Fisa court and they forged papers and did a lot of bad things. The whole thing to me is a scam. The mac for more than three years President Trump has been the target of the greatest political scandal in history. The concerted effort by an antiterm persistence force hellbent on removing him from office, their feeling strategy moving onto their claims that the Justice Department is independent of the presidency and the president also making it clear he has high regard for his attorney general that the constitution guarantees the president can and will speak into it as he pleases and just because he hasnt addressed the attorney general and a criminal manner he will do so whenever he decides to do so. The attorney general is a man with incredible integrity. Just so you understand i chose not to be involved. Im allowed to be totally involved. Im actually the chief Law Enforcement officer of the country but i have chosen not to be involved. Lou the president today also saying he will continue speaking out for thehe victims of injuste noting the cops of the fbi and Justice Department have escaped with not even a slap on the wrist. When you look at what happens with comey after 78 days of the horrific reports w and when you look at what happened to mccabe with the recommendation of prosecution and you look at all of these other people and then you look at what happened to general flynn a highly respected man, his life has been destroyed. If you look at roger stone for a tweet and some tweeted some of the things that we take a look whats happening to these people somebody has to stick up for the people. Lou the president addressed roger stones future saying he hasnt given any thought to a potential pardon. The president did say that stone has been treated very unfairly. In a telephone hearing yesterday obama appointed judge Amy Berman Jackson refused to delay stone sentencing set for thursday saying it will move ahead as originally scheduled. Stones attorneys have petitioned jackson for retire. The judge apparently will not postpone the sentencing s hearig despite the fbis seemingly coordinated s. W. A. T. Style ring for all my antitrump cnn was aware of that earlymorning raid. Despite the evidence showing the four persons on the stone jury and a pronounced bias against him and despite three of the four prosecutors who drove the case against stone having worked on the mueller witch hunt, three of them, four prosecutors, one man. Prosecutors recommended the nineyear sentence for stonewall President Trump said he didnt ask attorney general barr to intervene in the case. He said he had the absolute right to get involved. Article ii section 1 of the constitution clearly states the executive power is invested in the president of the United States and with the department of justice under the executive branch the president can get involved or do as he wishes. Joining us is Investigative Reporter fox business contributor sara, great to have you with us. Lets start with the stone case because its overwhelming. A bias form and person on the jury, three of the mueller prosecutors amongst the four who led the case against stone. This man, you would think he was a major mafioso with the complex Crime Syndicate behind him instead of the lonely political, what would i call him, participant. He was a participant, france some of the President Trump knew for a long time. Lets just start from the top. The entire prosecution of roger Paul Manafort Lieutenant General Michael Flynn and everybody else they were looking at surrounding a trump circumference based on the false narrative and we all know that now. Michael horowitz report that out of the water. We also know we have the evidence the American People can see for themselves the recently they weaponized the department of justice. They weaponized the fbi. They weaponized the Intelligence Community to target the president and his administration. This is where all of these cases emanate from. If you are looking at roger stone they talk about how he lied to congress. S. Look at john brennan and his and james comey and his lies to congress and James Clapper when hepp lied to all of america back in 2013 when he said there was no spying on americans and we found out that was not the case. None of these people have been prosecuted but roger stone is being prosecuted. Lou and the president come if the president had not spoken up in defense of stone and in such a heinous effort to put him in prison for as long as nine years on the part of those four married prosecutors at the justice Justice Department. First of all how is it that the Justice Department department can afford to put four prosecutors in one case . Thats asinine. How can they afford to send out s. W. A. T. Teams for a guy who lied to the fbi . They knew what they were doing. They were making their point. Thes exactly. They were sending a message to anyone who issa in trumps think about how frightening that is. They sent an armada to roger stones home while he was asleep with his wife. He would have turned himself in if they would have contacted the judges. He would have done it. He wasnt a flight risk by any means but they said that armada with the message and you said it yourself cnn knew about it. Nobody else did so they wanted it to be out there publicly. Lou there should bero a group or an entity within the department of justice that can check on these prosecutors. With absolute impunity they can go after anybody they want for political purposes. Thats not right. Lou i respectfully disagree