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Making money. So the dow retreating here, crossed the 29,000 mark for if first time ever, pulling back just a little bit. The other indices are higher this as the jobs report coming in with some positive reinforcements i think about our booming economy. Here though to help me break it down is Phil Blancato and also brian wesbury. The jobs report, brian, your overall theme for that and what it means going into the new year. 144 is weaker than last months 266. We had a few minor downward revisions, but anywhere from, you know, around 150 to 200,000 is enough to keep the Unemployment Rate down. This year the feds not going to be raising rates. The tax cuts and deregulation are still kicking in. Profit margins are high because Technology Keeps reducing the cost of delivering goods and services, and when you put that all in the bucket, i think this economy not only accelerates this year, it is not going to grow 4 . But earnings are going to go up 10 to 12 percent, and that means the stock markets going to end up higher at the end of the year. Charles real, quick, brian, another measure of unemployment, was significantly better than the one media uses at an all time low. What drove it is what they call people marginally attached, folks not even looking for a job, sitting at home eating a bowl of cereal and you get a knock on the door, youve got a job. That between that and 140,000 fewer people working part time because they had no choice, those are the sort of things on the outside that mean everything. I mean, youre bringing in people in this economy that had given up on it. Right. Yeah, and thats why today the one negative that we had today in this report, if you really want to look at it that way is that Earnings Growth was a little bit slow. Im going to tell you, these numbers are volatile from month to month, but with discouraged workers down at 6. 7 , the lowest in recorded history, these wage numbers are going to head higher in the years ahead. They have to because companies are finding ways to hire workers and the only way to do it is to pay them more. Charles speaking of higher wages, phil, taco bell managers making 100,000, that is like mind boggling. By the way, kind of lost in the headline, paying for sick leave for the first time ever, this is like for all employees who have been there for over a month or so. This is remarkable stuff. Think of the states that are having minimum wage requirements boost up here as well. When the economy gets healthy and the consumer can gainfully spend, weve seen real great unemployment. Weve seen exceptional wages. To add to brians point when you look at the lowest 25 of workers versus the highest 25 , in the month of november, the lowest 25 got a bigger boost than the highest 25. Thats why were still growing. Thats to taco bells point, they can afford to pay that now. Charles going back to september 2018, nonsupervisory workers bluecollar workers their wages grow faster every month since one, so 14 out of 15 months. I think this is maybe even in some ways better news for the stock market. You cant say the economy is overheating to the point where the feds got to change direction. Definitely not. Im a little bit concerned about inflation because wages tick up, i think we might see a bit. Heres where im worried while last year was a complete multiple expansion and i believe that i think we had Strong Enough gdp to warrant some of it, im worried in goldilocks environment, mild inflation, mild growth at 2 , mild wage growth gets us to 8 to 10 percent on the s p this year which is solid dont get me wrong but hard to replicate what we did last year. Charles i want to come back to you in the market. You kind of put it in the park, coasted out of the year. I want to come back to you. Brian, other Economic Data out this week, and last week, suggests that the economy could be reigniting, you know, from the Housing Market to even some of the things, for instance, maybe some signs even on manufacturing. Other signs that theres a chance we could actually this 11yearold boom could actually be gaining strength here. Is that even possible . I totally agree. You know, we had ism manufacturing and ism services. The services is 88 of the economy, and that number exploded upward. The manufacturing number is still weak. By the way, i find this in a way a little confusing because consumers bought goods in 2019 at the fastest rate were seen in 15 years. So if companies arent producing, but people are buying, something has to give, and my belief is that its going to be the manufacturers. They are going to have to lift production because inventories are just too low. Charles i agree. Im optimistic. I think that were going to have if we want to grow 4 , charles, the only way we can do that is to cut the size of the federal government, and i dont see that happening right now. Were going to grow 2 1 2 to 3. Charles that aint happening. Weve got to go. This market, you are back in it and you are looking for a nice up tick. Worried about fixed income. Fixed income is expensive. You can make money around the stocks. Get paid to wait around, collect your dividends nothing wrong with that. Charles phil, brian, two of the best, appreciate it. Thank you guys. Joining me now with reaction from the white house on todays jobs reports council of economic chair. Tom, you have to be pretty excited about it. It is interesting, go back to february 2, 2018, year over year wages are up 2. 