Transcripts For FBC Kennedy 20240713

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Election, let it be very clear that this president will be held accountable, that no one is above the law. And or no future president will ever entertain the idea that article one, article two says that he can do whatever he wants. Kennedy its some article then she upchucked in a wastebasket that after she signed the documents. They marched him right over to the senate where republican Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said hes taking this thing very seriously. Mitch. This is a difficult time for our country. But this is precisely the kind of time for which the framers created the senate. I am confident this body will rise above short termism and factional fever, and serve the longterm best interest of our nation. We can do this, and we must. Kennedy but President Trump says he still thanks the whole thing is a giant undulating hunk of bs. He tweeted today quote here we go again, another con jon by the donothing democrats prayed all this work was supposed to be down in the house, not the senate. Tomorrow, this whole sentence fiasco of officially gets underway. And only gets better, doesnt it . So what can we expect, joining me now with his live report its Fox News White House correspondent kevin corke. It would not be an overstatement to suggest the speaker of the house really relished an opportunity to lack of better expression, really stick it to the president. If you had a chance to watch in particular the end grossmans ceremonious solids all smiles, souvenir opinions, all handed out by the speaker today. Really quite remarkable that ceremony late this afternoon. You could argue she delighted that quote the president will be impeached forever,. And with that, the names of those who would in her words dispense justice and facilitate the removal of the president , if House Democrats get their way, there are the seven managers include using Intelligent Committee chair adam schiff, jerry nadler, jeffrey, dennings, crow, garcia, lofgren. She said it was her duty to take her case to the senate and ask for the removal of the president. We are making progress for the american people. Progress in support of our constitution. Progress and honor of the sacrifices of the vision of our founders. Progress and honor of the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. And progress for the future of our children. Speaker pelosi there, earlier in the day we saw Intel Committee adam schiff, himself a key figure in the origins of the key whistleblower complaint suggest that there will be even more evidence sent to the senate to bolster the houses claim that the president violated his oath and thuss whiteness be removed from office. It is also wise to keep your eye on respective witnesses. Adam schiff himself could be a major witness in the proceedings depending on how the senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell decides to go with that. Others including hunter biden could be on the list of potential witnesses and that could extend this trial. Keep in mind there are some senators who are trying to run for president. The longer this goes on, the less time on the trail for people like Elizabeth Warren, for example and Bernie Sanders, and amy klobuchar. It should make for an interesting few weeks ahead. Kennedy great point kevin, thats the name of the game. Why did she slow walk this to the senate. We are gonna talk about it. So how was this whole senate trial gonna go down . Joining me tonight with a more from our Nations Capital at Indiana Republican senator mike braun. He is going to be part of the senate trial and will eventually have to vote on impeachment. And there is the capital, its beautiful, senator can hear me. We are having difficulty with your camera, but we know that your visage is serious and you are taking a great deal of time and thought with this issue. So kevin corke brings up a very good points, nancy plus he took her sweet time sending these articles over to the senate. Which slows down the critical campaigning for people like Bernie Sanders. It really does, could, thrust an arrow into his campaign that he might not recover from of has to take so many weeks off the trail in places like iowa and new hampshire. Do you think there is something that nefarious in that timing . I think that all could be part of it, because who knows after all this time, when i listen to her somber attitude, passing out 20 souvenir pins, this whole thing has been staged for so long. I guess now that its been delayed into words cannot push possibly into the iowa caucuses, its got to be making Speaker Pelosi very uneasy. I mean shes got the senatorial candidates, the biggest thing she is dealing with this Public Opinion turned against the whole process over a month ago. And when the Worst Nightmare turned out for her and that trump is actually beating the democrats in swing states, along with the fact that the American Public is getting fed up with this whole belabored approach impeaching, when they have been staging it for such a long time. So i think they are going to pay for it at the ballot box. I think the thing they were trying to do, and that is when the election in 