[applause] President Trump thats a nice group behind me. The seats are no good but youll become very famous tomorrow. [applause] President Trump well make their seat very good. Theyre happy. Theyre happy because of what weve donald because of how well our country is doing and our economy is doing. As a result of our action, e15 sales are projected to more than double this year. Think of that. More than double. Do you agree with that . More than double. [applause] President Trump more american ethanol production also means less dependence on foreign suppliers, by fully embracing e 15, we will reduce dependence on foreign oil by up to 250 million additional barrels every single year. I mean, quite simply, it means more energy and what can be wrong with that and its very good energy. That means our farmers are not only promoting our prosperity, you are protecting our security as a nation. [applause] President Trump america must never again be held hostage to foreign suppliers of energy, as we were under the obama biden sleepy joe group. Sleepy joe. He was some place in iowa today and he said my name so many times that people couldnt stand it any more. No, dont keep saying it. Sleepy guy, with the help of energy grown and produced at home, weve increased annual ethanol exports by 550 million gallons. Last year, we exported a record breaking 1. 7 billiongallons of ethanol, thats a big number, and separately the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere on the planet were the biggest in the world in energy, production, and now, ethanol is playing a bigger and bigger part , so congratulations. [applause] President Trump and this isnt political season quite for me. Itll start next week but just remember the democrats were totally opposed to this folks. They didnt have a clue. After decades of being held down and held back, we are now a net exporter of energy to the world with a tremendous increase of jobs of the energy industry. We are securing our nations future through American Energy independence, and American Energy dominance and thats what it is. Its become dominant. At the same time the fuel you produce brings down prices at the pump for millions of american drivers. Those savings go straight into the pockets of hard working families all across our land. Here with us today are several americans at the center of our Nations Energy revolution, who want to share why ethanol is so important to them. Kevin ross is a sixth generation former from the nearby town of m inden. Kevin please come up and share your story. Kevin . [applause] thank you. Welcome, mr. President , to the great state of iowa. Governor reynolds, governor rick etts, senator fisher, administrator wheeler and secretary purdue. Thank you all for being here. Its my privilege to host to you near my home and represent farmers all across the midwest today. Im kevin ross a sixth generation farmer, and first Vice President of the National Corn growers association. My wife sarah and i grow corn, soybeans, cat l and are raising our four boys, hudson, axeon, carver and hollis. Also in this large crowd are family and a few hundred friends and neighbors. We farm just 20 miles up the road near underwood, but we are steps away from land that migrate grandfather cleared on this very Missouri River bottom. Mr. President , secretary purdue and administrator wheeler i want to thank you for sending direction to the epa and making 15 ethanol blends available year around, bridging a gap to higher blends. You see folks im well aware of the conversations that the president held at the white house with colleagues farmers and my iowa senators almost a year ago. I especially want to thank you, senator ernst. In those conversations, sir you heard of the benefits of e15 and best of all you listened. Thank you. [applause] just a couple months later you gave direction to epa to finalize the e15 rules and here we are today, done. [applause] mr. President you delivered on e15 but we have more work to do. Epas Oil Refinery Waivers threaten to undo your good works i ask that you listen again, because the pain the ethanol and Biodiesel Industries have endured is holding back a farm economy that has further capacity to produce more clean air and clean liquid fuels for this country. Mr. President , around here, we have acres of clean air, growing in rows 30,000 plants at a time. This is the corn state and here in the greater midwest, while this is corn country. [applause] i also know you have long term goals for a bill to get on your desk on infrastructure. The needs for this were evident before but with the destructive spring that this area and so many places across the nation have endured as well this needed more glaring. I am for you, to next tackle this with the same ten as it and vigor, that you have with Border Security and other issues. I work in the greatest, thank you, yes. [applause] President Trump thank you, too. I work in the greatest industry we have in this country and thats agriculture. Were blessed by god to have soils and the science that have let us achieve new heights and production whether thats yield of corn, the efficiency of this ethanol plant or gains in my cattle, agriculture