Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20240713

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Dropping out of race for the white house telling her Campaign Staff it is all over. We have a huge show for you. All that and more on making money. Charles we begin with breaking news. The House Intelligence Committees report on the impeachment inquiry is out. I want to get straight to Hillary Vaughn with more what is going on, hillary . Reporter House Intelligence Committee chairman adam schiff wrapping up the investigation passing the report on to the House Judiciary Committee which tomorrow will hold the very first hearing with four lawyers laying out the constitutional grounds for this impeachment investigation, but i do want to flag some key portions of this report that adam schiff just released moments ago. He says after their investigation, they believe they have found that the president personally and acting through agents within an and outside the u. S. Government solicited the interference after foreign government, ukraine, to benefit his reelection. He also says they believe the call record that was released of the july 25th phone call with the president of ukraine, president zelensky and President Trump. Neil actually proves their argument that the president did seek to hold up essentially for ransom a white house visit and also ukraine aid in exchange for investigation into the biden campaign. Charles . Charles that is big news, charles. Thank you very much, hillary. Also today President Trump raising eyebrows and sinking the market after comments he made in london, that the china trade deal depends on one thing, whether he wants to make it sooner or later. Take a listen. In some ways i like the idea of waiting until after the election for the china deal. They want to make a deal now. Well see whether or not the deal will be right. It has got to be right. Charles the president adding right now the u. S. Economy is on fire. Chinas economy is suffering. So the ball is in their court. I sat down with Vice President pence to get his thoughts where we stand on all the trade deals, tariffs and our economy and a lot more. Take a listen. First, lets take a step back and recognize over the the last three years thanks to President Trumps leadership and the agenda weve been able to advance were living in the best economy in the history of the United States of america. I mean the stock market has grown by more than 50 . Thats a real difference in Peoples Pensions and 401 k s. There is more americans working today than ever before in the history of this country. I think most significantly, charles, this is the best economy for American Workers in my lifetime. I mean average Household Incomes have grown by 5,000 a year. Wages are rising all across the country, and the Unemployment Rate is at a 50year low, lowest ever recorded for africanamericans and hispanicamericans and i would isnt to you it is the result of the combination of policies of President Trump has advanced. We cut taxes on individuals and businesses about. We rolled back regulation at a historic level. We have unleashed American Energy but the president also has been willing to use the power of this economy and access to this economy and tariffs to leverage changes in our trading relationships with nations around the world. I think it is that combination thats working for American Workers and its working for the american economy. As we go forward with negotiations, whether it be with france or japan or ongoing nexts with china, the American People can be confident this president will continue to be willing to use access to this economy and use tariffs to put american jobs and American Workers first. Charles there is no doubt i agree. I look at the data as well and i think many expert was be shocked at the way this economy erupted to the upside considering when the administration initially talked about using tariffs. We heard about smoothawley and 1930s and the great depression. It has been the exact opposite of that, yet, still you do have businesses which have hunkered down. They say theyre not willing to invest in the sort of uncertainty and many experts, the same experts say as long as businesses remain on the sidelines at some point it will trigger sort of you know, fall of this economy. That soon consumers will become soon jobs would dry up. Are you concerned about that narrative . The president will always be concerned about american jobs but for far too long weve had trade policies, whether it be the nafta agreement that the president renegotitated a year ago, and usmca has been sitting on Speaker Pelosis desk for all of that time, awaiting congressional action or whether he made it clear that the era of economic surrender with china was over, this president believes that our trading policies, being the most powerful economy in the history of the world, ought to put american jobs and American Workers first and it ought to say to countries around the world, if youre going to have access to the most prosperous economy in the history of mankind, were going to require what the president often says, a reciprocal relationship. Charles right. Weve heard for decades about a free trade and fair trade but it was President Donald Trump who introduced the word reciprocal which is that were saying to countries around the world, well give you access to our marketplace that you give us access to your marketplace. Thats the way you put american jobs first. It is also built on President Trumps confidence that when the Playing Field is level, American Workers can compete and win against workers anywhere in the world. Charles when it comes to a fair, free, trade approach, reciprocal approach, when it comes to china, it