sara. We can no longer think about the Justice Department watching over and being the arbiter of what is fair or responsible are constitutional. This has to stop and now we have the oversight committees both the senate and the house normally would be providing oversight. They are so consumed with politics on the part of the house that they are not doing their jobs. The Senate Judiciary committee s on theli Lindsey Graham is not doing its job. I can tell you a single substantive hearing in months. The proper gets larger and larger instead of smaller another control. This attorney general, do you still have the same confidence in it as you had a year ago when he took the job . Yes i do lou but Im Still Holding him accountable just like every american should hold him accountable. If he does the right job people will be b indicted in the truth will be exposed. We are still waiting for him to declassify all of the document that President Trump has given him authority to declassify. Lou as we wrap up i have to ask you do you find it interesting we dont know what the memoranda contained. Pe the American People are being treated like mushrooms in you and i know what that requires an part of that is darkness and the rest is what we been handed so far throughout this past year. Absolutely lou and its insulting to the American People its insulting to us and the scope of that memoranda, look the started out went President Trump is the manchurian candidate. We found out it was all a lie and it didnt stop there. They continue to waste tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to target everyone around President Trump and if the doj doesnt do its job the frightening thing who else will . There wont be anyone to hold anyone accountable and thats very frightening as an american citizen that the power rests in that. Lou i think you are right that i think the American People hold great power as well still and one of the issues is going to be come november 3 whether or not we are willing to support a party that has become the party of hate and that is perpetrated all of these crimes against this republic, kansas constitution of this president. Sara great to have you with us. Thanks so much. Thank you lou. Klughna chinas threat to our National Security. His the Trump Administration doing enough to protect us from bad writing red storm . We take it up with dr. Michael pillsbury. The Trump Administration grantingng waivers for the building of the border wall and how much will that speed up construction . Take it up with the Department Homeland security scanned cuccinelli when we come right back. Please stay with us. People in other countries, for the exact same drugs. But they arent listening. Theyve just raised the prices of over five hundred drugs. 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Worldwide there are more than 2000 deaths to report and more than 75,000 cases worldwide. 99 of those deaths and cases are in china and meanwhile passengers aboard the diamond princess cruise ship in japan to prerelease from quarantine tomorrow. More than 100 americans on the ship will have to wait another 14 days before they can return to the United States. New report from conservative review that rhino senators tom tell us James Lankford and Lindsey Graham have been pushing for legislation that would grant amnesty to millions of Illegal Immigrants and they are trying to get the president support for the legislation. The Farm Workforce modernization act, dont you love the titles of these rhino bills, it passed the house last year 260165. 34 republicans joined the democrats. The bill would grant amnesty to Illegal Immigrants in the United States who worked for eckerd culture and would create unlimited guestworker programs for farm working Illegal Immigrants. President trump leaving federal contracting laws to expedite the border wall construction for the trap administration waiving regulations in hightraffic sectors of the border that would allow them to build another 177 miles a border wall bringing the total to 4050 miles built since the president took office. Our poll question tonight the subject, should Senate Republicans persuade President Trump to support an amnesty bill for Illegal Immigrants . Wed like to hear from you. Go to twitter lou dobbs. Joining us is can cuccinelli the acting secretary of the department for Homeland Security citizenship and Immigration Services as well and if that isnt enough hes a member of the president Coronavirus Task force. Its good to have you with us. Lets start with the coronavirus. We are now at 75,000 cases in more than 2000 have died in nearly all of them in china. Your thoughts about first of all signs of any improvement in the way in which china is handling this crisis . Well they are still struggling with it and hubei province. Its still an epidemic in proportion. The United States has offered not only china but other countries in the Region Special support and help. We have some of the best people in the world dealing with this. We have a couple of them on the ground in china which we have been trying to achieve for about a month trying to study this up close. We can defend the United States and frankly help chinese put an end to this virus at least in terms of the threatening nature of it that we are staring down there. Lou is i understand at the World Health Organization has a team. Is that team on the ground now . They are on the ground now. It does have an american element to it. Its not as much as we hope for including the w. H. O. Team