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Scorched in the monologue at the Golden Globes. It is so refreshing to see hollywood hypocrisy thrown into it is face. What do smart tables, trashcans, robot cots have in common. That is what you see at Consumer Electronics show. So that and much more on making money. Charles iran vowing revenge after the United States, for the United States against them for that airstrike that killed their military leader but President Trump issuing threats of his own saying there would be disproportionate retaliation and iran will never have a nuclear weapon, it claimed to be ramping up you uranium enrichment program. I like to bring in Adam Kinzinger serves on. Thank you. Neil charles media outrage it, was unlawful, reckless this, was a bad guy, but, but, but your initial thoughts when you first heard the news . I thought it was a really smart move to take him out. I think the thing we have to watch our language on this because a lot of people talk about this what is iran going to do in response . The reality of the situation they have been escalating attacks with no response against the United States and this is our response, and it is not a response that kills 100 iranian soldiers manage surfacetoair missile site. That may come. That was the no the initial response t was to take out the guy responsible. This was a responsible attack. It was a legal strike and if there is reaction by iran it will not be a reaction, it will be further escalation because what we did is simply react to the attack. Charles how surprised was iran after to your point all the provocation . Headlines are almost every other week. They took out half of saudi oil production, downed one of our drones. Snatching ships, proxy wars, you name it. They have been unstoppable and it seems like it ratchets up more and more each week . How surprised do you think they were and was it a miscalculation on their part maybe President Trump would not do anything in an Election Year . I think they were blown away, pardon the pun. They were shocked and reality of it is, if you look at it, they had been escalating taking down an unmanned drone, to oil field site. To actually attacking an american base. Then to the american embassy. So that escalation obviously would lead to much bigger attack on americans. I think the iranians, when the president pulled back the attack after the drone strike and didnt do anything after the saudi attack i think they miscalculated he was weak. This shows how the iranians think. A weak response in their mind doesnt lead to okay at least well be buddies now t leads to further escalation to see what they can get away with. When the president responded with this, it was a giant hit. They realized impact, there will be some escalation from their part but i do think it will not be as bad as it could have been ad we not ever attacked in the first place. Frankly had the president kill him, said we dont want to do anything else. The fact he tweeted aggressive tweets, makes American People uncomfortable. Not aimed at them. It is aimed to make the iraqi regime uncomfortable. That will mitigate future response. Charles speaking of tweets, House Foreign Affairs committee had one aimed at President Trump, war powers reside in the congress and United States constitution, you should read the war powers act. You are not a dictator that has to embolden the enemies as well, visible pushback against the commanderinchief . Im on the committee. I responded to that, said that was terrible and childish. This is the committee i served on my whole time in congress. It used to be very bipartisan, this year it has gotten quite partisan First Time Ever i know of. That is a terrible response. The president was well within the war powers act. The president was well within the right to defend american troops under status of forces agreement in iraq and aumf passed on iraq. All that makes it legal to take out a legitimate target which soleimani was. He is a military guy in iraqi territory. So this like pearl clutching the democrats are doing because it is an Election Year, they will lose the American People on this. When theyre on the streets protesting taking out this bad guy they will lose the American People. If iranians do escalate the American People will unite behind the flag, trust me. Charles congressman kinzinger, thank you very much. Always appreciate your insight. You bet. Charles markets i mentioned at top grinding away trying hard to erase session losses. Meantime gold hit the highest price since 2013 amidst turmoil with iran. Where should you think about making money . Capital wave strategist, shah ghailani. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me. Charles before this gold was looking pretty intriguing. It had a great looking chart. It was moving higher. Oil was trending higher as well. It keeps hitting resistance, pulling back. Are some of the kneejerk reactions possibly good moves for investors or at least hedges for the viewers . I think youre correct, theyre both kneejerk reactions. I do think gold has a little ways to go. I dont think iran has made a move yet. I think markets are little sanguine. I think theyre calm. They will probably continue this way, probably continue to go higher until there is retaliatory strike by iran. Whether a cyberattack or some unfortunate attack. I do believe something is coming. I dont think iran will sit by to allow the American Strike on the top general without taking some action. The market is enjoying this lull right now. I think it will continue to probably bounce from here until something