goes even beyond that we all know that huawei is, again back in the news. It was your speech a year ago at the Hudson Institute was a shot across the bow. Later on this year at the wilson institute, you gave a similar speech. Everyone thought you would back off but you were pretty adamant. China certain areas they are a bad actor and this administration will simply not tolerate it no matter the disruptions on wall street. Ultimately i suspect your administration, the Trump Administration believes this is the right thing to do . Let me say President Trump made it clear from early in his Administration Things had to change in our trading relationship with china. We have many issues between the United States and china having to do with freedom of navigation, to national security, issues affecting huawei and compromise potentially of american intelligence and american privacy, the whole issue of human rights but President Trump has said, lets begin setting right this trading relationship. I mean it is remarkable to think that the United States and other nations allowed china to become a part of the world trade organization. It was, about 20 years ago. And the belief was that china would modernize in a very real sense. It would liberalize. It would join the family of nations, recognize International Rules of trade and commerce. And i think there was also the hope we would see china embrace more political freedoms, more respect for private property and religious liberty but the truth is that never happened and President Trump is a candidate and as a president came in and said things have to change with china and it begins by recognizing when we took office, half of our International Trade deficit was with china. So President Trump has imposed a series, hundreds of billions of dollars of goods now face american tariffs and as the president s made clear he is fully prepared to stay where were at, and stay in that position and continue to, continue to make it clear to china they have to open their markets because, again, we believe that, one, if we set the trading relationship right, the relationship overall, strategically and diplomat diplomatically will have the opportunity to improve. As long as we remain what President Trump says often, we remain the piggybank to the world, particularly the piggybank to china, that is never going to happen. Charles how important is it issues like hong kong, whats happening with the uyghurs and other things are addressed as part and parcel of a potential deal or, at least, remain on the table for a potential phase two deal . Well, i think, i think president has been very clear and our Ad Administration has, we expect the issues involving hong kong to be resolved peaceably and the human rights of all of those who have gathered in the streets of hong kong, demanding that china live up to the commitment that they made more than three decade ago. Charles right. And, the president , the president used essentially the economic dialogue that is happening between china and the United States to say, look, it will be very difficult for us to do a deal if chaining doesnt deal with hong kong peaceably and humanely. Our administration spoken out clearly what weve seen in the province with the detention and repression of uyghur population there, the Muslim Population and our administration, whether it be the president , myself, secretary of state, well always speak out on those issues but i think what President Trump has done in the relationship with china is to say, well be clear about our values. Well be clear about our expectations about china, living up to their word, honoring their commitments when it comes to hong kong but at the same time, were going to begin by trying to set right a trading relationship because we really do believe that time has come for china to choose, whether theyre going to join the family of nations, recognize International Rules of commerce, protect intellectual property, and forced technology transfer, or whether china wants to remain on the path that it has been on, which, President Trump has made clear, those days are over. Were simply not going to continue to allow the economy of the United States, businesses of the United States, to be taken advantage of by lack of access to and compromise of private property by china. Charles speaking of new paths, there is some speculation out there, particularly when you listen to Peter Navarro and others, that maybe, tariffs become part, not necessarily a tool or a weapon against bad behavior, but a part of the administrations Economic Policy to bring back jobs to this country. Is there a chance we could ultimately end up with permanent tariffs or at least a higher level of tariffs than we were used to . Through the long history of this country the United States always used tariffs, access to our marketplace to strengthen this economy. And President Trump took office and made a commitment that he was going to put american jobs and American Workers first. And use the authority he has as president of the United States to control access to our marketplace with tariffs. Make no mistake about it, charles, you need not look no further than the president s g7 trip to canada a few years ago. What President Trump envisions with tariffs is a means to an end and the end of which is free trade. I mean, this president , this president went to to the g7 in canada and literal said to all the leaders gathered there, okay, heres the offer, how about among all the g7 countries, no tariffs, no nontariff barriers, no subsidies . Everyone of the leaders im told around the table looked nervous about it. But what the president articulated there was a vision for free trade that is truly fair, that is truly reciprocal. But