Charles at this moment all eyes on the Federal Reserve as coronavirus fears rattle the market. Breaks news from boston fed president aaron, give us the news, jennifer. Good afternoon, charles. Boston fed giving a speech in new york this afternoon saying the fed should consider buying a broaderrange of assets besides treasuries should rates go to zero. That policy would require change to the Federal Reserve act, rosenbrend says a facility that could buy assets if treasury agrees to backstop it and offer and hes one that is caution that lowering rates at the risk of pushing investors into riskier assets could lead to bubbles in markets and now suggesting this policy really taking a page out of japans playbook. That would not stimulate the economy. All of this, of course, on a yield when the year on the 10year hitting alltime new low. This is the last time that fed officials will talk before they meet for their policy meeting next week to determine whether to take further policy action, charles. Charles what a statement to go into your quiet period, jennifer, thank you very much. I want to bring in the best to help hash this out. Liz peek, nicole webb and courtney dominguez, im not affiliated with the group. Okay, this is really a amazing potentially amazing news because around the world Central Banks are grappling with how to deal with this and its not just the coronavirus, the Global Economy has been shaky for a long time, 15 trillion in negative rates already. You may have to start buying stocks, what do you think . I think its a terrible idea. I think it would just signal an enormously pessimistic view of the economy than we have any right to assume at this point. That would be something that they didnt do during the financial crisis, charles, when really and truly our economy was on the brink of total disaster. We are not there. Look at the jobs report. I mean, for heavens sake, what is the big outcome from all of this to consumers . What could really trash our economy, layoffs. We will not see big layoffs, why . Because people are struggling to hire people at this point, labor markets are unbelievable by tight. I think thats a tremendous bull work against the kind of economic outcome that the markets are suggesting we are looking at. Charles to your point, jobless claims were down, most recent Economic Data that we have in realtime so no one has gotten layed off so far right. Charles nicole, this kind of report could be music to President Trumps ears. I mean, he wants the Federal Reserve to pull all stops in part because he says hes hard to compete with the rest of the world. Yes, but also how lucky are we that america was in the place that it was, that our economy is as strong as it is, to go through the coronavirus and the implications of it, to see the markets reacting in this way but to know that the foundation is still so strong charles you think this is an overreaction . We will survive the coronavirus and the marks will prevail. I love hearing today the story of lets stay long. Stay back to fundamentals. Has demand been impacted in the shortterm, yes. Does that mean that we need to reset growth expectations for this year, sure. But does that mean that on the far side of this we arent in a god place, i would argue that theres theres should be optimism on the far side. Charles carl charles courtney. Something that we are looking at is we have record buybacks that we had last week. They are optimistic enough to buy back into their own stocks. As investors we should look at that and use it as an opportunity. I think thats a really good point. When did we think playbook from japan was the [laughter] seriously. Charles point taken, point taken. Thank you. Charles there are calls and what can governments do. We have seen imf, world entities. In the United States its probably not the case that congress can get its act together to pass Something Like that this but how great would it be if we had a shortterm one or twoyear duration investment tax credit. One of the things we are all talking about is bringing those supply chains back, medicine, medical equipment and using all those in china and the president has made it pretty clear its a bad idea. We know its a bad idea. Lets encourage companies to invest in the United States or a shortterm change in the payroll tax which could boost confidence and boost Consumer Sentiment which is really what we are worried about. Charles thats the only thing we are worried about. I mean, to your point, nicole, the only thing that can derail america is americans, right, because weve got the wind in our sails big time and that jobs report was just an exclamation point on a series of amazing Economic Data but when people read the newspapers and they start to see, well, you know what, someone canceled a Birthday Party and someone in your family gets it or someone you know gets it, it starts to get closer to us in everyday lives even though we have a job and making big money, does that slow us down enough, could that slow us down enough . Lets get back in control of this narrative. To lizs point earlier, buying equities, what what story are we telling the American People if we begin that behavior . Second to that, selfquarantine is about saving those who have a weaker immune system. Its about helping stop the spread. Its about thinking about the others that may be impacted. Not that you and i arent healthy enough to survivor, but its about thoughtfulness. What if we start today say lets start bringing some of the production to the things to protect the American People right back here so that we can change this story the next time around. Charles we had some breaking news just moments ago, the