Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20240714

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Charles major breaking news, iran shoots down drone overnight, Iran Foreign Ministry pushing back what its calling a violation of its air space and warning of a strong reaction, iran also saying it has no intention on going to war with u. S. But it is ready. Congressman, thanks for joining us. Great to be with you. Charles continue to mount, and feels like america is pushing america despite deterrence that we are putting out there, what do you see this heading . Well, once again shows that iran is belligerent nation and Iran Nuclear Deal was so wrong headed because iran continues to take malign activities in the region. We saw this during the Iran Nuclear Deal and despite the promises that the regime made in tehran, they continue to develop ballistic missiles, continue to export terrorist support, now belligerent activity continues with attacks on oil tankers, so, again, this is continue to ramp up the pressure with economic sanctions to put pressure on the regime. Charles ironically, the pressure, the more pressure we put on, a greater show of force, it triggers another reaction like this from iran, so we have to wonder how much they can continue to poke america particularly without hearing from allies that you referenced. Where are the allies because theyve been pretty mute so far . Well, thats right. We obviously need to work with our european counterparts to to put pressure on them frankly to stop providing sanctions, the fact of the matter is, this regime does not respond to anything other than pressure, whether its economic pressure or military deterrence and thats why altogether appropriate that the administration not go out and seek military conflict but provide additional to arrive to deterrence and ensure that navigation that is required for that particular part of the region. Charles you know, the United States will begin escorting the oil tankers, but the point should be made, the majority of them are headed to asia, so, again, you know, are we going to put american lives at risk, are we going to use American Resources to keep oil market steady when this oil for the most part is not even to our country . Well, its vitally important that we deter irans behavior. We have Important Role to play in the region and work with allies like israel and some of the Muslim States in the gulf region to deter iran. The fact of the matter is, this administration is doing the right thing here and we saw in the past that the Iran Nuclear Deal was not was with greater belligerence. Charles markets higher after decisions to maintain Interest Rates, however, the central bank, for most people wall street think its 100 clear that theyll cut rates later on this year, perhaps as early as next month, fed chairman jarome powell, take a look at this. The meeting that concluded today maintain policy Interest Rates, changes to our statement. Since the beginning of the year weve judged that our current policy stance was broadly appropriate and we should be patient for any changes. We emphasize and we monitor the implications for the economic information and Economic Outlook and we will act appropriately to sustain expansion, 2 objective, many participants believe that some cut will be appropriate in scenario that they see as most likely. Though some participants, a flat rate pas agree that for additional combination has strengthen since our may meeting, i think its clear that i am a fouryear term and i fully intend to serve it. Charles your reaction to yesterday . Well, chairman powell and the other members are doing the right thing not changing course but communicating clearly, you know, those of us in Financial Services with communication and forecast a little bit better, Monetary Policys role should not be to correct fiscal policy mistakes like they were doing during the obama era, what the primary job of Monetary Policy is price stability and so to the extent the economy does need additional accommodation if we are presently above the neutral rate and there does need to be a little bit of extra Monetary Policy stimulus, the fed needs to communicate that in advance so markets are not rattled by improvisation, improvisation is not good for certainty. Obviously the trade negotiations are creating downward pressure on outlook but i think a waitandsee approach is appropriate especially if the president can make progress at g20 with president xi and also if the democrats will finally give us a vote on usmca, i think that will bode well for the growth picture and might encourage the fed to stay where they are. Charles well, issue of low inflation despite all the tariffs and all the higher costs, they are looking at 1. 5 inflation, thats remarkable. Congressman, you covered a lot of ground, im sorry, you we wanted to get a quick i was going to say, charles, youre right, if theres a case to be made for a quarter point reduction in the fed funds rate i think the muted inflation is a factor that needs to be taken into consideration. Charles sir, you covered a lot of ground for u, we appreciate it, thank you very much, congressman andy barr. Thank you. Charles you opened up computer and pops right at you, set to make debut, 17 billion well ahead of where they thought 2 weeks ago, by the way, second Major Company to go public throh listing. Well, its really interesting because direct listing at 26, little different than an ipo, avoids investment banker and avoids the big road show and all the flashiness and some would argue that thats important when it comes to bringing company to market and getting investor appetite, trade at 26 a share on nysd and this is a messaging communications company, some would say replaces the need for email within the workplace and also a tech company that isnt profitable yet. Last year it last 138. 9 million, those losses are contracting but this is still quite common especially recently since we have seen a lot of different ipos and Companies Come to market. The fuzz with ipo it can get a lot of buzz and can open and see the big stock pop, we is that true with chewy last week. We will see what happens with slack today, charles. Charles great year for ipo if youre not a share one of the services, jackie, thanks a lot. We will see you in a bit. Folks, Police Officer scrambling to save a woman is shot and killed in california, i want to go to Cheryl Casone, she has the details, cheryl. Cheryl good morning, charles, intense manhunt underway in sacramento for the gunman who shot and killed a Police Officer responding to a 911 call, police say that offer Tera Sullivan gunned down trying to help woman escape domestic dispute, sullivan 20th Police Officer shot and killed in line of duty so far this year. Well, theres a warning from Delta Airlines out after Technical Glitch prevented passengers from boarding last night and could still be delays at the nations airports today, folks, unclear what caused the issues but the outlet did last a couple of hours, delta gave the allclear last night, the issue triggered outrage on social media as you can imagine and delta has apologized for any convenience to travelers, theres the year to date chart and strong chart for Delta Airlines, dal is the kicker. Company beat profit estimates, Software Maker benefited from license support businesses that sent shares up as much as 7 in overnight trading, the results showing oracle new businesses are leapfrogging the old ones, 11 last quarter, its all about the cloud and all about the services. Charles microsoft reinventing itself. Cheryl amazon web services, a whole list out there. Charles cheryl, thats a lot. The senate doubling down efforts to tackle the migration surge, latest move is next. Plus base brawl, a Little League baseball game, what sparks this may lead straight ahead. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. That have made the rxh. Crathe leading luxury suvogy of all time. Lease the 2019 rx 350 for 399 month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. When your psoriasis is bad, it can be hard to see whats possible. But the possibilities become clear with taltz. The first and only treatment of its kind offering a chance at 100 clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of those with moderate to severe psoriasis saw a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. Some even saw 100 clear skin. Dont use if youre allergic to taltz. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. Increased risk of infections and lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about infections, symptoms, or if inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop, worsen or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions can occur. See the possibilities. Ask your doctor about taltz. Charles folks, we have a huge show for you this morning, coming up house judiciary member matt gates and author of collusion newt gringrich. By the way, black stone chairman ceo and cofounder steven, you dont want to miss any of it, lets turn to border crisis, Senate Appropriation committee to approve 4. 6 billion emergency spending bill for the u. S. Mexico border, now thats to help address the surge of migrants arriving from Central America. President trump giving update on border wall construction to fox news sean hannity last night. We are building a tremendous wall right now, we are renovating vast areas of wall that essentially collapse but its good if you renovate, we are taking down wall and putting up new wall, some areas you can renovate, but we will have over 400 miles of wall built by the end of next year, which is very quick, rapidly approaching. Charles joining the conversation jackie, steve forbes and columnist for the hill liz peek. Listen, we got bipartisan action in washington on what everyone agrees its a crisis, steve. Its a humanitarian crisis and everyone recognizing if nothing is done, you will have disaster at the border. Its in their interest to get something through, thats happening in Central America is a disaster, governments cant keep violence down there mexico has border with guatemala thats porous and democrats are begin to go realize theyve soaked the issue for all they can, time they can. Charles maybe not all democrats. Thats true. By the way weve handled this, some of the things that have been said, description of whats going on down there, alexandria ocasiocortez, is a despicable, what we are as americans, but even thats gaining some traction. You know, something had to be done and to steves point its high time to have collaboration on this issue, you cant be more hypocritical than railing on how we are treating the children across the border and not doing anything to help the children. The numbers are completely staggering and tens of thousands of children, theres no place to put them, it was finally time to pass this thing and by the way, it isnt through the house yet and really a question about what the house is going to want to do to tinker with it, they will probably cut spending somewhat and maybe take back some of the money that the government wanted, that the white house wanted but at least a step in the right direction. Charles we are watching, americans are watching close, if the house fumbles this it would be embarrassment. In the men time mexico has deployed 65 National Guard at key checkpoints, they so far stepping up to the point and that helps. Absolutely, not only are we as americans watching but the fed is one issue that we will talk about, some of the optimism we are seeing today and i also think the stock markets look at this and looks at cooperation between the two sides of the aisle and say is this positive, President Trump is making inroads and moving forward with what he prommed the american people. They have to address asylum issue, if you cross the border, they get a free pass to the United States. Charles perhaps change to thirdstate nations, that would alleviate issues, once you enter one of those countries you would not be able to that would be truly huge and the point is it would be a deterrent, thats what we have to do is set up a deterrent, a reason people dont think that they can automatically walk across the border and reach safe haven in the United States. That has to be changed. Charles thank you very much, the Mueller Report, experts wait to go review the special counsels findings next, what democrats want, we will tell you know, a blow to boeing, making deal elsewhere, more on huge order straight ahead. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. You can earn 100 off your deductiblee, for every year of safe driving . Sing that. Vanishing deductible, you can. Earn 100. Earn 100 off. Off your deductible. Deductible. For every year of safe driving. For every for every for every year of safe driving. What are you what key are you in . E. No, no, go to g. G will be too high. Not for me. Vanishing deductible. Oh, gosh. Sweet, sweet. Charles welcome back, turning to Mueller Report, holding another hearing today as House Democrats keep calling for impeachment this after former White House Communications director hope hicks testified yesterday, President Trump speaking out in an exclusive interview with fox news sean hannity last night, take a listen. Im the most transparent president in history. I let mueller have everything they wanted, if you think of it, 500 witnesses, interview our attorneys, interview whoever you want, i think 2,500 subpoenas, i didnt use president ial privilege because i didnt speak to russia, its a hoax, its a terrible hoax and it should never happen to another president again because many of them would not be able to handle it. Charles joining me former whitewater counsel ray and daily caller editorinchief christopher bedford. Robert, let me start with you, where do you make of this going right now, democrats are grasping up straws. Well, sure, with regard to where we are going, i think the answer to that is the democrats dont frankly know where they are going, on the one hand they want the benefit of continuing to investigate, to pile dirt on the the Trump Administration and the trump white house, on the other hand, they dont want to actually say what they are doing which is to commence impeachment inquiry would actually further ability to gain with courts further evidence to prolong agony here and we are in middle of president ial campaign and if it wasnt obvious to anyone, obviously the commencement of debates with Democratic Candidates indicate as much, are there more Democratic Candidates running for president or more investigation to trump investigation. Charles prolonging the agony, feels like maybe democrats are the ones they are suffering the agony right now because this does not resinate at all with the American Public anymore. , no its hard to find headline, 50, 60 headlines on what was coming up next with Mueller Report. I remember jobbing some of the john dean hearing that they just held, democrats did in news room and one by one fell off of every cable station to focus on crash downtown and turned to cspan and even cspan cut from it,ed,d to watch it online, this is how really theatrics are not resinating, largely time for democrats to try to frame their agenda for 2020 but i know theres a strong urge on their base to continue going after the president and a lot of congressmen will have to answer to that. Charles to that point, the tables may be turning, the president also speaking out on alleged spying of his campaign by the obama white house, take a listen to this. We are trying to find out whether or not they listened in on my calls, thatll be the that would be the ultimate, we will see what happens, i think if that happened we will probably find out, we have a great attorney general who working very hard, if they spied on my campaign and they may have, it will be one of the great revelations revelations in history of this country. Charles robert. Thats always been in my judgment the most substantial issue because thats the collision between politics and prosecution. Laying the ground work that the big scandal is how the collusion occurred in the first place . Steve, you may be right about that. The other shoe hasnt dropped on that because the first shoe is you will see the Michael Horowitz report and i expect that we would see that by late may or midjune. I dont know, obviously its timing is important because depending on whats in there youve got two sitting u. S. Attorneys looking at this. What does the deep state do so this does not come out . Thats the big unanswered question in all of this, we have been wondering for months, whats in that, whats that going to show and the concern is that two big things, one is how high up did this go and who ultimately approved, what was disclosed to fisa court, and the second thing is what the president is suggesting and that is an addition on how high up it went, how much information was gathered and who were they gathering it against, there would be people i suspect that would be held to account, not only within the office of professional responsibility at the department of justice for those who still remain there, but also the potential existence there may well be prosecutions. And that is something that obviously the deep state is going to push back and particularly the Intelligence Community, again, you know, theres concerns here too about overreaching too far the other way, we dont pay the Intelligence Community to always be right, we pay them to keep us safe, on the other hand, once that information is transported to the justice department, we do pay people there to be right because peoples liberties are at stake. Those are the things that are paramount concern here and we dont know the answer to those questions. Charles well, soon hopefully we will, chris, and we will get the report at some point and theres got to be a lot of nervous people out there. Its so rare that this kind of thing comes out actually in realtime liar we are seeing, bare gold Waters Campaign found that lbj had fbi spying on them through bugs but decades later, not going to be accountability, now the president is aware of it and i think the whole house of cards is falling for the simple reason that Hillary Clinton didnt win and if she had won there, of course, would be no investigation, thats what everyone expected. Charles gentlemen, thank you both, appreciate it. Coming up the fed in focus, 10year slippery to hold steady, stephen to discuss the economy and record donation, thats next just the right elements coming together. It started when scores more people came together, just down the street and traded bonds that helped pay for the revolution, and the nation it created. It started in an office on the corner where the right people witnessed the telegraph and brought information and humanity together forever. 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But i can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Charles welcome back, im Charles Payne in for Maria Bartiromo u its thursday june 20th, your top stories 6 30 eastern, breaking news, escalating tensions with tehran, u. S. Navy spy drone shot down by Iranian Missile in strait of hormuz, stark work to the United States threatening a strong reaction to such, quote, provocative measures and gold jumping on the news. The central bank leafing Interest Rates unchanged. The decision sending the 10year treasury below 2 for the First Time Since 2016 but back on the breaking news of iran. Future markets will be up higher, s p 500 nearing record territory. And now record donations, Maria Bartiromo sat down with black down with chairman and ceo stephen scwarmann. This is the largest single donation in oxfords history, he joins me right now to talk more about that, steve, it is great to see you, thank you so much for joining us. Well, im glad to join you. Well, this is on top of an enormous donation that you recently made to mit, and i know that it was similar reasons about Artificial Intelligence, first tell us, steve, why did you make the 188 million to oxford . Well, it fits a bit with the mit donation but stands on its own, oxford is the number one ranked humanitys faculty in the world and its also the number one ranked Philosophy Department in the world and as i was looking at a project that the head of oxford brought to me in late 2017 which was to to help them with a building, to bring together the humanitys faculty for the first time in a thousand years, which i thought was a good idea but what was really compelling for me was looking at the way their expertise, their knowledge of humans and humanity and western culture basically fits in terms of what we are going to have to do to figure out with ai what you can introduce, how you can introduce it, what appropriate regulations are. Maria lets talk more about that, this donation will be Funding Senate for humanities where ethics would be studies and there are ethical issues around Artificial Intelligence, former president of google of china who said at some point 40 of jobs will go away because of Artificial Intelligence, so talk to us about why the ethics of ai are so important to you. Well, maria, you cant let all of those jobs go away because of the impact on society will be massive in terms of unemployment and tax revenues and and how governments work and what peoples demands will be made of them in terms of what they want government to do and so since we know from discussion with you and other people who are the leaders in the field, we know that this location is coming. The western approach, i think, and it will also impact china will be that you just cant let these things happen and youre going to need a confederation of government, research in universities and companies to referee what gets introduced, when it gets introduced and how it gets introduced so we can minimize the downside of this technology and take a damage of a advantage of the astonishing upside. Maria it was you that made the point recently when we learned about nuclear technology, we didnt go around giving everybody nuclear bombs. Yeah, the same type of thing. Nuclear technology was opinion neared in world war ii and got adapted for peaceful use where its been very effective doing that, on the other hand, you just dont allow that technology to spread just because somebody wants it to and i think right now we are in the early stages of ai where, you know, particularly in china, by the way, they have an enormous entrepreneurial instinct, theyre creating companies in exceptionally rapid rate but longer term, not even longer term, midterm, if that results in large unemployment in china, i can guaranty you that their government will be all over it because one of the fears there is is, you know, significant unemployment and people on the streets and so ive been reached out to by several of their big institutions who say, look, we would like to collaborate with people in the west and western institutions to figure out how how to really introduce and control this technology. Maria and in the last year you gave 350 million to mit and what i was really interested about that when i spoke at the provost with mit, we have enormous amount of people who want to take ai, study Artificial Intelligence but we dont have the faculty to teach it. Now, the problem with ai is that the technology is unbelievably powerful, but the ability to train people is not keeping up with the number of jobs that will be created and so in that regard things are going to have change and in china they are exploding their number of people who can train and would take aitype technologies in the west, things move slower, but we are going to have to adapt because thats where a lot of the jobs are going to be. Maria you know, i know that the whole idea of capitalism has been questioned. You would not be able to do what youre doing if not for capitalist society, a word on socialism versus capitalism, steve, given the fact that it looks like the 2020 election is being set up as a choice. Well, you know, capitalism is a system that that has really created enormous increase in standard of living over any other system and that doesnt mean its perfect and there are things we need to fix particularly education because the u. S. , for example, has slipped dramatically over the last 40 years or so from being tops in the world to being in the bottom 20 or even in the low 30s in certain skills like math, and we are going to have to address those issues, we will have to address income insufficiency for people at the bottom, theyre just going to have more income, you know maria right. Whether thats minimum wage, you know, we will have to do something with our Education System like have teachers be in a position where they dont have to pay tax, lets make that an industry, a job thats highly respected in our own country. I think we will have to just make some changes as society to put us on the right track, i dont think that has to do with the term capitalism or basic framework for operating our economy. Maria what can you tell us about the broad economy today. I know that youre traveling in europe so id love to get your take, your reaction to what youre seeing in europe, what youre seeing in the u. S. In terms of economic backdrop, steve, given your investment across the board in various industries . Yeah, sure, i think in the u. S. The manufacturing economy has been slowing and and, you know, it really feels a little soggy, the Service Economy is doing quite well, and so u. S. Economic growth im expecting somewhat to be in the 2s, you know, probably 2 to 2 and a half which is lower than last year, china continues growing despite all the difficulties with trade, whether thats 5 to 6 , 6 to 6 and a half, i dont know and its probably very difficult to measure in any case, theres a little bit of softness there but they are using policy to to try and stabilize that growth rate and europe is you saw with droghi on Interest Rates, theyre having trouble, theyre having trouble in europe really creating a lot of growth and, you know, brexit issues, you know, in effect the separation of the uk from the continent, you know, calls a lot of things into question and certain kinds of adjustments and and so i think that europe will probably stay as relatively flattish economic area. Maria you recently announced you will change the structure of the Company Going from publiclytraded partnership to a corporation, your stock is up, what, 60 in 6 months because thats going to lead to more people being able to buy black stone stock, is that right, how is it going . Well, you know, up 60 doesnt sound good me, maria. Maria thats good. Thats good. Its not even been 6 months, so, you know, part of that is the conversion and part of it is because of the enormous trend from our business of black stone and our ability to gather assets and put them to work at high returns with historically very little downside and so the strength of Business Model i think is whats really doing that kind of appreciation with the dividend rate, somewhere around 5 percentish and lots of growth. Its really a very good place to be and its a good place to be particularly as a customer. Maria yeah, and its the reason so many others out there are trying to follow that model and be the next black stone, whether its Goldman Sachs or hedge funds, steve, always pleasure to see you, we appreciate your time. Okay, thanks, maria. Charles that was stephen schwarmann with the black stone group, testifying before congress on the deadly boeing crashes, what he said will shock you next. Too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. No hidden fees. No platform fees. No trade minimums. And yes, its all at one low price. Td ameritrade. Going back to the doctor just for a shot. With neulasta onpro. Patients get their day back. To be with. Family. Or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study. 