of cases symptoms have required little or no medical intervention. now just 14 cases in the united states. all right, investors are showing their concern, we don't know when this things ends, we don't know what, how impact it's going to have on the economy, we are down 150 for the opening bell, for the dow, 16 down for s&p and big 65-point drop on nasdaq, let's get to politics, democrats split, bernie versus the establishment, joe biden fades the so-called moderates panic that they don't have anyone who can beat the president in november. so the democrats fall back on investigations, impeachment and sliming the president, this time around they are going after the president because the administration intervened in the sentencing of roger stone, this could backfire, wait till you hear what the stone jury leader was up to before and during the trial. varney & company is about to begin. stuart: yeah, look at your screen, varney favorites, charles payne, dan henninger and laura trump later on the program. first let's get to the markets, stocks coming off record highs definitely after china reports the big jump in virus cases, market watcher gary kalbaum is with us, i read your stuff, do you think it's a temporary blip, that's it? >> i do, since the day at the christmas 2018, dow up 35%, nasdaq up over 55%, we are just way overdue, this is event driven right now, we had news a week ago when they upped the numbers, my only complaint right here is that the nasdaq and technology is sticking straight up, the amount of money that i've made since november and mega cap names is just off the charts right now and we need to pull back and i wouldn't mind, i don't care -- think it's a big deal. stuart: you would not be boying the dip? >> i wouldn't today, we have a little more to go, this is an outlier event if it really worsens or start to see some numbers break out in other countries in a bigger way i think market wills take a bigger hit, that's something that has to be watched for, overall, i think the market looks great and i have to tell you the institution all money has been pouring in and i don't think it will end in dip like this. stuart: i want to deal with alibaba, the stock dropped sharply on news that 15,000 new virus cases, the stock came back a little and alibaba reported -- -- alibaba reports strong revenues, alibaba ceo has called the virus a black-swan event. >> potential global implications and it does, second largest second in the world slows down to maybe one to 4% down from 6%, that's going to have reverberations around the world. he also says a delay of employees returning to work will affect merchandisers and logistics and have impact on a company like alibaba, if you listen closely to earnings call and cfo people want to spend on services because of the coronavirus, you may not see the sales in the first quarter but they are saying a black-swan event in reference to one-off event if that makes sense, short-term event that will impact the markets and the economy. >> thank you, i want to get back to gary, your comment, please. >> in china most definitely and lots of asia most definitely, when apple shuts 42 stores, starbucks shuts stores, you see what's happening with cruise lines and airlines not flying there, black swan and how long this will go on for and how bad it's going to get and to be clear as much as i do like the market actually, love the market here and love it on pullback, if this thing really does get out of hand market wills take a pretty darn good haircut, this is an outside event that must be watched on a minute by minute basis. stuart: okay, gary, let me move onto other stocks with global exposure and poised to lower open today, i will start with am, they are down 3 bucks at 323. how about boeing, down a buck 89 at 343, cisco, they reported lower sales, they get a lukewarm forecast, this is not related to the virus, down 5%, big drop for cisco, how about tesla, they've announced a 2 billion-dollar common stock offering and they are down 24 bucks, back to 742, now look at barkley's, in connection with sex offender jeffrey epstein. the stock is down 1.4%. ashley: his name is jeff bailey, this goes back to 2000. he met jeffrey epstein at jpmorgan private bank and epstein was a client there and stanley says this, obviously i thought i knew him well and i didn't, for sure with hindsight with what we now know i deeply regret having any relationship with jeffrey, the barclays's board that if you had any time, regulators are looking into there to see what his relationship with jeffrey epstein was. stuart: ouch. thank you, ash. bernie sanders is clearly picking up steam after iowa and new hampshire and new gallup shows 53% of us would not choose a socialist, gary, come back in again, does the far left still pose any kind of threat to the market and my 401(k)? >> i want to know what's wrong with the other 47%. let me be clear, if he ever gets in the presidency and gets his policy in place look out, you know, i keep this little list, stuart, and very quickly proposals present and past from this man, higher individual tax and that's 29,000 above, corporate tax, state tax, payroll tax and 8% wealth tax, carbon tax, financial transaction tax and exit tax, if you want to get to heck out of here, social security tax, war tax, the green new deal, kick 150 million people off insurance, break uptakeover shutdown energy technology healthcare insurance, education and nationalize all of this and my favorite let the boston bomber elect in the elections, happy new year. will wealthy will not be affected, you know who will be affected the most, millennials. they will be taxed more and more and more, bernie sanders called for 100% tax making a million and $1, try getting somewhere in life, he has a lot of marks on there unfortunately. >> i have to show you the fox news analysis, fox voter analysis, shows bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, they are the top choice by voters on who should handle the economy, that's taken from democrats going into the new hampshire primaries, i think, but nonetheless the top two choices to handle the economy, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, my question; gary, we should maybe support sanders in his bid for nomination because if he gets it, he's not going to be the president of the united states and he will drag down the down ticket in the senate races, he will drag them down as well and probably allow the president to take control of the white house and the senate and maybe win back the house. >> boy, you this planned out, stuart, let me be clear if the economy stays strong and it's sanders versus bernie sanders, there's no way shape or form he gets the middle of the country, there's no way he gets most of the independents and i've said this time and time again between michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin and florida, the president won by only 190,000 votes out of 23 million, total of 75 electorals, there's no way sanders wins those states, so i do agree with you but i must tell you i would rather have a moderate against trump just in case because you never know what happens, i still remember right before the election with mccain and obama you had the -- mccain was leading coming out of the convention and then look out, so i'd rather not have them around i would rather go into the dust. stuart: a blip on the signal but we understood exactly what you had to say. check futures again, we will be down, it's not a huge selloff in the dow, down half percentage point, same for s&p, but maybe down two-thirds for the -- there's a 1%, that's for the nasdaq, now this, a prominent leader of the jewish community literally thrown out of an event after challenging squad member rashida tlaib with this question. you better watch it. [inaudible] stuart: i'm sorry, folks, i could not tell what the question was, the gentleman there, he will join me in our 10:00 o'clock hour. next coronavirus surging in china, more than 15 now cases reported, later this hour i have a doctor joining me who says she believes china is not telling the truth about the virus, she's on the show. impeachment, total failure but now speaker pelosi has a new strategy, now she's now trying to down play the booming economy and we will deal with it next. begin to tell you... how bright you shine. how strong you are. how brilliant... unique... how you're... my rock. my diamond. for the diamond in your life, there's only one diamond store. it's the valentine's day sale. get 25% off everything. including these special deals. at zales, the diamond store. it's a masterstroke of heartache and redemption. the lexus nx. modern utility for modern obstacles. lease the 2020 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. stuart: more big names for you heading into the opening bell, look at goldman sachs, it's not down that much but it's down. big tech, some of them, microsoft, back to 183, down a buck 166. don't forget nike, big china exposure. we have a tweet, fourth person in the jury of roger stone case had significant bias, add that to everything else and this is not looking good for the justice department. the tweet comes in response to newly-revealed social media post that is show the person in charge of the jury that convicted former trump adviser stone on obstruction charges clearly very antitrump this person. come in arizona senator martha mcsally, senator, they are still trying to slime the president, i think this one -- they are trying to investigate him, they are even talking impeachment because of this, i think it's going to backfire? >> stuart, it already has backfired, they have been trying to impeach the president since they got elected, they have not accepted the outcome, they are trying to throw him off the ballot as you saw and they overreached once and they can be the handle it, it is backfiring, in arizona people want to be foe cushion on lower the cost of prescription drugs, providing more job opportunities or training for people so they can fill the jobs that are out there, things are going well and there's more that we have to do to make a difference for the people who represent and these guys are still in derangement syndrome, investigation, impeachment, it's ridiculous. stuart: impeachment clearly failed and now speaker pelosi is looking to undermine the president on the economy, there's a report from politico that says this, nancy pelosi hosted special speaker's meeting with economic adviser to explain to democrats why the economy isn't actually a strong as trump claims and how they can miami that to -- message that to voters, what do you think of that? >> i think it's laughable, i think they need to come out of bunker in dc and listen to americans, in arizona we have single mom that is have gotten raised, lowest unemployment of hispanics, veterans, parents are happy because their 30-year-old kid moved out of the house and got a job, over 60% of americans feel optimistic about the economy and the future, once again, the liberal democrats and allies are out of touch with what's going on in america. it's laughable that they are trying to message something different. stuart: i have a tweet from the president on one of your favorite subjects, i will read the tweet for you, ending surprise medical billing moving ahead, thanks for congress for sending bipartisan bill to my desk, i know, senator, you want to lower prescription drug prices, you want to end the surprise billings, look, my question is when is this going to happen, can you get it through congress now? >> we have to get it through the congress, stuart. stuart: will you? >> absolutely we can, everybody can agree that when a patient, an individual goes in to the emergency room that they should not get a bill, $10,000 months later because the insurance companies and the providers can't sort out the in-network situation, i have a constituent who lost her home and sell home over this issue; it's time for us to move on, this i'm a cosponsor of the cassidy bipartisan bill, let's get it on the president's desk and end surprise billing. stuart: i have to end it senator, before i do, do i want to say thank you very much for the response to that reporter who is jamming a microphone in your face and you called him -- well, we won't tell you, a liberal, that's what you called him, we appreciate it. >> good see you. stuart: okay, now this, the chair of the iowa democrat party has resigned after the caucus debacle, of course, is he taking -- he's taking the fall for the dnc. ashley: falling on the sword. troy price, long-time leader in the democrat party in iowa, in fact, he was the chief political operator for hillary clinton, tony. troy price is what it says here. stuart: oh, okay. what is it, tony or troy? >> i have troy according to this article. either way he was the political operative for hillary clinton in 2016, so, yes, he's gone and he says after debacle of the caucuses, he says i'm deeply sorry for what happened and i take responsibilities for any failures on behalf of the democratic party, yes. stuart: i think i interrupted just as the video tape was showing the sign on the front of the podium falling off. [laughter] ashley: oh. stuart: oh, boy. ashley: that sums up the caucus, does it not? stuart: let's get serious, the government is investigating harvard and yale secret funding, how much. >> 6 and a half billion dollars according to materials viewed by the wall street journal and stems from a case where the head to have harvard chemistry department, the chairman in fact, was arrested last month on several charges on lying of receiving millions of dollars