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Kangaroo court and star chamber, schiffs secret hearings conducted in secret. And white house internal politics not helping the president either. In fact undercutting the president and his agenda. Former National Security advisor john bolton encouraged fiona hill to go behind the president s back and contact instead a white house attorney rather than speak with the president himself over her concerns about the ukrainian investigations. For the latest on this store question we turn to catherine herridge. Catherine a source familiar with the matter tells Fox News Former White House russia advisor told white host house investigators that she and others became so alarmed by Rudy Giulianis efforts that they werent toize to eisen berks rg. Giuliani said of bolton, im disappointed in john. I received this evidence as part of my representation of the president. It is the origin of some of the false information against the president. House democrats scheduled a full week of impeachment depositions including george tent who is expected to address whether giuliani pushed for the removal of marie yovanovich. Democratic chairman adam schiff questions heading into the closed door session. By changing the designation of the white house interviews to depositions. House democrats have more control over the public release of transcripts. They say an official impeachment investigation would give them the right to issue subpoenas and call witnesses, in fact, leveling the playing field. Lou today congressman mark meadows saying that based on the information that the committee has heard, the schiff committee, there is no support for a quid pro quo for any of the witnesses who appeared thus far. Also, nancy pelosi speaking before cameras right now. In fact. But amongst her first word, she has not in any way contemplated moving ahead with a vote on a formal impeachment investigation. Repeating. She says she has no plans to move ahead with a formal vote on impeachment investigation. Leaving open the question, what is it the dems are doing with their socalled inquiry. China seems to be reneging on phase one of the trade deal reached with the United States. China will reportedly not buy that 50 billion of agricultural product until the up s. Lift tariffs. China agreed to buy 50 billion of our agricultural pod as phase one of any trade deal. The United States delaying tariffs on 250 billion of chinese goods based on the you under good faith of the chain on the understood good faith of the chinese. Nancy pelosi just stepped before the cameras. She is speaking about impeachment. All roads seem to lead to putin. And then when we talk about undermining the integrity of our elections, and when you are talking about violating the president s oath of office to protect, defend and preserve the constitution of the United States to the best of his ability. Thats the president ial to the best of his ability. Well, well go with that. In any event, the ruling were that we won last week, three of them were against the president s hateful public charge rule from taking effect. A ruling against the sham national emergency. Lou nancy pelosi refer together impeachment talks, now moving on. Joining us, u. S. Commerce secretary wilbur ross. Mr. Secretary, good to have you with us. I dont know if you heard pelosi, but as i just reported, she said no plans for a formal impeachment investigation vote at this time which leaves open the question, what in the world are they doing if they are not carrying out an impeachment investigation and giving everyone a vote. One thing they are not doing is improving the usmca trade deal which is something that would be very good for all americans, farmers, for Industrial Workers and consumers. For everyone. It sees as though they dont really want to take definitive action on anything. Lou i think they made it clear. After basically a year almost a year and 9 months in charge of the house of representatives they have done nothing to advance any program in the National Interest authored by this administration. You mentioned the farmers. We learned today that the chinese have decided they dont want to buy that 50 billion, 4 billion to 50 billion of Agricultural Products that we thought had been agreed to in the socalled phase one as announced by the president. This is the second time as you know, mr. Secretary, we have seen this regime much president xi renege. At this point, this goes beyond misunderstandings. This is a position of president xi, is it not . They indicated they would continue buying substantial amounts right now. The 40 to 50 billion was meant to phase in over a couple of year time period. Lou that wasnt made clear to anyone as i have read anyones reporting, including my own. The idea that 40 to 50 billion was going to be phased in. There is as communication problem between the chinese and the United States, its pretty clear. I dont know of another instance in which we have a trading partner making stated positions and the United States accepting those positions, and then twice within a 6month period watching them renege. Thats just about enough. Especially if its true. I dont know if its true that they stopped making the purchases that they had done voluntarily just before the talks resumed. They said when we were all in the oval friday that they would continue the big purchases particularly of soybeans and of pork that they had started just before that. So if they are not, that really is a very specific renege. Lou at this point it is becoming fairly untenable, i would think. Mr. Secretary, i