continues to do more with less. Sir, i was just a 4 her and a f f a farm kid that grew up with my dream to farm. My background is not unique in Rural America because every one of these proud americans could have gotten up here and told their own similar story. These boys of mine may grow up to farm, possibly be a future president and economics play a healthy role in america is what will give them that opportunity. Agriculture gives back more than its weight in fuel, fuel, fiber and people that love this country. The economic benefits and the clean air delivered through bio fuels are wins for the seven th generation on my family farm and wins for all u. S. Citizens. President trump, keep winning with stronger support for these policies and the agricultural sector, and in the United States , great United States of america. Thank you, mr. President. President trump thank you. [applause] thank you. President trump thanks, kevin. Wow, thank you, kevin. Great job. Id like also to invite kenny will cox up, he trains new employees here in southwest iowa , renewable energy. Kenny, where is kenny . Come on up here, kenny. [applause] President Trump great job youre doing, kenny. [applause] thank you. Its an honor. The fire and ethanol industry has meant to me, compared to my career in 2012 and move through companies in various positions to better myself in the company. Sire has a dedicated team to train individuals and give them opportunities for various work skills that doesnt necessarily pertain to just ethanol. Not only has the industry helped its helped my beautiful wife fulfill her dreams and its been amazing to see her excell in all aspects of her job and take on new jobs. David breaking tonight you are watching the president he is in a speech in iowa hes at a center for renewable energy, in essence its an Ethanol Center they turn corn and other stables , farm stables into energy, the economy, and its impact and the stance on china has had on farmers all of that is going to be discussed in iowa but guess who else is in iowa 2020 democrat hopeful and former Vice President joe biden with a very different perspective on the way this economy should work , does work, lets get right to our panel, for more we have Christina Christina partsinevelos, and John Layfield steve let me go to you first. This is an important time for farmers in america they just dodged a bullet on mexico. There are a lot of farmers in the u. S. Who sent their product to mexico they were worried about the tariffs that would have kicked in on monday had the president not reached a solution with mexico on friday night but they still have china looming. Are the farmers going to stick with the president . Well they better because trump needs to win those farm states, and he won them in 2016, but you know david these have been tough times for farmers no question about it with the flooding, with the flood being excessively tight and thats led to low commodities prices and then the tariffs, so its a difficult time for farmers, a lot of them have losses this year, and you know, so well see whether they stick with them but you know, farmers love trumps kind of populist appeal and you just heard that in the speech that he just gave so im going to answer your question and say yes despite the hardships on the farm, farmers are going to vote for trump in 2020. Melissa thats pretty much why were seeing this rally in iowa because theyre talking about bringing back e15 ethanol which was backed banned back in 2011 so this is pushing and helping farmers that are growers of corn, and winning them over. Why . Because of the tariffs that the president and the administration imposed in the first place that caused harm on a lot of these farmers so its almost a cycle where hes trying to, you know, mend what he started and i know usually we talked about this with jonathan in the past that tariffs are not necessarily the answer especially for the longhaul when its hurting these farmers so much, well maybe this could be a small win by getting the ethanol on board. David we also talked about government subsidiary of ethanol thats something a lot of free marketers arent too crazy about is it . As of march, david, i think its important to point out that the president had an 81 Approval Rating according to cnn in iowa and he mentioned the farmers saying that mexico and china will eventually buy a lot more from farmers in the end and the fact that were embarking on the second additional round of subsidies for the farmers. Melissa mexico never agreed to that and theres still no proof to that. Mexico didnt agree to . Buying Agricultural Products that was a third tweet by the president yesterday and theres still no proof in the pudding. David he kind of teased the audience today pointing to his pocket saying we have agreements were not going to mention until later on, so who knows what the final agreement really is. Hes saying hes expressing terror and the farmers saying i understand the tariffs are hurting you right now but im here for you in the long run and were going to sort this out with china and the tariffs right now on china have bipartisan support, christina, so whether or not mexico is buying more from