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Cheryl big blow to boeing, American Airlines has agreed to buy 50 singleaisle jets from air bus, this leaves boeing behind on race to dominate the midsize aircraft market, air bus unveiled its new fuelefficient narrow body plane, capable of flying between europe and into the middle of the United States straight, theres bowing in remarket up 1 and a half percent. Well, lets stay with the theme, hero pilot salise testified before House Committee yesterday and he said that two deadly boeing plane crashes should have been avoided. Our Current System of aircraft design and certification has failed us. These accidents should never have happened, only by discovering and correcting the ways in the tragedies occurred can we begin to gain trust of passengers, flight attendants, pilots and the american people. Cheryl hudson pilot called for new federal regulation requiring more training for pilots before that troubled 737 max jet is allow today return to the skies, more on boeing, the Union Representing Southwest Airlines pilots planted compensation from the aerospace, remember, southwest flies the most max jets of any airline, the union says the grounding has caused pilots 9 million a month in total, charles, i also want to add in subcommittee yesterday, it was blunt statement that boeing has blood on their hands, pilots are pushing back to get these planes, they want them certified but safely before theyre allowed to fly again. Charles yeah, a lot about the training that comes with the new certifications also. Cheryl, thank you very much. Coming up base brawl, Little League baseball game, what caused the commotion . We have a lot more in sports, thats next. My experience with usaa has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. 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At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Charles welcome back, ortiz was victim of mistaken identity, jared max with the details. Jared the world wondering why legend would be subject of assassination attempt on june 9th, the attorney general in Dominican Republic says whorgt iz was not the target, the intended target was a man who was seated at whord izs disable, david fernandez, cousin of a man of Police Ordered the hit, hugo gomez, drug Cartel Associate who remains at large and believed to be in the United States and sought by the dea. According to Associated Press many dominican are skeptical of the story as in Photo Provided to authorities ortiz does not bear great resemblance to much smaller man who was the intended target they say. Ugliness at youth baseball game in colorado, parents and coaches threw punches at each other, cops say 4 people have been charged and still searching for more. Zion williamsons foot breakthrough College Status into the pros tonight, nba draft, 7 00 eastern, all set zion to get picked by new orleans pelicans, Memphis Grizzlies will pick 23rd, utah for two first rounders plus grayson alan, jay crowder. This is the last match before the knockout rounds, usa favored to be the beat the sweeds, a rival who defeated in 201600 limpics, all on fox, 3 00 oclock eastern, america favored to win today they say by a goal and a half, winner or draw will grant first place for u. S. Charles. Charles jared real quick on the soccer match, im told by a lot of folks this might be the toughest match that the u. S. Faces. It is that toughest match that they face, 130 and 30 against chile, im curious to see what the lineup will be today if they go full steam ahead, i think they will win. Charles cant wait to watch it, jared max always appreciate you, you can catch jared sports reports on fox news 24 7 or siriusxm 115, breaking news, tensions with iran, u. S. Naval drone shot down at the straight of hormuz, also youtube constant change, how the videosharing app wants to change the way it provides content to kids delivers or the latest phones. 4. 95. No matter what you trade, at fidelity its just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. A product of mastery. Lease the 2019 es 350 for 379 month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Dear tech, youve been making headlines. Smart tech is everywhere. But is that enough . I need tech that understands my business. I need tech that works at scale. Dear tech, dear tech, dear tech, were using ibm blockchain to help make sure food stays fresh. Were exploring quantum to develop next generation energy. Were using ai to help create more Accessible Health care. Were using iot to create new kinds of digital wallets. Lets see some more headlines about that. Lets expect more from technology. Lets put smart to work. Charles good morning. Im Charles Payne, in more Maria Bartiromo. Breaking news, escalating tensions with iran, u. S. Navy drone shot down by an Iranian Missile over the strait of hormuz, the u. S. Saying the incident happened in International Space but iran is pushing back, condemning what it says is a violation of its air space and warning of strong reaction. The price of oil and gold moving higher on the news. The central bank leaving Interest Rates unchanged, but hinting it could slash rates in the months ahead. The decision sending the treasury yield below 2 for the First Time Since 2016 but back up this morning on the breaking news out of iran. Back to the negotiating table, mexico is the first of three nations to ratify the usmca pact. President trump hosting canadas Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today at the white house, pushing for the adoption of the revised nafta agreement. And it comes as u. S. Trade representative Robert Lighthizer gears up to meet his chinese counterpart on trade, ahead of next weeks g20 summit. Futures showing the markets ready for a big rally at the open, stocks finishing slightly higher yesterday on news that the rate cuts could be on the horizon. Europe, the bank of england announced its leaving its rates unchanged. Asia overnight, we had green across the board. The bank of Japan Holding its rate steady as well. Tesla Costly College choices, if you color choices, if you want a car in black, have you to shell out more money and elon musk is warning the tax credit is going away. Youtube weighing a major change, looking to move its popular childrens consistent doesnt a separate app. Find out the reasons why. Here to help break it down, Fox Business Networks jackie deangeles, former president ial candidate, steve forbes and fox news contributor, liz pete. Lots going on this morning. This iranian attack, shooting down a drone, steve shows sanctions are working. Iran has a weak hand and the economys beginning to really collapse there, so theyre trying to get the europeans and others to put pressure on the u. S. , back off, because were worried about oil. But were producing a lot of oil these days. If we dont back off, we could see a miracle in the next 12 months, regime change in iran. Charles jackie, theres a lot going on on the ground in iran that americans never get to see. People send me videos all the time. They are feeling the pressure. What happens, because the greater show of force weve done, every announcement or when we send a Carrier Group out, the more they step up these sort of acts. They are. Its almost attention grabbing tactics, if you will. As steve said, the pressure is on, on the ground. Its difficult for the average iranian to be able survive. When you see a country in crisis, when people cant afford to put food on the table and theyre struggling is when you see th potential for a regime change and iran is trying to hit back at the United States with some of these antics. Charles the breaking news is the iranians shooting down a drone over the strait of hormuz. Irans Foreign Ministry condemning what theyre calling a violation of their air space and warning of a strong reaction. Iran said they have no intention to go to war with the u. S. But its ready. Joining me on the phone, retired colonel jay vorhese. Weve had six tanker attacks, rocket launches in iran near u. S. Facilities and weve had a lot of action by iranian proxies in addition, of course, to the latest action. Its hard to how do we avoid not getting into Armed Conflict here . Just to kind of recap, like youre saying, we had the navy drone shot down and thats a navy trident drone, not the run of the mill, its highly sophisticated. You talked about tankers being attacked. And we heard the rebels shot missiles at a Saudi Arabian desalination plant. Right now, i think the key to it is the coalition. The last thing we want to do right now is in my mind get into some type of military conflict. We need to use diplomatic a approach, we need to continue the pressure as you mentioned. They are desperate but theyre being drin belligerent. Sometimes thats dangerous as well. Theyre trying to drive a wedge between us and the europeans so we cant build the coalition and also get the europeans to capitulate on giving sanctions relief and i think thats the way theyre headed. I think we have to fully use all our diplomatic and economic tools of National Power at this point before we start getting into any type of shooting war because that is the last thing anybody wants. It does seem, though, as though we are readying for some sort of Strategic Strike and there does seem to be some appetite for that on capitol hill even and possibly in the white house. What would be a reasonable retaliation gesture, if you will, just to tell sort of put the iranians on guard that were not going to stand by and let them completely mess up shipping in the strait of hormuz. I think posturing for that. Most likely it will be high value targets, such as refinery, some of their navy bases, also some escorts of ships through there to make sure they dont do anything else on the water. But i think youre going to be looking at those high level type of strategic targets as a start point and you also mentioned the strife inside of iran. I think we need to continue to promote, because change really will have to come from the inside, longterm. Do you think were going to see a replay of the tanker war of the late 1980s where we may reflag some of these ships to make sure to iran, you play with that, there is going to be a massive retaliation . Yeah, steve, i think thats possible too. I dont think any options are off the table. Certainly back in the 80s that became an effective method and i think that could happen as well. But i just think weve got to be careful on moving too fast on a Strategic Strike. There could be an appetite for it but we really need to do the what if game. What if we do that, whats the reaction. We cant for lack of better term do this on emotion. This has got to be thought out. Were talking about our forces pretty much alone engaging another major armed force and i just think we need to maybe take a breath, continuing hard on the economic sanctions. Theres a lot of politicians that possibly want this strike but lets take our best military advice approach moving forward right now. Charles colonel, thank you very much. Really appreciate it. The bank of england leaving their rates unchanged. Joining me now, dennis garthman. All the major the worlds Central Banks weighing in this week. Later on this week, carney will have his press conference. Everyone will pay close attention. We see where the ecb said theyre prepared to swoop in a and yesterday feels like the fed saying theyre prepared to swoop in. Central banks printing more money, coming to the rescue. Whats your thought . Its rather consistent across world, isnt it, charles . We shouldnt be surprised by this. Even yesterday reticence on the part of the fed to cut rates, i wasnt surprised they decided to hold them steady. Theyve become more data dependent than in the past. I watch the adjusted Monetary Base to see what theyre really doing as far as increases or decreases in their balance sheet. For the past several weeks its been rising. The propensity on the part of the Central Banks of the world to ease Monetary Policy, to become more expansion ary is consistent and probably correct. Gold is up this morning, predicated upon whats happened in iran. That actually was the last 10 or 15. Gold was going up strongly yesterday following the feds decision which i think indicates that inflationary pressures are likely to be more than a lot of people had thought. Dennis, great to see you. Hey, jackie, good to see you. Glad to see youre over here. Glad to be here. Yesterday obviously all eyes on the fed and im just wondering, eight Officials Saying we should be seeing a rate cut and i dont necessarily think the market thought it would see it yesterday but now it really looks like july, after g20, maybe we get more news about the u. S. , china trade tensions. Is that what youre thinking you right now . If you asked me this question six months ago i would have thought we would have seen tightening by now. The fed pivoted. That began in december, change in philosophy was rather evident. Now you have to understand the feds propensity is to ease Monetary Policy, to take the rate down 50 basis points before the year end. Yes, i think were going to get a rate cut in july. We may get another one later this year. I wouldnt be surprised if we get at least 50 basis points and 75 would not shock me by the year end. Charles you started this interview saying the feds going to be data dependent. Theyve been saying that for a long time. People are saying what data. If youre looking at wages, looking at jobs, looking at strength of the consumer, so what data in your mind would justify the fed lowering rates here . I think its a new fed but if you go by the old playbook, why would they be justified to cut rates . Thats a great debate, isnt it . There is the real question. The argument shall be, if you asked me six months ago, given the fact that the Unemployment Rate was 3. 7 or even lower, and that inflation was as low as it is and cant get back to 2 , that there would have been tightening occurring. But the concerns on the fed is what happens with tariffs, what happens with trade protection and i think thats what theyre concerned about more than anything else. Youre starting to see slowing in housing. Youre starting to see some tightening as far as or some lack of strength in the Manufacturing Industries around the United States. I think the fed is worried about trade protection and trade tariffs more than anything else and that is the reason for a propensity to ease. Dont you think its also the fact that theres absolutely no inflation on the horizon . I mean, you may be concerned about that down the road. But so far, the indicators are extremely doveish on inflation. Actually, ill take the other side of that question. Because if you take a look at whats happening with commodity prices, theyre going up rather dramatically. Take a look at i average the gsci and the Thompson Reuters industries every day in my newsletter and theyre up 6. 5 for the year thus far. Were halfway through the year. Commodity prices are beginning to move higher. Grain prices are moving higher, Metals Prices are moving higher, oil prices are moving higher. I think there are inflation fairly pressures that en flag inflationary pressures that i find interesting. Charles the key thing that powell said yesterday that really caught my attention is lower inflation gets difficult to arrest, if it gets lower and lower. I want to ask you about this also, because both this usmca, theyre at the negotiating table, we overnight mexico ratified the usmca, President Trump is hosting Justin Trudeau today at the white house. If we get this nafta thing done and theres going to be a lot of pressure on congress, obviously, to get this done, if canada signs something or gives us an indication to coupled with the fact that Robert Lighthizer will meet his chinese counterpart, what does that mean for the fed, what does that mean for the stock market. Let us hope that Congress Agrees to sign onto nafta2. There are few changes with this new agreement. Mexico has gone ahead and signed on. Canada will clearly signed on. Their foreign secretary made it clear. The fact that some of the democrats on the left have been reticent about allowing us to pass this is absurd beyond belief. So well pass it. The only detriment will be if we dont pass it and that would be stupid. Charles appreciate your blunt lang when and your expertise. Language and your expertise. Thanks a lot. Youtube under pressure, what the company is doing to keep children safe. Plus, avengers going for number one, why the march marvel blocr is returning to theaters with a little extra footage. Thats straight ahead. Im on the edge of glory. And im hanging on a moment of truth. Im on the edge of glory. And im hanging on a moment with you. When your psoriasis is bad, it can be hard to see whats possible. But the possibilities become clear with taltz. The first and only treatment of its kind offering a chance at 100 clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of those with moderate to severe psoriasis saw a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. Some even saw 100 clear skin. 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This is according to a report in the wall street journal. The Company Thinks the move is going to better protect Young Children from h questionable content but its a major risk for google. Childrens videos are among the most popular on youtube and they generate millions in ad revenue for the company. Well, alphabet is fielding calls from investors to break up google. Shareholder proposal says the company is too large and unmanageable. Google and other tech giants face backlash over the power they have over all of our information. Stock up in the premarket. Charles coming up, countering china, fox business is live from beijing, looking at the growing changrowingchallenges for the ud states. A new survey shows women juggle more and sleep less. What else it says, next. I could watch you forever. See thats funny, i thought you traded options. Im not really a wall street guy. Whats the hesitation . Eh, it just feels too complicated, you know . 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Lauren, tell us about this. Lauren bay bah humbug. Charles what time did you get here this morning . Lauren 2 30. This is how much working women spend at work, 7. 3 hours. Compare that to men at 7. 9. It is the narrowest gap on record. The takeaway, women spending more time at work. Theyre spending more time with their kids, two hours. Having fun, i have an issue with this stat, 3. 8 hours for women, leisure, sports, what working woman has that much time to do the fun stuff. But you know what, ill take it. It is less than men on the right side, 4. 6. And sleeping, we do a good job sleeping, 8. 6. That seems amazing to me. Do you know anyone who gets lauren almost nine hours of sleep. The number for women has gone down. Theyre sleeping a little more than men. Whats that going to do for longevity. Does that mean the gap for men and women will narrow, women will die sooner . Lauren my biggest takeaway from this study is wheres dad. I have a podcast, i helped coin a term, called mom tasking. A working woman has so much to do at home and work. How do you juggle everything. We hear consistently, over and over that daddies doing more at home, daddies doing more at home. It did not show up in this data. Charles that 1. 4 hours, is that up, though . Is that an increase from previous. Lauren no. Its a decrease. Charles no way. Lauren men spending time from their kids went from 1. 5 hours in 2017 to 1. 4 in 2018. For household chores it went from 1. 9 to 1. 8. Having fun hours, theyre definitely higher on the mens side. Lauren im confused by that. The more moms and dads, working men and women, everyone says the reason you ky do so much as a female at work is because my husband does so much at home. I think its a generational thing. Young people, thats whats happening. I would push back a little bit and say some of that time with children is also fun time. I mean, forgive me, when i used to come home from work and get down on the floor and play with legos with my kids, i considered that fun. Lauren it goes in the leisure category. Charles its not golf, though. No, i agree. I agree. But its fun. Picking up the kids at school, thats not fun. Theres a lot of it thats drudgery. Charles whats the conclusion . With these surveys, theres some sort of conclusion, whats going to happen, what needs to happen. Lauren what needs to charles what do you sunshine is the ultimate message that Society Still has a long way to go . Is that lauren towards what . Parody. Lauren in a sense, yes. But i think if women want to be valued and make as much money and do as much in the workplace, they need to put in the time and that comes at a cost and that cost is at home and that cost is at night when they put their head on their pillows. Charles i think theres room for men and women on that sleep thing. I dont get 8. 5 hours. Im not necessarily sure you would have an answer to this but i think it would be interesting to look at this in the context of technology. How much has technology increased efficiency that allowed women to work harder, work more, work smarter and balance everything. Lauren you can do your work at home is what youre saying but youre also working more because you bring it home with you because of the iphone. You could do a lot of chores on the internet. Lauren thats true too. Amazon, grocery delivery. Charles im glad you did that story. Tensions with iran, the Islamic Republic downing an american drone over the strait of hormuz. How should the United States respond . Next. Also, pushing back on tariffs, computer companies, del, hp, intel, protesting over proposed tariffs, weve got those details, right ahead. Your daily dashboard from fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. 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Navy spy drone shot down by an Iranian Missile over the strait of hormuz. Irans Foreign Ministry threatening a strong reaction to, quote, provocative measures. Oil and gold both jumping on the news. An eye on the fed, all eyes on the fed, the central bank leaving Interest Rates unchanged but hinting a rate cut could be on the horizon. The decision sending the 10 year treasury yield below 2 for the First Time Since 2016 but ticking back up ou after the breaking new out of iran. Mexico the first of three nations to ratify the usmca pact. President trump hosting Justin Trudeau today at the white house, pushing for adoption of the revised nafta agreement, this comes as Robert Lighthizer gears up to meet his chinese trade counterpart ahead of next weeks g20 summit. Futures showing the markets will have a strong open this morning. The s p 500 near record territory, stocks finishing finh slightly higher yesterday. In europe, meantime, you can see their markets are higher, the bank of england leaving rates there unchanged. In asia overnight we had green across the screen as the bank of japan held steady on rates as well. Driving prices higher, teslas black paint job, that costs you extra. Were going to tell you how much. Plus, elon musk push to buy your tesla now with lower taxes. And battle of the box office, avengers end game making a return to he theaters with brandnew features, this in a bid to lure back viewers. Top story, u. S. China relations, Connell Mcshane reporting from beijing where he asked chinese citizens how he viewed the United States and trade tensions. Connell. Reporter hey, charles, good to see you, my friend. Its interesting, such a difference in dealing with government officials here as we were reporting to you this time yesterday. And just talking to normal people on the street about the trade tensions, i dont know how much it matters in the negotiations, but you get a sense from talking to people theres a high degree of admiration for america and a realization at the same time that it would be important for Chinese People to get a trade deal in place. Heres some of what we heard today. America is the biggest developed country, the biggest developing country, so the relationship between them will be important in the world. I dont think this kind of trade war will affect the lives of people, communications. Its kind of a political stuff. The trade war is becoming more fierce. Theres going to be more limits in the future, so i hope theres like the trading war can end as peaceful. Reporter i heard this from a number of people, she was talking about limits put on students coming over from china to study in the United States and her point was shes hoping she doesnt see that. Therlarger point, people look at america with, as i mentioned, admiration, they