of chinese money through the program and subsidized program by $15 million and so the officials and this is the energy department, the education department, accusing schools of actively soliciting money from foreign governments and then not reporting it because they may have outside influence in research departments which are looking into innovative future technologies and also, you know, there's a lot of students that come from international countries now, so do they get easier access into the program, there's a lot of questions about that? stuart: investigate that, please, thank you, susan. i've been following the round-up cancer lawsuit closely, bayer wants to put an end to the suit bus they still want to keep on selling the product, right, ash? ashley: yes, they, do they are in a very difficult place n other cases similar to this, in order to try and finish and end all the lawsuits companies would discontinue or alter the product or even putting a warning label on it, well, round-up is on the shelves as we speak, and, you know, that could suggest future liability as the cases go on, look, beyer does not want to go in front of a jury again, they have done it 4 times and lost 4 times and handed out a lot of money even though a judge brought it down it's still multi, multimillions, there's word that a settlement could be on the horizon totaling out $10 billion, now that would make it one of the most expensive corporate litigation cases in history. the bottom line is, though, they say that the roundup does not cause cancer, all the government agencies agree with beyer and say, no, it does not, however when the cases go to court beyer is in trouble. a difficult one for them. stuart: something about the tort bar going after major american corporations and extracting money i think unjustifiably, that's my opinion. that's just my opinion. futures, we will be down this morning, it's thursday all day, we will be down at the opening day. that's what my mom used to say. what day is it, mom, thursday all day. 15,000 new cases, i have a doctor joining me shortly who believes this part of a cover-up and we will be back with that. when it comes to using data, everyone is different. which is why xfinity mobile created a different kind of wireless network. one that saves you money by letting you design your own data - giving you more choice and control compared to other top wireless carriers. now you can choose unlimited, shared data, or mix lines of each and switch any line, anytime. no one else lets you do that. design your own data with xfinity mobile. it's wireless reimagined. simple. easy. awesome. and my side super soft? yes. with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday stuart: trend in the market as we walk up to opening bell, i will start with mcdonalds, premarket, down half percent, down almost a buck. as for disney, i think they are down, yes, they are, not much, just a third of 1% to the downside, another financial, jpmorgan, 50 cents, one-third of 1%, visa, they are down as well, i do declare, yes, they are, only 16 cents. if you take a rook at futures overall, we are down 160 on the dow, s&p down, nasdaq down considerably, down 3 quarters of 1% and as we head towards opening of the market, let's bring in marketley joining us as well. scott, you first, i wouldn't call that a particularly serious selloff. rather muted, what say you? >> pretty orderly so far, stuart, we have seen these before, whether it's overreaction to earnings reports, whether it's coronavirus fears t markets have sold off but they've been very quick, so if you have some cash on the sidelines, shopping list out b ready to pounce because the selloffs have lasted not much more than 2 days. this stuart: this is a response to the virus explosion, 15,000 new cases. >> yeah. stuart: muted response, would you actually tell people to go out and buy something this morning? >> i would. fears that people aren't going to use credit cards now and another thing that we saw the other day, another opportunity to pick up great names. stuart: susan, i think you can confirm, this we don't know when the virus peaks and we don't know what impact it'll have on chinese economy? >> hard to handicap, you are looking at volatility in the stock market, goldman sachs tried to put number to impact in the u.s., maybe half percent but they tend to bounce back very quickly with the economies and kudlow says so far from what they've seen internal government numbers, impact .2% or so. not huge. stuart: not huge. >> demand stuart, that gets pinned up, basically delayed and not destroyed. yes, we could lose half a point in gdp, likely to show up. >> towards 70% what the companies have reported so far, companies are still making a lot more money and more money than expected once again, so you know, we have earnings up from 2% so far from the s&p, they are expected to fall, profit was expected to fall in the first last 3 months of last year, didn't happen, so you're jumping off from a pretty positive basis with strong economy. stuart: outed the virus, you still get the feeling the market wants to go up. ashley: sure, i think so. before this came up the market was continue to go make, you know, meltup as we say, earnings have been strong, certainly better than we hope for and the economy is humming along and then along comes the coronavirus and that, of course, maybe a black-swan event. >> bring it back to politics a little bit. stuart: please. >> talking to traders in the new york stock exchange encouraged by the fact that elizabeth warren seems to be fading, no breaking up big tech, there's relief there -- >> i love what you said, democrats are doing their part. they are coming apart and that's giving this boost to the market. you to love it. [bell] stuart: okay, the opening bell, you hear a ring, they're all clapping and cheering and in 2 second the opening of the market the thursday morning, we will open down, let's be clear, we will open down right from the get-go off 220 points. dow 30, most of them actually are down, so at the moment we have the dow down half percentage point. that's down exactly half percentage point, the nasdaq i'm looking for a bigger decline, we got it, down two-thirds of 1% there. big news this morning from alibaba, the ceo says this virus is a black-swan event, it may affect the global economy, very strong word to use alibaba stock itself is only down 1.7%? strong word, black swan. >> not anymore, you guys talked about this, it's like anything, right, with price, the market is going to overprice probably this effect from the coronavirus at times, alibaba's concern, 200 which it got a couple of weeks back, i'd be buying. >> look, i think he's referring to short-term event that you can't quantify right now, you don't know what the outcome is going to be, how long it's going to last and how it impacts the economy, overall if you look at, when you look at their quarter -- half a trillion, more than half a trillion with the rally we have seen in the past year. stuart: they are big in the cloud. they are expanding in the cloud. look at tesla, they are down $11, point and a half, 1 and a half percent. 754. we are used to big moves. >> it was 5%. >> trading at 751 in order to raise money. stuart: why not. >> pay out spending in china -- >> yeah. stuart: i could never work that stuff out, i can't. big-tech names that we check every single day, look at them go, amazon, apple, alphabet all on the downside this morning; would you buy any of them, scott martin? >> ill buy them in the next couple of days, we are coming at the end of the week, coronavirus will get bad over the weekend, if you do see a couple dollar pullback get the wallet out. stuart: let me talk to you about microsoft in particular. >> the one that got away. stuart: i sold it at 159. it was 190 the other day and would you buy more microsoft? >> we would, stuart. stuart: buy it now? >> again, on the pullback, yeah, i will probably wait tomorrow to pick it up, i like the big pullback stocks because of the fact that the guys have major earnings power and that's what the market is paying up for right now. stuart: i need an update on the status of foxconn workers in apple in china, what do we have -- foxconn. >> employs a million across china, that's a big employer in the country, they expect to reach 50% capacity by the end of february, they were going to -- apple for itself has said that this week and they were going to open the stores in phases in different days, should be up and running once again in china, some of the stores that they've closed because of the coronavirus and the chinese new year but still has that hurt apple over this time, no, they've gained $18 billion in market share on wednesday. stuart: you told me this morning that alibaba is the biggest company in china and foxconn employs a million people. neither which i knew before we started. what we are talk about is the impact of the virus and we will break down some of the areas where the virus may have an impact, first of all, america's fast-food chains in china. ashley: obviously quite a number of closures, yum china, kfc, pizza huts they closed 30% of the restaurants, mcdonalds, several hundred locations, starbucks up to 50% of its stores, all of this will have an impact, there's no doubt about it, so the bo to -- bottom line. stuart: i know you like it, you will buy some more? >> it's a cheap stock versus historical valuation, versus some of its peers, i like it especially taking advantage of the coronavirus. stuart: let's get back to areas that are being affected by the virus, sports retailers, adidas, canada goose, nike. ashley: nike will have financial impact. most of them have but hard to get your head around because you don't really know, nike, for instance, 50% of the stores, all of this will have impact. the big question is how long does this go on because the impact goes up. >> canada goose, close to 40%, so for a different company depending on how much you rely on different regions, it's going to have a bigger impact, for nike they have shown before they can make sales else can where in the u.s., north america is biggest market. stuart: yesterday we were putting cruise stocks, they were going up. ashley: now they are going down. we know that carnival, yes, it would have financial impact. again, like so many companies, they just can't get a sense of how big an impact, there's no doubt, does anyone want to get a cruise ship right now head anywhere close to asia, probably not. caribbean, trip adviser, let's not forget the travel industry from the air. stuart: look at bottom-right-hand kosir -- corner of the screen. so now we are down 109, one-third of one percent, that's it, the dow is at 29,400. casinos are down i guess because of macao. >> they had nice rally before coronavirus. >> 3 times the size of vegas trip when it comes to gambling, people only go to macao to gamble, you don't go to watch shows and eat out. stuart: i've been there, it's astonishing awhat they've done there. they don't have that many slots. right. they don't have that. [laughter] stuart: relatively silent crowd. would you buy a gaming stock? >> , no i don't like the gaming stocks for a couple of reasons, one, because of big rally that we talked about, stu, before coronavirus, let's face it. they are as volatile as bets you make at the casino. >> there's been a ceo change, mgm resorts ceo looks to step down. he's been there for a while, more than 10 years at this point. >> at least a decade. >> by the way, because it's hard to quantify how the coronavirus will impact mgm's business, it's tough going for leadership of these big companies. >> vegas is getting more competition, too, susan, legalized gambling in different states around the country, vegas, you do some of that stuff elsewhere. stuart: is that right? >> that's what my friends told me, i have to believe them. stuart: check the big board, the dow is down only 109 points, we are really when you have a 29,400 level, a loss of 100 points is not that much, it's one-third of 1%. >> 500 points away from 30,000. stuart: exactly, thank you. >> another milestone right there. stuart: you're on the ball this morning, young lady. >> i'm always on the ball. stuart: i know you are. i'm not implying -- okay. not much of an indicater this morning. the price of gold, where is that? it is up 5 bucks, again, not much of indicator. i'm interested in oil because i always like to see whether i will get cheap gas or not, 51.67 is your price, that's still a depressed price for oil. the maga stocks, what we used to call the trillion dollar club, microsoft, m, apple, a, google, g, amazon, a, those are in your portfolio, i've asked you this before about 5 minutes ago, are you buying any more of any of them? >> eventually if they keep pulling back, stuart, if you have cash on the sidelines, you will get opportunities to get the guys cheaper and you have to own these in 2020 because the market is paying up for growth and that's what these four have. stuart: i supposed i ought to get back into them. >> you know, amazon is starting to bounce a little bit here. apple is still relatively cheap giving earnings power. stuart: i sole at 159, if i go back in again, 184, i look like a real chump don't i, you don't do that. >> i feel like we talk about it every day. >> maybe you should just buy it again so we can move on from the subject. >> let's move on. >> put the order in right now. stuart: my name is on the show and if we want to talk about -- ashley: every day. stuart: i'm the idiot who sold. come on. all right, what do we have next? dow is down 128 points, we've got