s&p up eight the nasdaq 16-point that lead is beginning to narrow a little. it still seems like this market just wants to go up. you're going to be hearing a lot from the president today. he's already spoken to the national prayer roughest. twelve noon, the president response to his acquittal on the impeachment charges. his writing height. the economy is booming. the democrats depressed by the iowa debacle. a very we could turn out there. and the dismal fourth-place finish for joe biden, not good for him either. pelosi rip up, it's not going away. what will the president say today. i don't know. maybe the president will rip up the articles of impeachment. the company is about to begin. marnie and company. varney: that was at the prayer breakfast. there he is god the newspapers impeachment and he has been acquitted. noon eastern, we will get the official presidential victor at least that is what we are expecting. much more on that as we walk up towards that throughout today's program. first, new signs that the economy is accelerating. it is picking up. reports this week on jobs, the manufacturing sector in the trade deficit the firing rate is this morning, pretty close to a historic low. that is very good news. john one ski is with us now. >> is an exhilarating. >> you are right. drastic growth in the first quarter and the final quarter of last year. i was struck by adp, jobs number. that was incredible. one of the ten highest on record. the record been because back in 2002. we should be easily at 175,000 new jobs for the month of january. varney: that's the report coming out tomorrow morning. >> the labor market is doing great. if you want a job, you should get one. 291,000 jobs. varney: a lot of jobs. >> a lot of jobs in manufacturing despite the 737 problems. varney: that's extraordinary. >> construction is doing incredibly well. mortgage applications of 12 percent from a year ago. mortgage rate financing, of 135 percent year-over-year. varney: but to clarify, agronomy going economy already the pickup, the rate of growth is accelerating. >> yes it is. the economist believe is going to slow however, right now it looks as though they can be proven wrong. if we could gain some speed. inflation remains well contained. varney: you have been right. first, here is a story china is cutting tariffs. i think that is getting some help to the market printed. >> the terrace on $75 billion of u.s. goods, so from 5 percent 1f percent. this is what you call custody, phase one trade deal. troy 14 but that will go into effect. positivist for markets as well. but don't forget about the coronavirus. china has concessions, and delay. by $200 billion a u.s. agricultural goods because they have to keep money at home. but still i think this is a positive going forward. varney: you think were waiting for concessions and they cut terrace in half. are we perhaps expected to do something here. >> delaying the december tariffs already, cutting it in half. just on a half. this is a positive. varney: thank you. the market will be higher today. the market will be higher again today. okay gary, as far as the stock market is concerned can we say that the virus is no longer having a big impact just for the stock market. >> all i can tell you is that it was down and that the virus up in the market seems to not even be thinking about it. there are areas though they have been up and affected over than others. the cruise lines and things like that but overall, your singlet you have seen in the last couple of days and they really started buying up the industrial economic pipes in the last couple of days. that is singing codifying hundred percent sure, and about five weeks ago, the economy is re- accelerating again. and on top of that, you have 1.. easy money out of all the central banks and now the other part of the equation. i don't think we have to use the word impeachment anymore. we are vested now. until the dems probably try to do it again but i think all of that put together is doing the job right now. varney: the sentiment is this market just wants to go up. i have said this countless times. i will say it again today, the market seems like it just wants to go up. >> every pullback, and then the market just goes back to the website. until the dynamic changes, you gotta continue to go with it. it will be every name, you can't throw a dart but on the whole, i'm amazed that with the dow, forget the nasdaq. but the dow going straight down and straight up over the last week or so. for me, it is quite amazing. it. varney: i don't know how old you are gary but i think you're a bit younger than i am. >> thirty-one. varney: that's right. i don't think i have seen a rally quite like this. for so long and so powerful. have you. >> the last year and the beginning of this year, is getting close to one for the ages. and that it is been persistent and the pullbacks have been shallow and short-lived, that is good news always keep your eyes looking up though because things will always change. varney: thank you for joining us gary. anck to john. here's what might be another area here. fourteen and half million homes in america have positive equity. that means that the homeowner, has a better than 50 percent stake in the value of that house. it is their money. that is stimulative. assuming that is a positive. the homeowner feels wealthier because of the appreciation. the perhaps more likely to put money into the home. as i mentioned earlier, there is always home equity loans. you can use that to go ahead and finance spending if the need should arise. thus far, the american consumer has been much more cautious with debt compared to what happened back in 2002 and 2007. it had a declining ratio of household the gdp, for some time throughout this recovery. that is a positive thing. this is an increase in personal savings. a consumer has more than enough cash on hand to keep on spending. varney: we just love the sound of that. john, thank you very much. i have some individual stocks we should look at. tesla, coming off of their second or state ever. that was yesterday. they're down another 30 bucks. what happened. >> volatility. a delay in possible model three coming off of the china, it might be delayed. some call this the biggest short squeeze in history on monday, the stock rocketed, at its best day for six years. and as you see, volatility is definitely in tesla. not for those that think that heart. varney: next case, that stock is down big time. that is a 7 percent drop. they reported, lauren you have looked through the numbers. in contentious christmas at. >> there are pella on wives who got this for christmas and not only did they get it, they also had the staff come and set it up at their homes. this is a booming category for them. sales up 77 percent year over year to 466 million in the quarters in the problem is they still have a loss. an operating loss, that's one of the reason the stock is down. varney: over, they report after the bell today. virtually no change in their up 30 cents and twitter now what does one go. 21 percent rise in active daily users. that is a big deal. the stock is up eight and half percent. that is twitter for you. making big money from the super bowl, that will be the fox corporation, up to $40 a share. the new york times, added more than a million net new digital only subscribers last year. they have a total of five and a quarter million total subscriptions as of year end. that stock is up. futures, the dow will be up about a hundred points. s&p nine and nasdaq 25. it is a rally again. we told to the closing hundred and and 25 stores, macy's, our guest says both the rest of them. he close them all down. we will see what she has to say. alive look at the white house, and a couple of hours the president takes a victory lap. he's on a winning streak this week. my suggestion here, rip up the articles of impeachment why don't you. now speaking of nancy pelosi, the river, republicans now calling for action against her. role that tape. >> now she should be, a disgrace and an embarrassment. basically from the inside out, nancy pelosi has been a poison. varney: wait just a second, we also have new evidence that suggests percent, the ripping stunt, was premeditated. practiced. we will show it to you. at comcast, we didn't build the nation's largest gig-speed network just to make businesses run faster. we built it to help them go beyond. because beyond risk... welcome to the neighborhood, guys. there is reward. ♪ ♪ beyond work and life... who else could he be? there is the moment. beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪ every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. varney: when you race a dividend and you have stores of 2.8 percent what happens, the stock goes up but not by much. were talking duncan brent year printed up 29 cents and $77 a share. young brandis, the sales on the profit not rate. the impact from the virus will not be a significant asked what other companies have experienced. nonetheless the stock is down or percent. that young brandis. president trump speaking today from the white house all about impeachment, the day after. joining us now, chief of staff and to vice president hence, mark. i'm kind of joking here but i would like to see the president literally rip up the articles of impeachment. what you say. >> i think it's a great idea. the new york post headlines said the same thing. i think there is certainly more than enough validation for him to take the opportunity to rub them up. share with the american people, his process and certainly is pleased to have been acquitted. varney: victory lap. look at the of the coin, republican, which is shown him, he wants to censor the speaker. what do you say to that. >> i think her actions were incredibly childish. i certainly welcome these other perspectives on that. we welcome that. i think the decision for the house to make though. i think that her actions were certainly childish. and disrespectful to many people. not just the president. varney: should something happen. >> i think more importantly, we have the reality that the democrats have been nothing but pursuing impeachment. ever since this president was elected, they been debt nothing but trying to do this. thus couple of months alone, significant things done with china and canada and is illuminated things in al baghdadi. nancy pelosi has pursued nothing but try to overturn the world of american people. varney: the president trump is now speaking as we speak, and a prayer breakfast and here is what he just said in a what your reaction to it. he said, i don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. and he was talking, and referring that to nancy pelosi. what do you say to that. >> i think we all admire people who act in the faith. i do think that there is this interesting dynamic though wearing people say they have made decisions based on the faith to support something like a pro life policy. typically they're condemned by the media. that shouldn't be part of the decision they should play a role but if your faith is your excuse for why you want to impeach this president, the mainstream media celebrates that. they say it's a conscious and honorable decision. that is a serious contradiction that we need to come to grips with. varney: mitt romney says that his mormon faith push him to vote for the impeachment articles. the only republican in the senate to do so. he said his faith pushed him in that direction. what you think the standing of mitt romney and the republican party today. and what is the standing, before president trump. >> if his mormon faith led him to want to convict the president, i don't know if that is an indictment. i'm inclined that he didn't arrive on his prayer to come to his conclusion for acquittal. i think that is mcconnell's said, the decision should be left to the senate. i think and i saw the net interview with chris wallace whether he question whether or not this president will go after him and romney. in 2012, donald trump endorsed romney. in 2016, met romney led a campaign. in 2018 would answer donald trump endorsement, and donald trump give it to them. as soon as he comes to washington, will oppose this the president to the washington post. at some point, is not being given forgiveness here printed. varney: wealth said. mark, thank you for being with us. i can't wait for this extravaganza. now we have bernie made off, remember him. hundred and 50 years, he read the biggest part in history. he is asking for early release from prison. >> is terminally ill. he has late stage renal failure. his attorney filed a motion for compassionate release. $64 billion and even in a tragic into the story to make it worse, his sons have passed. one from cancer read and the other one as well. varney: tobacco retailers have to remove all of this flavored vaping cartridges. >> desert, pods as of today, are barred from sales. however, these vague pod makers in these vaping companies including joule, these can actually position the fda for exemption and you have up to a year to have the agencies make the rulings but this is to target tina vaping. we note that it has escalated of the last 28 percent of high school students have bait of some sort. opposed to 12 percent just two years ago. look at futures again. varney: up 480 in the dow yesterday. probably up another hundred this morning. his at the beginning of the end for the campaign of joe biden. good question. roll the tape. >> we took a gut punch in iowa. varney: he came in fourth in the iowa caucuses. we don't have all of the numbers and but the numbers that we have shows he was fourth. he is not showing well in new hampshire either. we will deal with all of that in a moment. we will be back. necesitas. only pay for what you need... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ how you're my rock. my diamond. for the diamond in your life, there's only one diamond store. it's the valentine's day sale. get 25% off everything. including these special deals. at zales, the diamond store. [ fast-paced drumming ] it's our most dangerous addiction. and to get the whole world clean? that takes a lot more than an alternative. so we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. materials made from recycled plastic woven and molded into all the things we consume. we created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. what will you change? make the world you want. varney: t-mobile will report after the bill today up 1 percent. activision, they have operations in china, i'm told they are doing very well because we have locked-in so we can play video games. the stock is up 24 cents. this get to the iowa caucuses results. we have the latest printed. >> ninety-seven reporting. now connect between joe biden in fourth place. that hurt him he said. listen. >> we took a gut punch in iowa. the whole process took a gut punch. but this isn't the first time in my life who i've been knocked down. i have great values printed. >> well ahead of him and new hampshire as well. the futures please. this is first, good morning, a hundred points. varney: seventeen for the nasdaq. i can't wait for the opening bell. we will take it there in a moment. let's be honest, quitting smoking is freaking hard. like quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big. so, try making it smaller. and you'll be surprised at how easily starting small... ...can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette varney: this market is just itching to go up some more. there are indeed signs of the economy, the growth thereof is accelerating. eddie has driven up from somewhere to be with us this morning. emma right, the market just want to go up. >> that is exactly right. this boom will continue this year. we will hit record highs by the year end. when you look at the fundamentals right now, we need to take a look and put politics aside. recognize that we have seen right now the greatest economic boom of our lifetime. this thing finally ends and thus the bottom line. varney: you are right. >> the fundamentals show that it will continue and that is my opinion and i feel very strongly about it. it. varney: the bell has rung in the market is open. we've gone straight up. on the left-hand side of your screen you will see a lot of green. we've got, only one down stock. an overall, the dow is up with a hundred and 13 points. actually, right there that is an all-time high. show me the s&p. i think that too is at an all-time high, yes it is. 3345. as for the nasdaq, what is that doing this morning. nice gain of about one third of 1 percent. nbc couldn't on please. that up or down, down. they got a problem there with earnings free to dropped below $30 a share. twitter is up, they reported 21 percent rise in daily active users. twitter is $37 a share. f4 works. >> one thing i think is in store for them is the amount of users they are getting. twitter is being used by many people as a source for news, and it is quick and easy access and look, i use it myself. it's very a valuable tool. the company is great i just don't like it from a stock perspective. it. varney: if you would speculate what would happen if president trump suddenly said i am dropping the twitter account. would happen. 's. >> i think twitter would probably crater a little bit but it is the first time in the history the cost of billion dollars in revenue in the quarter. this is from that media company in his been around a lot longer than the instagram's and the like and they still have 300 million. in users only and people like the president using it, that is a lot of sway their printed. >> president tom has had president trump has had a lot of influence there. varney: dropped below seven hundreds. obviously concerned about the virus. hitting the china three, marvel three production. you wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole. >> will i have been wrong on tesla like many people. but when the stock moves like that, you throw the fundamentals of the door. it just doesn't make sense for it is moving by 20 percent in one day. it just doesn't make sense. varney: it doesn't move on fundamentals. >> when you're up on the best eight and 60 years, 20 percent in one day, monday, and falls the next few days. it is not based on fundamentals. they have been being killed by the rally for the likes six months. it. >> elon musk, i haven't but on him but i sure would not bet against him. he is a very innovative and smart individual. you can't take that away from him. varney: tesla has done a lot and now there socks are way up there. >> profitability, when it does that, it goes into the s&p 500 for four quarters. it's reached $969, just a few days ago. this would be cheap. if it is continuing to be profitable. can china get back online for them. >> i think the risk will be the first quarter earnings and whether or not they can see it be profitable. varney: i'm leaving the tesla subject alone. we have no idea where it will close this afternoon. let's take a look at the work. gotta approval to drive their cars. >> the getting back. remember they killed and pedestrian in unix arizona. this was uber. around seven to $10 billion as a business on its own two over. later on today it will be about cost and whether or not the closer to being a profitable company, uber. they are still trading below. varney: eddie, i was thought i could buy some stock in uber so i can get ahead of this brand-new industry. this gig. i could be a part of it. stop laughing at me. should i buy uber at 36 pretty. >> wall street is not being very nice to start companies that are not profitable. there's lots of other places where profitability is strong and that's where i would place my dollar printed. >> if uber eats, at what point, is there not number one or number two in the market, new continuing to pour all of his money and spend all of this money without making any market share gains, you have to cut it somewhere. in california and london, that's where the get the bulk of their growth. varney: maybe i should just order some food on uber eats. >> it would indeed be a major first. i'm looking at the dow. varney: were up 50 points now. we opened with a hundred.gain. and were up 15 now. the level 29000, and running high for the dow and the s&p. i find this intriguing. i use this. google maps. but there 15 years old and on this day, they are changing the look. >> and the functions as well. google maps, i don't know what i did 15 years ago. i don't know what you did. maybe you look to the maps. varney: i like them printed. >> so the world has changed because of google maps. fifteen years. so in the future, starting today you can order food, book your restaurants, and even some augmented reality features. shows you on your map we are going to in the street to get you are actually walking on. this is a game changer. varney: for one moment police. and he has brought his two sons with him. i'm looking at one young man over there. i've a question for you. i can't put him on camera but a question for you. do you know what a map is. >> yes. >> do you have one. >> yes printed. varney: google maps making a change. thing for that. thanks for bringing the family. >> it is his birthday today so we let him skip school printed. varney: right there, well done. you are on camera. can we put him on camera for his birthday. >> there we go. good for you. varney: this is all about money. more important than birthdays, sorry about that. because things you know, and the trillion dollar club, apple amazon microsoft alphabet. not all of them are still at the trillion dollars worth, but look at those, would you buy any of the stocks printed. >> from a short-term standpoint, were probably all about short term but if i look at the stocks in my opinion, i think 12 months from now, they will be up. focus on fundamentals. we have a tenure note under 2 percent and we have great earnings by these companies. in the consumer is extremely strong. those are all recipes for this market to continue. and these will continue to lead in my opinion. varney: 180 right now at 70 cents. d-link big banks. why do you like banks and which big ones you like. >> i do like the banks in my opinion. when we get the coronavirus behind us, these banks have not been loved very much over the last several years. it is also play on the consumer. i think companies like j.p. morgan, citigroup and bank of america will be very profitable with this consumer strength that we have right now. that's my opinion on those three. varney: dow industrials are pulling back. we pulled back to a gain of 26 points. the level, 29313. indicator i would like to look at, the yield on the ten year treasury moving up 1.65 percent. where is the price of both. 1568 the price there. oil, $51 a barrel. no, it is down. it is $50.31. by the way the average price of gas is 245 and i can't predict that is heading lower. >> is a national average. how low is it going. your prediction pretty. >> i think will go down to 240 or 238. national average printed. varney: there will be stations in missouri and texas at about 99. and there up a buck 89. so i'm on my way. and the mattress seller, casper, they go public today on the new york stock exchange. i don't know much about this but would you by any ipo on day one. >> no wait, not for me. i do know anything about this company. but when they first met, i would not touch it with a 10-foot full. >> pricing at $12 initially, is worth 17 to $19 apiece but goes to show you that the first unicorn to go public this year. air b&bs, expected this year, you're not going to get the high evaluations that you are used to without proving to the market that you can make money. what cash in universe printed. >> is the private rounds, this will unicorn is. a billion dollars or so. it's just a warning to the public market. varney: i stand corrected. it is a definite unicorn freighted thank you very much to eddie and the family. and happy birthday young man. good luck printed check that big board, all the way down, negative territory shortly. were up 16 points. this case, general is going russian a racist after rush limbaugh, received the medal of freedom. fox and friends post, brian will react. and republicans are the only ones rh at nancy pelosi's brewpub sent, democrats are actually furious two. listen to this. >> what i've seen tonight of the democratic party, i am changing my mind. >> they look like they hated our country. i don't understand it. i used to be a democrat, but i am no longer a democrat. varney: some other angry calls you don't want to miss it. you will hear it on this program. varney: we turn negative, just two points for the dow. 29288. we are of hundred and now we are down. >> he says that word out of the meeting is that biliary hedge fund, walked away from his deal to buy majority in the new york mets. previously reported the talks hit a snag. he walked away, he wanted to say in how the team is run. they're bulking at that. mets fans, not happening. we cover sports on this program. mike bloomberg spent $200 million on tv ads and stepping up. it's going to double