9 . That same day the dow was off 666 points because wages were climbing too fast. Everyone was afraid the fed would jump in. How different is it now that the 2. 9 people are saying the white house should be concerned that its too weak . I think thats misguided. Heres whats going on. Everyone knows this is an economy thats really benefitting the bottom half. We heard about the wage growth taking place in the bottom half relative to the upper half. We have new data now on the same thing happening in the Wealth Distribution. So basically the bottom half of the Wealth Distribution under trump close to 50 in net worth during trump. Thats an amazing achievement, and the top 1 has only gained 13 in net worth. So we have an enormous amount of wealth convergence going on under trump, and thats really something that were happy about. Charles whats the game plan to keep it going, even get it a little better . Remember President Trump said once hes been in for a few years looking at 3 to 5 percent gdp. What are the next steps to give it that extra boost . We have our deregulatory agenda which is under appreciated how much it is benefitting the economy. A report came out showing up 1. 3 over four years. Now, we also have obviously we have four trade agreements one with our two biggest trading partners usmca and three in asia with south korea, japan and phase one china deal next week. Those are three upswings. If boeing gets settled, thats another big swing. Were very optimistic on 2020. Charles what is your greatest concern . Theres been a lot of quote unquote noise out there, certainly whats going on in washington, d. C. , if not occasionally spooking the market, making people uncomfortable, we wish there would be more legislation than instead of the war that it feels like both parties have entered. Theres a lot of Political Risk which actually affects investment, but in general i think its the messaging of that were sort of getting stonewalled on this great economy by the media. I can give you one example. The Washington Post came out and said the bluecollar boom were experiencing is due to the work of state governments raising minimum wages. Thats completely ludicrous really. I mean, it is 2 percent of workers on minimum wages. It is not growing faster in those states that are raising them than that are not raising them. Charles yeah. I think one big threat is really about, you know, how do we get this message out to have people be confident or as confident as good as the economy is . And thats a big issue where the media is stonewalling us. Charles listen, i guess at one point it is flattering that at least the Washington Post is admitting that bluecollar and low income wages are soaring, and to your point, only 434,000 out of 82 million hourly workers are minimum wage workers, very small drop in the bucket. So with all of this being said i just want to add one point there. Minimum wages if they were responsible for this, we would see employment dropping as opposed to increasing in every state universally really because you prevent workers for hiring people below that wage because generally most economists think the cost of labor goes up when you raise the minimum wage and therefore employment should be going down and not up. It is clearly not whats driving the bluecollar boom. Charles i agree with you a thousand percent. Today though we did see weakness in manufacturing. We saw weakness in mining. Any concern there . Particularly on the mining side, those are really oil workers. Energy independence, we saw earlier this week, exporting year to date 58 billion dollars of crude. America exported that much, up 14 billion year over year. Can we keep that miracle going . Can it get better . Very optimistic on manufacturing and energy in general, i think. I mean, as you know, theres an energy boom going on in terms of were now net exporters of both gas and oil. Charles right. And the president said we dont need middle east oil anymore which is actually a great buffer against whats going on in the geopolitical space. Charles it certainly is. Tom, thank you very much, appreciate your time. Okay, thank you. Charles later in the show, why im saluting rod stewart, elton john and so many of them because you are never too old for rock and roll. Does facebook even care since we the American Public, we cant break our addiction to that social platform . Plus how the United States is pushing irans sanctions to the brink and why President Trump is taking on house lawmakers over the conflict. Theyre all trying to say how dare you take them out