Thats the controversy surrounding the business dealings of candidate and former Vice President joe bidens son hunter in both ukraine and china. Biden defended himself and his son saying neither he, nor hunter did anything wrong, and his rivals chose not to challenge him, instead turning their fire on what the president did with virtually all of them calling for his immediate impeachment. We saw a change in strategy as Elizabeth Warren, now the frontrunner in several polls, became the main target. Mayor Pete Buttigieg and senator Amy Klobuchar were especially focused on challenging warren on her medicare for all plan. Will you raise taxes on the middle class for, to pay for it, yes or no in. So i have made clear what my principles are here. And for hard working middle class family, costs will go down. A yes or to two question that didnt get a yes or no answer. Your signature, senator, is to have an answer for everything, except this. We can do that without medicare for all. We can do that without a public no. We can. At least bernies being honest here and saying how hes going to pay for this and that taxes are going to go up. And im sorry, elizabeth, but you have not say said that. Gerry meantime, back in washington, the impeachment probe continued with what may be some potentially damning testimony from fiona hill, an aide to former National Security adviser john bolton, and the current u. S. Ambassador to the european union. Both are said to have told Committee Members there were great concerns about the president s effort to get ukraine to investigate biden, especially the work done by the president s personal lawyer, rudy giuliani. In addition, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admitted for the first time that military aid to ukraine was held up this summer in part to force kiev to look into actions related to the 2016 election. Now, mulvaney later backtracked saying, actually, there was no quid pro quo. Where do we stand on impeachment and, indeed, on the 2020 president ial race . Here to talk about that and more is former Ohio Governor john kasich, who was also a republican president ial candidate in 2016. Hes out with a new book entitled its up to us ten little ways we can bring about big change. Governor kasich joins me from washington, thank you very much for being here. Thanks, gerry. Gerry i want to talk about the democrats who were meeting in your home state of ohio. Let me take you, start off with a little trip down memory lane, see if you remember this clip that i think weve got to show you. And as my newspaper recently reported, Chinese Companies are planning to bid for one of the Largest Hotel chains in the united states, what would be the largestever chinese takeover of a u. S. Company. Would you stop them . Let me tell you this, mr. Baker gerry do you remember that four years ago . By the way, you havent aged at all. We were very fresh shell, talking about china, youll recall. China wasnt much discussed back then, but we did get on to the topic. Let me ask you dont know if you watched the democrats this week. I didnt see it, but i read about it. Gerry so Elizabeth Warren does seem to be the frontrunner. Again, youve been in a president ial race before, you know the dynamics. Theres a view that Elizabeth Warren is just unelectable, that shes too far to the left, that the plans of medicare for all and taxes and regular alation are just going to be regulation are just going to be too far out of the mainstream. What do you think . I think its really a problem for her. I mean, you know, i have argued to people that, you know, my father who actually was a government employee, carried mail on his back if he was working in a private business and somebody said, listen, were going to take your insurance way but well give you a Good Government program, he wouldnt have bought it. Its just too much, its too far. And i think its been interesting how now the democrat candidates are trying to pin her down, and i think she appears very evasive. I mean, either these taxes are going up or they are not. And, you know, i think the country is essentially centerright and centerleft, gerry, and my belief is that if a democrat is going to be effective particularly in the state of ohio, its Kitchen Table issues. It is about health care, but its not about ripping away your personal health insurance. What are we going to do about the rising costs and not even taking into account the problems with deductibles and copayments. This can put families right on the technology or push them over the edge. I also think theres great concerns about job security. In an age of a. I. And dramatic change, will my job be secure, will i be trained for something that might be somewhat different. When people sit around, families sit around in central ohio at the dinner table, they really want to know what the answers are to those things. And so far i dont think the debates have been very helpful around that, but i dont think debates are a great way to pick a president. The way we did it in 16 and the way were doing it now. Gerry its a pit i to hear you say that, because we had so much fun in that debate. Well come on your book in a little while, but just quickly again on the 2020 race, lets say if youd won in 2016, if youd won the republican nomination and you were now president looking for reelection, which of the Democratic Candidates would you most fear or least like to run against . Yeah, i never thought about i was 18 years in the house, thats nine elections and primaries, state senate same thing, governor for two terms. My focus has always been, gerry, on trying to communicate to people what it is that im doing to improve their lives. I never spent my time trying to guess which horse do i want to be in the big showdown with. It was always about getting my act together and being able to explain to people how i feel gerry i understand, but who do you think is the strongest . You said Elizabeth Warren well, i think joe biden, joe biden initially, you know, was more moderate. I havent followed it closely enough now to say i know hes drifted, i know hes changed. And the question is does he have the gas now to be able to sort of reinvigorate his campaign. I just happen to believe those to who are more moderate, klobuchar, buttigieg, biden, i think theyre more in line with where americans are. Gerry do you think the whole party has shifted to the left . Oh, it has. Well, you know, the