until we reach that point, whether it be an individual negotiations with the eu, or the uk after brexit or ongoing negotiations with japan, especially china, the president made it clear were going to use tariffs, well use access to our marketplace as a means to, to encouraging our trading partners to step up. Charles not a permanent part of president s plan . Remember, just part of it, charles. Charles sure. Remember the other part of the equation is simply what is already happening. Were simply making america once again the best place in the world to invest, to create jobs through low taxes, less regulation, low cost energy, add to that tariffs, you have the winning combination that is producing this booming american economy. Charles coming up, much more from Vice President pence as i ask him about the ongoing impeachment mess as well as his take on the loss of faith and incivility in this country. Stocks hurting negative today on President Trumps comments on trade but are we becoming blind to fundamentals with too much focus on the headlinegrabbing issues . Well help you make money when we come back. Cologuard colon Cancer Screening for people 50 plus at average risk. Some things are harder than you thought. And others are easier. Like screening for colon cancer with me, cologuard. Im noninvasive and you use me at home. Im also effective. I find 92 of colon cancers using dna in your stool. So why wait . Cologuard is not for those at high risk for colon cancer. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your Healthcare Provider if cologuard is right for you. Most insured patients pay 0. Most people think as a reliable phone company. But to businesses, were a reliable partner. 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Maybe there is Something Else out there because as a market professional, it is not always the things that the news is focused on that get you . No, thats for sure. Charles, one day i come to new york to visit you, you run off to d. C. , for good reason. Youre meeting with the Vice President. I totally understand. Big day for the markets. Look what happened just a week ago. We thought we had a china phase one deal. China came back and said, were not so sure about just suspending the december 15 tariffs shortly, one week away from today oar two weeks away from today. We want the u. S. To roll back all of the tariffs. President trump saying that is not part of the deal. That is not going to fly. The markets are down on reaction the china trade deal may not come as soon as anticipated. Charles in the meantime you have low Interest Rates, a lot of corporate debt out there. Some people concerned about earnings. Some people wondering, can it stay this good for much longer. So beyond the headlines and the negotiations and which we know are going to be tough, it is the greatest, were talking about the most amazing, potentially trade deal in the history of mankind, two largest economies in the world, but i, when i start to focus on that im wondering, okay, is thering in else out there that investors should be also cognizant of . I think if you look at yearend, the rally that weve had thus far, yearend there might be profittaking. Look at capital gains, for example. Investors may be shifting. Were seeing a lot of flows out of growth in those big fang, those technology names. Charles right. Into value and perhaps small caps. So i think there will be some shifts in the marketplace but a oneday pullback does not, does not undermine the strong Economic Growth that we just heard from Vice President pence and yourself. A strong jobs report. Charles right. 50 year lows on unemployment. If. Dp still hanging in there. Charles you still believe the buy on dips strategy. Only worked for two years so who knows. We may need the cv effect. Who knows. Charles President Trump called the Democrat Impeachment push unpatriotic. Well get Vice President pences reaction. Usmca rush is on. Will nancy pelosi manage to get a vote on the deal this week as promised or will the impeachment inquiry get in the way of that again . Stay with us. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. 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Charles tensions running high on the trade front. Sources telling fox business tariffs on chinese imports still take effect on december 15th as the push for usmca is rapping up here. We have chris garcia. First Edward Lawrence here with more. Edward. Reporter president playing good cop, bad cop here. The bad cop with china Going Forward. He says he will have the right deal with china or no deal at all. In fact, just listen to the comment that set off markets. This is exactly what the president said. Listen. I have no deadline, no. Mr. President some ways i think it is better to wait until after the election, if you want to he no the truth. I think in some ways better to wait until after the election with china but im not going to say that i just think that. Reporter wait until after the election of the president says the two trade teams have spoken over the phone the past few days. The trade sources saying administration Going Forward with the december 15th tariffs on the rest of what china imports into the u. S. The caveat here, if there is a phase one trade deal, or enough progress the president could then change his mind. Now the good cop here from the president , usmca. The canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is confident we will have some good news on usmca soon. President donald trump sitting next to the canadian leader saying that we need to get the white house or House Speaker nancy pelosi to put usmca up for a vote. Senate republicans also scratching their heads saying that the president is right. They need to