2020, they did it. Theyve done everything thats going to work against them. Its going to play out that way. Kennedy one of the bigger issues is john boltons testimony. Because he has said he will honor a subpoena from the senates to testify at the trial, which obviously that should have taken place in the house. So if there is an agreement to call witnesses, do you agree on a bolton for hunter biden deal . I think that is beneficial argument all along, because there is no way we will have witnesses and less its reciprocal. And when we start getting the hit list of hunter biden, joe biden, the whistleblower, im guess they will change their tune on one thing witnesses. Period and john bolton and others that they are looking at, just like some of the witnesses they had in the house version, may not do what they want them to do. So, i think they are in between iraq and a hard place, and if it hadnt been for the hard left push from her caucus, she probably had it right from the getgo to avoid the pickle shes in now. Kennedy pickle and a caucus, its a busy time for Speaker Pelosi. And she was just a little too gleeful for me when she was signing that document pen after pen with a big smile on her face. Because it betrays the fact that she doesnt take this seriously. And she says this is not a political process, it clearly is, and you say this whole process could collapse under senatorial scrutiny. Do you stand by that . I think so, because the one thing we havent had, as we havent had the president s team and theyre actually defending the case. And youre going to find that is going to be a whole new dynamic that has not been emplaced so far. Look at the house, we had a behind closed door information leaked selectively, then you had the public version, then you had the four constitutional experts, and it was all the same information rehashed. I do think she was trying as a last attempt to may be have something come into play like bolton. I dont think thats going to happen. The transcript is out there, zelensky said there was no pressure, the aide was granted, bribery, treason, high crimes and misdemeanors, its not there. Kennedy you dont want to render those terms meaningless because they are far too serious as is the entire impeachment process. So hopefully havent cheapened it. Senator mike braun thank you very much from the great state of indiana. Kennedy the president as allies in congress had this impeachment is highly partisan, that it waters down some of that constitutional weight sitting a precedent for more abuse in the future. And a real quid pro quo is this just content or if its right what is this mean for american politics Going Forward . Lets meet tonights party panel it is hump night weve got pollster esther on cofounder and christian sold to sanderson is here along with democratic strategist ends strategies Kevin Walling and comedienne in host of part of the problem at this great podcast dave smith is back in the driver seat hello everyone. Good to talk to you in seo. Lets talk a little bit about Chuck Grassley said we are going to look at this with fairness and clear eyes. Is that possible this point with all this animosity in such a hyper politicized environment . It is important for Senate Republicans to at least give the impression that thats the case because as i mentioned before the political tide things turn against democrats is too strong, but certainly nancy posey did not get the political win avenue impeachment she was looking for. Those numbers have not budged since the day she announced we are going to begin up in impeachment proceeding. Which cannot be what she was hoping for. So the only opportunity for democrats to make a win out of this is a Senate Republicans fumble it by looking like they and factor two partisan. But i dont think thats it Mitch Mcconnell has under. Kennedy and he talked openly he said he cant do that if he is going to keep them on his side which shes going to have to do and that means at some point hes gonna call witnesses . And i think they are and were seeing more recent polling that even republicans would like to see those top four aids come and testify very john bolton, milt mulvaney that were in the room with the president when these conversations were happening with ukraine. I think there will be some public will there i think you have some really nervous with tough prospects at home in North Carolina and colorado. To name just a few. I cant believe they havent heard cory gardner. Hes been silent not even sticking up or voting you dont hear from him. Kennedy so i look at this and i cant imagine there are two their hat the evidence happy so overwhelming for them to vote to remove the president from office and undo an election. Its all we are left with his entertainment. And thats what this entire presidency has been from the dissension on the gilded escalator in 2015 until now. I mean the prospect, of hillarys not in the race, then who could possibly testify that would fill that entertainment factor . Obviously of hunter biden. Kennedy hunter biden is the correct answer. Theres also a pretty strong argument that he should because thats really at the center. That is at the center of this whole impeachment nonsense is. Because of joe biden wasnt