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He is supposed to make sure everyone follows the rules, and then he will hand out the pledge pins. Today 70 Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said he plans to run a very tight ship. Mitch. The hous houses hour is over. The senates time is at hand. Its time for this proud body to honor our founding purpose. Kennedy wouldnt be great if he ripped open his shirt had a giant tattoo of hamilton . [laughter] never mind. For crying Chuck Schumer at the promise of a fair trial is just not good enough. We have asked for for fact witnesses and the three specific sets of relevant documents. The witnesses are not democrats, they are the president s men, his top advisers whom he appointed. The documents are not democratic documents, they are just documents. Kennedy they cannot vote. In President Trump studies very much looking forward to the trial, he says he wont criticize it at all. [laughter] just kidding he totally hates it. Its a hoax, its a hoax, Everybody Knows that. Its a complete hoax. The whole thing with ukraine. So you have a perfect phone call, it was actually two phone calls, you people dont report that. They were too because they were perfect calls. In fact probably among the nicest calls ive made to foreign leaders. Kennedy unequaled . The trial kicks off tuesday in the first order of business is deciding whether or not the called new witnesses. Is there any chance this thing is going as smoothly . Lets meet tonights party panel and talk about all of her options. We have former director present obamas press team johanna masco is here Jason Meister daniel turner. Welcome everyone. How different was the feeling in the senate versus the house and how important was that . I always find it interesting to watch Chuck Schumer have this indignation when he cant looked up from his strict. So its hard to take him seriously when he cant do anything but read word for word what is in front of him. But that being said i think this whole thing is an absolute joke. Not just because how the hearing went in the house but i personally think this is a play by nancy pelosi. Kennedy i dont disagree with that to help joe biden out. She knew what this was going to be. And if she had deliver those articles posthaste. A month ago. Kennedy in the trial would have been over now and thered be the trying time. So this is what they Mitch Mcconnell and others. He should let these Candidates Campaign one or two days a week. What a thing about that . And he looks like he is extending the olive branch, one should note liz and bernie, name a you can go out there and this body is deliberative. He should let them go to New Hampshire and iowa, oddi thing got that . I think its a great idea kennedy but i think this schiff sham show is officially over. Its finally over, we waited 28 days because nancy placita she had no case and she had articles of impeachment that have no crime even accused, and now it is an impeachment. Its an accusation of crimes. Now goes to the senate where there will be a case and they actually have to try the case. And the president can defend themselves finally. He is going to get acquitted very quickly and we are going to put this to bed. Thank god. Kennedy thats the question how quickly does this thing go . Rand paul is that in no Uncertain Terms hes not mincing words that if any republicans break ranks, and vote to have witnesses hes going to make them pay with their political future. And hes making this hard. I remember watching the clinton impeachment trial and learning things i should not have learned. And that was all over alive. So i am just saying, it was all over alive. How do you even get to the trial. I made it a federal crime by perjuring himself. And in hindsight do we think does the crime and the womans name and not the person who was responsible for . That was wrong . Right . Kennedy absolutely bill clinton would be canceled faster than poop out of a goose. But how do you have a fair trial when no one is listening. And no one is listening to each other because i agree with you one 100 . You cannot even have a different view. I would be fine with calling hunter and joe biden. I would. I would call a mall. I would call them all. Kennedy i would call hunter biden. [inaudible] but do we bring the fbi lovers lisa paige and peter strokes . Do we bring comey i mean this could go on and on forever. But before this was started we did iowa politics as this is happening weeks and weeks, i was getting closer to the caucus and who is helping . Biden and buttigieg. If you are the biden people. [inaudible] kennedy okay political mastermind is this the end of Bernies Campaign . I dont think its the end of Bernie Sanders campaign hes searching for a reason. Kennedy it is that the reason nancy posey delayed . That no i dont think so she was very smart she has no case. Kennedy i think she wants to do anything she can to make sure a democrat wins. Shes a global speaker. I think nancy knew there was no crime here she was playing to her radical base who wanted to impeach the president over a call. She knows they are trampling on the constitution and i think it is unbelievable what