have a vote on the floor. Listen to this. Everyone is a little confused right now why Speaker Pelosi has had usmca on her desk 14 months. Refusing to act on it. She keeps setting different criteria on what she will do, saying eventually well get to it. 14 months is a long time to be sitting on here desk. Reporter im hearing that near final language both republicans and democrats have seen. There is feeling among all parties involved really, ratification will end up happening. On another note on usmca it will cover biologics and intellectual protection. Protection of not just agriculture manipulated by genetics, but also living vaccines. That is big for pharmaceutical companies in mexico. In order to get a deal, charles, they want less years on that protection. The protection now is at 10 years. They want that down. Charles edward, thank you very, very much. I want to bring in chris garcia. You know i had this discussion many times but the pressure is on. Last week we hear from mexicos trade representative, very optimistic, about meetings they have had. Were hearing from trudeau who is confident about this. What do you think now . What could possibly be holding the democrats back . I mean, it is definitely first thing we have to take a look, President Trump has been the best negotiator for our country, probably in our nations history. He looks at this, he looks as the presidency through the eyes of a ceo. He looks at governing our country through the use of a successful businessman. He has the greatest instincts of any president. This deal is being held up, the House Democrats want to put their stamp on it. They know President Trump and Bob Lighthizer has done great job of all details, including biologics and labor deals or inspections a little bit after sovereignty push mexico was going to balk at but i think those are the two main issues, protection for the brand named pharmaceuticals and inspection rights. Charles they would be taking away some of those protections, wouldnt they . The way i read it they would sort of lower or mitigate the ip protections. I found it interesting. I know this is one of these things that crosses party lines, high drug prices, other things. Drug companies to me would seem to balk at the idea, hey, we dont need any limitations considering we have small windows of opportunities to recoup our investment. That is exactly it. U. S. Law is 12 year for the exclusive period. The usmca deal as it stands is 10 years. The push from democrats, i think mexico has jumped on board with it for it to be five years. Charles wow. The debate is if were going to invest hundreds of billions of dollars as an American Pharmaceutical Company in this, why would we not be allowed to recoup that . Charles i understand dems wanting their stamp on it, their fingerprints on it i just dont know if that is the right one. Bonanza of jobs, bonanza of economics for both countries all three countries. Chris, appreciate it. Yep. Charles markets are sharply lower today as investors worry about another december to remember. Remember last year . Were all over these markets. More of my exclusive sitdown with Vice President pence, what he is hearing from constituents across this country. Dont go away. There are things we would change about work. And there are things we wouldnt. When work is worth it. Work is worth it. Work can be closer to home. Pay more. Make us proud. Careerbuilder. Work can work. Find your work at careerbuilder. Com. Charles more to my exclusive interview with Vice President pence. I asked him about the Democrat Impeachment push. The growing problem near and dear to his heart, the loss of faith in america. Your name was brought up in a usa today article that you were adamant meeting new ukrainian president. Once you met, it was a windowless room in marriott, it felt cloak and dagger, at least the article did. Where is this going . What is the administrations thought where this is going . Well, first, let me say, what is happening on capitol hill is a disgrace and the fact that it is happening during a nato conference in london is a disservice to the American People and the United States. But, that aside, look, the American People can read the transcript. They will see there is no quid pro quo. We heard again this week the president zelensky said there was mo pressure. I met with president zelensky in poland. I took President Trumps place in a bilateral meeting was scheduled until Hurricane Dorian was coming. I was there. We met. We talked about the president s concerns about corruption in ukraine, about the lack of european support. I returned. I talked to the president about the progress. The president zelensky was making moving anticorruption legislation. Bringing about reforms. Commitment to call on europe to do more. 10 days later the president released all the aid to the ukraine. Those are the hard facts. Republicans put out an outstanding report following the Intelligence Committee hearings that lays out all of those facts for the American People. So, i want to say again, what, democrats on capitol hill have been trying to impeach this president for the last three years. First it was the mueller report. 