that way . You should get permission from congress so that we can call up the fake news and we can leak it. When you look at the world, what do you see . Where others see chaos, we see patterns. Connections. Relationships. When you use location technology, you can see where things happen, before they happen. With esri location technology, you can see what others cant. We will cut off billions of dollars of support to the iranian regime, and we will continue our enforcement of other entities. The president said we dont want war. We want iran to behave like a normal nation. The reason the secretary tresh you are and i are here this treasurer are here this morning to continue this effort, to get iran to behave the right way. Charles secretary of state pompeo and treasure secretary mnuchin. The President Trump bashed lawmakers for passing a resolution to limit war powers against the iran regime. Joining me now is candidate ford oconnell. Thank you very much for joining us. Always good to be here. Charles last night the war powers was voted on. Eight democrats didnt vote for the bill, but three republicans did. An interesting mix. We have been asking for bipartisanship, didnt think we would get it that way. Heres the deal, President Trump was right to take out soleimani. Were talking about the worlds number one terrorist. It was lawful. We are talking about someone who killed 600 american troops. Were talking about someone who tried to storm the u. S. Embassy in iraq. Youre a vet, charles. You know appeasement is not the way to go. But what pelosi is trying to do here, shes trying to play politics. Shes trying to paint donald trump as a war president and thats just absurd to allow her to play politics with the lives of the u. S. Troops. Charles what do you make of it, ford, the sympathy for the soleimani or suggesting that somehow President Trump did something that president obama didnt do . President obama had over 500 drone attacks. He killed 3700 people, over 300 civilians, and i never heard there was a memo you could go after american contractors, they changed the definition of imminent threat, none of this is new except the outrage thats exactly right. This is 2020 politics at its worse. The democrats have no idea how to defeat President Trump and essentially they are trying to paint him basically as a prowar president. Remember, president obama even labelled soleimani a terrorist. Im surprised he wasnt taken out ten years ago. I tip my hat to President Trump. But im going say something, matt gaetz is not the only one who had a lapse in judgment and fell for pelosis political game. The guy im trying to replace made the same mistake. If im privileged enough to be elected in florida, i will not let nancy pelosi try to hurt donald trump solely for political gain. Charles okay. You got in the campaign thing, and well reach out to your opponent. Hes been on the show before, get his thoughts on that, but lets stick with nancy plo pelosi for a moment, ford. Shes now saying the articles of impeachment against the president will be sent to the senate next week. The buzz surrounding the impeachment trial and the thought that maybe former National Security advisor john bolton would testify, well, just moments ago President Trump weighing in on fox news with laura ingraham. Lets take a listen. Why not call bolton . Why not allow him to testify . This thing is bogus. I would have no problem, other than one thing you cant be in the white house im talking about many future president s and have a security advisor, anybody having to do with security and legal and other things are you going to invoke executive privilege . Well, i think you have to for the sake of the office. Charles your thoughts, ford . Heres the deal, nancy pelosi has basically ran through two vague articles of impeachment charles are you okay with the rationale for not allowing bolton to testify . I am because essentially Mitch Mcconnell understands his caucus, and he understands what a joke and a farce this is, and that needs to be dismissed. I do agree, if we werent facing 2020, john bolton should testify because essentially hes going to make the case that Donald Trumps absolutely right. Charles ford, great seeing you. Been too long. Congratulations. Always my friend. Thank you. Charles coming up folks the author of the defining book on the forgotten man now she explains the new history for the Great Society. The author is here. Plus despite California Workers grappling with the states new economy law, new yorks Governor Andrew Cuomo says hey we want in too. We will be right back. We made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa charles Governor Andrew Cuomo signalling the state wants to follow californias footsteps by regulating the gig economy in the state of the state address, he compared the gig economy to sweatshops vowing to end the quote fraud. All the while ignoring the fact that while this New California law is causing a ripple of unintended consequences hurting the workers that it was supposedly going