Keep in mind, neil. The two sides were supposed to be, the timeline was supposed to be, they would meet, President Trump and president xi in apec 10 days time. We know apec was canceled. That kind of through everything into a scramble where these two could potentially meet. There are two different facets. The first off the terms as stuart talked about. Also the location. The location is an important piece of the puzzle, when you talk about this potentially shifting into december. There are logistical challenges now because of the cancellation of apec of trying to get these two world leaders, a, into the same place and then, b, trying to sort all of that out. When you talk about next week, the time frame of when they were supposed to be meeting, that is becoming, it is fair to say, less likely that these two leaders, President Trump and president xi, would be meeting together wherever. Pick any sort of point across the globe, whether here in the u. S. Or some point abroad. When you look at the calendar with all of this, at the end of the month, you start getting into thanks thanksgiving. At the end of that, there are reports that the president will be, President Trump, might be heading overseas for nato meet national london. So that factors into the equation. So yes, the terms are very important. It is the most important thing. There is nothing to sign if there are no terms to sign but also the logistics of trying to get all of this nailed down does indeed factor into the equation here. That is why youre seeing this report out today. At least i am being led to believe, one aspect of it, potential maybe december sort of get together between President Trump and president xi. When you factor all calendars in, the calendar has the say. The external factors have their say as well. That formulates into everything right now. Then of course there is what is going on on capitol hill. Just to boil it down real briefly, neil. The first public hearings are going to be happening next week. Three different figures on wednesday. A week from today. George kent and bill taylor. Friday, a week from friday, the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine marie yovanovitch. That will be made public hearings, these three will not be up on the hill, rick perry, russ volk for testimony. Were hearing moments ago from adam schiff, the bill taylor testimony will be released to the public. The opening initial statement i have right here has a lot of questions that this white house will have to answer to. So china impeachment talk, it has been a busy 15 minutes, neil. Neil to put it mildly but you wrapped it up beautifully as all. Thank you my friend. All three journal at large gerry baker host. Thank you for taking the time. First on the china thing if this isnt yet another reminder how much that dictates, trading this is it. I agree. Im a little, my suspicious mind is racing a little bit here when they talk about the difficulty of finding a place to meet and a time to meet. I tend to agree what Stuart Varney said before you came on air, it wont really matter. If there is a deal ready to be done, which will settle some big headlines issues, they can do it whenever they want. I wonder if this is a little bit of a head fake. Theyre saying might mean there isnt going to be a deal. More likely, they are down playing expectations so impact of a deal. They can fly anywhere they want in the world anytime they want. Neil the president wanted to do it in iowa, that would be a good backdrop. Xi xinping is familiar with iowa. There would be lots of reasons to do it in iowa for all kinds of political, economic reasons. I think there is a bit of theatrics going on f they get a deal done. Some ways helps President Trump. Further back they push it, closer gets to the election. Bigger market spike will be. I think market spikes if there is some kind of a deal. As long as it is not a fig leaf. Further off the future you push into that the bigger the boost the economy gets, the bigger the lift the market gets. It will all help him. Im sure this is a little bit of neil december, that is couple weeks from now. Exactly. Neil also, they have agreed or seems like they mostly agreed to remove tariffs that would be an issue in december. I think that would throttle markets more. Very much so. Again this is all, all very carefully being staged managed. So far all we really know the progress has been made they will not impose tariffs we didnt hope they were going to impose anyway. See what i mean . Neil right. The market will not want to get too far ahead of itself. They want to see a substantive deal reduces tariffs already in place rather than one well not do any further damage to the economy this way. Neil what about impeachment, gerry . I think markets are working under the premise, maybe still so, this is not going think where. Maybe the president is impeached in the house, like bill clinton, doesnt go further in the senate, rest of story. They bundle up in doubts, concerns, headscratching, who knew what and when, who revised his or her remarks, when and why, it is just gnawing. I agree. Senate likely to vote to remove the president from office as turkeys are to vote for early thanksgiving. Neil right. Look how solid the Republican Party is. Every single republican last week voted against the impeachment proceedings. As trump keeps tweeting, Approval Rating among republicans is skyhigh. If you look at polls in detail, while a small majority favor impeachment, republicans are solidly against impeachment. So barring some extraordinary revelation in the next few weeks which nobody sees coming. They are not i agree with you, the house will probably vote to impeach. Likelihood of 20 republican senators, quitting on the president voting to rewho have him infinitesimally remote. The market is right to see this as politic. The larger issue how it plays out in terms of 2020. Democrats think it will really energize their base. Saw good results from them, particularly in virginia on tuesday night, in pennsylvania. They think impeachment helps them. Republicans think, i get impression, a lot of Republican Voters are not on board with everything he does but i want to right to choose whether he serves. Were within a year of election. Never happened before that a president is impeached during a reelection effort. A lot of republicans say i will support, i will be energized to support him. Neil even timing of it, bill clinton, even though he wasnt able to run for reelection, it was two years before reelection. Timing is everything. Gerry, thank you very much. Gerry baker, wsj at large. Democrats taking note, some successful candidates were moderate bent. Investors want to take note. Democrats are putting surprising victories of Surprising Group had this much in common, they were all moderate across the board. Lauren simonetti is crunching all the data. Sure have, neil. Start with kentucky were awaiting official result there but it appears Democrat Andy beshear declaring victory over incumbent republican governor matt bevin who has not conceded yet by the way. What do you need to know . Beshear is a moderate. He did not talk of impeaching the president. He was not a polarizing figure. He won in a straight that President Trump won by 30 Percentage Points in 2016. Beshear highlighting all this in the centrist tone early this morning. It is about changing the tone we have heard in frankfurt for the last four years. About coming together to make sure we work on the things we agree on. That we can still talk to each other civilly on the things that we disagree on. Reporter further south, mississippis governor mansion stays red. Tate reed defeats jim hood. A mooed rat came within 5 of his republican opponent. 4742 . Pretty close. Big win by democrats in virginia sweeping both statehouses First Time Since 1993 flipping key suburban seats blue. Republicans struggling to take positions on gun control. Republicans gained four senate seats and flipped a seat. Slate correspondent, jordan wise man wrote this. A quote reminder that obamacare and medicaid are fairly popular. Fixes them, rather than starting from scratch is probably a Good National policy pitch. Well see if any of the 2020 hopefuls soften their message. Neil, back to you. Neil that was very interesting. Lauren, thank you very much. Good night for joe biden and Pete Buttigieg. They are moderate bent. Gunning for likes of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders pie in the sky views on medicare for all, College Tuition paid for all, a bit too extreme. The money wasnt there. A little off the reservation. Now theyre getting off to the races when it comes to fundraising. Real clear politics cofounder tom bevin what we can learn from that. Tom, early on, but it is interesting, that the key victories went to moderates. The key flip made all of the levers of government in virginia now fall under democratic control was led by moderates. What are we to make about that . Same takeaway in 2018 frankly. How democrats won house of representatives, with moderates in suburban districts. It bodes well for them, bodes well for Pete Buttigieg, amy klobuchar, joe biden. In the last few weeks sort of with the last debate where Elizabeth Warren stood on stage, could not answer the question how she would pay for medicare for all. That was untenable position. She turned around and released a program. That also backfired on her, it has given more ammunition to the centrists as they run this race, saying look it is not a feasible plan. She is down playing the cost. Will have to raise taxes on middle class. She is getting in from both sides. Centrists are on the march. Progressive are back on their heels. Neil i havent had a chance to talk to you since Elizabeth