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For border security. The Supreme Court has sided with President Trump. Allowing the administration to fully enforce the policies cracking down on asylum claims. And attorneys for former National Security advisor for Michael Flynn say the Justice Department new that they were at the very least problems with the fbi investigation of flynn and that the case should be thrown out. Fox chief intelligent correspondent with the latest. Thank you and good evening. According to the records unsealed by the federal court, i flynns legal team believes theres a letter from the British Embassy warning about the dossier credibility in the alleged was withheld by special counsel prosecutors. The defense team motion states in part, a letter delivered by the British Embassy to the incoming National Security team after donald trump selection and outgoing National Security advisor susan rice says the letter just about or more British Secret Service Agent and causes credibility into question and declares him untrustworthy. The timing matters because the warming about christopher about the president ial transition would be another red flag coming and james comey with President Trump on the allegations in the senior Justice Department official could the fbi handler with a personal political biased against trauma. But the fbi and d. O. J. Still relied on his work to obtain and renew the surveillance warrants to monitor a former trump aide. He recently filed his legal team who negotiated the plea deal for lying to federal investigators and his new Attorney Says the retired generals pressure to cut a deal to protect his son. When you put together the fact that mr. Mueller got the letter authorizing him to target to Michael Flynn junior and they seized his computer and Electronic Devices in those things, its not too hard to imagine that that might have happened. I dont want to speak now to things that are not a matter of public record. But stay tuned. We reached out to the British Embassy and they responded and said if they had anything to offer about the letter warning they would get back to us and we also reached out to an attorney for susan rice and we will update you if we get a response. Lou susan rice knew, its pretty clear that the Obama Administration understood as they prepared for the transition. That dossier that was before the pfizer court presented by comey and his fbi. It was at the very least unlikely to be interpreted on the court. There were several red flags, and this letter exists. We heard about it before but now in the court record. Its another red flag that said it was problematic to be using the dossier. If you silo it out and said maybe not everyone was on the same page with the dossier, by january of 2017 when they brief the president on allegations that they had been told months earlier that he had this bias. Yet the bias was not relayed from what we can see to the National Security court. All of these things were red flags and the biggest red flag of all is it was ultimately fired by the fbi for lying about the media content. Lou this was a government to government contact raising the question of steels integrity. Instantly the foundation for the presentation of the pfizer court. It is stunning. After two and half years this is obviously been an effort and a cover up on top of we heard a lot about this letter, lets see the letter and its existence. Lets see what it really says. We would like to see a lot of things. The fact of the matter, we have not seen it and time right now seems to be favoring those who would like to rewrite the record and conceal the facts from the American People. Lets hope that that an end. As always thank you for your reporting. The Supreme Court has sided with President Trump once again on the issue of illegal immigration and asylum. The court blocked the nationwide injunction against the proposed ban on asylum for anyone tried to cross the southern border through a third country. The ruling allows the policy to go into effect while the case on its merits continues in the lower court. President trump tweedy moments ago, big United States Supreme Court when for the border on asylum. Joining us now, mark meadows who is North Carolina congressman and head of the House Freedom caucus and sits on the house of Foreign Affairs committee, member of the freedom caucus. It is great to have you here. And, lets talk about the win for murphy and for bishop and those races in your home state. Big wins, both candidates ran excellent campaigns and guess what they did, they embraced this president and they said they did not run from him, not only are we going to support this president but we will advance his agenda, we will not change when we get to washington, d. C. And what we saw was an unbelievable victory. It would not have happened without the president coming in to the ninth district, you can see the voter turnout surging where he and the Vice President gave the rally on monday and it was a big win. The president tweeted a comment about cnn packing up with satellite and its talent and pulling out. They had quite a different expectation obviously of the outcome. That frustration, that is one thing to see the complicity between the leftwing media and the Democratic Party is to be absolutely stunning and goes on and on. But for it to be so overt and so toxic and insidious is appalling. Listen, don lemon was on at 10 00 oclock. The guy on the other network, hes trying to spin it as a big win for democrats and i tell you, he was not on the ground in North Carolina, i was. You could feel the energy. How did he spin it as a wing . Because murphy one by 27 points and bishop one by two, down 17 before the president got engaged and before you who were instrumental in engaging the president in