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That would take away your health coverage, he would kill off medicaid and killa medicare obama officials calls it a sword staying that warren never got 60 votes for any legislation so why should voters vote for this. Economists, monday see that will wreck the economy so hang on and buckle up, we will show you the stacked hikes here. Warren is also staying that she wants amnesty for 22 million illegals, and the illegal aliens of their taxes will pay for that. I love this, Britney Sanders, he now says he wants to government to actually make a manufacture, drugs. To the brutal battle of over impeachment hearings to be held in a month. We can see hell with a 2020 democrats senators campaign off of this. Will 2020 voters get turned off and alienated by all of that. And what might really be driving this stuff push to impeach. Remember we told you first it was a push. Which it began before trump even one in 2016. In the president , just moments ago slamming the new york governor is he leaves new york. The president is going to live in florida. So the president is now the biggest advertisement for why individuals are playing outofcontrol liberal like stacked state. Numerous businesses will show you, in california. Tonight, how in the world will these democrat run states pay for everything when their stacked base leaves. Critical things Like Fighting wildfires and decimating huge chunks of california. Ells of the device, the quickest way to hurt the poor, doing the states are doing. Thanks for joining us, am hell live, starts right now. Thanks for joining us. You watching the foxbusiness network. The president s moment ago slamming the governor of new york is he leaves to for the keep America Great rally. Jackie is at trump tower with the controversy here, she is been in new york city. The president has now decided to live in florida. Jackie. Jackie. Good evening to you thats right President Trump is staying he will not declare his residence in new york. At trump tower behind me anymore. His New Residence will be marla go in the Sunshine State and he has brought one of the only people leaving is a result of stacked consequences here off of he lets see is that political leaders has treated him to pray for the u. S. Census data shows that more than 60000 people went from new york to florida last year. In more 500,000 people left brother states to live in the Sunshine State as well. Presumably because of taxes. Florida is one of seven states and doesnt impose a net camp stacked. Actually here in new york, the they can pay is much is 9 percent if you live in the city, you are paying a city stacked two. Florida doesnt have that impaired insects either. New york can be anywhere from three to 16 percent depending on the size of the estate. And how do new york leaders react to this well governor, tweeted in response to President Trump staying good riddance has brought like mr. Trump pay taxes here anyway. He is all pictures florida. It leaves us with the question are some of the blue states bleeding billionaires. Carl icahn he was leaving new york for florida. And david leaving new jersey for florida. Paul jones leaving connecticut for florida. Dare i see we see a trend here. Or at least something to think about. Liz. List owner pete trump his children are happy about that. Okay california and chaos. Wildfires still running from the state and maam and hospitals there, disabled Senior Citizens left behind during the blackout. The safety blackouts put out by pg e to stop the buyers. But a mass exodus is already begun. From these mismanaged democrat run states like california and new york. They are losing the tech space. Individuals and businesses that pay for everything in those states, are fleeing. California governor newsom, he should be worried. Instead he is claiming capitalism for the wildfires listen to this. Is more than just climate change. It is climate change. But its more than that. It is the live step pg e is about doggy dog capitalism. Needing climate change. Its about corporate greed needing climate change. Okay, leaves the political donations that cabin newsom got from pg e. From his reaction. Your thoughts. Acu. While want to let you know that tomorrow will be the one month anniversary of my families move away from high stacked falling apart state of illinois for zero stacked and let the joy of live texas. In the background men. That is dallas and i am glad to be here. All of the smart people who can leave our leaving. Their leaving is burning platforms. My friend is explaining the effects of high stacked rates for a move national tennessee. Took me ten years to follow its example but i finally did. You dont want to be the last guy off one of these burning platforms. For the last year there, you dont want to open that envelope and see your bill. The president just moments ago slamming the new york governor in a series of tweets. Heres the thing, the economy is really moving. In record of people working in wages going up 15 months in a row. Attends to pay for big welfare states. How lets california think and new york think it is going to pay for the poor and the homeless when the stacked basis leaving. Don is the double problem because not only is the stacked base leaving but the number of homeless in these blue states and blue cities, is growing exponentially is is the cost of preventing a plague outbreak is rats and fast their tent cities. We have a Public Health crisis on a scale that has been seen since the 17th century and it is all because of this completely ineffective socialist leadership. I have to see it, just makes me want to lose my lunch when i hear gavin newsom blame capitalism for the wildfires when he ought to be taking the rap for socialism causing a wave of homelessness in his own state. 