2 1 2 years, no collusion, no obstruction, case closed. Now theyre back at it again. I think the American People see through it. As i travel all across this country talking about all the good things happening in this economy. The great opportunity that we have with the usmca to create even more jobs i tremendous support for the president. I hear tremendous frustration with a congress not focusing on what is making a difference in their lives. Charles let me ask you about that. That is the other piece, last thing, charles, it is not just a disgrace what theyre doing. It is a disgrace what theyre not doing. We have the opportunity with the usmca to create almost 200,000 new jobs in this country in the early going after Congress Approves that legislation. We have got a defense funding bill with necessary increases for our military that has been tied up in the politics on capitol hill. Weve got an Opioid Crisis that is tearing apart families and communities. Weve done, weve done a lot but there is more that we can do. There is a whole range of issues. Infrastructure bill to rebuild the roads and bridges and ports and airports of this country that is languishing in the Transportation Committee because congress is spending all of it is tile on endless investigations and a partisan impeachment. I think the American People are saying, enough is enough. It is time for the democrats in congress to set aside this relentless effort to impeach the president and overturn the results of the 2016 election and do their job and make progress for the people of this country. Charles when you talk about it, being a disgrace, it feels like theres a level of incivility in washington, d. C. , that mirrors, in my mind, sort of decline in faith in america this is topic you feel very strongly about. How important is it that we turn that around and how important is it that the tone is set in washington, d. C. . Well, look, i know when you turn on television it looks like theres more that divides us across this country than ever before but, you know, as i travel this nation it is clear to me theres, there always been and is now more that unites the people of this country that can ever divide us and chief among those things is faith. Faith in god and traditions that well celebrate this month, with hanukkah and with christmas. Its, its faith in the capacity of the American People to accomplish anything when theyre given the freedom and ability to accomplish that thing rao. I really do believe on that foundation of faith well get through these divided times. We have election next year. I cant wait to get out on the campaign trail and go tell the story of everything that this president accomplished, rebuilding our military, restoring americas standing in the world. Standing with our allies. Standing up to our enemies. Crushing the isis caliphates territory in syria. Fighting against radical islamic terrorists on our terms, on their soil. Creating a booming economy. More than 160 conservatives to our federal courts and i think as we go out to tell that story, a story of promises made and promises kept. Im confident this president will get four more years. With that, i think were going to have an opportunity to bring this country back together around our shared commitment to our values to, our security, to our prosperity. Charles Vice President pence, thank you very, very much. Really appreciate the time. Thank you, charles. Charles coming up my Political Panel reacts to what we heard from Vice President pence. Also the house gets set to release the impeachment report. Well go over that. This years cyber monday retaining its title as the Biggest Online shopping day of the year with nine 1 2 billion dollars spent. Well be right back. But with opportunity comes risk. And to manage this risk, the world turns to cme group. We help farmers lock in future prices, banks manage Interest Rate changes and airlines hedge fuel costs. All so they can manage their risks and move forward. Its simply a matter of following the signs. They all lead here. Cme group how the world advances. Charles the House Intelligence Committee has released its report on the impeachment hearings. Democrats concluded that President Trump used his office to help against ukraine. Chairman schiff and democrats utterly terry failed to produce any evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump. This report reflects nothing more than their frustrations. Chairman schiffs report reads like rambling after basement blogger straining to prove something when there is evidence of nothing. On that note i like to bring in trump 2020 lyle Senior Advisor jenna ellis and democratic strategist, kevin walling. That was a heck of a statement from the Trump Administration. Frustrated basement blogger. I wonder if they had cold pizza. What do you make of it . I think it is perfectly said. The white house is coming out strong saying what everybody is thinking. This is nothing more than an impeachment circus. They have socalled fact witnesses that really didnt witness anything. Two people maybe on the call and witness something, it was just their own perceptions, their perspectives. Lets get one thing straight, there is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing. You had in Time Magazine president zelensky coming out talking about his disagreement in Foreign Policy saying he was not pressured at all. Right. There is no evidence whatsoever of a high crime or misdemeanor. The fact that now tomorrow in this next hearing theyre having to bring forward, four constitutional law attorneys which by the way i should have been invited, just saying i would love to go. But all they are going to do is talk about whats the definition of high crime and misdemeanor. Maybe should have figured that out before you started the investigation. Charles kevin, i do find it intriguing this report boils down, essentially goes back to the call and transcript of the call and the term, do me a favor or, you know, i want to ask you for a favor. That is where we were at very beginning of this. All of the witnesses, didnt cite any of these witnesses new information this part of the message seems to be where they failed at least with the general public . Yeah. It is a good point, charles. It is a 300 page report methodically lays out over course of six