itself not just the americans but its going to take them a couple of weeks to make an impact. Lou are you talking about the size of the team or the individuals . The size of the team primarily. We only have one or two americans involved and we had offered 13 in the w. H. O. Team of 25 and the chinese accepted one that was smaller than that in all respects. The real big question is going to be what sort of access will they get rid will they be given data in china or will they be allowed to investigate for themselves. The jury is still out on that one but it has a lot to do with how we interpret the information we are getting out of china so we can make the best informed decisions we cannot do presence virus test first headed by secretary azar which im a member of. Lou you also have to interpret what chinas doing here. They are sending a very loud signal and is i understand at the beginning of january we offered to send in a team of american scientists and doctors, Infectious Disease experts immunologist but they declined. We are into this now just about seven weeks from the time we became aware of this. They have still refused. You have an interpretation as to why they are rebuffing our offers of help . The first offer was made by our cdc to their cdc on january 6 and we were told no. Just took them a long time to say yes and ultimately they said yes to the World Health Organization for which the event participate so it was just a long secured his route to get there and all the while the virus moves forward. As you noted it still 99 in china but we see instances like a cruise ship in japan. We see singapore with over 80 cases now last i saw and its worrisome. Its concerning and we are taking active steps to prepare the United States. Obviously you saw the Repatriation Flight of americans who are most at risk. Theres only so long that we can keep that sort of thing up relative to the thread itself and we are looking at all of our options. Lou congratulations to you and to the administration and the president for what you are doing because in this country it seems to be under control and every safeguard taken but there is the question, at some point as we are watching these numbers spread china looks like on the Johns Hopkins map a giant red blob with these numbers seemingly increasing per day not diminishing. Is there going to be a point where simply going to have to say you are not crossing the border and not enter our ports of entry . Is that on the table as a response to this because i cant imagine why we would not in order protect their citizens. Lou first of all youre right. The threat to the United States is still low when youve seen us use travel restrictions. More on the table but i will tell you the best medical advice suggests you reach a point where those dont really do much anymore. We are nowhere near that point. Lou can you describe that point because its counterintuitive . It is counterintuitive and i understand that the viruses dont care about orders so much. What we dont know is how much of this has spread around before the world was aware of it. We are just generally testing all over the world so we dont know what we are not seeing. As tony fauci from nih likes to say we dont know the denominator. We dont know how many cases are out there. We just know how many china reports and we also know thats not all of them. Thats a very difficult in and one of the many uncertainties that we have to contend with. The president has been very clear with us to stay leaning forward and in the areas of uncertainty err on the side of safety for the American People. So far we have done that successfully but we have a long way to go. Lou Ken Cuccinelli id like to talk about the rest of your massive portfolio. I understand. Lou thanks for being with us. Billionaire liberal leftwing donor george soros calling for the removal of Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg in chief are burning officers cheryl sandberg. Sources now making it a habit to issue off heads and to make his demands known. This time he did so in a letter to the financial times. In it soros argues that social media giants refusal to remove political ads as quote helping to get donald trump reelected and he doesnt like that so if you will take note. George soros the replacement of the ownership and management of these books. We like to hear your thoughts on all this. Share your comments follow me on twitter lou dobbs like men Facebook Follow me on Instagram Lou dobbs tonight. Up next the latest actions taken by the Trump Administration to stop chinas growing geopolitical military threats. It will take it up with one of the nations leading china experts dr. Michael pillsbury right after these quick messages. We will be right back. 