to protect. I want to bring in the wall street journals opinion writer. I just dont get it. Chicago did something very similar and now the prices have gone up in california for these, you know, ride sharing guys. The gig economy was filling the hole, has filled a hole for so many americans, and, you know, people like andrew cuomo talk about Work Life Balance. Theres Nothing Better for Work Life Balance than being able to call your own hours. You are right. I urge cuomo to look at what happened here in new york city when we started imposing the minimum wage on drivers. Lyft prices all f of a sudden went up. They started limiting how many drivers they were allowing to be on the clock at low passenger hours. A lot of drivers ended up with less income as a result of that. I think these have a way of backfiring, and who it benefits really is the unions that want to organize these gig workers and the plaintiffs attorneys that want to sue over labor violations. Charles you have been maybe too nice because these arent unintended consequences maybe andrew cuomo is smart enough to see whats happened in the past and maybe their biggest constituents [inaudible]. Excellent point. I will point out i know he and de blasio kind of have this feud, when de blasio was doing these things he was talking about how uber drivers are doing great. I think it is inconsistent. I would like to know why. Charles unfortunately i had to take lyfts for almost three months. It is going to be over next week im told. Ive learned a lot about the gig economy. I really would hate to see the hand of government tip the scales. I mean, i think it is working out wonderfully for so many people, and its just sad that cuomo was going to go through this. By the way, he probably wont be the last one. I think you are absolutely right. I would look to some other progressive cities. California is the canary in the coal mine and progressives are determine to dive right into that mine. Charles wellre right behind you were right behind you. Lets talk about another controversial company, facebook sparking criticism for refusing to limit targeting political is this shift a blip since lets face it it is so hard ultimately for us, the American Public to quit facebook so we complain. Maybe Mark Zuckerberg took this into consideration. I dont know. Well, im glad that hes doing it. I think it is really important not to have Facebook Charles you feel like hes taking a stand for the 1st amendment. I do. It is not even a 1st amendment issue. It is a private company. I think it is important for free speech and for society. Weve got to be really careful about who were asking to determine what political ads are misleading. I dont want facebook making that decision for me. I i want to make that decision myself as a consumer of news. But, you know, to the point, i do think its really interesting the way that people get their news now. It is much more engaged with social media than it is with traditional print. Charles it really is. It does affect the political discourse. Charles it is interesting, a big study done and was published last november going into the 2018 midterms, and they took some people off of facebook. 80 of them in this Treatment Group reported that the deactivation was good for them. Unfortunately of those who quit, and by the way, they spent less time online. They watched more tv. They socialized more. They were less knowledgeable about news, but they were also less polarized. Uhhuh. Charles almost all of them said yeah im going back to facebook. So ultimately we do these segments. Everyone is up in arms. State attorneys general are looking at it, facebook, but it feels like the consumer comes back. Yeah, they like it. I have a ton of friends in my brunch group who have periodically quit facebook and have come back because they miss the social engagement. It is what they are using to jump off to real world connections. You can try to quit it, but you may end up back. Charles i like that you have a brunch group. I do. Charles i have a buddy i meet every now and then i meet in the lunchroom. Every now and then. Great seeing you. Good seeing you. Charles it is time for my winners and losers of the week. Find out which category harry and meghan fall in. Also rod stewart still touring at 75 and still asking if you think hes sexy. One of the many reasons why im giving major props the old rockers. Thats next. At fidelity, online u. S. Stocks and etfs are commissionfree. And when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. Thats why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. Talk, talk while our competition continues to talk. Rowithout the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. 