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Needed more. Welcome. This is bulls bears. Thanks for joining us. Im david asman. Joining me today, jonathan hoenig, kristina partsinevelos, Gary Kaltbaum and liz peek. Swalwell is out but reports are swirling that california billionaire and antitrump donor tom steyer is considering jumping in to 2020 the 2020 race as early as tomorrow. Sources say one of steyers first attacks could be on President Trumps claims that the economy is now thriving under his leadership. With President Trumps Approval Rating now at an alltime high, including his handling of the economy over 50 , how can he, steyer, or any democrat, win by arguing that the economys bad . I think its an incredibly tough road to make that case. Americans are convinced because they see it in their daily lives through higher wages, through Job Opportunities they havent seen before, et cetera, that they are doing better than theyve done in decades. So i think this is not what is going to bring him into the fore. What he really wants to talk about is Climate Change and impeaching donald trump. I dont think hes going to get anywhere blasting this economy. May i say theres still 483 days left until the election. David i was hoping you wouldnt say it. But if unemployment is in the 3s, if gdp is in the 3s and the markets doing fine, i can promise you there is nobody thats going to beat President Trump because its simple, it really is the economy. It is about jobs. And there are many more people with jobs now and some pretty decent jobs than before the president became president. So its going to be a real tough road but a ways to go. The interesting thing with him is that he has hes canceled before. He said he would run for president in january, said he would run for the u. S. Senate in 2016, said he was going to go for Gubernatorial Race in 2018 i think it was. You have all of these he said hes going to do it, then pulls out last minute. Yes, hes been really funding this impeach the president impeach need to Impeach Group, he spent 50 million on this group. They have eight million members. How is he going to stand out amongst all of the candidates . I looked at this ballot, theres a website called ballotpedia. Org. There are 766 people running for president. That is a crowded debate stage. David hold on, ladies and gentlemen. We have the soccer team coming out right now. They are in Newark Airport. There they are. Raising the trophy high. Congratulations, ladies. Its a long trip but the adrenaline is flowing. They are going to have a big celebration here in new york. In fact, we may have a ticker tape parade. You are a big fan. Im going to be reporting on it wednesday morning. David fantastic the parade starts 9 30 a. M. In lower manhattan. David 9 30 a. M. Imagine all the ticker tape there. That will be fun. David lets listen to a little bit of this. Im not sure who those people are, to tell you the truth. They were shaking hands with the soccer stars. Probably soccer officials. David i think so. City officials. Everybody wants a piece of facetime with that group. This is probably the most popular sports group in america right now. There were just so many games that stood out. I remember that one game, remember the highest scoring game of all time, i think it was 130. People were questioning whether they went a little too far in their enthusiasm. Whats amazing is how few goals were scored against america. Almost none in the entire tournament. Its really extraordinary. David unbelievable. By the way, i for one was all in favor of them scoring as many as they wanted to. Its a game. Its about scoring. I heard somebody laughing. Gary, go ahead. Not me. Im not laughing. Listen, you are supposed to play this game to win and its incumbent upon the other team to play some defense. Exactly. They were not able to. Kudos to them. I loved seeing it. God bless america, god bless these women for playing their hearts out and winning the whole world cup. David if you are listening to the music in the background, its we are the champions. Remember that great song . Dont sing, david. David lets just listen for a second. We are the champions we are the champions no time for losers for we are the champions thats fun. David all right. We will have more. Of course, theres a little bit of sour news in this great news story which is the issue about pay. Some people are saying that the women are not paid enough. Other people say they are paid more than enough considering how much revenue is brought in. We will be discussing that issue coming in. But i stopped i believe it was jonathan in midsentence. Go ahead. We are talking about steyer joining the race and saying this is a bad economy. Go ahead. Yeah. Look, we are celebrating this free country, celebrating these young women and congratulating them on their victory in this free country. Tom steyer basically has everything you need to run for president. Hes 35 years old and hes got a lot of money. David hes not 35. He is of the age of 35 and hes got the money to do it. David i see. Hes over 35. Yes. Yes. Hes over 35. But hes got about as big a chance as say hi guy. He has no chances. For better or worse, being antitrump is not going to win you the white house. David hes already got a track record, antitrump track record that didnt work out too well. In 2016 he spent about 100 million. It wasnt only on keeping trump out of the white house. It was also on a lot of other things, environmental issues, et cetera. He didnt do too well. He did okay in 2018 in the midterms. Got