the maga stocks on the screen, dow is up, what, .4% again, muted response, the background here is simple, the background is the 254 deaths announced just in one day, that's the latest number, and 15,000 cases just new cases. still on this outbreak, china reports as we said, 15,000 flu -- new cases, joining us doctor and she has been to china and knows the china health care very well, welcome to the program, good to see you. >> thank you. stuart: would you say that the chinese have been truthful with us all along about the virus? >> there was definitely an attempt to cover up the outbreak in december. there was a physician that had seen multiple cases of suspicious pneumonia reported to medical school and colleagues and he got taken in by the place and forced to sign a statement saying saying that he wouldn't discuss the statement anymore. that did happen, mid-january right after the city officials knew that -- that there was an outbreak, they allowed a banquet with tens of thousands of people to take place and that banquet shouldn't have been allowed to take place. stuart: we hear there's a new way of diagnosing the virus and they just started to use the new diagnosis, maybe that's the reason for 15,000 new cases all of a sudden, is that accurate? >> two issues going on, there are more rapid testing kits available but what they seem to be doing in wuhan is making the diagnosis on a clinical basis, so instead of doing the rapid tests or laboratory test, they are diagnosing people based on symptoms alone and lung scans, that's probably the reason that we are seeing the rapid jump in cases, but these cases probably are real, i do think that in the past few weeks the number of cases have been underreported. stuart: we also hear that in 82% of cases where the virus has been diagnosed, in 82% of cases, little or no medical treatment is required, in other words, the symptoms are not dire at all, they are rather mild, can you confirm that? >> yes, that is the case that most people symptoms will be quite mild and would not need medical care but unfortunately because so many people are getting sick including the young and elderly, they do need care and the hospital system is overwhelmed. >> 14 cases in the united states and that's not expanded very much at all in the past week or 10 days, would you say that we've contained it well in america and we shouldn't be panicked or scared? >> i think the u.s. has contained it well, no panic, everyone should have an emergency kit at home, but i'm not concerned in the u.s., i think they handled the outbreak very well. stuart: i'm out and about in new york city frequently, every day actually and i've only seen one face mask in the last week, i guess that's a signal that we are not panicked at this stage. doctor, thanks for joining us, i know we booked you on short notice, great to see you and thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. stuart: all right, we have news on the virus from the administration edward lawrence in dc, what have you got for me on the virus? >> yeah, sources in the administration who say they are working on this coronavirus and they believe that china is underreporting the numbers of cases by at least 100,000 and, quote, severely under reporting the number of deaths related to this case, scientists within the administration working with the administration trying to figure out exactly how this virus is spreading, they would like to get to ground zero, where this started and i'm being told that china has not yet allowed the cdc or who to where this started, they want to figure out how it's transmitted, its contact is what they believe but they want to figure out rule out if this airborne virus as well, to do that they need to get to the site on where this started. in addition, they are looking at a number of other factors related to how it attacks the body, attacks the upper and lower respiratory systems, sources says that it acts a lot like sars but would be more severe, they just have to -- they need more testing and to do that they need to get ground zero and that's been the problem. stuart: can i just confirm the main headlines here, edward, number 1, the administration believes there are really extra one hundred thousand cases in china. >> in china. stuart: and number 2, no cdc official from the united states has yet been allowed into china to look for the basic source the way it all started. >> have not been allowed to the site, they have not been allowed to the site as to where this started. stuart: edward, good report, thank you very much for bringing it to us quickly. check the big board, it's not had an impact on our market, not that i can see, we are still down 100 points. a couple of stocks we have to check for you, united healthcare, they are down a fraction, i don't know what the news is there, they are just down a fraction. travel website expedia, they report after the bell today, the virus is expected to have an impact on their numbers, in advance of that they are down 28 cents, that's it. roku, they report after the bell today, they are up slightly, that's as of right now, i believe they are up, the analysts are picking roku over netflix, apparently roku is the go-to streaming stock, okay, we heard that. focus on alibaba now, joining us michael, spent some time in china, look, that stock is down now just 1.7%, the ceo says the virus is a black-swan event, what's your take on alibaba right now? >> i think alibaba right now is perhaps the most undervalued stock on earth. stuart: really? >> if we look at what alibaba had to deal -- stuart: you're not just saying because i own a thin sliver of this thing. undervalue, way under value. >> protracted trade war and now coronavirus and hoovering in 220 range, i think they'll be amazing amount of relief of pinned up demand and i expect 300 plus range by the end of the year. stuart: $300 plus? >> let's compare to maga stocks, most of the companies have trillion dollar valuations, alibaba virtually owns the largest e-commerce and consumer market in the world. if it weren't for black-swan events they would be flying much higher and i think that the coronavirus event is actually going to be a boom for alibaba because right now they are the lifeline consumers to get what they need, food, beverages, you name it. >> can they still deliver in china? >> that's the big question, right now final is still operating under normal circumstances, if there's a hit to final logistics we might be talking about a different story, for right now they are okay. stuart: opposite side of the coin, bed, bath and beyond. are they going out? >> i've changed my outlook from really negative on them to now it's bed, bad and beyond help. i was sitting in the chair exactly a month ago, the new ceo just taking over, i said i don't envy his position. things have only gotten worse in the quarter since then and we are not seeing any reason beyond discounts and coupons for shoppers to go there, all the stuff that they sell can be had in target, wal-mart, amazon and the experience and the digital connection just isn't there yet. >> we didn't play the organ music but perhaps in the future we should on bed, bath and beyond. home depot hiring 80,000 workers for the spring. now, i'm taking that as an economic indicater because 80,000 workers is a huge number and significant addition to their workforce, an economic indicater? >> absolutely. this is another indicater that it's consumers, u.s. consumers who are largely carrying the growth on the u.s. economy, sure, there's policy, there's laws, there's all sorts of good stuff happening, but at the end of the day we are talking about almost 70% to have u.s. gdp now carried by consumption and consumers still feel good, i think they are heading into the spring ready to do some home improvement and buy things for home, home depot is a bellwether on how the economy is doing and how consumers are feeling. >> i will sum it up, alibaba goes to 30 by the end of the year, bed, bath and beyond hope say good-bye to them. check the dow 30,let give you a sense of industrial stocks, most in the red. i can't quite count them but most of them are down and the dow is up 117 points. president trump unlearned attacks on impeachment acquittal, laura trump will join me in the next hour and i will ask if the president's style is a winning strategy heading into november and we will be back. beyond the routine checkups. beyond the not-so-routine cases. comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. all working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gig-speed network. because beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. that's it. i'm calling kohler about their walk-in bath. 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>> because they use a lot of them. >> yes, they are shifting to financial technology, more cloud infrastructure, new products like apple pay, nobody wants to step in the bank anymore to do banking, how do they do it, on the phones or over the internet. in order to build up the systems you need to hire more engineers. no more tellers, really. stuart: i miss them, i really do. the massachusetts attorney general suing the e-cigarette maker juul because they targeted underage teens, compelling evidence. ashley: compelling evidence, basically goes back to 2015 campaign launched by juul, ag claims was really just directed at the youth market, advertising products on websites geared towards kids, we are talking abwebsites like homework sites, connected to nickelodeon and cartoon network, that would be hard to defend if you can prove that. they are accused of intentionally using models and images to appeal to young people and would even ship e-cigarettes to underage youth who ordered them directly to juul online. it's interesting to see. stuart: definitely. bloomberg claims the president is afraid of him. president trump's campaign and the rnc, they took in $60 million just in january, fundraising that give fire power heading into november, we have a big show still ahead of you, we are just getting started. amily - with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. .me . your mom just texted. she is on her way to our house. what? i got it. alexa, start roomba. the lexus es. eagerly prepared for the unexpected. lease the 2020 es 350 for $389 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. lease the 2020 es 350 for $389 a month for 36 months. the business of hard work... ...hustle... ...and high fives. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at let it go, let it go ♪ stuart: fine piece of producing if i ever i saw one. that was of course, "let it go." ashley: your idea. stuart: much smarter than me. why are we playing that? because democrats can't seem to let impeachment go. look at market. down 150 points for the dow, down 47 on the nasdaq, and 13 on the s&p. we're down across the board. 10:00 on a thursday morning. you know what that means? mortgage rates. ashley: freddie mac. on the edge of my seat. came in at 3.47 this week. 3.45. this is historic 50 year lows. don't whine too much. i can tell you that refinance something absolutely surging. it is a seven-year high. freddy says purchase activity is solid and robust. you know, these low interest rates we were wondering when it will take effect. we're seeing signs of life in the housing industry. stuart: would like information how much people are taking out of home equity. heloc. i would love to see those numbers. that is a huge source of spending money for people. >> it is. a sign of confidence in the economy. stuart: absolutely. quick check of the market. dow industrials down 165 points. that is not because of the mortgage rates. that is just a further trim on the downside. we started out lower. we're down 174. now everyone, now this. you thought the president's acquittal ended the impeachment circus? wrong. the democrats cannot let it go. if they're compelled to keep the scandal machine fired up. they can't contain their outrage. besides, what else do they have going for them? a badly divided property is running against, against, prosperity. no wonder they're flailing around for anything that might hurt the president they so hate. so they have gone back to impeachment and endless investigations. they are firing up the slime machine again. the latest is the roger stone case. mr. trump's justice department intervenedded saying the seven to nine year prison sentence prosecutors demanded, that was excessive. they don't like that. senator warren thinks that is grounds for impeachment. impeach the attorney general bill barr. that is a slam on president trump. we can't sit on our hands, she says. another democrat, california's eric swalwell tells cnn, impeaching trump himself over the roger stone case quote, is not off the table. the coastal elites, really should be careful. this impeachment might blow up in their face especially this one. fox reports that the leader of the jury in the stone case is a vigorous anti-trump activist from way back. tamika heart even posted about stone before she voted to convict him. the democrats want to impeach the president on this? all right. how is this for slime? impeachment manager, new york city's gerald nadler calls the president a total liar and a two-bitcoin man. that's in reference to mr. trump's tax returns which the democrats continue to demand. they're trying to gin up some scandal because secret service agents were charged high room rates at trump hotels when traveling to guard the president. so-called scandal is that trump's business benefited from his presidency. if this sounds small and petty, it