve moore is the journal right . They are right. You know, we should be providing some temporary aid in the form of loans to businesses that are healthy that need some help to get through this period when they have no customers and no revenues. We dont want otherwise Healthy Companies going bankrupt or having fire sale on their assets that would be a nice security blanket for the businesses. We have 26 million Small Businesses. Other hand, idea of sending out checks to people, may be steve forbes, i think we ash ag, but that idea will not help stimulate the economy. My big concern, is that not hearing anything from the administration or congress. That is pro Economic Growth that will help the economy grow once this crises is over. David steve forbes, you wrote a piece in forbes. Com, suggesting that 1000 check will helpful, why do you disagree with wall street journal and steve moore. They are right if it is a one shot, this is its virtue, people are hurting you get cash to them to pay the bills and mortgages, you keep them afloat before until we get over the crisis, it not ment it is not meant to simulate the economy. And i suspect out suspending the payroll tax. Nice thing about 1,000 too is that it goes to people who are part of what they call gig, economy, 45 Million People are not salaried workers, theyre part time or private contractors, that,000 wil thousl be helpful. David it did not work well in financial crisis Obama Administration used cash payment as a stimulus for the economy. Steve saying not a stimulus but a lifeline that a lot of people need right now. Yeah, i think were in agreement just differently. You know, i agree with what steve forbes said this is not going to stimulate the economy. But he is right, you have you know potentially tons of millions of people without a job now and without a paycheck through no fault of their own just this shut down of the economy. I want it to be shortterm, and i want i think steve forbes and i agree, we have to be focused on pro growth measures and he is absolutely right, why not suspend payroll tax for 155 million working americans and 26 million Small Business, and provide them some momentum, when we go to period. We want the v shaped recovery that payroll tax cut o will hel. It will help, lower cost of layer or and helps then labor and gets them rehired sooner, i do not knows opposition of democrats on this i dont know what their motives, but do it, on business side. In terms of federal reserve, they have this new facility, which they had in 2008 to shore up comup commercial paper market is where Airline Industry to go loans not equity, above market Interest Rate to have an incentive to pay them back soon. David steve moore, true in tarp bailouts it was paid back, and pretreasury department made a profit, but they kept it for them own purposes. We dont want taxpayer on the hook to bailout the big companies, is if possible to seiche them with more liquidity without putting the stock pair on taxpayer on the hook for it. I think alone is superior lone iloan is superior to a cash bailout grant. The companies that get to the loans paid them back. Lets give people shortterm relief, i say relief to individuals in form of a loan not a grants. David steve forbes, larry kudlow suggesting that United States government might become a stock holder of some companies they are working to bailout, what do you think of that idea. I thought you said bernie sanders. But [ laughter ] ouch. Socialism is not going to work, make a straight loan get it, pay this back when you are position improves, and also regulates or, by the should urge bank to put aside coff give them loans. David 60 of all businesses are Small Business, they cant make it for long with payroll without help, hope they will get it soon, thank you to you two steves. Thank you. David President Trump today saying that feds are really cranking up distribution of coronavirus testing supplies. And president claims new batches will be easier to use, when we wee is the roll out, a live report from dr. Oz coming next. Well see if we could do a self swab, that is be more popular, i can tell you that. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from anyone else. So why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms which most pills dont. Get allinone allergy relief for 24 hours, with flonase. aurelia i was just frustrated i almost gave up. Company. Which most pills dont. With miracleear, its all about service. Theyre personable, theyre friendly. Im very happy with them. vo we provide you with a free lifetime of aftercare, meaning free checkups, cleanings and adjustments. wiley i see someone new. Someone happy. Its really made a difference. vo call 1800miracle to start your 30day riskfree trial and schedule your free hearing evaluation at your locally owned miracle ear today. David david how do you get a coronavirus test, getting one can be confusing and take days to find results. Now white house is trying to stream line the process before we see another major spike in the cases. Today president explaining one step his tasks force is taking. I can announce further steps to expand testing capacity, working with several groups to determine if a self swab, an easier process than current process that not very nice to do. I can tell