to give him that. In 2016 he didnt keep trump out of the white house. Go ahead. I would like to add one thing. Its not just the side of trump and what the economy is doing. If you watched the first debate, all you took out of it was more government, higher taxes, more regulations, more victimhood, more government. Again, more government. Again, a lot more government. I got to tell you, that is not going to sell well if the economys still doing well based on lower taxes and less regulation. Donald trump will have an easy job selling what hes done if the economy stays in shape. I think thats true. I think tom steyer is an interesting character because he actually has launched not only the need to Impeach Group but also a next gen group which really focuses on young voters, bringing young voters to the table, making sure they are registered, et cetera. I think for democrats, thats a very important thing that hes done for them. Interestingly, the left is really blasting him now for wasting tens of millions of dollars on what they consider to be a vanity run instead of backing candidates or putting his money into pacs that could really help them win in 2020. A lot of people see this as nonproductive. David maybe liz warren will talk about it. Could the fight for 15 cost you your job . A new government report showing a huge minimum wage hike will mean a raise for some, but job losses for others. We will break it down, next. Most people think a button is just a button. That a speaker is just a speaker. Or that the journey cant be the destination. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Their medicare options. Before theyre on medicare. Come on in. Youre turning 65 soon . Yep. And youre retiring at 67 . Thats the plan well, youve come to the right place. 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So go ahead, spend winter somewhere warm. If youre turning 65 soon or over 65 and planning to retire, find out more about the plans that live up to their name. Thumbs up to that remember, the time to prepare is before you go on medicare dont wait. Get started today. Call unitedhealthcare and ask for your free decision guide. Learn more about aarp Medicare Supplement plan options and rates to fit your needs. Oh, and happy birthday. Or retirement. In advance. David congress is set to take up a bill raising minimum wage, doubling it, really, from 7. 25 an hour to 15 an hour, phasing it in over the next five years but new projections out today show the bill would give a raise to 17 million workers, but 1. 3 million americans would be out of a job by 2025. So is it worth it . Im not going to chime in on whether its worth it because i think no matter what, we can find studies to reflect whatever side that we are on. Case in point, berkeley economists put out a study, a large one, three million homes, 51 wage changes, and they found there was no reduction in the number of hours david but it was berkeley. Wait, guys. Give me a second. I will share both sides. You got berkeley, you got the London School of economics saying it didnt do anything. You also have the Harvard Business school as well as the university of california that did find that it did change. It really just depends which study you look at. Going back to 1938, when the first minimum wage was instituted, our own Labor Department said that in fact, yes, of course minimum wage destroys jobs, it destroys those first entry level jobs for people just getting on their feet, just learning the skills to begin to go up the ladder and so you can go back to 1938, you can even go back to 2017 in seattle, after they instituted their minimum wage, the average takehome pay for low income people actually went down 124. Minimum wage discriminates against low income people, it destroys their jobs and like all these government intervention, it hurts the people it supposedly wants to help. I think following up on that, i think where we have really seen that and what the cbo study said was that teenagers would be the people most badly affected by this. If you look at, for example, france, frances youth unemployment is off the charts high and they try to combat it by changing some of the rules which really discriminate against make it very hard to hire young people, then fire them. Something that companies have to be able to do, because they are basically working with unproven tale talent, if you will. So i think its a really bad idea for that. The second thing thats wrong with it is the choice to oug automate is going to be propelled by the cost of labor going up. Once you have done that, there is no going back. You lose jobs because of that and thats final. Berkeley in their study should take a fly. Theyre forgetting something very important. This money doesnt grow on trees. It comes from the business owners. You tell aunt mary and uncle bob that next year, they growing to have to spend 50,000 more on minimum wage without any productivity gains and guess what aunt mary and uncle bobs going to do . They are going to listen to that salesman that comes knocking at the door about the kiosks that will save all kinds of money. Somebody who would get paid 10 an hour but not 15 going to lose their job. This is again a bureaucracy, people who have never run a business telling people what to do. David we have to emphasize, in kristinas favor, these are all guesstimates. The cbo doesnt know any more than the people at berkeley any more than the people at harvard. However, liz brought this point up in the past, every state is different. You shouldnt have a national 15 