72000 in donations gavin newsom according to watchdog groups took from 2013 to 2018, is to the list of companies leaving businesses leaving california. Carls jr. And toyota, his descent, a whole host of are leaving don. It is literally the wild west out in california. Pg e, a people there asking them not to workers not to shoot at them because they are getting Death Threats because of the self enforced blackouts there. Firefighters now leaving, all of the oil, hes been taking political donations from the utilities. I guess i shouldve donated a little more because he is basically painting a target on the four head. To blame them for this massive inconvenience. And by the way, having the power out in california is the double inconvenience because everybody drives a tesla. So not only in the dark, but your immobile in the dark. Thats a serious problem no wonder they ours shooting at these people. Is shut down Water Systems two. The firefighters need to put out the fire. Read seal, i know you are happy about the stock market and economy. Go have a little champagne. Mac great seo. This is jerry willards in the new york stock exchange. A big day for socks list with the s p and the nasdaq both surging to record highs. The dow of 300 points the s p of 29 and the nasdaq up to 90 and it was really about the economy and the jobs report for october and focus was in the creation of a hundred 28000 jobs. Far better than anticipated. Jobless rate rose to. 6 percent so that is still far below the historic levels. In wages rose 3 percent yearoveryear. Meanwhile good trade news as well. Save it from the ministry of commerce staying theyre close to having stage one of the trade deal on paper. While the statement said talks have reached consensus on principles others discounted missing the chinese were continuing to negotiate through the media. And finally good news for the couch potatoes that year, on a friday afternoon, booktv plus lunch today for viewers even more streaming content. The stocks which is another reached another alltime high today. Liz back to you. Connect this binge watching, great to see you jerry think is much. Coming up impeachment hearings could be held in the month. Tonight, we debate our voters staying it. How will the 2020 democrats senators campaign off of this. This is going to bump into the 2020 race and what might really be driving this and push for impeachment which began before trump even one. Plus this. Nancy pelosi adam schiff, claiming they take no joy and trying to impeach the president but critics argue really. Story coming out. Im leaving. I want to be a part of it, new york, new york the game doesnt end after that insane buzzer beater. Because with Nba League Pass on xfinity you can watch the out of market games you want all season long. And with the allnew xfinity sports zone, you get everything nba all in one place even notifications about your favorite teams. Watch the dropped dimes, monster blocks, and showstopping dunks. Plus get instant access to your teams with the power of your voice. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Say Nba League Pass into your voice remote to upgrade for a great low price or go online today. It is now up to the democrats to come up with a art avaness to make their ironclad case against the president. Now that the inquiry has been formalized, on capitol hill with more. Chad. Chad this, house beaker and simple is he says democrats have to make an ironclad case against President Trump. Is a forge ahead in their impeachment inquiry. The speaker told bloomberg his, she states public hearings later this month. The path is far from clear. And plus he reiterated that it wasnt a conflict that the house would indeed impeach President Trump. House of representatives is now in recess for more than a week. All makers to get an air fall from constituents about this weeks vote to formalize the process. Before administration witnesses are scheduled for closeddoor interviews monday. Two on tuesday. This includes lawyers for the National Security council. Some witnesses told lawmakers they spoke to the nfc counsel his office expressing concern about the call President Trump made the ukrainian leader one of your salute zielinski. Big good news could be thursday if he shows up. Is investigators want to hear from former National Security advisor, john bull and is the