have got to apologize. Adam schiff stalk being the latest on the socalled impeachment inquiry. People should make no mistake about that. They are doing exactly what they are required to do. And i think showing enormous courage. And i think we owe a great debt of gratitude to other servants like ambassador yovanovich who had to endure so many false smears on her character and has continued to show the courage to come forward and speak to our committees. And we are also learning a great deal on the issue of condition amount. The effort to condition a white house meeting that was desperately sought by the ukraine president in order to get a commitment from that president to do these political investigations on behalf of the president of the United States. We are learning about the conditional of that meeting. I want to underscore how important that meeting was for ukraine. It is at the top ask of most of countries to have a meeting with the president of the United States. This is most of particularly true for a country invaded by its neighbor, russia. Thats in the midst of a hot conflict, that is dependent on us economically, dipmatically, and militarily to show that they had a Good Relationship with the president of the United States. That gave enormous leverage to President Trump to the coerce what he wants from the president of the ukraine. At the time the state department is trying to urge ukraine to follow the rule of law, you have the president of the United States urging that president to engage in political investigations. You could not have a message lou adam schiff talking about quid pro quo. And we are talking with commerce secretary wilbur ross. Mr. Secretary, i want to apologize for interrupting. We just heard adam schiff announce something new. Talking about the conditional of a meeting with the president. It was so important it rises to the level of a quid pro quo as the rest of his statement. At least the implication of it. This is getting to be thinner and thinner gruel by the day, srnts it . Its just like the humaner thing. They keep changing their theory about what it is he did wrong. Mueller finally went away, you dont hear them talk about it anymore. Lou especially the democrats. Then they were saying there was a quid pro quo in the phone conversation. Now they know thats not true. So now they are inventing another thing that a meeting was the quid pro quo. God knows what it will be next. But the other thing adam schiff sounds amazing, he was saying how courageous these former staffers were in coming forward. One guy who is not being courageous is the whistleblower. Still wants to remain anonymous. The whistleblower started this whole thing. Lou you mean the cia officer who had Third Party Information what that hearsay was moved to file a complaint in concert with the adam schiff committee. Well, yeah. And the thirdparty information he had proved to be incorrect. I think thats the real reason they dont want to expose him. For them to say their Main Objective is to preserve this guys anonymity its incredible. An sea anonymous whistle blower misinformation cannot be a basis for impeachment. Lou almost anything is apparently available to this committee, as the president has pointed out. Eight began by creating a dramatic scene as fit was from one of those screenplays that adam schiff had written as he suddenly relapsed into being a thespian instead of the chair of the intelligence committee, reporting faithfully on what transpired and the president s words, from the transcript of that call, as the president said, it was perfect. I dont know if it was perfect. But it was exculpatory of any claim that could be made by any rational, reasonable person that there was a quid pro quo agreed upon. Let me finish our conversation if i may on the subject of china. Where do we go from here . And at what points are we going to accept the idea that the chinese are not worthy of u. S. Trust . This is absolutely mind boggling to think that they would have reneged on this again at this stage. In a couple of weeks it will be very likely a facetoface meeting between president xi and President Trump out in asia in connection with the meetings. So sometime between now and then those things have to get resolved one way or another because originally the hope had been perhaps this phase one could be documented by then. Lou we were told it was going to be papered i believe was the expression of treasury secretary mnuchin and the president. In fact its being papered over a bit, it seems to me. That this is an impasse and one which it seems to me is hardly a resolvable on chinese terms. There is one easy way to resolve sit which would be for the chinese to resume the purchasing they had been doing in the runup to the talks last week. Lou respectfully year not an agrarian nation. A deal over 1 . I think this is getting to be a little emtbiergs this country to have to go through this. We are the most of advanced super power on earth with all of our advanced technology and all of our finished products that we are manufacturing. With all of our industry. We come up with soybeans. I am sorry, mr. Secretary, you lost me on that one. Somewhat i was saying is the best way for them to demonstrate that they are living up to the understanding that had been reached before would be to resume the purchases that they were doing as recently as last week. Thats a way to prove that their good intent is still there. If they stop that, then i agree with you, you would have to question it. Lou i question anything that starts out with two failed agreements. Both