the race. I think theyre saying the president wanted by 12 points when he ran into thousand 16 and he did, the president was not on the ballot. This was a special election and i tell you, the president is not always good going to win North Carolina hell when it by a big margin because the made promises and captain. Talking with Ronald Mcdaniel in the last week. The chair of the Republican National committee, she is obviously trying to remove Republican Party to follow the leader, President Trump. She obviously states unequivocally that this president is central and absolutely required for the republicans to stay strong in the house and if not retake it and keep the senate. Why is there discussion . With his Approval Rating among republican voters, you would not think there would be a discussion. Thats a good place right behind you. The capital, this swamp, they do not want to embrace this president because they love things the way they are. For special interest in special deals. The only way we will get back in the majority is for this president to win big in 2020. Lou how will you do it . And how will you energize folks who are not bright enough to understand where their future is absolutely dependent and that is upon the presence of the president at the forefront of the party at election day. We need to understand it was not a one off event in the november 2016 that it was indeed a movement that will continue to exist and somehow they think it will go back to the way it used to be. President trump, he is reaching democrats and unaffiliated hard working men and women that no republican ever reached before. Lou im quite used to the leftwing media not giving the present credit hes is a historic resident. But for them not to understand what this president is doing right now, whether its engaging result, the second largest country in this hemisphere to create a new trade relationship with a country that is been to leftist into join them together, as populace president fighting global elite and, you cannot believe it. And then to see what he is doing with the border, doing with this economy, you scratch your head and say who the hell are these fools who do not understand the benefits of following his lead. A lot of them Pay Attention to the media that says you are not really doing as well as you think you are. They Pay Attention to a narrative that is not accurate but is not reflected on main street. This president is so serious about getting his agenda done, he is willing to buck the system the traditional way and he gets ridiculed for it. Lou he gets ridiculed . Only occasionally. Lou he is thinking bigger and bolder than anyone in this country. Theres not anyone in academia or the Republican Party or the Democratic Party who compares to his remainder of this decade and century. Is only one bold enough to take on china and we knew china was a threat and hes willing to do that, heres what people are frustrated with and could deflate this. These investigations that have gone on for two and half years, catherine just talked about this. If people do not go to jail, this is all about just talking and rhetoric and people not been held in countable. American people will be dissolution and say enough is enough. They believe the sanction area that applies to flynn will apply to comey, peter strzok, all of them, glen simpson and they need to be held accountable. Lou i get a very strong feel from the attorneys that i respect in the folks who believe in this attorney general, i believe in him and i think he has the intellect, courage and the principal to get it done and i know im a big fan of bill barr, hes doing a good job. John durham doing a lot of work behind the scenes and i tell you reaching people that i thought only i had talked to and its going to be a good day for america in a good day for justice. Lou in the meanwhile he resigned as chair of freedom effective october 1, im passing the baton. Lou i just want to answer you quickly, what we do with your free time . I dont know if there will be a lot of free time, we have to gear for 2020 and make sure not only is andy biggs carrying the message but that jim jordan and i and others like us continue to defend the president and do it in a way that is meaningful, the democrats are planning a show hearing tomorrow on impeachmen impeachment. Lou do you have a counter strategy. Theres a couple of counter strategies that we will deploy and we been working with the Ranking Member and jim jordan. Lou that must warm the hearts of every republican because watching over the last 70 years, it would be nice to see the republicans up and worrying. About time. Great to have you here. Up next, the relationship that is being constructed between the United States and brazil by president donald trump. What is he doing . Promote freedom in the western hemisphere, what is he doing with the brazilians. What will that look like . We will talk with the brazilian foreign minister here next. Foreign minister here next. 