that. look at this opinion headline from politico. why bloomberg extravagant spending goes too far. there is a quote from that. this style of campaigning should be the norm. if bloomberg succeeds, he will enrich many teen sensations, campaign workers but impoverish our politics. here's an advisor to bloomberg's campaign. any remedies campaign ads for the mayor back in new york city printed. >> one is a mets fan, i'm extremely upset. in fact, despite that quote, of advisor campaign manager. varney: so you getting paid printed. >> i am not printed. varney: what i printed. >> i am more than happy. varney: your buying the nomination pretty. >> i don't know who wrote that column but in my guess is they're not on the payroll. varney: you would have to say that he is buying his decision, he is buying his position in the nomination. >> he spent over $30 million in ad in iowa and got 1 percent less votes. so clearly there is not a connection between how much money you put in an advertising. varney: so correlation between bloomberg's $200 million spending and his rise in the bowl. it that is a correlation. >> it is fair to add in and is also, probably best qualified candidate out there. as a credible track record. very competitive against trump. i think people are seeing dad and seeing the sky kinda makes sense especially his standards. i don't think the money would make a difference. varney: seems to me that he was the big winner in iowa. but he wasn't there. for be there. and he is emerging as a powerful force printed the next big deal is going to be super tuesday. >> so the next few, obviously new hampshire, south carolina and nevada. and the reason why they are really relevant from our perspective as they will weed out the field some more. sabina came in fourth in iowa. if he continues to flounder, and comes in third or fourth, he's probably done. i think he has to come back very strong or else he will be done. i also think this is his third time running for president now. every single time in iowa he is performed poorly. i believe that there some tangible thing calling the vote getting jean. some people have it some people don't freighted bill clinton had and hillary clinton does not. i don't think biden has it. given that bloomberg 13 times, yes. varney: gets into the debates. >> february 19th freighted. varney: that is a big deal. because then we will see him answering questions and talking off-the-cuff. >> we are anticipating this. i am part of the debate team. i'm going straight to hear to the campaign. varney: running through freighted. >> you're in good company. from you to mike bloomberg. varney: i will take that. quick questions with uber. you are an initial investor in your out completely when you get back into it at $37 a share printed. >> certainly not now. based on whether excited to announce today in terms of losses, about eight and half million dollars in losses this year printed is not nothing. if there are some metrics there and are improving in terms of volume. but there a lot of headman to and especially the fact that every blue state across the country, all of the drivers, classified, full-time employees, there is the cost by 20 percent. they don't work in the first place, and then go up another 2. varney: you will leave the studio and go right out to the bloomberg group. it we appreciate you. thank you very much. in 2020 summer of them take a look ask, they're coming up real fast, tokyo in july. they're addressing the athletes in an environmentally conscious uniforms. >> you are looking at the uniforms. they're made of recycled polyester. what i like better than the uniform is the fact that they will be sleeping on beds made of cardboard. metals will be made from recycled electronics like cell phones. in the stickers will also be from old materials as well. varney: nike sells is product a lot too young people. the jumped on the climate bandwagon, is the same band wagon and having a very successful marketing ploy bike nike. >> eco- conscious they're doing it as a company. also the way they're helping with the olympics. varney: back to wall street. dow industrials five points up an even split but there are some losers among the dow 30. at the white house, if you are as from now the president will say what we call a victory lap. he is and a pretty good week. he's not going to do this but i think i would love to see him, read up those articles of impeachment just like speaker pelosi. you know, that is just me. back in a moment. ♪you make everything... groovy...♪ done yet? yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. you sure? hmm.mmm. ♪come on, come on, wild thing. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. there's a company that's talked than me: jd power.people 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room. that's it. i'm calling kohler about their walk-in bath. [ sigh ] not gonna happen. my name is ken. how may i help you? hi, i'm calling about kohler's walk-in bath. excellent! happy to help. huh? hold one moment please... [ finger snaps ] hmm. the kohler walk-in bath features an extra-wide opening and a low step-in at three inches, which is 25 to 60% lower than some leading competitors. the bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassag. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installe. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. varney: with our 25 points on the dow, we are up in the nasdaq and up on the s&p 500. so the retail, for macy's, ice age and eat the closing hundred 25 stores. they're cutting thousands of jobs to printed market watch industry watcher, is with us, kristin, i'm intrigued. you say the macy's should shut down completely. close all of the stores. make your case printed. >> i were black just for you today stuart. >> i'm not going to make a lot of friends here but closing hundred 50 stores over three years, we still have 400 stores. that is 400 to many and a little bit of a twitter backlash yesterday for mentioning that but really it is to many. so we don't need that many stores and we don't need that many department stores so i would argue that they should close far more than that. >> expensive exercise bikes. i think you kind of like them that the stock is down this morning $30 a share bring you like it. make your case. i think with lost her. i think you now hear me. i saw you sticking with the it gizmo in your ear. stuart: the secret is that when things go really wrong, you smile. you could tap dance. then you pause. you wait to see if we can restore audio to our guests pretty a moment now somebody what to me in my ear, your honor out. one of the two. we are not there yet. you like them i believe in the stock is down three bucks printed down three goals this year and i am smiling. do you think will go back there above 30 ? >> this is the stuff that everyone loves to hate. a canoe tesla. 81 percent in the short interest. i'm not concerned. they're losing less money in the actually had a great quarter. this is not a court of the $5 forecast. i believe the average workout, their customers are having is 12. i don't work out 12 times per month. but the owners do. and it is a very, i like to talk about the stickiness of a brand. ecosystem built around the rent. so this is just a piece of equipment like a versa climate lifecycle the you have, like eating close on in your apartment. this is something that people actually like to work out with. they've a coach, they have the whole lifestyle built around it. not concerned. i am a fan printed. stuart: i've got to run. i'm very sorry about the audio outage. we'll have you back for a full interview at some point. stuart: did you see this. top show host, rush limbaugh, he received the medal of freedom. however cnn, the manager screen, pulled the race card in this. can you believe it. what we get out of an acquittal, or impeachment, we will discuss that throughout the show. we will be back. . . . stuart: 10:00 here in the eastern part of the united states and we've got some very important news. the latest read on mortgage rates and it's good. susan: lowest in three years, 3.45%. falling three straight weeks. if you listen to the freddie mac chief economist the market is staging a rebound with increases in manufacturing sector activity. with rates this low, this will ignite a lot of interest and demand in housing, refinancing. that accounts by the way for 1/5 of the u.s. economy. this is bullish for the u.s. stuart: big deal. 3.45%. 3.45. the other story on real estate is another good one. lauren, let me see if i got this right. there are 1 million homes in the america where homeowner has equity stake of 50%. they have half the value of the house, it is theirs? lauren: you feel wealthier when that is the case. the number is 14.5 million. it is a quarter of all mortgaged homes out there. another piece of good news, who is underwater, who owes more than home is worth, you don't want to be in the situation, in 2012, 12 million homes were under water. now 3.5 million. big recovery. very good sign for the consumer. stuart: took a while but nice recovery from the crash all those years ago. scott martin is with us. you follow the stock market. i'm not asking you a judgment on housing but if there is indeed a rally in the housing market, what is the best place, which is the best stock to put my money? >> you have to look beyond the kind of traditional when you think about housing, stuart. housing stocks were great last year. they were building and rolling along with the market. looking deeper what goes into the houses maybe something like home depot which we own or target which we own as well. both gave investors recent opportunity to buy them on pullbacks on earnings. looking what goes into the home. what lauren mentioned, equity stakes in the homes are really, really high how they recovered so well from the crash 10 years ago. plus, people are starting to put money back into their homes. starting to improve the homes. upgrade them. home depot, target help you do that. stuart: thank you very much, scott. check the market overall. dow industrials have recovered. we're back with a gain of 25 points now. now this. oh the democrats have a hangover and it is not going to go away anytime soon. they were intoxicated with impeachment, giddy at all the slime they could pour on our president. it's over, they lost and deep down they know it. they went into the iowa caucuses eager to get the election rolling so they can get rid of the president they hate. the hangover from the vote counting debacle will be hard to shake off. a party that can't organize a caucus count is not well-positioned to take over your health care or the disasterous performance of joe biden came in fourth. how can joe biden beat donald trump if he can't beat the 38-year-old mayor of a small town in indiana? the rim up of the speech will, looks like the speaker practiced the ripping to make sure she could actually do it. it was not spontaneous. it was practices. petulent theatrics. when you wake up next day, hung over, sometimes you regret what you did. truth be told you are probably embarrassed as well. that is where the democrats find themselves this morning, thoroughly depressed. no wonder, that "gallup poll" shows the president's approval rating hitting an all-time high, right in the middle of their drive to throw him out of office. i have no sympathy for the left whatsoever. they dragged our president and the country through the dirt. now the jig is up. with leaders like pelosi, schumer, sanders, warren, aoc, that hang over will be around for some time to come. >> what i see tonight of the democrat party i am changing my mind. i mean i probably still be a democrat. before i electing a god dang democrat ever again. >> they look like they hated our country. nancy pelosi the whole time she is sitting up there with that disgusting look on her face. it is outrageous. i will never vote democrat again. i'm sick of it. my whole family feels the same way. >> i don't understand it. i used to be a democrat but i am no longer a democrat. stuart: okay. that was strong stuff there on c-span. viewers upset over speaker pelosi's ripping up mr. trump's speech. brad blakeman with us now. brad, i have to tell you straight out here, i want democrats confronted. i am sick and tired of being called names, nasty names about our president, and our president and our country, people like me. i want a confrontation here. i don't think will get it. >> you will get it. the election of 2020 coming to a town near you real soon. president trump as