the farmers i think hes just saying that he has their back, and they have not been forgotten. Well hes got to get their back, let them know that because right now farmers want to farm and youve already had two bail outs about 28 billion to these farmers because they cant sell the soybeans to china and this ethanol policy this thing is ridiculous and would never happen if we didnt have i o was as the first caucus. Youll have democrats and republicans go out and push a ethanol policy which makes zero economic sense for what we were doing, and because of iowa being first this is just something hes throwing the red meat out there and Steve Scalise right. As long as he can keep these guys on his side he throws all kinds of subsidies all kinds of ethanol everything out there to get him because right now the farmers i think are starting to lose a little bit of patience and the fact they want to farm, they dont want a bail out. David steve the other thing thats kind of strange in this election season is you have both parties divided on the issue of tariffs. A lot of republicans dont like what the president has done what hes threatening to do and yet a lot of democrats actually support the president on that. I mean, you had Chuck Schumer with that famous tweet he sent out, hang tough, mr. President , on tariffs against china. So the democrats are split on this. They dont to how to attack them on that. Its well put. When is the last time you saw Chuck Schumer say anything nice about donald trump and this is the only time i can think of when thats happened. So the democrats are pretty split on this. Look, im a freetrade guy, david ursino and i have known each other for decades but i happen to find myself in agreement with trump on china. I didnt like the mexico tariffs too much. David looks like he won on that. It does but look, i think getting back to the farmers, i think they kind of get it, that this is shortterm pain, you hear a lot from farmers saying look this is hurting us but we understand this is a gut shot moment of the United States against china, im willing to play my part but i just dont see the farmers desserting donald trump. And not just Chuck Schumer as well as bill clinton and Bernie Sanders in the past have stood up for pushing back hard on china for their unfair trading practices in the past. I dont remember bill clinton doing that. Yes, yes, yes he did so there is bipartisan support, and thats why i think that im not sure this is a great move for biden to attack the tariffs and President Trump is supposed to tonight say hes an existential threat to america . I think for biden it was a good strategy to distance himself from the far left socialistic agenda and that he was leading the polls because of that, so i dont know if hes caving in now but to the point of both of you talked about being free market capitalists and you have these subsidies being thrown, joe biden by the way 76 times he mentioned President Trump 76 times. David lets listen to the president. President trump well break out shortly but since the election weve created nearly 6 million jobs and frankly, if i would have said that during the election, the Fake News Media would not have believed it. They would not have found that acceptable. [applause] President Trump i ever use that numb they would have said theres no way. Nearly 900,000 fewer americans rely on parttime work right now because they have fulltime jobs [applause] President Trump and youve heard me say this before and im very proud of it. African american, Asian American , hispanic american, unemployment, have all reached their lowest levels in recorded history in this country. [applause] President Trump wages are growing and they are growing at the fastest rate for this is something so wonderful, for blue collar workers. The biggest percentage increase. Blue collar workers. And over the next three months, companies are expected to hire workers at the fastest pace in more than a decade, with the greatest gains for workers right here, in the midwest. We have the number one location for gain. You know that. [applause] President Trump past administrations did nothing while the farm income declined. In the last two years of the previous administration, farm income plummetted by more than 30 billion and agricultural exports dropped by over 22 billion. Did you know that . Did you know that . Youll be hearing it a lot over the next little while. Thats not a good number, but we are turning it all around and weve turned it all around and wait until you see the real numbers start coming in when it all comes together. Somebody had to do it. You knew we had to do it. We couldnt take it any longer, nations all over the world were ripping off the United States like never ever before, whether its china, or so many others that i wont mention, including our allies. Sometimes our allies did a better job of it than the enemies, but were changing it all around and you see it already and you see it by the kind of numbers that im talking about. By the end of this year, farm incomes are projected to rise by more than 10 billion from the day i was elected and under my administration, we will always protect and defend our Great