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This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. narrator before you buy a car, see what others paid for it with truecar. Charles thats a nice song. Elton john, Ozzy Osbourne releasing the single today days after the rocket man scored big at the golden globes. I wouldnt call it a comeback because old time rock and roll never went away. The likes of rod stewart, the beach boys, brian wilson, peter paul, all still touring and enjoying pretty big crowds. Thats why old rockers are my pick for winner of the week. Joining me now to discuss is District Media Group President beverly hallberg. Im reading about rod stewart, like he got into a fight on new years first of all, you know, hes 75 years old. But the guy who wrote the article dissed old rockers saying at a certain age you should stop. I think thats wrong. They are my winners of the week. 70 is the new 60. I applaud them and think it is great. I think in many ways Young Musicians and young people can look to some of these individuals who have struggled with drug use in their past who have on a path of sobriety. Elton john this past july said he has been sober 29 years. Like you just mentioned, hes already had a big 2020. He did win best original song for the biopic of his life called rocket man. He may get an oscar for that song as well. Charles all right. Now, for one that could be a winner or loser, depends on how you look at it, but i think it is a good story. We just heard this week the largest ever one year decline for u. S. Cancer rates overall rate falling since 91 but drops of about 1 1 2 percent, fell more than 2 per sent from 2016 to 17, how are you feeling about that . This is huge news. And i will say personally i have a very dear friend who has been battling melanoma, her third bout and she just found out she was cancer free because of immunotherapy drugs. This is where were seeing Great Innovation in medicine and especially when it comes to skin cancer where if a patient has it, theres a very high chance they will be able to beat it, but also i think its also the information that people have. You see that smoking has decreased among individuals and also preventive measures to make sure they dont have cancer. I think this is a winner. Charles the loser without a doubt are scooter companies. You know, there are all kinds of reports out today about injuries. 40,000 er visits from 2014, 2018. Lime laying off 14 of its workforce ceasing operations in 12 markets. When i was growing up in new york, you had to look down to make sure you didnt step on the wrong thing but you also had to look up and make sure you werent mugged. If you trip over one of these scooters, thats all she wrote. Theyre ugly, eyesore, lay anywhere, they need to figure out a better way. Whenever i step outside my home, sometimes im trooping over the scooter that was just strewn about. My dog is terrified of them. There are many reasons why i dont like the scooter ts. Heres the thing, residents dont use them. This comes down to tourists using them. By the way, they dont use them well. They stack too many people on them. They get into streets. I think the reason why you are seeing a decline in scooter use is because people are finally waking up and saying hey it is kind of littering the streets. We dont really like it. I have a question for you, charles, have you yourself ever used a scooter . I personally havent. Charles i have done the rental bikes. There is a weight limit on those scooters, by the way. [laughter] ive seen tourists piled up on them, charles. Im not sure there is. Charles okay. Last time i went next to one, the thing turned red. But let me bring up your loser because harry and meghan you are saying they are a loser. They are stepping back from their royal duties. This whole thing goes over my head. Whats going on here . Here is Meghan Markle and of course her husband harry, saying they no longer want to be a part of the royal family. It is so bad that even Madame Tussauds in london is removing their wax figures, charles, so they will no longer be with the royal family and wax figure family. They say they want to be financially independent, but yet they still will be receiving some money from the british government. They still will have a residence thats in windsor that was just remodelled for 3 million dollars. And they just trademarked sussex royal. They still plan to be making money off the royal name, even though they say they no longer want to be part of it. Charles i have a feeling we will see a collaboration between supreme and sussex royals. It rolls right off the tongue. Thank you very much. Always enjoy your segments. See you soon. Thanks. Charles folks, listen to this quote. This airplane is designed by clowns. Now, its not coming from a disgruntled passenger, but a boeing employee. It only gets more disturbing. The shocking emails that you are going to hear next. And later, why the failure of president lbjs massive governmental attempt to remake society should shake Bernie Sanders and elizabeth warrens voters to the core. Scaring the heck out of me. We will be right back. So what are you working on . Im searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like im just wasting time. Wasted time is wasted opportunity. Exactly. Thats why Td Ameritrade designed a firstofitskind, personalized education center. See, you just oh, this is easy. Yeah, and thats oh, just what i need. Courses on options trading, webcasts, tutorials. Yeah. Their awardwinning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. And it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. So its like my streaming service. Well exactly. 