still want to come to america, largely using American Products and happy to do so. So youre not picking up a lot of antiamerican sentiment or blowback or anything like that from the people, at least the ones were speaking to. When you speak to government officials, sometimes you can cut the tension with a knife. Thats the difference in dealing with it. Again, i dont know what that means for the trade talks but it was interesting to get the perspective, a completely different one than you get from america. Charles sounds like good news for apple, any thoughts on how they feel about President Trump. Im told many admire President Trump. Reporter theres some of that. The thing about i think you probably know this. The thing china you can get different answers to the same question because theres such the countrys so big, youll get different opinions. There is some of that, where people like the strength and the strength thats being projected but its more the United States than the president. And what they go back to is that they admire the country, they know people have been there, they want to come there, whether its apple or any other company, still admiration for the companies. I heard more about the country rather than the person. Charles connell, great work this week. Thank you very much. Weve got breaking news, iran shoots down a u. S. Drone over the strait of hormuz and the u. S. Said the drone was in International Air space, Irans Ministry said it was a violation of irans air space. They say its sending a clear message to the United States. Joining us now, former Foreign Policy advisor under margaret that questiothatchr, nile gardn. Its great having you on. The escalating provocations from iran, what are they trying to achieve here . I think that youll see increasing theyre trying to intimidate, trying to flex some muscle. This is a brutal dictatorship that acts often very recklessly. Charles who is their audience . What would be their end game with these increasing attacks . Clearly, the United States is not going to be intimidated. This is a warning to americas allies in the region, especially the gulf states. Certainly i think that irans strategy is to try and divide the alliance that is confronting iran. Iran is also i think the Iranian Regime is trying to stir up nationalist sentiment domestically against the United States. I think what youre seeing increasingly across the iranian cities, growing unrest, growing opposition to the Iranian Regime. The sanctions are biting very hard. The u. S. Strategy of maximum pressure is bringing the iranian economy to its knees. This is stirring up i think growing public unease, actually, with the basically dictatorship in tehran. The Iranian Regime is basically firing off a few missiles here and there, shooting down drones, i think to deflect from the economic problems. Under the obama administration, the iranians were much more quiet, we had the nuclear he deal and everything was chugging along. This is President Trumps stance and change in position here, has brought some of this conflict up. How do you manage these antics, these outbursts in the face of military conflict, if the iranians keep escalating . I think you have to respond with real strength and unlike the obama administration, i think the Trump Administration is handling iran with real resolve. A thats the right approach. The obama approach is based upon apiecement towards iran. The present administration is sending a message of real strength. Thats what you have to do you have to expand the sanctions further, have you to show tremendous support for u. S. Allies in the region. You have to build up the military presence, the warning to iran. Do you do strikes against the revolutionary guard or the iranian navy . I think the president has made it very clear and the secretary of state has made it clear that if iran strikes against u. S. Forces directly, then there will be retaliation and response. Iran cant divide us from the allies in any meaningful way, what do they do next . Well, i think that irans strategy as well is to appeal to European Countries, especially france, germany and also the european union, also appeal to russia and china, to try and change u. S. Strategy and so this is also another front that the iranians are exercising at this time. And i would hope that americas european allies will wake up to the fact that the Iran Nuclear Deal is dead in the water. I hope they wake up to the fact that iran is a hostile extremely dangerous regime. But at the moment you have they have been determined to put their commercial interests first. I dont my question would be, whats happening to the gulf states . Weve saudi arabia, a voice of support. What about everybody else . U. S. Allies in the gulf are firm in their opposition to iran, standing with the United States. I suspect thats going to continue. And i do believe overall the u. S. Strategy is working effectively. This is a regime that is i think significantly weakened in many respects. Its now lashing out, act of desperation. What do you expect sha t rus . Russia rescued venezuela and syria. Is putin saying youre on your own. The russians will block any resolutions, condemning iranian aggression. The russians will continue to sell high tech missiles, et cetera, to the Iranian Regime. Russia views iran as a client state and i think thats going to continue to be the case. But i dont believe that russia wants to have a military confrontation with the United States. Charles let me ask you about this, g20 summit, President Trump meeting with president xi, sounds like its a reset if you will, china took a shot at changing the deal last minute, didnt work. Seems like from the communication were getting from their media and the different meetings, were back on track. How would you handicap whats going to happen from here . Certainly going to be i think a very significant summit in osaka. A lot of g20 summits are pretty worthless, meaningless. I think this one will be a significant meeting. And i think that certainly you are seeing the chinese operating a more pragmatic approach, starting to make some concessions. Because without a doubt, i think the u. S. Strategy is hurting china. But at the same time, i think that you want to avoid some kind of fullblown trade war. U. S. Tariffs against china are going to hit u. S. Consumers. They dont work to the benefit of u. S. Consumers and businesses. And i do hope the president will back away from a fullblown trade conflict with china. I think were going to avoid that fortunately and the right u. S. Approach i think is to target specific Chinese Companies. Huawei for example has been very hardhit by u. S. Measures, actually. And thats the right approach, i think to target specific Chinese Companies that are very heavily involved, actually, in trying to undermine the west. From the beginning i think so, yes, absolutely. Charles quickly, because were running out of time, huawei, since theyve been cast as such a threat, also the administration include them in a possible trade deal . Okay, were going to be okay with huawei with certain limitations . I think youve got to stand firm on huawei. Its a company that has a distinct political agenda on behalf of the chinese state. And they have been making concerted efforts to infiltrate the United States and Great Britain as well on many, many fronts. We have to be very vigilant with regard to huawei. Charles thank you very much. Coming up, pushing back on tariffs, why dell, hp, intel, theyre unhappy. Plus, avengers theyre going for the top spot, why the marvel blockbuster is returning to theaters with extra footage. Thats straight ahead. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Rkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. 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There is 300 billion in chinese goods targeted for tariffs. The Companies Argue it would increase u. S. Prices for laptops and tablets by at least 19 . Apple up more than 1 from the premarket. A new report showing apple is considering shifting production of up to a third of its products out of china. Production could move to parts of Southeast Asia instead, according to reports just out this morning. Teslas ceo, elon musk, tweeting updates aimed at consumers. Heres what he said. Starting next month, tesla will charge 1,000 for the color black, same price as silver. Then he tweeted reminder that u. S. Federal tax drops by 1875 for any tesla delivered after june 30th. Order online at tesla. Com. Earlier this week musk claimed he was closing his twitter account. But that account still remains open so get ready for more fun from elon musk. The avengers are assembling in theaters once again, heading back to the big screen with extra scenes. The movie raked in 2. 743 billion at the box office. Thats 45 million shy of avatars alltime Global Box Office record. The avengers are trying to top James Camerons scifi classic, just a few million short. I think theyre going to do it. Charles theres enough of a cult following that people who have already seen the first version will probably go out and see a second version. Charles if your. Cheryl if e me three extra scenes, im game. Charles anyone here see the movie . No. Impart of the 45 million they need. Charles coming up, new ways to diet et, different ways of getting healthy this summer and it has to do with timing, like everything l else in life. This is the part when i say i dont want you. Im stronger than ive ever felt. This is the part where i break free. Thanksno problem. Youre welcome. This is the durabed of the all new chevy silverado. It looks real sturdy. The bed is huge. It has available led cargo area lighting. Lights up the entire bed. It even offers a built in 120 volt outlet. Wow. Plug that in for me. Whoa holy smokes oh wow and the all new silverado has more trim levels than any other pickup. Whoa oh wow very cool. Theres something for all of us. Absolutely. Its time to upgrade. laughter charles welcome back. Lets take a look at how the markets are reacting to breaking news this morn. The bank of england announcing its leaving rates unchanged. Heres a look at europe mean markets european markets. All the major indices are higher. Oil is reacting to news of iran shooting down a u. S. Drone, crude is up almost 4 . Welcome back. Weight loss in america, summer starts tomorrow, folks. About 45 million americans go on diets each year, spending 33 billion on weight loss products, according to boston medical center. A new weight loss plan says ditch all those products but wear your watch. Here with more, on a new book, Cruise Control diet, nutritionist horge cruz. What book number is this . 34th book. Oprah winfrey had me on her show in 1998 and launched my career in 2001. Over the 20 years ive been a trainer, working with people like oprah, khloe kardashian, steve harvey. Its a simple method where you take a 24 hour window of your day, you find an eight hour window that fits you the best, if youre a nighttime eater, more nighttime eating, or early morning. You fast for 16 hours. During the eight hours you get to eat carbohydrates. Keto is a big descry righ deal. Wallets are light i, not the bodies. Charles does it make your body more of a Combustion Engine . When you fast, your body has the ability it cleans out everything. And it taps into stored adipose tissue. If youre thinking about losing weight for the summer, less is more. The hardest thing is how do you control hunger. I remember steve harvey, i introduced this to him, and hes in los angeles, he says im going to be hungry, ive got to eat. I showed him the Cruise Control coffee. Some people like nct oils. Thats where i would spend my money, on certain healthy fats. These are healthy fats. Charles cream is good. Heavy cream, more than half and half. Ice cream . When youre fasting, you can cheat with the healthy fats. Thats what my clients do in the morning. Eight hours youre hopefully sleeping. Four hours in the morning, four at night, in the morning a lot of clients drink coffee with healthy fats. At night we d chia seed pudding. You need to keep insulin levels low. Its carbohydrates and proteins that raise and break the fast. Dont some people have a high metabolism and they get a headache in two hours if they dont eat something . That is a myth, in my opinion. What happens this is an interesting thing. A lot of times clients will be low in electrolytes and they think i need a glass of orange juice, if im dizzy. I have clients that do an exercise class in the mornings on a fasted state. The trick is having water and adding a pinch of sea salt. It has magnesium, po poe takes d sodium. Charles is this something you do ahead of an event or a lifestyle . It is. People like hugh jackman who did wolverine, hes in his 50s, looks great. It becomes a lifestyle. People try it and they get result and you get mad energy the morning. You can use electrolytes in the morning which dont break the fast. The coffee helps you have energy and the results stay long term. People waste money, they do something quick, a quick fix and it works for a week or two. They lose 10 pounds then theye up 15. Research shows that