American patriot farmer. [applause] President Trump always. Always. Thank you very much. Were reversing decades of failed trade policies, opening up new markets and fighting to give our farmers the fair and level Playing Field they deserve you never had a fair Playing Field for the last 1520 years. You were taken advantage of by stupidity, by in competence, by people that dont care, who knows. You were really treated very badly, but youre not being treated badly any more. You see whats happening. [applause] President Trump the brand new u. S. Americas canada agreement, the u. S. Mca will replace nafta, one of the worst deals ever made by any country on trade and expand Market Access for american Agricultural Products and very very substantially with that being said, you have to get out and push the democrats to put it up, because id rather see our country do badly than give us a victory and actually its going to be a victory for them too if they get it approved and they could use a victory, so go out and press the democrats, everyone in your area, press, we need the help of the democrats, press nancy pelosi, press them all, because if they dont put it up, its a tremendous opportunity, probably Something Like you wont see again. Got to get it done. Its incredible for the farmer, for the manufacturer, for virtually everybody. Its going to go down as one of the trade its trade deals already acknowledged to be one of the best negotiated trade deals but if you look at canada with the tremendous tariffs they were charging you to sell your product inside, and mexico. Its all a much more balanced, much more fair transaction. Youre going to make a lot of money. Youre going to grow a lot of corn and a lot of everything else. Youve got to get the democrats to approve it. Youve got to get the democrats all they have to do is put it up for a vote because many democrat s probably most democrat s if not told to do the other, alternative, they will all vote for it, so get the democrats out, put it up for a vote and lets get it signed. Its all ready. [applause] President Trump the u. S. Mca ends on dairy farmers, wheat producers, egg producers and wine growers and it will ensure robust Market Access for american exports of corn, beef, pork, poultry and many other Farm Products from coast to coast. Its a winner, and we just wanted to do pretty much the opposite. How bad was nafta, what the they did to you with nafta, and thats why for 15 years youve been going that and other reasons, thats why the farmers been hurt so badly over 15year period. This deal is amazing for our farmers, and im proud to announce that nearly 1,000 farm groups have already endorsed it, this morning and the biggest groups. [applause] President Trump so its time for congress to bring this groundbreaking agreement up for a vote. Were also taking long overdue steps to stand up to chinas chronic trade abuses. Somebody had to do it. Theyve been taking out of our country for many years, 500 billion, b, billion dollars a year and somebody had to say no more, and obama biden didnt say it. They just let it happen and in all fairness so did other president s, were stopping it. It stopped and were taking it in right now, billions and billions of dollars in tariffs and they are subsidizing product and by the way i havent seen any inflation. We are taking in billions and out of those billions were taking in tariffs we gave the farmer 16 billion because that was the highest amount that china had ever used to purchase your product. 16 billion, so we took it right out of the tariffs that were getting from china, and sunny purdue youre distributing that to all of the farmers over the next probably two months, right . [applause] President Trump nobody else is going to do that, i can tell you nobody else does that. For years china imposed massive barriers to the American Farm goods, sold our intellectual property, and plundered vital trade secrets from even american agribusiness. You know they would take your businesses become very sophisticated and they and other nations would take these beautiful incredible secrets, no different than computers and other things, and theyd use them and theyd take them and they wouldnt pay for them and thats not right because youre the ones that developed them. Our trade deficits financed the buildup of chinas infrastructure, military and technology, at the expense of us , the american taxpayer. Now, in response to our economic selfdefense, china has levied unfair retaliation against the farmers and the ranches, but weve made up for that retaliation with the 16 billion and i must tell you, made up for it, and moreso, and moreso. [applause] President Trump and again we had no choice. We want to get along with china but we had no choice. I have Great Respect for the president of china, president xi , but hes representing china, not representing the United States of america. Nothing much you can do about that. [applause] all around the world my administration is knocking down barriers to products raised and grown in the United States, just recently reached an agreement to eliminate restrictions and expand exports of american beef. You saw that through japan by up to 200 