running, nobody could really accuse this a being unimpeachable offense. So at the center of it was it at natural interest because quid pro quo in of itself is nothing wrong with that. So theres a very strong argument there will be more entertaining, but the whole trump administrations entertainment, and then somewhere under the service is like oh something really serious is going on that none of us are focusing on. This is like a cia. Kennedy crew. And certainly attempted a coup. Any of his stop the intelligent agencies and they are kind of going after him. Thats what it all started with so you tell me the cia agent was listening in on every george w. Bush, barack obama phone call and you can find anything as strong as this . Kennedy absolutely because there is an assumption that those conversations work sacred and kept private. That was something that was agreed upon by all parties. Not just the president and theyd miss ration but the members of the intelligence community. I think that is one of the better aspects of this presidency, which i dont fully endorsed by any measure, is that it sort of dismantles the surveillance state. It exposes it. Look Chuck Schumer himself, he said when you angered the intelligence community, they have six ways till sunday to get back at you. They have used quite a few of them. Kennedy nj james comey has boldface lied about many of them. And hes not alone. The party panel is returning to play trump or false. It is your new favorite name, weve played it before. Youre gonna win this time. Kat is playing at home because thats how good it is. But first up Elizabeth Warren, birdie sanders feud threatening to blow the democratic race sky high. And that we have some creepy audio from right after the debate, it aint pretty. But its entertainininininin i like Liberty Mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 45 plus at average risk. Ive heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. Im not worried. It doesnt run in my family. I can do it next year. No rush. Cologuard is the noninvasive option that finds 92 of colon cancers. You just get the kit in the mail, go to the bathroom, collect your sample, then ship it to the lab. Theres no excuse for waiting. Get screened. Ask your Healthcare Provider if cologuard is right for you. Most insured patients pay 0. Ask your Healthcare Provider if cologuard is right for you. Oh no, here comes gthe neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his Xfinity Customer Service is. Im mike, im so busy. Good thing xfinity has twohour appointment windows. They have night and weekend appointments too. Hes here. Bill . Karolyn . Nope no, just a couple of rocks. Download the my account app to manage your appointments making todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Ill pass. Kennedy oh with iowa looming lesson through its way its about time the tampa democrats to get a little nasty. So magically a new nugget pops up. It makes a bernie sound like a hypocritical woman hater. Bernie . Supposedly in december 2018 bernie and liz got together, at her apartment to talk shop, but i like to imagine bernie walks in and says hate totes, get me a beer, and draw me a bath so hot my ball skin turns communist red. Oh it, and a woman will never be president. Wheres that beer . The candidates have been so boring differential to the respect of the press. And they hate bernie. Andrew yang and tosa gabbert, so theyve had something to repeatedly fire at the socialist gab slide. So clearly Warren Campaign cant prove he said anything back in 2018. But the press will go along and do enough damage by repeating it and still make it a flustered soundbite. It used to be this sanctimonious press pack covering president ial politics or be objective and not be sensationalist. Not send cnn, abby got a firm denial from bernie man, but still pranced in, i will paraphrase. Moderator. Did you really say chicks cant win . Bernie know. Moderator liz how did it make you feel when bernie set abroad can be president . Liz, also, i think he went off the reservation. We get at the dnc and for president obama hate bernie and cannot let up party sampling communist win the nomination. Protocol must be restored, that means liz or joe. At left cnn is more than happy to disseminate fresh talking point so all the candidates thing read book of the party like its 1999. List one as far as to eisenbergs handshake and then she says some stuff that were gonna play in just a Second Period but that just makes her look like up sour present man hater who wants to overthrow the patriarchy more than she wants to unite the country. Its a bad strategy that is offputting so at least stop the electric and a pocket dirty trick to undo sanders candidacy is beneath what warn claims to be. If you are gonna go after sanders go nuclear on his god awful record and wretched policies, the lid shares, not some fabricated sexism that doesnt stand up to skeptical scrutiny. And thats the memo. Steve oh yeah, they got the audio. Come on now cnn released some shocking sound, bernie and liz from right after the debate when they were still up mike. She knew that, listen to this doozy. I think you called me a liar on national tv . What. I think you called me a liar on National