turn state their client may not up here lessee his opinion. Mass Intelligence Committee has issued subpoenas for some witnesses on the spot. After they arrived in the capital. That compels her testimony after the white house is trying to keep officials from speaking to lawmakers or at the very least, curb are kept test her name. Ten to witnesses, and the acquirer is shrinking and that means a house investigators could begin to release transcripts to the public. That would set the stage for hearings and potentially the Judiciary Committee to write articles of impeachment. But thats at least a month away and if not longer. Liz,. [speaking in native tongue] liz chad just said it, public impeachment hearing possibly the month. We dont know when no. Impeachment is going to be moving the inquiry into the public of court for the Public Opinion for the reaction. Wall street journal and Fox News Contributor joins us now. Its. This really did start before trump got in. In 2016. I think so. We see that this is the most unprintable impeachment effort in american history. How will voters yet when the 2020 democrats, the senators left to potentially sit in on the senate trial, and they can get the campaign off of it. Thats going to be the great question who sells it. Right now democrats are banking that the push for impeachment scoring goals. Which is true primarily in his growing among democrats. Something like a 4 percent of democrats want this. So most policy did this because to not do it would to the frustrate the bulk of her party right. But similar number in the Republican Party are opposed to it. And what she is done is unify the Republican Party. It started, look she told us this vault is unnecessary. She called it because is a gram, exposed it with the Senate Resolution that would condemn the house for the way its going about impeachment. And she did not formalize impeachment. She formalized rules Going Forward but she said she formalized it at her press conference so she affirmed what theyd already done. I think its a big problem for her. Like nixon and clinton resolutions. Do they give equal power to subpoena witnesses. A lot of it, they claim to give some rights for republicans to call witnesses but most of us is the discretion of adam schiff. Thats another thing, and the impeachment, jerry mather, the chairman and judiciary traditionally the home for impeachment efforts. The key to a successful impeachment has to be five parts in. And you can persuade a significant number of the brother teams voters that your cases so just in the outrage is so large that this is the right thing to do. Well, the vote against the impeachment and worry was more bipartisan than the vote for it. Hes got to do past. Theyre nowhere near that standard. But the way it will be held on dictate the messaging of what voters see. So they really got to understand the process produce thing, the democratic is the current leader of fighting against russia to investigate his political employment. Withheld nearly forum Million Dollars of military aid. My take is i want to hear the full story. And getting selective lakes. Its interesting a lot of people think that this should be secret because the house like grand jury. They had died in the senate will but in a regular grand jury thingamajig is a lot to leak. These guys are making selective things and we dealt here with the cross examination. A lot of the democratic cases are in their dispute. Bright. We dont even know who this was also lower is. Speaker pelosi and adam shipped came out retrying that they vote for the inquiry formalization. Behind the scenes it was a different story watches. So what we had is, basically, and mark meadows staying there were trying to stop cheering on the side. One of the democrats were a batman costume vote. We had all sorts of like rigorous democrats trying to stop down the applause. Course they wanted look like theyre taking this seriously. But they if they were taking it seriously, nancy pelosi would not pick adam shipped to be the face of the baseman. Withing the Intelligence Committee is a live. Its a lot trickier place to do it. Traditionally its been a Judiciary Committee. I think they do partly because they could write more rules and they have more excuse for keeping stuff secret if it involves intelligence that way. It is also regarded i republicans is just the most partisan man in congress. So you troy to get republican votes, this isnt the way peter revisited it. Ill put it that way. Quickly, much of the year the polls. The scream states. The majority are opposed to it. New york times now 52 percent oppose. Look at wisconsin and individual states like new hampshire, arizona, the majority, dont want it. Somehow, we do drill down the individual scream states, the voters staying, no dont do it. The scream state polls, far less appetite for it. Also 538. Com breaks it down by party, and we do look at it again, any 4 percent of democrat want this and only like 11 or 1. So its highly polarized. And more polarizing. Missus pelosi just handed the republicans an excuse not to even get