million a year. You saw that, theres somebody selling beef. They havent bought our beef since the year 2000. The European Union removed barriers on u. S. Soybeans for the use in biofuels, everybody said they will never do that. We have a long way to go with them but its going to happen very easy. Argentina opened their markets to american pork. It was a onesided deal before and now the markets are opening rapidly and after suspecting imports, vietnam agreed to reopen its market to a high valued byproduct and produced by ethanol plants just like this one i got to look at it. Its pretty good looking stuff. [applause] President Trump vietnam. In the past and under the Obama Administration our politicians let other countries push us around, treat us badly, treat our country with no respect and youd see that with biden we would never be treated with respect because people dont respect him, even the people that hes running against theyre saying where is he, what happened . He makes his stance in iowa once every two weeks and then he mentions my name 74 times, i dont know. That reminds me of crooked hillary she did the same thing. [applause] [crowd cheers] President Trump e time to vote they all said you . She doesnt like trump very much , but what else does she stand for . Same things happening with sleepy joe. Hes a sleepy guy. As we stand up for our farmers abroad, we are fighting to get the government from other countries and our government in particular off of your farms and out of your wallets and put them right back where it used to be many many many decades ago we passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in american history, by far. [applause] President Trump and to keep your family farms, and ranches in the family, we eliminated the estate tax, also known as the death tax, on the small farms and ranches and other businesses [applause] President Trump that was a big one. That was a big one. People are having a farm, they love their children and they want to leave it to their children, and some of them arent cash businesses but theyre great businesses and the farms have real value and something would happen to them, they want to leave it to their children, and the estate tax was so much the children have to go out and borrow a lot of money from unfriendly bankers in many cases and they end up losing the farm and it was a horrible situation. Weve eliminated the death tax. Thats a great thing and its only good though, if you love your children. I say it all the time. If you dont love your children, and if you dont like your children, but especially if you dont love them, does anybody here not love their children . [laughter] President Trump because if you dont love your children its not going to mean a thing. We slashed 30,000 pages of job killing regulations from the federal register its an alltime record in the history of our country. [applause] President Trump and we got rid of the horrible disastrous calam ity known as the waters of the United States rule. [applause] President Trump and i tell you, joanie and deb, i was getting ready to sign that one, the waters of the United States what could be more beautiful sounding that was the only good thing about it, the title. Everything else was a catastrophe. They took your land away if you had a puddle in the middle of the field they considered it a lake, the rules, the regulations made it impossible and i signed that and behind me i had farmers mostly and ranchers and many of them never cried in their life including when they were born and they were crying. Its true though. They were crying behind me. You know that. You know that, pete. They were crying because we gave them back their land and we took it away. It was like eminent domain. It was terrible and we gave it back and you know . I thought it was going to be a tough time for a while and it wasnt. People got it and they got it right away and that was a great honor for you folks, thank you. It was a great honor. [applause] President Trump last year i signed into law historic farm bill which increased the amount farmers can borrow to start to improve and expand their businesses, you know that. We secured nearly 1. 2 billion to expand rural broadband, which you need very badly. You need very badly, they have not treated the midwest well with broadband, with anything having to do with the word computer. I look at some of those tractors and they dont even hook up. Theyre all set but you dont have the capability here in terms of david all right well talk with our panel about a lot of what the president has been saying offering a lot of fodder for discussion and i want toaster with steve moore because its funny steve. Hes talking about how great freetrade is just a week ago we were all afraid that he had forgotten the benefits of freetrade today hes talking about everything from the u. S. M ca trading and opening its market to u. S. Meat products, but the u. S. Mca, is he going to really push that now that he got this deal with immigration with the mexicans . Yeah, he will hes totally committed to this and understands a, its a good deal remember this was reagans vision david to have north america be a free trade zone. David