Television . Was not have this discussion right now you called me and lets not have a succession now. Kennedy i just want to say hibernia shouldnt be here. Yeah, thats right. Now they are calling each other liars. Hey liz take that pretty mouth ears and go flat but someone else. Not right now. So is this going to blow the whole race wide open . Probably not. The panel has just returned to discuss. So doesnt have any impact . Probably not because people are big supporters of Bernie Sanders organist cyclic him no matter what. Theyre in a look at him as the victim in the situation. Warn is a snake has been trending all day on twitter. Very reminiscent of the kim Preston Taylor swift in 2017. So i dont think its gonna cost Bernie Sanders anything. The question is what is it going to do to Elizabeth Warrens base of support. They are excited about her but not as devoted and dedicated sanders are. So this could wind up backfiring. Its too soon to know how its gonna play out i think she spun with fire here. Kennedy i think she is too. People know the tricks now they know to expect stuff they heard the access hollywood tape. Someone summing from the Warren Campaign says oh my gosh in 20 over a year ago he said this horrible thing. Why not say that horrible thing 14 months ago . Why now . Its a little suspicious to come out three weeks before iowa. My thing to chriss point is there right now each other second choice in iowa. We know at the isle caucus that is a factor, specifically in certain precincts when you dont get to 15 . Word of the second choice supporters go up this feud continues and they are at each other . I think joe biden is a big beneficiary of this feud obviously. Kennedy i think thats why the press is helping out. They dont just want to help liz they dont help her out. We talked about nancy post below but they are trying to do what they can to drive a joe bidens carcass into the end zone. I think the press is done time is try to help Elizabeth Warren as well. But i say as iran paul supporter, i get a sense that a woman is a candidate with the entire media class is decided is not an option. You can have any of these other people, but this guy is not an option you see this all the time with the cnn questions, msnbc would say biden in first place worn down the third period and its all within a margin of air. Its over the secondplace candidate . Kennedy or the surge that hes raise more money than anyone hes come back after a heart attack, its more passionate than ever. He won the debate last night by any objective standards he is the only one is any good at these things. I am not rooting for a socialist, but im just saying Bernie Sanders, the position is joe biden leads and nationally. But Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warner way bigger than that. So if one can take the other one out there betting more will come to them. Kennedy i have been wondering when theyre going to decide to turn on each other because you have to it some point. I just figure to be like survivor rather and you wait until the final three. We are getting pretty close to iowa so its time i think they say it is only three tickets out of bio and theres four of them contending for. Mayor pete is in that mix too. What i think is self faxing fascinating about the coverage of bernie is the idea he could never win. People know democrats are prioritizing electability. He won 22 states. When i look up the swing States Joe Biden is ahead of donald trump a couple of points. But Bernie Sanders is only a point behind biden. Kennedy its how to cover candidates, we saw that in 2008 in 2012 with doctor pol, because he would come in first or second and they would completely ignore the finish. And you now if mayor pete was polling the way Bernie Sanders is everybody would be talking about him as a legitimate threat to win this thing. But with bernie hes just not allowed in. But even to say it if it was a woman telling the truth i would believe her. She is unknown liar. To sell your friend for saying something offensive to you years ago three weeks before iowa . Kennedy and then to say oh hes my friend. Bernie is my friend. Did you call me liar . Yeah, dave smith just did meantime form rob advisor van jones, he does not like the bernie lists back. He apparently doesnt like the rest of the democratic field either, look at this. Highly progressive. To see those two have that level of vitriol was a very dispiriting. And i want to say tonight for me was dispiriting. There was nothing i saw tonight that would be able to take donald trump out. And i want to get a democrat in the white house as soon as possible. There is nothing tonight, if you look at this thing you say did any of these people prepare for what donald trump is gonna do to us . Kennedy was there anyone on that stage they could take down the donald . I believe so. Kennedy who . Joe biden. The whole thing is michigan hes gotten adonijah putting out as polling data in those three states paired he says in her between fourday points hes leading me in, president and the states. Thats the whole ballgame, thats electability. Joan sees a stop wringing his hands and crying out for. Kennedy or maybe now is the time to do it. And not when they pick the nominee who is