15, you may just barely get by in new york city but in oklahoma, that could mean a lot. Why have a nationwide standard when it doesnt fit . To that point, what we are already seeing with a lot of companies, costco being an example, amazon is increasing minimum wage, costco going up to 15, amazon 11, eventually 15. Walmart, 11. A lot of these companies are doing it on their own. We need to force it . That is something we can debate. They are doing that because we have a tight job market. Thats really what the ambition is for every economic policy, make it so that companies have to raise the wages. We dont even need to debate it. Its stupid. It makes no sense. Gary, are you going to say that to all the economists that have researched this . They called three million homes . The only economists that matter are the people running the businesses let them decide what they want to pay. If somebody only produces 8 an hour worth of productivity i agree with that. I understand that. You cant pay them 15. David amen. We have to move on. Tensions rising in the persian gulf. Iran saying it has breached the nuclear deal. Are we headed for a military conflict . We will be asking Foreign Policy analyst who is in studio with us, next. Iran better be careful. You enrich for one reason and i wont tell you what that reason is but its no good. They better be careful. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Is it to carry cargo or to carry on a legacy . . Its show of strength or its sign of intelligence . In crossing harsh terrain or breaking new ground . 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Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. David President Trump has warned quote, that iran better be careful, not to mistake american restraint for american weakness against irans defiance on rebuilding its nuclear program, specifically its plans for uranium enrichment. Lets bring in walid phares. Are we headed for a military showdown . The Iranian Regime does not want a confrontation directly with the United States at this point in time because they will lose. However, they have a plan b and the plan b is to have their militias, not them, not the government, engage us where, in syria and iraq. Thats why we are beefing up our forces in what i call the northern front. Its jonathan hoenig. Thank you for being with us. Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world. For many, many decades now. They have shown no sign of stopping their ambition to pursue a Nuclear Weapon. Is there any way to avoid this without military confrontation, and more specifically, President Trump kind of hesitated because he was worried about potentially killing 150 iranians with that strike. Is there any way to have a military conflict with not at least having some iranian casualties to make this Nuclear Threat nonnuclear . Two things. The president and the administration really want not to engage in a big war if they can. But at the same time, theyre not going to allow the Iranian Regime to develop not just the nukes, basically the longrange missiles because if they develop the missiles, its not to throw roses. Its basically to use these weapons. So now we are in the Twilight Zone between what the iranians want to do and what the president wants to do. So if we basically force iran back to the negotiating table, which presumably is the purpose of the very hard sanctions, et cetera, what are the one or two specific things we want to change in the jcpoa, in the pact that prohibits them having a Nuclear Weapon for some period of time, 12 years . First of all, that we can monitor. Thats the most important thing. Europeans will be with us on this issue. Second, press on the delivery system. On the missile. On the missile. The deployment of the missiles. One thing if those missiles are in iran, another if they go to yemen, iraq, syria, lebanon. Then we are in a much more difficult situation. We would want them to keep the missiles under sort of surveillance or something. First not to develop further, not to buy more from russia. They have 150 billion so we want to make sure they arent going to use that cash to buy those missiles. Thered thirdly, monitor as much as we monitor nuclear material. You said the europeans will be with us but havent we angered them over the past year . Because they stuck with this pact and same thing with iran and the United States has pulled out. But thats just more of a comment. The question i have is to focus on the president of iran, on wednesday said to i think local media that he was willing to negotiate and reverse course within one hour. Isnt that a big thing, the fact hes willing to come to the negotiation table . Shouldnt the United States take that up . I think we should. But the minute he comes to the negotiation table, negotiating table, he will be met with those conditions about the missiles, with the europeans its about business so they can be very angry. But they will come. The iranians want right now not to be engaged by the United States on a military level. They will be ready to make all these sacrifices. Our concern is not them coming to the table. Its about them stopping purchasing missiles. If they can prove they have stopped that process, i think we could sit down with them. This is Gary Kaltbaum. My main question always has been, where is everybody else . It seems its always the u. S. And syria. The u. S. And iran. We dont hear a lot from European Countries and other countries and last i looked, iran getting a nuke affects everybody around the globe. Dont you think