from the tip of argentina to the top of canada, yeah. You remember that yeah exactly right and but he also has to understand strategically that once you get this canada mexico u. S. Trade deal done it puts more pressure on china. What you want to do is isolate china as the bad actor which they clearly are, they are the enemy here, and you get your allies behind you and i think it will be a huge victory for trump now the big question, david of course weve been pondering for two months is will nancy pelosi bring that bill to a vote . David whats the answer do you have any idea . Honestly no. I had a comment actually you had debbie dingell, the michigan democrat on fox news on sunday who actually said were not ready yet the votes in the house arent there yet until these changes take place so maybe to answer that question we could still see pushback from the democrats, we could still see House Speaker nancy pelosi not come forward and put this through, which is unfortunate because you do have canada ready to go. You have mexico ready to go and now, all of it is up to the House Democrats. Sure it does put pressure on china because prevents any one country within north america, from doing business with china on their own. I think its an important point and the positives in the trade deal according to the International Trade commission 17 6,000 new jobs will be created as a result of this deal , and it bumps the minimum wage up in mexico, 40 of workers making a car, have to make at least 16 an hour and that means that the u. S. Will no longer be exporting jobs to mexico for cheaper labor if at least 40 of workers have to be making 16 an hour. Thats the only thing i dont like in the deal. Why, why not steve moore . Because you know thats going to hurt mexican workers. Their valueadded is they have cheaper labor and why not raise the minimum wage there to 25 an hour they wont produce anything i just think its kind of unfair provision personally. Okay well how about 62. 5 of a car which was the old deal in nafta to be made in north america, now moves up to 75 of a car must be made in north america, canada, mexico or the u. S. So i do like that, i think youd support that. David the only problem i have with these percentages is it kind of limits the degree of flexibility that a company has to decide where its best to make its parts and John Layfield has talked about that before. You cant micro manage these things very well from washington , can you, john. No you cant and its more of a tweek to the additional trade deal than anything else somewhat what we did on south korea and i dont think this puts pressure on china necessarily. Look china is building out the port just north of vancouver to take nearly all of the natural gas out of canada to china so its not like they wont get our natural resources, they are. Were missing all of this and these tariffs to me are just not the way to fight this. Republicans used to be for freetrade and now tariffs david were certainly glad that the tariff battle at least with mexico is over. Were turning a page on that. Meanwhile comedian john stuart blasting congress in a hearing for 9 11 First Responders well show you what set him off and play you more of a very emotional testimony. You dont want to miss, next. Im sorry if i sound angry and undiplomatic but im angry, and you should be too, and theyre all angry as well. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. I have it within me to lower my a1c. Ask your doctor about trulicity. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. David comedian and advocate john stuart lasting congress off this row of empty chairs you see there several Congress Members were a snow show at todays hearing to discuss the renewal of funds to help 9 11 First Responders. Listen. What an incredible metaphor this room is for the entire process that Getting Health Care and benefits for 9 11 First Responders has come to. Behind me a filled room of 9 11 First Responders and in front of me, a nearly empty congress. Sick and dying, they brought themselves down here to speak and no one, shameful. Its an embarrassment to the country and a stain on this institution and you should be ashamed of yourselves for those that arent here but you wont be, because accountability doesnt appear to be something that occurs in this chamber. David gang we talk a lot about money being allocated tax dollars being allocated. Isnt this exactly the sort of thing that our federal tax dollars should be used for . Absolutely david. I think every american should be outraged. These First Responders responded on average within five seconds to this burning blaze. Hundreds rushed to their death, thousands died that day and these guys gave hope to a country that was going through darkness we hadnt seen since pearl harbor. These guys are heros and to think congress has spent 18 years and is not responded these guys when they serve the country and we are not serving them, i think, is an embarrassment to our country, its an embarrassment to our congress. I think all of the congressmen, the ones that were there certainly the ones that werent there should have tended their resignation and walked out and never be heard