republicans have shifted hard core to the right, and the democrats have shifted hard core to the left, and it just seems to me as though nobodys really talking to those folks who are in the middle, and i think the country is centerright and centerleft with common sense. My problem with the debates, just so i can explain this, is that i think they move people to the extremes. And they also put people in the position of saying how can i be clever, have something really smart to say . You want to know whod be the best candidate . Put them in a room with jerry baker and let him be able to question them on a whole range of things. Then your going to get the measure of the man or woman whos capable of leading our country. Gerry let me just very quickly are, you said the democrats have moved too far to the left, the republicans have moved to the right. Theres a hole in the center. Governor, you were governor, you were a member of congress, you occupy a pretty center ground. Is this an opportunity for you to run as an independent for president . I want to help my country, im very concerned about where we are on trade, on debt, on these no answers to the Health Care Problem which which really involves paying for performance and quality, incentives in that direction. Theres so many things im concerned about. But this is right now i dont see a path. That doesnt mean that there wouldnt ban opening, but right now i dont see one. And, you know, a lot of people, they want to support a winner. They dont want to make a winner. So right now the resources arent there in order for me to be effective gerry but you said there could be one . Even in 2020 . There could be a path . You never know. Are you kidding me . Whatevers happening today in another hour or tomorrow for that matter, things can dramatically change. But we have to wait and see. Gerry what would it take, quickly because ive got to take break, what would it take for you to change your mind and get woo the race . Thats a very complicated question, and the simple answer is id know it if i saw it and when i saw it. Gerry and you dont yet. No. Gerry coming up next, more on the big issues the current occupant of the white house is facing, particularly the impeachment challenge, and how all this might impact next years election. Stay with us. No, just a sec. What would it look like if we listened more . Could the right voice, the right set of words, bring us all just a little closer . Get us to open up . Even push us further . It could, if we took the time to listen. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories. Download audible and listen for a change. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Im working to treat every car like i treat mine. 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Im very, very concerned about what im seeing in terms of political pressure and foreign aid, and, you know, foreign aid to help these countries defend themselves being held up for political reasons. Gerry again, you did vote for impeachment of bill clinton yeah. Very difficult decision for me but one i dont regret. Gerry you think it was right, that was on perjury and obstruction of crusties. Correct. Justice. Gerry lets talk about the challenges facing President Trump. Weve seen there is the house this week opposition to what he was, what hes done in northern in syria with the kurds. Hes facing this impeachment challenge. How would you rate the president right now . Hes got a lot of things done that you as a republican presumably approve of, tax cuts how do you rate him. First of all, in terms of approve of many things, i do approve largely of his deregulation policies, but i do not think it was wise to pass a tax bill without having some way to pay for it so that our debt continues to raise higher and higher. I dont agree squeezing down the number of immigrants that can come into this country legally. I dont agree at all with his policies around trade where hes now imposed things that i think have not made sense particularly when we did not work with our allies to have this done the right way. So how do i think hes doing . I think hes doing very poorly. Gerry oh, you do. So even, i mean, conservative justices, you presumably do like the justices hes sure. I do, i do like the justices, but i will tell you on both sides, republicans and democrats, we have to be very careful to make sure that we dont turn the courts into something where we can predict outcomes. Thats why we have to have people on the bench who can analyze things, you know, sort of down the middle. And i think john roberts has been trying to keep the court from being politicized, and i think its an institution that has to have the respect of the people on all sides in in this country. Gerry president s facing some challenges in his own party, facing a primary challenge from a couple of people. Do you think he deserves to be renominated for the republican nomination . Well, look, i think its inevitable that he will at this point gerry yeah, but would you vote for him . Well, look, if i really if i actually thought that there was a way for me to run and to win, i would do that. Im not getting in the muddle of this primary right now in terms of these candidates. You know, theyve abolished primaries, theyve stacked the rules. But, you know, look, i dont plan to vote for him. I dont. Look, i dont like Elizabeth Warren is picked, im not voting for Elizabeth Warren. I really dont know what im going to do, but lets let things take their course. Did you vote for him in 2016 . No, i didnt. I wrote in john mccain. The divisions, the chaos, the disrespect, the bullying, the fighting, thats what i was most concerned about. So it wasnt easy for me. Ive been a republican, im a conservative, by the way, conservative the way i define it not necessarily the way that those who dont believe in free trade and dont care about debt defining it, i have a right to define it the way that i want to. But it was just an easy decision for me because i anticipated the chaos with and a Foreign Policy that was just, had absolutely no rudder attached to it at all. Gerry but he enjoys record high Approval Ratings among republicans sure. Gerry so why are you outside the republican mainstream these days . Well, im not tribal in nature, gerry. I kind of look at it and call it like i see it. So i think the party has drifted. Its tremendously lift drifted from where i was as a young person who joined the Republican Party, who served in congress for nine terms and was a governor that was able to take deficits into surpluses and create an environment in our state where we have incredible growth in jobs and where people on the up and people down at the bottom all felt as though there was a governor and an administration that really cared about helping them. That, to me, is conservativism. Everybody having a chance. Gerry governor, we need to take one more break, but up next, well take a look at your book and how it explains all of us taking small steps can make a big difference in changing the world. Stay with us. As a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. At liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. 