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The president today saying hes working on the south american nations and assisting with venezuelans humanitarian crisis. Trump called the situation an example of what socialism produces. We are working with columbia in brazil and other countries. Humanitarian basis. Venezuela is in bad shape, it shows you about socialism and what happens. You take a country that was so wealthy 15 years ago into today they dont have water or basic food. The president making it clear that the largest country in south america, brazil should expand trading relationships with the u. S. , president calling for free trade relationship between brazil and the United States. I sat down with the brazilian foreign minister to talk about the possibilities that President Trump has put forward. He and the president shared a vision for the two countries. We are joined by the foreign minister of brazil. Great to have you with us. We want to start with the relationship between the u. S. And brazil. The two largest countries in this hemisphere, its extraordinary opportunity. The president wants to see strong significant relationship with brazil. Your advice. They want to build the relationship, brazilians wanted to with the u. S. Trump denied that possibility. The natural thing to do is always to have a partnership. Mark tradition is that he wants to be the big player of the world. You need strong relationship with the u. S. Brazil is always historically, as you suggest, toward the European Union. It has also been politically ideologically far more luscious than the u. S. With the election government, that is obviously changing. How critical is that to succeeding in building a strong trading relationship, a strong relationship between the u. S. And brazil . We are changing the whole approach that was wrong. Because we are without the newss because of intellectual leads, not because of brazilian people. They would be much more the american way. They want to be free thats what we are trying to accomplish. Thats a way for us to break the corruption. The president of the u. S. And brazil, two men who are populo populous, reorienting their countries and economic systems and national responsiveness toward balance, trade and representation of the people of both countries in the government rather than the elite and globalism has become a dirty word. Certainly in discussions with fist government and take in discussions with your government as well. I think we have two leaders who want to build strong relations in economies and we want to connect each other. Certainly this would be enough for what we have. The mainstream doesnt like it because they know what we stand for. We stand for basically for the people. That should be democracy within reason, we have the elites to the media and brazil and maybe europe and elsewhere trying to control our people. Brazil has a very clear situation like that. You have a small stream in a media thought tries to hide it. But the people are watching. The president has branded most of our national leftist media at the state news. The American People and brazilian people, neither are fools and they see what is happening in part of their leaders would like to redirect their economies and their countries. Its an exciting prospect for both. There are some details in that one is National Security for brazil and the u. S. And for the role of the two countries in this hemisphere as we are looking at cuba and venezuela and the disappointment of their economic and ideological roles and also some of their aggression that tries to extend throughout the hemisphere. Yes, thats a big concern for us. We want freedom throughout the hemisphere. We want to get rid of the patriotism there. They look like across the hemisphere but they are always finding a way of trying to come back so we want both democratic countries across the region to help with them as well. A democracy, we have to address other countries in the region into the role they play. Because we want to live in a safe region, they get rid of the left wing. An exciting moment in histo history, we look forward to talking a great deal more in the future. Thank you so much. Coming up here next, we will take up a breaking news story. White house letting it be known president has decided to delay, to postpone to tariff round second china. Well take that story and much much more. Stay with us, well be right back. Easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. When i lost my sight, my biggest fear was losing my independence. Mmm. Good. So ive spent my life developing technology to help the visually impaired. We are so good. We built a guide that uses ibm watson. To help the blind. It is already working in cities like tokyo. s breaking news on the china trade trump moments ago tweeted this, after the request of china and due to the fact that the peoples republic of china will celebrate their 70th anniversary on october 1, we have agreed as a gesture of goodwill to move the increased tariffs and 250 billion worth of goods, 25 30 from october 1 to october 15. Joining us tonight, Ranking Member of the House Oversight committee and the freedom carcass, great to see her. Quite an exchange between you and nadler today. I sat down with them in the past several months. I just wanted to share this part, to get off flavor on the tensions in the committee room. Women for the committee get a chance to question him on his report released two weeks ago . Im not sure what youre referring to but the report on the fbi director. The answer is, i dont know. To anticipate an opportunity to question . You dont know . I dont know. Havent discussed it. He doesnt know, congressman. It seemed like the chairman doesnt know a lot about the issues that are most important to the American People. Thats right. This will be voted on that and change procedures to they can move closer to impeachment but he doesnt know about our report written by the inspector gener general . You can like this whole thing, jim, is the guy who opened the investigation on this issue in july 2016. Jim, is a guy who put peter stark in charge to run this investigation. He has got leaked information through his body to the New York Times so he did a special counsel and most importantly in his report. Page 17, call me as a guy who built the trump tower january since and he told the president information under the dossier, all the while hes trying to interact the president and telling the president at the same time hes not under investigation, this is ahead of the fbi. I would like to question mr. Call me again. Maybe we can wait until