of which seem to be the chinese reneging. I cant understand the pursuit on the part of the United States. Mr. Secretary, as always its great talking with you. Thanks for doing analysis on adam schiff and his remarks. You have next, new models show President Trump coasting to reelection on the back of this booming economy. Whats that . Hes sure to win . Well, doesnt that counter the leftwing National Media narrative . You have bet it does. Ed rollins join me with much more on that. Also, hunter biden. Hes talking. He admits, well, his admission goes to the heart of the Corruption Scandal surround his fathers political future. Harmeet dhillon joins us after the break. Theres a power in listening; its what gives audible members an edge. It opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories audible. I wanted more thats why ive got the power of 1 2 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123. Trelegy 123 trelegy. With trelegy and the power of 1 2 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation for 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. 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Hunter biden break his silence and admits he used quote poor judgment. You didnt have any Extensive Knowledge about natural gas or ukraine. No, but i think i had as much knowledge as anybody else on the board if not more. If your name wasnt bind do you think you would have been asked to be on the board . I dont know. I think there are a lot of things that wouldnt have happened in my life if my last name wasnt biden. Lou joining me, harmeet dhillon. First your reaction to hunter bind saying he had probably more experience and expertise than the other board members. That was quite a statement. That says a lot about the board. He is given credit for being somewhat selfaware. He got the job on amtraks board because he rode amtrak about as much as anybody else. Hes no different than the kids and brothers and half brothers who get jobs. Look at Chelsea Clinton and her job at nbc. Lou his father is Vice President of the United States and its a clear clear statement that the ukrainians in particular wanted influence as it is with china, and the fact they put him on a private equity fund. Again, he had no specific related knowledge or expertise. Its stunning stuff and clearly we can anyone can sight for what it is. Definitely when you are dealing with foreign powers and particularly this size and scope of endeavor. When your dad is making threats and exerting his influence on camera, and that benefits you, then obviously thats the start of this whole latest debacle with the ukraine collusion thing trite now. Lou lets turn to a couple of items. One is Speaker Pelosi decided there will be no formal vote on a formal impeachment investigation. Instead they are going to oaks moisture what they call an impeachment inquiry in which the Minority Party has no rights. The president of the United States has no due process whatsoever. And they are simply going to roll back hundreds of years of anglo saxon law and jurisprudence. If you were nancy pelosi why would you have the Impeachment Vote . You would have to give seen a power, questioning power, Due Process Rights to the minority power, give rights to the accused. Why would they want to do that when they can hold secret off site meetings and leect contents. Its going to undercut the american peoples view of this entire process. Lou giuliani, the president s attorney saying he will not comply with a congressional subpoena. Saying hes also by the way disappointed in john bolton who had some unkind things to say about the president s attorney. Your thoughts as we wrap up. On the first one, he cites to the white house counsels letter and says until there tase formal Impeachment Vote there is no need to comply because its illegitimate. What john bolton said about him is incredibly inflammatory and i think unpro fissional to take d unprofessional to take pot shots. I think the bolton cam is responsible for a lot of the mischief we are seeing right now. Lou we called boltons office for a comment. And he didnt get back to us. What a shocker. Lou harmeet dhillon. Stay with us. Great riches will find you when Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. All before lunch, which we caught last saturday. We earn our scars. We wear our work ethic. We work until the works done. And when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day well finally get something done. thand find inspiration who win new places. Ct. The day well finally get something done. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. Everything you need, all in one place. Expedia. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. woman but to businesses, were a reliable partner. Were engineers. Cloud architects. Developers. woman data scientists. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. We do things like protect their data. woman with security built right into their business. We virtualize their operations with softwarebased network technologies. man even build ai into their customer experiences. woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Its gonna make things just. Incredible. Almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. Plus thousands of other companies of all sizes. woman no matter what business youre in, Digital Transformation never stops. Verizon keeps business ready. Lou President Trump in far better shape for 2020 than recent polling suggests on the part of the national leftwing media certainly. New models from moodys an lit is. Moodys one of the most of accurate in these models amongst the most of accurate. Shows President Trump crucial to reelection in 2020. Moodys basing its projections on how consumers feel about their own situation. The prospects of employment in this country and unemployment which has fallen to a 53year low. Moodys shows President Trump winning between 289 and 251 electoral votes. All of this by the way built on amongst other evidence this the Median Income for an average income family gaining more than under President Trump 5,000 in just over almost three years. Thats by the way you might note about 5 times what happened under obama. Well, you dont even think about the factor for george w. Bush. Both of course had 8 years in office. Joining us tonight, former Reagan White House political director, ed rollins. Its fascinating to see the way before we get to the democrats, im going to turn to the rinos in the Republican Party and the arrogant absolutely obnoxious the tude many of them are taking. With this president , 94 of republicans supporting. You are looking at the moodys analytic model, then we have to on top of Everything Else he has to put up with a bunch of recal i tranlt rinos . Most of of them werent for the beginning. At the end of the day they all think of themselves independent and doing their own thing. Lou they want that senate money, they want donor money. No president has ever had approval. Hes trying to run against him. Its his party, its his foreign policy. The Economic Policy is very strong. What moodys projects is the economy is strong. Im an oldfashioned guy. I hope that economy holds. There is no reason for it not to. I like the way for the voters to vote. This no reason for them to not be excited about this election. The advantage is hes going to have a weak opponent. Lou thats one exang. If you want to talk about what else hes got. Hes got strong enthusiasm for him as president of the United States. You look at the turnout. You notice national leftwing media dont talk about the 50,000 inside and outside in his previous rally. The turnout is extraordinary. Have you ever seen anything close to it in your entire life . I traveled with. Ron , a very popular president. We never had those kinds of audiences repeatedly. Lou i want to go to marco rubio. We are going to take it up in a minute with actor Michael Pillsbury as well. We dont have time for it. Rubio is saying basically we condemn our nation if we go along with the chinese. We condemn our nation to a future in which china sets the rules for our economy and our culture. Lou this president making all the difference in the world. Ed rollins, you always make a big difference on this show. We are coming right back with dr. Michael pillsbury. 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The report adds the operation state china, they pocketed the Technical Details of the components that were eventually used to build the airplane. Why dont we steal things . Why is it just the chinese. To abc that question and others, dr. Michael pillsbury joins us. Michael, its great to see you. I have to say the chinese, they certainly understand how to that looks like the height of efficiency and productivity to steal what you need. Im afraid they have got a better strategy, lou. They have a better strategy than we do. Im wondering seriously about this latest what appears to be scene outright reversal of what many including the president himself had taken as a pledge for 50 billion, 40 to 50 billion in Agricultural Products. And phase one just needed paper. It looks like it need a lot more than that. It is only phase one. Phase two could be a lot more confrontational. The big issues have been left and the issue of enforcement havent been settled yet. Lou i am not much of a negotiator. I am fluke for insight. At what point do you decide if you lead a nation or company that someone is unwar think your trust and its simply a waste of time and perhaps you should reconsider. A lot further down the road than we are now. There are elements of cooperation between the United States and china. They support us to some degree on north korea. There is some interest in Nuclear Arms Control talks. They deny the allegations made against them. They claim they never engaged in intellectual property theft. At least they are not trying to stick their finger in our eye. Lou how would you interpret what president xi has said. How would you interpret what admirals and generals have said about the United States destroying our carriers. Ultimately dominating the world. They are getting tougher and tougher and more and more nasty. The reformers on whom we were counting, its in Bob Lighthizers testimony. The reformers are getting put in jail or otherwise neutralized. Lou this is not a good sign for reform. There was an award given by the cato institute. The very day he got award he shut down his think tank. And shut down his website. My gosh, thats just going swimmingly. They have got a million folks sitting in concentration camps. And threatening xi today talking about crushing bones. It would be rather graphic. I have to tell you just as a citizen because thats all i am, i dont like the way they talk. And i sure dont like it even a little bit. We are in a new approach. The president the first year had wilbur ross in charge. The idea was to have a great deal of investment. The second year Bob Lighthizer was in charge. We move into the year of Steve Mnuchin in charge. Steve succeeded in getting the Investment Bankers of america open access to china. This is one of the biggest breakthroughs on friday. Break through or a pretend