you have seen with impeachment hanging over him has garnered huge crowds, bigger than any democrat could ever hope to garner. it is happened in every place the president has gone. it is going to continue. democrats can't hate a president out of office. it is up to the american people to vote him out of office if we choose to do it and the irony, stuart, of the whole thing, today they will have a censure vote or a censure motion on the speak for her behavior, bringing dishonor upon the house. the speaker represents every house member. she didn't represent just democrats. she is elected at large. now she is going to be held to account for her unbelievable disgraceful, disrespectful behavior towards the president. stuart: okay, brad. i want you to listen to what joe biden had to say about bernie sanders. watch this, please. >> every democrat will have to carry the label senator sanders has chose for himself, chosen for himself. he calls him -- i don't criticize him, he calls himself a democratic socialist. stuart: they're fighting amongst themselves and you must be very happy about it. >> you know what is going to happen? joe biden, his party passed him long by. this will be the year of the socialist for the democrats. they're going to be with albatross around their neck because remember the next big fight after their nominee is selected is the platform committee. all the crazies are going to come out. they will want every plank of that platform to be the platform upon which their nominee must run. it will be absolutely disasterous for democrats to finally have in writing, exactly what they planned for our country. there is no retreat. we're going to attack it on every word in that platform. stuart: last one, brad. i may be out on a limb on this. but i think president trump is at the peak of his power right now. i expect to see that today at 12 noon today. will be it a rip-roaring performance. >> you bet it can be because the president has record of accomplishments, something democrats don't have. democrats don't have a plan it has to be anybody but trump. you can't win on that. the best thing the president has is an economy upon which people, everybody can be proud of. stuart: got it. brad blakeman, very important day. see you real soon, brad. get back to your money. the dow turned around. we're up 40 points. gains for the nasdaq and s&p as well. scott martin, come back in again. i will say this again and again and again. for now the market seems like it wants to go up, right? >> it does. it is getting the news it wants to get, security. as you and brad blakeman talked about there. the market is seeing democrats further fragmented. whether iowa, state of the union behavior. it is starting to realize trump is looking better and better for november. that is what the market wants to see. not just fundamentally speaking on company earnings coming out, but some economic data. politically the market is getting backing it wants to see. stuart: the only dark cloudy can see we've gone up so far, so fast, we must come down a bit fairly soon. that is the only dark cloudy can see. >> for sure. that was the story of last friday. last friday the coronavirus was going to take over the world. humanitarians, we would end the world in a couple of months because of the virus, the market acted as such. there will be many more of those. stuart, this will be a year unlike last year where we get volatile days. if you have cash, sold microsoft as 160 as friend of mine has you can get back into the market, get back into fallen stocks because they will come back to levels that will be attractive. stuart: i will keep that in mind, scott. definitely keep that in mind. scott martin. thanks very much for being here. see you soon. thank you. >> thank you. stuart: soon after rush limbaugh received the medal of freedom award at the state of the union cnn's jim acosta labeled him a racist. watch this. >> he was trying to make appeals to the african-american community, it can't be forgotten he was awarding -- to rush limbaugh who has a history of making derogatory comments about african-americans. stuart: okay. i'm not quite hearing that right. brian kilmeade will sound off on that later this hour. senator mitt romney the only republican voted to convict president trump in the impeachment proceedings. he said his mormon faith compelled him to do it. we're asking former catholic priest jonathan morris about that in a moment. president trump responded to what president trump said about what mitt romney did earlier. we have it for you. the response after this. hey, saved you a seat. this round's on me. hey, can you spot me? come on in. find your place today, with silversneakers. included in most medicare advantage plans. enroll today by calling the number on your screen or visit getsilversneakers.com stuart: we're up 50 points on the dow. we're up 36 on the nasdaq. we're up nine points on the s&p. we're up across the board. tesla, some of their china model 3 cars will be delayed because of the virus. we've been down, down, down. this morning we're up four point, five points, 740 is your quote on tesla right now. then we have twitter, quarterly revenue top ad billion dollars, first time that's happened and they had a 21% rise in active daily users. the stock is up five bucks. that is 15%. twitter is at 38. in china, wuhan, the epicenter of virus, sports stadiums are being used as hospitals. look at that give me the latest. lauren: they need to create more beds. this is a test how beijing is communicating how bad the situation really is. i want to add something, wuhan, epicenter of this virus went into lockdown mode two weeks ago. what is the incubation period for this virus? two weeks. maybe the story starts to change that now we have better sense who exactly is infected. but yeah, this is a messaging effort by the chinese government. how bad is it? apparently letting us know. stuart: this item, too, a newborn, the youngest to be diagnosed with a virus. how did the newborn contract the virus? lauren: we don't know. from the mother who was diagnosed as well. did it happen in the womb or close after birth. it came been 30 hours of the infant's birth. it is doing okay. the median aiming for a infection is 49 to 56. this is certainly odd and raises additional questions. stuart: it certainly does raise questions. thank you, lauren. a biotech firm is trying to make a coronavirus in 90 days. know anymore? susan: the company is based in maryland. they made the ebola vaccine in 90 days as well. aren't any fauci of the infectious disease department, we can come up with a vaccine in 90 days but to test it, get it to market might take a year. there might be timelines, i don't want to get too hopeful how quickly a vaccine gets to market. novavax, the stock shot up on the news. stuart: you can make it in three months but you have to test it. susan: multiple spheres of testing. stuart: utah senator mitt romney was the only republican to convict president trump in the impeachment trial in the senate. listen to what he said about it. roll tape. >> my faith is at the heart of who i am. i knew from the outset that being tasked with judging the president, the leader of my own party, would be the most difficult decision i have ever faced. stuart: okay. i said, my faith is at the heart of my decision. okay. i will remember that. we'll comment on it in a moment. here is how president trump responded to that at this morning's prayer breakfast. roll tape, please. >> i don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. nor do i like people who say, i pray for you, when they know that's not so. stuart: i believe the president was referring to mitt romney and also to speaker pelosi. joining us now, fox news contributor, father, i'm sorry, jonathan morris. formerly a catholic priest. what is there in the mormon religion that you know which would produce this result from romney. >> here is, not a question of just mormon belief. and i'm going to offer some critique to his moral reasoning in a second. let me be his lawyer, moral lawyer. throughout christianity, judaism, certainly mormonism, conscience always obliges. conscience always obliges he made reference to that. the second principle, you have to inform your conscience. and you do that first of all studying. secondly being true to your conscience over and over again. three, getting good advice. he made the point that his conscience obliged him to vote to condemn the president because he believed that his action met the criterion of impeachment. right? so he says, therefore i must, i must judge him. i must condemn him. we need to remove him. now i think another conscience, many other people's consciences could say we studied the same thing and we do not believe his actions came to that level for impeachment. stuart: what is there within the mormon faith that is different from the catholic faith or rest of christianity? what is it about mormonism that made him -- >> it is not about mormonism. stuart: he said his faith. >> right he said his faith a catholic or evangelical could have said the same thing if they came to the conclusion president's actions were briberies, misdemeanors, et cetera. the point is, it came across a little bit i am only one with a conscience but he did offer a little bit of, listen, other people came to other conclusions with good intention. stuart: not bad. not bad. i give you a six on that one. as we said president trump delivered remarks at the national prayer breakfast earlier today. i want to show viewers some of what he had to say. roll, please. >> in america we don't punish prayer. we don't tear down crosses. we don't ban symbols of faith. we don't muzzle preachers,. we don't muzzle pastors. in america we celebrate faith. stuart: i think we do take down crosses. >> some people do. but the president is saying my administration is going to fight against that. many ways the administration has. the most reeds example was the guidelines he set for public schools to allow people, both staff and students, to pray in public schools. that is a good one. something nobody is bringing up, that the president said was super interesting, really quick, if you don't mind, the president is talking about his relationship with nancy pelosi and democrats and he says, he said i'm trying to learn. it is not easy. it is not easy. when they impeach you for nothing you're supposed to like them? then he says, it is not easy folks but i'm doing my best. seems to me he is also trying to let it sink in a little bit. stuart: learning about turning the other cheek. >> first time i heard him say that. i liked it. stuart: i almost called you father jonathan again. >> we've been friend a long time. stuart: a couple decades. that is good stuff. president trump officially acquitted. he speaks at 12. >> today. he will likely take a victory lap. we'll follow it for you. guaranteed. can you guess which the fast-food chain is the most popular with whom, i might add? we'll tell you after this. ♪. flexshares may look simple on the outside. but inside every etf... there are untold hours of careful construction... infinite "what ifs?" and contingency plans. creating funds that help target gaps in client portfolios. tap untapped potential. and strengthen confidence in you. flexshares. powered by over a century of investment expertise before investing consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. go to flexshares.com for a prospectus containing this information. read it carefully. it's a masterstroke of heartache and redemption. the lexus nx. modern utility for modern obstacles. lease the 2020 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. lease the 2020 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. wheneveryone is different.a, which is why xfinity mobile created a different kind of wireless network. one that saves you money by letting you design your own data - giving you more choice and control compared to other top wireless carriers. now you can choose unlimited, shared data, or mix lines of each and switch any line, anytime. no one else lets you do that. design your own data with xfinity mobile. it's wireless reimagined. simple. easy. awesome. stuart: market is, 39 pointsdown for the dow industrials. still up for the nasdaq and s&p. show me "new york times," please. that is near a 15-year high. up $3.44. is that the trump effect? don't know. look at apple, the smartwatch outsold the entire swiss watch industry in 2019. tell me more. susan: apple shipped 31 million units. the entire swiss industry shipped 