is. it is a measure of the democrat desperation but that is all they have got. the democrats are split. they're in panic mode because none of their candidates looks like likely to beat the president. the key issue, trump's booming economy, is the winning issue in this election. impeachment and slime don't make it. but the democrats just can't let it go. just watch this. >> we're not going to let him just torch this democracy because he thinks that he is has been let off once and we're not going to do something about it. >> no doubt there are political considerations, but what do you think the political considerations sitting by and sitting on your hands? we can't just sit by and watch this happen. i have to say, i'm surprised the other presidential candidates aren't out there talking about it. stuart: that was california congressman eric swalwell first. he dropped out of the race. senator elizabeth warren still talking impeachment as she fades in the race. get right to brad blake man. he is with us this morning. i want to get more about the roger stone case because i'm sure you read this on fox news. the lead juror in the stone case, tamika heart, she was an anti-trump activist from way back and she was posting anti-trump statements while the jury was sitting and before stone was convicted. i don't see how you can possibly think of impeachment on those grounds? >> you can't. first of all the prosecution with power that they have in the justice department should have been all over this before the juror was ever selected. stuart: right. >> the fact they didn't do it shows an my news, much animus towards roger stone. the other thing as a lawyer i can tell you the president did nothing wrong. the fact he made a statement out of frustration and out of facts that were publicly known. he didn't call the justice department. at the end of the day who has the final say on roger stone's sentence? a lifetime appointed judge. the president still has the power today if he wanted to could commute the sentence or pardon roger stone. so the president did absolutely nothing wrong. this is part of trump derangement pandemic damaging the democratic party. stuart: why can't they go beyond that? it failed with russia, russia, et cetera. they failed with impeachment but they can't get away from it. why not? >> because they have nothing else. the president has a record of accomplishment, something they can't match. it is not enough to hate somebody out of office. you already tried that with impeachment. it is not enough to be against everything and stand for nothing. the president has something that is golden they can't take away from him, a booming economy, a national security that is first and foremost keeping america safe and trade balance for the first time in a long time. so when you don't have a record, what else do you have? you have to attack the president personally. stuart: okay. brad blakeman, thanks for being here again. we always appreciate it. staying on impeachment and the democrats heather zumarriaga is with us, market watcher here. i know what you're saying a bernie sanders presidency, it would kill the market, i got it but what about a bloomberg presidency, it's possible, what would that do for the market? >> a bloomberg presidency would be a lot better for the markets whether you agree with his policies or not. he is much more moderate besides banning sodas in your neck of the woods, stuart. a socialist would not be good for the markets. the stock markets are going down because of the coronavirus but it has not been impacted by bernie sanders taking the lead. because the stock market does not believe bernie sanders can beat trump in a general election. stuart: hold on one second for us, heather. the left-hand side of the screen you're looking at impact of the virus on the market this morning. markets are lower. china confirmed 15,000 new cases. susan wrap up everything for us. susan: markets took a leg down when the 15th case of coronavirus confirmed here in the u.s. likely to see additional cases in coming weeks and days of the united states. this one 15 individual a group of people under federal quarantine in texas. the largest single day case number increase of 15,000. death toll is 1360 right now, 1367. china said the biggest bounce of confirmed cases because they changed the way they identify it. instead of nucleic acid test with hospitals over stressed and testing kits, they they have converted to lung x-rays, is not that accurate. someone with a pneumonia or common cold could show fluid in the longs. stuart: you got that right, susan. more cases of virus, oh, this is not good. more virus cases on the cruise ship off of japan. ashley: off yoke hama. we have 44 confirmed. that brings 218. interesting 40 of the new cases involved patients 70 years old or older than that. this is very, passengers on this ship are elderly. 80% of them are over 60. 215 of them are in their 80s. five of them we understand are in very serious kept. they have been taken to a hospital. they have been docked off off this japanese port of yokohama for 10 days. they have until wednesday until the quarantine period is over. stuart: i feel for those people. it is a nightmare. ashley: yeah. stuart: come back heather tsunami. the markets are down. because of spreading virus. is this a temporary dip and if so, would you buy it? >> i don't think it is a temporary dip if the coronavirus spreads especially outside of china. for the most part investors discounted the virus outbreak up until today. the markets are down on further spreading, because they have a faster method to test whether people have it or fight. you should wait. you shouldn't gamble or bet if this virus getting a whole lot worse which it could be before it gets better f you're an investor you stay the course. if you're not in the markets already. it would be prudent to wait. stuart: heather zumarriaga thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: huge numbers, dollars, that is brought by the trump campaign and the rnc. 60 million in january. get this, $520 million, over a half billion in the last year. clearly the money is flowing in. we've got that story. is it because of impeachment? i will put it to trump 2020 senior advisor lara trump in our next hour. another number, 4.62 billion. that's the number of robocalls made in january alone. i thought the law was passed that stopped these things? ashley: nope. stuart: senator john thune is the guy who introduced the law. not working apparently. i will put it to him in our 11:00 hour. next a prominent jewish leader of the community here was physically thrown out of a event run by "squad" member rashida tlaib for asking a question about anti-semitism. watch this. >> you can leave. you can leave. [shouting] [inaudible conversations] stuart: that man was former new york state assemblyman dov hikind. he is fired up and on the show next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i wanted more from my copd medicine that's why i've got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved once-daily 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy ♪ the power of 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy ♪ 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy man: with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works three ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation, for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? maybe you should think again. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3. ♪ trelegy, 1,2,3 man: save at stuart: he is a democrat was recently thrown out of an event for michigan congresswoman rashida tlaib. you've seen the tape before. watch it again. [shouting] >> you can leave. you can leave. [inaudible conversations]. >> rashid today. rashid ha she hada. stuart: dove hike kin the democrat involved there. i like you sear. take us through. we've seen the type couple times. take us through. >> the reason i was there. this was an event, muslims for peace, whatever sat there for three hours, listening to this love story about getting along with people and respecting people. it was wonderful. i was ready to join. but then we have talib. this is a woman who two weeks ago indulged in a blood liable. a blood liable -- stuart: what is that? >> during the dark ages jews were accused of killing christian children and using the blood for whatever. stuff that resulted in jews being murdered. she did it, member of the united states congress did it two weeks ago. what happened was, in, in the mideast, ease jerusalem a child went missing, 7-year-old child. no one knew exactly what was going on but talib retweeted something that basically said kidnapped, executed. saying that this child was kidnapped by a herd israeli settlers. jews kidnapped this palestinian child and murdered this child. it was all a lie. it wasn't true. stuart: she never corrected that? >> exactly. never apologized. never said i'm sorry. this went out to millions of people. this went out throughout the world. blood libel. so i'm there, and i'm saying she is a freakin' anti-semite. i need to stand up to her. she needs to explain how she accuses the jewish people, she accuses me of a blood libel. she knows everything she says was not true. the child simply slipped and drowned. everybody knows that now. but she doesn't have the decency to apologize. it is worse. i got toll tu. it's worse than that. you know, i know who she is. she is an anti-semite period. what bothers me, where are the chuck schumers? where are the nadlers? where are the schiffs? they're all busy with the president of the united states. imagine if a republican would have said the tame thing they would cruisefy the republican. they would crucify the president. stuart: why are you in the same party as rashida tlaib? because you are? is there room in the party for you and her? >> well, look i have always been a democrat. the democratic party now has, is literally committing suicide, going over the cliff. i choose to speak as a democrat because it hurts me terribly what's going on in my party. i want to stay with my party but i have to say, that i am embarrassed about the double standard in the democratic party. the fact that you know, by the way the media as well. this was a blood libel by a member of congress. where is cnn? where is msnbc? where is "the new york times"? where is the "washington post"? nowhere to be found. and that is the tragedy. we wonder, outbreak of anti-semitism, why things are out of control in this country? you know, everybody, they like to blame, even the mayor and governor of new york. it is trump responsible. he is responsible for the anti-semitism in new york that is at unprecedented levels? we have never seen anything like this. stuart: you have a powerful presence on this program. thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you for having me. stuart: come again. >> absolutely. stuart: check the market. we're still down half a percentage point. 150 points down. i will check individual stocks which have operations in china and are affected by the spread of the virus. mcdonald's down. starbucks actually up a buck and walt disney that stock is down 40 cents. how about tesla. they announced plans to sell two billion dollars worth of stock. they're up a buck 36. , 768. that is the level of tesla right now, 767. boeing they're warning that the virus could hurt first quarter aircraft deliveries. doesn't make a difference to the stock. it is up a few cents at 345. barclays, their ceo under his investigation for his ties to jeffrey epstein, ash? ashley: this is jeff staley is his name. goes back to 20 years ago when staley was with jpmorgan private bank. epstein was a client there. he said yes it was we had a from jpmorgan and now at barclays. the board of barclays done their own investigation. has 100% confidence in him. the uk has a watchdog group, the financial conduct authority group. anyone who hat contact with jeffrey epstein is under the microscope. stuart: understood. the ceo of that company says the virus is black swan event. susan: stock fell 2% in the after-market. in reference to the coronavirus being a short term negative. that is hard to quantity tie. you don't know when it ends. it will have global ramifications, it will impact their business. can't get packages delivered. that impacts employees and alibaba itself. in the first quarter of this year it is hard to quantify how much it will impact alibaba the largest company in china but the entire economy as a whole. the second largest in the world. it will have global impact in the u.s. stuart: our retail guy said this morning he expect as bounceback rapidly for alibaba to $300 a share by the end of the year. we'll see. susan: people want to buy. people want the services. stuart: next one, thank you, susan, by the way. the iowa democratic party chair has stepped down after the fiasco we call the iowa caucuses. it is another example of the democrats in real disarray. "the wall street journal"'s dan henninger has more on that in our next hour. and lawmakers in illinois considering a bill that would ban residents from pumping their what, their own gas? you can't do that there? the story, we got it for you too. like new jersey. dear lord. ♪. orbell] hello, i saw you move in, and i wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood >>oh, that's so nice! and a little tip, >>cookies! uhh, biscuits. >>mmmm, is there a little nutmeg in there? oh it's my mum's secret recipe. >>you can tell me. it's a secret. >>is it cinnamon? it's my mum's secret recipe. call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. i'll come back for the plate. saving on homeowners anhi with the world'se be. first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh! that's awesome. where'd the trailer go? i love it. it's magic. and with the sxfinity stream app, screen is your big screen. which is free with your service, you can take a spin through on demand shows, or stream live tv. download your dvr'd shows and movies on the fly. even record from right where you are. whether you're travelling around the country or around the house, keep what you watch with you. download the xfinity stream app and watch all the shows you love. and my side super soft? yes! with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? no problem. ... and done. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday stuart: still down 150 points which is what, a half percentage point on the dow. the national average for a gallon of regular gas is, 2.42. it is holding right there. in illinois law make remembers considering a bill that would ban residents from pumping their own gas. grady trimble is there. obvious question, grady, why would they ban people from gas. tell me? reporter: they say it is for safety and convenience so day like today you might want somebody pumping your gas for you. it will be in single-digits today. here is what the bill says word for word. no gas may be pumped at gas station in illinois unless it is pumped by a employee at the gas station. this is one of the few with an attendant. he has been here for 44 years, pumping gas at the full service pumps over here. a lot of people don't like this, stuart. illinois already has one of the highest gas taxes in the country. this would make gas even more expensive. stuart? stuart: would also create a few jobs. i think that is what they're looking for as well. grady, thanks very much indeed. like that in new jersey. can't pump your own gas in jersey. ashley: interesting. stuart: valentine's day i'm told tomorrow. there are experts who say the secret to a happy marriage, is, separate bedrooms. 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stuart: we celebrate it today. ashley: why not. stuart: get a jump ahead of the game. excellent choice of music there, producers. all you need is love. we are celebrating valentine's day early. lauren simonetti is with us, sitting next to me. lauren: yep. stuart: we teased this. we told viewers something about long marriage because of separate bedrooms. lauren: lauren: 25% of couples sleep separately. that helps keep them together. listen. the couples specifically that i have worked with have had a sleep issue, resentment was building. that is how they actually got to me. they didn't come to me for a sleep issue. they came to me with this kind of resentment, you know, i'm not getting good sleep. tough fix it, if snoring is the issue, one partner, the onus is on one partner. fix that. take the pills. find surgery. lauren: loss of sleep is sparking a housing trend, a real estate trend. dual master bedrooms. one master suite for you, one for me, listen. >> we're taking care of our parents in latter years. instead of sending them off to the traditional retirement home. we're building homes to accommodate that. lauren: this is multigenerational housing dynamic, you're seeing marketing and a lot of interest for homes with two master suites. stuart: may i say this? lauren: yes. stuart: in my opinion the older you get, more likely you are to sleep in separate bedrooms. am i right or am i right? lauren: i'm not your age, stuart. but i agree. i think you should -- stuart: i missed that, susan li. a gem there, what did you say? susan: you should have separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms as well. people sleep on different types of mattresses. some have different body heat requirements. some people snore. some take showers at night. ashley: different partner. lauren: that could help keep a marriage together, you're more comfortable at night. what we talk about, the other issue, in your 40s or 50s parents get older. you don't want to spend retirement home money on them. build them a nice place they can stay. a lot of couples need to downsize. you don't need the five bedrooms. how about your really nice bedroom and someone else's nice bedroom? stuart: i'm staying out of this. is that real clear to everybody? ashley: great idea. stuart: that is a great report and you're done. ashley: yes. now out. lauren: hey. stuart: that was good stuff. it was intriguing. i bet you that the is most popular story of the day we cover on this program today. i bet you. i bet you. ashley: it is a talker. stuart: see, you're a hit. in on continuation of our valentine's day early celebration, we bring in cabot phillips. campus reform editor-in-chief kind of guy. cabot is recently engaged. we have a photo of the actual engagement. that is so cool. i have a question for you about diamonds. would you give your intended either a lab-grown diamond or a piece of cubit zirconium. >> to quote marvin gaye, ain't nothing like the real thing. i'm going for the real diamond for our engagement. i understand people go with lab created diamonds. there is a big window there. they love idea of things ethically sourced, sustainable. willing to do that with their food, look at their dining habits a lot of people in the next generation will be open for idea of this. i wanted real diamond. she said yes. clearly the right decision for me. stuart: always remember, cabot, your intended when she receives the diamond, there it is will take it to an appraiser to make sure it is a real diamond. if you give her a cubit zirconium to fool her, you are in real trouble, that is the fact. get you the real reason you're on this show, college students, attracted to socialism, attracted to bernie, understand all that, but do they understand his policies. you did something on this. roll tape. >> policy "medicare for all" do you view favorably or unfavorably. >> favorably for sure. >> i do support "medicare for all." >> i don't think there is anything you can tell me that would view it unfavorably. >> just and you million jobs would be eliminated because all insurance move to the government. >> unfavorably. >> unfavorably. >> that would be every american paying 1/5 of their income towards funding it, is that a concern? >> yes. >> you have to pay for it? >> yes. taxes go up. >> you still have to pay for it? i don't support that. stuart: that is good stuff, cabot. explain it all. we've gone through a number of top picks here, students if you look at polling all support. but it is interesting, every time i go to campus, "medicare for all." green newell deal. whether student loan debt forgive necessary. when i walk through the policies what they look like, impact on the economy, student after student says, maybe i don't support this. i think it is indicative what i've seen with leadership institutes campus reform so many students feel pressure to go along with it. there is a social element to it. i need to support these ideas. everyone in my class. my professors support it. everyone on social media. i don't want to say i am not in line with them. a lot are financially ignorant. they are not paying taxes. they hear free. that is compassionate. i'm helping people. i'm on board. you see these things on some different issues. stuart: doing valuable work, cabot. congratulations to you and your lovely intended. i'm glad she said yes. you're all right, cabot. see you soon. check that market. we're down 176 points. bit more than half a percentage point. 176 down. casino stocks. i think they're all down again. they do a lot of business of course in macau. they do a lot of business in macau. i believe those casinos are shut down because of the virus. down go the gaming stocks. streaming service, roku set to reports profits after the bell today. susan have we an analyst says roku is the streaming stock? susan: needham research is picking roku over netflix, saying roku is probably the winning aggregator when it comes to the tv service. apple streaming plus launching at end of last year. disney plus with huge subscribers 30 million. roku is the biggest providing pipes to get the streaming services on your television. they received 50% market share. more than what amazon has with their ott boxes as they call it don't forget the stock surged 300% last year. with more streaming services coming online this year, peacock, at&t, warner, hbo max from the warner group. you can imagine getting revenue share with those companies, those streaming services will be probably beneficial to the bottom line for roku which has yet to report a profit. stuart: up 300%. yet to report a profit. totally missed it. susan: we'll get there. stuart: back to the virus. truly exploding in china. they have confirmed 15,000 new cases just in one day. not good news for xi xinping. we're following that political angle for you. mike bloomberg recently went after the president saying he is not afraid of trump, trump's afraid of him. bold statement. i will see what lara trump has to say about that in our next hour. ♪. begin to tell you... how bright you shine. how strong you are. how brilliant... unique... how you're... my rock. my diamond. for the diamond in your life, there's only one diamond store. it's the valentine's day sale. get 25% off everything. including these special deals. at zales, the diamond store. stuart: we're down 160 points for the dow industrials. yield on 10-year treasury, quickly, please. that is 1.61%. down a tiny fraction. price of gold. it is up eight bucks at 1580. now oil, that is very important here, 51.35. little changed in price but still at a relatively low level. back to the virus, china reports more than 15,000 new cases and 254 deaths all in just one day overnight. christian white on here former state department official. first of all the politics of this. does this weaken xi xinping's position? he is after all leader for life? >> yeah it does. this has been mismanaged actually. what you're seeing with the increase in numbers is two things. one they have been firing lots and lots of officials responsible for this especially in wuhan. when you get someone new in, they look at the numbers have been covered up and concealed. that is why you have this big increase. this is accounting change. who knows if it is an accurate number. it is just a different number. if you increase the number of overall cases it reduces mortality for the disease, higher denominator will decrease the percentage of people who actually die from this making it look better. overall you have a lot of simmering discontent with xi xinping in china. stuart: that doesn't mean he will be out of power anytime soon but does it mean that he loses some power? >> yeah. i think so. you will actually see the, a delay, you have to get through the crisis and hopefully the disease run as natural course when it becomes less prevalent when the temperature warms up. you will see recriminations. this comes on the xi xinping not doing well with regard to hong kong. not doing well with the economy. not doing well with managing taiwan which is pushed towards more democracy. stuart: does that we, the america, trump administration has leverage over china on trade? >> we do have tremendous leverage. they asked for us basically flexibility implementing the china phase one trade agreement which requires them a lot of u.s. goods. i believe the answer is no because they have frankly lied and failed to comply with some agreements in the past. this should be a time where they do consume more. yeah, it is a lot of leverage for president trump. stuart: stay with us, christian, the editorial you wrote, your title, the real winner in new hampshire is donald trump. we like that. we'll get back to you in a second with it. coming up, brian kilmeade has been in new hampshire talking to business leaders there. look, the democrats keep bashing the economy. what are business people in new hampshire saying about the economy? kilmeade will tell us. ♪. is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. who's the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he's a baby! the end might not be as happy as ayou think.end. after all, 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom is a stroke! but the good news is you can rewrite your ending and get screened for stroke and cardiovascular disease. life line screening is the easy and affordable way to make you aware of undetected health problems before they hurt you. we use ultrasound technology to literally look inside your arteries for plaque that builds up as you age- and increases your risk for stroke and heart disease. so if you're over 40, call to schedule an appointment for five painless screenings that go beyond annual checkups. and if you call us today, you'll only pay $149-an over 50% savings. read it again, papa? sure. i've got plenty of time. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. stuart: we're back down to normal so to speak, normal for today. down 140 points. i'm on the air. susan: netflix is more important. stuart: susan was exclaiming about an item on netflix. what was it about? the dark mirror? susan: the black mirror. they're facing a lawsuit. very interesting. stuart: can i move on? susan: yes, please. stuart, look at this headline, it reads the real winner in new hampshire donald trump. the man who wrote it still with us, christian whiton. why do you think he won? >> the democrats are in disarray. the person who won the popular vote in iowa and new hampshire is a self-avowed socialist. even millenials don't want to vote for a socialist. who is the alternative. joe biden's campaign has done so poorly and buttigieg, klobuchar and. bloomberg i heard three different ads for him. i'm in colorado. we don't vote for a while. there is not obvious moderate they can latch on to. stuart: that opens the door, here is donald trump marching along with a fine economy. you guys are split. you're going far left. you can't pick a moderate who can beat me. that is your reasoning, isn't it? you do think at this moment donald trump could beat any of the democratic challengers, bloomberg included? >> yes i think so. the big deal about trump's popularity rising to 49% in the "gallup poll" but if you look at the economy which is themost important issue. his popularity is 60%. a lot of people don't want to tell a stranger on the phone they like donald trump even if they do. that he is a popular president. stuart: that is interesting. you still distrust the polls? there are polls which show head-to-head matchup with some democrats trump loses you distrust those because people won't say, yeah i'm a trump kind of guy, i won't say it if? >> i think so. i go back to 1988 michael dukakis was 15 points ahead of george h.w. bush, gleefully reported by "new york times." it was less gleeful on election night when bush won. you go through cycles. eventually the democrats will have a nominee. media, hollywood, a lot of financial press will behind that nominee, really much more than we've ever seen in history because they just hate donald trump that much but with the economy where it is, the fact that we haven't started any new middle-eastern wars and he is delivering on promises across the board, all these trade deals and the stock market, all speak to his favor. stuart: eight months to go and only time will tell of course. christian, thanks very much for joining us. as always good stuff. >> thank you, stu. stuart: we have a couple seconds to go, three, two, one. here is brian kilmeade, the host of the "brian kilmeade show," joining him on the radio, he joins us on tv. brian you were in new hampshire, i know you were and you spoke to a lot of business leaders there. the democrats are trashing the economy. what do new hampshire business leaders say about the economy? >> not only that, i spent the day with the governor and i had two business panels and i had a chance to talk to a lot of people. i will give you numbers. unemployment is 2.6%. median income went 10%. you know why people are coming there from connecticut and massachusetts, mostly massachusetts? because they have zero state tax and zero sales tax. what they also do is totally participate pate their government. you get $100 if you win a legislature position. if you knock on 50 to 100 doors, there are so many representatives you will actually win. they look at service. they're in on the decisions from garbage pickup from where to build roads. the problem they have, so demand for housing they don't have construction workers to clear the land and build it. they need skilled laborers in a massive way. to put down the economy in new hampshire is fool's errand. that is unpopular as impeachment. no one wants to talk about impeachment if you're a democrat or republican. stuart: what do the business people say about sanders? >> no one gets it. no one understands it when of i talked to. they did accept the money from the obama administration, put all that money in, if you would expand medicaid in your state we'll give you money. guys like governor rick scott at the time walked away from it. they did accept it. losing it they would still make do. bernie sanders i didn't see much, i didn't see much for him. i saw much more if on the democratic side for mayor pete. they found him interesting, exciting and engaging one-on-one. he did a lot of work. the guy works hard but if you look at his speeches the problem is they don't say anything. stuart: okay. how about mike bloomberg, did his name come up? did you ask the business guys what do you think of the 60 billion-dollar man? >> two things, joe biden killed himself as they left early. they looked at that as a personal insult. democrats, republicans said that is an insult. not only biden people on the ground, never got thanked for being volunteers for a year. that i heard. other thing bloomberg who? people don't know him. they were almost insulted they didn't see anything from him. the way he talked disparagely who needs iowa and new hampshire? do you think they forget with that? today i understand they started with ads the bloomberg people, now that they're done. meet me on super tuesday? not too good in new hampshire. they take it personal. a lot of pride in their state. stuart: total split in new hampshire you found. real split between democrat activists who voted in the primary and ordinary, regular people running small businesses and running corporations. looks like there is a total split in new hampshire. >> yeah they have a state legislature that is democrat. they have a republican governor with 57 vetoes because they keep on trying to implement taxes on business or raise taxes on business or implement a sales tax. republican governor keeps hammering it down. live free or die? they live for that phrase. and their big story, their big briefing when you come to that state unlike which they did in texas, remember why you're coming. you're coming here for freedom and opportunity. don't change our state because you're coming from one you don't like. stuart: don't bring your massachusetts or connecticut politics with you, please. got it. >> only thing bad about the people of new hampshire is that they are choosing to follow the red sox and the patriot. i just don't understand the wisdom there. when you relocate, it is your opportunity to be a yankee or met fan jet fan. they're not taking that opportunity. stuart: doesn't work like that.m you're always a fan of that team. you can't switch. you can't be a chameleon. brian, study that word. brian kilmeade. see you tomorrow. >> can't wait to see what you're wearing. stuart: 25 million-dollar lawsuit involving netflix has been cleared. go forward with it. this is what you were explaining about. susan: i thought producers said entire season of black mirror. choose your own inventor, they're suing netflix over one episode that black mirror pirated in the uk where you can choose how the episode goes. you can choose what the character does, eventually the ending as well. that is the things they were trying out there. but choose your own venture, the company behind that, you didn't ask us, pay us any licensing fees to do this. in fact, if you look at the episode, one of the main characters holds up one of the choose your own adventure books. we should get paid for the concept. marketing tool. $25 million for one episode? stuart: you always go for a lot more than you actually expect to get, don't you. susan: everybody knows this concept is out there. do they own the rights to this idea? i'm not sure. stuart: if you wave a copy of that book or whatever it was up in the air, you use similar line of programing i think you got a case. that is just me. what do i know. big power hour ahead for you. lara trump in the studio. ask you about huge dollars brought by the trump campaign. do you know 60 million came in just in january? a big number. charles payne here as well. we'll talk the market with him the blue-collar boom i believe is real. so does he. you have divided democrats at the moment. socialist bernie versus the establishment. i don't care who wins. it is a monumental swap, split is whatn i'm looking. more "varney" after this. ted, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. she is on her way to our house. what? i got it. alexa, start roomba. the lexus es. eagerly prepared for the unexpected. lease the 2020 es 350 for $389 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. lease the 2020 es 350 for $389 a month for 36 months. you've been hearing a lot about 5g. but there's 5g... and then there's verizon 5g. we're building the most powerful 5g experience for america. it's more than 10x faster than some other 5g networks. and it's rolling out in cities across the country so people can experience speeds that ultra wideband can deliver. 1.7 gigs here in houston. 1.8 gigs here in frigid omaha. almost 2 gigs here in los angeles. that's outrageous! it's like an eight-lane highway compared to a two-lane dirt road. ♪ stuart: here is the edition that democrats are split, it's a chronic split, there's open hostility between the two sides, i think it's becoming the most political story in the election so far. the gaping divide is basically bernie versus the establishment. as bernie's position strengths the establishment is in full panic mode and that panic is being made worse by joe biden's showing, he's the establishment candidate and he's way down, frankly i think he's almost out. the establishment desperately attacks bernie, james carvel calls campaign a cult, if bernie is the nominee it would be the end of days for democrats, bernie responds a political hack. establishment guy says bernie would ruin the economy, bernie says, well, he's an example of wall street greed, it's kind of civil war and it's out there in the open and that is the problem. the world now knows there are two democrat parties, the left and the far left, that's a very difficult position to be in with a presidential election just months away and it only gets worse. here comes bloomberg as the great moderate hope, he's going to split the party even more, will socialist vote for 60 billion-dollar man, that is a stretch and here comes the democrat convention, at this point it's likely to be knockout drag-on fight, in 2016 fire was kept fairly quiet, this time around it's out in the open and that's why it's important. the split damages the eventual candidate, weakens the candidate, divides his or her support. so here ends the edition of the democrats split, i guaranty there are more to come, don't believe me, just watch this. >> the only thing between the united states and -- it's going to be the end of days. some people in the country they want a revolution. i don't know how you win an election at 78 year's old standing up and screaming in a microphone. >> james in all due respect is a political hack who said very terrible things when he was working for clinton. stuart: i'd call that a split and i think it's right out in the open, look who is here, charles payne, the man himself, host of making money with charles payne, i think that split now right out in the open, i think that's the most important political story of this election so far, you think i went too far? >> absolutely not. stuart: thank you. charles: by the way i would take it to a higher level, this is the fall to have establishment, period, it happened with the republican side, it's happening all over the world, it happened in japan, india, brazil, italy. uk, it is the fall of the establishment and they can't take it, they don't know what to do when they can't pull the strings between the facade of the republicans or democrats because you have a grassroots movement, this is coming from the bottom up, these aren't the folks who are the puppet masters anymore, the folks tat bottom say we want to take control of the destiny, i'm not here to argue whether they are right or wrong, something is wrong with their lives that the establishment did not fix in the last 1020 years and now they are desperate. stuart: very good. strong stuff, charles. i want you to listen to senator brown from ohio, what he's saying about the economy and the markets, just roll that tape, please. >> the s&p 500, nasdaq both reached record highs, jpmorgan had the best year as bank and history, they have been bleeding for years. >> i don't know what to say, stuart, the same talking points that they've used for decades. because the economy is up. that means that the working man and women are doing well and that's why they their confidence is through the roof, their confidence has grown more than the upper levels; the rich folks they worry about the trade war and things like that, the poor folks are like, you know what, i might get a better job, look at the confidence of the people that he's talk about, it doesn't resinate, i don't know what tree they will try to bark to win the election, the idea that this is not a shared economy, that this is not the ideal example of shared economy, we are in the middest of it right now. stuart: when you go to tv gig you're a minister or -- charles: that's what my wife said. [laughter] stuart: that to me is economic indicater. we are doing well. charles: it's been happening. you saw in the last 2 quarters reversing 2-year trend of negative home residential investment, last week we saw mortgage applications, the refinance, this is local economies, you know, so 80,000 people to handle what they anticipate demand, that's wonderful news by the way. brown cannot deny. stuart: when we went on the air the dow was down 200 points, that was reaction i think to the virus, 15,000 new cases, 254 deaths overnight. that was a reaction, now we are down 86 points. i'm willing to conclude that this was a temporary down and buying opportunity. charles: we can't buy every one-third of a percent move in the market, right? [laughter] charles: yesterday's session was really more illustrates what's going on in wall street because to your point, i think there's tons of money on the sideline, now the only dip we got from the coronavirus was 3.7%, yesterday when we closed in the dow in last-minute rush to buy stocks, a lot of people are saying maybe we will not get the dip, this is a shallow move comparedded