after the second report. I want him to be there to answer questions. The American People also want that. I dont think theres any doubt about that. Im curious about is what other republicans on the Committee Going to do . Now the has made it clear. Instead of a House Judiciary Committee hearing but the fact is, if this is an attempt, its absolutely in our age. The best we have is the truth. We need to make sure we present a clear and articulate way. Exactly right. The president falsely accused of colluding with them. He spent ten months on it he told us we didnt have anything to show collusion. Then mohler investigates, they have nothing. The democrats want to keep investigating. Maybe a better thing to do would be to go back and look at how the whole false accusation happened. What i want to get out. People need to find the truth about that. How could this whole thing start . If thats a further function of fiduciary committee, it doesnt respond to the attack on the president of the u. S. If you say truth is on your side, its also on the side of the president. Almost one year fbi investigation, russia collusion, special counsel investigation almost two and a half years. In each instance, it resulted in nothing. The truth is on his side. He should reach closure instead, what we have is a House Committee out of control. You have to keep fighting back and presenting stuff truth. You also. Back to the fact that the attorney general of the u. S. Is doing an investigation. They are going to get to the bottom of this and find out how this whole crazy ordeal that our country has lived through for three years because of the actions of jim comey, he will get to the bottom of it. I put a lot of weight in that. Thats where we can get to the bottom of all this. Theres also, he will declassify things that we think are important to get out to the American People. Great to have your representation in congress. We want to hear your thoughts about all of this. Share your comments. Follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. Next, more of what the legal teams should move the case to dismissal. Options based on their budget. Flo has it, i want it, its a whole thing, and shes right there. Yeah, shes my ride. This dates lame. He has pics of you on his phone. Theyre very tasteful. He has pics of you on his phone. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Whats happening in washington d. C. . Good evening tonight from washington d. C. No one knows more, in my opinion about the legal shenanigans and doings, Deputy Assistant journal from the Justice Department, joe former u. S. Attorney for the district of columbia. As i was saying, nobody reads this doings of this swamp. So lets start, where are we going with this . We just heard congressman jordan say the truth is on the side of the republicans. I have to say, i dont se see. Truth. Everything weve learned about the lack of integrity, the principal and actions of the prosecutors and investigators, what is that truth worth to this president . President. And when the morty i dont see what it will come out and fortune. The only place we can go to the courts. They are trying desperately before judge to get some truth out of there. Some of the things shes asking for are just amazing. They dont the lawyers for Michael Flynn didnt even have a copy of the transcript of Michael Flynns conversation. He is accused of not knowing the truth about what was said. He is accused of not telling the truth and his lawyers. Its embarrassing. And hes accf not telling the truth and the transcript and his lawyers, multimillion dollar lawyers did not beget the transcript before they told him to plead guilty. Its embarrassing. But sydney is now on the case. Lou and yet, question about why there arent exculpatory documents that exist apparently but suddenly the country lawenforcement agencies in the department of justice dont know where they are . I think we are going to come to jesus resolution here shortly. The horowitz report on the fisa warrant is a really big deal. And its going to be awful and appoint. But beyond that, the durham work on how the conspiracy against the president got started in the role of john brennan and klapper in comay in the conspiracy is going to be really big. But the problem is the delay. Every day that goes by, the president loses an opportunity to make a bigger case than the one the 30 been made. That is not his fault, thats the system. The problem is, as you start as poorly as the president was forced to start with Jeff Sessions and rod words inside and you dont get bill barr until two and half years into presidency, it makes life pretty rough. Im hoping that horowitz and durham will fix that for the president. This president wants transparency and he is declare that. Does he not have an option is to say let every damn document out, i do not want to see anymore nonsense and let it rip. He does have the option but he gave it to bill barr, that will be up to bill barr to do any declassification he gave it to bill barr and bill barr is probably waiting for durham to finish whatever hes doing. This should all happen, this never should have happened in the first place. The only people who have been impugned in all of this, who have been found to be unethical, dirty and lacking utterly principal are the investigators in the department of justice. Let me tell you one of the documents that sydney is asking for, any evidence of the videoconference were angela cade said, first we asked flynn and then we ask trump. How about that. That was an fbi teleconference among fbi officials. Not a single fbi official in that meeting ever complained about the statements about mckay. Let me say this, may cade needs to be indicted. He must be indicted. If he does not get indicted and get to pass, i will be the single