21 million watches in a year. this is strategy analytics. apple reported $10 billion in wearables, includes the watch and airpods. we're not comparing apples to apples. some of these swiss watches are worth $80,000, $18,000. you're not comparing the right margins to each other. however, still a staggering number. stuart: interesting statistic. it is. we would tell you about the top five fast-food chains. lauren will name them. lauren: customers like chik-fil-a because they're constantly changing. they will have a dine-in mobile order. you don't like to wait in line. place the mobile order and eat it at store. stuart: are they number one? number two? lauren: panera, arby's. chipotle, papa johns, pizza hut. stuart: mcdonalds. lauren: not on there. stuart: terrific. love them. got to have it. you should hear what they're saying in my ear. lauren: we can't repeat it. stuart: we can't. on your screen, i believe coming up shortly. that is the new electric suv from fiskar automotive the ceo is on the show. gas is dirt cheap. why on earth would i want to buy electric? ♪. beyond the routine checkups. beyond the not-so-routine cases. comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. all working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gig-speed network. because beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. ♪. stuart: ah, now -- stop, there you go, right. do you know that song, susan? susan: strawberry fields. stuart: that is strawberry fields. ultimate classic. john lennon beatles song. it is fantastic! you got that? you got that? susan: yeah. stuart: see some enthusiasm. lauren: producer told us in our ears. stuart: i have been in strawberry fields. west side of central park. 62nd street. susan: a little higher than that. stuart: why are we playing that song? i will tell you, ladies and gentlemen, because of this tweet from elon musk. what if there was an artificial intelligence program to want to pick as many strawberries as possible, so cultivated nothing but strawberries as possible on earth's land? then it would be strawberry fields forever. that was issued in the middle of the night. heaven knows what elon was doing. we have modest decline for the dow industrials. down six points. still up for the nasdaq. still up for the s&p. how about united healthcare and boeing. they're both dow stocks. they're both down. that is causing some of the damage to the overall average. check the 10-year treasury yield. still around 165. no it moved up a bit. 166. the price of oil still 50 bucks a barrel but getting close to 5 1. there is your markets. now this, national average of gas, 2 .45. way down. patrick dehaan is with us. how far down do we go in the average today is 2.45? >> what we're seeing in china is amplifying seasonal challenges. i think we could see five to 15 cents reduction before things look up. keep in mind this is ongoing situation. china saying deadliest day for the coronavirus was yesterday. if this thing continues. we're talking about millions of chinese essentially not going to work, not flying. so that could become worse if this continues to spread. stuart: can i buy gas below $2 a gallon in the united states right now and if so where? >> you don't have to take much of a look, stuart. 8,000 stations today under two dollars a gallon. find it as many as 17 states. now even in new york, you have to go to irving to get it, but 19 states now with under two dollar prices. stuart: 8,000 stations below two bucks. i like it, patrick dehaan. come back anytime you like young man. that's a fact. what you got? lauren: twitter viewer craig, told you he paid $1.59 in austin yesterday. told him to send a picture. stuart: by the way a couple viewers emailed us, buck 99. all dad stuff. susan: good for the economy. stuart: he is on the set next to me. henry fiskar, ceo of fiskar electric, isn't it? >> fiskar, inc. stuart: you're combing out with a new electric suv. got it. why on earth would anyone buy an electric car, suv or otherwise, when gas is 2.45-gallon. >> that is cyclical. as we know. second, electric vehicles are cheaper to maintain than a gasoline engine long term. you're absolutely right. electric vehicles have been too expensive. that is something we're breaking by coming out with electric vehicles actually cheaper than a similar gas vehicle. stuart: wait a minute. you have a new electric suv coming out on the road, probably in a year or so, 18 months. >> end of next year. stuart: how much? >> here is interesting part. we're doing a flexible lease where you can lease this vehicle, give it back anytime. the average lease for a gasoline car in the u.s. is $432 a month. this is $379. you never have to take it to service. we take care of everything. stuart: so it is an suv all electric. >> yes. stuart: get on the road, you have preorders i think, several thousand. >> several thousand preorders. you can buy it for $37,499. which is pretty good price. stuart: is that the out the door price? >> that is a good price. stuart: not bad. not bad. you are kind of getting to me here i got to say. can i recharge it at home? >> you can recharge it at home. with a home charger, charge 120 miles overnight. stuart: look, obviously tesla is the big competitor. they're way out in front of you in terms of numbers delivered all the rest of it. >> correct, is your carpetter? >> it is definitely better. it is better priced. it is lower priced. we have done something unique having really what we call a digital car company. we have no dealers. deliver it to you like amazon. we'll deliver the car at home. we partnered up with big con conglomerates that do sourcing. next battle for electricification is affordability. everybody shows we do a fast expensive electric car. the next point, who can make a electric car anybody that can afford. stuart: i'm also a convert. i do believe you got to me. 37,000 bucks. do a lease for 370 a month. not bad at all. henry fisker of fisker inc. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: what are the cheapest cars in america. lauren: story for you said you want a cheap electric? i got one. this is from edmonds. the bolt ev is $37,000. the average price of any car in the u.s. is 37,000. so there you have it. stuart: these are not just electric cars. lauren: no. regular cars too. you see some of them there. stuart: bolt for 37. i can get a fisker suv for 37 in couple years. hyundai for 31,000? santa fe. lauren: santa fe on the bottom. the other screen where they get really cheap and really small. chevy spark is $14,000. that is getting pretty good reviews. stuart: do you think you can get one? you write them a check for $14,000 you walk out the door for that? lauren: bare minimum in that car. bare minimum. stuart: would you have to roll up the windows manually. lauren: computerized hot spots. $14,000. stuart: here is news on the electric car industry. elon musk is teasing, the stock is up, is teasing about a gigafactory in texas this time. susan: this is something also president trump mentioned in davos as well. elon musk might think of building another factory in the u.s. he has one in fremont and one in need. comes with a lot of tax incentives. don't forget in the nevada gigafactory he got 1.5 million from the state of nevada. in texas build as gigafactory that will cost billions of dollars, you can bet the government gives him incentives. china, joint gigabattery car company and germany has a five billion dollar investment for tesla. comes with thousands of jobs. stuart: i wonder how much texas would give him? i have no idea. susan: nevada gave him 1.4 billion. texas i would imagine probably in the same realm. stuart: we'll see. coming up on your screens momentarily, video of president trump from this morning's prayer breakfast, holding up today's copy of "the new york times" the headline, trump acquitted. he looks pretty happy about it. he will address the impeachment issue at 12 noon today. we'll see it here. next case, videogame makers making a lot of money from the virus. our gamer guy has details on that in a moment. ♪. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪ 1 in 3 deaths is caused by cardiovascular disease. millions of patients are treated with statins-but up to 75% persistent cardiovascular risk still remains. many have turned to fish oil supplements. others, fenofibrates or niacin. but here's a number you should take to heart: zero-the number of fda approvals these products have, when added to statins, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ask your doctor about an advancement in prescription therapies with proven protection. visit truetoyourheart.com stuart: 29,300 on the dow, up modestly. 9500 on the nasdaq. 3300 on the s&p. up across the board. look at those gaming stocks. they all went down when the virus hit and macau was closed. some of them bounced back up again. today we have the world health organization saying wait a minute it is a bit too soon to say if this virus has peaked. susan: still some good news because it is the first day of overall number of new cases of coronavirus has dropped. maybe they're getting ahead of the illness which sickened 28,000 people. 28,000 confirmed cases around the world. 563 deaths. as you know, 50 million are in lockdown in china. flights are canceled to the country, going in and out passengers being quarantined visited china in the last 14 days. stuart: what is this about the doctor who originally sounded the alarm in the very, very first place? susan: he died from coronavirus. he is one of the first eight that warned individuals of this illness called coronavirus. so china is mourning the death tonight of him. he was very young. he was in his 50s, but dying after contracting the coronavirus but you know, first he was aisle lened by the police. then he contracted the disease himself trying to help patients around the clock. this is just, who is being seen as a martyr in china. stuart: he is a hero. susan: he is a hero. very sad. stuart: my goodness. thank you, susan. a spike in the number of people playing videogames in china, this is no-brainer, if you're locked in, you play videogames, don't you? gamer news world entertainment host rob steiner is with us. have you got some numbers on this, the number of people playing, revenues to the gaming companies? do you got some numbers? >> we do, actually. silver lining, the whole outbreak in china has been an absolute travesty but for natalie enough not all industries are taking a giant hit. a very popular game in china known as honor of kings, which makes $286 million a day in the past two weeks, was able to peak at 392 million. their daily active users gone from roughly 60, 70 million, all the way up to 100 million. a lot of increase of people playing these games. more importantly being able to monetize the users when they're at home, college campus is closed, not able to go to work. stuart: so you monetize the games by having the user buy information or, buy more stuff on the game, is that how it works? >> correct. most of those are all done through in-game purchases or buying different peripherals or things like that in the game. in fact we've seen in the top 10 or 50 games, the game sales have surged 100% since january 23rd. that includes games like, you know, blizzard activision, call of duty mobile for example. stuart: that is absolutely astonishing. you're blowing me away here. you're talking such huge numbers. we can understand that if you got 55, 56 million people locked down, can't go out, of course you play a few videogames, but the numbers are astronomical. a big spike say from early january? >> definitely something shifting more in the positive direction since the beginning of january. i think the virus in the short term is tending to have a little bit of an effect especially in china. long-term effect of that could be the reverse though. we estimate that roughly 30 to 50% of artwork put inside of games comes from china. activision, ubisoft, blizzard, all those sort of things. long term this affects people going into work. it could have detrimental effect for games here in the west. stuart: are same games played in china would be played here or say south korea? >> sometimes there are the same games. there are companies like net easy and tencent doing deals with blizzard to get a lot of the blizzard games over there but in many instances they need to be changed before being allowed to serve in china. china has strict controls over what they allow their players or what they allow their people to play. stuart: this is fascinating. wish we had more time. rob, you have blown me away. i just did not know there were numbers like that in videogames. who knew. i don't play. who knew. right. come back to give us an update, rob. we'll put you on. >> have a great day. stuart: yes, sir. total change of subjects, you remember rush limbaugh received the medal of freedom on the state of the union address. the man on the right-hand side of the screen jim acosta, and he labeled the man on the left-hand side, rush limbaugh, a racist. we have the clip. boy, we'll tell you all about it. ♪. our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence. so we can spend a bit today, knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow, do you think you overdid it maybe? 