Warren medicare for all pitch, it might have backfired on here even within the party because theyre holding her accountable to the costs even they are saying dont add up. It provided opportunity for this woman who has meticulous plans for everything that sometimes those plans dont add up . Right. She famously had a plan for everything. She didnt have a plan for this. She puts one out. It is not passing muster even with democratic voters. Polls in democratic voters iowa, nationally, 20 point more they favor idea of medicare optin. Basically the plan Pete Buttigieg and joe biden are proposing opposed to a plan that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are proposing literally take health care from 180 Million People and scrap the system, start over, go to full singlepayer. Even among democratic voters in early states, that plan will be a tough sell for here. Neil tom, always good chatting. Thank you very much. Tom bevin in chicago. You hear the term, quid pro quo. Latin this for that. But it dominated the impeachment discussion whether in the case of ukraine the president was extracting something from the ukrainians to investigate a man likely to be his opponent in the upcoming election. Withhold aid to ukraine if he didnt get it. There was a time when a lot of republicans saying, no, no, there was no such relationship or quid pro quo. Now increasingly a number of them saying even if there were, it is no big deal. Is that right . Im part of a community of problem solvers. We make ideas grow. From an everyday solution. To one that can take on a bigger challenge. We are solving problems that improve lives. How did you know . Mom. That was taken at the farm. It was in this small little village. In connemara . Right connemara it is. Honestly, we went there oh, oh look at that look at that. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, hmm. Exactly. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty i need all the breaks as athat i can get. Or, at liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Neil we still have the dow down a little bit. We talked about a possible delay in leaders of china and the United States signing off on this trade deal that seems to have encountered some bumps but there is also a separate issue of open impeachment hearings set to begin as soon as next week. Republicans have been telling me of late even if there was a quid pro quo, in other words, an understanding of holding off aid to a country, if that country wasnt giving you the information you wanted on an opponent in the upcoming general election, that in of itself is not impeachable. Take a look. I get a chance over the last few days, including this last weekend to talk a number of republican colleagues. They were saying even if there were a quid pro quo it is not impeachable. Do you agree with that . Well go back to the transcript. All you have to do is read the transcript released to the American People to decide for themselves. I dont see anything in the transcript that was a high crime or misdemeanor that would fall under Constitutional Authority for to impeach the president on the phone call. Neil some of your colleagues gone so far it doesnt matter, even if was an extreme case, delayed. Even if that is a quid pro quo, it is not Impeachable Offense. Do you agree with that . I dont see based on what transpired to this point with their antics with impeachment, it will rise to the level of an Impeachable Offense. Neil some say the next level, even if it was delayed and it was quid pro quo, its not an Impeachable Offense . I would go as far as saying the president sometimes is very raw in his conversations. He can sometimes talk in terminology that is not always comfortable for me but i think it is his job as commanderinchief neil that wont be impeachable to you . I dont believe that is impeachable. Neil from saying it never happened, there was never such a deal or sort of a leverp opportunity on the part of the president saying do this, you dont get this. Now they advanced possibility, if it were, no big deal. Former whitewater counsel robert ray whether its a big deal. What do you think, robert . I dont want to get into whether it was a big deal. Neil how about impeachable. Constitution requires that impeachment is founded upon treason, bribery, other high crime or misdemeanor, if what the democrats are pointing to bribery it is a long way short of that. You have to have more than a quid pro quo. It has to be corrupt, to Say Something that the law is recognized as clearly, unmistakably illegal. Its a difficult of the application of the bribery and extortion statutes in this context to Say Something as nebulous please open up an investigation of the bidens could be considered of personal benefit to the president of the United States and constituting an Illegal Foreign Campaign Contribution that was being asked for in exchange for access or release to a congressional appropriation which was withheld on a temporary basis. I mean i think there is neil in other words, had it not gone out at all the aid you might have a case but eventually it did, right . Thats right. It was clear from acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney in the press Conference Since he had omb experience, office of management and budget experience, they recognized they didnt even have the authority to withhold the appropriation beyond the end of the fiscal year which was september 30th. It was only going to be a temporary hold. I do not think at the end of the day, neil, there is anything illegal essentially the president withholding aid temporarily to see what kind of a reaction he got from ukraine and the fact that other people were involved in, you know, issues about trying to understand, was there a relationship between the two, i dont see that anything from kurt volcker or Gordon Sondland or by tailor really changes the bottom line. Neil you and i were talking about at the break, he did seem to talk about the u. N. Ambassador, i said that resumption of u. S. Aid would not likely occur until ukraine provided anticorruption statement we had been discussing many weeks. That was an addendum to what he had said prior. Everybody skips over the word likely. Neil right. Also his addendum, he presumed that there was a relationship between the two. He didnt know one way or the other. Neil republicans are saying, as i mentioned, if there was such a connection its not an Impeachable Offense. Look. I just return to the law. It is not exclusively a legal question. Obviously its a political question about the question of impeachment and removal from office. Neil right. To return to the law i dont think it is enough to say im going to imply a relationship here that is corrupt. I think that really under these circumstances, given the fact it is somewhat nebulous exactly what was going on here that you would require, should require an explicit quid pro quo, meaning something understood to be clearly unmistakably unlawful and i dont think, demany efforts to couple the bushes through the state department to have all the witnesses come forward i really dont think you would find that. I think they were troubled by the fact there was effort underway outside usual channels including the state department and department of justice, they were understandably upset about that, but that is long way saying there is Impeachable Offense here. What happens with the open hearings commence next week were told . Sure. Neil play me through the process. Where do you think it goes, what are we looking at . What the democrats are looking to do engineer public sentiment and public support in favor ultimately of articles of impeachment, which would then make their way down into the House Judiciary Committee for a vote. That vote would then have to go back to the full house for a full house vote on whether articles of impeachment are going to be sent on to the senate for trial. Now the first part of that process will Begin Next Week which is the public sentiment portion of it. I do not think they will ultimately come up with wellfounded articles of impeachment. Obviously ultimately that is for the American People to decide that question. Neil but is it safe to say given the political makeup where it goes down, he could likely be impeached in the house, that is the president , but it wouldnt go anywhere as things stand now . As things stand now it could well happen, it seems equally clear what the markets are reflecting, no way in the world that will ever be a bipartisan effort unless something radically changes. Neil right. If it is not ever going to become a bipartisan effort, the constitution, the constitutional design makes clear no way you would ever be able to remove a president under those circumstances, and with good reason. Neil robert, thank you very much. A legal scholar weighing on my turf, the markets but he is dead on right. The king of ridesharing is flailing. The uber lock up period is over. For those with a lot of stock, they can pounce and sell. A lot of them can. Are they going to do that . Well see after this. Orlando isnt just the theme park capital of the world, it also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us. Its a competition for the talent. Employees need more than just a paycheck. You definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2 3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. The workplace should be a source of financial security. Keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. Thats Financial Wellness. Put your employees on a path to Financial Wellness with prudential. Neil nothing like a little takeover interest to prompt interest in your shares. Hp is finding that out right now. Shares soaring as xerox, sort of kicks the hightech tires. Gerri willis at New York Stock Exchange with more. That and much more. Gerry . Reporter thats right, neil. Hp shares as you saw are up 10 , a little over 10 . Xerox shares are almost 1 . Are 2. 