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The month of september. Lower than the 145,000 the economist were looking for. Certainly steady. The Unemployment Rate dropped to a 50 year low at 3. 5 in the last time you saw a number like that we went on the move in 1969. Joining me too talk more about the week that was and what is ahead the deputy managing partner michael and sarah are here. In chief economist anthony chan. Great to see you guys. Thank you for being here. What was your reaction to the numbers . What i see, wages are not rising as rapidly, that gives the Federal Reserve not to concern and they can continue to stimulate and help the whole economy. In case anybody thinks his number was not strong, you have to look at the expectation of what the Federal Reserve will do right after the numbers were released. You saw that drop by ten Percentage Points in october and 10 in december. Still strong and suggest will get to that but it tells you the markets are engaged in feel this number was a positive number. You make a really good point. Were on the doorstep of thirdquarter earnings. One of the issues would be higher wages. This month we saw wages flat. And basically tells us that the margins were a big concern and not as much of a concern. You know that companies are concerned about trade in the uncertainty around trade, we saw catholics pull back over the last couple months. What do you think about that . I think the numbers are good but its a number. You have to look at the uncertainty that continues to be out there. I think the national and tendencies are continuing and i was in mexico, talking to leaders down there, new tax reform, definitely heading to places a more double taxation. Our message is hunkered down and doubled on. Hunker down on the businesses, be prepared to begin to take cost out, look at your workers, double down on businesses that you really believe will come out of the cycle in overtime are likely to be disrupted. This is the time to do that, not waiting until tomorrow. It is a good number but the irrigation continues to say be prepared and begin to act. One of the big issues in the market and the economy is that the company cannot find the workers that they need. Your machines taken over jobs and more opportunities than there actually are people to take the jobs. I think its helping drive the upscale of the workers that you do have today. What we are seen as more and more innovation and automation. We talked about a. I. Before the program started. There are actually opportunities to take the existing workforce and do things differently with it. Automate this apply change. Youre seeing Great Companies continue to do it but it does take Investment Capital and thats where you go back to the notion of buying best to invest. It is going to cost money to upscale the worker but that will be the big play Going Forward. You are seen new jobs come out of Technology Revolution overtime and we really dont know what jobs will be coming out of the a. I. Revolution. When we were in the. Com craze, we did not know about coders, we did not know about people that are mining and organizing data so that is a positive. These are all big positives. I think the company is to get ahead and make mistakes and intermediate although the beneficiary Going Forward. You said data scientist, last time i was with the we talked about walk chain in 18 months ago it was the concept, it is revamping supply chains and introducing and using emerging technology. That disrupts the flow people that are doing many of the processes today. These are longterm issues over the very near term remaining on a meeting with the u. S. And china and officials will meet on october 10. You also have the uncertainty of the world swelling down and it looks like legal economy is slowing more so than the u. S. These numbers that we got this friday tell you that hiring may be slowing but youre not seeing firing or job cuts. Not yet. If you look at the economy, right after the Manufacturing Survey came out this week, they lowered the estimates for the Third Quarter gdp to 1. 8 . Now that we panic when the smoke alarm rings. We still have the fire but we think the end of the world because economy is going 1. 8 . We raise the threshold to 3 or greater. The threshold is not 1. 8 growth, is negative growth for couple of quarters. We are far away from that. What do you think the fed is doing, they are meeting this month and next december. Are you expecting a cut . I expect the cut now and in december. They have the room to do it. It is rising but not above the threshold. Now with the earnings number and weakness in the manufacturing and the sector gives them the green light to move. It is great to have you both on the program. Dont go anywhere, my oneonone is next. Yeah, thats half the fun of a new house. Seeing what people left behind in the attic. Well, saving on Homeowners Insurance with geicos help was pretty fun too. Ahhhh, its a tiny dancer. They left a ton of stuff up here. Welp, enjoy your house. Nope. No thank you. Geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. Welcome back were looking ahead to thirdquarter earnings after a volatile week. That after the manufacturing signals contraction in the economy. I spoke to legendary investor who pointed to growth opportunity. You are looking for a decline, are you still looking for ten to 15 customer. That is likely to happen, it could be more, could be less. Markets are volatile. The system entered assume you and i were here 1957, the year i started the firm, you have compounded your assets at 11 . What are we going to do if we buy an etf capital market, step back if we took every Public Company and multiplied the share price we have an 80 trillion market cap. Today the u. S. Is 40 of that. That is up from 32 two or three years ago because were the oasis in the world in which stocks are not doing well and the currency is helping. Over the next ten years you can make 68 by buying an atf. Obviously there is relative volatility. If you bite and etf and if you bought a ten year Government Bond youd make 1. 