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Listen. Soleimani made the death of innocent people his sick passion. What the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago. We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war. David for more on what could come next, im joined by National Security analyst retired Lieutenant Colonel bob mcginnis. Hes author of the book progressive evil. Good to see you here, colonel. Senator graham was read in apparently on the killing of soleimani and what he had been planning and why he was killed. Senator graham said he was ready to unleash holy hell on our embassy. Any doubt in your mind what he was up to . Hes been doing this for decades, david, and he has as you pointed out quite a reputation of killing certainly training shia militia to kill u. S. Forces there as well as to recruit for, you know, bashar all assad in syria. Alassad in syria. He equips to attack the saudis and hezbollah to attack the israelis. Hes a bad character. If there was evidence of an imminent attack against our diplomats, our soldiers in that country, of which we have more than 5,000, then yes, its a legitimate to go after him and to remove the scourge that he has created across the middle east. David now, the question of what the iranians do next is open to a lot of different possibilities. And people who look at it logically say, you know, they would have to be out of their minds to do anything to the United States because, you know, they are extraordinarily weak right now because of our sanctions. We are extraordinarily strong because of the work that donald trump has done in building up our forces over the past three years. But they are insane. I mean, thats the crazy thing about dealing with the iranians. You are never quite sure like a mad dog, you are never sure what they are going to do next. Theyre autocrats. We need to recognize that khamenei is a dictator, he using the quds force irgc and other militia in his own country. They have killed perhaps 1500 of their own people in the last few months. If theyre willing to shed their own blood, they could care less about american blood and would like to do that. Now, but what are they going to do . I think that first, they are going to sit back and say well, were not in a rush. However, were going to unleash the shia, and you saw that attack this evening. I think thats after the shia militia that are all over that country. They run the place to a certain degree. Of course i think we will see perhaps attacks against u. S. Facilities in saudi arabia as well as bahrain. You will see an acceleration of their Nuclear Program which of course will give the israelis, you know, a concern, legitimately so. There are other things. I dont think, though, they may try like they did in 2011 here in washington, d. C. , you know, stage an assassination attempt. David right. They went after the saudi ambassador at that time at a local restaurant. Now, thats more sophisticated, more difficult, but they could possibly do that and a host of other things. David colonel, years ago i did a documentary about a hezbollah cell that was broken up here in the United States. It was back in 2001. It was kind of obscured by the events of 9 11 because it happened right around the same time that we busted the cell down in north carolina. They were selling cigarettes illegally, sending Million Dollars back to their comrades in lebanon. That was the only hezbollah cell that we know of that was busted here in the United States. Are there other sleeper cells that we dont know of that exist now here . Well, in south america and central america, we know and have known for some time hezbollah. Some of them have been trained by quds force. Have they infiltrated in this country . We have had some reports that perhaps. I know there are a lot of iranians in this country. I dont know how many are showing their patriotism towards the United States or are there some that are divided in their allegiance to perhaps the ayatollah. Thats something, you know, im sure Homeland Security is going to look at, david. David right. But i think the probability is more they are going to try to get targets close in. They will go after u. S. Personnel in baghdad and basrah and perhaps kirkuk and other places in iraq, a lot easier than coming to washington, d. C. Or new york city. David finally, very quickly, it is the response by the media. We will get into that later on in this program, but some of the irresponsible stuff thats come out is makes you sick, literally makes you sick. One of them is comparing soleimani and his quds force to u. S. Special forces. You heard that repeated over and over again today. The main difference of course Vice President pence made that clear today in a series of tweets is that our special forces do not specifically target civilians, while as theirs do. Thats precisely what they do. Thats what makes them terrorists and not special forces guys. Theyre very indiscriminate about who they will kill or injure. Clearly they did a lot of that damage in iraq, but they are doing it all over the world and would continue to do so if given the opportunity. You know, soleimani, no ones going to miss him except perhaps the Ayatollah Khamenei because he was his hitman. Thats the sort of thing we were dealing with. David i wish our media and some democrats were a little more discriminating in terms of making these comparisons with our folks, but apparently theres no lower bar than what they can crawl under. Thank