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Boeing itself admits that the messages raised questions about the companys interaction with the faa, and they also give you a behind the scenes look at how these employees felt when getting that 737 max plane to market. Heres another exchange, where one employee asked would you put your family on a max simulator trained aircraft . I wouldnt. Another employee responded to that saying no. Heres another one i still havent been forgiven by god for the covering up i did last year. Cant do it one more time. Pearly gates will be closed. Now, boeings new ceo starts on monday, and the company promised more transparency under him. This appears to be a step in that direction, and a first step. You see boeing stock more than 1 1 2 today. Boeing apologized to the faa, to congress, and its customers and passengers. It calls the messages unacceptable and says they dont reflect the company it is and needs to be. Boeing insists its simulators which some of those internal messages called into question are working, and for its part, the faa says some of the messages are disappointing, but they dont raise new safety concerns. Switching gears, slightly, on a similar note, though, Spirit Aerosystems is a big supplier for boeing, they announced today they are laying off 2800 employees at their wichita, kansas facility. They expect more layoffs at other facilities on the way. Excuse me, charles. And the problem is, they dont know when production of that 737 max will resume, so they have no way to tell when the employees will be able to come back to work. Charles grady, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Meanwhile, elon musk approving his naysayers are wrong, folks, as tesla kicks off 2020 with a bang becoming the most valuable u. S. Automobile company after the stock rallied to new highs. Claman countdown host liz claman joins me now to discuss. You know what . If you had a nickel for everybody who said teslas stock was going down, boy, would you be rich, not as rich as elon musk who has put his whole body and soul behind it, right, charles . I mean you and i followed the stock for years. I was the very first broadcast journalist years ago to go out to hawthorne, california, where he had a rocket ship company that he was putting together, and it looked like a science project. I remember that it looked like tinfoil with a bunch of ex nasa guys and ex Rockwell International guys working on it eating you know granola bars. It was so interesting, and i thought is this ever going to happen . But that capsule, the dragon capsule was right there. So thats what space x started as. You know hes run two companies at the same time, tesla. You cant count this guy out. Theres the oneweek picture. If you look at the picture since its gone public years ago. Charles i was in it one time at 30 bucks a share. I have been in and out of the stock maybe 20 times. I got to tell you, he is absolutely phenomenal. Liz you know what . I dont know about you, im kind of torn on the get the stock up and get more re numeration because thats when people start doing funky things and engineering a little bit. Im not saying he would. This is his baby. You need to be careful of those things. I like get more off the assembly line, start churning these things out. Thats what i think should definitely be sort of that incentive; right . Charles it is the incentive. People are starting to change their minds. I know liz will follow up on this. Tune into the claman countdown at the top of the hour. Keeping an eye out for the historic day for the markets. Maybe the dow doesnt close above 29,000 but the last hour of trading you never know. 2020 democrats may think they are breaking a mold on policies like medicare for all and the wealth tax, but these ideas arent really that different from those 60, even 90 years ago, where we can learn from history and perhaps end the cycle of government dependence. Thats next. In a world where everything gets a sequel. Its finally time for. Geico sequels classic geico heroes, starring in six new commercials, with jawdropping savings. Vote for your favorites at geico. Com sequels ahhh, which way do i go . i dont know, im voting for our sequels. With geico, the savings keep on going to a screen near you. Not the leg you dang woodchucks geico sequels. Vote and enter to win today car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. Vented now weve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. 