from again. This is shameful on our United States congress. To that point john stuart is accompanied by a retired detective as well as 9 11 respondent who spoke and said he was going through his 69th round of chemotherapy and he was not supposed to be there but it is unfortunate but so many memories being their lives and are suffer ing, still to this day, with Health Ailments with cancer and the fact that congress, no one, you saw an empty row its almost disgusting in a way to bring it back to maybe more recent times, we still have quickly in new york, respondents reacted just within the Helicopter Crash very recently. People move very very quickly and we need to acknowledge their efforts and pain theyve gone through. David so often we attack hollywood and the entertainment industry. I just want to give a shout out to john stuart that was powerful testimony and bravo. David absolutely. Yeah, its hard to, you cant really argue. I know its bulls bears but i dont think any of us can argue on Something Like this. People who gave their lives need to be taken care of as do their families. I read over 11,000 reported cases of cancer ranging from aggressive brain tumors to debilitating lung cancers that these heroic people have so they need to be taken care of this is really sad. I dont know if congress is maybe just all focused on the mueller report. David who knows maybe they were thinking over john deans testimony but the fact is that john stuart said that this is viewed by many people inside congress as a local issue. The largest single attack on u. S. Civilians in our history is viewed as a local issue. John, is that, does that hold any water at all . Absolutely they attacked our country. They werent attacking as john stuart said he were attacking america. They attacked our pentagon. Its like saying what you mentioned to us pearl harbor was a local issue it was an attack on our country and our congress to me there is absolutely zero excuse for this. Be have 50,000 homeless vets right now and were not serving them and that is wrong and our Congress Needs to be held accountable for this. David i dont think ive ever encouraged congress to spend a dime of my tax dollars but in this case thats exactly what i want them to do. I want them to spend my money on these heros. Thats where i want my money to go so meanwhile Congress Taking on big tech in a house judiciary hearing well get the very latest also is Silicon Valley coming for the news industry, we debate that, coming next. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other money managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. 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David breaking up big tech House Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are holding their first Silicon Valley antitrust investigation among the many issues how big tech could be profiting from local news public liberals Hillary Vaughn on is capitol hill with the very latest on this. Hillary . Reporter david the house Judiciary Committee is leading the charge into the antitrust probe of big Tech Companies, like facebook, and google and today, this was the first round where they were looking at the impacts these big platforms have on local news and a new report from the university of North Carolina says 20 of our local papers have gone out of business or merged in the last 15 years, 2,000 counties have no daily newspaper at all and 3. 2 million americans have no newspapers serving their local community. David petofsky, the general counsel for news corp. And news corp. And fox share common ownership says Silicon Valley dismisses print news as old media but they are not losing to better competition, tech platforms are the ones rigging the system. The marketplace for news is broken, in the news business, free writing by dominant online platforms, which aggregate and then reserve our content, has led to the lions share of online zim advertising dollars generated off the back of news going to the platforms. Reporter but google and facebook are pushing back against the idea they are the ones to blame for declining local News Coverage and google says their google news function does not use advertising, they dont make any money off of that feature, and instead theyre pushing clicks to News Organization sites google giving you the following statement saying weve worked to be asco lab ratifier and Supportive Technology and advertising partner to the his industry as it works to adapt the new economics of the internet every month google news and Google Search drive over 10 billion clicks to publishers websites which drive subscriptions and significant ad revenue and now google and facebook have pretty much a monopoly on all digital a d sales making up 60 of all money spent on ad revenue. David . David thank you, hillary joining us to weigh in is Media Research center Vice President dan gainer so to what extent are google and facebook and all of the other social media free riding on the backs of Media Outlets that do pay for their content . Yeah im in a weird spot because on one hand, yeah, i think antitrust looking at these companies for a lot of reasons but the journalism industry has no reason to