only going to lesson and the time between now and november. On the one hand whoever it is of the democratic side whoever gets it, defines himself to the democratic base. But we still have a long ways to go until november. And once democrats choose the nominee gets down to the final two, you have the Trump Campaign machine with hundreds of millions of dollars ready to fire. And to define whoever this is. So even at this point in time, a lot of them show joe biden up over trump. We have a long way to go and a lot of ads that air. Kennedy owned a back to three weeks before the election in october of 2016 a sewer hill he was question work she was in double digits. I dont think joe biden can beat donald trump. He said to me things have moved too far to the left in this primary. He is on the record saying we should pay for the health care of Illegal Immigrants prayed wait till trump hits and with that every single day. Youll see voters flood over the trunk. He is also not good at campaigning, theres a reason hes never won. Kennedy an important point, when bernie went after him last night he said i knew that iraq was a bad idea and he and he suggested i did. And then obama put me in charge of ending the war. And then we want to say the war is not over. To be fair we did end the war but we had to go back in because the terrorist obama arm in syria stormed back. Kennedy good job joe, you lose credit. Coming up the present has tweeted so much crazy stuff today, but over the years ha ha its been a doozy. We are going to play one of our new games trump or false. The panel has to decide what is a real treat from the president or what is completely madadadadad im your mother in law. And i like to question your every move. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. Oh, your shes landed. Ed. And shes on her way to our house. What. I thought she was coming next weekend. I got it. Alexa. Start the coffee. Set the temperature to 72. Start roomba. We got this. Dont look. What . Dont look. Lets move. Mom. 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Heres how works, im going to read a statement and our panelists will guess if it is something donald trump actually tweeted before or during his political career. Or if the statement is false. Like nancy pelosi, what . Here go. The panel is in it to win it. Theyre hungry for. Whos ready to win . Feeling good about it. Im scared. Im ready. Kennedy whoever wins gets the entire cheese plate in the green room. Its all ive ever wanted periods. Kennedy here we go heres a tweet number one. Ms. Universe should spend more time in the gym and less time criticizing your favorite president. Is that trump or false . There you go youre both wrong dave smith guess this one it is a falsehood. I think thats just made up. Kennedy here is tweet number two. Dont worry, youre still there girl. Sorry losers and haters, but my iq was one of the highest and you all know it. Please dont feel so stupid or insecure, its not your fault. Trump or false . A real tweet or made up one . And you are all correct in mondo. Look at that he also boasted he has a higher iq than george w. Bush, obama and the entire staff of the washington post. I believe the george bush. Its be five at sherry dont wear around and i promise not to talk about your massive Plastic Surgery that didnt work. Trump or false . [laughter] dave smith still in the lead with three. That was in response to a shared tweet in 2012. Share set i will never go to macys again, i didnt know they sold Donald Trumps line. If they dont care that they sell products motor races cream, she would lie like his rug to get cheap press. But macys is now going out of business, and share hot as over 14 trump or false are each playing along . Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully or write poetry. I like making deals, i like making big deals, thats how i get my kicks. That is a direct quote. That is right out of the book, part of the deal. Kennedy that something he tweeted december 29, 2014. He pulled the trigger on running for president where he won the electoral college. Hillary clinton should be. [inaudible] number five are you ready . Come on kristen youre only one away. You never know its can happen on cannondale you dame game night. Overrated Arnold Schwarzenegger ruined the apprentice in one season after 14 years at number one. Nbc must reap place or face consequences. Trump or false. You have a feel for this game, you have a knack friends, he did but this mightve been a makeup tweet. Oh gosh. Shes on fire. Get not gouda. Kennedy heres tweet number six. In nancy, as i like the collar is being very mean to me. Its not a high crime that the president doesnt, attorney general barr agrees 200 , case right trump or false . Im saying real because nancy is so absurd that has to be real. Kennedy it is not. I am on fire and running away with this. Kennedy you got 63 into. Sorry kevin p walling only has two. Whoever on your staff is writing the fake tweets is doing a pretty good job. They get the cheese. Kennedy they will get the cheese and hot water warm water. Heres tweet number seven windmills are the greatest threat the u. S. To both bold balding golden eagles. Its Global Warming worse . Trump or false . Okay, dave