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[ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Charles the year might be 2020 but the tugofwar between socialists and capitalists raging like it is 60, maybe even 30. Back in 1960 americans grappled with the same issues we are talking about these days whether its poverty, healthcare, racial relations, under jfk, lbj, even nixon, now that we have created a dependency on government, can we ever get out . Joining me now the author of the Great Society, a new history. Ive always been a fan. I want to say thanks first and foremost coming on also the author of the forgotten man which is a classic. Lets talk about this. The reason im struck with this by this book is not only do you set the record straight, but were on the cusp of perhaps entering another version of the new deal, even after the first two attempts failed. Yes, we are. One thing that struck me when i was reviewing for this book, about the 60s, was the idealism. That was similar. Kids who believed that everything can be heavenly, if only we redistribute. You know, it is lovable to be idealistic but you dont do lovely things when you are. Charles you say the 1960s though forgot the lessons of the 1930s. Well, the story of the 1930s is that government didnt make it better. The Great Depression was great because government played god, as the chief economist said. Its the truth. And in the 60s, its different because we werent poor at the beginning of the 60s. We were in growth, and we said we can afford to do anything, a second new deal, and well always be rich. That didnt work out either. Charles your book begins with a wideeyed socialist, well meaning, i think, but, you know, as sort of we have a wideeyed socialist now named Bernie Sanders, another one elizabeth warren, and they are pulling the entire Democratic Party even further left. So no matter who the nominee is, theres going to be echos back to the 60s and the 30s, as part of their platform. Yes, there are, and when we look back at lets take something that was very important, the war on poverty, that was key to the Great Society, and the idea was that we would mop up poverty, that we would cure it. These are words that were used by president johnson or his allies. There was no cure of poverty. In fact, we actually forced people to stay in poverty by teaching them dependence, and both parties have acknowledged that. It was president clinton who acknowledged it when he rewrote welfare law to encourage work. So both parties agreed. The only problem now is we forgot. Charles i mean, if we forget, we know it is human nature to have to learn sometimes again the hard way. I mean, how are you surprised about how popular some of these whether its the green new deal, whether its the levelling of the playing field, we hear all of it. Bloomberg has recently talked like that, mayor pete, biden, as if it takes the heavy hand of government to make things right. Im surprised, but not too surprised. That maybe we failed when it came to education. At one point i want to mention because were on a money show, the stock market at the beginning of the Great Society was going towards a thousand. Everyone assumed it would rise past a thousand, an american birthright, an ever rising stock market, and it didnt for a half a generation. So thats the kind of cost you have when you have a giant government program. You cant assume growth or that theres money there to pay for it. Charles right. I encourage everyone to read the Great Society. It is a fantastic book. A cautionary tale. We should all read it before we go to the voting booth. Thank you very much. Thank you. Charles appreciate it. Heading into the final hour of trading on the record day. Can a cp effect help this market . It normally does. Of course dont miss the fox business investing in you special, Live Audience show, january 22nd, 2 00 p. M. , hosted by me. You can go right now to foxbusiness. Com if you want to be a part of it. I want you to be a part of it. Listening and observing are Critical Skills for scientists at 3m. One of the products i helped develop was a softer, more secure diaper closure. As a mom, i knew it had to work. There were babies involved. And they werent saying much. I envisioned what its like for babies to have diapers around them. Thats what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who dont have a voice. At the end of the day, we are people helping people. Charles stocks hitting major milestones earlier in the session. The dow crossed 29,000, nasdaq hitting 9200, first time ever. Were looking ahead, of course, some big headlines next week, including the signing of phase one, the china trade deal on wednesday. Want to bring in Kingsview Wealth Management cio scott martin along with chief investment strategist rob luna. Let me start with you, rob. Today it feels like sort of a quiet day in a very wild week. We have been up and down, we had a geopolitical scare, we got the jobs report, we got a lot of things out of the way. Looking ahead now, what do you see for next week in terms of the market . Yeah. I mean, coming into this year, charles, when you compare it to last year, we had that huge discount off the december selloff, markets right here are trading