3 higher. Hitting new intraday high after multiple reports say xerox will buy hp. The value would be less than 23 a share. However our own Charlie Gasparino says no farm mall offer has been made. The deal is pushed by carl icahn who own as 10. 6 stake in the company. Uber shares are down this morning, having been down as much as 9 . Now down 4 after a lockup expiration that wedbush analysts say could result in 736 million shares becoming available for sale. Shares very weak earlier this morning as we saw. And they are on track for their fifth straight day of declines. On tuesday the Company Reported earnings which showed a billion dollar plus loss. The shares are well below their ipo price of 45. Walgreens shares, down as well, today, as you can see right here, down 3 . After spiking tuesday on reports that the company is considering going private. The dow component has a market cap of 5 a billion, taking the company private, would require a largest leveraged buyout in history. It is a part of our game here, neil, who would go into the dow if walgreens left. Cvs, starbucks. A lot to talk. Neil . Neil the fact theyre talking igniting a lot of interest. Without that we probably wouldnt be you know, down nearly as much here. Were following that. Also following what is going on with the dow right now. This latest wrinkle with the trade thing. Lost in the sauce, not only whether it is delayed until december, next month. But before the two leaders at soonest could sign off on anything. But the chinese are trying to work in some added demands here that not most of the tariffs but all of the planned extended tariffs that were to kick in in middecember. Dont kick in at all. That has been lost to the argument here. The chinese say any tariffs youre planning, any of them, all of them, go. Right now that is something that is not built into it. Sort of like when you make a commitment to buy a car. Youre dotting the is, crossing the ts, saying throw in, maybe satellite radio with this that i get for one year, not just three months, back and forth, back and forth. Were at that stage which can make you stay in the shop and close on that car or leave. Well see. Elizabeth warren is hitting the rich yet again. One rich guy named jamie dimon responds. This got very nasty. Actually it is getting nastier. Only one things more exciting than getting a lexus. Wow giving one. How did you guys. . Dont ask. The lexus december to rembember sales event get 0 percent apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Shes the one the one for you when you know you just know she isnt perfect but shes perfect for you love is rare loves unique love is her love is him love is us the vera wang love collection designed for zales, the diamond store. [maniacal laughter] gold. Gold right, uh. Thank you, for that, bob. But i think its time we go with gbtc. Its bitcoin exposure through a traditional investment account. Nice rock. Its time to drop gold. Go digital. Go grayscale. Neil say this about Elizabeth Warren. She knows how to pick fights. She brings in the likes of Jpmorgan Chase Ceo Jamie Dimon by going after the rich. Hillary vaughn on capitol hill with the latest on that. Hey, hillary. Reporter Elizabeth Warren picking another fight with a billionaire. This time jpmorgan Ceo Jamie Dimon after he said that warrens harsh words vilifies successful people. But warren isnt rethinking her rhetoric towards the rich. Instead, she of course is doubling down, targeting dimon on twitter saying this, quote the fact that they reacted so strongly, so angrily to act to chip in more, tells you all you need to know. The system is working great for wealthy and wellconnected. Jamie dimon doesnt want that to change. I will fight to make sure it works for everyone. Warren says, only fair that dimon, quote, his billionaire friend chip in to pay for the proposals because they benefited from Public Programs on their road to success but dimon warns this, saying quote, the road to hell is paved with good intentions when it comes to policy. He says, a lot of Government Programs have been abysmal failures. He think it is time to try something new to fix the problems. Neil . Neil thank you very much. Senator warren going after twitter Ceo Jack Dorsey on twitter. Jack dorsey following that. Get back to dimon a little bit. I know people inside jpmorgan. You have a microcosm of a freakout going on in the Democratic Party, except for progressive left. The mainstream democrats are so scared of Elizabeth Warren that she will, most mainstream democrats are progressive in social values. They believe in progressive income tax. Neil right. They are not leftwingers. They are so scared she will be the nominee, that she will upend the economy, destroy the stock market through various spending programs. Jamie dimon, make no mistake he a democrat. A long time democrat. Been critical of donald trump at times. He supports some of his economic policies. This is why there is, everybody talks about how trump was a huge upheaval in the Republican Party. Guess what . There is a huge upheaval going on in the Democratic Party at a prospect of her becoming the nominee. Neil on wall street there is bigger upheaval if she gets in is. Not just wall street. Mainstream democrats that have, essentially capitalists with a conscience. You know what im saying . That is what they would call themselves. This is another whole ball of wax. Extend it what is going on with jack dorsey. The attacks on dorsey is pretty insane. Dorsey creates a nice company. Employs a lot of people. Neil what is she complaining about, that he will not allow political turning the tables on him, not allowing policy. What she is doing though, very fascinating, may get her a democratic nomination. She is clearly targeting in the most overt class warfare manner, corporate america. Everybody says this about obama. He is nothing compared to this i will go after the two pillars of the establishment. Corporate america, going after the Banking System, our Banking System is probably the best in the world. Creates a lot of financing for companies to go public. I will go after people that created all these jobs. Fascinating what she is doing. You know what . She might pull it off, to get the nomination but i am telling you, im talking to mainstream democrats every day. They will not support this sort of lunacy. They may stay home. Neil they might have taken note, where the democrats picked up inroads yesterday, particularly taking the virginia legislature, now all levers of government in virginia. You could argue that moderates were the big reason. You could argue moderates are the big reason they took control of the house two years ago. That would justify some democrats. Absolutely. The moderates are the reason why joe biden, who cant complete a full sentence sometimes, is still ahead in the polls. Now, she is gaining on him. Remember, all these neil this medicare for all thing made her a big ol target, right . It should be. It defies logic if you think about it. How do you pay for it . 50 trillion, minus 20 trillion, still leaves you 30 trillion in the hole. Neil dont do math out loud. Yeah but her math neil the xerox thing what is happening with hp, what is going on with that . My reporting that hp had no idea this was coming. No idea. Neil is that right . This was hatched by the xerox board. Look at market caps of xerox and hp. Hp is three times larger than xerox. It defies logic how xerox could take them over. How do you take them over . Financing and stuff. Who is the guy behind the scenes . The guy in oz, wizard of oz here is none other than than uncle carl icahn. What he is trying to do, he is brilliant at this. He is trying to get hp to bite, maybe buy them. That is where this is going. It is hard for xerox to basically get the the financing to pay a premium. It will be hard. He raising spector, two companies are better. Enhance his position. Its a brilliant play. Working in the market. Make no mistake about it. I dont know where hp stands on this. From my sources at hp, they had no idea this is coming. What they do know, this is plan hatched by carl icahn and the board, possibly to get hp to bite, to buy them. This is a hard deal. Think about it, hp, look at market caps . Xerox has market cap of 8 billion. Hp has a market cap neil 30 billion. 30 billion. Do the math there. Uncle carl is a brilliant guy. There is reason why he has got 30 billion in the bank. Neil going to florida. Thats right. Neil thank you my friend very, very much. The dow is down 28 points right now. A lot about trade. Well get more of that later. Were well off the lows. Any gain today if we finish with a gain, another record for the dow. Watching holiday sales. If you noticed something, there are more holiday commercials on. Many people in stores dedicated to the hilt. There is a reason for that. They figure the more they get you to forget about thanksgiving, the more that you will focus on just buying like crazy, after this. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. 