you, i did it. But we have a current process that a little bit difficult, if you have not done the groups are working on determining, if a selfswab by an individual is asesh i if effective as other. David saying that selftesting would free up badly needed health care professionals. Reporter were seeing an uptick in positive cases, no Surprise Health officials predicted this because testing is better and more plentiful than a few days ago. Talk about numbers and stress they are aproximate, they are not set in stone. There are roughly 60,000 tests completed, and 6,000 are positive. These numbers do not wholly include the by pry private labs. The drivethru tests in new york, washington state, florida and other states are really the future of this testing story. In south korea over 10,000 people were tested every day. Trump Administration Officials say the drivethru tests are important and more will pop up then a lot of people who cannot get a test, thousands of people who do not have symptoms are flocking to the Doctors Office asking to be tested out of fear, and officials say, today, if you do not exhibit symptoms do not rush out and get tested. Were beginning to see that they have spread out in a prioritize way, we asked them to prioritize region mostly affected. You may have difficult getting tests in areas that did not have significant cases. If you do have symptom, priority given to elderly, Health Care Workers ares, President Trump said he is looking to deploy self swab tests. An improvement from test of two weeks ago, that took a day to produce results. David thank you david. Meanwhile Surgeon General dr. Jerome adams, warning even 15 days of social distancing may not be enough. Should we be doing more. We bring in dr. Mehmet oz, in new york we have a fight between a governor and mayor over sheltering in place, which would cut off all business in the busiest city in the nation, have we argument going to in San Francisco and elsewhere. What is your feeling . Governor said were not going to do it, mayor wants it, what does dr. Oz thing . Dr. Oz knows most successful experience in asia with countries like south korea, not a dissimilar model from here, they did not do shelter in place, they were met meticulous in testing. You dont shotgun the whole country, you take out the individual ideas where they are clusters, sheltering in place, they are all draconian steps, but that is an extra level hopeful to avoid by getting meticulous like south korea did, it worked for them, their number are down. They will have small u uptick z because people are traveling, they are open for business. David i am with you and governor, question of those people who are hunkered down in their apartments, how do you stay healthy . In new york gyms are closed. A lot of people here have small living space, snow no room no room for exercise equipment, they say double up on supplements. There evidence that vitamin detective helps to reduce chance of get a common cold and virus that we know. We don know anything about corus crumps but i would take vitamin c and zinc if i got sick. Numerous studies about other suspect option. But exercise is important, sleep and exercise are two most important builders of keeping your immune system strong, exercise tells your body, you are going to war get ready, we help our bodies as much as possible fend off the coronavirus. And i know there is not much space, but you dont need a lot of space, pick up growinga. New habits. Now new hobbies, that stuff pout in life, you didnt have time, now have you time, improve yourself. David i had an acwell acl on oy knees, if i dont work out quads my knees hurt there are a lot of exercises you reques you can fie that down need equipment. You mentioned it, drugs for people already infected. Are more come diswhr there ee focused on cinco dfocus vaccines that are repurposed from in ma mal imalmalaria, and repurposa drugs, and taking antibodies from people who survived, then times more people who survived than have died, take that virus, and transfuse it to deathly ill. For those who have resources that to do something to help, fund the trials, doctors to make it happen, were passing the irb study to get permission, we have to fund the trials, this is best money to invest. David and investment, a lot. People investing in bioamerica. They came out with a 10 minute blood test that could be affective in showing whether have you virus or not, do you yu know about that . Not much, floo blood tests ae effective, but to test the whole population, you need nasal swabs or back of the throat they work. David all right dr. Oz, just in time for your phone call, thank you so much. Thank you god bless you. David god bless you. New york leadership not on the same page regarding coronavirus as i suggested. What Governor Cuomo and mayor de blasio are saying. The latest coming next. Liberty mutual customizes wait. Am i in one of those Liberty Mutual commercials where they stand in front of the statue of liberty and talk about how Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Uhhh. Yes. Huh. What happens in this one . Seagulls. Oh, i like it. How are you doing . seagulls sounds only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. 