u. S. Trade off grant tariff relief, 103 products from china. Courtney, two weeks ago i think it was i put out a tweet hoping the white house would see it saying that this would be in my mind a good time and i supported President Trump on the tariffs. Put them on pause and this is my rationale for it. First of all, america has come to the worlds aid over and over again whether its wars, whatever it is. This is a global issue. This is a global problem. What we are saying to china, we will help you come back online quicker and heal the world quicker and maybe during the process also generate some even better good will and negotiations on phase 2 and maybe get some manufacturers to ebbing ped identity different changes there. Im not sure its going to happen but i think this is something that out of the box kind of thing the white house has to consider. I mean, its definitely worth considering because we are seeing these come right head to head. We have the trade with chain and it is making companies rethink should we be manufacturing everything here because they are first having to deal with trade wars and now factories are shutting down. They are starting to think about manufacturing in other places and starting to see things like Frontier Markets benefiting from that. Charles i know that before you were emerging markets, general feel, where you are seeing value right . I do like emerging markets. U. S. Markets have actually more of a hit over the last week or so than some of your Foreign Companies but i really like some of your value sectors right now because interesting enough last week another thing that got buried in the headlines a lot of companies increased dividends. Charles a ton of them, home depot. One after another. Dividend place is amazing. On that point, nicole, when the market has been higher, hasnt been the tech stocks in the last week, its been utilities by far, Real Estate Investment and all pay big dividends. Main no longer a defensive play, maybe these are offensive plays in the environment. When we see Interest Rates head directionally this way, there is more demand for those dividend paying stocks and so i think i think its a great time to look back at value. You and i have joked about this before. It was value will come back to favor. The factor of value in and of itself prevails growth overtime. I think its a buying opportunity and those are the sectors we are looking at. Charles las word, liz, stay to course . What we need pr campaign coming from washington telling people what the fatality rate is, last time 3 to 4 number. Charles that was the number that included iran. In america the cdc put out a number, age 20 to 40,. 0. 1 to 1 . People need to know this. In the workingage group by the way, over 50,000 people have gone back to point out to people that this is not the end of life. Charles liz, nicole, courtney, have a great weekend. All right, folks, when we come back we are going to be talking with dr. Nicole saphier, also President Trump wrapping up down at tennessee. He may or may not go to cdc today. Also best a wild ride for the market but we have you covered. We will be right back. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again beyond the routine checkups. 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Statewide at least 25 people were killed. Grady trembell with the latest, grady. Charles, President Trump flew over this area of nashville today to get a birdseye view of the damage, like this house with no roof on it. He saw all the plus tarps from above and saw rvs like that one split in half. He stopped on the ground in putnam county, one of the hardesthit counties in tennessee where 18 people passed away. He met with survivors of the tornado, speeds of 175 miles per hour. He also met with family members whose loved ones passed away in these tornadoes. And he spoke with governor bill lee about the resilience of this area. Listen. We love them, they are special people, its an incredible place, incredible state. Tremendous heart, already you see people rebuilding. Tennesseans have shown up, shown up by the thousands. And you see many of those volunteers out here today in this area of nashville. All of these people coming from across the state, really across the country to help out in any way they can and, charles, donations continue to pour in as well for the people who cant make it and help in person. Grady, thank you very much, appreciate it. Well, folks, you know her from her days at varney company, tracee burns will join me next on advice shes giving clients for 401 k s, dr. Nicole saphier is here to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the coronavirus. Our Retirement Plan with voya gives us confidence. Yeah, they help us with achievable steps along the way. So we can spend a bit now, knowing were prepared for the future. Surprise we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. Oooh, well. Im good at my condo. Oh. I love her condo. Nana throws the best parties. Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. 