if everybody gets together on them it puts a lot more pressure to stop them . The administration is trying to do everything it can since the president went to riyadh. Remember 2017, met with 50 arab and muslim leaders, so we have that coalition. He has now in europe about four to five countries, the warsaw organization which met last year, so he can count on those, in addition to that, countries are trying to reverse on iran. We have an interesting international coalition. Not enough. Much better than before. David you bring up an interesting point. Iran brings together some strange bedfellows. Saudi arabia, which of course is against iran because they are different islamic sect and also are very close to them so they are concerned about nukes. You also have the israelis. The saudis and israelis, sometimes they Work Together despite their major differences. And perhaps they could Work Together to take out some Iranian Nuclear facilities if they get close to enriching uranium. I say more than perhaps. Actually, its been two years that not just sachudis and israelis but egyptians, they have formed a coalition. This is what washington would like to see formalized. David we could keep our hands clean in all of this and let them do the dirty work. We coordinate but yes, on the ground we had a coalition and its not just United States that needs to pay a price. Everybody else, not just the middle east but worldwide needs to help. To that point, were you surprised or was the community surprised to see Great Britain take one of irans tankers . It was a surprise, youre right because usually the United Kingdom doesnt want to get involved but i was so clear, this is an iranian Ship Breaking International Law so they had to do this. It almost seemed intentional that they were going to do this, go that route versus the suez canal. It was written up as sort of a conscious prod. The suez canal is no go for them so they try gibraltar. David you got to come back again. We have a lot more to talk about this subject. Meanwhile, the u. S. Womens soccer team is now the only womens team to win the world cup four times but as celebrations are under way, you just saw them arrive in newark, new jersey, so is a major debate over pay. Everything you need to know after the break. Hi, im joan lunden with a place for mom, the nations largest seniorliving referral service. For the past five years, ive spoken with hundreds of families and visited seniorcare communities around the country. 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Womens soccer team just arriving back in the United States, and earlier this hour they touched down at Newark Airport in new jersey to great fanfare. There will be a ticker tape parade. Kristina will be reporting on it. A whole lot of fun stuff is going on. Meanwhile, the team winning their fourth overall world cup title. Now its the debate over equal pay thats front and center. Listen to this. Understand that for a lot of different reasons, the mens game financially is far advanced than the womens game but if you really are you scheduling three finals on the same day . No, youre not. David congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez tweeting out at this point, we shouldnt even be asking for equal pay for the u. S. Womens National Soccer team. We should demand they be paid at least twice as much but when you look at the revenue that they bring in, do the numbers justify it . Well, here are the numbers basically. In 2018, the men took home 38 billion versus four for the winning womens team but the men said that represented 7. 5 of revenue compared to 23 of revenue for the women. Heres the issue. The mens game which is not nearly as popular in this country as the womens game, the mens team not as popular as the womens team because they keep winning, is completely the flipside of what goes on in the rest of the world. In the rest of the world, men dominate soccer. It is a gigantic moneymaking operation and so there really is no comparison. My view is these numbers are set by fifa, a really discredited organization. I think someone should look into the women being paid more. Frankly, for what they are doing, 110,000 seems chicken feed when you compare it to other major sports figures and they certainly are that. You did bring up fifa does pay a different world cup amount to both teams both in 2018 for the men and 2019. There was a huge discrepancy. You can argue that oh, fifa does something very different compared to what the u. S. Soccer federation where there is some type of discrimination even though operating revenue, the women are bringing in more money in the u. S. Than the men. But i think if we focus specifically on their salaries and marketing packages and how much they are getting promotionally, then its up for debate. That, i cant answer to because i dont know specifically what each woman is making but there is a very large discrepancy. I know they are trying to improve it because there was recent negotiations. Nike being one of the factors where they wanted to equalize it a little more. We are still not at that spot yet. Operating income has improved. Go ahead. It is completely inappropriate for aoc, we demand. Demanding a wage. Look, its a free country. Free means free of government control. Its not aocs place to demand a wage for anyone. You know why shes doing that, though . Because its topical. We are talking about it. Its putting her on tv. Its a politicians strategy. I understand. But what she should say is if you are worth 1 million, go out and make it. Get on a