dieting, we always fall off. Why is yours different . This is based on an ancestral blueprint if you go back to 1905 before the cereal industry kicked off, i invented the corn flake and created the term breakfast. That never existed before the victorian time period. Ancient man used to eat with the rhythms of the sun. We used to eat when their was sunshine. If it was dark, it was hard to eat. So its the way our bodies are designed, the blueprint. Charles you convinced me. Ill kick it off this weekend. Hopefully ill be able to go on your long list of celebrity clients. There you go, please. You can do up to a pound a day of belly fat if you do it this way. Charles Cruise Control, thank you very much. Thank you guys. Charles s iran shoots down a u. S. Drone, sparking additional tensions that already existing. Newt gingrich is going to weigh in on that along with many other things in the next hour, mornings with maria. At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Good morning im paine in for Maria Bartiromo your top stories at 8 a. M. We have breaking news for you escalating tensions with iran a u. S. Nay drone struck by Iranian Missile over strait of hormuz condemning saying it was a violation of air space and strong reaction of oil higher on news and fed holds rate steady hinting they could be cutting rates from a months ahead to spain growth also express concerns about trade spikes and back to negotiating table mexico first of three nations ratify u. S. Mca pack and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the white house pushing for adoption of a revised agreement comes as u. S. Trade representative gears up to meet his china trade counterpart ahead of next weeks g20 summit and a pointing to a rally at the open and record highs if this holds up going to be a huge stay for the market remember stock finishes slightly higher yesterday on news of more rate cuts possibly on horizon. Over in europe all your major markets up overnight, the bank of england announcing that they are leaving rates unchanged in asia. Overnight same thing green across the board. The bank of japan there Holding Rates Steady as well. And ted a slack big day work place Message Company on the new York Stocks Exchange under this ticker works the price of 26 that means evaluation of 15. 7 billion a look at what to expect from this direct listing on the open and American Icon joining china harleydavidson to build bikes there with a joint venture after warning to move more production out of the United States and here with me to help break it all down Fox Business Network jackie force media chairman and former republican president ial candidate steve forbes and fox news contradicting columnist for the hill liz peek. Liz were going to be opening your all time high for the market. Look we have two big issue right one is trade and one is the fed, the fed right now looks like a pretty good place. The question is are we going to get a trade deal with china . I mean that is really now the of the day and lighthizer comments couple of days ago were very bellicose and tough, and so i dont know that were going to go into this with people at his level. The people actually doing the work. Confident that theyre going come out of the something in the ends. Part of a similar negotiations with japan they didnt get this much press but you know we ended up with a deal with japan that involved currency this one wont butting of everyone who is involved in this, i have so much confidence inlight house per being person to get it done steve. I think the fact that it is playing it down is a good thing remember months ago everybody saying were about to do it getting the confetti ready and Everything Else and went, so fact that hes playing down i consider to be bullish. We could get an agreement starting with the media. Wall street jackie should get used to idea that we dont get everything overnight no matter what. Lighthizer playing it down is priced into the market quickly even the two president s meet at the g20 and lay out a free market still going to take time to negotiate all of those little details. So i still think end of the summer. Yeah butlight house perseid we have a deal. They have to accept this deal. And hes going back to 150 page or 144 page document that they presumably had. So i think it is beginning to be very interesting to see a lot of wiggle room by next buy extra 50 billion with the natural gas i mean theres a lot President Trump also suggested, though, that they have to adhere to most it is 150 pages seven chapters it was a pretty involved deal. On enforcement is forcing existing rules which youve never done king thely so people in the future if american company, European Company knows if theyre violated were going to back them up. Never ruled at all. Listen the wto has no teeth it is a game a game we when people say we should have used that because we want every time weve gone what it we win . They have no enforcement capabilities we didnt win anything. But gives you to take retaliatory actions which is noticing. Rightright now and past we didne that and modernize wto did it. We immediate to do that. We need to do that an old ancient organization. Organized trade digital age tried to do it again. Tried to get rid of the problems that are specific to china like state sponsored organizations and so forth. Ten years they worked on it and i think abandoning it because they couldnt cool to agreement thats a true thing. But thing is you have to put it on the table. What is it we want . And previous administrations oh lets be lovey dovey. Talk tough but they didnt take action. It wasnt all up to administration but also corporations steve and big business in the United States is still in all of this. But they did not feel that u. S. Government had fits back sort of witness Witness Protection Program for corporations. You cooperate with us, and youre not going to be a singled out we shoulder work with europeans on this too glad to back us up on that thing. Basically see the administration imposing these rules on Chinese Companies for example huawei thats one of the best ways to try to enforce the agreement and force any deal that comes out of this because it hits them money where our mouth is and hit them where it hurts. Perhaps ultimate way of enforcement will be another two perhaps six years of President Trump in office, if you go astray of the deal guess whats going to happen. And guess for the record got no credit for sparing zte could have put him out of the business seven months ago become to breaking news folks overnight iran shot down u. S. Drone iranian official and american officials now disagreeing over how the distinct played out go live to blake berman. Charles u. S. And iran are indeed giving two different versions this morning as to where this pus drone was shot down. U. S. Officials say drone which provides surveillance, however, Iranian State media disputes that saying that drone was taken out when it entered its air space. A spokesperson for u. S. Central command saying in a statement, quote, iranian reports that the aircraft was over iran are false. This was an unprovoked attack on a u. S. Surveillance asset in International Air space now the lets tension point between the u. S. And iran and comes week after two oil tankers were attacked in the strait of hormuz the u. S. For that attack right there pointed finger directly at iran. Put the blame on iran. So far this morning charles, no comment yet from the commander in chief and white house and interesting to see how President Trump reacts to this one. Because when he was asked by Time Magazine in an interview earlier this week, about those oil tanker attacks if in the strait of hormuz, he described them as, quote, very minor. Now, though, an american drone has been taken out. Charles. Blake thank you very much. Blake berman but heres the thing jackie. To that point, thats why crew west texas is up 4 and mean will move hardly but still is there enough to trigger a geopolitical premium that we usedded to get years a and enough to ratchet up any military action . Yes, and no. You can see the bump that were seeing in oil today i think is pretty significant to take us all the way back up to 55 so this is the first time weve seen that escalation. And remember, about 30 of Global Supply goes through the strait of hormuz and what were producing here in this country is a different grade of crude so the crude thats coming out of the middle east even with our production going up is still important. But heres the thing you know earlier in the show you mentioned Strategic Strikes. If 30 of the world oil is going through strait of hormuz or 90 or more is going to asia how much involve should u. S. Military become in all of this . It depends attacking us or attacking other countries in japan. Protecting ships for instance and through the strait. I think entire world should be up for protecting that flow of traffic and in the past that has been the position that United States has taken. But when one of our drones gets taken down, thats a different thing thats a game changer and i think to jackie point thats why oil is up. Truth is Oil Inventory are in pretty good shape right now theres no immediate threat to supply. But i think this is just, you know, people anticipating that we could see further action. And you are pretty confident there will be some you have to say message to this point. Only exactly sending more troop, more ships what are they doing there . Look, i dont to see war with iran that would be a horrifying outcome but maybe when president has with president xi at the a g20 as he did with the white house since the [laughter] they say yes theres a missile strike and refineries. Laying around somewhere. Dont know did that. Intriguing story, and i think that ultimate story here is that, if there is potentially revolution on ground at least seeds of counterrevolution if you want to call it that in iran the role america should play because many people observers think that america squandered opportunity under the revolution. Have obama made it clear he liked took killed it on streets support it afterall we it back in poland in 1980s. That was a visible effort where possibility or potential for the administration. It was supposedly getting to that point is just that we dont get glimpses of it because they control the media and even the internet. Lets go now a lot of minorities in iran too that have no love it have this regime. Absolutely. For sure and a lot of people who remember you know hey you have all of this money you gave it to terrorist instead of spending on us. Hey i want to go to exchange because a big it is a initial offering it is slack, but it is unusual because it is a direct list on Stock Exchange gerri willis is there with those details. Thats right charles so it is a direct listing unlike anything weve been seeing and ill tell you all about this first slack coming to markets direct messaging company right there, operate inside of business, evaluation 15. 7 billion as youve been saying a new number this morning the float 194 million shares. The Reference Price is going to be offered at 26 per share. Now, direct listing the last one was spotify it was very successful. Remember this means no road shows, no pesky expensives Investment Bankers they just put it out here on the floor of the exand ill show you where direct market maker is right here this is sid dell securities where the issue is going to come public right here an theyre going to ring this very well charles who is slack lets talk about what they do for a business, they are in the Cloud Software business and they want to be email killer when it comes to business messaging and zoom in that category as well theyve done very well indeed they came public earlier this year up 48 and 53 respectively. Understand that slack has 10 million daily active users but an important number here i want to tell you charles, only 88,000 of those corporate customers are actually paying for the privilege. Hundreds of thousands of them are getting it for free so slack will have to turn those convert those into paying customers. Couple of other headlines coming out of the Food Industry is this morning, darden trading to almost 5 lower premarket, after they reported disappointing earning sales fell short same store fell dun and eps was actually good but everybody is looking at revenue numbers kroger high per premarket, they did very well indeed revenue and eps beating estimates so all day long will be reporting on slack. This is not going to open here probably until midday it is tbipg to take hourses. You think this would be a superfast, superfast issue no. Well be here for hours. Charles back to you. Well be checking in with you also a big deal thanks appreciate it. Coming up, harleydavidson heading out the motorcycle makee bikes in china. And what that means for a trade deal plus it is back to the negotiating table. Mexico now the first of the three nations to ratify the u. S. Mca pack Newt Gingrich will weigh in ahead of the president meeting with canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, next. 