above their fiveyear average. Theres no great bargains out there. I think as an investor, i wouldnt go headfirst into the market right here. I think you have to pick your spots, look at the individual stocks that are trading at a discount, that are going to be able to grow top line but i think its time for a little bit of caution. Im kind of pulling in my bullish horns and we are being much more selective where we deploy capital for investors. Charles i know a lot of people are saying that, its easy to say on a day like today but we see almost every session when it starts to turn around, you know, we blink and we are up 200, 300 dow points. Its tough to walk away from this market and its tough not to ride the winners. Yeah. The algos love those days. Thats why you see such a balance so quickly. I agree with rob, too. You know, i think the market is getting a little extended here. I think complacency, when these geopolitical issues calm down, complacency gets high. People get away from thinking about maybe proper asset allocation, meaning theres other things in the world that you need to own besides just growth stocks. For us, the way that i would maybe play it out, you have my favorite, gold. You have gld, iau, one of the etfs out there. You dont have to buy gold stocks but buy the metal because those are things that will hang in your portfolio when stocks dont. Charles i know what im liking this week, transpos. I love the rails, the truckers, but especially the rails. Theyre looking pretty good. Again, thisesats a nontech ar but its hard to tell people not to be in this market or try to predict when we may be hitting the top here. Yeah, no, i agree. Thats it. You are looking, i was saying, we were trading above the fiveyear average on the s p. That being said, the tenyear is only about 1. 7 . So thats got to be factored in there and the alternatives where to deploy capital right now, theres not that many places. To scotts point, i think you can look outside of the u. S. Borders, too. The foreign markets have not done nearly as well as what we have seen in the u. S. And there are a lot of companies that are getting their revenue outside of foreign markets that are domiciled there, so i think investors should start paying attention to where some of the opportunities are globally as well. Charles its tough, though. Listen, emerging markets, they have underperformed maybe because those economies have underperformed. Scott, heres the thing. You got for the most part, you still have these big names, momentum names, theyre hot. They are sizzling. They have been getting upgrades every day while theres apple, amazon, alphabet. On the other end of the spectrum, you have broken ipos which all of a sudden are coming off pretty strong, just in the last two days, for instance, beyond meat. Theres opportunities but it feels like they are getting thinner and thinner, more selective. Yeah. And those are fun to watch, the beyond meats of the world, uber, slack, pinterest, i mean, those to me are more Trading Opportunities than they are more longterm Investment Opportunities like the names you mentioned. But youre right, its crazy how some of these names have really started to pop. Gosh, even stuff like baidu is now 140. Baba is going crazy. Workday, service now. A lot of these names have gone absolutely nuts. I think something rob mentioned earlier hes right about, a lot of these names sitting at some of these all time highs or close to, you cant jump on them but stuff like i will throw one thats obscure out to you, Caseys General store, big gas station chain, big pizza chain if you can believe it, like top six in the country, their pizza is good, by the way, that got nailed about eight weeks ago, six weeks ago and started to come back. Got to look for names like that, especially going into earnings here. Watch for names where the market overreacts on the down side, strong balance sheet, strong fundamentals. Those stocks will recover. Charles we like it when the market bros show caution. This is like two wild partying guys. Every now and then you get a little cautious about this thing. Scott, rob, thank you both very much. Appreciate it, guys. Right now, dow is down 86. S p waffling back and forth. Nasdaq slightly higher. The last hour of trading is always fireworks. Liz claman, hand it over to you. Liz we say it all the time. Its not how the markets open, its how they close. Charles exactly. Liz well, it only took 37 trading days for the dow to sprint from 28,000 to 29,000. It hit the magical mark at exactly 10 05 a. M. Eastern time as stocks hit fresh alltime intraday records but now, we are really going to need to see a final hour scramble to close there, as we head into this final 59 minutes of trade. The dow is down, we have seen a reversal, down 87 points. The s p down 3, the nasdaq losing 5. A day after team trump hacked away at red tape to ease the rebuilding of americas crumbling infrastructure, one 2020 candidate has rolled out an

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