to the actual impeachment. Bill great to see you. We should see 410 politicians voted for the nixon and corey. Both republicans and democrats but coming up the democrat civil war is now back on and obama officials see pelosi, 2020 democrats slamming hell live warren and socialist sticker shock for 52 trilliondollar government can take over health care. Economist warned it will wreck the economy in more ways you can imagine it Britney Sanders now says he wants the government to actually Manufacturer Pharmaceuticals plus the former cia acting director really staying thank weve got for the deep state. Weve got the debates coming up. Chose them of the plan that shows we can have medicare for all that went out raising taxes when sick. On the middle class families. And it is all fully paid for, by asking the top 1 percent and giant corporations to pay a fair share. Also illegal aliens, that she was give them amnesty so they could be taxes to pay for it to. She admitted that then. Only to that in the second. So this might be the moment 2020 and got hell live warren just lost the big reveal, on the socialist sticker shock, of a government takeover healthcare scaring everyone. Obama officials are talking about it and staying its absurd. They said she did not see see this or any of legislation so why should voters go for this. The Economic Advisor weighing in, watch. Think it would be devastating to the economy. This idea of medicare for all in a socalled green new deal. In brother proposals ive heard, i want to get into politics and policy grounds, this would have a devastating catastrophic effect and probably take out is much is 15 to 20 percent of our entire gdp. These numbers are into a hundred trillion dollars. Smacked hilary regattas at the white house before. Lori. Henry liz, warren his plan will about 52 trillion. He had all the her name governments companies and employees, they already play for back care, thats about trouble at 30 trillion. That means warren his 20 trillion short. She said she will get that from banks and businesses and billionaires but not the middle class. But joe biden has brought commenced. His campaign is huge and the statement about her plan staying quote that medical mathematical gymnastics are all geared to hiding civil truths to voters. Its impossible to pay for medicare for all that went out middle class stacked increases. Homes go, warren was taking back by the campaign his comment. Wow, the cost projections that we have on medicare, were authenticated by president obama his and of medicare. Or nestle on the way shes going to get the her name to pay for her plan including 900 billion from a. 1 percent stacked on Financial Transactions and a the on 40 of the biggest banks in america. Should get 1. 6 trillion for 35 percent Global Corporate stacked and for earnings and corporations and shes also putting it 6 percent stacked on network above a Million Dollars. It will change Capital Gains taxes and yet annually for the top 1 percent in those two changes bring in 3 billion. Liz warren brags that her plan actually puts back 11 trillion in people his pockets but she admits she is taking some of that back. She is counting on 1. 4 trillion in stacked revenues from that extra her name. Liz. List thank you so much again for the recap. We have read through the plan again hell live warren was the give amnesty to millions of undocumented immigrants people call them illegal aliens. In order to get them to pay taxes to pay for her government takeover of healthcare. This after warren joined brother 2020 democrats raised her hand to see yes to Free Health Care coverage for illegal aliens, this a blueprint for solving the medicare. The gdp, and reactions to this plan. Liz, ill tell you, i am wondering if there is an economist that look to these numbers. We in a fairytale world here, senator warren was a professor of law and is specializing in bankruptcy. Perhaps maybe we dont bring those expertise to the white house and the federal budget. Theres absolutely no way these numbers make sense. Nancy pelosi says she lets not like it at all. Joe biden his laughing at it. Heres the Campaign Statement from the vita side. Quote per month hell live warren save her Healthcare Plan to raise the taxes in the nucleus. We know why. It lets. Senator warren would replace new stacked and of 9 trillion that will fall on american workers. Even the warren, promise no middleclass stacked hikes, at the last democrat debate. Watch this. I will not sign a bill into law that lets not lower costs for middleclass families. It. Your reaction. It can be true. Then numbers dont add up. They dont work. He said last week and you shall is, the numbers dont live. But people do. This absolutely is the farce. There is no way to raise the kind of her name necessary. 