wheaties box. But they are. Theyre not given the opportunity. Thats what they should do. To enlist government to say we demand equal wage, that besmi h besmirches their achievement. Aoc should stay out of it. Every politician should stay out of it. The fact of the matter is this is sports. They won the world cup. They should be paid more by whoever the powers that be. I dont know exactly what that number is. These women just broke all records. They are basically bringing the country together to a certain extent. More moneys fine by me. How much, beats the heck out of me. David to pick up on jonathans point, i think they are going to be getting the money. We dont know that yet. David well, i look, i put money down on the fact you want to bet right now . David that they are going to make some deal with somebody at some point to make money commercially. Thats how athletes in the United States make money. Maybe not in europe. Thats the way they do it here. Exactly right. The stars of this team in particular are going to have enormous endorsement deals and everything else. They will do fine. I think it is an interesting question, who sets these standards and how it works out. The answer is over time, if the american women continue to do this well, theres going to be a huge following for womens soccer and hopefully that will spread to the rest of the world. David just for arguments sake, let me bring up the point, the mens prize money is 7. 5 of the revenue they bring in. The womens prize money is 23 of the revenue they bring in. So women actually are doing more than twice what the men are doing as a percent of revenue. By the way go ahead. Sorry. Please. Please. After you, liz. No, no. I was going to say, this is truly womens sports, folks. The truth is people dont want to watch Womens Basketball as much as they want to watch mens basketball. Hold on. Wimbledon prize money gets the same. I believe the same for the u. S. Open tennis. A lot of sports have seen the almighty god in equality have done the right thing. Again, this one is a little different in that womens soccer is much different than mens, much smaller but again, when i hear these numbers, much too low for what these women accomplished. I agree. David particularly after this series. Again i think they are going to make up a lot of it in advertising. Lets hope they dochlt d do. I wish them the best. Microsofts bill gates is calling steve jobs a wizard for saving apple but could the companys best days be a thing of the past . Steve is a very singular case where the Company Really was on a path to die and it goes and becomes the most valuable company in the world. Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. I have yet to meet any person who in terms of picking talent, hypermotivating that talent and having a sense of design about this is good, this is not good, so he brought some incredibly positive things along with that toughness, and i always said that i was like the minor wizard because he would be casting spells and i would see people mesmerized. Those spells dont work on me. David bill gates with a fascinating explanation of how steve jobs kept apple alive when the company was on the verge of failing. Apple was the worst performing stock on the dow today, dropping more than 2 after a downgrade in the stock to sell from neutral amid concerns about the iphone business. Analysts from rosenblatt securities saying quote, we believe apples going to face fundamental deterioration over the next six to 12 months, so could apples best days be behind it . Very easily could be. Think about nokia, think about digital or sun microsystems. These companies once ruled. Literally ruled the technology world. They are literally footnotes now, completely forgotten about. Steve jobs and bill gates is very generous. He did cast spells but he cast spells with his mind. He completely reinvented the world. Thats whats kept them on top. There is no monopoly in a free society so unless they can continue to innovate there will be some new upstart a decade from now thats ruling both the dow, nasdaq and s p. I just want anybody calling me a wizard. I would be such a happy guy. David particularly the richest man in america. Oh, yeah. Look, heres the problem. Apple is so successful that the greatest growth rates are over and done. They already do 250 billion in sales, almost a trillion dollar market cap, sales were down 5 the last two quarters. They will be flattish this quarter. Yeah, their best days are behind them as far as growth, but who knows. The biggest problem i see is that they do have a lower lack of innovation, once jobs passed it was phone after phone after phone. They are going to have to do more. If you notice anything, Service Business is whats going to bring them forward because it certainly is phones are saturated. Services are something the analyst did comment on saying even that was not going to be protected. Its not just the deterioration of iphone sales overall. If we look at the bearish calls on apple just over the last year or so, you are seeing five analysts pretty much selling the stock. This all happened in 2019. For the first time in two decades, apple did cut its revenue. There are some signs that you are starting to see the sentiment change. Theres over 20 analysts out there saying its a buy. The big question is, you hit a peak, its working on the services, could it come back up . I think the answer is theyve got like amazon a huge imbedded client base. Everyone in the world owns iphones and Mac Computers and everything else. But they