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susan: fruit, dessert, mint flavored pods are banned. this impact as lot of tobacco companies, altria, own as big stake in juul and r.j. reynolds. you can petition the fda to keep them on the shelves for a year until the agency makes the judgment. this is targeting teen vaping. according to federal data, 28% of high school students vaping over past year up several levels from the past. stuart: brian kilmeade. what do you say? that is my name. i heard you say that the "brian kilmeade show." we're joining it. brian i'm sure you saw rush limbaugh receive the medal of freedom at the state of the union. i'm sure you saw what jim acosta said about him. for the benefit of our viewers, roll tape. >> he was trying to make appeals to the african-american community, it can't be forgotten he was awarding the -- to limbaugh who has a history of making derogatory comments about african-americans. stuart: he is on the verge of using the word racist. i don't think much to it. what do you say? >> i listened to rush early and often. i never remember derogatory terms towards african-americans, number one. number two, he is the most conversational, approachable, superstar, which he is. best in the business. for somebody that does this, i'm kind of doing it now, i'm in awe of what he did. what he has been able to accomplish. every show seems like his first, every day. every time a caller calls in, he gives them time. he lets them go. he understands where they're coming from. did you hear his remarks when he announced he has advanced lung cancer. he said i didn't want to burden you. i didn't want to upset you. i feel like i'm letting you down. he has nine million to 20 million listeners. he is talking to one. that is his brilliance. he has that relationship with his audience. that is why he deserves this prestigious honor, maybe in not or more than ellen who got it from president obama. stuart: put aside politics for a moment. my respect for rush limbaugh is the respect for a broadcaster who is absolutely brilliant, just as a professional broadcaster. >> oh, yeah. stuart: you know more about this hand i do, but timing is absolutely everything is in radio. the effort you have got to put into it, because you're sitting there on your own. rush limbaugh many guests, occasional callers, but not many guests, he is on his own delivering clarity, originality, three hours a day. the man is a genius. >> true. the other thing is, he has original thought. stuart: exactly. >> we know exactly the talking points, stuart, we battle all the time to get our experts to get off them. he opens up with, this is what's going on. look for these next things to happen down the road and they do. and that is why george bush 41 recognized his power. i would like you to come to the white house. actually carried his bags up to the lincoln bedroom. he said, george bush was not the most conservative guy, not as conservative as reagan, this guy is impactful, approachable, i would love to hear what he had to say. he made a major impact on the country. they named an airport after ronald reagan. a lot of liberals that supported that. why can't you look at somebody as conservative talk show host made impact that will never be replicated. he started a whole genre. there was talk radio but not like this. that is what he did. another thing, when you see somebody supe everying where is the humanity? i didn't love when president trump came out and going after john mccain after he passed away. i didn't think that was right. this guy is battling for his life. can we keep our powder dry, maybe hope for the best? keep your fingers crossed, say how can i hope, even though i don't agree? that is incense tivity is mind-boggling. stuart: can i get you to talk about pete rose for a second. i'm sure you saw him on our program. i asked him which is worse sign stealing or gambling on the game? he said the worst thing at all gambling against your own team while the game is being played. he did not do that. he wants into the hall of fame. what is your opinion, brian. should he be in the hall of fame sign-stealing is just beginning. we'll find out about the red sox and everything. i will say this, pete roads, wait a few month for this to subside. silently petition to get back in. it would be a great moment for baseball, pete rose, you're 78, 80 years old now. you're the head king. all your memorabilia is here. we think it is time to turn the page. maybe make a wholesale ruling on steroid era, sign-stealing era, now this. i believe pete rose has made things worse by speaking out along the way. i think, don't put this much pressure on the commissioner besieged at this moment. keep your powder dry. wait for june, july, august. go petition again. maybe i think sentiment should be there to bring him back because i do think sign-steal something worse. i do. this is huge. i talked to joe buck about it. i expected him to say to me, brian be happens all the time, no big deal. he had just the opposite take on it. stuart: you're absolutely right. i would put him in the hall of fame after all these years. >> did a great job with him. i watched the interview. stuart: thanks very much brian. good stuff. see you soon. >> thank you. stuart: here is what we got coming up. we call this the varney power hour. kennedy, kim strassel, dan henninger just to name a few. we'll walk up the president's victory lap at noon eastern. first we'll have my take on that. it is next. ♪. you've been hearing a lot about 5g. but there's 5g... and then there's verizon 5g. we're building the most powerful 5g experience for america. it's more than 10x faster than some other 5g networks. and it's rolling out in cities across the country so people can experience speeds that ultra wideband can deliver. 1.7 gigs here in houston. 1.8 gigs here in frigid omaha. almost 2 gigs here in los angeles. that's outrageous! it's like an eight-lane highway compared to a two-lane dirt road. ♪ and let me tell you something, rodeo... i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, it's helped over a million americans. a reverse mortgage loan isn't some kind of trick to take your home. it's a loan, like any other. big difference is how you pay it back. find out how reverse mortgages really work with aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage guide. eliminate monthly mortgage payments, pay bills, medical costs, and more. call now and get your free info kit. other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave your home. discover the option that's best for you. call today and find out more in aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage loan guide. access tax-free cash and stay in the home you love. you've probably been investing in your home for years... making monthly mortgage payments... doing the right thing... and it's become your family's heart and soul... well, that investment can give you tax-free cash just when you need it. learn how homeowners are strategically using a reverse mortgage loan to cover expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve your portfolio, and so much more. look, reverse mortgages aren't for everyone but i think i've been 'round long enough to know what's what. i'm proud to be a part of aag, i trust 'em, i think you can too. trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. so you can... retire better. thursday february 6, president trump stands at the peak of his trial. one hour from now, will celebrate and so he should. nancy pelosi, her squad and the rest of the livid left through everything i him and lost. he won the ridiculous impeachment fight is over. pelosi, schumer, schiff, mathur, what did they achieve? nothing. they slimed the president and america. it's the present one and economy. task cuts give us their country. he laid out the academic successes. record low unemployment from record employment for women. looking club. in the face of prosperity, they want a huge tax increase on the economy. he's one. the president on immigration. the wall is being built. we are getting a handle on it. it's been around two generations. the democrats are going to the election to demand open borders. let's give the illegals three free healthcare. most important of all, this president has beaten back the hatemongers. i understand they are not going away, of course not. but he's clearly shown that a political party not debated by hayton will lose. the image will be speaker pelosi. it's ripping up long lists of the president successes. that's where we stand this morning. the president rides high. it's time -- wait a minute. trump is watching into the national prayer breakfast this morning. claiming acquittal. [applause] kennedy is with me. it's exactly how it was. >> nancy didn't do that. >> i've been saying kind of joking, fake may be the president should rip up the articles of impeachment. >> a couple people have done similar things. the means on twitter work great. one of them was that she ripped up the epstein autopsy results. another was her ripping of the constitution. i think now he can move on but look at the week we've had. it's only thursday. we have the super bowl on sunday and then the iowa caucuses, which we still don't know the results and then the state of the union and yesterday the president was acquitted. what's today? it's so exciting. it makes you realize who are the next person is, there is going to be a next person, it's going to be very boring. >> is that is. nothing boring about casper. breaking away for one second. >> what i-5 one? >> amen. they went public today. they just opened for training, up 24%. fifteen dollars now, up $3 and rising. >> i'll rest comfortably knowing that. >> mitt romney, the only republican senator to vote to convict the president and the president responded with this tweet. has failed presidential candidate mitt romney, devoted the same energy and anger as he sanctimoniously goes to me, he could have won the election, read the transcripts. targeting romney's. >> reelection. >> look at this. >> romney had a score. >> donald trump mechanism it hotel. >> posing as republican, he tried to infiltrate trump administration as secretary of state. >> what you say to that? >> i'm happy mitten romney did this because it is already a boring person. he's a flaccid politician. the only way he was going to make any way was to vote against his party. otherwise no one would be talking about it. no one would be interested. nancy pelosi had to rebuff the speech and get attention and mitt romney's has to vote to convict based on one of the articles. he had to. there's no way he could just have a vanilla background but i'm excited about it because i think the presidents rallies are very entertaining. mitt romney section is not going to be like popcorn. i can't wait. >> on the economy, i think the president is winning, hands down. we got a booming economy. very low unemployment, he's one of this issue. that's his major issue. >> i do think the good economic news needs a better messenger. a good economy, socialism is still, for whatever reason, popular. obviously part of that is the indoctrination that a lot of people get in economically left universities. so there needs to be a push within the liberty movement to educate more people joyfully about peace, prosperity and economic success. >> i think will see that at noon today. on this network. >> this is a great network. at 9:00 p.m., we are going to define can be sort where we will be given a series of cases, a lawyer will give the defense of the panel will decide whether the person is guilty or not and it's fun. it's better than anything this week. >> wanted to get in and do it earlier in the day so i can participate? >> will give you some about diet smith and you can stay up all night. [laughter] >> did you just say -- yes you did. thank you. see you at 9:00 p.m. i love her. economic simple. we've got more equity? >> one quarter of mortgage homes in the u.s., 14 and a half million homes, the homeowner has owned at least half of the value of the home. you have left to pay your mortgage, if you will. so many will do that. the numbers have gone down played with mortgage rates at 4%, construction jobs, building homes, this is good for the housing market. >> the average now for 30 year fixed rate loan mortgage history .45%. >> in three years. it ignites the housing market. >> there markets are really strong and should help back. new york city getting rid of broker fees for rentals. >> explained. >> looking for an apartment and see one and i say i want that one. the broker says okay, 15% of your first years rent. that broker fee is no longer legal? >> effective today. it used to be eight to 15%. $2500, that's $4500 and one single fee. from now on, according to the york legislatures, no longer you have to pay 5 feet because can you imagine how hard that would be for a renter, not only do you have to pay the fee the first month's rent, deposit as well? people say this will be passed on to higher ground. the landowner has to pay the fee, that means they can bump up the rent to make up for that cost. >> there trying to get the cost of a rental down but it may actually not work. it might backfire with higher rents. >> it kills the broker industry. can you imagine if you are a real estate broker? cycle look for the apartment and i say a little frantic, you still have to pay the broker fee in charge of leasing it out. >> not good. let's get to this. it's his new piece, he say that democrats are trying to make president trump out to be darth vader with a trilogy of complaints against him. he's got star wars on us. the president is now off completely. what's next? more investigations. we have him straws. she says it's the democrats who should not be worried about impeachment when it comes to the voters. less than an hours away for the president speaking to the american people on his impeachment victory. ♪ 's president trump warned the drug companies. it's unacceptable that americans pay vastly more than people in other countries, for the exact same drugs. but they aren't listening. they've just raised the prices of over five hundred drugs. president trump supports a bipartisan plan, that would force drug companies to lower prices. but the senate won't act. tell senate leaders to stop drug company price gouging and lower drug prices now. check out roger's sellers, it's booming. offering price of $12 a share, it's not 1505. at the 25% gain for casper. the online matters celebrated now this. >> my advice would be for the present to move on. do what he did in the state of the union speech which was entirely positive. politically really and entirely positive but at the same time, keep it up. >> that's rudy giuliani giving advice to the president. the impeachment is now over and the president speaks at noon today. kim is with us. kim, i think the president can move on but i don't think the democrats can. what say you? >> this is a really big problem the democrats have. what drove all this impeachment in the first place, you got a split the party, progressives after blood when it comes to donald trump. we just gave them five months to make their case. it was a week one, a partisan one. key amounts of the american public saw. this is not going to go away and that's a significant risk for the democratic party because they impeached their own credibility as part of this. you can spend months going after him again but who now is going to believe it? all the time they are doing it, they are not actually producing anything. >> what you get out of this impeachment? or to seek it? a lot of wasted time and money and clinical toxicity. what if we got now? are they going to really return to it? i can't believe they would return to it. >> especially because look, let's remember what the corvette was. it is never to remove the president. they understood that was never going to happen. the strategy instead was to try to throw dirt at him, it failed. by all measures. look at the economic confidence figures you see coming out. the people, the needle never got moved by the democrats throughout all of this. there's a high possibility it backfires on all of them. schumer is using this to take that to the senate. >> speaker pelosi is now holding a news conference and is refuting many of the president points especially on the economy. she just said the gains we are seeing in the stock market are off the back of the obama administration. she said the president hasn't matched obama. would you like to comment on that? >> it's like watching the democratic primaries where they all get up speak about this america that i don't recognize, it's not from planet earth. where supposedly everyone is suffering and nothing is done. the problem for them, you know this and i know this, it's how americans feel about this. the poll numbers continue to show the americans have never felt more optimistic. they are feeling wages rising and for stockmarkets and 401ks, things are looking good. that's the sentiment that's going to drive people when they go to the polls. >> you got it. thanks for being with us today. we always appreciate it. make time for us whenever you can. see you later. i'll look at twitter, here's a winner. 16%. 21% increase in daily user usage. they brought in over a billion dollars of revenue for the first time in a corner. >> 152 million daily users, they are personalizing what they think you would like based on how you view the site and make money off them. >> they are up significantly. 16% higher. uber reports later today for got approval to restock testing their self driving cars in california. uber has been creeping up. thirty-seven dollars a share. >> you want to buy into the gig economy. >> look at casper, yesterday was the second worst single thing ever. the coronavirus is hurting their business in china but what's this about, it's a pretty dark $50? >> i twitter on my pole and he does have one intifada and he got 1.4 billion tax incentives, maybe he gets the same in texas. manufacturing jobs inspired on its hq to, think cities and states against each other for that money and investment. elon musk is a genius and he might be's building something big very soon in the u.s. >> that is interesting. i think it's up on the news as well as other news but -- >> the slowdown is rolling off because of the coronavirus in early deliveries may be delayed but volatility marks it this week and this year. >> thank you. now this. >> the traditional begins with the airing of agreement. i've got a lot of problems with you, people. [laughter] you're going to hear thought bottom. >> that was pretty good. i was the famous, why are we playing it? we are told presidents speech will be filled with area of a grievance is. can't wait. we'll tell you all about that in a moment. ♪ president trump speaks noon today from the white house. blake, have you any idea what the president is going to say? >> will hear from him and 40 minutes and we are told this could be like best vest. one reference to the famous "seinfeld" episode in which there's an airing of grievances. that is sort of what we've been told. i've got a little bit of it from the president this morning when he spoke here in washington at the national prayer breakfast. he didn't specifically name nancy pelosi or mitt romney but he did have some blunt criticism in their direction. he said the following about democrats. watch. >> when they impeached you forth nothing and then you're supposed to like them, it's not easy. >> i do my best. >> this event is not expected to turn into a press conference, we'll see what happened. bottom line, this very well could be the president unfiltered. >> as opposed to turning the other cheek. >> just a guess. don't think that's going to happen. >> i'm with you. thank you. back to the markets. upside moved again, now we are up 87 on the top-rated 29378. nice again on the nasdaq. s&p is up across the board. we have a guest who says the whole virus think was a market panic attack. we are in the midst of a relief rally. you have dan, his new piece says nancy pelosi is trying to make president trump after be america's darth vader. spoiler alert, trump and pelosi may be more alike than you think. robot tape. >> i am the father. ♪ ♪ half hour from now, the president speaks from the white house. his talk about his acquittal on impeachment charges. we are on it. we have great on the show shortly. i want to know what he wants to hear from the president. how about an airing of grievances. first, while we wait, look at the markets. higher across the board top-rated the dow is up 80. nice day for the nasdaq. look at boeing. this is like the dow is strong. the faa says they may approve circuit occasion to the 737 max jet in the next few weeks. the stock is up $8. month that adds 55 to the dow. turnaround for boeing right there. one more check on the mattress casper. that's a mattress tello, went out at 12. it's now 1534. a gain of 27%. look who's with me. a man i've known for decades. >> thank you. >> do you see any dark cloud on the horizon? as this market explodes? >> the only thing that's out there really is the virus. the market seems to have gotten over it pretty quickly. i've been keeping a diary of all of these panic attacks in the market since it started. the coronavirus is only 66 on my list. there panic attacks always followed by relief rallies. >> the reason for the panic -- >> we will have a recession. >> a real actual shift. that's it. >> the outlook continues to grow from a cure not going to get better market and occasionally, we get corrections but we can't even get the virus to cause much of a panic attack. >> that's true. we've got lots of evidence the economy is accelerating. x of the rating from there. >> the numbers today part of productivity comes out of the corner and turns out last year's activity game was 1.7%. gdp has been a little over 2%. we are going to be more of our productivity which is great for profit margins and great for real wages. notwithstanding all the nonsen nonsense, it's not been the case. >> you and i remember the goldilocks economy. is this a goldilocks economy? >> i want to jinx it. they get excited about from a new era and pullout marxists. they are under estimating the virus but there's much in the way of the economy continuing. >> up from here, that's your message. couple thousand points for the dow. >> last year i was in the round up and i had a at 3500. i don't know what i'm going to do for the rest of the year. s&p 500. we are almost there. michael out to 4000? i guess i just did. >> yes, you did. on videotape. you are in trouble. thanks for being with us. our next guest has a piece in the "wall street journal" called the trump trilogy. comparing the democrats need to publicize the president to the original star wars trilogy. dan is the man from the journal who wrote it. i don't understand what you're talking about. >> my job in life is to try to make mayhem of our politics. look what i had to deal with. on monday, we have the iowa caucus fiasco for democrats in the next day the president gives his state of the union speech in which the speaker of the house ripped up the speech, thousand on the table. the next day at 4:00 p.m., the senate acquits the president of the united states of impeachment charges. so what is going on here? it's clear to me now that we now only have one donald trump which should be enough, there are two. there's the donald trump who's the president of the united states and delivered the state of being speech. enumerating all of his policies, issues and probably given us a game plan for his campaign. the other trump is the one we've known for about three years. an arch villain, darth vader. he's running an evil empire to destroy in their words, our democracy. so we've had the first steps of the russian collusion narrative. ran for two years followed by the obstruction episode and finally impeachment. impeachment didn't play very well. they -- why have they done this? people ask all the time why has this happened? i say mondays caucuses suggested what's going on here. they're trying to divert attention from the fact that their party is really badly and fairly divided. it's been divided three years between progressive left and so-called moderates represented by joe biden and mike bloomberg. but i will caucus made it clear that the vision is not