♪ welcome to fbn:am good morning to you happy wednesday i'm lauren simonetti. >> good morning i'm tracee carrasco in for cheryl casone. all right let's take a look at how your money is moving this morning. any gain today forked nasdaq or s&p 500 will be a new record high meanwhile the dow up 108 point after a ever so small pullback yesterday. >>let take a look at how things are moving in asia right now you can see stocks are up in asiabrt the corona virus. the nikkei you can get getting boost from soft bank on springt t-mobile merger. taking a look at the open in europe stock there all in the green so it is rally day globally like that. let take a look at the top story this mornings it was a wild night in state of new hampshire, bernie sanders finishing first in the first in the nation l primary. >> but mayor pete buttigieg comeses ins close second and surprising third place finish for amy klobuchar . out of nowhere that as they call it let's be to hillary vaughn live in new hampshire with the play by play. what a night what a morning hillary,ing good morning. >> good morning, lauren and tracee well race for the democratic anonymous is quickly becoming a race between a socialist senators and a moderate mayor because for the second state in a row mayor pete buttigieg and bernie sanders finished neck and neck with 87% reporting right now. bennie barely ening out a win and sanders has 25% of the votes with buttigieg just one point behind. >> with victory behind us and popular vote to be tonight we'rg to nevada, south carolina we're going win those states is as well. we are taking on billionaires and we're taking on candidates funded by billionaires. i admire senator sanders when i was a high school student and respect him greatly to this day and a i congratulate him on strong showing tonight. >> americans want the frnl to make choices for themselves on health care or on any other issue. not to have washington decide for them and politics of my way or the highway is a road to reelecting donald trump. >> both candidates out shining joe biden last night who faded to fourth place and town yesterday before the polls closed. to focus on fourth voting state south carolina biden defeated by senator amy klobuchar outround the granite state. i can not wait to bring our green bus around a country. i cannot wait to win the anonymous. nomination. [applause] i cannot wait toll win with a movement of fired up democrats of independent and moderate republicans. >> people of nevada are watching, and i want to make it clear we pray for their diversity as a state and i'll be out there seeing them tonight, though. we just heard from the first two of the 50 states two of them. not the nation. not half a nation. not a quarter of the nation. not half -- where i come from that's the opening bell. not the choosing bell. biden campaign insist he's still very much in this race. they are banking on those minority voting states like south carolina and nevada. but he's not only one. tom steyer also has invested a lot of money in south carolina as hiss he states to be a part of this race also mayor michael bloomberg has invested millions in all of the super tuesday states. so this race lauren and trace' is about so get a lot more crowded. as we move forward. lauren and tracee. >> thank you very much hillary. as primary results started rolling in democratic race got smallerrer and andrew reported he was ending his bid and tech entrepreneur had a new policy of freedom dividend in which he promised to give each american adult $1,000 a month. dropping out his new fueling speculation that he may run for mayor of new york city once bill de blasio's term is up. meantime yang 2024 trengdzing on social media about, and michael bennett also ending his run, the colorado senator was a late entry to the race announcing his presidential bid last may. >> all right president trump also celebrating today. a record-breaking victory in the republican primary last night. his campaign touting that president actually received more primary votes in new hampshire than any sitting president running for reelection over the past 40 years. yes todd pirro has more. good morning, todd. >> lauren and tracee good morning, the outcome on republican side never really in doubt check this out. president trump with more than 85% of the primary votes bill wells with less than 13,000 votes total. trump 2020 campaign manager brett's statement reading in part, his vote percentage will also show historic strength when had the numbers are final likely beating the last three incumbent presidents clinton, bush and obama who were successfully reelected adding that president trump will crush whoever the democratic nominee is. trump also taking aim at the democratic field himself live tweeting including this shot at michael bloomberg. a very bad night for many mike and it wasn't a great day for former new york city mayor either. after this audio about stop frisk surfaced. >> murder victims -- bloomberg apologizing for in his words over using stop is and frisk add aing he should have cut it back sooner, president attacking the backtrack. >> i think when a man is with stop and frisk his whole life and decides to go democrat and he tboaz to a church and he's practically crying i think that's so disingenuous apologized for everything he did and looked pathetic our country doesn't need that kind of leadership. >> president saying rather run against bloomberg instead of bernie sanders because in his words, quote, sanders has real followers and bloomberg is just buy his way in. lauren and tracee back to you. >> all righty todd now to corona virus death toll and global disruption from china deadly virus continues to rise. japan confirming 39 new cases on a cruise ship quarantined off the country's coast. that brings the total number on the diamond princess to 174. but the first group of americans evacuated from china clear to go home. 195 people were released from a two week quarantine at a california military base yesterday. >> look how excited they look in that picture. 