52 trillion. Even barneys plan is 20 trillion less than that. And that went out taxes on the middle class. And then the thing to is how can an unaccountable government take can and adjust an entire healthcare system, doctors will flee. This we keep hearing. The economy is going like gangbusters in great jobs. More people than ever are working paid wages are going up in the jobless rate and a off century low. Now Britney Sanders thinks the government should produce commerce articles. Watch this. Where not going to be, i dont have to explain to people how important people prescription drugs are. They are lifeanddeath. See think were going to sit back and allow the pharmaceutical industry to engage in pricefixing. Only the American People hostage. Of course are not going to do that. Were going to make sure that we produce the best quality medicine in the world. At the lowest possible price. Prior to that, there are questions in a campaign if it, should the government itself produced drugs. Again how can an unaccountable government takeover healthcare. Really cant, even if you are talking about Britney Sanders playing a takeover manufacturing impacts. Takes on average 12 years and 2 billion to bring in a new drug to market. The company would have to invest in that, if done so greatly. I think it vilifies that pharmaceutical industry but if you want to do that me we do have a headache tonight, take two to see roles and in coming the morning. You have to have drugs. These companies are invested heavily in bring a quality live to the American People. The federal government just cant do it on its own. Was your reaction to sally, the health care expert. She did see the doctors will quit in droves if the government takes over healthcare questions. She talks about 2 million jobs being lost. Half of the administrators and insurance companies, and the brother million would be doctors and hospitals. So going to have fewer doctors and where these people going to work. Some of these people have to get work in the government. That is frightening. Its like having the dmv, run the healthcare system. 2 million jobs will be lost. Hell live warren, agree to that number. Is a rounding error in dc. So your reaction to what sally just said. She is absolutely right, doctors got into medicine to treat patients and the one do that but they also want to make a good leaving and it cost a fortune to become a dr. In the United States today. By the time get through school. Thats not to mention all the brother sides of our economic systems. The economy, it is our healthcare system, these jobs are gone. The army his traction in the way that even hell live horn and structuring to price out this thing, and a hundred and 10 percent of medicare, this system collapses that a hundred 10 percent of medicare reimbursement has brought sustainable. That said, thanks to see you nice to see you. President trump is on the move, and mississippi. Well take you live in the ground with a preview plus the pros of the probe, what is really driving it. The debate about that coming up. To President Trump heading to his keep America Great american and mississippi, fox news and Mark Meredith is there. And mark. Sack norcal liz good evening, heres the Current Governor of mississippi on the platform right behind me. We are expecting about 10000 people to make their way here to this arena. And mississippi. The president will only be on the ground, here mississippi for a short while. But the reason for his visit comes just days before the voters here in the state, are said to go to the polls to decide the next governor of mississippi. And mississippi is traditionally a very, usually solid red state. This is interesting that this is one race and monday people are watching it. Between the states current attorney general, democrat jim hunt in those states republican Lieutenant Governor, reeves, and it appears this race could be quite close. I want to show you a poll that from midoctober showing likely voters here. And they are showing the republican, Lieutenant Governor with only a small lead. About three percentage. This well within the margin of error over democrat jim hood. The president s visit could be what that presented Lieutenant Governor comes across the finish line and tuesday. But they democrat in the street, is campaigning. He was here in tupelo today. Making it clear that he is Still Believes that he has a strong shot to become the state his governor. We do expect to see the president here in platform behind me. Joined by several brother republicans here from mississippi. The crowd has been out here for several hours now im very anxious to hear what the president has to see. Well see is it gets underway. Roughly about 290 minutes from now. Soon i think is much. Next up democrats, renting up the impeachment inquiry. Is the criminal probe with appropriate may be released soon is you heard here some republicans see this has brought a coincidence. , the facts, thats with the department of justice is doing. I think thats why there are so worried. Thats why we are seeing an escalation right now in the impeachment talk. Its a bit of a distraction take their eye off of the bowl of what durham is doing. Joining me is john hay is the former fbi special agent. Gracie john. Do you agree with this. Absolutely, the republicans have been following the rule of law. Going through the process