happens. But, gold, is probably the way to go. As far as oil, i think, because the United States is such a top producer, now top producer in the world, i dont think that oil price has a lot higher to go. You know, old days oil price would be 70, 80, 90, 100 today. Now we see because of american fracking, that price is probably got a lid on it for a while. Charles the type of retaliation, if for instance, a say a cyberattack, and not a an attack on americans, military or civilian, would that be deemed by the market as reasonable, a reasonable, understandable retaliation and not roil markets or will we be back in a situation where we go back down, were not sure anymore . Well, it depends, i think in terms of a cyberattack how deep that goes. If the cyberattack occurs somewhere in u. S. Infrastructure, and somewhere perhaps in the military side of the equation, i think that is going to scare the heck out of investors. If it is, if iranians are capable of doing that, it send as very harsh message, theyre willing to do whatever else he need to do to prove a. I think that would upset investors. Otherwise, if it is a minor cyberattack, something that can be thwarted fairly easily, i think markets will digest that, move on forward from that. I dont think, a cyberattack will be the real problem. I think if there is any physical attack anywhere on any u. S. Facilities, on u. S. Bases, on anything that where u. S. Citizens are, or lives are at stake that is going to be a big problem for the markets. Charles shah, less than a hundred to go. Cyber arc is, cybersecurity stocks have been underperformers. The big index is actually breaking out as well. We talked about it here, would that be a police you should have exposure you think in your portfolio . It is not a place i have any exposure right now, charles. I think it is a Place Investors looking for a pop somewhere, probably not a bad ride for a while. Some stocks may pick up momentum trading f there is any further sabrerattling between the countries, certainly if there is any attacks or counterattacks i think those companies will probably see a little more action on the upside, but longer term they havent been doing well for a reason. A lot of them, there is a lot of competition in that space. Nobody owns that space by themselves. Charles shah a great pleasure seeing you. Next time we broaden out the discussion a little beyond this we needed your help specifically. You came through. We appreciate it. Thanks for having me, charles. Charles later in the show why liberals are up in arms over ivanka trumps appearance at a tech conference calling it a insult. Speaking of liberal hypocrisy, Ricky Gervais blasting hollywood, apple and disney for their woke hypocrisy at the Golden Globes. Mike huckabee with his take next. Bierne sy in raising money and poll numbers on his side. Is 2020 the year for him to win . Charles good news keeps coming for Bernie Sanders days after reporting blockbuster fundraising numbers. Bernie, now he can post a lead in the polls. 28 days before iowa, the socialist is tied at the top of the pile with 23 , from the latest cbs tracker. Pulling ahead in New Hampshire with 36 days to go there. Joe biden might be winning nationally, but bernie looks like the guy to beat at this moment for the dems. Joining us with ramifications, new york gop advisor john burnett, author of upcoming book, liberal invasion of red state america, kristin tate. The invasion may start soon, i dont know when the book is coming out but the invasion may start before then, you better hurry up get it out in bookstores, kristin. I tell you what, i said from day one, bernie believes in his message hand anybody else on the democratic side. He doesnt put his finger in the wind. He told everyone that my plan is crazy and even if you make 29 grand a year you pay more in taxes. It looks like it is paying off. Bernie has authenticity factor that contributed to his rise. The current boost he is i seeing because Elizabeth Warren seen her support kind of collapse and he is picking up a lot of her progressive voters. If bernie becomes the nominee, i still think that is a big if, he will have to convince the general public to vote for his dreams over amazing status quo economic boom were seeing. Bernie sanders agenda, taxpayer subsidized college, Green New Deal free healthky would completely bankrupt the nation. A big lot of his followers are millenials and young friends enjoy all benefits of capitalism, take capitalism for granted. They say they want socialism but dont know what Socialism Means this is exactly what Bernie Sanders is exploiting, i got to tell you i dont see many working class americans in the middle of the country abandoning the economic boom to vote for a crank sy old socialist. I say Bernie Sanders is dream candidate for trump frum in a general election. Charles before you get to the general election you have to win the primary. My whole with thing, john, you do have enough democrats in the party, because, sanders is edging up. Warren at big enough number, hypothetically add the numbers together it would be a juggernaut. Either way, part of that message will be part of the democratic platform no matter who gets nomination. Absolutely. Im not surprised bernie is doing so well. Look at his performance in 2016. Charles he got robbed. Some people think he got robbed. True, if you look at iowa caucus not a winnertakeall state, he won 21 delegates versus clintons 23 but had 49. 