democrats have done. I actually think is political. I looked through the lens of saying oh, i have met nancy pelosi. Kennedy have you met hunter biden . Would you like to . No im good. You look at throughout white white trust these people my grandmother once said to me, and its wrong home because she said you know, you feel the way about charles coke that i do about your president. And that was barack obama. He was the president of the United States and i defended right then i would never calmly but your president he is the president of the United States, that is true of this president. Kennedy who would you rather hang out for the entire night the president of hunter biden . This current president . I think there are issues. I would opt out. [laughter] i love President Trump but he does not drink. If im going to hang out the entire night i want to have some fun. Kennedy youre gonna have lots of fun. [laughter] i mean you are hanging out with him. His friends are doing so well. Kennedy s talk about speaking about oddballs, couldnt come at a worse time. Last night Rudy Giulianis shady buddy lev parnas turned on the president. He went on cnn and msnbc hoping to show the accreting scheme. President trump knew exactly what is going on. He was aware of all of my movements. I would not do anything without the consent of Rudy Giuliani or the president. It was never about corruption, it was strictly about maries mom which included hunter biden and joe biden. Kennedy biden, biden you brian im brian. The president push back on those hard. Watch. I dont even know who this man is other than i guess he attended a fundraiser so i take a picture with him. I am in a room i take pictures with people i take thousands and thousands of pictures. I dont know him. Perhaps is a fine man perhaps is not i know nothing about him. Kennedy then this morning that Government Accountability office said trump broke the law by withholding aid to ukraine, watch dog group says only congress can do that not the president. So is all this bad press going to blow up the impeachment trial . Whats going on your jason, is this a little harder to defend today than it was yesterday . Trend nine has zero credibility. Kennedy so hes like Stormy Daniels travel agent . Where was this guy when theres a thorough investigation, but we were going to the impeachment hearing, there is nowhere to be found. He was getting arrested. Now hes indicted announced coming out of the woodwork with papers, its ridiculous. Kennedy i saw the notes in anybody could do that. There is no digital stamp, theres really no way of verifying the authenticity. The democrats putting him in front of the central be a master mistake. Kennedy entertaining though, i say bring him, bring hunter biden, brent bolton. Make them fight for airtime. I think its amazing that they found somebody else at the last hour who is going to bring the one that brings down trump. They bring a guy a week. But she. Kennedy avenatti was the guys. So now you find this guy in this investigation. Oh my gosh out of nowhere. [inaudible] kennedy rotting and the turkish prison wearing Jeffrey Epsteins pajamas and he still could not bring the president dropped. Will any of the spring on the president . So this is the question when youve got six people who are close to the president who have already been indicted, if youve got the situation or its friends like these who needs enemies . He keeps saying that he doesnt know these people, and they keep saying look at that campaign aides. Kennedy i bet he never met mike pence. I mean the truth is every chinese issues, pieces oh, i distance, and i didnt do that. And Stormy Daniels . I think maybe he did . Kennedy but hilary did that with everybody. Lets clarify one thing on the gao, the gao said barack obama broke the law, so the gao has called president s before for breaking the law. That didnt get any press back when president obama did it, it shouldnt get any press right now. The gao has as much authority as idea. But i think about the story is how the liberal Mainstream Media just jumps onto these guys. Like all avenatti, and all these others. Kennedy because they want that to be true. How many times was avenatti on msnbc and cnn, and he was he such a powerful enemy of the president thats why. But he has a lot of those but they havent been indicted and several crimes. Come on. This is the problem though when you are asked to do unethical things, and you do them because you think it is the political lens and you just keep doing it. Whether its president clinton or. [inaudible] its not okay there are very unethical things and you just went ahead and did them. Theyve got to think about that. Kennedy so much martha panel, they are so fantastic i want to squeeze them all and i will during the break. Coming up crazy new details about Jeffrey Epsteins death, he was murdered because it clearly was, it all has to do with his creepy eyeball. The worldfamous pathologist michael baden, he returns next. Plus prohibition started 100 years ago tomorrow. I visited a speakeasy to celebrate that event. [shouting] [clapping and shouting] [cymbals clanging] [knocking] room for seven. And much, much more. The firstever glb. Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. Yeah. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Con Liberty Mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. Only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Wthats why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. And tv with you a breeze. Really . Yup. You can transfer your Service Online in about a minute. You can do that . Yeah. And with twohour Service Appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. So while moving may still come with its share of headaches. No kidding. Were doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Kennedy just when he thought the details and Jeffrey Epsteins death couldnt get any shadier, or creepier, we get this eyepopping news. Doctor michael baden, who was hired by the epstein estate to investigate the suicide says autopsy photos show a series of burst capillaries in epsteins thighs that are more assistant with the manual strangulation than hanging. Dont take my word for it with me now chief print pathologist who examined Jeffrey Epsteins body for the epstein family, michael baden. Welcome back. This is fascinating. And this is something that just came to light today. You viewed their burst capillaries and epsteins eyeballs and for people who dont know much about your profession they would say that some like something that would happen when you hang yourself may be vertically from a prison bed. But you say that kid couldnt be the case question why . If any of your fans who follow crime stories, know that petechiae, those are little capillaries that burst, and are seen best in the whites of the eyes when somebody is strangled. So it is an indicator of possible strangulation. And that is what jeffrey had. Kennedy it doesnt happen in hanging . It doesnt happen or its uncommon and hanging. Kennedy so in a vertical hanging but i should clarify that he was according to the report, found more almost horizontal. That has been the problem, there is no release of information from the guard who cut him down. Whether he was standing or whether he was on the grounds. Kennedy that seems like a very important points. Thats very important, thats why i cant make an opinion about it until we get all of that information. Because if as indicated by the death certificate, a hanging suicide. If it was a typical hanging suicide it would be unlikely to have little hemorrhages in the whites of the eyes. Kennedy s of it were a manual strangulation, you showed a photo on 60 minutes of a line on his neck. What would that be from . That would be a ligature strangulation. Kennedy could both of those things happen at the same time . Be back yes the garrotte will cause the burst capillaries and also the fracture. The garrotte, if youve seen the movies the guy behind the passenger puts a ligature around the neck, its over the adams apple. The adams apple is the thyroid cartilage in the garrotte over the middle portion can break and cause fractures of the cartilage. In the hanging, the strength s pressure on the neck is higher up above the jawbone, and above that and occasionally can cause a fracture of the highyield boyd. Kennedy just one of those hired ones . But all three were fractured one hyoid in both thyroid. So it was a crushing injury kinda in the middle of the neck rather than a hanging upright or even if you are on the ground and one can die on the ground, but theres very little pressure on the neck. And that would not cut on trent not cause any pressure. Kennedy in there would also be some blood pooling in the legs assuming the person were sort of phase down. They didnt see that. Anybody who was given blood when you give blood in quickly it separates out. The red cells on the bottom and the plasma on top. That happens after we die. After the heart stops pumping, the red settles by gravity. It settles and causes a maroon nation color on the skin called lividity. If you are on your back, its on the back of your on the front its the front. Irregular hanging it is on the legs, front and back of the legs. And there was no such lividity on the front and back of the legs. Kennedy so you are saying his legs was pale as Elizabeth Warrens ancestors . Yes. Kennedy who do you think killed him . My opinion is this requires further investigation. And it narrows down who had keys, they are very few possibilities of who couldve entered his cell. But one of the things is that the other inmates who were on the tear would have seen things and we dont know what the information is from interviewing the other inmates who were in the cells next to him. Kennedy he should have had his cellmates who. And none of the videos work on his cell. Kennedy none of it makes sense. And the guards have not been investigated. Its wrong wrong wrong. Please come back when theres more. Kennedy we will be back. Kennedy thats right theres always more because he didnt kill himself. Its been 100 years since the prohibitions i went to a speakeasy to see what was like to drink back then. During prohibition are two ways to get legal alcohol. While most religiously and the other one was medicinal. Kennedy alright well talk about another kind of medicine and modern prohibition on cannabis and other drugs. Its all coming up, next. Im your mother in law. And i like to question your every move. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. Sini wasnt sure. Clot was another around the corner . 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Whats around the corner could be worth waiting for. Ask your doctor about eliquis. And mine super soft . Yes with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Plus, free premium delivery on all smart beds when you add a base. Ends monday kennedy dont mind if i mountain dew. Quite a few things and change the past center but one thing is stayed the same americans love booze. Tomorrow marks 100 years since prohibition again, so i visited an original speakeasy right here in manhattan to celebrate not only my freedom to to watch how prohibition happen. We are at the back room, this was an authentic speakeasy will people would secretlys drink alcohol during prohibition which started 100 years ago. Lets go inside. Thank you sir. We are celebrating the beginning of prohibition n1920. Thats right the 18th amendment was ratified and people had to sneak a drink in places like this authentic speakeasy here new york city. I am with the owner johnny d. This is the back room. This is an incredible place, tell about the history. First volley set authentic speakeasy, we are authentic but this is one place or people were actually drinking 90 years ago. A lot of the speakeasies back in the day werent pretty places. You had to sort of my version of fusing a ballroom of the 1920s. And in the 1920s there is a legal drinking going on in those ballrooms. The speakeasies on the corner, down the block, and the neighborhood, though speakeasies were sort of hold the ball bars. So i had to change it just a little bit because otherwise we are just hold the wall barr. So i fuse those ballroom and that dark burgundys, the paisleys, the hardwoods, the art deco, the art nouveau, and all those different elements to make it a nice place. Kennedy but all of the alcohols consumed here is that of teacups. And what is this drink . That is her dirty rascal. It is a tequila based drink. Back in the day, a lot of people vodka wasnt prevalent because of the russian item. There was brandy alexanders common interested thing about prohibition time is people that mixologist was about taste. And thats where recipes came from. No recipes came from the fact that the the discolor the drink. So when you have a milk added to a drink, or yoke, that was only to throw off the feds. Kennedy get out really . So Something Like a slow gin fizz are brandy alexander, are cream based brandy cognac drink, was a little bit of chocolate core, that was so they were just that theyre having chocolate milk . Desperate times desperate members as a throughout the feds. When you hold the cup, even the shakers know what they emulate what they look like a coffee pot or teapot. Because it is shaken and there poured into a teacup, or coffee cup, and thats the way they would hide it from the feds. Kennedy thats amazing the roaring 20s. Be interested thing about the roaring 20s, 1920 in january is when the act took effect. It was not repealed until december 5, 1933. So the entire decade of the 20s, was dry. And it was the roaring 20s. So i am wondering if it would have been roaring if alcohol was legal or if that was part of the prohibition was part of the fact that it roared . Kennedy my grandmother was born in 1907, and i miss her god rest her soul. But i think about the early part of her life, because thats when she was born into. And she could finally drink, she was in the midwest and you had to make your own bathtub gin. With the alcohol safe. During prohibition there to az illegal alcohol. One was religiously, the other one was medicinal. I went online and on ebay they sell these forms and their prescriptions for alcohol. And the one i should have bought was the lady that got the prescription, it was one bottle of bourbon for pregnancy. [laughter] classy, i didnt buy it. So there were ways, contrary to popular belief here there were ways to get legal alcohol. The funny thing is, i looked at a few of these prescriptions online, and there a lot of them in december 31, all yeah im sick. Ive got the flu for new years. Kennedy the only thing that will cure it is a nice big healthy gallon of gin. Thank you so much for inviting us in. This is incredible. It really is a back room. He had to push open a bookcase and walked through an alley in order to get here. Johnny b you are legend thank you so much. If you are ever in new york go head up, up the back room there are a lot of teacups. President Herbert Hoover called prohibition a good experience, but it also very much helped organized crime exploded in the u. S. So why do we let that happen . Joining me tonight club University Associate professor of history and author of go ye west young women the rise of early hollywood professor hilary college is here. Welcome hilary. So one of the most interesting things, a lot of people know that the crime rate spiked, the homicide rate spikes. These criminal syndicates exploded because they were making so much money, but the government wasnt