you very much, colonel. Good to see you. Appreciate you being here. Meanwhile, democrats on capitol hill, chief among them, House Speaker pelosi complaining that they were not consulted about the strike and certainly would not have authorized it. Pelosi writing in a statement, quote, we cannot put the lives of american servicemembers, diplomats and others further at risk by engaging in provocative and disproportionate actions. Tonights airstrike risks provoking further dangerous escalation of violence. America and the world cannot afford to have tensions escalate to the point of no return. Well, does pelosi not realize the whole purpose of this strike was to protect the lives of american servicemembers who are about to be taken by these terrorists . Joining me now is former National Security advisor to Vice President dick cheney, steve yates. It is extraordinary. Sometimes you look for logic and you shouldnt because a lot of these are just political statements, but they are complaining that they werent told, pelosi, schiff, a lot of democrats, they are complaining they werent told, but clearly if they had been told, they would have said nothing doing, mr. President , we cant support that. I think it is probably better they werent, dont you . Absolutely. I mean, a shocker of all shockers that people who have been known to leak sensitive National Security information through the sham impeachment process are not going to be consulted about sensitive military operations related intelligence, at any point, much less now at a sensitive time. David yeah. It is not surprising that they werent in the consultation loop. At the same time, all they are trying to do is a very orchestrated communication strategy by obama and clinton likes trying to distract away from obamas provocative weakness. That weakness brought us to where we are today and trump is cleaning up the consequences. David theres also an issue of timing. You had to make a decision very quickly. We had eyes on this guy maybe for a few minutes before we could order this strike properly. And yet, we havent learned anything from benghazi. The one thing beyond anything else that we learned about benghazi is the longer you wait, the more you put lives at risk, and the president knew that better than a lot of these democrats. Well, the founders were very clear. Its been upheld by multiple terms of president that the commander in chief, and theres only one elected at a time, much to the chagrin of the democrats who are trying to remove him, theres only one commanderinchief at a time specifically in place to make these kind of operational decisions. This is not a longterm engagement. This is not a military campaign to invade and occupy another country. This is defending american sovereign territory of an embassy and also striking back against the most destabilizing force in the region to keep the Pressure Campaign on them. David you have people trying to cover up their tracks of mistakes that they made in dealing with iran. One of them is a woman named Wendy Sherman who worked with john kerry in his state department. She helped develop the iran deal which gave the iranians billions of dollars. She wrote a piece today saying trump walked into irans trap. How is preventing a full scale attack on our own Embassy Walking into irans trap . Well, she would be an expert on traps, having walked into them in north korea and iran multiple times before. However, its definitely not a trap, to send appropriate forces to defend american sovereign territory, our diplomats, and our soldiers. And theres no question that for decades the republican revolutionary guard have been out there creating this problem, and President Trump was the first president that had the gumption to go ahead and hit them hard inside the country of iraq. That i think is an important signal that goes beyond just iran. David by the way, another thing Wendy Sherman did was accompany john kerry after he left the state department on trips, meeting with iranians kind of discussing the problems of the new President Trump and how to maybe get around that. I mean, that was something that made state Department Secretary pompeo almost cry out treason. It was very very close. I mean, democrats tried at the beginning of this administration to accuse people of the mostly defunct logan act violations. A lot of the shenanigans that were pulled at the end of the obama years and the actions taken against Trump Officials were based on the idea of people who were not yet in office engaging in Foreign Policy while the previous president is in charge. Thats exactly what these people were doing in violation. They were going and undermining the president s policies and American National interests for their political purposes. David absolutely. Surprisingly we have washington games that go beyond our shores from time to time. David steve yates always a pleasure to talk to you. Appreciate you being here. The liberal media actually praising listed known terrorist iranian general soleimani and criticizing President Trumps attack. He was a revered he was a very popular man fairly brazen, fairly awe fairly audacious. Almost something of a cult figure. David tonight an iranian american democrat is here to call out the liberal media. Also tonight dont you just love it when hollywood weighs in on Foreign Policy . It is good for a laugh or two. Mcgowan and others. Republican congressman andy can my side be firm . And mine super soft . Yes. With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Dont miss the final days of the lowest prices of the season. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299, save 400. Ends sunday sensei beautiful. But support the leg when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. 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The same people who just spent weeks screaming at impeachment with so seriousness and so urgent that it couldnt wait for due process now decided it could wait indefinitely while they checked the political whims and look for some new talking points. We have heard it plain that the same House Democrats who botched their own process should get to reach over here into the senate and dictate our process. Their turn is over. Theyve done enough damage. Its the senates turn now. But we cant hold a trial without the articles. David is mcconnell calling pelosis bluff . Joining me now House Judiciary Committee member Arizona Republican andy biggs. Good to see you, congressman. What happens next week . Is pelosi going to appoint house managers and get this thing moving, or is sh e going to continue to drag her feet . Well, you know, david, it is good to be with you. I can tell you with nancy pelosi, i believe she doesnt know what shes going to do. I have heard rumors both ways. That shes going to appoint house managers and get it over there and others that she will keep holding on. Dont forget, just about a week before now, about ten days ago, you had the Judiciary Committee Chairmans Council indicate that they were going to continue to investigate and try to find Something Else to impeach this president on. I mean [laughter] david forgive me for laughing but the bottom line is its the only impeachment thats completely partisan and it is the only impeachment that begins without any kind of real crime. So my feeling is is that shes dragging her feet and waiting until some kind of charge drips out. Now, schumer, the senate the leader of the democrats in the senate, Chuck Schumer, has come out with these new emails from the omb that he claims shows that the president himself did put a hold for longer than they had said previously on the aid to ukraine. Is there anything there, or is this just more boy crying wolf . This is just another red herring. What the American People have not heard from the democrats is this, President Trump released the funds at an appropriate time as required by law. In fact, he had another three weeks he could have held it for another three weeks. He didnt. He released it by law. If the democrats wanted this aid leased sooner , released sooner they could have specified that in any number of ways in the legislation they authored and passed out. But they didnt. So here we sit, you and i laughing at the democrats because nancy pelosi has a tiger by the tail. She doesnt want to let go of it because theres teeth on the other end. Thats really where she is. David you know, there was a charge that came out of the intel committee, and that was bribery, but it never made it through Judiciary Committee where you sit because clearly, clearly they couldnt use the bribery charge because it fit joe biden much better than it fit donald trump. Well, certainly joe biden fits the bribery charge, but they couldnt figure out how to explain what President Trump did and whether there were elements of the bribery offense which there werent under the federal offense. So remember, they had the law professor from stanford, she spent so long trying to explain how this was bribery that it basically took all of the air out of the room and you never heard them talk about bribery again. David thats true. By the way, the Washington Post had a piece last summer about how joe biden was trying when he was Vice President , joe biden was trying to get u. S. Aid, that is taxpayer money, to go into the gas industry in the ukraine. Now, that could be more than bribery. Thats misuse of u. S. Funds going into the pocket of his son, if in fact that happened. Has anybody looked into that . Well, weve been real busy doing other stuff. David im sure. I believe there are some folks looking into that as well because that would be misappropriations and Money Laundering as well. David i think mr. Dunham has been looking into that. We may hear his report soon. Congressman biggs, wonderful to have you on this friday. Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you very much. You know trump derangement syndrome is bad when the liberal media actually praises a terrorist over President Trump. Listen. He was a military genius. It is difficult to convey how revered he is. He was revered. As almost something of a cult figure. David tonight iranian american democrat is here to call the liberal media out. Also tonight hollywoods always giving their opinion when nobody asks. Coming up, can you guess how rose mcgowan and john cusack feel about President Trump killing another terrorist . I think i already do. But first the media cheering on socialist sanders record 30 Million Dollars fundraiser but not a peep about President Trumps record fundraising. We set the record straight right after this. Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. Evangelicals, christians of every denomination and believers of every faith have never had a greater champion, not even close, in the white house than you have right now. But we cant let one of our radical left friends come in here because everything weve done will be gone in short order. David President Trump reassuring and rallying some of his most vocal supporters, evangelical christians in the wake of a blistering antitrump oped in christianity today. But that writeup is falling on deaf ears for trump supporters, the rnc and team trump raking in a record breaking 154 Million Dollars over the last three months. Joining me now trump 2020 Campaign Advisory board member. Madison, great to see you. Thanks for being here. Im thinking that the president pretty much put a spike in that fake media story that evangelicals were deserting trump. Well, yeah, when you look at the evangelical vote from 2016, 81 of white evangelicals voted for this president and many of them of course were skeptical at the time. Promises hadnt been made and kept quite yet. He made the promises. They were waiting to see if he kept them. He kept those promises and so many more. The fundraising numbers are a result of that as well as so much else, impeachment and the peoples resentment for the democrats being a part of that. You look at the numbers, 154 million raised by the rnc in the Trump Campaign in q4 of 2019. If you look at the year as a whole, you add in trump victory, trump make America Great again committee looking at 463 Million Dollars raised. Its unreal. Its, you know, not anything that any of the dems are able to do. It is not something that obama even did during his reelection bid in 2012. David i still want to drill down a little bit in this story because it always fascinates me. I used to work for a newspaper, the wall street journal and how people can get stories so distorted in this environment. Newspapers used to be able to rely on, but you cant anymore. Washington post, new york times, etc. , but it came from this christianity today editor. I guess hes resigned now, but the editor, and hes the one who wrote this thing saying that evangelicals are deserting trump. He goes you go back three years when right after the election in 2016 he said i dont know a single evangelical who voted for donald trump. Well, clearly hes running in circles that are completely opposite from what most evangelicals are living within. Yeah, talk about fake news. I mean, its simply not true. You look at the evangelical vote from 2016. We will see something similar in 2020, maybe even better numbers for the president. I think sometimes you look at many of these reporters across the board, when it comes to Mainstream Media and a reporter like this obviously with christianity today which is out of the norm for publication like this, but you look at them, and its almost as if they think if they scream or post something enough times that people will believe it when it is simply not the truth. People are starting to see past that. They are starting to see past the fake news. They are looking directly to the sources like the president s words himself. David the bottom line with this president is that even some of his supporters have trouble with some of the things he says but the results are just undeniable. The issues on which evangelicals care so much, care so dearly are issues that he has followed through on, on abortion issues, on issues involving school prayer, etc. Those issues that evangelicals care so much about are the ones that he has actually following through on and making life better for them. Exactly. And you look at those promises made, promises kept. The support for the lives of the unborn, this is something thats simply priceless when it comes to many of these voters. I of course agree with that. We have seen the progress that hes made. We look at the support for israel, and of course where i think his Lasting Legacy will really lie is in the Supreme Court justices and in those federal judges. David right. What hes been able to do at unprecedented rate when it comes to nominations it is incredible, originalist, conservative judges that he is appointing to the bench, they respect the text of the constitution and protecting the rights that need to be protected. David always good to see you. Thanks for coming in. Appreciate it. The liberal media hitting a new low actually praising a terrorist over President Trump. Next an iranian american democrat is here to call them out on that. And democratic strategist is you dont use this old thing, do you . No or how bout this dinosaur right here . Nope then why are you still using a laser printer . Its got expensive toner cartridges. But this. Is the Epson Ecotank color printer. No more expensive cartridges big ink tanks. Lots of ink. If you dont think this printers right for you, just pick up your phone. chuckling . And give me a call. The Epson Ecotank. Just fill and chill. Available at. Researcher 1 some say ecigarettes arent dangerous. Researcher 2 but science shows nicotine can harm teens developing brains researcher 1 no matter how theyre exposed. Researcher 2 lets do an experiment to find out. Researcher 1 heres a teen who wont be using ecigarettes. Researcher 2 now, we need one willing to risk their brain development. Researcher 1 anyone care to volunteer your kid . Researcher 2 anyone . Narrator your kids are not an experiment. Protect them from ecigarettes. [music ends] he was a revered. He was a very popular man. A revered figure in iran and some other places in the middle east. Even many of soleimanis enemies admitted he was a military genius. Difficult to convey how revered he is. Almost something of a cult figure. David oh boy the Mainstream Media gushing over soleimani the man responsible for the deaths of over 600 american soldiers using words as you can hear like revered and