going away in the division cap break their prospects of defeating darth vader. >> you just reference the ripping of the script. nancy pelosi has a news conference going on. she just referred to the ripping incident. here's what she said. >> no, i think it was completely appropriate and considering some of the other exuberance is within this courteous thing to do. by next year, we will have a new president of the united states. it's imperative for our country, our constitution, the land we love from sea to shining sea. >> did you catch that? the ripping incident. asked by a reporter, or you have him back next year? she went on to say she abuses america every day of the week. no apology whatsoever for what i thought was a classical political mistake. >> i do think so because by ripping fed up, she was dismissing all the people stories who were up there. she's just sweeping it all away. you have to ask yourself, why does the president's approval rating hit 49%? this has happened from october until now through the impeachment. the president's ratings have been growing up. her goal was to suppress them. her strategy does not seem to be working. >> it looks so childish. >> it's pretty low rent. nancy pelosi is a little bit afraid of holding onto her speakership. they're always pressuring her and she's always saying they are the one who holds the speakership in their hands. >> thanks for joining us. appreciate it. the market is higher. we are putting google up on the screen because it's a trillion dollar company. google has google maps. google maps turned 15 today. have they got a new look? >> there's so much more than that now. you can get information on what other people think about places nearby. of course you can get directions and a pin that shows you the there is more. you can crowd source informati information, public transport. everything. it's handicapped outfitted. they are doing a lot. first a map and then mapquest and you printed it out and turn left at the street and spend google maps. >> there's ways. ways is owned by google, isn't it? i'm looking at google maps right now, it's more details by the look of it and the covering. if i press something, i guess oh yeah, i can make a booking. >> we can explore the theater district. irish pub and creek cocktails. that's what google is telling me. last month. >> don't tell me you want to get home. the trillion dollar club is apple, amazon, microsoft and apple but. couple of them slipped before below to the inbox. google is up $6. microsoft up to 76 at 182. google is up 1473. trillion dollars. next, gaming about 20 minutes on the president. earlier this one, he was beaming, weaving around headlines from a couple of newspapers. greg jarrett will join us. what he wants to hear from the president. an airing of grievances. ♪ let's look at casper, the online matters star. they were up 27%. now they are up 25%. they went out at $12 and now they are at 15.01. i call that a successful first date. >> if you look at the first round about they were worth $1.1 billion last year. that's been cut in half. it's successful because the price of the low end. >> 25% gain on the first day, if you got that stock, you're doing all right. how about palatine. i think it's way down. lower profits in the fourth quarter. there down 9%. they hit 124 million paid subscribers. that's up huge. 3.8% $152 a share. >> they played the beatles. they started playing beatles music. >> that did it. i know it. american allies stopping flights to hong kong because the coronavirus. american is down 48 cents right now but $28 a share. as for nike, they released the team usa summer olympic uniforms which i believe are climate trendy. >> nike knows who the customer is. they care about the environment. this is the new uniform for the olympics in 2020 in tokyo. it's made from one 100% recycled polyester. the buzz the athletes sleep on our made of cardboard in the middle from recycled electronics. nike made a pledge by the year 2025, they will fuel all operations by one 100% renewable energy. >> nike is up $100 a share. fourteen, 15 benzoate the president will speak from the white house about the failed impeachment probe. greg jarrett, legal analyst been covering this from day one. written a couple of books about it. he joins me now. welcome. your coverage has been exemplary. i followed you all the way through. we hear at 12 noon there will be grievances by the president. >> i'd love to see it but i think you what, too. there's going to be of football and he will spike it. as he did by holding up earlier today the headlines. acquitted usa today acquitted. he will rub it in to nancy pelosi's face. she deserves it at her childish tantrum of tearing up the state of the union address was a disgrace to her, her party in the house of representatives. what i'd really like to see the president is invite nancy pelosi to turn the page. let's work together for the american people. there are many things of common ground including america's infrastructure, for example this statement ovation from a standing state of the unit. >> i want to see america progress. join me in this effort. lower prescription drug prices, help americans, let's stop this constant government shutdown threat, shore up medicaid, medicare social security, let's work together for the american people to improve their lives. he should count his many successes in improving the economy. but his greatest success but a big success and impeachment. that is a chronic and humiliating debate for the democrats across the board. that's property. >> the articles of impeachment were driven by the politics of rage, not reason. nancy pelosi has been blinded by her hatred of donald trump. it's obscured her judgment, her reasoning and she deserves to lose the speakership. i think she may well in the long run. adam schiff, the face of impeachment was her biggest wonder. he's lacking in credibility. one mistake after another bite nancy pelosi and the polling data indicates this will come back to haunt the democratic party and she and schiff deserve all of the blame. what you make of mitt romney? >> mitt romney is not really a member of the republican party or democratic party. is a member of the mitt romney party. i think he contorted his constitutional and legal arguments in his boat on article one of the impeachment. i think he did it because maybe he did it because he was voting his conscience. but he doesn't understand the grounds for impeachment. >> the democrats will use mitt romney as leverage with susan collins and lisa witkowski. your colleague have the decency encouraged to vote his conscience and you don't deserve to be reelected. >> it goes both ways. there are democrats and purple states will not be at risk because of their vote. i was reading some of these open columns today that basically now says the alabama democrat doug jones is toast. that may be true. but we won't know for many more funds the political fallout. >> you say the president should turn the table with an offer and say to nancy pelosi, let's work together. >> she won't do it of course. >> resist temptation. >> she suffers from trump derangement syndrome. everything she says and there's no remedy for that. >> you are right. thanks for being with us. once again, we expect him to start speaking at 12 noon. produced speeches from the white house like the ones on your screen, it produces it heavily. a great tv producer. i wonder if we will see more of the at 12 noon. stay here and will find out. people have been throwing money up there other republicans and trump campaign because of impeachment. what happens now? will ask the rnc after this. ♪ sometimes your small screen is your big screen. and with the xfinity stream app, which is free with your service, you can take a spin through on demand shows, or stream live tv. download your dvr'd shows and movies on the fly. even record from right where you are. whether you're travelling around the country or around the house, keep what you watch with you. download the xfinity stream app and watch all the shows you love. and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. 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[ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stayed there, you're about to see the president and his first public address since impeachment was his acquittal their own. it will be on your screen in a few moments. cassie is with us. rnc deputy communications director. cassidy, pulled in a ton of money over this impeachment deal. the base is just turning it out to you. impeachment is now over. what are you going to do next? >> we've had more than 1 million views small donors invest in our president and party. since impeachment began last september. they're not just investing their time. all of the folks are volunteering, families and friends and neighbors to go we elect the president and get more republicans in congress to work with the president. the democrats promised to do that and spent all this time doing that. marches on for november and we are just getting started. >> what you want to speak about the president we are told there might be an airing of grievanc grievances. a sharp edge directed against speaker pelosi. on the other hand, some people advising him to turn the tables. offer an olive branch. let's work together to make the country better. what would you, as some went with robert international, what you want? >> at the president will say make no mistake, while they are against me for the past three years, i've been fighting for you. look what we've accomplished and vocal we can do together. if you take his speech as an indicator, strong things happening around the country. the best is yet to come. i think that's what it's will hear from him on the campaign trail and today. i'm constantly fighting for you. if you work with me, we will continue to do great things for our country. >> is mitt romney upstanding member of the republican party? >> mitt romney i think has some reconciling to do. there is a pull out yesterday how short the president is more popular than the junior senator from his home state. voters will have to decide but what we do know, like i started the interview with come up with got a lot of new coming in. does of the folks who will carry out the victory in november. >> i remember that rally in new jersey. he said look, we've looked at the people who were in the arena and 26% of them were democrats. 10% had never voted in the last election. thousands of people who are talking about. >> absolutely. thus average. registered democrats, more than half the crowd were not registered republicans. a lot about this, he's just checking things out. they are committed, fair investing and volunteering at voted. >> thank you for being with us. we are waiting for the president. you will see him after this. . . woman: my reputation was trashed online. i felt completely helpless. my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender.com. find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name. vo: visit reputationdefender.com or call 1-877-866-8555. rowithout the commission fees and account minimums. so, you can start investing wherever you are - even on the bus. download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. stuart: this is the back ground to president's speech or address or statement, whichever you want to call it. it is coming up in about a minute. left-hand side of the screen. it is in the white house. you can see crowds assembling. this is the background here. more good news on the economy. 291,000 private sector jobs. the firing rate is down to historic lows. the stock market rally continues. we got the dow up a mere 26 points. look at that level, 29,000, 317. as for impeachment. he is acquitted. it is done. it is over. that is what the president is going to speak about in just a few moments. what he will say? we don't know. we hear talk there will be airing of grievances. i think i used that expression five times the last five minutes. let's see what happens. connell mcshane will take it away. connell: this will be some hour we welcome you to "cavuto: coast to coast." i'm connell mcshane in for neil. the remarks first since the senate acquitted him yesterday on impeachment charges. speaker pelosi slammed the president just a short time ago speaking about what she characterized as economic mistruths in his state of the union address. now in the middle of all of this, after the speaker's remarks before the president's, the markets are reaching yet again new highs. we'll stay on