making money. So income taxes went up, and that extended beyond the end of prohibition. Income tax did not go up in the 1920s. Kennedy according to the research i read the government is looking for new ways to make monies because the gangs are making all the money. It was true they lost a great deal taxes when they made the sale of alcohol illegal. But by and large, the 20s is known as the decade in which taxes were cut. On all levels. Kennedy oh interesting how about that . Sumac yell its pretty much my thing. Kennedy so what are some of the institutions that took hold during the prohibition that we still see the effects of today . I thought you won me talk about the history of it, the institutions that took hold historically. Kennedy so what is something that happened during prohibition that we can look back and say oh yes we still have that, we still have this, we still have a prohibition mentality. We still have. I think if we have a war on something, a cultural ill we dont like or we are upset about, that there is a way to use laws to prevent people from practicing that social ill i think thats the kind of reform mentality that has his route lasted through history. Kennedy and the idea and the Temperance Movement became very popular in the 19th century because there were people and groups that blames alcohol for domestic violence. And poverty and all of these type of things. Demon realm is what they call that. Kennedy they thought if they could get rid of alcohol that would improve. Its it was a reform that was rooted in protestant churches led by clergymen. Women were the backbone of the movements. They were mobilizing against what they called demon realm because we were a hard drinking country and even an earlier hard drinking country. Kennedy even during the civil war, for soldiers on both sides being completely slashed and they would make their own booze and some of the drinks were made to mask the taste of alcohol because it was awful. Said the roots of the movement were really not necessarily about banning alcohol. That is not what they wanted. They wanted to encourage people to have moderation. The whole Movement Towards banning was really a post civil war development. This is a century Long Movement in the making. But there it wasnt in the early 19th century that a man actually William Willie was a brilliant lobbyist. [inaudible] all the president s were except hoover, right . They all drink their ways through the 20s. One of the reasons why people eventually rebelled against it because the hypocrisy. Kennedy and how big of the deal is in for fdrs election . It helped him win. Undoubtably. Interestingly four years before, because hoover had one on a drive platform. Fdr it definitely helped him win in 1932 to repeal. Write hilary thank you so much. And a fascinating time, well despite the abject failures of prohibition america is still filing a very messy war on drugs. Sure we can drink alcohol now, but most other drugs are still illegal. Even that and not keyless weed plants, the tide is to be shifting as their legalizing recreational use. Sows should the federal government go ahead and legalize marijuana across the board . Or do we go back to full prohibition . That seems pretty archaic. Here with me now is the founder and National Cannabis industry sounding board, and cofounder and president of cm smart approaches to marijuana, kevin to bet is here welcomed gentlemen. Thanks for having us kennedys. Kennedy kevin ill start with you because this is a very pro freedom, and thus prone cannabis show, but you are concerned about the commercialization of marijuana . Why . Im its the modernday big tobacco that is being produced in all of these different forms, candies, lollipops, potency is much stronger than before, doesnt mean i think we should arrest people and throw them in prison, i dont to give kid our record. Think is a false full throated commercialization that we have seen. Kennedy wife commercialization means jobs . Jobs at what cost . Kennedy actually the cost for somebody with a Median Income is somebody in the cannabis industry is 58000 year. Thats 50 the 10 higher than the median. The cost for impaired drivers that are dying and killing other people. [inaudible] kennedy and that comes from alcohol. Hold on. If you have consumed alcohol your three 100 more likely to be involved in an automobile crash, with cannabis its 25 . I will let you go ahead and respond troy. I will let troy respond. Thanks or have me. Look, this is something the public is very much in support of. In the states where cannabis is legal this guy has not found the opposition is that all this terrible stuff was going to happen in these laws are more supported now years after their past them before. At this issue has really moved forward, in fact its the one of the few things its bring americans together on both sides of the aisle right now. With well over 60 of public support, we learned our lesson with alcohol prohibition, and we are starting to learn our lesson with cannabis prohibition. It is my hope that in the next few years we see the net federal government and prohibition so that we can really get past this. Theres a couple things kennedy