genius. How about this one, from npr, quote, known for his quiet demeanor and short stature, soleimani exuded charisma and an intelligence that even his enemies came to respect. Joining me now is democrat strategist and iranian american, along with former Army Intelligence and special operations veteran. Ari, youre a democrat but i understand youre not too happy with these descriptions, are you . Well, democrat, republican, were all interested in american National Security and american interests first and foremost. Where i come from, where i hail from, im also interested in the iranian people, their aims and ambitions and the fact they want to live in a peaceful environment. They can call soleimani genius and call Osama Bin Laden bin laden genius but Osama Bin Laden had a lot less blood on his hand in terms of capability, operation skills and potency than soleimani. He was the head of the outspecial unit for the irgc, Islamic Revolution guard, took the quds forces from a battalion to a regiment to a division, almost 15,000 forces. Every key ambassador that serves in iranian embassies in lebanon and key arab countries in countries in europe where iran has had operations are all quds force members. Yeah, you can call him a genius, but lets call it what it is. He was causing a lot of problems. He had organized some of the most antiamerican elements on the ground. And you want to call it fair, legal, illegal, whatever, i wish President Trump had called Chuck Schumer yeah given him a heads up, that would have been great. It is what it is. This was measured. David very honest description of what happened. I want to move on to bret for a second because one thing that really got under my skin was hearing the media compare him and the quds force which ari just outlined what it did very well i thought as their special forces, trying to make a moral equivalent, if you will, between u. S. Special forces and the quds force, which were being ordered to kill civilians. I mean that was part of their job. Thats not what our special forces are ordered to do. David, this is just absurd. These are terrorists. These are designated terrorists. Would you call al baghdadi this revered genius . Absolutely not. Soleimani was the number one terrorist in the world and the world is much safer now that he is dead. He deserved everything he had coming to him. The Mainstream Media is losing its mind over this strike on soleimani. The dems in particular were so certain that President Trump was going to lead us into war with iran, but instead hes been smart and tactical about what hes doing and hes keeping the rogue regime in check. David right. It is just totally absurd that they are revering soleimani and propping him up for more than he actually is which is just a terrorist. David ari, you never heard the word terrorist in npr article i quoted from. They never used that word terrorist to describe him. Maybe they did in some other article but not in the one i quoted. They continued to say assassination. That he was assassinated. A word i never used for Osama Bin Laden when president obama was in power and oversaw the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The point is is that he was a terrorist. He was in a battle zone, and he was about to commit a terrorist act. Doesnt that make him a fair military target, in which case it would not be an assassination. Call him what you want, call him mickey mouse or donald duck, it doesnt matter he was in charge of the most poet ept force in the region potent force in the region, organized and created hezbollah in iraq. The number was killed in the convoy muhandis was the most potent iraqi who considered himself a soldier of soleimani. Lets put this into perspective. Heres whats going on, bret said tactical. I want the president to be strategic. We did something right. Are we going to escalate or are we going to hit back . David the president said no escalation. There is going to be retaliation from the Islamic Republic of iran. What is going to be our countermeasures and is it going to be proportionate or disproportionate . Sometimes you have to ask whats the virtue of a proportionate response . When they know that they take on one of our guys were going to hit a facility or factory, when they know they are going to hit one of our embassies or one of our bases and were going to take out two more of their satellites or missile silos, that was not a proportionate response. David forgive me, but theres a montage that we put together of democrats running for president and what they have said about what went on over the past 36 hours. Lets play that and get your reaction, bret. Tragically his actions now put us on the path to another war. The risks are greater today because of the actions donald trump has taken. This was very clearly an act of war, by this president. We have a president who has had really a failure in his iranian policy. I can only hope that the president has carefully thought out the National Security implications of this attack. The next president who will be picking up the pieces after the Trump Administration so bret, after all weve heard about this guy, from you and from ari and from many others, how far do you think democrats are going to get in opposing the killing of a terrorist who is about to commit another atrocity . You have about 20 seconds. Go ahead. Look, i mean, all the people that are criticizing the president for his actions here, i mean, they havent suggested anything that hasnt already been tried multiple