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More charges filed in the uaw probe. Grady trimble on that. What happened . Reporter joe ashton was charged. He was on General Motors board but stepped down a couple years ago as the federal corruption into the uaw rammed up. He is facing two felony charges, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. He received kickbacks. In one bizarre case outlined he worked out a deal his personal chiropractor started a wristwatch company, made thousands of watches. Then the uaw bought the watches. Then after that, ashton, according to the documents demanded kickbacks in the hundreds of thousand of dollars. Ashton is the 13th, highest Ranking Member of the uaw to be charged. We should mention gary jones, president of the union, stepped down, taking paid leave of absence. He announced that over the weekend. He has yet to be charged. Appears with more charges in the case the investigation is getting closer and closer to top uaw brass. Neil . Neil thank you very much, my friend. You heard a lot of teasing back and forth when it comes to millenials, they complain, that is what boomers say of them. There are hard and cold disturbing facts that support millenials. They are in a world of hurt. On percentage terms, much more hurt than when boomers were their age. Some boomers and millenials. After this. Sometimes your small screen is your big screen. And with the Xfinity Stream app, which is free with your service, you can take a spin through on demand shows, or stream live tv. Download your dvrd shows and movies on the fly. Even record from right where you are. Whether youre travelling around the country or around the house, keep what you watch with you. Download the Xfinity Stream app and watch all the shows you love. Neil i think Charlie Gasparino needs to hear this. There is reason why millenials are often complaining. The math backs them up. There is a new report that millenials are by and large, earning about 20 less than baby boomers were earning at roughly the same age. To fox News Headlines 24 7 reporter carley shim discuss, Internet Radio host sensation, mike gunzelman. First of all do you qualify to be millenials. I think were aging out of that were still technically the millenials. Were exact same age. A couple years left, for sure. This is relatable top i can. I can see it happening, especially happening with our generation, millenials. Credit card debt. Student debt is a huge one. Student debt is huge issue. People are, why dont you buy a house . A 60,000dollar house baby boomers would have had is half a Million Dollars now. There is no money saved. Neil like i got away with murder. You know what though . This one surprised me, it has to do with wages. When you consider millenials by a long shot have a College Degree than baby boomers, look at millenial women, 72 are in the workforce, making more money than women ever had before. Im not sure the study factors that into consideration across the board. Neil in real inflation terms. Depending where you live can be a big thing. It shows, given fixed costs rising, incomes are not, that millenial makes 35,000 a year. That is awful. What can you do with that . 35,000 doesnt get you what it used to get you. Everything else is more expensive. More expensive to get around. Neil maybe should go out less . Thats what i do. I have to go out. Neil you have an image to maintain. I have to say im gunz. Neil that is the problem. I dont know if you know me. You know who i am . Neil exactly. This study took the recession into consideration. Millenials were dinged by the recession. I graduated in college, 2009, not the best time to find a job. When you look at the Strong Economy in the 1960s, older baby boomers were around 20 then. It starts to make sense when you look at period of time millenials. Neil i think there is more to it than that. In prior appearances you were still technically millenials, youre not jazzed by some of the same things your parents or those my age are. Hope ownership isnt as important. Marriage itself is not as important an institution. Youre married. It doesnt hold the same allure. Times are different. There was so much pressure, youre going to four years of college. Then youre going to get a family, all that. Now it is different. It is financial standpoint, part of it . For sure. I think it has to do with finances the fact that you cant continue what your life or ultimate goal was going to be initially because of student debt, all the rest of this. The student debt argument is interesting. Elizabeth warren is jumping all on that right now. Millenials are, she will cure everything . Neil that is her strongest audience. That is her base. Young people dont really ever, they have a low turnout rating in the polls. Neil but they do like things she is saying though . Well everybody likes free things. Until they will get taxed to death. Until it is not actually free. That is typical neil you said you wouldnt have to be affected by that because you earn so little. Elizabeth warren neil you came plain whether you have money or not. If i had more money i would be lets be honest. I think it is cyclical, getting back to a marriage argument, if young people are struggling a little bit more financially they have to feel like they work harder. They will put off buying a house and raising a family. It is just a product of the time where people are just getting married later in life. Theyre focusing more on work. Lots of dating apps. Neil i dont want to go there. Maybe after the meltdown. I dont know whether you experienced this with your parents, a lot of young people who saw firsthand what it was like, for certain generation, dealing with all that, homes taken away, always up against the wall thing, mortgage values tumbling, not for you . Not really because i would say, average millenial only has 8,000 in savings. Not like we learned a lesson. The fact that we dont have the money neil im asking whether you were burnt. Doesnt have the allure once did . We saw what happened to our parents. Did we learn a lesson. I dont know we learned that big of a lesson. Neil carley learns through life. But sounds like things froze if youre looking for me to throw you a life raft neil im kidding. How bad is this getting . For you guys, you look at this, always see boomers say, you know we had it rough too. Our parents they really did have it rough. My parents, the greatest generation. They went through a depression. But the argument is that you guys have nothing left over. Millenials. This is a real problem. I know it is plenty of people live paycheck to paycheck with barry savings, paying off a lot of debt. A lot more freelancers. That means you pay for your own benefits and health insurance, all that. The money you would have had the employer would give you now you have to pay for some people say how it could affect future generations. Young people have less. You will provide your children with less. You need the pump the brakes. Especially mill lineals make up a lot of the workforce. So we have a lot of time to make up that 20 . Neil youre looking to such authority you can start firing baby boomers, right . Oh. I think of my dad when you say that i just got sad. I would never fire, i dont think i could ever fire a baby boomer. Yeah. Neil looked at me, my dad it is bound to happen. It is pound to happen. I can see that, cavuto, would you come here please . They put in their time. As are we now. That time is up. Neil prune juice. Guys, terrific job. Swing state economies, including those who have millennium, all the way up to baby boomers and beyond. Theyre telling republicans some interesting things they should Pay Attention to. So should democrats. Of all ages after this. Lity hass for online u. S. Equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. With value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Fidelity. Hey fred its medicare open enrollment. E. Anywhere else. Time to compare plans. Were fine with what we have. Thats what the johnsons thought until they tried medicares new plan finder. The johnsons . We saved a lot on our prescription costs and got extra benefits. How bout it, fred. Plans change every year. Use the new plan finder at medicare. Gov. Comparing plans really pays. Look how much we can save. So wim searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like im just wasting time. Wasted time is wasted opportunity. Exactly. 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We do know next week is the goal and it could be a long time from there expanding from there. Chad pergram on capitol hill with the latest. Chad . Reporter well, what we have learned in the past hour, hour and 15 minutes, is that we will have two sets of hearings starting on wednesday. We are going to have george kent, a Top State Department official, raised some red flags about ukraine and the dealings with rudolph giuliani. He will come and testify along with bill taylor, the acting ambassador to ukraine. It was bill taylor who raised concerns over Text Messages with Gordon Sondland, ambassador to the european union, about whether or not there was a prid kw quid pro quo. Next week, we will have marie yovanovitch, who was fired. Listen to adam schiff, chair of the house intelligence committee. Most important facts are largely not contested. The degree to which the president enlisted whole departments of government in the illicit aim of trying to get ukraine to dig up dirt on a political opponent. Those open hearings will be an opportunity for the American People to evaluate the witnesses for themselves. Reporter this is why its important to know these hearings will be within the purview of the house intelligence committee. Per that resolution passed last week by the house of representatives, the intelligence committee, the chair adam schiff has ball control there. He determines which witnesses can be called. Republicans dont really have any say. They want the heo hear from oth people, notably kurt volker. Republicans want to keep the focus on the phone call. These witnesses who have been summoned next week really dont have much direct information about the phone call. This is why there was talk just in the past couple days about moving jim jordan, republican of