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Yeah the cryptomarkets have been one of the best performing and not the best all year, and this strength that is underpinning everything thats happening bitcoin Everything Else is not only been based on whats happening in Global Markets but because of the infrastructure play and people getting excited about whats happening in crypto so Underlying Fund mentales are strong. What are fundamentals is that oxy many of them have been valued similar to other security some have actual cash flow and advertising type features. Bitcoin itself is a lot of different metrics built to try to analyze that. But you know, just like equity back before grandma and dodd came out with evalmetrics nothing is proven where people actually can say with definitiveness exactly that is going to follow these trengdz for a long time like the ratio for instance opportunity actually mean anything by itself. It is because people have a history of knowing that below a certain level it is usually a bye and usually a e sell b matterses yes. So for cryptoassets it is demanding that matters right people and network and game changer potential game changer right, facebook. Sure, and libra of course you know, it is a big it was a big story web and, in fact, it was so big that maria sat town with the head of clap about ray tore at facebook, david march marcus i want to get your reaction. Explain to us why libra is better and what might be on the market like bitcoin. Bitcoin i see as investment asset that is correlated from all kinds of different Investment Assets but it is not a great media of exchange today because you know good currency is actually very stable and bitcoin is volatile which is, you know, feature if youre looking at it from ans investment standpoint. What do you make that have statement . I agree. I think the reason bitcoin was created was eventually to be that medium of exchange right now it is a store value it is a speculative asset even a safe haven from whats going on globally with other currency debate. If you want it to be used in debate of the exchange it is used in some cases as a transaction mechanism but not enough yet to the point it is not stable versus u. S. Dollars and other currency. If you have bitcoin youre not going to buy something if you believe in bitcoin right now and going to 20,000 a year from now or 100,000 five years from now why use it for a transaction at this level . You can replace that if you choose to do so. One bit coin is one bit coin and volatile. Smaller investor who are driving this that i talk to dont want to spend their bitcoin but wrath per keep accumulating. That goes back to what saying right now more driven by speculative investment and store value and need of exchange as more and more wallets are over and more and more people own this it may be useds a medium of exchange for facebook it is a specifically, though, theyre day one is beginning to be bigger because they have two billion users user space matter and get people into the ecosystem to start and once they have that wall they may own other one as well as that Network Effect grows you may see people use it for that medium. Hence big runup in cryptocurrency ahead of the libra announcement. Thank you jeff appreciate it. Coming up back to negotiating table mexico now the first of three nations to ratify the u. S. Mta pack. Newt gingrich weigh in ahead of the president meeting with canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau next. Plus iconic american motorcycle maker building more bikes in china. The impact is next. Limu emu doug look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. We like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Breaking news weve been following all morning iranian crisis iran shoots down a u. S. Naval drone over strait of hormuz iranian and american officials agreeing over how that went dun and joining me now own phone former House Speaker fox news contradict tore author of collusion, Newt Gingrich newt thanks for joining us. Glad to be with you. I think it is a little sobering that iranian in a sense of taking one more step towards escalation because to some extent cutting drones overhead is an advantage both because it gives you the information to should be a little bit more relaxed so when they start shooting drones down at both raises question of their aggression but also raises question do they want us to not know whats beginning on and therefore to increase our potential threat of military activity because we really dont know exactly what theyre up to. Newt the question, though, is with these increase of provocative acts, and now, of course, direct attack on the u. S. Drone, what do they gain by military confrontation with america . Well i think what iranians are desperate i think various sanctions are really working. Theyve dropped from about 2 million a barrel down to 400,000 and going further lower. Weve had very effective cutting them off and various businesses but just imposing sanctions so steep that a lot of other countries now are not doing business with them. And i think that the dictatorship is floundering i think it is trying to credit a sense of crisis in the hope that china and russia and europeans will step in and try to push us back and a i think theyre literally floundering trying to say you know if you keep doing this, were going to do more and more bad things. And, of course, we have basically two options one is to back down which had i think is very unlikely with trump and other is to say were going keep squeezing you until you give up your nuclear program. And i think very clear from what secretary pompeo has said bringing because hes bought every iranian sponsored violent act in the region and really made clear it is not just a tankers that have been hit that theres a whole series of missiles fired at a Saudi Arabian airports various actions in syria actions in yemen and actions in iraq. And so i think now the iranians are being need to be in a sense trapped and what youre seeing is desperation. Mr. Speaker, if what does iran do next if they dont succeed in dividing us from european sanctions get harder and harder what is this corners regime going to do next . Well i would expect that it may launch a series of terrorist bombings. They have the potential both in the United States think theyre ready they were ready to retaliate if they do that . Remember, the 30 years ago we have tanker war, and they lost that one. Right and then they lost it because we put forces in who were prepared iranian ship if necessary, and look i dont think that number of congress at the time i dont think it has been conceivable that a couple of more provocations and a the u. S. Will simply take out the entire iranian navy which we could do probably in three days. And i think, i think were more like lie to do that than we are to back down. Speaker gingrich is there any possible that we could actually get the europeans on our side in this is there any way that we can convince them to try to back iran into a corner . Well, i think there are two things that could happen. One is remember, the people who have biggest interest in the straits of hormuz are not the United States which is now energy independent. But rather japanese, chinese and indians, and they may at some point agree to side with us to make sure that we keep this strait open because of their economic interest. Second one is, europeans are faced with a danger if iranians out of desperation start launching strike and recently did try to do a bombing in paris. They did try to do an attack in belgium if they started a wave above attacks in europe thats the one thing that i think might force the europeans to decide that theyre going side with the u. S. But i think it is very hard otherwise because a lot of big European Companies are desperate for contracts with iran and none made multibillion dollar contracts and idea backing off all of that, and big implications for european economy. Speaker gingrich thank you very much we always appreciate your expertise weighing in on serious and conflict issues. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Folks were waiting initial jobless claim numbers were with important with full employment in this country. Economists say well have a number of 220,000 jobs added to our economy. Again, this number is near 50, 60year lows back when steve forbes was rocking on the dance floor. [laughter] least when elvis was rocking your man elvis right . He was great. Elvis was great and economy is great. And this jobless claims i mean can they get much lower . It is beginning to be tough. But thing is are people still coming back into the work force millions dropped out of the work force so Labor Participation rates start to go up. Glad you mentioned that because in last three or four hospitals a lot of people have left and a so confused as to why thats happening. I mean, with 7. 5 million jobs out there why is that happening . These are survey. These are not census, and so i think you have to take several months data before drawing any conclusions. Other thing is, Small Business creation. Thats going to be the job providers. Heres the breaking news 216,000 this is initial jobless claims. Again, another real low number, you know, with the lower than expected again it is just an absolute remarkable story. I mean, you know, yesterday when fed talked you know one thing only thing seemed like that fowl sure about was that the consumers drawing wage are going up and weve got to your point, steve, robust, job creation in this country, john jackie. You know i think market is looking at this like you said, and thinking about the fed in their targets and being data dependent saying you know, the data is pretty strong right now in terms of our growth story what were seeing in this country. You know, we might have raised rates a little too quickly. But this market is a custom to keeping Interest Rates low so the cut is necessarily be indicative the fact that were not growing but just be sort of to maintaining the status quo. Well and bottom line here is rates are going to stay low for a long period of time. And right now this economic expansion keeps chugging along folks coming up Mueller Report experts ready to review the special counsel findings today. What the democrats want, next plus harleydavidson hitting the road and maker making a deal to build more bikeses in china, so whats the impact of that . Weve got it for you, straight ahead. It all started under this buttonwood tree. Twentyfour people came together to sign an agreement that created the Stock Exchange. Just the right elements coming together. It started when scores more people came together, just down the street and traded bonds that helped pay for the revolution, and the nation it created. It started in an office on the corner where the right people witnessed the telegraph and brought information and humanity together forever. It started with the markets, bringing together steel and buildings and silicon and medicine and rockets. We believe the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. 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Or allergic reactions to your doctor right away in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes. Fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect. Is bone and muscle ache. Ask your doctor. About neulasta onpro. Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. Welcome back im Charles Payne in for Maria Bartiromo, and it is thursday june 20th, your top stories at 8 30 eastern. We just have breaking news on the economy and this jobless claim falling last week now to 216,000 meanwhile, thing is treasury yield yesterday dipping below 2 for the First Time Since 2016. This after the fed but ticking back up after drone incident in strait of hormuz. Futures showing quell actually the market now open right weve got a big line look, no were not opening yet but futures showing when we do open we will be at record high levels. That is amazing. By the way, markets going pretty we all over world in europe you can see this top three indices there all higher same in asia overnight across the board, all of the major indices there up as well. Plus, monopoly get this getting another modern makeover, finding out find out rather major changes that are being made for the latest edition of this classic gain. Our top story, though, this half how from mol or House House Judiciary Committee holding another meet as House Democrats call for impeachment President Trump speaking out in an interview with fox news sean hannity last night. Im the most transparent president in history if i let mueller have everything they wanted you think of it, 500 witnesses, interview our attorneys, interview whoever you want, i think 2,500 subpoenas i didnt use president ial privilege because i didnt speak to russia it is a hoax. It is a terrible hoax and it should never happen to another president again because many of them would not be able to handle it. Joining me now florida congressman and house judiciary committeeman thanks for joining us. What is the end game here . American public has completely lost interest in all of this and i think most people are just waiting for the ig report with william barr is looking at but this part what are your colleagues across aisle found to achieve here . Charles it is like were going through ground hog day each and every week in the House Committee were going over the same facts that were in mull or report as a matter of fact yesterday hope hicks give an eight hour interview for not a single additional factor detail was discovered we just have circumstance where democrats want to do a redo of the mol or report and i think they view document prepared by Robert Mueller as screen play that they want to bring to the life in the form of having a movie and having people come in and act out the various roles but it doesnt do much to advance country and moving the fact that 60 of the country doesnt want to see impeachment go forward. Congressman do you recognize on part of your colleagues any fatigue on this . I mean any recognition that, in fact, the public just doesnt care and they need to move on . Or are they just entrenched in this ini decision . What theyre entrenched in is a lose, lose situation because 70 of the primary voters want something that 60 of the country doesnt. And so the political die signal sick more moderate House Democrats are seeing primary challenges for the 20 20 election cycle where theyre being hit from the left and put on the spot on the question of impeachment and that builds pressure on nancy pelosi. Congressman jackie here im wondering how far you think they take impeachment proceedings you know distract from other issues that are going on and what democrats involvement was in starting whole investigation in the first place. Wells thats really what were working hard to pun cover and there are three levels of that potential criminal activity that attorney general barr has directed mr. Downer to review. The leaking of information from james comey and andrew mccabe, the fraud before a secret court where all information wasnt presented, and then the corrupt origins of this investigation tracing potentially back to the obama white house, and the evidence that most informs on that piece are the Text Messages between peter strzok and lisa paige where they continually reference potus to be included during obama era and white house wanting to be involved in the russia investigation of their political opponents. So youre saying the obama administration, that white house because many are wondering how far up the food chain this goes, who is highest ranking official that knew this was happening . Well, the best process to trace to get those answers is the process that allows attorney general barr to declassify information from the Intelligence Community. But president executive order to have the director of National Intelligence silo some of that information now that barr has universal authority to uncover that stuff i think it increases livelihood that clapper and brennan will be ultimately in criminal trouble. I want to turn become to hope, that the former White House Communications director testifying is on capitol hill is closed door hearing hicks and instructed by white house lawyers to not answer any questions about her time working for President Trump. Congressman, you said it was eight hour. What exactly do you think or what can you share with us that might have been going on behind doors . Trust me charles if there was any boll shell piece of information that hope hicks released democrats would have released it now there was nothing substantive from that notion that a dozen democrats oh a few day of collecting evidence get more information that Robert Mueller got with over 30 Million Dollars 22 months 19 prosecutors dozens of fbi agents, over 2,000 witness statements and over a 00 subpoenas so if democrats in congress think they can do better than that, it is a pretty fictitiousings to take. Congressman do you think the friends on other side of the aisle, the moderates are now beginning to boy may have primary challenges but also they could lose the general election next year. A lot of them are first termers, theyre not entrenched they went in district of normally do they see their political life floating before their eye and sinking . There is a great deal of concern among the moderate democrats in congress. That no matter what position they take on impeachment, the end result is catastrophic for them. If they oppose impeachment their own base, that nay need to excite for upcoming cycle may be suppressed and if they do embrace the poison can be impeachment then ting that president will be gifted a victory because he will not be convicted and he will not be removed yet again be able to say improving trade deals, improve the economy and raise wages democrats are focused on him and not the lives of the american people. You know theres an old saying about digging a hole and stop digging. But well see. [laughter] congressman, matt gaetz thank you very much appreciate it. Thank you, charles. Coming up we all eye on fed central bank, left rates unchanged but they did hint at rate cuts on the hordes Stuart Varney will weigh in on that plus harleydavidson heading overseas and american motorcycle maker making a deal that build more bikes with china what that could mean for the trade deal, is next. 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Charles, ive been listening to you. And i think youre dead right. I think that chairman powell does not want to be the chairman of the Federal Reserve board when theres a recession. So he is going to go preemptively to stop a recession. Thats why hes low, saying hes going to lower rates later this year even though the economy right now is pretty strong. And i think hes standing conventional economics on its head certainly standing conventional Federal Reserve politics economics on its head because when do you lower rates when youve got a Strong Economy . Thats the reverse of what we normally do. Well i think your explanation charles is dead right. He is preempting any kind of recession even a slowdown this year or next year. I dont think youre right charles i think you are an original thinker i think thats why im prepared to discuss the fed right now, with you for a first time ever. How about that . I appreciate it and i tell you one thing wall street relief is at least this fed wont trigger a recession because every time we get to certain rate on unemployment, they start to hike it up and he said earlier this year, Wage Inflation is not Price Inflation that was the key signal. Right. Now, okay charles youre the expert on this. What do you make of all of those European Countries plus japan where theyve got these negative Interest Rates . And you know you know what that means, obviously, that means that you are the lender, you give you actually give money to the borrower you know is other way supposed to be other way around but in this case in europe and japan, you put money in a central bank or a Government Bond in europe, and then give it all a back to you and that list of countries with these negative rates has had expanded. Thats the world turn upside down and charles, i dont know what to make of it. You know what it is just Central Bank Policy cant cure everything and those places youre talking about, about they dont have, they have very is low child birth rates very old countries and very little innovation Central Banks can do but so much. Stuart cant not wait to see you in 15 minuteses classic Varney Company and folks it starts every day at 9 a. M. See you again stuart. Meanwhile harleydavidson folks are heading out inking deal to build more bicycles from china so whats the impact of that going to be with the china u. S. Trade negotiations . Plus a new spin on classic monopoly getting another mod enmakeover, no. Anyway well update it, next. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. And 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. Were life line screening. And if youre over 50. Call this number, to schedule an appointment. 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The bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. Kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. Are you seeing this . The kohler walkin bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. Everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohlercertified installer. And its made by kohler americas leading plumbing brand. We need this bath. Yes. Yes you do. A kohler walkin bath provides independence with peace of mind. Call. And ask about saving 1000 on your walkin bath, or visit kohlerwalkinbath. Com for more info. Harleydavidson making plans in china Cheryl Casone has details. So american motorcycle maker is now partnership with a Chinese Company to make a new smaller motorcycles. This after President Trump threatened high per tariffs on harleys earlier this year. When Company Announce plans to move to production overseas. Harley says it wants half of the sales to come from International Market hads by 2001 there is the one year chart a little bit of a slope to the down shied in china alibaba saying set multiple records during the midyear Shopping Festival this week. Shares of alibaba high on premarket up almost 3 . Well a in florida paying ransom to hackers who shut down its kiewrts the Beach City Council agreed to pay the hack percent in Digital Currency they forked over 65 bit coyne thats 605,000 and return, restored stolen data. City Officials Say they sent in email quickly spread through its system forcing 911 Call Information to be written down on paper. All right, about youre not going to believe this monopoly is going cash free, hasbro news take doesnt come with paper money and instead has a voice controlled top hat. So it is all digital. The ward itself features same Real Estate Property railroad company, and thats the same but on a blackboard now. The game is going to be hitting stores on july first on the store shelves there. Price tag 30 and heres the problem charles. You cant cheat. How do you cheat . How can you the person next to you paying for money and get up and get a soda. Thats why it is always a banker. [laughter] first they take away the hat then that. No [laughter] room a game. Steve come on youre the, you know, monopoly kind of guy whats beginning on here . Part of a war against cash. [laughter] yeah. Behind this. I believe it. Wait until it is bitcoin on the board instead of, you know you know what had the Green Property be worth more than boardwalk in that whole place and world is turning upside down folks. Really come on keep some things original. Traditional. Traditional need some tradition growing up today. Ics, of, of course, good for ki. Monopoly brings out the worst in civil all right folks still ahead, stocks are soaring had this morning. Futures look like were going to open up perhaps all new time high and break it all down for you when we come back. Charles first of all, you can never go wrong with stevie in the morning. You can never go wrong with what we are looking at on the screen. We are talking about a big rally this morning. We could really see records for the s p and for the Dow Jones Industrial average. Jackie, your thoughts . This market just looks like it wants to move higher and people are excited about what theyre seeing, theyre excited about the trade deal occurring with mexico or the immigration deal, theyre excited about seeing something come out of the g20 with president xi and President Trump. Theyre excited about the fed. And they want to be invested. Thats the bottom line. Charles steve . Trade. Get a deal with china, this economy takes off and the fed cutting rates later in the year, theyre going to have to worry about, they shouldnt, but worry about were overheating. Exactly. Lets hope we get to that point. Charles they are really concerned they dont have the magic wand anymore, liz. The whole inflation model is broken. Obviously they have considered every month, we are all of a sudden going to see a spike and inflation, with all these tariffs in place, constant warnings about how consumers are going to pay more for everything, we havent seen it yet. It doesnt mean it wont happen and i think this next round of tariffs certainly would be a breaking point on that. So far, so good. You have to wonder occasionally, all of us smart people who spend our time thinking about this, is it really just about charles jackie, steve, liz, thank you all very much. It was a great morning. Now we give it to a great man. Varney, youre up next. Stuart i am. Good morning, charles. Good morning, everyone. Boy, have we got a show for you. Huge stock market rally. Interest rates plunging. Iran takes down an american drone. Start with this. Stocks rallying, all across the board. You may well see a brand new alltime high for the broadbased s p right at the opening bell today. We will come pretty close to highs for the dow and nasdaq as well. A plus 200 on the dow. Im confidently looking at it a half hour from now. Then this. Interest rates, flat out tumbling. The yield on the tenyear treasury dropped below 2 early this morning, its now right at 2 even

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