times for the last two decades and guess what . It never worked. We needed to shift our strategy, and that is what happened here when the president called for the strike on soleimani who by the way was planning to yet again attack american forces. Hes responsible for hundreds of u. S. Soldiers deaths. All these people criticizing the policies of the president , they are incorrect because the president did what was necessary to protect american lives. David bret, ari good to see you both. Thank you very much for coming in. Appreciate it. Secretary of state pompeo tweeting a video claiming to show iraqis celebrating the death of known terrorist general Qassem Soleimani. My next guest is an air force Fighter Pilot who served out five counterterrorism deployments to the middle east. Republican senator Martha Mcsally joining me coming next. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. And mine super soft . Yes with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Dont miss the final days of the lowest prices of the season. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299, save 400. Ends sunday [ drathis holiday. Ahhhhh ahhhhh a distant friend returns. Elliott. You came back and while lots of things have changed. Wooooah woah its called the internet. Some things havent. Get ready for a reunion 3 million light years in the making. Woohoo yeah david new tonight, President Trumps remain in mexico policy is being implemented in arizona for the first time. Migrants crossing the arizona border are now being returned to mexico, where they must arrange their own transportation to their Court Hearing in texas. Previously, Border Agents drove these migrants about 300 miles to the el paso port of entry into juarez to await their hearing. Essentially acting as taxi drivers at the taxpayerss expense. Joining me now is arizona senator and former Fighter Pilot Martha Mcsally. Good to see you. I know you want to talk about the successful strike in iraq and were going to do that, but first on the new immigration policy, critics are calling it cruel cruel, but how is it cruel to have immigrants obey the law like everybody else . David, we need to secure our border and we make sure we uphold the law. We have had a border crisis here in arizona because these cartels have realized, have taken advantage of the loopholes in our laws, trafficking individuals, trafficking children, and these policies are quite frankly because democrats in congress have not worked with us to act on this. And its simply saying you remain in mexico and then you have a court date that you get yourself to. When americans have a court date, the government and the taxpayer dont get them to their date either. David they sure dont. So this makes sense, and it was happening in many other places across the country. And when they found out that it wasnt happening in tucson, then actually more people were coming through the sector, and so this is just evening it out, and it is a remain in mexico policy. David in about a month, we have had 600 Asylum Seekers that were sent back to mexico to await their Court Hearing. What do the americans on the border who have had to deal with this incredible surge of immigrants, what did they tell you, your constituents who are on the border, are their lives beginning to return to normal . Its been a big issue. A city declared a state of emergency at the height of this. They were releasing people into the streets due to the lack of capacity. A lot of nonprofits were stepping in to try and provide transportation and shelter and other things. But were finally seeing a shift. And look, if somebody is fleeing violence and they have a legitimate asylum claim, they can do that in the first country they get to which should be mexico in most cases. If they have a legitimate claim, they will make it through the courts. Thats what the system is designed for. The legitimate cases are actually being lost here. In arizona we are finally seeing a shift and some changes. We need to address the loopholes and secure the border once and for all. David let me take you to what happened in iraq over the past 24 hours or so. For those who dont know by the way, you were the first female Fighter Pilot in combat, and you had duties over the skies of iraq. What do you think . Have we gone in the right direction over the past 24 hours in iraq . Qassem soleimani is an evil evil man. He is the leader of terrorist organizations, state sponsored terror. David, there are 600 gold star families that had an empty seat at the table christmas night because of him. The sons and daughters, americans were killed in iraq at the hands of Qassem Soleimani and his proxy forces that hes trained and equipped also killing thousands of others but over 600 american soldiers and he was plotting and leading efforts to kill more americans, American Contractor killed, you know, just last week. This is a disruption after many warnings and using other elements of power to take out a terrorist leader, just like al baghdadi, just like Osama Bin Laden, and he was on iraqi soil to plan more attacks against american lives. So it was the right thing to do, to have a measured specific strike to take him out in order to disrupt these attacks and protect americans. David now, the president today saying in florida that he is not going to get into nation building, that this was a particular strike because this guy was going to kill try to kill americans. Is it possible, though, to stay there without being sort of sucked down