months the president s abuse of power with regards to the firing of our sitting ambassador for no good apparent reason charles any president can do that. Sure he can, present a reason why. I think is part of this process. Charles kevin, youre very reasonable guy. This amounts to a bunch, circumstantial at best . I know this is not a criminal law case but to the American Public it is, sounds like were talking about removing the president of the United States from office. Its a huge high bar. Charles it is a high bar. Seems like you have a bunch of interpretations of actions, a bunch of circumstantial things but there is no smoking gun. Nothing even close to smoking gun. Sure. Here is what we need. I was happy to see the president over in europe at the nato summit saying he would like to see Mick Mulvaney acting chief of staff testify, rick perry, former secretary of energy and secretary of state provide testimony in the senate phase of impeachment if the process goes forward. The president wants to see that happen. Theyre in the room. They were involved in the quid pro quo. Charles if that is the case they may also ask for other witnesses, jenna, hunter biden, chairman schiff himself. Well see where this saga goes i have to ask you about breaking news before we came on the air, Kamala Harris apparently out of the race. She bolted after the first debate. Her Campaign Never had any traction. What are your thoughts . It is an interesting thing for me, right . Missed expectations. We remember her kickoff in oakland, california, 25,000 people . The streets of california to support her campaign. It really went nowhere. As you said, charles, she had the great moment in the first debate. But couldnt capitalize on it in the last three debates we saw. Charles jenna, reminded me of hillary clinton, vote for me im a woman, but vote for me im a black woman. There were not real ideas that the American Public could associate with Kamala Harris. Absolutely. Tulsi gabbard took her down in the debates. I think that see railed her campaign. The American People are reasonable generally speaking. They will not vote for someone based on identity politics. They want to see someone equaled for president. Why you see President Trumps accomplishments, you see more and more people going into 2020 proudly supporting him because he is america first. Everything that he just interviewed the Vice President , congratulations on that. Charles it was great interview. Thanksthanks a lot. That is what the americans want. Charles exciting. Never a dull moment. Welcome to d. C. Charles i got to get out of here before i get corrupted. Will we see another down december . Remember last year . We were off 400 points at the start of trading. What you need to know though before you start to panic. Well be right back. As a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance. I recommend topical pain relievers first. Like salonpas patch large. Its powerful, fdaapproved to relieve moderate pain, yet nonaddictive and gentle on the body. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. Charles market has been steadily in the red all session long, down 300 points for most of the session. Liz claman joins me what she has coming in the next hour, most consequential hour of the session. Liz. Well follow off the selloff. Were down 400 points for the dow jones industrials. It is ugly day on wall street. Dont forget an absolutely beautiful sunshine and rainbows day for cyber monday, yesterday. What well do, well talk about some of the big winners. Im holding one of, charles, can you see this . Do you know what this is . Charles looks like a christmas ornament. No. I know it does, but called a lol surprise. Charles my goodness, are you kidding me . I never saw it out of the box. I had to buy 12 of those on saturday for my grand daughter. Are you kidding me . Lol surprise . Forget about it. Im becoming an expert on those. This is one of the hot ones probably because you whipped out the credit card, rye . Charles yeah. You know using social media has been the best thing for Small Businesses. Let me tell you, we have the founder and head of the Small Business in the beauty world you may know her as the brow queen. She does oprahs brows, all supermodels brows. All the celebrities brows. She went, one of the very first to go on instagram to promote her beauty line. Well hear from her directly. She is here in studio. Of. She came in from l. A. On this, how she used instagram and how she is partnering with social media stars on things like eye shadow pallets. There is gold in them their eye shadow pallets. Charles give me a call. Well watch the next hour. Liz claman, claman countdown. Save one for your kids. Charles peloton is pedaling on controversy. Over the holiday they showed an ad. A husband buying a exercise bike for his wife. It is being slammed as sexist on social media. Kristina partsinevelos, is with us. This commercial shocked me when i saw it. I thought it was dumb on several levels. Reporter social media and critics are confused about the intention of the new pell lo ton ad. Is it sexist . Is it promoting Healthy Living . Is she scared or wants to please her husband. She received a 2,000dollar stationary bike. People are criticizing it for reasons. One reason for it being sexist, the man seems to suggest that the woman should work out more. Here is one twitter comment, and i quote. I would ask the woman in the peloton come blink twice if she needs help. Her husband already botoxed her eyelids for her birthday. Other comments on the small size of the model over the course of the year. Im so inspired by the peloton commercial with the young, fit woman who goes on scary year long work out journey, from 116 pounds, to 112 pounds. Fire your advertising team. I reached out to peloton. They havent responded back. They disabled comments on the 30 second commercial, charles. This is i guess the internet is in an uproar. This company is still valued at over 9. 