breakthrough. Nothing else that was ostensibly agreed to is real. They mean for us to lift all of our tariffs which are working splendidly of course. Thats their position, to lift all tariffs. If you look at a wall street journal article in january of this year, they quote Steve Mnuchin to say the solution is to lift the tariffs. Steve seems to agree. I am talking about, praising mnuchin. He for sure has opened up the Chinese Market to American Investment banks. That was announced a month ago. Chinese are making it happen. Our Investment Bankers, goldman sachs, they are thrilled by this. Lou we have Investment Bankers and farmers. We are talking to a populist here. I am not thrilled about this right now. You shouldnt be thrilled. The tactic is to postpone the harder issues until phase two. Phase one isnt even locked up yet. Im for more pressure. I made it clear in my memo. We need more pressure on china to get serious concessions. Thats not the approach secretary mnuchin is taking. Lou i hope that memo is a live wire sitting on the desk of the president. For the life of me, i just cant cant in all seriousness, i cant comprehend accepting the insult, watching twice china renege. This an insult to the president. Its an insult to the United States, and i dont give a dam about a single investment banker having open access to china. I hate to think what, if you will forgive the expression the quid pro quo might be. In that press conference friday, you will notice quite a few times he would not answer the question himself. He would turn to Steve Mnuchin. This is Steve Mnuchins turn at the bat in my view. Lou you dont have to defend the president with me. I support this president enthusiastically like you do. He seems to believe in delegating things to a lead cabinet official. If it doesnt work, he picks someone else. Lou there is an old saying, personnel is a policy. Michael pillsbury, thank you, sir. Former special isnt to the president , kelly sadler joins us. 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The president according to moody an lit is is a shoein given current conditions. But as a snapshot right now its pretty impressive, and frankly is an interesting frame against which to place all of the nearly all of the recent polling pat places us at a disadvantage. Your thoughts . Its how people feel about the economy. How they feel about their own household security and incomes. We found 90. Adam of americans have had boosts in their wages under this president. The bottom 2 3 of the Household Income are who benefited the most of. We see this with the earnings today. Basically its consumers driving this higher economy. They are purchasing products, feeling good about their situations. Lou lets use another graphic and show under three president s, what happened with Household Income and here it is. The Median Income for an average income family. You are talking about under bush, averaged 400. Under obama, average 1,043. And more than 5,000 under this president so far. We can only imagine how high that will go in the next term. These are because of this policies. This is because of tax cuts and deregulation. Because of unleashing American Energy dominant. This is energy dominance. When we look at what the democrats are proposing it would devastate the economy. They are talking about higher middle class tax raises. They are talk about eliminating private insurance. They are basically talking about socialism. When you juxtapose socialism versus capitalism, capitalism is always going to win. Its the foundation on which this country was built on. The president in these rallies. Hes never been better. The crowds are extraordinary. The national leftwing media wont report it. Its impressive to think. We are talking about after 2016, 17 18 and your 19. We are talking about huge thus as i can crowds. D huge enthusiastic clouds. The third square fundraising numbers, 107 million. The democrats have raised 25 million at the top. We are absolutely blowing them away. And the crowd and mobilization. There will be 2 million grassroots leaders in these states. Its amazing. Lou kelly sadler, peel be right back. 900 acres. 48 bales. All before lunch, which we caught last saturday. We earn our scars. We wear our work ethic. We work until the works done. And when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day well finally get something done. the day well finally get something done. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. woman but to businesses, were a reliable partner. Were engineers. Cloud architects. Developers. woman data scientists. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. We do things like protect their data. woman with security built right into their business. We virtualize their operations with softwarebased network technologies. man even build ai into their customer experiences. woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Its gonna make things just. 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Congratulations to our colleagues at fox news. Number one for 71 quarters. Atop it all. Sean hannity, congratulations and fox news. Good night. Trish House Speaker nancy pelosi announcing she is planning no vote to launch an impeachment probe. She held a press conference to announce there would be no vote to launch an impeach many probe. If you are not willing to take a vote and put your money where your mouth is, then what is this . Just another political charade. We can report new details about the scope of Hunter Bidens financial relationship with the

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