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Prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. Are you ready . Ask your doctor how prolia® can help strengthen your bones. Charles the intense volatility that weve been seeing has longterm investors thinking what changes they could make to 401 k s, so now the perfect time to make such adjustments. Tracee, great having you. Such an amazing week. A woman named nicky came up to me, 75 years old. Shes losing her mind and afraid and still wants to make changes in her own accounts and this is what im hearing from different people, not they want to bell but what they should be doing with their accounts . Someone smarter than me said sit on your hands, start with that. Maybe turn the tv off and take a dope deep breath. The liquidity you need now, longevity, retirement account and legacy. If youre looking at longevity piece, rebalance if you need to. Bond portfolio got way out of whack, theres Equity Opportunity there. The last guests were talking about how dividend stocks are on fire. Find value there, find something that pays you back. It will be finished at some point. Charles sure. Do you sense that people have gotten we are spoiled. No doubt. Charles weve had an amazing run in the market and the reason she start talking, the words she was using, youve been in this market 30 years and i cant imagine you being back that much. Shes like im jack to january 2019. It does happen, how do you calm people . One you have to remember why you are in it, you are in it to the longterm. Go back to the why. Im in it because i want to buy a house on the golf course in 20 years, whatever your dream is. Good willing you chose things that can ride that wave and chose things that are not just shortterm trades. Longterm solid opportunity mentally solid companies. Charles what about now . What people are doing, e got emails, people want make moves fantastic a month ago, they want to do them now. I feel like they are chasing out of fear and they might make things actually worse. I think for the average investor, the typical investor. Unless youre multimillionaire or billionaire, youre okay. Watch your bond portfolio, for sure, im sure its a little bit out of whack. People are looking at tips, people are looking at other things like that now but for the most part stay to course. What you believed in 6 months ago probably still hold today. Charles do you find that people, though, really loaded up on the winners, you know, and the volatile stocks. Yeah. Charles its wonderful when the stocks goes up 10 bucks in a day like amazon and apple can do but can go down that much in a day. Well, when you put it all on black, right, in vegas and you hope for the best, thats essentially what you did. Youre spoiled. I couldnt send my kid to do out and made all this money for us. I think you come back to fundamentals. Investing in companies that you know. Do some homework and if you cant, get someone that can do it for you. Dont just throw darts into the wall. Charles when rebound comes probably everything will move initially but the ones that move higher are the solidstrong companies, right . Slow and steady wind. Charles tracy grate seeing great seeing you. We break down Major Players between scams and misinformation and what you need to know to to make investments. Charles i said last night we did an interview on fox last night, town hall. I think it was very good and i said, calm, you have to be calm. Itll go away. Charles President Trump urging americans to remain calm as the number of new coronavirus cases tops a hundred thousand around the world this after calling off his visit earlier. The white house says that President Trump will, indeed, go to cdc to get an update on the outbreak. Now theres good news as theres evidence that the virus is actually retreating in china and some u. S. Officials are projecting a lower death rate than initially feared. Joining me now fox news medical correspondent and author of sorry, author of make america healthy again dr. Nicole saphier. Thank you, charles. Charles first of all, happy to have your expertise and your calm. Separate fact from fiction for us because i think theres a disconnect from the anxieties that are exhibited in the stock market and from maybe some of the data that im reading. So i will leave the stock market up to you but lets break down the facts as it pertaining to covid19. Over 80,000 of them in Mainland China alone. Nearly 85 of those patients had only mild symptoms, okay, over half of those patients have all recovered and have gone about their normal lives. Theres a whole cohort out there across the globe of mildly systematic and asystematic patients that we dont know about. When they are announcing the case fatality rates they are saying about diagnosed patients. We dont know how many patients there are and as soon as we continue testing and we have more diagnosis we will see charles over 3,000 deaths and thats the numbers we are using but obviously if you do factor in folks who never even go to the hospital, younger people because apparently the mortality rate for 5 to 17, 18 to 19, its right there with not too far off with the flu. So theyre actually showing that in if you have if you dont have a preexisting condition. Otherwise normal health. You have less than 1 mortality rate which does go closer to the flu. What they are seeing that this can be serious in elderly and the majority of deaths have been in elderly and fatality rate can get over 15 in over 80 years old. Thats what they are presenting in china and in the United States 60 of all adults have chronic illness. If you have one chronic illness, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, 79 chance of having a more severe course. Again, research out of china. That does not equate to the u. S. Healthcare system, however, it is a conversation to be had that, you know, we have an overall Unhealthy Society when it comes to chronic illness and when you have new viruses we are more susceptible. Charles hence make america healthy again. Thats right. Charles real quick since we did bring up the book, what what should we be doing because weve heard over and over again just how unhealthy the nation is and we see one diet fad, but i guess the needle doesnt seem to change on where we are . Sure doesnt. Unfortunately