97 new deaths have been is reported in china. that list the global death toll from the crowe that virus to more than 1100 people. right here in the u.s. nearly 200 georgia resident have been told to stay at home for two weeks. watch for signs of the virus, there's usually we think 14-day incubation period. people who have not shown any symptoms as a of now hay did recently return from -- a trip to china so there's caution out there. china reportedly also face a shortage of rubbing alcohol. a worker for a canadian company that make it says that company sold 6 months of alcohol supplies? just two weeks. >> that's scary. all right you probably heard this before your cell phone could be spying on you. but u.s. officials have hard evidence that it is happening, and they're warning that a chinese tell come giant huawei can secretly get into your phone and networks around the world. get to brett larson from fox news headlines 24/7 what is is going on. tell us about this. >> this is a very serious allegation this is something that we've been hearing about for the better part of the last couple of years with the trade negotiations going on and now "the wall street journal" saying this has been happening if or a decade u.s. officials are confirming this. to explain what it is when you think about it our cell phones are very personal device. we have them on us all a of the time they know where we are. they know how many steps we took all of this information on our cell phones. what huawei is accused of doing here is -- leaving open a back door. now or there back doors built into our cell phone networks that's for law enforcement that's for the cell phone companies. if someone went missing and law enforcement said hague, we know they were here last can we please access your network the cell phone companies are going to say we're going to let you do that because that's a lingt cause but wall street journal is is saying huawei has lefting back doors open for them. so that they can access the network so they can spy on kiewrls in the u.s. or wherever their equipment ising being used. >> if we know that why are allies like the u.k. saying okay come on in huawei it's fine. >> that is correct despite a lot of pressure from u.s. that is what they've said. the u.k. has seen the information. but the tell come companies are struggling with this because huawei offer it is competitive pricing for good equipment so that's oning a that will they're taking. german on the german side they're not concerned about it because they've built in their own software and hardware that would prevent huawei back doors being opened from them being able to spy on people. huawei has said these are -- totally bogus accusations but when you're dealing with a company in china, no matter what -- the company is -- has to answer to the communist government which runs china. so that if beijing decides hey we want to spy on some people in washington. and there's huawei equipment in washington, it's the not out of the realm of reality to be able to do that. wow. let's get to another smart phone the sam sung new device that were unveiled but they're not cheap. >> they are not cheap. happier news on cell phone front we briefly mention this yesterday. we've got a new clam cell phone from sam sung a foldable smart phone with a foldable screen but these are ferasingic devices i give it three years before it is reasonable for consumers these are in excess of a thousand dollars in some instances 2,000 so we've got to wait to see how popular yeah it is a little compute in your pocket that folds up like star freak so cool. >> i think you want to say wait to see what apple does with the version -- >> until it goes down in price. [laughter] all righty brett larson thank you very much. catch brett on siriusxm channel 113 a market that wants to climb higher and it is right now. we will likely see a new day high for the dow jones is industrial afnlg right now dow is up 111 s&p up 11 we'll see a new high there and guess what ditto for nasdaq gaining half of one percent this morning. pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar pulling off impressive finisheses in new hampshire last night. what does that mean for other 2020 dems but also president trump reelection by the. the internet pouncing on joe biden's latest bizarre common calling votesser a lying dog faced pony soldier with a biden insult bot. look at this hilarious comments coming up on f. been a.m. l. fbn:am. hi guys. this is the chevy silverado with the world's first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh! that's awesome. where'd the trailer go? i love it. it's magic. ♪ ♪ everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. expedia. >> pete buttigieg takes close second place new hampshire and huge night for dark horse candidate amy klobuchar coming in third place both candidates trying to be that alternative to front runner bernie sanders, but who can win in that moderate lane let's talk about it with liz harrington and democrat strategist wendy wallace thanks for joining us ladies. >> good morning. >> all right we know deyou first who wins in that moderate lane do you think? >> well i think that really remains to be seen. where we saw last night were strong performances from a couple of people who see themselves as moderate, i think you rightly pointed out that the big story of the night was kind of amy klobuchar coming down from what many would call the second