complain. Theyre getting infinite number of clicks, visitors, the problem theyve got is theyre not keeping them. Thats their fault. Thats not google and facebooks fault. If you get visitors to your website and they dont stay thats on you. This is like buggy manufactures complaining about the car manufactures. So dan, at the heart of the antitrust issue is lower prices , does this increase prices for consumers, and, you know, is it anticompetitive but in the case of amazon for example, it actually lowers prices for consumers, so what is going to be the argument . Is it solely on the base that they are pushing competition out and exhibiting anticompetitive behavior because if you look at most of the silicon tech titans theyve lowered prices for consumers so that goes out of the window. Yeah i think one of the big issues is how could anybody compete against what amounts to a monopoly. You look at google that has 92. 4 of the search media global ly and it provides 1. 9 more through yahoo, which it does also, so thats, i mean, basically google or nothing and if youre trying to break into that, thats very difficult so you can make the case. It is a monopoly. Yeah, facebook or youtube, that. Hold on a second, dan because since when do we blame a company for making a better mouse trap . They dont have a government charter monopoly. They gain market share, because theyre good at what they do. Thats the american way. Anybody can compete with google. My question for you as a fellow conservative, what i dont understand is why these Tech Companies that are being assaulted now from the white house and now the House Democrat s, why they dont kind of make peace with conservatives theyve discriminated against conservatives, theyve censored conservatives and i think they miss played the political angle here and i wonder what your take on that is. Well i think basically theyre liberal from top to bottom and thats the problem. The executives and liberal policies and liberal employees youll get a liberal result and they dont really want to negotiate very much of conservative movement. Weve tried the Media Research center heads up the Free Speech Alliance with just 50 different conservative organizations all motivated to try to fix this problem, how conservatives are treated online, so when they get to capitol hill they dont have very many friends on either side now. Can i just interject and comment on that and moreso to steves comment. Pushing politics aside you talked about Big Companies and mouse traps what about within the echosystem, the fact that youre seeing amazon favoring its own products, you had spotify complain about apple because the app store is favor ing apple so isnt that something we should be talking about too whats going on internally and pushing us these Massive Companies . David quick answer, dan. Well obviously, thats one of the big issues is how they discriminate as far as apps or something thats not a political issue but definitely antitrust issue. David dan gainor thank you very much and we have very sad news to report on a friend of fox business the most influential columnist for our time, Martin Feldstein has died. He was chairman of the council of economic advisors the white houses chief economist from 19821984 of course under president reagan. He later served in an advisory position to president george w. Bush, president barack obama, host of other president , senator s, congressmen, he had been suffering from cancer according to Harvard University colleague jeremy stein. He was a great man. We loved him dearly and we are very sorry to see him go and our sympathies to his family. Martin felldstein dead at age 79. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa. And i recently had hi, ia heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. Brilinta is taken with a lowdose aspirin. No more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. 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They cant find a capable candidate to rebuild its reputation for customers and dealing with the regulators and politicians out for scalps. Would any of you take the job . Absolutely not. I have a tee time in the morning, i dont have time in my schedule. Warren buffet said he wants somebody whos not from wall street. Even though i work for a business channel, i would be perfect. It would be a nice challenge. Wouldnt it be great if you were able to turn it around . I would do the job so i could go before Elizabeth Warren on that committee. David i would pay money to see that. You would get the job if you wore pants. Thats a deal breaker, right . We know the truth. Well spare the audience. If you had any inclination in that regard, hes in burmuda shorts. Thanks for watching. See you next time. Blake the two 2020 frontrunners in iowa tearing into each other. The president calling joe biden a dummy and weak. Biden says the president is an existential threat. But the polls show a clear leader. Lawmakers had their attention on the southern border and big tech while others got an earful from comedian jon stewart. The top attorneys for 10 states are the new hangup and a lawsuit is involved

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