a lot of the illness right now is preventible behaviors and i personally dont feel that Health Policy has gotten us on the right track when it comes to that. In this particular case i think that this has been exacerbated by social media and Election Year and i truly believe that politicians weponized health care and peoples Overall Health because for their own selfgain and, you know, we have 2020 coming up. I think that people are far too panicked about covid19. Im personally more concerned about the flu when it comes to my children. Charles amazon reportedly working secretly for cure for common cold. [laughter] charles listen. Its like, you know, one of the things everyone has grappled. Its a form of coronavirus, isnt it . Why why is it possible . I think amazon could do it. Its not just amazon, amazon working with grand challenge, bill gates foundation, bezos and bill gates together, they will come up with something. The problem with coming up with a vaccine of common cold, theres 200 viruses, one coronavirus, one is rhino virus and very many variance of it. You know what, if theyre going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to fine the vaccine, maybe go for Something Else especially because zuckerberg is also working with stanford and university of california to try to find vaccine, now over a billion dollars to try and find a vaccine for a common cold which no one dies from. I can tell you theres a lot of places that could use that money. Charles great point, dr. Nicole saphier, appreciate it. Thank you. Charles quick spread of coronavirus is only being outpaced by tainting internet. Its Bad Information, spreads like wild fire and scams that are running ramped. How can we fight back . Beverly hallburg. The misinformation that dr. Saphier talked about is flatout wrong. We saw with the coronavirus figuring out where it came from bat or bat soup. That hoax was out there for a while. What this leads to people not having good information on how to protect themselves. We even see these types of hoaxes in social media when there are hurricanes where you see people out tweeting, photos of sharks in neighborhood waters, these types of scams lead to people first of all being fearful and second of all not understanding how they should actually take care of themselves and protect themselves. Do i think whats interesting i think people have caught on the conversations that im hearing from individuals is are you really afraid of this, what do you think we should actually do. Theres a poll showing that 60 of gopers believe that the media is using this against the president right now trying to take him down, so i think people are skeptical of the media has a whole especially in social media. I think thats what people crave. Charles another thing that will be critical is how we perceive government, particularly the federal government but state and local governments. Earlier today President Trump tweeted spoke to Governor Newsom early this morning about the cruise ship quarantine off the corona coast, coronavirus kits have been delivered, testing is taking place now. I wanted to see that right now. I was upset when Vice President pence sent ainsley and ainsley put out a mean tweet. Yeah, we do need our politicians to unit. Unfortunately theres a lot of politics that are being played right now. Lots of questions about whether or not the health and Human Services secretary is really working with the president. I think he is. People are talking about that, talking about the Vice President pence and the thing is we do need everybody working together. I think too often we see and its going to take republicans and democrats both from the federal and also the local institutions working together to actually help people, but what we are seeing is so much of the reporting. Sewing division among the people that needs to work together. Charles what do you think the public needs to hear in general . Maybe progress reports, but maybe would it be sort of slowing of the progress here of fewer deaths, what is it that you think could sort of shift the tide a little bit . I think its two main things. What are the actual steps people need to protect themselves. I do think we have gotten more clear information on that, similar to what you would do to protect yourself from the flu. Breaking down the actual stats, the majority of people who do contract the virus do get over it. This isnt something that will be deadly to most people. Im concerned about my 102yearold grandfather, he, of course, is high risk of not recovering from it should he contract it, but instead of scaring people and saying they need to stay indoors, they shouldnt go around and do their daily lives, we need to break down real steps, here is how to protect yourself and likelihood of you dying from it is very, very low. Charles beverly hallberg. 