most disappointed lawyer in this country because you cannot do what mueller did and not have mccabe be indicted. I expect him to be indicted. I cannot conceive of a situation where he would not be. Lou the issue of time is something that we have throughout this process talked about. There is a point in which time fundable as it is becomes extraordinary precious. Its never been more precious than now. Its a nation that is been forced in a president whos been forced to go through this for three years. It is outrageous on every level, it is a sin against the republic and for this, there is a point in which bar has to move because time is cortical. And we know what the issues are, we even know where evidences and its not being seized or acted upon sensibly and certainly not publicly and publicly and must be revealed. I think that what you just said is exactly the way that everyone who loves this president and supports him, feels, not only because of him but for the sake of the republic. We cannot have what happened to this president ever happen again and the only thing that can prevent that or help prevent that is full disclosure and full transparency of everything that happened. I have complete confidence in bill barr and john durham. Lou i do too. I have to say, this is a time that we need some answers and we need to be straightforward. It becomes upfront against the American People for there to be further delay. I am not really that concerned about mccabes feelings or anyone or comeans, it is time for justice come barreling in. Before we leave can i say one thing, i wear this 9 11 pin for barb watson. Lou a dear friend. We have all lost so many of us have lost friends as a result of 2001 september 11, and anyway we remember. Thank you, we appreciated as always. Thank you. Up next, new research on how much the illegal immigration population may increase just this year alone. We will take that up with Michelle Malkin appear next and she has written an important, very important book about this crisis. Stay with us. Well be right i get it all the time. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. 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Congratulations on the book, we recommend the book to highly craig lets start with george and the role that he is playing in the funding of all of the activities that seem to persist, despite almost every effort to stop illegal immigration, to secure borders, to bring law and order and respect for the nation into our society. Instead we have a deliberate chaos that has been imposed upon a country, george, the ceo of open borders inc. And you certainly cannot underestimate the amount of wealth and influence in the power and control that a single man, billionaire who is now a multibillionaire who is dedicated 18 billion out of his net worth of 25point to billion to the open society foundation. Which exercises and exert authority around the world and people need to understand, they may see a sanctuary city or county like Montgomery County of the street from the swamp and think, this must be the result of forces domestically. There is a larger agenda at work. And george himself, in the case for global government which i read says the idea of sovereignty so many of us are children of Illegal Immigrants for example respect as a fundamental precept for the survival of the country, sovereignty to george is an obstacle and he has created an entire infrastructure of taxexempt nonprofit to do his doing. Lou is extraordinary and i think most people, all include myself cannot conceive before a man what effort that would work against sovereignty, work against our laws, there are laws against illegal immigration and to see his tentacles reach out into various nongovernment organizations and nonprofits that are working with everything from the Koch Brothers to the Sovereign Poverty Law Center as you document through this book. It is stunning to see how pervasive and how successful he has been with a strategy. And on top of what you said, its very important fact that is also exposed in the book, he cannot do it all on his own. In the confluence of special interest that include corporate interest like the Koch Brothers on the right, the u. S. Chamber of commerce and any number of International Organizations from the United Nations to European Union and here, the entire legal community, you wonder why there are no seminars immediately at the border working by nationally to confirm more rights on illegal aliens than american citizens themselves. Lou this is a conversation that i would love to continue and please come back as soon as you can, i know here on a National Book tour and let me tell you, if youre going to read a book, make it this one. We appreciated. Thank you so much. Great to have you here. The president leading big and the president leading big and leading by example. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. 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Balancing trade relationships not only with china, but the world, and bringing the globalists and big citibanks to heal. America is succeeding and so is america largely because President Trump makes it so. Hope you will join us tomorrow. Well be in new york. A big win for the gop in North Carolina. The war chest beat out the Democrats Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski says this is just the beginning of the gop take back house in 2020. On the anniversary of 9 11, President Trump reminding our enemies there will be hell to pay if they ever attempt to attack us on our soil again. The last four days we hit our enemy harder than they have ever been hit before. If for any reason they come back to our country, well go wherever they are and use power the likes of which

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