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Means those media organizations will be treated as state sponsored propaganda and agents of the communist party if china in this country through President Trump today downplayed the possibility of further restrictions on the exports of some goods and technology to china. Heres what the president had to say this afternoon on his way to california. I will say we are not going to be sacrificing her companies by using emit term on social security. He has to be Real National security and i think people were getting carried away with it. Including chipmakers and various others. They will make those ships in a different country. I would be tough but that doesnt mean we have to be tough on everybody that does something. We want to be able to sell all that said credible technology. Remember when the world. Without a deal to sell to other countries. Lou joining us dr. Michael pillsbury director of the center for chinese status strategy the Chinese Institute author of an International Bestseller and its good to have you with us might. Your reaction to open for business . I remember back in the Reagan Administration i was headed policy planning at the pentagon and we have these weekend and week out over what was National Security technology that should be denied and what was really serious and would damage our ability to win the war if the enemy got ahold of it. Those decisions often depended on intelligence information dependent on knowledge of technology and it went back and forth. President reagan had a similar approach. It didnt want to get our enemies better arms of President Trump is trying to balance the same issue. Lou that is one of the words of the presidency. He is to carry out that once i do think we should find a context with the president saying care about these engines. Theyve been exported to china since 2014. Thats a long time to give the chinese an opportunity for reverse engineering if they want to produce them. Unless we are just not giving them the idea they might try that. I can imagine, can you . We have the same issue 30 years ago with india a similar kind of engine was being denied. The Navy Secretary at the time john lehman told us he would resign in protest if we cleared these for india. She explained to us the deal went through for india and 10 other countries. Ge explained to president reagan just how hard it would be to reverse engineer the turbine blades because of the way the little holes were drilled. Everyone had to learn new details about it. They never were reverse engineered. Lou the chinese have the same difficulty with these ge engines. Lets turn to the coronavirus. As Ken Cuccinelli and i were just discussing it as a low threat as he put it in this country because we only have 15 confirmed cases. But we have others under observation. The government has done an amazing job i think in constraining the spread of the virus into this country. So here we are and we have china saying we are not welcome to help them and is easy to start suspecting them of having a reason to deny us entry into their country to help them. I hope you will permit me to disagree with Ken Cuccinelli. I think theres a bigger risk than he is talking about. I think its to the point of danger. Its not the virus is not peaked in china. It kills doctors and Health Care Workers who are closest to it and now they are issuing strains studied yesterday that only harms people 80 years of age or older. The virus kills 15 of them so i dont know this information coming out of china. If this gets out of control we have a real pandemic. A lot of dead people will be facing politicians if they dont take this more seriously. The good thing china has admitted w. H. O. But not the american cdc yet. They have postponed their own congress. Its now put off indefinitely so the chinese know this is a really dangerous virus. They are stopping wildlife traffic inside of china. Thats the source of this virus of the chinese are very serious about it. I dont agree its a low risk to americans. I think ken means there are very few cases that is certainly not under control in china. Lou when he talks about being a low threat to the states United States based on the number of cases under observation and confirmed cases of it i think you would agree i think about a loaiza rate as we could hope for. We dont have protection at all of her ports of entry. Theres a number things we could do to be more cautious with the virus that is being done so far. Lou it must be straightforward. We have an unprotected northern border in an unprotected southern border and great swaths of land across both. I do think president xi and President Trump have a Good Relationship thats key to all of this. Obviously thereve been offers of help so far resident xi still has not responded to the january 6 offer from President Trump to have american scientists come in and do studies. Lou i want to turn to the trade agreement with the chinese. Seems to be moving at a pace. Orders have been placed for 1 Million Metric Tons of soybeans. Seems its moving outpace that larry kudlow the president s economic adviser says he would be willing and it seems to me hes speaking for perhaps the administration that he would be willing to defer the onset of the first parts of the trade deal which would be 200 million over two years. Im very fond of larry kudlow but i think hes wrong on this one. I think we had to hold the chinese. Lou if i may entropy we have a hard break coming up here. Ill ask you to stay with us to the commercial break and we will be back on why you are right or youd stay with us. Imagine traveling hasslefree with your golf clubs. Now you can, with shipsticks. 