102, wow. Hes wonderful. Charles the popup also has prevention kits that include masks, surgical gloves, sanitizer, sells 20, to 30 bucks, its in the an opportunity to get rich, the highend 95dollar mask are priced twice as what they sell on amazon. As of right now theres no cases of coronavirus in washington, d. C. Folks, weve got down and now we are starting to fall back ahead of this weekend. This has many wonder what the white house should be doing, should they try to do something to stimulate the economy, how much should the Federal Reserve federal government be doing to be cutting checks. We will discuss that next. That turns everyday transactions into extraordinary experiences. Hi there. How are you . Do you have any lollipops in there . laughing no, sorry. Were helping all kinds of businesses go beyond customer expectations. How can we help you . Wthats why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. And tv with you a breeze. Really . Yup. You can transfer your Service Online in about a minute. You can do that . Yeah. And with twohour Service Appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. So while moving may still come with its share of headaches. No kidding. Were doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. What we are looking at, stuart, is a timely and targeted micro approach. We are not looking to give everybody a thousand dollars which would not have any longterm growth effects on the economy. We are looking at things like, you know, people who may be stranded at home and will lose pay. We want to help them, Small Businesses in certain areas, geographical areas or certain sectors. Charles President Trumps economic adviser larry kudlow offering reassurances that the government will step in if needed to help push back on pushing back on harvard economistist economist who had oped, the stimulus would be 350 billion or larger or smaller depending on how the Economic Situation unfolds. Congress should design it to be accelerated and dynamic. I want to bring new york gop strategic adviser john barnett. You know something about the world of finance. The thing is President Trump is not a traditional republican, if you will, so he is entertaining things, i think, that a different republican may not. According to kudlow, they are looking to help people out but the idea to starting to cut checks a thousand bucks, depending on how many kids are in the house, is that the right way to go . President trump should not run on andrew yang, look out for american business, look out for workingclass citizen. I like what larry kudlow said, needed basis. Its not the bush era, right . We have a strong economy. The numbers are growing strong, still, even with the coronavirus. Let not panic or overreact. The economy is growing strong. Lets see what we need to do. Charles its an Election Year and anyone in 2 or 3 weeks, 2 or 3 months start to say, you know what, i had the virus. I didnt have medical insurance, knives the hospital, lost i was in the hospital, i lost my job, you get enough on tv and becomes a situation. The thing is that this is targeted versus blank we should not be playing politics. We should actually be looking at this from a Risk Assessment perspective. To your point, who are the people who are hit the hardest . Take care of them. Charles selfemployed. Lets define small business. Mom and pop shops. Small business could actually go up to a billion or more. Actually lets take care of the forgotten men and women who are in business, who always employ people and make sure the hardworking class are taken care of. Charles here is a headline, white house considering tax relief for airline, travel, cruise industry hurt by coronavirus. From what im reading initially, tax relief but i think the companies will eventually say we need a check. Tax relief is cute but we have nothing to be taxed. Again, lets take a Risk Assessment approach. Charles as a republican strategist would you be completely against that . Do you think that would be against the orthodoxy of conservatism and be the wrong thing to do . Im a republican but also american first, right, so lets be responsive with our dollars, right, lets not charles 30 seconds. Should contemplate buying assets. Would you be okay with that . Thats tough, man. We are not a socialist country. [laughter] thats kind of scary. Charles a bit too far . Thats overreacting. You know what, we are manageing this pandemic we are managing the crisis effectively and President Trump is leading well. Charles we should point out that the countries that think that well arent fairing too well. Make sure you check out john on bulls bears 5 00 p. M. Eastern time and while the coronavirus fears are destroying travel plans, Companies Like cruises are fighting to keep businesses going. Offering credits to keep bookings through may, liz, 200 bucks, would that maybe enough to keep you on the ship . Most people are saying at this point, no, how do we know that . Well, the cruise industry are absolutely tanking at the moment, but what we do really need to focus upon is travel overall specifically italy, i dont know if you saw this charles, but overnight deaths in italy went from 148 to 197. We are heading into the spring, travel to italy season. Sea so what we will do at 3 00 p. M. Eastern bring steven parilo, will speak for the first time on the clama countdown on cancellations. They have one with joe pispika and that was supposed to be in april, is that still on . How many of them have been canceled, steven perilo. Crude oil is now down 10 . Fuel becomes cheaper. Its just a matter of whether anybody wants to go out there, drive or go on cruise liners or use it to go places. Charles you always have timely guests but i could not think of anyone better for this topic. We will definitely be tuning in, liz. Folks, make sure you tune to the claman countdown right at the top of the hour. Stocks are up, down, now drifting after extraordinary wild week. One made you big money in gold, what are they saying now . We will be right back. Charles wow, it has been one wild week on wall street, the dow and s p have seen 5 Straight Days of 3 moves. That was the height of the Global Financial crisis and then, of course, theres this. The 10year treasury yield hit alltime low. Highest close in almost 7 years, i want to bring in kings view management fox News Business contributor scat scott martin and rob luna. Scott, i want to go with you. We had you guys on and ironically gold was taking a major hit. No, stay the