tier of candidates making a big showing. you know she's talking about things that democrats went on in 2018 that really resonate with voters. and she kind of from early indications took up a lot of space with college educated women thought to go to elizabeth warren so i think we're really getting to see voters get engaged and make their voices heard. >> liz. "the washington post" recently ran a story, and they said there are signs that bense bernie sanders could win in texas my jaw kind of dropped there so i'm curious to your response but i wanted to bring up this "gallup poll" as we talk about social pism sanders is is a democratic socialist and appetite of that in united states this "gallup poll" show es that 45% of americans say they would not vote for socialist candidate. so how strong is this bernie momentum nationally? >> i think that poll is great news for the country because we will never be a socialist country but what we seen so far is this is everybody get a trophy primary for the democrats. you have moral victories for second and third place. you have disastrous showing fringes elizabeth warren in fourth placing being from a neighboring state. joe biden not even making it on the board on fifth place. but they're staying in the race and this fact is because they know nobody is a winner come november. and you see, bernie sanders he's the front runner right now. it is his race to lose. and that's terrible for the democrat party. because none of these candidates and none of these policies are viable come november third >> do they get behind sangd percent they can't slow him down? >> i think it is really early a to be talking about that. we're two states in. >> true. >> obviously, the democratic party will support its nominee as the contest kind of unfold we'll see what that lookses like. but we're, you know, we're still in early states and super tuesday is going to play a big role narrowing the field we saw the field get a little bit narrower last night and i think we'll continue to see that through super tuesday. >> as you noted wendy this is opening bell if you will. we've a long way to go before closing bell but we've got to talk about joe biden liz. i mean, he just basically ditched north new hampshire early went to south carolina. that's where e he had expects t- is he out? >> i think he should already be out at this point and this is a guy who has been in washington for 48 years. he's been running for president for over three decades and he's e never won a primary or a caucus he hasn't won anything and going in the wrong direction. he went from third place in iowa to fifth place in new hampshire. i don't think he has a viable strategy. but i think it's also important to note, this is a man that has been in politics for of what a century but he's doing the same thing mike bloomberg is doing which is apologizing for positions going to far left that's the real problem for democrats you talk ab moderate lane it is not moderate klobuchar, buttigieg they want to get rid of electoral college they want to tax carbon. they wanttarian funded abortion, pete you've got not only wants to decriminalize word but meth and heroin these are not moderate positions that's a real problem for democrats if. >> that's a good point with pete he might say a moderate but more of a chameleon to twist as he needs to. but is he really more or less than a lot of voters think, and are -- if biden is out who gets his vote is that bloomberg or is that someone like mayor pete? >> so i think first on mayor pete he -- he is a moderate, i mean, he's record to show it. he's from the midwest, and he brings an appeal that votessers are looking for. i think on vice president biden, we still have a lot of lanes left to go. and he's still either first or second in national pollses and so i think counting him out would be premature at this point. i think, i think you know he was -- he and a his campaign made the decision to leave new hampshire early and spend some time is in south carolina before going to nevada later this week. and that was a strategic call i think they're banking on more diverse states and there's nothing wrong with that in democratic primary. >> wendy, liz thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you. prchg well taking a look at futures right now. let's look at that you can see some green on the screen and nice run there dow futures up i 114 points and nasdaq s&p 500 building off record closing from yesterday futuringing point of g higher there and did it put millions of airline passengers in danger? and a rerun for the former empire after jesse smollett the disgraced star just got indicted again. this time over his alleged hate crimes. hoax a new charges, though, that he's facing, coming up right here on fbn:am. so we can spend a bit today, knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow dad, do you think you overdid it maybe? i don't think so... what do you think, peanut? nope! honey, do you think we overdid it? overdid what? see? we don't think so, son. technically, grandparents can't overdo it. it's impossible. well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. it's unacceptable that americans pay vastly more than people in other countries, for the exact same drugs. but they aren't listening. they've just raised the prices of over five hundred drugs. president trump supports a bipartisan plan, that would force drug companies to lower prices. but the senate won't act. tell senate leaders to stop drug company price gouging and lower drug prices now. the business of hard work... ...hustle... ...and high fives. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at choicehotels.com. [ fast-paced drumming ] it's our most dangerous addiction. so we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. we created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. what will you change? make the world you want. welcome bleact take a look at other headline hads making news this morning. kobe bryant and his daughter gianna reportedly have been laid to rest in a private california funerals it was held at pacific view memorial park in corona del mar, california a memorial service is set to take place on february 24th and will be open to the public. the ceremony will be held at the staples center, bryant and his daughter were killed in a helicopter crash along with seven others on january 26th. nissan is seeking 91 million dollars from a former chairman carlos ghosn an fought a lawsuit for allege mess conduct warn it expects amount to increase in the future. ghosn fled from japan to lebanon in december and he denies any wrong doings. a federal judge dismissed some charges against sarah and elizabeth oklahoma city but let's stand wire fraud charges a accusing her and associate of misleading patients about the abilities of her company's blood test. the court ruled that since the test were paid by their medical insurance companies the patients were deprive of money or property in taking the blood testing services. tracee. well jesse smollett is facing new legal troubles prosecutors hit the actor with a new round of charges allegedly making a claim for hate crime. this comes after similar charge were dropped. so what prosecutors actually followed through here to talk about about this and more is criminal defense attorney david know good morning, david. >> good morning. so these charges essential wily very similar to the charges that were dropped last year. we do have this indictment of -- six new charms but why now with the grand jury bring this up again? >> sure after the first debacle the dismiss charges and then just outreach about it there was a judge in the county that appointed a prosecutor to review the decision to dismiss. and that's the prosecutor that ultimately charged the new charges and now we have somebody that's not kim fox this is octave in second prosecutor to make this decision. and i don't see these going away although there could be an argument for double jeopardy that defendant was never actually tried and he never actually pled guilty it was a dismissed to no double "jeopardy!" but forfeited jail 10,000 and agreed to community service so there were some consequences to the dismissal that i would anticipate defense attorney say hey you keapght do it again. >> potentially he could definitely be held accountable here. >> as long as there's no "jeopardy!" these chargeses can stick. >> all righty i want to ask you now about harvey weinstein his defense rested their case and he will not take stand even though he told reporters as he was leaving reportedly that he wanted to testify. what do you think he would have said and do you think this was a smart move for him not to testify? >> absolutely smart move. i would have made the same recommendation. i mean, if harvey weinstein testified that jury decision would have been the credibility of harvey weinstein and not individual witnesses. and a i think that the defense has great arguments to make about credibility you know these are historic allegations there was no physical evidence and no fresh complaint and some of the victims continued to communicate with harvey weinstein so, i mean, there's some evidence that came out that other day about -- statements that were made from one of the accusers that is not more consistent with a rape allegation. so as defense attorney, if the prosecutor has burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt that's a way that you go and say that is not guilty as far as put your client on and subjecting into cross-examination. >> before we let you go yesterday we have four federal prosecutors withdraw from the case against roger stone. as the justice department reversed itself recommending less prison time for president trump's long time associate. democratses are saying that there was possibly some influence from president trump here because this is a rather unusual reversal right? >> very unusual and nonny. to be quite honest, if they should have been on the same page, doj, clearly had no idea that the -- that the local prosecutors were going to be asking for that lengthy 7-9 the jail sentence, and they just amended the sentencing memorandum and they're not asking for anything but ultimately it is the judge. even the prosecutors recommendation of 7 to 9 wouldn't have been binging on the judge, and it's the judge that ultimately makes this decision within the statutory sentences. perform david bruno thank you so much for joining us lauren over to you. >> let's take a look at futures right now purply in the green. dow up 112 points s&p up 11 nasdaq gaining 45 this morning for half a percent gain, and yes, a new record is if we maintain this momentum come to close. pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar finishing in second and third place last night in new hampshire as they're being more seriously considered now. what could that possible presidency mean for the market and the economy? and controversial and politically charged movie about killing so-called deplorables, the hunt gets a new release date. details ahead on fbn:am. sfx: [sneezing] i am not for ignoring the first sign of a cold. i am for shortening my cold, with zicam! zicam is completely different. unlike most other cold medicines, zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. i am a zifan for zicam! oral or nasal. cheat sheet top headlines nearly 200 people are being monitored for the corona virus in state of georgia. health officials say as of now none have shown virus