ohio, the Top Republican on the House Oversight committee, to the intelligence committee. Heres the other important thing about these open hearings. They can go one of two ways. The hearings in july with robert mueller, pretty insignificant. They didnt have that same gotcha moment. But you could have a moment in one of these hearings that kind of crystallizes the entire scenario. Think back to watergate. What did the president know, when did he know it. Think back to the irancontra hearings in 1987 when you had a sight bite with oliver north standing up very patriotic tableau raising his right hand. You could have one of those moments for the public and that becomes the historic document. Neil it also requires a partisan process to become less partisan, right . Reporter right. This is where republicans are saying we dont have much control right now and you are going to hear that argument about process again because this is under the aegis of the intelligence committee. They will probably not get to the Judiciary Committee at all, just a markup, which is different than a hearing, to mark up the articles of impeachment prospectively next month. Neil we talk about the effect of what happens down there and whether its affecting trading on the corner of wall and broad. Its one of those sort of uncertain developments. Most are convinced, self notwithstanding, having more to do on trade issues, we will get to that in a second, that this isnt going anywhere, that in an extreme case, the president is ultimately impeached in the house but it goes nowhere further. Then again, anything can happen in an open hearing process over the next weeks, months, who knows how long, could change things. Lets get the read from New York Post columnist michael goodwin, beverly holtberg and Portfolio Manager jack mcintyre. Beverly, you are hearing all these crosscurrents, open hearings, who testifies when, back and forth, but its been a partisan affair. What changed with watergate is when it didnt become a partisan affair. It started out that way, but in some months, i stress months, it changed. What do you think here . I think unless new information comes out we are not going to see the house do anything differently than what we expect both sides to do. I think it comes down to the senate. We dont expect the senate to convict but i do think it puts some senators in a bad situation. Senator Susan Collins of maine made a very tough stand when it came to nominating or putting her vote for justice kavanaugh. What does this do for her reelection bid . She says its not going to interfere with it but the question is, i think it is going to put some republicans in a tough position, especially in the senate and what does this mean for upcoming elections. Neil im wondering about that, too, about how its registering with average americans because that is always a backdrop i think both parties want to Pay Attention to. And this monmouth poll thats out show many are interpreting this as overkill going nowhere. Im just paraphrasing, as a result of a poll that looks at just sentiment, that this is a onesided process. Well, i completely agree, then you add in another layer which is the swing states. Not every voter, not every independent voter really matters in this. Its down to, you know, eight, ten states that are really the targets of both parties. The six states that donald trump flipped in 2016 primarily. So i think that the idea that its purely partisan, i mean, many of the workers in these states have benefited greatly from the trump economy. Thats where the manufacturing jobs came back to, over 500,000 at one count. This was a big difference maker for a lot of families in these states and so i think that they are not going to be easily seduced by a partisan argument where the other side is saying wait, you only want to hear one side of the argument, you dont want to hear from the other witnesses . What kind of trial is that . So i think that will offend a lot of people who are still openminded. Neil a lot of these polls are specious in terms of how they are wording their questions. When we hear the question generally asked, are you in favor of impeachment, its one thing. Are you in favor of the impeachment process Going Forward is quite another, process doesnt necessarily lead to impeachment in these battleground states, to michaels point. A good many majority, in fact, are against it as things stand now. That could change, obviously. But the markets are ignoring it. Should they . For now, yeah. From an investor standpoint, open hearings are probably not going to be mustwatch tv. I think the best Case Scenario neil we are still weighing going live on tv. No, i think the scenario the market is discounted is what you kind of outlined. He will probably get impeached in the house but acquitted in the senate. If that changes, markets are going to react to that, but if it doesnt, other factors which we will talk about will be more important for the market. Neil part of the other factors, a good economy. That was the wind at bill clintons back. We said it many times here on this and other shows, talking about how that probably cemented the deal, public appetite to throw him out of office wasnt there. Having said that, im wondering when you look at this and the key races last night, particularly democrat gaining all levers of government in virginia, maybe, maybe taking the governors you know, seat in kentucky, that they realize the ones who won were moderate and maybe that is the stance they have to take, or direction they should go in for 2020. I will offer two other ideas on that. When you look at virginia, as the government continues to grow more and more, those individuals move into the state of virginia. Thats part of the reason why its turning blue. Also, kentucky, you had a governor there who did have a complicated past and had some controversies. So i dont think you can look at those two areas and say that means trump is necessarily in trouble. The economy is going to play a big role and i also neil its done pretty well. I know what youre saying about bevin and hes a controversial fellow but if he loses a state the president won by 30 points, somethings wrong with that, isnt it . Its a big change. Also, one of the policies he was pushing forward which is tough for anyone to talk about even though its of utmost importance is pension reform. You have states that are going bankrupt. You have to figure out how to deal with that. But any time you bring it up to the people its going to be a tough one because no one wants to cut back on pension payments. Neil what do you make of all that . I would refer back to barack obama, how he wins big in 2008, loses the house in 2010, wins reelection in 2012, loses the senate in 2014. So when hes on the ballot, hes very popular, he wins, but he cant transfer that. We may see that with donald trump, too. Not being on the ballot makes all the difference in the world when you are trying to pull others across the finish line. But when youre there, then you have coattails. Thats the history of obama. It may well be the history of trump. Neil maybe thats what people are counting on. I think its going to be interesting, viewing it from an investor standpoint, because i think most investors, me included, you have this assumption that politicians are all about selfpreservation. So if trump wants to get reelected, this is going to be motivation for him to whats the one issue, the economy. Thats in his control for the most part. So maybe it accelerates or motivates him to do a trade deal with china, something that gets the markets focusing and the economy focusing away from impeachment, the tough challenge he has in getting reelected, to the economy. So its sort of counterintuitive. Neil i could be wrong, i think we will pay more attention to this, whether it moves anything, even the needle on politics or the markets at all, on who gets the Vice President is telling trish regan hes very open to sharing transcripts of his own calls with the ukrainian president. Take a look. Working on it, thinking about releasing your own transcripts. I have no objection to releasing the transcripts of the couple phone calls i had with president zelensky. Again, they were all about the very same issues. Look, its my great honor as Vice President to represent this president and the United States in meetings with world leaders. Neil you know whats interesting about this, guys, beverly, i will begin with you, this view people testify or dont, provide information or dont, its always seen through the prism of whether you find it to be an Impeachable Offense, what went on. Democrats to a man or woman, trying to extract concessions out of the head of a sovereign nation to insert himself in the u. S. Election, bad, impeachable, high crime and misdemeanor, no questions asked. Republicans when pushed to that extreme, quid pro quo, is that an Impeachable Offense, no. Not at all. Even republicans changed their tune a little bit saying first of all there was no promise, now saying there was a promise, it happens all the time. So you see some of the language switching a bit. But here is where democrats have an issue. First, the biden issue. The obvious one. Did biden do the same thing or even worse when it comes to his son. Neil the more this gets attention, the the more it gets attention. The other side as well, we have seen democrats overplay their hand a lot whether it is the russia collusion story, whether its mueller needs to come testify which turned out to be a disaster for democrats. So have they overplayed their hand on this . I think there is a potential because theres a reason why nancy pelosi has been hesitant to move forward with impeachment at all. So really neil now its dragging