you blew it on that one. Kristin you are now only two away from dave. Im catching up. Kennedy are fun fact he did say that in september 2014, windmills do in fact kill birds. But they are by far not the main culprit. All right heres tweet number eight. Trump or false, Congress Needs to do something about hurricanes. Storms like this would never happen under President Trump. Trump or false . Im going real again. Kennedy it is not. Nope it is false. I wish that were real. Here is number nine. Lets see if we can do this. Arianna huff is both attractive inside and out i fully understand why her former husband left her for a man. He made a good decision. Structured trump or false . I think i remember this item bryson trump, donald know . Hooray. Kennedy it is. That means you are only one behind dave and kevin your two behind. Youre lucky this is the last tweet its a twopoint answer. Okay here we go. Here such wheat. If obama resigns from office now, thereby doing a Great Service to the country, i will give him free lifetime golf at any one of my courses. Trump or false . A twopoint question. Im in a switch it. See hes smart by picking the same thing as me because now i cant win. Kennedy of course hes smart and he wins the two points. Nicely done dave. Kennedy kristin has seven. [inaudible] hours after his report of obamas lastminute request of teatime over Labor Day Weekend was rejected by several courses including trump national. You guys are amazing thank you so much. What a night weve had. Go collect your cheese and your hot water, as much as you can drink. We just keep given on giving. Dave, kevin, kristin, thanks much. President trump signing his muchanticipated trade deal with china. But while this thing keep the economy chugging a grind every to a halt . Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You haveoh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. And mine super soft . Yes with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Only at a sleep number store save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Only for a limited time i am not for ignoring the first sign of a cold. I am for shortening my cold, with zicam zicam is completely different. Unlike most other cold medicines, zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. I am a zifan for zicam oral or nasal. Kennedy the trade war with china has officially hit a ceasefire for President Trump and the vice premier and today signed an initial phase one trade agreement at the white house. And in 20 month standoff, and the president says its now standing deal, the best deal, phenomenal deal. He exaggerates a bitsy of taken his word. Today we take a momentous step, one that has never been taken before with china, toward a future fair and reciprocal trade as we sign phase one of the historic trade deal. Metz between United States and china. Kennedy and china. Any nods so politely. Okay will be. The president also gave a big shout out to the pride of fox fleets the one and only lou dobbs. And thank him for his sage advice on the deal. Democrats say the farmers are getting taken for a hayride. So will the president s trade deal be a cash cow or has the oc economy just bought the farm . Here with me Fox News Contributor jonas max ferris. So hey man, welcome back. Its good to be back. Kennedy is this a good thing for the economy, is this a small step in the right direction . Or our our agriculturals brothers and sisters getting shellacked. Now they have to watch fox business in china. We have to love lou dobbs. Kennedy turned on leave it on we love it. It is not looking bad and thats what the investors in the market look at. It was a highrisk, high reward adventure that could have ended very badly. But now it looks like its been building for a few weeks, which is why the market is going up. It looks like there is not going to be an ugly phase at least the next few months or years so. Now to criticize it, in theory he got a lot more than we wouldve ever gotten and are. This whole point. Kennedy but for free trade is a big element. But you still citizen of the site of that . If you are into free trade the ip is the only issue and they are stealing our private property rights. In fact in the free market, they wanted to be state run and manipulate their own businesses that is going to ruin them in the long run. We should just do what we want to be a free market. Realistically in reality they are stealing from us, they are supposedly going to do less of that and we are going to have more means for the companies to punish them. As well as they will not extract information from partnerships like our tech companies. Whether they will actually do these things and what the mechanisms will be besides tariffs . Kennedy the president says theyre enforceable. The number he got them to buy is astronomical. 