into the vortex of nation building . Well, its a dangerous region. I was just out there in the straits of hormuz on a Navy Capabilities that are there in october. I was at the saudi aramco facilities less than two weeks after it was bombed with a senator. The iranian leaders need to decide do they want to continue to be a state sponsor of terror . Do they want to terrorize and hurt their own people . Or do they want to choose a path of peace and freedom and opportunity for their own people . They need to change their ways. They have choices to make here. Weve made choices to protect americans. We need to make sure that others in the region and our European Partners do their part to protect their people and their interests. We need to make sure that we keep americas vital National Interests at stake. I deployed to this region, the middle east, five times. We need to make sure that were not just sending over american sons and daughters to fight for things that dont make sense, but we do need to protect americans that are there while they are there right now. David yeah, ive got a person my son was there as well. He was fighting in the marine corps. For those of us who have skin in the game, in that region, it just when you see we should celebrate the victory that we have in the past 24 hours because it was that. We just hope we dont get sucked into Something Else here. Senator, thank you very much for your service. We really appreciate it. And we appreciate you coming on tonight. Fox business viewers know that nobody knows Foreign Policy in the way they know Foreign Policy like our hollywood actors do. The daily caller weighing in on what they had to say about what happened in iraq, right after this. Ive always loved seeing whats next. 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Dear i ron, the usa has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52 of u. S. Humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us. Unbelievable. Jon cusack and Michael Moore bashing at saying is idiotic and an assassination. A lot of Mainstream Media did that. Joining us now is our call her stephanie. I want to go to this first winter by rose. Because killing a terrorist who has killed thousands of people, not to mention 603 americans specifically, is somehow disrespectful to iranians . How is that. That tweet is so shockingly stupid and ignorant i do not even know where to start. Shes talking about a terrorist to as american bloods on his hands. They should be standing behind this president for this decision. Soleimani had plans to go after diplomats and service members. These hollywood folks are all the sudden Foreign Policy experts. Most of them probably did not know who soleimani was days ago before he was dead. I think they should sit this one out. She talked about being held hostage in this country. No one is holding her hostage. If she needs help finding a visa and a oneway ticket to iran or any other country she was to go to, i will buy her one. I am happy to help. David its so disrespectful to iranians to assume they applied terrorism. Which is what this guy represented. He was one of the worlds worst tears of all times, and she is saying that all irradiance respect this person. That is just it is idiotic to use their word. There are two types of people here. They are the idiotic people, and i think cusack and mccowan fit that description pretty well. But then theres the Michael Moores of the world. People who know better. I saw his movies sick out a few years ago that was about healthcare, and he took a camera to cuba. I happen to cover the region for 12 years and i know it pretty well. But we are looking at here, is the real cuban hospital. They are dirty, or their filthy they are illequipped they dont even have enough aspirin. I had doctors asking me if i had dental floss that youd use us sutures because they rented suture material. He went in there found this beautiful paradise he said it was the best and finest hospitals in cuba. Every cuba has access all these hospitals. That is an absolute lie and he knew it. This is not a useful idiot, this is a real propagandist. Yes Michael Moore likes to mislead the American People with his documentaries. And he thanks he knows better than our commanderinchief and our military officials. Hollywood people need to stick with what they are good at, reading scripps and acting, or whatever it is that they do. If im get a look to who i trust on advice on keeping our nation safe, i will probably go with the commanderinchief in the military officials. But also hollywoods reaction to everything President Trump does says is predictable. Anything he does what its good or bad or anything, they just dislike him. David we gotta leave it at that stephanie thank you for being here. A quick programming know you can catch me every week night at 5 00 p. M. Eastern arm bulls shes a jetsetter in the golden age of travel. Pan am flight attendants were iconic. Did she fit the bill . I think shecreatedthe bill. Bringing back these from around the globe. Indonesian, african, chinese they came from everywhere. I thought she was a smuggler, which made it even more exciting. What . are they just silly trinkets. Is there a big market for beads . Theres a big market for beads. This is the real deal . This is the real deal. Or historical treasures worth a mint . Thedalai lama . Yes. [ gavel bangs ] bidder 561 is for 11,000. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]

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