have to leverage that through new products, through innovation. That is what steve jobs did so brilliantly and so far, there doesnt seem to be anyone at apple who has really picked that ball up. David i have one word for you. Microsoft. Remember they went through this terrible midlife crisis and they are now the Richest Company in the world. They have the biggest market cap in the world. Is it conceivable that apple could come out of this midlife crisis and reinvent itself . Its a Business Cycle. Thats what a Business Cycle is called. They have a ton of cash. They can go find other businesses. But so far, they have not been able to. For me, its a value stock at this point. Its no longer a growth stock. I agree. David, a Business Cycle but its really an innovation cycle. Basically, microsoft got eclipsed during the first ten years of the 2000s or even think about ibm, back from the 1960s to the early 1980s, ibm stock was flat because they were getting usurped by the upstarts in silicon valley. David quick question. How would each of you, maybe we dont have time, starting with you, gary, how would you spend that 200 billion of cash they have . I would retire to the riviera. David you want to rebuild the company. Biotech. They will get into the entertainment business in a big way. I see them buying somebody big. David interesting from kristina. Biotech. The health care sector. Its going to be put all online. All of our data is extremely valuab valuable. Exactly right. Communications information, all that stuff can come through an iphone. Thats what the genius of this company has been. They need someone gutsy in running that company thats going to take a leap and that is what will turn it around. David jonathan . How would you spend the money . Quickly. We dont have it yet. All i can say is this is a stock i would avoid. I think its an underperformer. Sometimes a Wonderful Company isnt a wonderful stock. David thanks, gang. Anywhere but seattle. Why amazon may be considering a change of scenery while looking at its growth strategy. Details coming next. Dont miss your golden opportunity to experience thrilling performance. Now, at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Get 0. 9 apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Xfinity mobile is a designed to save you money. Whether you use your phone to get fit or to find the perfect gift, youll use less data with a network that automatically connects to millions of wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. So you save hundreds of dollars a year on your wireless bill. Xfinity mobile has the best network. Best devices. Best value. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click, call or visit a store today. David the emerald citys tarnished. Amazon is now moving thousands of its employees out of its hometown of seattle after a dustup over new tax on big businesses was later repealed but still created some bad blood. Dan springer joining us from seattle with the details. Dan . Reporter amazon has been as synonymous with seattle as pricey lattes and rain. Now the tech giant is seemingly adding jobs everywhere but the emerald city. 25,000 in virginia, 2,000 in boston, hundreds more in denver and austin. Its been on a real estate buying binge in a large suburb of seattle, with seven properties including these future twin towers and the Just Announced 43story bellevue600, which will be the tallest in the company. The city staff met with amazon. We want to make sure they feel welcome. Reporter it is opposite the approach taken by elected officials in seattle, who have vilified amazons founder. Jeff bezos is our enemy. He is our enemy. And we have to fight big business. Reporter arguing that amazons high wages have driven up the cost of housing so much, its causing the homeless crisis, the Council Unanimously passed a head tax, a fee for every employee in seattle. After a unionled backlash, the tax that would have cost amazon 12 million a year was quickly repealed, but the damage was done. Amazon has been unfairly blamed for challenges that we as a region experienced, that we would have experienced regardless of amazon. Reporter fighting back against the criticism that it doesnt pay federal taxes and is actually bad for a city, amazon says over its 25year history, its invested 4. 5 billion in Capital Projects in seattle and paid employees there 32 billion in wages. Amazon officially has 10,000 jobs currently open in seattle. The big question is, how many of those will get filled . The Company Recently announced its moving its worldwide Operation Team from its headquarters over to bellevue in the office space and the head tax sends a clear message to businesses, one that will impact job creation for years to come. Back to you. David dan, thank you. What do we make of this . Its almost hard to know where to begin, but my view would be that Companies Role in this world are to create jobs, create revenues and profits. Its the province of politicians to provide the infrastructure for making that work within a community. The infrastructure has lagged here in seattle and they blame amazon, they are a hostile group, obviously rgs ju, just l parts of new york city were when they wanted to come here. Why invest more money in a city that doesnt want you or your investment dollars . It makes no sense. By the way, diversifying to many states makes a lot of sense. I think thats what theyre doing. Unbelievably offensive. Amazon is the enemy . Before microsoft, before amazon, seattle in the 80s was a dying timber town. There was no