course and this has been one to have best weeks in years for gold. Are you still there or stocks looking more attractive to you . Yeah, i mean, charles, besides picking the wrong week to quit smoking. I dont really smoke, full disclosure. I may end upstarting because youre right, on friday we did last friday we did talk about blowoff in gold and the fact that we were starting to add to it again and add more because thats been a good safety in the storm. I think bonds are getting really overdone here. They are panicky but gold is generally doing what it should be doing because theres a lot of liquidity coming down the pipe. Larry kudlow talked about relief for Small Businesses soon. Maybe we will see more fiscal stimulus. Gold is definitely your friend here and on pullbacks you need to be adding to it. Charles really, wow. Rob, you urged caution, you told me that you saw something coming and this was over 3 to 4 weeks ago. Jpmorgan was cautious a week ago but then last night the analyst there, the strategist there who had previously been telling clients to trim their risky bets, no, its start to buying the dip and expect c, so covid19 to be less than what it seems. Jpmorgan is changing their mind and saying buy this dip. Have you changed your mind . Yes, charles, 10 to 15 correction. Weve had that. The thing about corrections, charles, they always we always talk about them being healthy, normal until they happen, right . [laughter] everybody panics, but you know by definition, corrections need this type of bad news in order for markets to pull back but as an an investor what you need to start doing taking a look at portfolios. Cruise stocks right but but areas like disney who have gotten beaten up too far and a company like ups, something that we have been picking up in the downturn. We are starting to see opportunities, charles, in the last 3 to 4 months scott have been talking about but outside of gold, there hasnt been much to get excited about until now. Charles almost everyone agrees that stocks are priced to perfection for week to week for a while there but scott, having said that, you know, im glad that rob brought up the idea that the correction, we know that was going to happen. Thats part of investing but they are painful when youre in the midst of it and wall street is saying that is individual investor not painful enough and according to association of individual investors bullishness leads 8 Percentage Points in the last week, you know, wall street, many on wall street want to see folks, you know, get crushed even more. They want them to give up. Yeah, and i think that unfortunately a sign of the end of the direction when you basically cant look anymore and rob is right, i mean, this is more a study in psychology than it is really fundamentals. I mean, we forget as humans that a lot of these corrections happen every year and they end up being a great opportunity as you said but when youre in it you want to run for the hills. One issue, though, that i have with where we are, charles, as you talked with dr. Saphire in the hour, this has become a media driving, not here butory networks that i watch, to see what the enemies are doing in a way, they are driving the panic. They are making this so much worse than it really is from the numbers you talked about with the doctors. So to me thats whats worrisome is that where theres so many folks know what going on and smart enough to look behind headlines but theres a lot of folks that are not and they are getting Bad Information and that could keep things going a little longer. No doubt, rob, looking at the numbers, reporting is one thing but the wild guessing games that have are going on and by the way bring out bear after bear after bear after bear. I see it too. [laughter] charles the way kudlow was treated on some Networks Today i thought was not good either. That being said, whats a signal perhaps than for other folks, coming into we talked about last fridays lot. That is still a little bit down, do we have to go down and retest that, i know you started to nibble but before the closed is clear for big pocket investors. I think so, we usually do go back and test those lows, which is just a couple Percentage Points from here. One thing we look as longterm investors, the 300 Day Moving Average which is 129 59, we bounced up thought, a little bit before now, we are looking at worst case scenario, impossible to call a bottom but about 27. 15, about 6 7 more from here, investors should be prepared for that, thats a 20 correction, that puts them at 14 times next years earnings. If we get there i am a big buyer. Charles 30 seconds, we started the show with eric suggesting the fed may start buying stocks, good idea, bad idea . It feels panicky. But one quick thing, three things that need to happen, gold has to stop going up, treasury yield has to stop falling and the dollar has to stop going up, hit already has started to come of the last two things need to stop happening and that will be the end of the correction. Charles when you take profits on your goals, let us know. Im hanging onto it for dear life. Charles lives up to you. Liz scott, gold is already down, not by much though. I want to let reviewers know its down 4. 71. Charles, mark the clock, 3 00 p. M. Eastern straight up, will we see buying at the bottom at this final hour of trade, conflicting headlines hour by hour, how the market is doing the best imitation of c cell. First bond yield to fresh record lows, the Trip Administration is considering ways to discourage u. S. Travelers from taking cruises an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Now take a look at crude oil, taking at the moment by tenpoint