and letting everything play out in a proper investigation. Theyre talking to all people. Both sides are involved. Conversely we do look at what is happening in the impeachment process, everybody is being excluded that may be supported of the president. Its not how things are supposed to be done in this country. Heres the thing, jerry and adam, have called john durham his criminal probe of the russia probe, and how it started quote that it felt to hold damage to the rule of law and it they call it illegitimate, they see its an abuse and editorship staying already that the best findings, he will likely to reject the findings of the probe and your reaction to that. It may do some irreparable damage but it might be to the people that were involved in uncovered of the cause of the investigation. Those people may not have jobs in the future. I could troy to be a lot of people held accountable because we saw two years of investigation no one paying attention to the real issues that matter to this country. While they are chasing these wild goose trails. To troy to get something against the president. John mclaughlin, former acting cia director and he now says, his rifle for the deep state. Lets take those lets look at that sound bite. Thank weve got for the deep state. [laughter] [applause] everyone here, has seen progression of diplomats and Intelligence Officers and white house people, tripping up to capitol hill right now. They are doing their duty responding to a higher call. It doesnt surprise me, well, think about it for a minute. With all the people who know whats going on here, its a good intelligence offered to step up forward and see something about it. Meeting with the president and what happened with president. Ukraine phone call, honey reaction to that. Certainly the deep state, undermining the procedures we have in the United States, to ensure our security. Lets have some perspective here. There are hundreds of thousands of governmental employees were talking about a couple decided instead of being the proper channel of the whistleblower, they going to go out do it they want to do no regard to what the facts may be the processes in place. Lets keep it all in perspective and thats all so high and mighty about the deep state. The results of the criminal probe for that russian probe comes out. Is i going to affect the impeachment inquiry. The whole impeachment thing right now because of the republicans and their witnesses and ability to question. Think thats a red herring. I think were going to sue the russian probe, is people will be held accountable. Well also have some play in the criminal aspect in dc. Remember if as andy mcgahee was fired from the fbi because of issues that make a mountain that probe that can affect a possible criminal trial. Was a red herring, can you clarify that. Will help click the whole red herring is thinking basically lets look up this way over here at the impeachment, wheres meanwhile the real issues going out are those who were involved in the russian probe. The reality is you have to have something in here and the Democratic Party at this time. To be able to promote your agenda. If you dont have a candidate, internet policies in place, lets shoot for impeachment. Easier than enough to guide down the winning than it is to build yourself up. I seems to be whats happening. Thank you so much. Except Hillary Clinton. Will she or will she. Bill clinton, weighing in and sorted in the door pretty wide open for hillary to come back and maybe do a rematch with trump. Going to debated later in the show, key player in u. S. Border security. The president of mexico and iraq, is found denying his major disconnect among his Security Forces and his military is we have new videos detailing of the senate drug lord el chapo, letting masses and body Counter Assault october 17th. Against mexico forces. I will all of this affect u. S. Border security. That debate coming up. Okay the 2020 democrat race, still no clear front rotor. Democrats were wondering, is hillary going to jump back in. Hillary is edited about a possible rematch with President Trump a couple of weeks ago. And now president bill clinton just left the door open watch this. On the only one who has brought running for anything. Ever. [laughter] or at least, she may or may not run but i cant legally run for president again. Joining me now is the Boston Herald colonists, adriana cullen. Adriana, election watches do not think hillary his going to jump right back in. But your reaction to a trump hillary match. I definitely think it would be entertaining. But look, there is no way Hillary Clinton if she were to run, to become a nominee could beat President Trump. The biggest thing that he has going so strongly is the economy. I dont know one democrat he was running right now who can top that. Is you know you cover every single day on show. The stock market is at an alltime high. Wages are up by 3 percent not only for white americans but also black americans and minorities. There up 4. 