symptoms after returning hole from china. but this comes as that 195 americans are freed from quarantine at a california air base overnight. the death toll in mainland china is climbing past 1100. u.s. officials say huawei has secretly been able to access mobile phone numbers around world for more than a decade by using back doors built in to network hardware for law enforcement. huawei tells wall street journal these ailses are false. and it was a wild night in new hampshire, bernie sanders declared the winner in last night's primary the first in the nation but pete buttigieg coming in close second, and amy klobuchar in third place candidates now focusing on south carolina at the end of the month. and that strong showing from mayor pete and amy klobuchar has this asking what a possible presidential win by either of them would mean for markets. doug flynn certified financial manner cofounder of flynn capital management, joins now. good morning, doug. >> good morning. >> so given standings from new hampshire, the momentum that mayor pete got from iowa, amy klobuchar picking up steam as well. how do you think investors would react to a mayor pete or a klobuchar presidency given the fact that they're more middle of the road status quo candidates pete not oppose to the wreet. >> i think that in the ranking of them is from down to moderate amy klobuchar seems to be most centrist of them and mayor pete is a little bit more to the left. you can package itself care plan any way whatever you want to call it still medicare for all with a different name so i think -- probably the least reaction would be with a klobuchar and i think a lot of people who can't get behind wariner or sanders can get behind people much more so. i want to pull up a poll that came out from new hampshire. look at that. you can see best to handle the economy bernie sanders with 21% and elizabeth warren with with 17% mike bloomberg 17% and tom pete biewd judge at the bottom with request 10%. we know that wall street wouldn't react well to bernie sanders or an elizabeth warren. presidency, but if they're of the top candidate if that's who they have to get behind, do they stick with their democratic party or do they vote for trump to maintain what we've seen on wall street? >> so -- i've been in personal finance through five presidents and it has gone back and forth republican democrat and back and forth in talking to a lot of clients who represent all different political sides they're really of the investor class, and my -- clients who really even can't stand trump to point where they would hate him will absolutely have told me in private, they're absolutely not going to vote for a fundamentalling change to america of socialism. so they're probably going to sit home. so i don't know where that comeses from that anyone thinks that handling of the economy turning over to government make any sense. but privately those people are not going to vote for them so you need a much more centrist candidate to have them vote and whether or not they make it all the way through who knows if they're up on the fighting president trump. for the presidency, i think you know with they're not going to show well with people who are of the investor class, because they recognize what that's going to do to the economy. >> so investors the clients that you're speaking with do they think bernie sanders at this point could beat trump? what -- if that were had the case do they have that concern? >> i don't. i don't know. i don't think they think that he can beat them. i think that -- deep down they just know that we're not -- no matter what. you can hate every otherring thing about him and be liberal with policyies but at end of the day willing to blow up your entire foundation of america with with capitalism everything else. i don't think they're ready to do that. : all righty doug thank you so much for joining us this morning lauren over to you. >> well president trump giving new meaning to his make america great again e mega slogan speaking to reporters yesterday that president said megaalso stands for this is cute microsoft, apple, tboolg, and amazon all of those company as now are valued at more than a trillion dollars on wall street and tracee some say a is going to two trillion pretty soon. >> we'll see but controversial movie gets green light for release the film was putted from theaters before its september res lease follow the mass shooting at an el paso texas wal-mart and criticism from donald trump. dark comedy revolves around deplorables who were kidnapped from conservative america and hunted for universal pictures saying it will be in theaters on march 13th. you say i don't know. interesting. >> all of this make me want to see it. green up on screen and s&p 500 futures up by 10 nasdaq futures up by 40 right now. perhaps new records for the s&p 500, and nasdaq today.york, newd connecticut for tax friendly, florida there's a new breed of multimillion dollar luxury condo projects coming up along miami beaches and are our own cheryl casone is there. >> lauren and tracee hello from beautiful sunny florida where with a famous italian design or decided to put his fingerprints on real estate. that's coming up on fbn:am. 