200billion of stuff out of this country over two years is such a massive amount of stuff. If we only get half of that its the greatest trade deal of alltime. Will even make enough stuff for them. Kennedy how great is that . We will sell them soybeans and f150s. The thing is theyve already lined up the stuff from other countries. Like russia has a pipeline. Kennedy i hope russia is mad about this. Thats where they get their gas and oil from, thats their number one supplier and now that is all working to be selling them . Kennedy i knew this was going to be a time with impeachment. I had a feeling the market was going to respond very favorably, and now phase two lets look for that to come. Thats a hard stage the early stages were the easier ones. So far so good. Kennedy keep up the lovemaking. [laughter] kennedy we have to have something to sell the china so they can buy any comments doug . Yeah. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Con Liberty Mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. Only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Wherever we want to go, autosave your way there with chase. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Kennedy i will be heard that i was walking down the street and kept on walking. New york city is the weirdest place. All right Morning Consult finds amazon and google are the most trusted brands in the country pray the companies had no comment because they are too busy listening in on your conversations. They can put ad browsers and all the secret stuff you talk about. They are so trustworthy. Her keep down folks. Because this is topical storms topic number one. Lets start tonight in georgia where the focus is always on the swing voters. Oh my gosh look at this. I am so secretly aroused. The atlanta zoo gave to grow as a swing im to stop talking because two guerrillas are playing with the swing. Its amazing, they are so happy. They have no idea the world is crumbling because this is in the president s hand. Speaking of swingers, these two are so horny and they dont even know it. The primates have become huge celebrities on the web. In fact, right now their only problem is its going to feel like the room is spinning for three days. Welcome to my. [inaudible] and my 40s and hopefully my 50s. Topic number two. Opening is super nintendo themepark is a promise to take adult gamers inside their favorite games. And i think we can all agree that this is truly virgin territory. The park is said to capture the full essence of a gamers life and thats why its built the shape of a mothers basement. Theres plenty of futons. The press releases they also have a reallife super mario for kids. Because nothing says responsible parenting bike letting your kids live in a videogame that encourages them to steal gold coins and kill turtles. Why not just make streetfighter for kids layer at a you psychos. If you are in the market for some super nintendo action the parks opening will coincide with the summer olympics in tokyo. So now, the Mountain Biking ways wont be the only place to see people going downhill. Topic number three. Lets go to chicago were legalized marijuanas bring out some Serious Party and all start a look at this little guy this coyote turned into a roadrunner hes been roaming the streets in chinatown late at night, the play stays covered over 4 miles which is why you should never buy a coyote of fitbit, they get obsessed with getting their steps in. And we know the feeling. Several of my steppers are on a 12 step program. The coyote has been an internet sensation on the streets of chicago, unfortunately it does not end well because it got hungry and went into the subway at two in the morning to only get jumped by two guys in dumb bleached on its head and said it was. [inaudible] country. Topic number four. I dont know where they came from . Finally, at the nashville woman who was arrested for getting too rough in the bedroom with her boyfriend. Some people think she needs to get a grip, but it sounds like shirt has one. Oh yes, the sister act, yes agoura. 24yearold kristin paris allegedly wrapped up her man during post intimate relations. He called the cops after she quotes scratched him, squeezed him, and dead him. Im knocking to say what part of his body she did this to, lets just say it was a package deal. The bedroom bully was charged with misdemeanor assault and legal experts say she will have a hard time getting off. Not as much as a boyfriend, poor brassard. Hand back, im your 70lb st. Bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby sini wasnt sure. Clot was another around the corner . Or could things go a different way . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didnt experience another, and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Whats around the corner could be worth waiting for. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. Kennedy thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day. Its wonderful to be back in the drivers seat thanks accountemps for doing a fantastic job. You can follow me on twitter an instagram at kennedy nation. Email kennedy fbn foxbusiness. Com. Turn it on the show Daniel Turner is here, hi dana. And Jason Meister plus a special segment for the 100 year the following is a paid advertisement from time life. These are the country hits we remember, played on jukeboxes across america. And when we get behind closed doors i am a lineman for the county and i drive the main roads and she believes in me ill never know just what she sees in me from Glen Campbell to kenny rogers. From patsy cline to george jones

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