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This is the presence main reason for running for president protectorate and say that several times. It took the president a year and have to get this. Its unique. No other president has done it before. I could teach larry kudlow an old chinese proverb give them an inch and they will take a mile. We cant let up on this trade. I think we need to stick to the presence amazing achievement to make sure the trade b. Was in force. Lou dr. Michael pillsbury is always great to have you with us. Thanks so much. Former white house National Security adviser john bolton now claims the white house censoring his upcoming book is speaking at the Duke University quote i uphope its not suppress producs an effort to write history and i did it the best i can. We will have to see what comes out of the censorship. Are you ready . No former National Security adviser has ever, ever written a book while the president they served under was still in office , not one. Joining us tonight the National Security expert president of the center for security and policy. Great to have you with us. Stunning that alton would be so arrogant as to label a citizenship the responsible review about look by a National Security adviser. Well you know ive called for him to withdraw his book and follow the president of bob gates fellow. He resigned in 2011 but didnt put his book out until the 2012 election but he led three years go by. The mac out of 10 National Security advisers not a single one for the book and published it while the president they served was in office. Gates was criticized for publishing this book while obama was still in office. I take issue with bolton when he sang his effort to write history will be censored. The history of this administration is still being written. These policies. Lou lets be clear he could be helping this president make history if we have the judgment sense and temperament and frankly the ego to serve the nation instead of himself. Policy says he disagrees with iran and north korea. Lou it just annoys me so lets move on. I mean really its just ridiculous. Chris murphy meeting with the Iranian Foreign minister, senator murphy is the same fellow who criticized tom cotton for sending a letter for crying out loud to iran. We have seen senators and house of representatives meet with representatives of governments before and we have seen how democrats can the castro brothers but murphy said because President Trump is not engaging he will. This really is a stunning violation of the president s prerogative. Lou its also clear murphy is nothing more than a hack and if he thinks he is serving the National Interest in anyon way n a manner superior to that of the president is he f is an abject fool. Let me have the truck administration does, their ratings will not meet with trump officials. Murphy is being played the for a fool by the radiance. The divided leadership create. Lou and murphy knows how to be played as you put it, you fool. I think i put it that way as well. Lets go back to the t idea that china is right now resisting u. S. Help. Your judgment about how the president should deal with this. How should the president move forward as a matter of foreignpolicy . We need to double down on diplomatic efforts to make it cheer clear to china that it has to accept help to deal with the coronavirus. The global emergency and the secretiveness. Lou visit trouble you that obviously the power structure in china doesnt recognize they have a local responsibility and thus . I think they realize it now but they still arent budging in leading and experts. Lou it means they dont recognize it. They certainly dont want to commit to any geopolitical suicide here, do they . These officials are not responsible for the chinese people. They give them the power to enrich themselves. They realize the situation but they dont care. President trumps to lean on the chinese leadership to say you need to work with us on this. Lou my guess is that he and xi are talking now. Good to see you. Incredible video of the first 100 autonomous human flight and its vertical takeoff. Figure that one out. Looks like p a jet pack to me. The video shows a man taking off from our marina in dubai soaring almost 6000 feet into the air. The carbon fiber wings strapped to his back or powered by four minijet engines controlled by the pilots movement. The jetpack, there it is, can reach speeds of more than 160 miles an hour. Thats what you would want to do and that contraption to lease 160 Miles Per Hour and its a flight for 35 miles. How quickly would you get there . About 10 minutes. Democratse radical are in disarray on big presence growing list of accomplishments. They dont know what to do about this historic president. They areri pouting. Dr. Sebastian gorka will be with us after the break and these quick messages. Please stay with us. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tits great actually, ive been listening to audible. Its audiobooks, news, meditations. Gotta go hey you know, i do think its weird youve started commuting when you work from home. Ill be in my office. Download audible and start every day off right. I work hard and i want my money to work hard too. So i use my freedom unlimited card. Even when im spending, im earning 1. 5 cash back on everything i buy. Earning on my favorite soup. Got it. Earning on that eclair. Dont touch it. Dont touch it yet. Let me get the big one. Nope. This one . Nope. This one . No. Let me get them all. Im gonna get them all. 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The nasdaq gained two points and that was enough for it to hit a new record high at the close pedebone on the big word 3. 8 million shares crude oil at 52 and 5 cents a barrel gold up over a to 1600 an ounce, silver up 2 come 18. 