wealth there at all. Microsoft came, amazon came, they created the wealth. They created literally millions and millions of millionaires. Now as youre seeing just in fact how mobile money is and the more difficulties administrators and bureaucrats make it to create jobs because seattles minimum wage is just one example, more money not just leaves seattle but leaves america writ large. The positive is that the reporter said it only at the end, they are going to bellevue and will create a 40story plus building over there. They are still focusing on washington area. To add to all of this, apple, just within the past two weeks, announce they hare doing this fiveyear Expansion Plan in the United States and specifically within seattle, i know its not amazon, but apple announced they would be adding 2,000 jobs. Hopefully that could offset some of the loss from amazon overall. I still think its good. You have amazon investing in bellevue, they will build a light rail system. Maybe ship some of that congestion in the city outside. People, business and capital will always flow to where its treated best. Theres a reason why amazon left Long Island City when they were treated badly. The same thing will happen in seattle if you continue that commissioners call a company that has created so much wealth and so many jobs, calling the head of that company the enemy . It is absolutely insane. Who elects these people who become commissioners and have no understanding of an economy and how great this company is to a city. David you know, all these cities, new york, seattle, los angeles, they have all been flirting with socialism. They have all by the way, its not just economic despair that a lot of us new yorkers have or l. A. Its the quality of life. The homeless problem. They are having problems with that in seattle as well. The more these policies affect the real life businesses have to deal with daytoday as you walk out of the business, i think its going to be worse for all the cities. The worse thing is our politicians, so Many Democrats are basically making a corporate world out to be the enemy. David right. You heard that woman. Yeah. I mean, it isnt like corporations pay 2 an hour and have sweatshops anymore. Corporations are best employers. They hire people and provide enormous benefits for people. Its really extraordinary that this is now, these are the bad guys. You know . Thats really bad for our society. To many politicians, success is the enemy. They keep trying to sell themselves to people as being the victims and all these big corporations are the bad guys holding them down. No, these are the companies that are doing the hiring. By the way, they have been going after walmart forever and 75 of Walmart Store managers came from minimum wage. What a concept. Briefly, so many of these problems in these municipalities are actually caused by the governments themselves. For example, the housing crisis is caused essentially by the nimby regulation that prohibits growth and vertical development, for example. So they blame the job creators while trying to suffocate them at the same time. David they leave behind in seattle over 4 billion of capital expenses. 4 billion of buildings, all kinds of stuff they have done for that city. So they should be grateful. Meanwhile, public outcry over plastic toys reaching a brand new level. Why your kids happy meals could now be in jeopardy. Details coming next. Ney managert seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. 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Most of of the time it just ends up in the garbage because its a piece of crap. Think about all the children. They never keep it. I dont remember from my childhood, i never kept them. In the u. K. They are switching out the toys for books instead. Does anybody want me to babysit their children . Im a bundle of fun. These people have nothing else to worry about . Mcdonalds created an affordable nutritious meal and they put a toy. If you dont want a happy meal with your kid, dont buy a happy meal for your kid. Mcdonalds stock has done well. Most of toys are made of plastic. If you get rid of this, are legos next . If you dont want to go there, fine, stay away. But let the fun police move on. Everything is bad, everything is poisonous, cigarettes are bad, but marijuana is good. Lets listen to these people. Yay. People are voicing their opinion a little bit more. A general theme is companies are responding to complaints. I think thats the issue. You are seeing the shift, personalization. Nike being an example, pulling that betsy ross flag shoe. David activists are. A lot of poor people rely on some of these toys. They can be some of the most of fun toys the poor kids get. The people writing these petitions, i can assure you they are not the poorest kids who go to mcdonalds. The parents who go there get some joy out of seeing their kids open them. You cant win. They want to take any element where people are having fun and use it for fossil fuels. David maybe the people of mcdonalds have listened to this and maybe they learned something. I hope they dont cave. I love the toys, too. Liz the fight over the border about to get white hot. We have the latest on the president s top immigration and border official warning yes, i. C. E. Is ready to deport 1 million Illegal Immigrants who already have court papers to leave. Its happening as the very much heads to the border along with a Bipartisan Group from the Senate Judiciary committee. All that and more tonight. 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