on. The one thing nancy pelosi feared the most. Right . I would make two quick points. The first is that the mention with trish regan of Vice President pence and his calls. Well, i mean, that brings up the issue of context, right. We dont really have a lot of context in which to judge the president s call with ukraine because we dont have the transcripts of most president ial calls. If you go to their libraries historically, you can hear some of them, but what did barack obama say to vladimir putin, what did barack obama say in all of his calls to ukraine . Whats the context of President Trumps comments on that call . The second point is today all the headlines are about quid pro quo. Sondlands testimony proves it was a quid pro quo but as you mentioned with beverly, wasnt biden also engaging in a quid pro quo very openly . He boasted about it. If you dont fire the guy, you dont get the money. So not all quid pro quos are necessarily bad. I think that is a point that the president has not effectively argued yet. Neil thats one of the reasons why a wall street watcher is saying this cancels out for wall street. Exactly. Again, covering wall street, i do think this probably happens all the time. Its just the vitriol against trump it gets elevated. Just getting through the mueller investigation, to kind of go down this path and do it with ukraine, theres probably a little mistake on both sides. Neil how far it goes is anyones guess. Meantime, we are getting a new warning about a single payer system on health care. But its not coming from republicans. Its coming from an example by the british. I wanted more thats why ive got the power of 1 2 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123. Trelegy 123 trelegy. 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That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Neil were getting some news, apparently the white house is asking for the chinese president s travel schedule to see where a potential signing on this phase one of the trade deal thats not exactly a done deal, could happen. We dont know whether from my idea they pursue the catskills or poconos is working but i threw it out there. Thats my patriotic duty. You know Chuck Grassley of iowa has thought iowa would be a good venue, since this is supposed to benefit farmers. We are also hearing chinese trade sources do indeed want those december 15th tariffs not imposed. There had been a debate as to whether they would all go or whether some would go, but the administration was open to not imposing them. Didnt say exactly how many they were talking about, just that they are working toward removing them or many of them that would have taken effect in the middle of december. Following that very very closely. Im all choked up. Meanwhile, President Trump is relying on key state wisconsin where any progress on trade would be welcome. He won that state by less than 1 so its important that he win it again to keep the electoral math going his way. Joining us, out of racine, wisconsin, because hes been talking to a lot of them there, connell mcshane. Hey, connell. Connell hey, neil. Talking to voters here, generally speaking, this is our Third Straight in three days on our swing state tour we have been on, they are a little more private when it comes to politics maybe than what we have seen in the other states, but when you do get them to open up and talk, its not impeachment or topics like that as you were discussing a few minutes ago that gets them worked up. Its more jobs, maybe the personality of the candidates. I want to play an example for you. One person you will hear from is a trump supporter, the second a democrat who also happens to be the mayor of this town where we are. You will get the logic on both sides. Take a listen. I can tell you that i was a hesitant trump voter but i did vote for him in 2016 and now im an enthusiastic voter. I dont know anybody that i know in my circle of friends, democrat or republican, who voted for trump who is going to not vote for him this next time around. I think democrats are really motivated this time around, but i think what i learned four years ago is not to take anything for granted and make sure everybodys got an opportunity to vote. I think at the very end, there were a lot of Lessons Learned from how this state was ignored at the very end. I dont think you will see that mistake repeated. Connell the mayors point is that Hillary Clinton basically ignored the state last time around, wont happen. Says the democrats are fired up to beat the president no matter who their candidate is, but if you look at the numbers, the candidate does matter. Joe biden, the remain toer Vice President , has been polling better here. New york times polling showed him better than Elizabeth Warren. Shes dead even with the president where the former Vice President is up by a few points. We are focused on the economy and its been relatively strong in wisconsin and here in racine. The Unemployment Rate is 3. 8 , very low. The trend is that unemployment has been going up. It was 3 a year ago. Thats a statewide trend. It appears manufacturing had been strong, now slowing a little bit. The final area we are watching closely is farming. We actually have a local farmer coming on after the bell today from this area who has told us in advance that the trade war has been hurting his business, wants to see some resolution on china. Also, usmca through the congress before making a decision on who to vote for. So thats kind of the story here in wisconsin. I remember we were together in the studio in the election, on Election Night in 2016 when fox called wisconsin for trump, we kind of knew that was the way it was going to go. It may play that role again as a Tipping Point in 2020. Well see. Neil great job, my friend. Connell mcshane traveling around these battleground states to get a lay of the land. One of the issues thats coming up is health care, medicare for all. That push is gaining steam certainly among democrats and the progressive wing of that party that wants it for everybody. The uk government, though, is warning be careful what you wish for. Theres a new report sounding alarms about massive wait times for those on a single payer system and that you have to sort of pay off people to move to the front of the line. Beverly, its an interesting kind of warning from across the pond. There are a lot of things that make sense. It is cheaper, less expensive on you, but there are issues like that. There are always tradeoffs. You can also look at canada, where the wait times are also longer than even in the uk and canada, if you need hip surgery, it will take you up to 11 months to get it. So are americans going to be willing to make that tradeoff . I dont think so. This is what you need to have donald trump and other republicans talk about, the wait times. They often talk about cost but when it comes to people getting access to health care, you need to talk about the quality of that and i think thats the messaging point they are also missing. Neil what im wondering about is whether republicans are missing something that they missed in 2018. The impact and the power of talking about not only medicare for all which i think is bad branding, but health care for all or Affordable Health care for all. They missed that and lost the house. They dont have a coherent plan themselves on this. Is that going to boomerang on them . It might. I think youre right, because its a very difficult subject to talk about without talking about the government doing more. Thats the fundamental issue. I think the president has tried, when he talks about lowering drug prices, things like that, but there hasnt been a lot of followthrough, there hasnt been a lot of effort to figure out what is the real plan that republicans can run on that will be in keeping with a free market deregulated presidency. So far, we havent really seen that. Neil theres even concern within the party, right . I mean, the Democratic Party, i had joe manchin of West Virginia on who Bernie Sanders says is for the kind of things im talking about, he said no, im not. Medicare for all sounds great but we cant even afford medicare for some right now. So theres a divide in the party, isnt there . Yeah. Not surprising. First of all, you know, we talked about the economy being a major issue for trump but health care is right there as well. Thats why this is such a key issue. You know, when the economy is doing okay, i think it becomes less important in terms of maybe motivating voters. That kind of shifts the focus to health care and you look at the midterms. But youre right, medicare for all, we cant afford it and i guess the question from a market standpoint is when do these massive deficits matter . And the amount of spending that is being thrown out there to Fund Medicare for all, 52 trillion . 20 trillion additional spending . It is the concept of trillion, its just unbelievable. Neil that might be an snl skit. Its meaningless. At some point, those are real numbers. I think so. Neil we will take a quick break here. Did the air just get taken out of airbnb . We are exploring this and some controversies about that. Stay with us. Does your broker offer more than just free trades . Fidelity has zero commissions for online u. S. Equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. With value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Fidelity. There are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. I get it all the time. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. If i was an investor in airbnb i would probably be concerned today because i think its the first time that the voters or people have directly made a statement about how they feel about airbnb in their neighborhood. Neil apparently they dont flip over it. That was jersey city mayor steven fulop on with Stuart Varney earlier, warning investors after a major setback from a major new jersey market and New Jerseyans saying maybe not in our neighborhood. Jackie deangelis with the latest on all that. Jackie good afternoon, neil. There was a press conference here at city hall in jersey city. One of the councilmen stood up and echoed the mayors sentiments. He said he was proud of residents here in jersey city for sending a message to a very Big Corporation that money cannot buy an election. He also said the next challenge is going to be enforcement. Thats because the residents here voted yesterday to crack down on shortterm housing rentals like the kind of business that airbnb does. Now, theres a conflict here. Lets review the arguments. The residents, presumably the ones who dont use airbnb, says it brings tourists into the residential areas, they can be unruly and disruptive, also saying that it pushes up housing costs because youve got a supply demand issue. It limits the supply. So those costs go up for everybody. Airbnb says if you are one of the residents that uses their service you are making extra money and thats a positive, and that this is all a big conspiracy by the Hotel Industry lobbying against Companies Like airbnb because they put a dent in its business. It all comes down to money, right . Airbnb planning for a crucial ipo, also spending a lot of money to lobby on its own interest for this election. According to reports, they spent more than 4 million to try to get their message out to voters in this area when the hotels and Workers Union spent about a Million Dollars as well. It actually was the most expensive local referendum in new jersey history. It gives you a sense of whats at stake here. Now, there are some national implications, too. Is this going to set a precedent for places like new york, for example. New york citys airbnbs top market. If there are restrictions or crackdowns, certainly this company could face a problem. Airbnb did have a statement. It responded saying quote, cities from buffalo to to San Francisco and boston to seattle have managed to pass comprehensive shortterm rental regulations without punishing tenants or creating red tape and onerous registration systems. Its unfortunate to see the hotelbacked special interests run a campaign that moved jersey city in a different direction. Neil . Neil jackie, thank you very, very much. By the way, we are getting a report, tiffany and company is asking lvmh to raise its offer. It has a 14. 5 billion bid on the table for tiffany. I guess they are threatening the blue boxes, dont get them. I dont know. Just want to let you know that. In the meantime, its a bird, its a plane. No, no, its my prescription. You might want to hide. Cologuard colon cancer and older at average risk. Ive heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. Im not worried. It doesnt run in my family. I can do it next year. No rush. Cologuard is the noninvasive option that finds 92 of colon cancers. You just get the kit in the mail, go to the bathroom, collect your sample, then ship it to the lab. Theres no excuse for waiting. Get screened. Ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. Covered by medicare and most major insurers. Neil if we just celebrated halloween and thanksgiving is still a couple weeks away, im telling you, if you are in almost any store in this country, just outside our corporate offices here in midtown manhattan, the rocke rockettes, the show starts in a couple days, it is christmas now. Beverly, i love christmas as much as the next guy. But i think the turkey is not getting its due. I think people actually have these wars about this, saying we have to do thanksgiving first, then we can do christmas. What does the market bear . If people are going to the rockettes and buying christmas gifts, then neil thats the idea. Get in the spirit, right . I have no opinion on this. I have no opinion. Neil making his final appearance, michael goodwin. You know whats interesting, you look at any commercial, the 24hour christmas music, Christmas Movies, all of this, it is what it is but it seems to me earlier and earlier, just to reinforce the point now the great debate over whether you will be open thanksgiving day itself, as bed, bath beyond says we will be open that day, not just coming in later, we will be open tall day. I just reinforce how important this time of year is for retailers. Its huge and they are trying to extend it. But the deals, they are already coming out with pretty attractive deals already. Neil you think goodwin would be concerned about that. To me, it underscores the Bigger Picture that the consumer whose Balance Sheet is in good shape, but they need to be enticed to buy things. We are not seeing a lot of consumers take on debt to consume. Neil are you buying that 4 to 5 sale increase over last year . Somewhere in there. I would say maybe 3 to 4 . Again, you have a Consumer Confidence is still up here. We have equity markets making new highs. Labor market is still tight. The consumer, i dont think they will be distracted by the impeachment process. I look for a good holiday neil i know my wife wont be. I did start watching a hallmark Christmas Movie yesterday. That is my entrance into the christmas holiday. Neil how many of those are there . A lot, and they make a lot of money. Neil ubs and cvs are delivering medications to consumers, this isnt a holiday theme, they are just doing it, by drone. I always wonder like here you go, heres your percocet. Not really. What do you make of that . It would make for better holidays. Neil inlaws are coming. Get the drones out. No. You know, its a trend. Im not an expert on this. I dont know, is it the cost of prescriptions will increase because of that . Neil what do they do, drop it . Exactly. To me, this idea of an inflation measure, just shows the quality is increasing, yet the cost is still pretty low. That means inflation overall is still going to be sort of tame. Neil what do you think of that . Look, all over america, small towns, too, theres a traffic issue. To me thats a lot of what the drones are about, just getting around faster, its cheaper to deliver that way. Neil have you noticed there are a lot of drones. What about Drone Traffic . That would be the next step. There will be somebody up there directing it. Create a new agency. Neil i wouldnt mind if they dropped my pills off along with some candy, lets say. Heres what i want to know. What if they are intercepted, if they are going to be delivering prescription drugs, we have an opioid problem these days. Neil meantime, china is saying planet earth, the problem is there are too many of us. We need fewer people to beat the climate crisis. What do you think of that . Fewer people. We heard this before. Always, theres been a revolution really in crop production, i mean, different ways of farming, more efficient, more effective ways of farming. I think theres still a lot of open space in the world. I think this is another kind of haremscarem prediction. Neil the argument there are too many people, you exacerbate the whole thing . Exactly. This is kind of the argument, too many people using up too much of the resources, limited resources. I dont buy it. How do you get Economic Growth . You get population increases and or productivity increases and if you are trying to manipulate the population, this is a problem china is experiencing right now, with their one child policy. Im not a fan. I think what you need is neil now they want to reverse that. The whole thing wasnt working out. What you need to do is increase your population but have an educated population that can add to society. Neil it would be more manageable if you had drones delivering stuff, if you had to worry about fewer people to whom to deliver. Look, on this issue, you even have an actress and singer milie cyrus saying shes not going to have kids because Mother Nature is angry. You hear even celebrities push this out. Its a disingenuous argument. Heres why. You have candidates that say the world is going to end in 10 to 12 years, you have the Green New Deal which doesnt fully take effect until 2040, the math doesnt add up. Youre looking for scare tactics and what does it do for young kids who are hearing these messages . I have a concern what we are telling young kids. Why should they care about their future if the world is ending . Neil okay. Wow. All right. In the meantime, uber shares are down over 35 , just since the ipo. Getting squeezed all over again. This is the Golden Moment that a lot of uber poised to have their shares locked up, they havent been able to do anything. Now they can. Many of them cant, but thats the problem. So they unload but they unload at a loss. What do you do . After this. Shes the one the one for you when you know you just know she isnt perfect but shes perfect for you love is rare loves unique love is her love is him love is us the vera wang love collection designed for zales, the diamond store. Neil all right. Charles payne has been getting a chance to meet the 2020 president ial candidates, not necessarily for his show, not all the time, some of the time, but sometimes in the wildest ways. He joins me right now. What happened, buddy . Charles so yeah, i gave a speech in d. C. Yesterday and im coming back in the delta shuttle, sitting there and whoa, here comes kamala harris. She turns the corner, she waves enthusiastic at me, you know, felt like maybe she recognized me from somewhere, and we had a pretty good chat when we get off the plane. Ive got to tell you something. I got a real good sense of what this grind is like for these candidates and how she has to