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Governor, you spent a lifetime in politics dealing with big issues in washington and in ohio. Youve written a book about little things, about the way we can change the world not from the top down, if you like, from the bottom up. Correct. Gerri explain to us gerry explain to us what brought this about, whats behind the book . Well, because i think we all as human beings have to realize that we were made special, that we all have special gifts and that we have a responsibility and an obligation that life is short, that we have to consider our eternal destiny. And i think in the process of living a life a little bigger than ourselves, we can help change the world in little ways and big ways. And what makes america so special has always been the power of families, the power of communities. And when we study american politics, what we realize is that all major change whether its civil rights, whether it was womens sufficient rang, whether it was ending the vietnam war, whether its the growing concern about the climate, whether its about reasonable measures around gun control theyre all driven from the bottom up. Most leaders, its very seldom that a leader drives something from the top down that gets done. So its not just connected to politics, its connected to the way we are and the way we want to connect to others around us. And that has a power that can transform our country and move us away from a country that is engaged in deep and at times nasty debate and to a place where we can begin to solve problems and to think about how it is where we are locally. If the secretary of state and your trash man went on vacation in the same week, who would you miss the most . [laughter] most of what happens in our lives happens where we live, and we have personal power to bring about change, and the book is replete with examples of how people can learn what others have done and be able to adopt those methods. Gerry well, give us an example. You talk about, for example, gun control. You talk about these sort of ten steps that people can take to bring about change. Give an example of how small measures taken by individuals in a community can bring about big change. Sure. Well, theres a shoe shine man from pittsburgh, his name was albert, who dropped out of school in the eighth grade, and he went shining shoes in a Childrens Hospital in pittsburgh. And over the course of his lifetime, he put his tip money and put it in a pocket, he donated over 200,000 to mothers and fathers that couldnt pay their bills. Did that change the world . It certainly has. And then you can look on a measure scale and look at Greta Thunberg who created a global movement. I dont think she ever thought that was going to happen. But i dont want to just focus on things where people can drive political change. And if you want to talk about political change in terms of gun control, its the parkland students who said that we need reasonable changes in the law, and florida changed it, which was a dramatic change in terms of where, how florida viewed this issue. But its not just about driving political change, its also about living a life bigger than yourself and connecting with ridges. Thats what were supposed to do, in my opinion. Our creator wants us to listen to others, to be kind, to put ourselves in other peoples shoes and to, is and to take our special gifts, gerry, our special gifts and use them to bring about a healing. Gerry and just very quickly, governor, because were almost out of time yeah. Gerry the country is so divided. How do you bring together at a time when people look at each other and say, oh, that person is maybe even my enemy. How on earth can you overcome these divisions . It all starts with every individual and the ability to take a deep breath and get out theyre siloed. Listen to a what other people have to say even when you dont agree with them and realize everybody is made in the image of our creator, and they deserve respect. If we can just slow down a little bit, get out of our silo, show respect to others, it can help heal this tremendous thing. And remember whats always been said, a, you know, a family divided against itself will not survive. A nation divided against itself cannot stand. I think that was abraham lincoln, i think its actually biblical. We need to get on top of this. Gerry thanks very much indeed, governor. Thanks, gerry. Gerry unfamiliar divisions in the Republican Party that weve been seeing in the last week, just ahead. We trust usaa more than any other company out there. They give us excellent customer service, every time. Our 18 year old was in an accident. 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Distancing themselves from mr. Trump on this probably wont harm them with their constituents. Where they stand on impeachment, despite some rising signs of concern among voters, there seems little appetite in washington to take down a president who has, after all, delivered what theyve been trying to achieve for years. Be sure to follow me on twitter, facebook and instagram. Next week ill be talking with blackstone ceo Steve Schwartzman right here on the wall street journal at large. Thank y y y y y [announcer] the following is a paid advertisement for the Bissell Crosswave cordless max, sponsored by bissell. What is that . What does it do . [narrator] it vacuums. I thought so. [narrator] and washes. And washes . [narrator] at the same time. [both] at the same time . [narrator] uhhuh. [woman] can it clean this . [narrator] yes. [woman] how about this . [narrator] yep. [woman] what about this . [narrator] sure. Even this . [narrator] even this. 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