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make businesses run faster. we built it to help them go beyond. because beyond risk... welcome to the neighborhood, guys. there is reward. ♪ ♪ beyond work and life... who else could he be? there is the moment. beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪ every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. york, new jersey and connecticut going to tax friendly state like florida and in florida there's a new multimillion dollar luxury condo project or that are on pooing up along the pretty beaches there. sm lucky cheryl casone is in miami at the residents by armani for an all-access tour. good morning cheryl. >> good morning, lauren, and tracee. italian designer giorgio saw an opportunity in real estate here in north america collaborated with a developer here in miami area to build what they're calling the glass tower the glass palace. it is the armani kas is a residents by armani it is pretty darn stunning and we're here at 56 stories. it is got 308 units all of it luxury, and armani actually did designs himself whether it was the tile, light fixture, the walls, everything to bottom. in the tower, it is armani style. now the residence go from anywhere from 1.7 million up to 17 million dollar. if yowment the penthouse, and a lot of amenities, of course, because thet this to be not really just a condominium project but it is a hotel as well. except that it is a hotel that you live in, they've got a private theater, for movies you can reserve that. they've got a private bar and a restaurant overlooking the ocean. a cigar room because you need that a game room, and lauren this is for you. a yoga studio that overlooks the ocean and is also some pilates equipment if there. ladies if that is not enough for you there's also a lifestylist, 24/7 that will, of course, take care of negative in your life. including dress you head to toe in giorgio armani lauren see i am i am just taking a one the team. >> web appreciate you taking one for the team. do you want to live there? >> that yoga room that look out at the water, stylist what else is in there? wanting to go down to miami? >> i'm game we didn't hear the price tag, though. >> that's okay. free for cheryl she took one for the team. er here are some other headlines making news, this morning, quite an odyssey for honda recalling nearly 250,000 to 20108 through 2020 molds of its best selling minivan call back prompted by wiring problem that could spark a fire. honda says owners will be notified by mail viewers fix wiring or replace it. well safety in questions at southwest airlines putting pressure on the faa on how it does its job. the airline flew 17 million passengers on more than 150,000 flights on potentially dangerous debts that is according to to a report by the u.s. transportation departments inspector general. faa admitting it should have better police the airline to make sure required maintenance had been finished as outlined in report. meantime southwest flight attendants are saying stop fooling around they are calling on passengers to let them e know about any bad behavior during flights. it is part of a new policy at the airline travelers are being reminded during free flight announcement to call out questionable contact. and everying dog has its day and on tuesday when a standard poodle named best in show at 104 west kenneling to show only 12th dog from the nonsporting group to take home the coveted prize and only the best now price winning pooch own per took thing dog to mcdonald's for some grilled chicken sandwiches before the big show . tha the pregame meal i guess sometimes my hair looks like that. the tease gets a little wild. too much hair spray and then she was cute. let's take a look at your money yesterday on first day of testimony by jay powell warned of a spillover effect from corona virus and market is ignoring that right now. dow 112 s&p up 11 nasdaq up 44 this morning and espionage packing now corona virus have is latest threats from china could impact a relationship with beijing and ongoing trade talks and joke or carly quin is growing through another breakup. >> joker and i broke up. >> i want a fresh start. after a dismal box office debut, how they got villain is not going down without a fight. keep it here on fbn:am. hi guys. this is the chevy silverado with the world's first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh! that's awesome. where'd the trailer go? i love it. it's magic. i need all the breaks, that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you 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consume. we created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. what will you change? make the world you want. we love chinese people there are placeses that we can trade with them and constructive component to the relationship. but everyone knees to be aware there are these risks my role in this is these are often chinese diplomats who are stationed here in the united states and game in this activity. we just want everyone to be aware of the risks that are sore thed with afnghts they may be undertaking. >> that was secretary of state mike pompeo on threat of chineses pee knowledge speaking with lou dobbs and second second round of trade talks with china well it would be easier than first round but that was before corona virus. before the indictment of chinese military officer as in e-i fax tax and huawei back door. vice president of national security and foreign policy at the hairage foundation joins us. james good to see ya. >> great to be with you. how beg of a threat is chinese spying that enough to derail a complete full trade deal? >> no. i mean, i think one of the things this president has done very well is kept things on separate lanes so it's military competition diplomacy economics and these wisely kind of kept each of those in their own lane. what this administration is finally hit on which is the -- real heel of the chinese thing one thing is we live in a free society so when we get information about what chinese are doing and make that transparent and public to whole world people make up their own minds on how to deal with china. so these indictments for example, illustrating exactly what chinese are doing making -- intenls public