6 of the vote, right . Charles right. So that vote actually stayed steady for Bernie Sanders. Than Elizabeth Warren has been able to do, refer to the old theme park game i used to play in terms of bumper cars. She hasnt been able to bump bernie out of his own lane. He has held steady, his fundraising is high, like you said he is authentic. Charles in fact she spun out of her bumper car. Folks, also killing of irans top general drawing a sharp line between the candidate also. All week since friday on over weekend hearing about this, joe biden, Elizabeth Warren, hedging a little bit when talking about it saying he was a bad guy, bernie, he took a different tone, proclaiming himself the only truant at this war candidate since he opposed iraq war back then. I say a video of joe biden in 1996, talking about iran they would lose the sovereignty if any sign they committed an act of war, and that america could take any action deemed appropriate. It was classic warmongering, if you will, those things that will resonate with Younger Voters as well. Voters can plainly see the flagrant hypocrisy from the democrats as they criticize trumps iran strike. For eight straight years these current democratic president ial candidates didnt say a thing during obamas covert drone war. Rich watching joe biden slamming trump when he sat in white house two terms. On joe bidens watch during Vice President , 563 strikes were carried out killing 800 civilians. Democrats have one strategy, resist donald trump and open pose whatever he does, quite obvious. Charles from barack obama in 2013 a secret memo was found where his lawyers justified use of strikes for imminent threats. It was a pretty broad thing saying government can kill citizens if they were, or senior operating officials and leaders of al qaeda and such. So you know, again people will become educated on this. I think the democrats made a big mistake with their temper tantrum. Well find out president obama to kristins stuff did this stuff. If biden is riding president obamas coattails it may not work for him within the democratic party. Absolutely. Voters voted in 2016 did not vote for a priest to pray for the enemies. They voted a commanderinchief to take them out if they threaten the u. S. That is exactly what President Trump has done. Charles john, kristin, cant wait for the book. Thank you, charles. Charles see you soon. Multiple National Security sources warning of potential cyberattacks from the iranian government so how vulnerable are we. Golden globes host Ricky Gervais blasting hollywood for their hypocrisy. Governor Mike Huckabee next on hopes celebrities are listening. He breaks that i can get. At liberty butchumal cut. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. A more secure diaper closure. There were babies involved. And they werent saying much. Thats what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who dont have a voice. We are people helping people. Car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. Vented now weve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. So go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our technowizardry calculates your cars value and gives you a real offer in seconds. When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. Thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. Apple rolled into the tv game with the morning show, a superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in china so. You say youre woke, but the companies you work for, unbelievable, apple, amazon, disney. If isis started a streaming service you would call your agent, wouldnt you . Charles Ricky Gervais doing what he does best, skewering hollywood and basically said his last hosting gig. To not talk about politics because they know nothing. Fox contributor Mike Huckabee. I was shocked. Saw the tweets watching the game. I toggled over to catch some of this. He really hit home, didnt he . He really did. I mean, charles, this was masterful. I didnt watch them live because typically watching the Golden Globes or the oscars i would rather watch reruns on Weather Channel and eat tide pods than sit there through that stuff but what was amazing, by the way, i have it on good authority, that Vice President mike pences people are checking to see if they need to worry, is Ricky Gervais eligible to be a vp candidate because, could be no, seriously, it was masterful. He put hollywood in their place. Did it to their faces. I dont think they realized that while he may not have been completely serious, the rest of america was. We loved it. Charles i dont know, i think he was serious. I got to tell you governor, heres the thing, it wouldnt matter if hollywood didnt always wag their finger at rest of the country. Tell us what we should eat, how we should vote, tell us who we should hate or who we should love. Chide us or for our decisions and laud their own decisions. That is what is offensive when they lecture to us when they go to award show. This is people read a script somebody else written. They pretend to be great people, although they may not be great people or welleducated people. They read lines somebody else handed to them. If they are as smart as they think they are, if they are so much better than the rest of us, here is my challenge, hollywood, why dont you guys get off your scripts and your private jets, run for office . Drive up and down highways on buses, Campaign Like some of us have done. If youre that dog gone smart, America Needs you. Maybe youre our salvation. So come out here get on the ballot and run like some of us have done. Show us how good you are solving problems. Would love to see that. Charles dont hold your breath. While gervais was blasting hollywood, many are blasting the consumer electronic show, having