6 percent. Historically low and implements of Trump Administration is doing phenomenally well and with the economy, and thats where most motors are going to vote with their pocketbook. Dry, Record Number of people are working, that jobs report did surprise a lot of people. What is going on the 2020 democrat race. There is no clear front rotor. He was the front rotor. I know. It still remains to be seen, joe biden wesley by doubledigit for a long time but now his poll numbers have dramatically fallen back and his fundraising numbers are, even hell live warren, is np is meeting joe biden significantly weight when it comes fundraising. His guest machine we dont know whats going come out of his mouth mouth next. Now this disastrous medicare for all that hell live warren has rolled out, 20 killed millions of jobs raise taxes on the middle class. The democrats are in serious trouble. The present is getting ready to launch brandnew task is for the 24 night race. Great to see you thank you so much for joining us. Except, with going on with the key player in u. S. Border security. Is mexico. The president of mexico is coming entities getting rocked. His denying there is major discontent in his military. Five brandnew video detailing how the senate drug lord el chapo, linda massive and body Counter Assault in the middle of october. Just a couple of weeks ago. Against mexico Security Forces. So now will all of this affect the u. S. Border security we got a lot more coming up. ,. But this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. Defy the laws of human nature. At the season of audi sales event. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low Blood Pressure trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling rash; itching; or hives have happened. Tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. Speak to your doctor before stopping prolia® as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. Prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone joint, or muscle pain. Are you ready . Ask your doctor how prolia® can help strengthen your bones. Liz look at this wild new video of heavily armed soldiers in mexico. The mexican soldiers seizing one of the sons of imprisoned drug lord el chapo. This sparked a bloody gun battle that sounds like an off the charts netflix scene that was too crazy to believe. The military forced into submission by the drug cartel. The mexican president denying reports of discontent within the military. Whats your take on that, the cartel raid. Its a horrific situation. Its all the more reason to secure our own border and keep those problems south of it. We need the mexican military to continue what its doing in battling these cartels. Liz i dont think the American People understand how serious it is southr south of the border. The president Just Announced hes appointed chad wolf as Homeland Security secretary. Two u. S. Officials at a checkpoint in guatemala reveal their guatemalan counterparts lack a basic understanding of everything from immigration laws to how to handle weapons to interrogation techniques. Having the Central American countries take a first step in dealing with this crisis. We dont expect it to be perfect overnight. President trump got these countries to finally participate in mitigating these problems. They will be there will be growing pains. These countries have done very little to mitigate the migrants leaving. In fact in many cases they are contributing to it. The fact that we are making progress is a step in the right direction. We are starting to get countries to do something. Liz here is more evidence that this is not a quote manufactured crisis. More than 4,100 people charged with human smuggling. Thats the highest since the federal court system began track this data. Its a 31 spike since President Trump took office. Its a big deal. Its a huge moneymaking scheme. I dont think people understand how horrific it is for women and children who are smuggled. Liz its a big moneymaking even derve. Spell out how horrific it is for women and children. The incidence of rape and child sexual abuse object these journeys happen more times than you would like to found like to count. The things that happen to these folks are too terrible to even describe. Liz drug smugglers trying to get clever. Australian police found 20 million of crystal methamphetamine hidden inside siracha bottles on a cargo ship bound for the u. S. Its a cat and mouse game with these drug smugglers. The Border Patrol does a terrific job . In snuffing some of them out. But we need more officers on the border. We need more security. We need a wall at ports of entry. Liz thank you for having us in your homes. Lou dobbs is next right here on the fox business network. Have a good weekend. David i am david asman in for the vacationing lou dobbs. President trump as undergone the radical dems trying to upend his presidency. Today both the nasdaq and s p 500 reaching record highs today. Job numbers far exceeding expectations. Black unhe ploim has never been lower in history. The president touting the nations economic success

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