about the back door, that kind of stuff is genius. >> do you think corona virus changes any of that you know, because during the traitd talks before faze one people are talking about decoupling of both nations. right, but now are we actually seeing that not because of trade maybe started by trade but because of this virus and you have supply chains possibly moving out. >> well i think the number one thing that we learn from the corona virus is again the chinese government is not your friend. i mean they handled abysmally and world seeing that i think really helping to open up eyes about about china. i take your point on diversity of supply chains i think we're going to see that we're going to risk revolution and how people look at china not a check book or place to make billions of dollars but a real risk there in terms of their governess. in terms of their rule of law other things and -- people i think are going to -- there's diversification in supply chain reacting to that. i think that's clear. but here's the big thing is look, flu season kind of ends end of march. regardless of what they do it is going to die down. flu season start again in the fall so couple of months there where things lbs a little calm. and then we'll see kind of adjustments people make. >> how bad does economy make in china with short-term but does that -- make president xi more incline to do this full trade deal maybe more according to what president trump wants. >> well, i mean, there's domestic component but hearing in china people actually complaining. you know about when they went after hong kong nobody cared like those guyses in hong kong they have it great. they shouldn't be complaining but chinese people are starting to feel this had, and xi has got to recognize that he has to keep the domestic position good, and he can oppress them. but that has got that problem with the virus. and so he really needs to get the economy going to gain some domestic so that i think is going to be high in agenda so he'll want to trade with the united states because he'll want the economy to starting going tben. critical moment for president xi's economy. james, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. well calling student a lying dog face pony soldier is just joe biden's latest off the cup commenting to go viral if you can't get enough of they will well you're in luck thanks to internet. there's now a bide opinion insult box. mine will be here soon to explain on fbn:am. let's get down to business. the business of road trips... ...adventure... ...and reconnecting. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at choicehotels.com. >> because i quit. >> well harley quin getting fresh start kind of a makeover. joins us now with more on that. good morning, gun. >> good morning everybody. a little bit of redo restart as dc comeic book birds of prey is changing the name of the movie just one week after it has been released now going to be called harley quin birds of prey main character played by robi all of the days with oscars. et cetera it did so bad in opening weekend. it made over $30 million, and it is the lowest dc coming book opening in a decade so they're like that is not good they need to rebrand somehow and hoping this works out. now entertainment weekly saying needs to be globally and it made 30 million first weekend. it was birds of prey originally so now harley quin birds of prey trying to like well harley quin part of the comic book maybe people will see rather than just thing title birds of prey but that's not good right there. >> let's get to this joe biden calling student lying dog face pony soldier. there's more insult where those camel from. >> good one joe biden that will bring them in so say things like that on campaign trail so now people are having fun with this. there's actually a twitter bot out there called biden insult bot, and they're kind of responding to people that tweet it with what they think joe biden would say for example, one of them says, go candy a yam. you potato peeling triquarter hat thief. you have -- another one that says tell it to the judge you scone eating hippy armpit so you have those two so i tweeted it this morning. i was like hey, joe, joe biden insult bot what should i have for breakfast a he wrote back that's not a load of hopscotch you soaking spit licker i asked where are my shoes he said go howl at the moon you turkey-brain son of a meatball. so -- if you want to have fun. >> this is hair hilarious but a sad story because at one point he was likely to be the democratic nominee, and we've come to this. >> kind of become a joke. seems like he's become a joke at least with things he says not good. not a good look for joe biden these day. but got a bot there's literally a bot making fun of him out there with insults. very funny. check it out. i found my shoes. thanks so much. >> i'm not going to insult you. i'm glad you found your shoes. [laughter] thanks for joining us. but senate-- send it over to maria bartiromo. >> happy wednesday. thanks for joining us. i met maria bartiromo and it's wednesday, february 12. senator bernie sanders takes new hampshire. pete buttigieg takes a second and amy klobuchar is in third place in new hampshire. vice president joe biden taken a disappointing fit place where he hopes to gain ground. two more democrats have a dropped out, andrew yang and michael bennett. warning a bernie sanders presidency will ruin our economy. more coming up. markets higher now, indicating another record close-- record high for the nasdaq and s&p 500. dow futures up 125 points and s&p up 13 on top of another record setter yesterday with the nasdaq and s&p finished at an all-time high. bed bath and beyond plummeting, shot down 22%. company facing inventory