first daughter, ivanka trump give keynote address. Women of the tech world, a tweet, tweeting things, shame on you. All the actual world worthwhile women of technology, you have her, utterly offensive of the this is terrible choice on so many levels. This goes on and on. Ces says they stand by the decision. They think she will be a great key note. Once begin we have the most tolerant folks in the world show theyre the least tolerant people in the world. Least tolerant. They say they are for diversity but theyre not. If they had Michelle Williams to come on there and give her same speech, they would have applauded thought it was great. You know who the hero is in this . That is the ceo of the ces he had the guts to say, no, i stand by the decision and ivanka trump will be a great keynote speaker. That is so refreshing, far too Many Companies are so woke, that the least bit of criticism they get they fold like a cheap tent in a windstorm and im proud of them for standing up saying look, ivanka trump has been pushing for better wages for women. She has been pushing for parental leave for pregnancy and maternity. She pushed for things that women have been begging for. She is a perfect fit to come and talk, especially getting good education and Stem Education for america. Why not have her. Charles she pushed, gotten a lot done. She is always done it with poise and class. Yes. Charles governor, so have you, thank you very much. Governor huckabee. Thank you, charles happy new year. Charles iranians take to the street to mourn the top general while threatening retaliation against the United States. Up next fox business investigates how vulnerable are we to a cyberattack from iran . Is Speaker Nancy Pelosi picking a dangerous time to try to restrict the president s war powers . Dont go away. Oh, hi, samantha. You look more like a heather. Do you ever get that . Its nice to finally meet you in person. Youre pete nocchio . Oh, the pic . That was actually a professional headshot. Im sure thats it, yeah. I, uh, i think ive lost a few pounds recently too. Im actually doing a juice cleanse. Wait you dont. glass breaking gasp ah oh. with geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong . life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva. 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Director chris krebbs tells us his big concern is that iran will target Financial Institutions or wellknown companies in a widespread cyberattack but so far they have not seen an uptick in smallscale attacks coming from iran and cyber experts tell us today that no company is off limits when it comes to iran. They dont have the ability necessarily to take out the entire power grid but if they take out pieces of it, if they shut small cities down, the psychological impact to the United States will be significant. Reporter the department of Homeland Security issuing national, National Terrorism advisory bulletin warning that iran cyberattack could happen any moment. They maintain a robust Cyber Program and they say at a minimum iran is capable of carrying out attacks against critical u. S. Infrastructure. It may have already started. On saturday, a fund sight for the federal Deposit Library program was defaced with proiranian, antiu. S. Messages. Cisi director tell me other websites were defamed but they have not been able to figure out if it came from iran, even though es messages were painting iran and ranting against the u. S. Charles . Charles hillary, thank you very much. Speaker nancy pelosi says the house will likely vote wednesday on a resolution limiting President Trumps power dealing with iran. One of the members with a say on the measure, North Carolina congressman, Homeland Security Committee Member mark walker. Thanks for joining us. Charles, good to be with you. Charles what exactly is nancy pelosi asking here . Can they curb the powers of executive branch in this area . No, they cannot. One again classic case theyre overshooting the runaway. I was member of congress, Ranking Member on committee of Homeland Security and intelligence, counterterrorism, i approved obamas actions on this specifically when dealing with such an imminent threat this is overplay once again allowing emotions to overcome the facts. Charles interesting. All day im reading liberal articles they say it was obamas lawyers who established the ability to go after targeted kills and, you know we had the point made of how many drone attacks were done unpresident obama. I dont recall anytime they had to hit the pause button to turn to congress. Not only that, there was full support specifically from elected officials. 2018, 3,000 drone attacks, sometimes even civilians caught up in some of those but not a word of the democrats. Once again, because of the angst that we have against this president , anything he does, even when, if you go back, you look at embassy attack, soleimani is over there meeting with these guys, and ariba, meeting after they went to the embassy, meeting with those guys, not in iran but iraq. We felt like this was preemptive attack. Charles those names, i dont think the public knows of other guys you mentioned, things they were able to do, sneak armor piercing ieds to iraq to kill american soldiers. Eve lengths they went through to destroy and maim. In kuwait theyre wanted for killing of innocent civilians. Yet it felt almost like there was a pity party. When you talk to the colleagues privately on the other side of the aisle, what do they say, how do they justify . It is really disappointing . It is two groups on the other side of the aisle. The folks, that people that have been there around for a while, they get it. Some younger ones being elected they have been indoctrineed, arts entertainment, they believe some of the stuff theyre spouting. The other ones have to tow the line for Speaker Pelosi even for herself with the impeachment process. When you look at this, i think of sergeant ed cramer of North Carolina along with three other servicemen lost his life, left two small children on last day of patrols in baghdad. 