67 . It was in 1981 that i can buy a ten year at 14 and seven nights. 14 . August of 1991. Locale rates have fallen. They provide valuations of the company. I am in a camp that believes that multiples of private equity and others are paying five to ten years is not sustainable. So that is the way we look at the world. Let me ask about the headlines of the week. Swab said its going to eliminate all commissions, online stock trade in the Financial Service sector, Td Ameritrade follows through. The stocks got killed this week. Is there value . I think theres an opportunity and when you cut through how quickly the prices come down to the underlying earnings, the Net Interest Margin spread quite well. Will happen, they said enough is enough. Robin hood is taking business away, lets preempt them. The impediments of the world. Lets cut the Commission Cost to 0 because we want to have advice and we want to have the client stay with us. This is unfortunately the part of the free market system that is working well. This is capitalism at its best. Allow people to price a ordinary. I know you heard dennis speaking at the new york economic club. You have been a student of aerospace for a long time and you know this better than most people can. Can boeing recover from what is gunther . My own sense is the following, they were producing the 737 max at the rate of 52 and going to raise it to 57 and they cut it to 44, that is been going on for six months and they have a negative impact on the Balance Sheet because of working capital. That is necessary and i think its going to do well. What about media, another area that your firm has an expertise in and you see a lot of consolidation. Streaming seems t to be the next in terms of valuation theyve come down. Streaming is creating a great surge in revenues for the artist in a great surge in revenue for the companies that have the right and composition. So there was a French Company at one point to billion chairs and the stock is selling at 26. No debt and we think they can sell part of the business which are trying to sell at a good evaluation. Sony is the other Company Involved in they also have even gave me which is funny fundamental. Playstation four and will have a playstation fiber the end of the year. They will probably announce in the next six month. He gaming in eastport are extraordinarily powerful growth among millennials. For tonight for example. What about netflix, that is obvious we come off of the skyhigh numbers. When you look at disney versus netflix because disney acquired the fox asset and they have pixar and all the acquisitions. But netflix also has original content. Who are you betting on . And i was just looking at disney and netflix. They have a very low cost basis because we bought that a long time ago. We also bought the bhc or United Television and a very low basis. So we kept the disney ownership. We think disney which is 130 a share, plus or minus, we can earn 750 and i think iger will retire and the question is who is going to succeed and more important question, will they take the content and be able to do disney plus and compete. I think they will. Netflix has 150 million customers in a 1 million per month per customer gives them a lot of capability of buying content but there is a lot of change. Netflix does not want to go to theater to show, they want to go immediately to the programming. That is going to hurt the theaters if they close the window. Apple has Just Announced theyre taking the movies and going to the theaters. The irishman, a movie coming out will be a test case, netflix is arguing that theyre going to allow that in theaters for a limited period of time in the theater owners will say we are not curing this. If you want to get into the Academy Awards and when things and be in the theaters to begin with. The windows are changing. Thank you, dont go anywhere, my oneonone coming beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. And i. Was. Take shocked. Test. Im from cameroon, congo, and. The bantu people. New features. Greater details. Richer stories. Get your dna kit today at ancestry. Com. Welcome back the hunt for october is on is a 2019 Major League Baseball postseason plate again legendary franchises liking keys and dodgers are in another championship. Washington and tampa are looking toward the first world series. Rob manfred joins me too pic kik off the postseason. The most exciting week because we have so many games, multiple fourgame days which is unique in terms of the playoffs, you can start watching at 1 00 oclock and walked into the wee hours of the morning if youre a real fan. Uber competitive players in competitive teams. Even some of the teams that have not invested in the biggest payers, not the biggest vendors are doing well. We had a great mix of teams that made the playoffs. Its always important, you love to have your iconic franchises, the dodgers, yankees and big markets to qualify obvious that houston and washington but we have minnesota, oakland, st. Louis and milwaukee, tampa bay that made