believe and by the same token, it was sort of a sad kind of thing because i didnt sense like not a lot of people ran up to her, there wasnt a lot of recognition, and its obvious that shes in trouble right now. Neil you know, i didnt like the way you rubbed it in to say theyre all coming up to me. You are a loser. But it is a grind. You know, you and i have talked about this many, many times. Weive in this polarized environment where people say awful, nasty things. We have been to washington where, before the lights come on, democrats and republicans are slapping each other on the back and you know, heading out to lunch or dinner. Yet those lights come on, and its professional wrestling and they are at each others throats. The same goes for candidates on both sides. Theyre not that vitriolic or crazy. I think we lose that. Charles i think we do lose it. To your point, they put on a show. This is for public consumption. Youre right, you catch them later on at a restaurant, they are fighting over whos going to pay the bill. Some of them. But the main point i think, too, is that its one of these things where its the ultimate prize and when beto dropped out, President Trump said at his rally this is not as easy as it looks, and its not. It really is not. It is a serious herculean effort you have to make if you want to be president of the United States. Neil know what we forget, too, when you look back in history and realize how long this president ial process, the campaign process, has gotten. When john kennedy announced for president , it was in late january of 1960. New hampshire was just a little more than a month away. Thats how late im not saying he wasnt teasing and preparing and getting ready, but you cannot do that today. You have to have your ducks in order. Many of these guys have upwards of a year or more ago. Charles i think it began with obama, where you never stopped campaigning. Really, if you are president , you just never stop. You are inaugurated and next day, you are putting things out there to prepare for the next goround. Its just a neverending cycle. Although a lot of people on the democratic side are hoping they can get some late folks to parachute in depending on how things go. Neil to kamala harris, obviously i picture you requesting an interview. What did she tell you . Charles it was an amazing conversation. She really was very forthright. She explained to me why she thought she still had a shot, she explained history, but it was a sincere conversation. I said well, can you maybe come on my show. She was like yeah, what show is it again . I said making money with Charles Payne on fox business. Thats when i felt the deep freeze. I was like frozen. As her and her team kept walking they hit me with the freeze button. Neil there you go. Look at the time. Yeah, got to go. Charles we were talking together almost hand in hand. Next thing i know she became an olympic sprinter. Neil or she gets off the plane midflight. Look forward to it, my friend. Charles is coming up in about 12 minutes. To know him, sit down and talk with him, but im telling you, i have seen this again and again, people are just not this way, this kabuki theater, drama and hatred, its like i said, on the left and the right. There are good people. We always make extreme characters out of them. Just stop it. All right . Please . More after this. Theres a company thats talked than me jd power. People 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Neil you know, we get a lot of interest in this segment. A new thing we started, waking up wealthy. You literally dont wake up that way, you know, unless youre sean hannity but for the most part, i mean, its an idea thats unique, sometimes crazy unique. It comes to mind that my next guest who is not crazy but certainly is unique, you probably heard of pop sockets. Its the company that started with a kickstarter campaign, now has over 100 million pop socket grips that go on everything from your phone to plates and cups. Anyway, the guy behind all of this, a former philosophy professor, i might add, is the pop socket founder and ceo. David, good to have you here. Thanks very much for having me. Neil the whole pop socket thing, did you think that up . Did you say you know, we need something that fixes behind a device to make it easier to hold . What was the impetus . I wish i could take that much credit. I was having trouble with my headset tangling in 2010 so my earbud cord would be tangled every time i took my headset out of my pocket. I drove to a nearby fabric store to fashion a solution for myself on my iphone 3. I glued a couple quilting buttons and wrapped my headset and it stopped the tangle. Then i started iterating to get the buttons to expand and collapse for further functionality including grips and stands. Then im the luckiest man in the world, the phones grew into my invention and Everybody Needs a grip now with these big phones. So the grip became the central feature. Neil and then you could build off the grip, same thing on the back of a phone, use it on a lot of stuff, right . Thats right. Neil it grew and grew and grew. Recently launched this cup holder for hot coffee or hot drinks and cold drinks, smoothies so you no longer have to use a cardboard sleeve. Then we have a similar neil how does that prevent the heat from reaching you . If you are Still Holding it . Its insulated. Neil oh, the whole thing. Got it. Got it. This is all insulated and you wont drop it. And you have an extra hand now. You still have your drink here. Neil all right. You were showing me something interesting, you can even now Start Playing with device itself and even put words on them, right . Yeah. We have a new swappable system we recently launched that allows you to swap out pops depending on the mood youre in. Today im wearing my quid pro quo, because yesterdays testimony by the ambassador to the eu, but you know, later today when trump sends out his tweet and i get more information neil it might be dicey. I might pop on my no quid pro quo depending on the news of the day. Neil the financial backers you have, what you are looking at, still private . Yes. Neil looking at going public . Its a possibility. We are looking at a number of possibilities. Neil youve got a lot of these around. How big are you now . In terms of revenues . I cant state the revenue today. Neil i bet it is millions. It is millions and millions of dollars. I can tell you the units we have sold. Neil how many . You mentioned at the opening i think you said a hundred. Neil a hundred million . You are the guy who runs the company. We are told over 150 million units. We will sell roughly neil how much is each one . They retail for between 10 and 50 depending on neil thats a lot. All right. When you look at this and you were a professor, doing the philosophy thing. Were you just getting bored with that . Did you always have this idea if the back of your mind, this would be a great concept for friends or associates . How did it all start . I was getting bored with academics. But also, i had it in my blood, i think. As a child, my nickname was h. Ross perot. I was a greedy little hustler always coming up with business ideas. I would invent things and try to sell them. I had a bike repair business even though i had no expertise in bicycle repair. I was always looking to make a buck. Then after philosophy, i taught an ethics class where we talked about the possibility that the biggest positive impact one can make in the world is not to join the peace corps, but aggregate large amounts of wealth and then use that wealth to make a positive impact, and then fortunately, this opportunity dropped in my lap. Neil not too shabby. For all those who say dont waste your money piling up debt to get a philosophy degree, you are living proof not so fast. Thats right. Mom and dad, it is the right thing for your kids. Neil is the chair really there if i dont see it . The fortune is there because you do see it. So you are looking at public . Its a possibility. We are looking to grow, regardless. The Public Markets tend to have higher valuations than the private markets. The private markets, as you know, have quite a bit of money on the sidelines. Those valuations are higher, and could help us achieve our goals. Neil thank you very much. Very inspiring story. Anything is possible in this country. All you kids who say i got to go into finance, careful. Careful. More after this. Does your broker offer more than just free trades . Fidelity has zero commissions for online u. S. Equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. With value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Fidelity. Neil within the last few minutes we got a transcript from acting ambassador to eye crain, bill taylor. They go through it, read line by line. Some look good for the president well point out some look bad, people point that out. I say fair and balanced take it apart that way but god forbid. Dow is positive. Any gain would be a record. Markets focused on trade and maintaining bullish backdrop. To Charles Payne. Charles good afternoon, everyone, im Charles Payne. This is making money. Breaking now what we call consolidation after a big, big gain this is what happens to markets. Some is associated with the china trade deal. Maybe it is delayed until december. After two Straight Record closes the bigger question for investors whether they should be chasing the winners, or buying the losers. You have to be one of both if you want to be part of a rally. Elizabeth warren slamming back at jamie dimon. After the jpmorgan ceo says the Democratic Front runner is vilifying successful people. The Trump Administration is working to curb the vaping

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