17, nearly 20 of the killings there could be linked, even cory booker said soleimani has blood on his hands. That is the kind of hypocrites were seeing. Charles before i let you go, there is some speculation President Trump may share some intel with the public. Same date that nancy pelosi has this, you think that is wise move on his part . As long as it does not reveal some of our assets or anything that with prohibit us to get more intelligence or information. Maybe to expose a little bit, the president has the authority. It doesnt cross any lines. But i would be careful. Sometimes he has to do that, he has to make the case what these bad people are trying to do to so many of our servicemen and women. Charles congressman, thank you very much. 2020 promising to be the year of health care. Everyone complains about the rising cost but could some advertised Solutions Make things worse . With Bernie Sanders surging in the polls, we have to consider the impact of his Health Care Scheme to your medicine cabinet but also to your stock portfolio. American action Forum President douglas holtzeakin will weigh in on that and other things next everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. Charles Rising Health care costs are one of the top concerns in the u. S. President ial care. Last year Health Spending grew by 356 billiondollars, 3 1 2 trillion. That is 11,000 per person. There is lot of debate to pay for rising cost, why theyre increasing. To break it all down, American Action forum douglas holtzeakin. Thanks for joining us. Its been too long. Great charges. Their for being on. Charles in midterm elections we hear all kinds of things, a lot of fingerpointing but where are we . Is this juggernaut, medical spending, health care spending, can it be curbed at all . I guess the most important question identify which spending youre worried about. As you mentioned the National Health care bill went up 156 billion. That is the bill. Often we have different people paying that bill. You could pay it outofpocket. In which case premiums dont go up. Or you could have Insurance Companies pay it, in which case they charge higher premiums. If youre looking at shifting of the premiums and outofpockets, all that, youre not really dealing with the problem. You really hope we get people in 2020 talking about the problem, the use, the expense of delivering health care services. Charles its a perfect topic this morning considering how biden continues to gain momentum. He is saying listen, you will get taxed. He says if you have Household Income beginning at 29,000, look for a bump in your taxes. But you wont pay premiums or coattails. Bernie sanders saying you wont pay premiums, wont pay copays, any of that stuff. So the tradeoff is worth it. Does Something Like that, does that prescription, no pun intended is that kind of cure were looking for . I dont think so. So take it extreme version, medicare for all, the Bernie Sanders proposal. The very first thing it does say, use as much health care as you want. That increases use of health care, increases spending bill, drives up the cost of health care. The second step in that is to say, okay, were the singlepayer, well decide how much we pay for the services that amounts to price controls. There are a lot of suggestions say, well do it where typical reimbursement for medicare, for example. That is 32 trillion over next 10 years. But even at those reimbursements a lot of hospitals will lose money on everybody they treat. That is unlikely to stick. Now the price is going up. An youre not even dealing with underlying problem. Charles on drug prices feels like President Trump is in alignment to a degree with democrats that the government has to put their hand on the scale. You dont like that kind of intervention but what do you say to people, see drugs they have to take every day, feels like prices are going through the roof . Well i think the concern over Prescription Drug prices is very understandable think about it. Some has to do with how much youre paying outofpocket, not underlying cost of the drugs. Figure out which one were trying to get under control, when we do it, lets not cut off the incentives for innovation. American medical science has been a tremendous blessing to the u. S. Public. You dont want to sort of kill that off in the process. So, you know, there is draconian approach that Speaker Pelosi promoted. White house says, properly no, were not interested in that. There is biall certain tiff,hr 19. There are things that the republicans can make progress on the program. That seems the way to go. Charles thank you very much, my friend. Happy new year. Charles new details on carlos gone escape from japan. Reports say the performer nissan chairman took a bullet train to oy caulk is a. Before his escape, ghosn spoke to our maria bartiromo, his actual quote, that there is actual evidence proving this was a coup to take him down because he was going to merge nissan with renault. Ghosn promises to names soon. Likely a press conference either on wednesday or thursday. Thats going to be huge. We have preview of next big gadgets. A slew of little Companies Take a swing to