6, market cap i should say is 9. 6 billion. Charles all right. But down 9 today. Kristina. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Folks, well be right back. Cologuard colon Cancer Screening for people 50 plus at average risk. Some things are harder than you thought. And others are easier. Like screening for colon cancer with me, cologuard. Im noninvasive and you use me at home. Im also effective. I find 92 of colon cancers using dna in your stool. So why wait . Cologuard is not for those at high risk for colon cancer. 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Talk, talk while our competition continues to talk. vo the flock blindly flying south for the winter. They never stray from their predetermined path. But this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. Defy the laws of human nature. At the season of audi sales event. Charles well, stocks are falling sharply today, President Trump casting doubts on a potential trade deal with china. At least it happening this year. This as the white house confirmed december 15th tariffs are still on. President trump also proposed tariffs on 2. 5 billion of french products and, of course, yesterday we had the threat of potential tariffs on steel and aluminum from brazil and argentina. Tariffs are back in the news. Bell point chief strategist dave nelson. And david dietz. Weve got the david cans today. Its interesting, i read this morning that some on wall street are concerned over which trump wins out, will it be the dow jones trump or the tariff king . And i think, ultimately, President Trump will put tariffs and the end goal of getting fair trade even above the market. What do you think, dietz . [audio difficulty] but look at the, were working with one of the, you know, a great economy here. Ive just been reading about the retail sales over this long holiday period, up 16 . Spending versus last year. Up 14 in terms of shoppers participating. If ever there was a president who looks at this market and sees this report card with a little extra credit, its mr. Trump. And im glad hes using it to get the best for the American People. Charles david nelson, the ultimate report card is how well the American Public is doing, particularly individuals. Wages are soaring, the consumer is strong, and these market fits, for lack of a better word, you know, how important are they, ultimately, when the president really came into office to fix trade . I think, i think that the president is choosing the right time to do this. The markets are very close to an alltime high. The economy is relatively strong, certainly the consumer Balance Sheet is very strong. And i think in your interview with the Vice President , he talked about the elephant in the room. This is a president willing to use the financial weapon like tariffs and others to go after countries like china and others who abuse their relationship with the United States. This is the cost of war, but it doesnt make it any less important to fight. Charles you know, guys, i happen to love when the markets pull back right of after or earnings season. I know which stocks i want to buy on weakness and dips. Are you out there putting together lists, david dietz . Are you looking at opportunities with this pullback . Absolutely, charles. Its been a tale of two markets because weve had some of the megacap techs leading the brigade, but some of the smaller and mid Cap Companies offer tremendous valuations now. And as were getting a little steepening of this yield curve, as weve gotten confirmation that we are side skirting any kind of recession, i think a lot of financials, industrials, even Energy Stocks are looking very good for the taking. Charles you know, theres a cautionary tale in panics. Real quick, david nelson, elon musk is going to go to trial today over the tweets and comments, but by the same token, there was an upgrade in his stock today, a new price target, 423. This is a stock everyone hates. Does this underscore the requested that, ultimately, you know, even names that wall street hates and names that have gotten hit can come back . Not everybody hates this stock, certainly a lot of people in our firm love the stock. Ive had trouble with making those numbers work, and the debate is pretty wide. Actually, both sides of this, the short and long side of it. But, look, he made a mistake, hes come back, and i cant tell you whether or not to buy the stock, im not involved Charles Charles well, i am impressed. I tip my hat to him and, again, looks like elon musk may have the last laugh. David and david, thank you very much. All right, folks, a critical day in the market. The last hour of trading, im handing itoff to liz are claman. Liz it is critical, and the nudes flow still is coming, much of it from overseas. Charles, we just got this video in. President trump moments ago, about four and a half minutes ago, arrived with his wife melania at 10 downing street for an evening reception with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization leaders and, of course, we are expecting some royals there as well. While it may be all smiles at dinner, for investors the president playing the role of scrooge on his first day of that visit to london by saying a china trade deal may have to wait til after the 2020 election. He immediately prompted widespread selling. This is the intraday picture. We opened gapping lower, and its a pattern that is Still Holding as we head into the final hour ora

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