to yesterday percentage wise, it's nothing, also i think the reporting particularly early in the morning by financial networks is really bad. stuart: i watch it. charles: what the hell are they talking about? we were up 275 points yesterday, we are at all-time highs, we are a rocking session, we are bracing for again or was it yesterday or was it monday or wasn't last thursday, wednesday, what rocky session are we bracing for again at all-time high, stuart. stuart: you blew the eardrums out of audio guy. [laughter] stuart: he says the virus is a black-wan event, that's taking alibaba down 3 bucks, that's not much, what do you make, black-swan event. >> 60 million people on total lockdown, it's the worst case scenario, now methodology for counting coronavirus victims, cfo, she was a little bit more -- she went onto say that they are confident, that there's demand and, you know, essentially that this is sort of a short-lifed -- short-lived event, it's horrific, most people believe the economic aspect will be short lived in america. i charles: we have some things to talk about. stuart: senator rick scott. [laughter] stuart: hey, charles, you're all right. >> i don't get any credit for the magazine. check the stuart:i will check. you want to take credit? charles: i put it on tv, state of the union tuesday, america's news room, if you have anyone who is on television saying it would be 4 then, let me know. i think i did, you just weren't paying attention. [laughter] stuart: get out of here. okay, the maga stocks, the stock with the m, microsoft, they've launched a preview of their new video game streaming service and let's you play any game on any device, microsoft has turned around, now it's up, was down, now up, 185, that's the m; microsoft. amazon, the a, they are down just 4 bucks, 21.55, google, the g in maga, they may lose low low-sovereignty that's going hurt them and google is down not much 3 bucks on 1,500-dollar stock. apple, that's the a in maga, spike in virus deaths in china and 15,000 new cases hitting their supply chain, maybe. they were up yesterday and down today, supply chain worries, who knows, 325 on apple as we speak. president trump ape toll -- able to shield off attacks from democrats and now the one in full attack mode, no more mr. nice guy, i will ask his daughter-in-law laura trump, does she agree with that position, i'm also going to ask her about this, huge dollars brought in by the trump campaign and rnc, 60 million came in just in january, listen to this, $525 million brought in the last year, that's huge. and there's another number for you, here it is, 4.62 billion, that's the number of robo calls made in january alone. lauren: that's it? stuart: i got half of them. i thought there was a law pass today stop it, senator john thoone introduced the law and doesn't seem to be working. democrats making another push for it. more varney after this. a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. stuart: as i thought there was a law passed that would stop those robo calls but parentally they are still coming through, lauren has astonishing number of robo calls made last month alone. lauren: in january alone 4.62 billion robo calls were made, that's 18 for each of us. 18robo calls, spam calls per month, let me show you the damage for all of last year, almost 59 billion spam calls, the year before 47 billion, these are astronomical numbers, what is being done about it? by the way, when you get a spam call, a lot of people you don't know the number, you say hello, hello, don't do that, if you don't know the number because the hackers are getting good, they are take your voice and use it to authenticate who you are in some false way. stuart: you don't pick up. lauren: no. stuart: however if you don't pick up let it go on, you can't use your phone, you might be doing something else, looking at your website. can't avoid it. so your phone service is interrupted. fda, what do they say about cell phones and cancer? ashley: people are convinced it's a cancer causing issue, if you have next to you the radio waves can cause congress -- cancer, they have come to the conclusion that is not true, however, with the advent of 5g there's even more concern that the stronger network, the stronger speed could create more of a cancer threat, they say, nope, still going to be governed by the fcc and the radio frequency agency is not what is considered harmful, if you go to the internet many people say that's not true, never have those things close to your head, to your brain. stuart: indeed, i will go back to robo call thing for a moment because we have with us senator john thoone, one of those who supported laws, and get it through the senate and signed by the president. mr. senator, any idea what went wrong. i know that you're laughing, we have 4 billion of the calls alone. >> right, law just got signed into law by the president, stuart, so you won't be able to flip the switch overnight and get rid of robo calls but you will see significant reduction as the law gets implemented, does give fcc to have after authorities. stuart: i may have made a mistake, i didn't realize that the president had just signed it. >> a month ago. stuart: oh, oh, so not doing too well in the first month, okay. [laughter] stuart: we will give it time, senator. >> anything around here takes a while to get implemented. the point is, this is the first really big effort to get robo calls under control in this country and there are significant tools in there that are going to enable the regulators and our justice system to go after bad actors. stuart: we are with you on this, let me tell you. [laughter] stuart: let's get to democrat and impeachment. they are not letting impeachment go away and we have more proof that the left really doesn't like this president, we have newly revealed social media posts that show the lead juror in roger stone trial, tamika hardt posting antitrump messages, i don't know how this could go forward, impeachment, investigation when you have this kind of thing into trial, they can't let it go. >> right, they can't, it's really hard for people to disguise what they really feel when they have social media posts out there, you know, to show otherwise, i think you're absolutely right, this has been a concerted effort since the beginning of the president's term in office, as we pointed out the washington post, the day he was sworn in came out with headline saying, you know, impeachment process start today and the left has been working aggressively to take down the president and i think the american people are seeing it differently and that's why the public support -- stuart: why do you keep doing it. look, it's failed, why did they come back to it? why did they do it, i don't get it? >> i think there's visceral hatred on the left for this president unlike anything we have seen in modern politics and they're exhausting every possible remedy to try and -- and drive them away, drive him out of office but to his credit he's been resilient and the american people by in large with the exception of the far left are behind him and i think the reason they are behind him is because they like his policies and the results of his policies which are leading to record economic growth and job creation and wages, so that's frustrating to them, but they've got an opportunity this election season to do something about it if they want to and so far they seem to be gravitating toward socialist agenda with bernie sanders and that's not something that will play well in november. stuart: you have a smile, mr. senator. >> i'm happy that bernie is doing well and i hope he continues to do well in this primary process, go, bernie. stuart: thank you. >> i know. stuart: we have to stock moving today, wayfair, the online furniture company, i believe. they are way down, down 8%, $8, they just announced 550 layoffs in the company, 350 in boston, okay. they don't make any money, i don't think, maybe coming onto roost now, maybe i'm not sure about that, but they are down 8%, wayfairway down. next we have word of a top dollar real estate deal that just went down in los angeles, one of the world's richest people just bought the most expensive; we will tell you who it is and how much this person paid. and speaking of hollywood, forbes just released annual list of the highest paid actors, you know who came out on top, well, check this out, we will give you all the numbers after this. years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. how bright you shine. how strong you are. how brilliant... unique... how you're... my rock. my diamond. for the diamond in your life, there's only one diamond store. it's the valentine's day sale. get 25% off everything. including these special deals. at zales, the diamond store. ♪ ♪ >> remember, the future of jimanji is in your hands. >> i have one question who is jumanji. stuart: best-paid actor, dewayne the rock johnson, highest paid. tell me how much he got paid and give me the rest of the list. >> $89.4 million. ballers and $700,000, chris hemsworth, also avengers, i'm saying the name of the movies because they are big-box office movies, iron man, $66 million; he's known in bollywood and, of course, jackie chan. lauren: women are paid less but still a lot of money. scarlet johanssen, nicole kidman, jennifer aniston. a lot of the women are now producing. stuart: it is thursday all day, dan henninger, he's calling the democrats incompetence party, people are starting to doubt the democrats' ability to do anything right, he's on the show and i'm going get his take on the sanders campaign clashing with aoc over performance at sanders rally last month, this is varney and we are coming right back. stuart: we are really come back, you know, it was a blip as gary kalpaum said a couple of hours ago. buying opportunity, who knows, watch this video, please. watch carefully, that's the iowa democrat chair, he resigned, the sign on his podium falls, that's fitting metaphor, the chair goes out. the democrat incompetence part, you know who wrote that, dan henninger, it's a thursday, the incompetence party, that's not a very difficult case for you to make, go. >> no, it's not, we had the iowa caucus, we know what that was all about, the new hampshire primary, big story election day was how people were going to vote for bernie sanders all the others were basically flipping coins and couldn't make up their mind on who they wanted and there's enthusiasm deficit for the democrats and i think part of it has to do with the fact that the democratic party is just running out of gas, it happens to political parties, labor party, the uk, you get to the point where you have no new ideas and i think it's true with the democrats but as well, if you've a political party you are in business to govern, to get control of places and the problem with the democrats is that places they are governing are showing to have been incompetence, you think of new york city, chicago, san francisco, los angeles, st. louis, baltimore, people are leaving these places because of the incompetence it's causing crime, homelessness, unaffordability and the like. stuart: i want your comment on this report which says that bernie sanders' campaign was not happy with aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez's performance at a bernie rally, he couldn't be there, she went in his place. she did not even mention his name and she encouraged the crowd not to cooperate with immigration officials. so bernie didn't like that. so it looks like aoc is more extreme than bernie, what's going on? >> well, for sure she is, we know that aoc is about herself but the question is to what extent does ocasio-cortez represent voters that bernie sanders is appealing to. one actually wonders how much bernie sanders has in common with the young people who are voting for him? stuart: good question. >> they have so volatile and variable and ocasio-cortez thinks she will make up policy that bernie sanders hasn't signed on, totally resisting immigration. stuart: yeah, i don't believe that bernie sanders is for total open borders, get rid of everything, let them all come in. i can't believe he's going that far. she is. >> that's the kind of supporters he has and if they are pushing bernie sanders further to the left than he already is, i mean, there's a thought to conjure with. there she is. >> it's very good. i like it, stay there for a second. strong economy is leading to more premium liquor sales we hear. i'm going bring in kristina partsinevelos who has installed herself at a park avenue liquor store, there you are, you are going tell me what's the top-selling liquor, the premium-brand liquor that's going there, what is it? >> well, if we are talking about the premium american brown stuff that would be mixtures, $50, this is a whiskey, we are on the topic there's a report that came out from the distilled council and they are saying because of the strong economy americans are more willing to, you know, dish out the dough expensive stuff. $176, definitely not a cheap bottle but if we are talking about the american premium that has climbed over 7% higher in 2019. everything happens to be right near me, this one goes for $88 and if you're wondering, despite the strong economy that's a huge factor, why are americans shifting to the distilled liquors, the hard every stuff away from beer and wine. a lot of it has to do with the cocktail-making experience, this is a trend especially amongst the younger generation, they are willing to try hard, they are willing to try infused with rose pedals and tequila, all the fancy things that are added