be the next amazon and google. Dow seesaws back and forth, after being down 200 points at the open. Could we close up for the day and should you be long . Stay with us. I recently spoke to a group of students about being a scientist at 3m. I wanted them to know that innovation is not just about that one aha moment. Science is a process. It takes time, dedication. Its a journey. Were constantly asking ourselves, how can we do things better and better . what we make has to work. We strive to protect you. At 3m, were in pursuit of solutions that make peoples lives better. And now for their service to the community, at 3m, were in pursuit of solutions we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Charles the Consumer Electronics show kick off tomorrow in las vegas. Liz claman out there to cover action on the floor. Ashley webster in for her next hour. You have a lot on your plate, ashley. Ashley im up to the task, charles. Liz already landed in vegas. I hear she is at the craps table. Did i hear that . No. At the blackjack table. Liz doing all background work as you expect her to do in las vegas. We have a couple tech experts to talk in particular about the french digital tax. Make mo mistake. Not just the stretchs but other countries in europe love to do this, they go after the big american Tech Companies, 3 on revenue. There is big amount of money. Well get into that. Well talk about other Tech Companies that could come to life in 2020. All coming up, charles, at the top of the hour. Well see you then. Charles if liz is watching, dont split queens. All im telling you. Thanks a lot, ashley. Ces calls the Worlds Largest Gathering Place for those who thrive on business of big tech. We want to know what the next big innovation will be, we have the ideal guest, Conservation Research ray wong joins us now. Im looking through your list, you have at the top of your list subscription services. That meals like old news, my man . It is on the list. Not in order of importance. What is really hot, what is going on in 5g and ai and ambient computing there is a lot on the list. 10 or well things are hot. Charles am by anticomputing a. I. What is that . Having things like alexa and chat bots in the background. Ambient computing, alexa shows cool ai stuff, but you dont know it is a. I. They make suggestions learning from you over time. You see that in the background. Charles gaming consoles, as christmas got closer i started getting more requests for the new xbox. Is there more innovations. Brand new xbox. Brand new playstation. They will be unveiled next couple days. Talking about what that may look like. Were expecting higher resolution, ability to support more interesting graphics platforms. Things that will be easier for Software Developers online, streaming, individual play. Charles you have e scooters now. Ray, i have to tell you, ive been to a few cities that have scooters. Laying around. Theyre eyesores. Ugly, you trip over them. I dont know what the hype is all about. Theyre a menace to society. Theyre in trees. Theyre everywhere. One place we try to figure out how they got the scooter. Seems more regulation on the scooters or get rid of them in certain places. But i think what is happening, trying to get to new types of transports. We have seen different types of autonomous transport with the vehicles. That is the big thing. Related to the new platforms. Charles let me ask you about that, ray. I took the first Autonomous Vehicle ride in detroit t was really weird. It was kind of groovy. Im told the technology is ahead of acceptance. Honda has a new vehicle. It looks so cool. Centered around the steering wheel. The idea we have to be comfortable with the car doing all of the driving. Maybe this is it. I saw the video, i thought, you know what . Well not get, most americans are just too afraid to let the car do all the work. It looks like it could be smart innovation. It will be right . What will happen with vehicles, it will allow us to come back 2 00 in the morning not think about it. Wake up, you will be home. Do Long Distance travel. They will move out to teared cities. Get to work, right. Get to sleep, wake up, in the job. All those things will happen. You will see a lot of changes in terms of how people behave. Those are further out. The basic av is there i did a list from the airport, to the convention center. Completely autonomous. Charles really . Oh, yeah. That is impressive. Yeah. Charles is there something before i let you go, something you think will wow everyone that no one is talking about . There is something in the health side. Were seeing lot of innovations doing things in the background, measuring you, capturing data. Trying to figure out if healthy, not healthy. There is interesting health map, that came out. Doing preview of that earlier. There is a lot going on the industry. That will be up with people not talking about. There is a lot of buzz. Charles number of one product in the sex tech areas. There is controversy. They took the award away. Gave the award back. The other is scale. Mine hate is when i come near it. Have a great year. Happy new year. Charles catch of the day, bluefin tuna selling for 1. 8 million at a tokyo fish market. Making it second highest price on record. He holds a sushi restaurant, a chain of them. He tells the japanese media even though the 800pound fish is expensive. He wants to serve the best fish to his customers. 1. 