the playoffs. Thats in porton of giving fans across her markets the feelings that everybody has a chance to compete. What should we focus on looking at the plans Going Forward after the regular season. A lot of people talking about the Record Number home runs and how the ball flies out of the field. We think a lot is our athletes. Not the ball . Will come to the ball in the minute. We have great under great athletes playing in the game is stronger and faster than it has ever been. The baseball, were in this process of studying it. All natural materials, it is subject to variation, we should have a report from a group of scientists after the season and what i would say, were looking to get the baseball little born predictable and consistent in terms of performance. What are the changes you want to see . The last time we talked about making a faster, what changes should we expect . Two big categories, i think we will promote action in the game. We have changes coming next year. Now in september, we play with a roster of 40 players, it yields a lot of pitching changes. Next year will be 28. And then the Technology Front were experimenting with an automated strike zone we like the idea because upland technology with our game and we think its really important idea and interacting a younger audience. This is been a priority, also getting younger people to play baseball. Playing the game is the key to attracting a younger audience. The biggest deterrent of whether youre a fan as an adult is if you play the game as a kid and weve invested in Youth Participation the last five years have been the Fastest Growing sport in the united states. 21 increase in our participation. Interestingly, huge driver is softball. Very important to get young woman pilling the game because they grow into adults who make the entertainment decisions for the family. That makes a lot of sense. D. C. Schools encouraging it . School is an important part but also great youth organizations starting with Little League baseball, were the most participated sport under the age of 12. What other sport can you nationally have 1 have televise. Yeah fox, nl btv, youtube, amazon wants to get their hands on a. We need to be on all the platforms where our fans want to consume. We had a great year on fox, up 9 . We love fox, espn, turner our traditional partners, hulu 15 , a great relationship with youtube and even amazon getting into the business as a partner in the Regional Sports networks that televised baseball. What about televising across the world, eastport and gaming, they make the First Venture with chinese tournaments. Tell me about that. E sports are important source of Fan Engagement. Its a way that fans become aware of who your players are, how the game is played, and particularly international markets, they give you an entree into the markets before youre ready to go, play live and have a league and hope to grow into. We went to the meadowlands and saw the whole setup of sports gambling. I know you will never do sports gambling at mlb but it has to help when have the excitement around gaming. You are competing with nevada in terms of the most batting. It is amazing. A lot of growth, its not something that we advocated for but its something that we recognize that is out there and a great opportunity to drive Fan Engagement and we made interesting partnerships, the most important with mgm. Who came up with the idea of notables through the pitch. When i threw the first pitch in 2006 for the yankees it was right this time, october 2006, beginning of the playoffs, the most exciting day of my life. And i have done a lot of stuff. It was the most exciting day of my life. It can be intimidating. I practiced a lot. It has evolved over time. One of the Conference Rooms we have knows the president thrown out first pitches, they used to throw from the stands. Only in more recent years did they start going to the mount. Thank you to ru rob manfred r wall street after this. If your gums bleed when you brush, you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly. Tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Welcome back coming up next week, a very special so investing legend chuck swap is my special guest. He will take a look at Financial Services and talk about the evolution and where he sees opportunity in the industry today. Joining us for chuck swab after a major announcement where he eliminated all commissions and the rest of the industry followed. This weekend on sunday morning get a special show this weekend Lindsey Graham, my special guest along with 2016 Campaign Advisor George Papadopoulos, the International Agency has spoken with from ukraine to china and beyond. Catch a show live on 10 00 a. M. Eastern and every weekday start, turn on weekdays from six to baby. Maria good sunday morning everyone thanks for joining us im maria bartiromo. Joining me exclusively straight ahead right here on sunday morning futures Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on the democrats impeachment push, as the white house plans to send a letter to Speaker Pelosi tomorrow daring her to hold that vote on this matter. House intel and Judiciary Committee member John Ratcliffe was here the congressman was in the room when he testified on friday but the controversy now is at the center of this impeachment inquiry and also the reaction to a word of a second whistleblower this morning, and he spoke to the Intel Community s inspector general. Plus, former Trump Campaign aid George Papadopoulos is here, on

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