which makes her expensive. the economy is doing quite well that's why we are willing to spend more, climbed 9% in premium category. stuart: you've very active there, kristina, i was worried that you were going to drop the $200 of bottle. licking it off would be difficult. >> i can balance as possible. second nature. stuart: you've all right, kristina, come on back to reality. see you soon. i have a story about exodus of people moving out, well, let's start with california, give me some numbers, ash. ashley: more than a million residents have gone to other states in the last decade and continues to go, look, you know, 52% , 53% say they want to get out now, it's having too big effects on surrounding states, one, it's changing politics, texas, for instance, greg abbott launched petition under the banner don't california my texas and in idaho we have seen housing prices skyrocket leading one politician to call for the walling off of california. stuart: lauren, do we know how many of the people leaving california were actually conservatives? >> 71%. a lot of the people leaving is because of the conditions, right, housing costs, but a lot of republicans say it's the politics. the university of california berkeley studies, finds it's a huge number of republicans saying taxes is another reason. stuart: hold on a second. isn't that your story? >> the journal reported now for the past year, new jersey, california, people are moving to mountain states or down to texas or southern states where the cost structure is much better. stuart: 71% moving out from california were conservatives? >> i'm sure that's the leading edge, but the way things are going on in california just sort of normal people who can't afford to live there anymore. i mean, the power is being cut off, wild fires, people say i cannot survive in this state anymore and they are leaving. stuart: in droves. >> maybe taking their politics with them. lauren: but if they are conservatives the other red states will get redder, i'm worried about them getting bluer or purple. if democrats move to red states f californians go to texas, texas like austin gets, you know, they start talking about things they don't usually talk about in texas but if conservatives are moving out texas gets redder. stuart: first time that you come out with politics. lauren: observation according to latest stat. [laughter] >> if you vote the way you did in california -- stuart: i don't want to miss this. the nasdaq did just this, all-time, just hit it, the dow is only down 625 points. comeback i'd say, another story from california, the most expensive property in los angeles went to jeff bezos of amazon, so ash, how much did he pay or what did he get? >> a lot and a lot. >> 165 million macaroons, jack warner, the late former president of the entertainment giant, what do you get for 165 million is called the estate, the luxury estate in los angeles, you get, well, expensive terraces, gardens; several guest houses, tennis court, nine-hole golf course, how do you get that in the middle. kind of cool, 9 acres by the way, it is apparently beyond, belonged to media mogul david and there you go, now he has a nice little pad. stuart: the versailles. laura trump, i want to know what the president is really like behind closed doors, i hope she will tell us. she's next >> you have to understand we went through russia, russia, russia, it was all -- corrupt politician named adam schiff made up my statement to ukrainian president. he's a screen writer, failed screen writer, he said don't call me, i will call you, it's a mob statement t whole thing was corrupt and a disgrace and romney is a disgrace for voting against, he's a disgrace. we have the highest poll numbers that we have ever had, thank you, nancy, very much. thank you. stuart: okay, president trump being on the attack since acquittal, i would say he's being unlearned, well, laura trump, 2020 senior adviser is with me now, laura, welcome back. >> thank you. stuart: you're at the 11:00 o'clock hour. >> i'm covering all bases. stuart: are you allowed to say what the president is like closed doors? >> the great think about the president, stuart, he's so transparent, he puts everything he's thinking out on twitter, some people don't love that, he's generally one to have funniest people i've ever met, you can see quite frankly why right there. stuart: have you ever tried to rein him in on the twitter? >> absolutely not. that's direct contact with people all across the world and the country, we know through media filters sometimes it's hard to believe but they try to change things in the way he says them and the meaning, that's his direct link, shocking. stuart:let get serious for a second. i want to talk about fundraising because the dollar numbers are astronomical. >> yeah. stuart: trump campaign and rnc brought 60 million just in january. >> we did. stuart: 525 million over the past year. >> yes. stuart: is that mostly on the back of impeachment in. >> well, a lot of it really ramped up after we saw nancy pelosi call for impeachment so i will second the president and saying thank you, nancy, for that little gift. obviously we prefer the president not be impeached but certainly encouraged people and average donation is under $40, so that tells you all you need to know about the money coming into the trump campaign and the way people feel about this president, everybody always wants to know what are the poll numbers right, we see with democrats, poll numbers are wrong, they all said joe biden was at the top and he's in fifth place after new hampshire, that's how we really try to look at the feeling out there, it's because people are so angry about the fact that nancy pelosi and the democrats are trying to take away their vote in 2016, they are trying to damage this president because they know none of these ridiculous candidates can beat him and so they try impeachment, didn't work, backfired, people are jazzed up about donald trump, they can't wait to get out and vote for him and they are showing in the pocketbooks. stuart: you don't have to twist arms for people to p >> they want to help. people look at what happened to the president and they say if this could happen to president it could happen to any one of us, that was absolutely wrong what they tried to do to donald trump and makes people angry and right now they can't go out and vote today unless you live in new hampshire and iowa in the past week, so they are putting it throughout with their pocketbooks, we are fighting back right now, we will donate to the president because we want him reelected. stuart: hold on for a second. i want to deal with michael bloomberg. he says that president trump's afraid of him. take a listen to this. >> i'm a new yorker and not not afraid of trump. and trump is afraid of me. [cheers and applause] >> actually, actually trump is the afraid of all of us in the room and together we will get it done. stuart: what do you respond to that? >> oh, my goodness, the president is not afraid of mike bloomberg, it's interesting when you look at the democrat party and this this is the virtue sigg party, identity politics and here is a rich-old white guy who thinks he can buy his way into the nomination, it's actually really interesting and i will be really interested to see what happens as this moves forward whether anybody is going to support someone like this, i know he's banking on the biden people coming his way, but i think what we learned in 2016 was it doesn't matter how much money you spend because hillary clinton way outspent the trump campaign in 2016 and we see what the result was then, so mike al bloomberg can spend as much money as he wants, i don't think the voters are going to connect with him and i think it's going to be really hard to suggest that you're going to do something different and change course because this president has been so successful for this country, what exactly are you running on and what is it that people would want to change and move their vote over to mike bloomberg? i don't really know. stuart: may i ask you a quick question about valentine's. it's tomorrow. >> i hope my husband is watching. stuart: he wouldn't give you a lab diamond, would he? >> let's make sure he does it. i think you should talk to him and make sure he doesn't do that. listen, i would be happy with anything i got from my husband. stuart: laura, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. stuart: sure thing. check nike, up or down, moved up again, releasing another pair of self-tieing sneakers. ashley: because we can't do it ourselves. stuart: however, basketball shoes fell to 4% of the sneaker market, atleisure wear. lauren: i love slip-on shoes, maybe people don't want to tie their own shoes. stuart: the older you get the more difficult it is to bend down and tie. lauren: i kind of do. stuart: pepsi reported fall in revenue in fourth quarter, they are increasing the dividends 7%, stockholders are happy about it but they are not buying much, down 80 cents on pepsco. now this, new numbers from gallup say we americans we don't want a socialist president, the vast majority of democrats seem to be on board with it, certainly a majority do, coming up a business owner who has taken on many immigrants from venezuela. i want to know what they have to say about the democrats' push for socialism, i'm sure they have something to say about it. we will be back. your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. get a no-fee pea new kind of investor is changing things up. [ indistinct talking ] with an app that's changing the way we do money. download robinhood now. and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stuart: we would not vote for a socialist for president, 53%, not having socialism, however, 76% of democrats say, yeah, they would vote for a socialist, how about that? owner of php people fleeing socialist countries like venezuela, matt, good to see you again, welcome back, indeed. what are these people from venezuela, what do they say about the democrats going for socialism? >> well, a lot of them are just talking about their own experiences of living in social knicks, talking about, you know, things such as food, water and shelter are certain things that are just not available readily as it is here in the united states and then when you come across our company and show them the rules, teach them entrepreneurship, capitalism, free enterprise, their eyes are wide open, thank goodness for the opportunity. we have people coming over here and saying, you know what, in our count it's hard to have, you have to pay people off, we are glad to be here in land of opportunity. stuart: i would like to hear that because i'm an immigrant, i meet so many americans who think that all immigrants are down on america somehow or another, that we are condemning america, you know, racist bigots and all that nonsense, that's what i meet constantly, it's just not true. immigrants really love the american dream and get right into it. >> yes, i saw it firsthand and i served in the marine corps and part of the time serving in korea, i saw the exact difference, exact difference between north which was cold and dark at night versus south of the parallel filled with light and life at night, i experienced it firsthand myself as united states marine. stuart: okay, how is your business going, does it specialize in helping immigrants like from venezuela, is that the specialty of your business? >> it's not necessarily our specialty, just by recruitment process and candidates and inquiries, a lot of folks are coming from different immigrant companies, 53% countries latinos, 52 are women, latino, mexicana, my wife is half black, cuban indian. from michoacán and guadalajara. stuart: i just love it, 3 races, 2 religions, 7 ethnicities, we are all american just like you. max, thanks for joining us, that was good, come back soon, okay. [laughter] >> glad to be here. stuart: sure thing. more varney after this. comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. all working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gig-speed network. because beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. . . stuart: what was the most popular news item we brought you today? sleeping in separate beds. apparently that is the key to a long successful marriage as lauren will tell us again. lauren: i sleep in the same bed. happily married for 10 years now. however, if one person snores or has to get up early, whatever the reason is, it is better that you have separate, comfortable bedrooms then getting kicked off the bed or something in the middle of the night. stuart: what was the proportion, if you sleep separate bed rooms. lauren: 25% sleep separately. builders and architects are building homes that can accommodate two married people want the same thing. ashley: happy wife, happy life. stuart: what a shame. we're out of time. we were getting rolling on the story. we're totaling out of time. neil, you want to pick it up, neil? neil: is it hot in here? that is one of the best throws to another show that i have ever seen. let's see where we go with that one. thank you my friend, very, very much. we're focusing on the markets trying to stablize on some quasi-good news. or at least reassuring news on the coronavirus situation even though we're getting word of a 15th case in the u.s. and across the world. we're seeing from the united states, it is a steady and manageable situation. that is what they seize on. flights into and out of the region are about the lowest in a decade, as is deman

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