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We have alex on the floor. Looking at northeast, connecticut, pennsylvania, reporting first deaths because of the virus, a lot of people are staying home. This is dinnertime. You look here. Rush hour in times square. No traffic here. People who are walking through say, this something that just difficult to believe. We pray. Reporter have you seen anything like this. Never. It looks like a ghost town, i came out to take photos. I have seen it go from like. Shoulder to shoulder to like, one or two people. All these people, police, and workers that clean up. Which is weird. No store is open. Reporter residents in hoboken, new jersey starting first day of voluntary isolation, new york Governor Cuomo saying that a shelter in place will not happen, too many would go elsewhere all businesses must send 50 of workers home. If that does not slow the spread, then we will reduce the number of workers even further. Reporter stores in country locking up, gm will halt manufacturing production in north america until march 30, restaurants, bars and cafes forced to sell delivery or take out, some closing up. Union Square Hospitality Group laying off 2000 people today, that is 80 of the company. And in the northeast, many different states are either enacting or quickly trying to create different bills that will help people in the times of uhuunemployment. David okay, thank you. There are 2499 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in new york state, our next guest tested positive for covid19 and is joining us via skype in quarantine, George Santos is joining us. Thank you, david. I am in recovery, it has been a long 8 days for me, i cant kate owait to get out. David first symptoms. Monday, a republica a rund body discomfort, it escalated and by wednesday, i had a 102. 5 fever that lead me to call hot line that intrusione intold he , ambulance came picked me up, a rather quick process, they tested me, shipped me home. David you first had breathing problems that bad. Not to point i had to go on a respiratory, despite having acute bronchitis, i am 31, i championed it out pretty well be if was a rough couple nights with fever not going down, it was hard to stay sane to be honest. But, by friday evening, fever broke, and saturday morning a got confirmation of being cinco dseencovid19 itself. David do you know how you to got it. I believe, and i am not blaming anyone, i believe it was cpac, i was very exposed, i shook a lot of hands did a lot of interviews and campaigns, and a lot of meetings. I believe it. During my visit to dc for cpac. David highway how have you been getting food and sphuf from outside. Stuff you need. Dont honest, i have been actually using a lot of the delivery apps. To order food from restaurants, they drop it in my door, i tell them to walk away, i pull in food like a hermit. David how about exercise we talk with dr. Oz saying you should keep that up, have you been able to. I live in a new york city apartment, i can say, i will put holes on these floors. David you doing a lot of walking in small circuits. Yep. David a great attitude, you are in politics, will you have will well enough to campaign . The election in november . Well, Doctors Orders is, stay put, stay home until they will retest me on the third, if it comes back negative they will retest on fifth. If it comes back negative, i am a free man, reality circumstance i am a free man, but i dont know if i could have a reoccurring. Well be a lot there will be more caution through out remain remainder of the election cycle, i dont know there will be a lot of traditional campaigning. David and you are a conservative republican, but, i bit you like a lot of conservative republicans were cheering on governor cuom ku cuo slapping down mayor de blasios call for shelter in place. Base day of hig high bhefy of my life. Cuomo and newsom have praised president of United States, this is at an odds to us, we have to condicondemn this is not a republican or democrat issue this is american issue, guys like mayor de blasio are trying on to further their political agenda, long with chuck schumer, shame on them. David Governor Cuomo did not, and he is working with the president , nice to see them work so well together, George Santos gate to see you doy well. Thank you. David thank you. George. More businesses getting slacked major auto companies, ford, gm, fiat, chrysler shutting down all north american plants in wake of coronavirus pandemic, grady tremble following this story, he broke the story for us, and has late latest. Reporter ford and General Motors will choice their manufacturing plants through march 30 and fiat clue fi fiat r through the end of the month, they will be doing a deep cleaning during that down time. This morning, this afternoon they made the decision to close the factories, and automakers were already dealing with coronavirus, Fiat Chrysler had a plant that closed in michigan after an employee there tested positive. Ford is deal be with a parts shortage, it was already closed. And in terms of pay, uaw represents 150,000 auto workers, gm and will get paid during this time. Were waiting to hear from ford on that. In the impact on the companies. Fiat chrysler, in their statement, said, with our priority toward the health and safety of our work force were evaluating impact of all stipess steps taken in Company Related to coronavirus emergency on our financial guidance. And for some believe perspec, latest work sto stoppage striket cost 3. Billion, that was only n United States, not canada and mix mec as well, not all 3 companies. Right, will tab tough, grady thank you. Coronavirus crisis sparking fear, worldwide, prompting extreme measures, like travel bans. Morgan o ortegas joining us next with the states response. Coming out here, seeing the infrastructure firsthand, we can make better informed investment decisions. Thats why i go beyond the numbers. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. I believe at tecovas,hould focus othats handcrafted, highquality western boots at a fair price. Because netsuite shows me all my financials in one place, we stay focused on what we do best. announcer with netsuite by oracle, you get a full picture of your business. Finance, inventory, hr, customers, and more. Its everything you need to grow, all in one place. 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I want to highlight we see good work in local communities. What americans are doing, i dont think that story gets told enough what the officers in world are doing to help local population and help american citizens. Any of your viewers who watch, if you have friends or family members overseas, they should look at travel do the state do r travel. Travel. You can work with local embassies. How about those americans that want to take it a step further and want to visit embassies and consulates abroad, they need help, are they all open . Yes, were facing a worldwide challenge with that right now have you to look at each individual country. David italy in. With work through u. S. Economy in rome, the two web site its important in time like this, you should go to travel. State. Gov. They will provide best information. David bridge is back home. State department, have you world travelers no other organization, as membership world travelers as the state department. We understand that a couple of people who are in the state department in dc tested positive, correct . Can you give us numbers. Not accurate, secretary no secretary was asked this question yet at podium, he talked about a handful of cases in the world. It is a were building a people many of our people are teleworking. David can you say morgan that no state Department Officials in washington have tested positive. No, i am not here to confirm that, that i is up on secretaryf state. In our embassy in world, when someone tests positive they get that out to media, what is more important, look at how to help vulnerable americans get home, and actions that President Trump is taking, state department and President Trump and Congress Gave us a hundred million that we can use to help country in world stop the spread of covid19 and deal with coronavirus. Americans, american taxpayer continue to be most charitable people in the world. Absolutely, meanwhile not all of our friends abroad, some would hesitate to call them friends are being helpful, china kicked out a number of news services, are we retaliating in anyway. We condemn this at highest levels, weve been paying close attention over last few months at what Chinese Communist government has been doing, any journalist based in china has horror stories, what is important for your viewers to know, is that people that the Chinese Communist party are the american reporters they are kicking out, some have been reports on front lines in wuhan, they hold communist party, president chairman xi accountable for what the government is doing, as it relates to coronavirus and the spread. Without american journalists and outlets there, it is the Chinese People that lose, American People that lose, in the world. Were losing the ability credit credibly report from china during the middle of a pandemic on the truth, Chinese Communist party has shown the world who they are. David any word about secretary pompeos plans. Were following cdc guide lines and limiting ourselves, teleworking as much as possible, only essential travel, and secretary is spending all this time to to why with our team to get americans home gleu are a brave hard working group, we wish you the best, thank you. Thank you david. David before we head to break, good news for those who may be hold up in isolation, you could throw a netflix party, the name of a new Google Chrome extension that allows and you your friends to stream netflix simultaneously in a private chat room, you can share reactions, crack jobes, all while crack jokes, all while keeping your social distance, it is free, and may help keep our sanity. And coming up, Senate Official passing house stimulus package, but is it enough to help stabilize the situation, well bring you a live report and ask robert wolf when he thinks of the whole thing, coming next. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun all we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on but allstate helps you. With drivewise. Feedback that helps you drive safer. And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . I doni kept putting it off. Screened a long time ago. What was i thinking . Ok, mr. Jones. Were all done. I told you it was easy. At life line screening, we use Ultrasound Technology to help check your risk for stroke and heart disease. After all, 4 out of 5 stroke victims receive no warning. Right now, a package of five painless screenings. Is just 149. So, call today. Life line screening. The power of prevention. David as Senate Officially passes family first stimulus plan, Administration Pushes for a massive proposal, that could inject a trillion dollar into u. S. Economy, prop up businesses and put money in pockets of americans, and stage 350 billion toward Lending Facility for airline, and 150 billion for other distressed sectors, 500 billion toward individual taxpayers, to a couple Monthly Payments and 300 billion to Small Business interruption loans, robert wolf, right there for bailout that happened in 2008. Key question for a lot of people out there how do you help the businesses that we know we have to help, because otherwise they go down and we lose millions of jobs, how do you help them without putting taxpayer on the hook. It is possible. You know some of our lessens learned from 08 and 09 and post septembe. You have to put a compe bill to the 4 front. First forefront, first people are Small Businesses, those employee that have displaced. From the coronavirus. Mainly in service sector. And i think that this is why i was not payroll tax and other things immediately, i was more for brunt objects, cash, grants, loans to Small Business. That would be my first phase, second phase i would get back to demand side, make sure that consumer is spending again. That would be with payroll tax holiday, and i would rid sales tax. Then third part we have talked about is like how we felt post september 11. New york city liberty bonds or post recovery act with build america bonds or during the war with world war i liberty bonds and defense bonds, i think that america wants to help. , a coronavirusy recovery bond, that would be a longterm package, one thing we learned propresident obama have to give the entire comprehensive package, so you dont get back in a situation of occupy wall street. David even though with the tarp and other bailouts, there was a payback from a lot of these companies that people say lead to profit for treasury, one question about ante cuomo. Is he does he deserve a place on the ticket . 2020 race . Andrew cuomo has done a great job, and as well as governor in ohio, and maryland. I think right now were having governors step up it important, i dont know what that means for his future, but he has one. David i love he and president working so well together, we need that cooperation. We do. David thank you, robert wolf. Coronavirus recovery bonds be you could invest in america, help and do well by yourself that is a great idea, i hope people take it seriously. Moving on, coronavirus pandemic, young, healthy americans, offering helping hand to elderly neighbors, next. howling wind . Who fought for you . Who stood up. Who stood strong. Who demanded to be seen. To be heard. To be counted. Learning about their courage and grit. Inspires us to pass it on. To the women who are next. Find your familys connection to this moment in history. At ancestry. howling wind howling wind . David communities across the nation are coming together to help those in need during this coronavirus crisis. Jackie deangelis has more how the Younger Generation is pitching . Reporter good evening, david, as we watch the pandemic continue, elderly are at risk f youre over 65, youre most vulnerable population. Meals on wheels is doing everything it can to make sure folks are getting meals and getting nutrition. Right now in Staten Island the ceo of meals on wheels they do two meals a day to 1200 people. Obviously demand increasing. More demand, higher costs. Their employees, though cant work from home. They need to be in the kitchen at 5 00 a. M. Delivery people need to be out there. Theyre staring new procedures, david. Listen to this. Going to the recipients, putting it on door hand dell. Ringing doorbell, stepping back six to 10 feet, so the recipient receives the meal, asking a question we havent had to ask before, asking the question, are you showing any symptoms . Reporter remarkable david, so many people are going out of way to take these kind of risk as well. It is a mix of young people getting out there and those active seniors still running around, they are part of meals on wheels team too. Everybody hoping they will continue operations and build a model if this even gets a little bit worse. David not all young people are partying in miami beach. A lot of good young folks. Jackie, thank you very much. Thanks for watching. That does it for bulls bears. Were grateful for you your faith in us. Good luck and god bless. See you tomorrow. Elizabeth im elizabeth macdonald, the evening edit starts right now. Just a moment the senate voted to pass one of the coronavirus packages. Well get you updated on that. The president invoke as korean war law the u. S. Industrial base start manufacturing now, medical supplies, ventilators, vaccines to battle the coronavirus outbreak. The administration talking about taking equity stakes in companies . That is what they did in the 2008 crisis. Nyse temporarily shutting its trading floor, moving to electronic trading. The dow back at february 2017 levels. Oil

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