we should talk about. First bella nine or ten states rejected legalization last year bipartisan we are trying but the democratic black caucus of new jersey that didnt want to be victimized by another industry. Kennedy they dont want to be victimized by drug dealers which has decimated communities of color and the drug laws,. [inaudible] [inaudible] kennedy okay i am going to finish a sentence. The disparity for blacks versus white. Blacks almost four times more likely to be arrested for simple marijuana possession. What you have the same at that . Lets not arrest them, what i want to say about that there are four times more likely to be arrested for any crime. Thats cherry picking. Kennedy are cannabis we are stamped topic. Kennedy lets remove it for marijuana, its like that for others. It means their systematic adjustments. Kennedy we have systematic justices we also systematic races which is the impetus. Hold on kennedy we are making people to look like you and me and troy are the people that look like us very rich. Emily will get rich from legalization. Kennedy and there are plenty of people who dont look like you and me and have great ideas. I understand that you want to. [inaudible] actually they are, troy emden to give you the last word. Kevin zip it, lets give troy the last word. Kevin brings up a good point this is a huge opportunity for americans to go for the american dream. Its a huge opportunity, we just put out new numbers, 48 growth in the Legal Cannabis market just this year. And every dollar that is being spent in that legal market is a dollar thats not going to drug dealers in the street. This is a huge opportunity, imagine a hundred years ago you had the opportunity to be a part of ending alcohol prohibition, start a business them and invest in businesses then. Thats it we have. [inaudible] kennedy gentlemen thank you thumbs up. Alright kevin traber again. Coming up a new twist in the lisburn a feud. Progressive groups trying to rain bring them back together. Why are mom and dad fighting . Why are mom and dad fighting . But is the damage oh, hi, samantha. You look more like a heather. Do you ever get that . Its nice to finally meet you in person. Youre pete nocchio . Oh, the pic . That was actually a professional headshot. Im sure thats it, yeah. I, uh, i think ive lost a few pounds recently too. Im actually doing a juice cleanse. Wait you dont. glass breaking gasp ah oh. with geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. I am not for ignoring the first sign of a cold. I am for shortening my cold, with zicam zicam is completely different. Unlike most other cold medicines, zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. I am a zifan for zicam oral or nasal. Zero no Elizabeth Warren has started a progressive panic after attacking Bernie Sanders for sexism. Some of her party fear she just helped donald trump win reelection. Now the never worn and worn is a snake trending on twitter. Eighteen progressive groups are trying to patch things up. Will that work . The panels back johanna mascara, Jason Meister, daniel turner. Daniel start with you. Michael moore said he was paralyzed watching bernie and liz fight. I think its pretty great. Im surprised taken this long. I am surprised how vicious this has gotten, but i will say this, Elizabeth Warren is a pathological liar and all of her lies are to enact a sense of victim about her. She lied about being native american she lied about being fired for being pregnant, she lied about her father began chatter, she lied about her father big janitor. You can say things about sanders but he has been crazy consistently for 30, 40, 50 years. He is not a liar. Kennedy thats also the point that Michael Moore made of the is anyone is ever talk to bernie knows he didnt say this. Why do people automatically believe bernie . I think he is consistent for 40 years. He hasnt been a liar or serial liar like Elizabeth Warren. But i think with the better point id like to make is this is the advantage of being the incumbent president. Letting them stab each other the back while the Iowa Caucuses around the corner they are taking the gloves off. This is what happens this is the natural progression to the iowa caucus will be. And i think it will just keep stabbing each other in the back. At theres a better point maybe at different points. [laughter] your points ill make the podium because theres only three of you and everybody gets participation. So what you think is a democrat when he washes . You think yeah joe biden, you are winning this. I am going to disagree with you because i think he probably said it behind closed doors a lot of people are saying Different Things about who is electable. I think Elizabeth Warren is probably upset that bernie is not getting called out for some of the hypocrisy. Kennedy a woman is never going to be president ,. He probably said Something Like the democrats are not going to elect a woman. Let me ask this even if he did say it, why did it come out now . Why didnt it come out i think he shes tired hes getting away with hypocrisy because he hasnt been tested. Because if you look at bernies record, which you are saying he has been forever consistent, for a long time he let a little white lie just carry on that his son was the son of his first and exwife instead of a girlfriend. And there are issues. So i think Elizabeth Warren. Were going to bring family into it . He wont let you even talk about family. Kennedy neither will donald trump or joe biden. Well said jason you have the last word. Last word. Dang it okay topical storm is wherever we want to go, autosave your way there with chase. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Oh, your shes landed. Ed. And shes on her way to our house. What. I thought she was coming next weekend. I got it. Alexa. Start the coffee. Set the temperature to 72. Start roomba. We got this. Dont look. What . Dont look. Lets move. Mom. The lexus es, eagerly prepared for the unexpected. Lease the 2020 es 350 for 389 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. And i like to question your im yoevery move. N law. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. Some people say thats ridiculous. Age is just an illusion. How you show up for the world, thats whats real. Whats your idea . I put it out there with a godaddy website. Kennedy some interesting news from the real estate world, price and the new jersey home bike to hunt a thousand dollars. It has been on the market for a while and has had topics of work done. But enough about wendy its topical storm. Double storm number one, we begin tonight in england, a rightward hoover driver took a floating holiday. Oh no, thats going to be really hard to get reimbursement. The good news is nobody in the car was hurt the bad news is harry and meghan real and to their close after accepting this ride to the airport from mclean. Happen yang. They missed the free flights of the gotta mount about. Are i know that is true. And this is actually a man who told cops he got distracted while listening to his radio apparently was rocking out to the tide is high blondie. I will stop the blonde jerks. And i dont want hr to kill me. Back and bring on a serious rapture. Honored we are happy to report the cars been safely retrieved in the police did not have any summonses to teenage driver they gave the kid a break because he is still a little wet behind the ears. [laughter] topic number two. Ben jerrys is teaming up with netflix to release their very own ice cream flavor. People who have had it say it taste like unemployment and sweatpants. Netflix and chilled as the play on the popular dating phrase netflix and chill and it said to be targeted for couples looking to get frisky because nothing gets you in a sexy mood like a belly full of dairy fellas. All yeah. One bided this idea will go from videotapes to gone with the wind. Yeah, enjoy the ice cream because thats the only spooning youre going to do. Im not sure who greenlight this at ben jerrys but im going to go out of the limb and say whoever did so was halfbaked. He did that urge just they are attracted to chunky monkey. [laughter] jimmy velas wife cant be the only one, hi jenny. Topic number four. Weve reached the point in the week where we give the viewers a penny for the thoughts. If you asked me,. [laughter] we are overpaying by so many pesos. Time for viewer mail. Red starts off with goodbye, you selfrighteous dumb mass. I watered that down. What you doing aqua aerobics . Say goodbye to your keister . Steve writes its about time that you got back to work a lazy butt. Are you talking to his bottom and aqua aerobics class . Send us a recommendation i think you should read nice mail sometimes. Sarah we dont get them all the time she writes youre insane but enough cool crazies same kind any comments doug . Yeah. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Con Liberty Mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. Only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Its either the assucertification process. Or it isnt. Its either testing an array of advanced safety systems. Or it isnt. Its either the peace of mind of a standard unlimited mileage warranty. Or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned. Or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event. Now through march 2nd. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. Everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. Thank you for watching the best hour of your day. And you can celebrates the end of prohibition or the beginning of it by following me on twitter and Instagram Kennedy nation foxbusiness. Com please join me on announcer the following is a paid advertisement from time life. My name is Robin Williams. announcer hold on to your hats. For those of you on acid, this is a frisbee. announcer the time has come for an epic entertainment event. Its mindblowing, its jawdropping, and most of all, its genius. Genius. Genius. Comedic genius. announcer time life proudly presents a once in a lifetime collection decades in the making. Yo, robin. announcer Robin Williams comic genius. Youre sucked into drinking beer by believing its a healthy thing. All these beer commercials usually show big men, manly man doing manly things. Youve just killed a small animal. Its time for a light beer

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