13 an ounce in a new report shows going has discovered foreign objects inside the fuel tanks of some of their undelivered 737 max jetliners. Boeing will now inspect all 400 stored undelivered 737 max aircraft before they are delivered to customers. Boeing is having troubles galore. A reminder listened to my reports three times a day coasttocoast on the salem radio network. Michael bloomberg come hes got a lot of a lot of money and he has been some of it to buy his way into tomorrows democratic debate in nevada to. Bloomberg came in second in a new poll behind Bernie Sanders. Bloomberg was allowed on the debate stage until january 31 when the Democratic National committee decided to change things. They removed donation requirements to qualify for the debate and bingo hes in. Who says money cant make the candidate . President trumps success in populated continues to grow leaving some democrats very worried and very much aware that they have no chance of beating him in 2020. Here are a few of his achievements but they does have to deal with. These do not go away no matter what. This historic trade deal with china the passing of the usmca mexico canada trade agreement record low unemployment the killing of m solomonic order wee all construction and 40 come excuse me 49 Approval Rating the highest ofki his presidency. All this after the radical democrats couldnt put together, they decided to overthrow him with the special counsel with an fbi investigation and oh yes lets not forget impeachment. Joining us now Sebastian Gorka posted the salem radio program, America First author of to President Trump. So great to have yous here and i think its laughable to see these democrats doing in their own. They have no idea whatth to do d i am thinking specifically shifts and nadler and schumer and the bunch. Its really quite pathetic lou when you look at the past three years. If i were a Democrat Voter i would have a simple question like to have answered what has the Democratic Party done for me since the midturns . They have failed impeachment and a failed at trial in the house. They havent delivered on any significant way with anything with infrastructure or anything else and then we look at the iowa caucus and bloomberg buying himself onto the stage. If a party thats representative the party of the working class has got that the lead of its ticket in on reconstituted communist and Bernie Sanders in a billionaire who makes outrageousco comments that mean going viral on the internet. Farmers arent and hispanics and black young men dont know how to this is the Democratic Party. May lead to a contested convention and lou im buying a share and in popcorn. Lou its quite something to watch in normally im not given to minutia. O i usually ends up to nothing but this business of the dnc changing its rules to accommodate bloomberg and all of the other candidates. I think that he is, there may be a perverse ascension here in on his part because he has made the other candidates look like whiny little helpless and cowardly candidates because they are not standing up and saying hell no. If you put him and i am out which is exactly what they should have done but they didnt have the guts to stand on principle and so therefore they are aiding and abetting this billionaire oligarch in the takeover of theirol party. What do you think . While at the same a time how paradoxical and however on itca that this is the party thats been lecturing us on how evil millionaires and billionaires are per to my regular show i have perennial Martin Luther king day where aoc literally said an event to honor the good reverend that nobody has ever made a billion dollars in america. Its always stolen off the backs of single mothers and undocumented illegal aliens. This is the party that hates billionaires and entrepreneurs and now somebody is just going to stroll in and buyin. This is the irony of what we are witnessing now. Lou Sebastian Gorka your newest book the war for americas soul. Fight on brother. We are coming back. Stay with us. To other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. 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And its rolling out in cities across the country so people can experience speeds that ultra wideband can deliver. 1. 7 gigs here in houston. 1. 8 gigs here in frigid omaha. Almost 2 gigs here in los angeles. Thats outrageous its like an eightlane highway compared to a twolane dirt road. And my side super soft . Yes. With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Dont miss the final days of the ultimate sleep number event, save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus 0 interest for 24 months on all smart beds. Ends sunday. Liz lou interpol last night we asked you should anyone believe for any reason that any department of the executive ranch is independent of president ial authority . 93 of you said absolutely not. President trump today making it very clear that the constitution gives the president all the executive Authority Required to intervene the Justice Department whenever he wishes. The attorney general is a man with incredible integrity. Just so you understand i chose not to be involved. Im allowed to be totally involved. Im actually the chief Law Enforcement officer of the country but ive chosen not to be involved. Lou thats it for us. Jordan chang and dr. Anthony fauci among her guests. Please join us. Good night from new york york. Trish the fate of one man, a low pressure trump supporter, roger stone, as a federal judge refuses to postpone his sentencing amid his lawyers pushing for a new trial. Good evening, im trish regan. The president made his opinion known. This was and is not right. It was a very, very rough thing that happened to roger stone. When you look at what mapped with comey after a 78page

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