8 million worth. Middle east tensions rattle investors. This is only third day of trading in the new year. What you need to know to make 2020 profitable for your portfolio. chime shaq magenta . I hate cartridges not magenta not magenta. Im not going back to the store. Magenta cartridges are so. buzzer vo the epson ecotank. No more cartridges. It comes with an incredible amount of ink that can save you a lot of frustration. The epson ecotank. Just fill and chill. Available at. Apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com charles looks like it will be a nail biter for the dow. The two other major indices already up. The dow opened down more than 200 points. However, its important to remember this is only day three of the new year. I want to bring in courtney dominguez, Payne Capital senior wealth adviser. Im not affiliated with the group. Happy new year. Lets talk about this market and the challenges for 2020. The news right now notwithstanding, coming into the year, what was your Overall Investment thesis . Im really optimistic where the markets are heading next year. I think the economy has been on good footing which we have been talking about over the last several months and i think it still is on good footing. When you look at historically speaking, when you have a really strong year where the markets are up over 20 , the odds are in your favor that the next year, the markets will be positive. Like 83 of the time, the s p 500 is in positive territory after it just finished a 20 year, and on average, its about 11 . Charles what accounts for that . Success begets success, i mean, we know it was late in the year when the bigtime Money Managers started putting money to work. Ironically, if you look at individual investors, their sentiment actually went down. It got less bullish in the last week of the year which i found intriguing but is it just sort of the thing if you have been on the sidelines, you have to get in at some point . I think you will see that. Theres a lot of cash on the sidelines, a lot of big institutional vefrto investors been way too cautious. They need to make investors happy but regardless, the economy has been on solid footing and its actually a positive thing that maybe people have been nervous and keeping cash on the sidelines because that means there is still room to grow. You are not seeing euphoria which is what you see when the markets are hitting a top. Charles im with you. We are nowhere near euphoria. I guess one of the things, though, that bugs some people who even are long the market is that the earnings werent there in 2019. And the assumption for 10 Earnings Growth would justify this rally but thats a big jump. How do you see the earnings picture play out . Yeah, things have gotten more expensive. Things are getting more expensive, earnings arent catching up. The scon the consensus is earnings should catch up this year. We have a really accommodative fed which will help the stock market. Chances are they will keep rates low this year. Charles do they have to cut rates or not just raise them . We should also point out they are doing quantitative easing. In other words, they are pushing money into the system. Exactly. I dont necessarily see them needing to cut. If anything, we are starting to see wages rise, i think if anything you could see inflation rise and potentially them going up. I think thats much more feasible than rates getting cut next year. Charles really . So this year you think where is wage growth because january 3rd last year, powell, he made the he fiepiphany that sparked rally saying Wage Inflation is not price inflation. Is there a specific number you start to worry about . We are starting to see the labor market tighten and we are starting to see kind of inklings of wages going up in the future. Has it happened, not yet, but i do think its more feasible than Interest Rates going down next year, i would argue. Charles so bonds have come down, yields have come down. The tenyear was near 2 , people said it could give competition to stocks. If you are looking for yield, where should you be right now . Yeah, if we are looking for yield, we are talking about this earlier, the Energy Sector is a really good play right now. Just generally speaking, i think we need some Energy Infrastructure here in the country and Energy Demand should go up. If anything, with all this happening in iran right now, thats putting more pressure on Energy Prices right now, and its one of your highest income generating investments when you look at the stock market right now. Charles you have concern its been such an underperformer for so long . Im not. Thats actually probably more of a reason we should get back into it because long term it still has potential. Charles its been too long. Happy new year again. All right, folks. We are seeing a little c. P. Effect but the other major indices are higher. You can believe this last hour of trading will be blockbuster stuff. Ashley webster is your man. He will take you through filling in for liz claman. Ashley charles, buy something and we can get this up. Charles let me help you out real quick. Ashley we are so close. Charles, thank you so much. The reversal nearly complete. The dow making a 200 plus point turnaround after investors shake off worries of increasing tensions in the middle east. The dow down 214 points at its very low, briefly turning positive. As you can see, the dow off just four points, the s p and nasdaq up slightly. The nasdaq has been up for much of the afternoon, up. 33 . As protests rage in iran over the u. S. Air strikes, the president s of both countries engaged in a twitter war of sorts today. Actual Armed Conflict takes a back seat, President Trump claiming boldly that iran will never have a

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