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I really see no evidence of that. Trish plus, what happened to all those calls for transparency from the democrats . What are they afraid of bill barr finding in his investigation . Congressman sean duffy is here tonight on that in just moments. Meanwhile, President Trump facing criticism over his decision to slap escalating tariffs on mexico amid record numbers of migrants at the mexican u. S. Border. Mention cos foreign minister mexicos foreign minister is going to be meeting with secretary of state mike pompeo. We have all the details on this unprecedented move by the United States. And did north Korean Leader kim jong un execute five of his officials after the failed attempt at another summit with President Trump . New developments tonight. Trish regan primetime begins right now. Trish fair ifness, its fairness, its a concept that should be pretty basic, right in something youre supposed to learn as a kid in the sandbox. Part of fairness means having enough perspective on yourself and others to know not to be so hypocritical. But the democrats never learned how to play so nicely in the sandbox, right . Lets not forget how badly they all wanted the Mueller Report. Remember all of it released, right . All they could talk about was transparency. And i dont disagree with them on that. I like transparency. It is healthy. But in fairness, its got to work both ways. I mean, this is all we have heard from them, right . I cant emphasize enough how important transparency is. The Justice Department would be wise not to resist transparency. Im going to be pressing for the attorney general to be as transparent as possible. The public wants to see it, the public deserves to see it. In the interest of transparency and the interest of the rule of law and in the interest of just fair play. Trish so then, in fairness, in the interest of transparency, why the democrats as the representatives for the people in this country why wouldnt they want a full investigation into the origin of why the fbi was spying on the Trump Campaign . Because some are selfish, selfmotivated, and too many have no interest in protecting their constituents, only themselves. Only their political futures. I mean, so now we have an attorney general in william barr that is seeking Real Transparency and trying to determine the answer to that very basic question, why the heck did the fbi spy on a Political Campaign . And yet he finds himself under attack by the very same people that have been yelling about the importance of transparency all along. Come on, guys. Come on. Be fair, right . Theyve subpoenaed barr. Theyve meaned to hold him in contempt of congress by calling for his resignation or his impeachment. They want to fine him. And this one is pretty rich, they even talk about him as though hes some kind of crook, and they want the Justice Department to investigate him. Because he dared to offer his interpretation of the Mueller Report . Which mueller, at the time, never seemed to have a problem with, right . But apparently just didnt like the media reaction . And because william barr is asking the very legitimate question that our country deserves an answer to, and that is where our countrys intelligence were our countrys Intelligence Departments weaponized for political purposes. I want answers to that. Everyone should want answers to that. Joining me right now, wisconsin congressman sean duffy. [laughter] congressman, i know you want answers to that as well. I do too. Trish so whats going on here . You know, it just seems like if you believe in transparency, then you should believe in transparency through and through, and this is a pretty basic thing. Why not find out the answer as to why our intel departments did that . First off, the democrat transparency viewpoint is a oneway street, and it goes towards the Democrat Party. This is simple, trish, why dont democrats want transparency . Because if we find out the root cause of this hoax russia investigation, it goes back to Hillary Clinton and the Democrat National committee that funded the dirty dossier that the information came from the russians. Theyre deep into the start of a russia investigation that was a total hoax. They cant let that happen. They actually have to stop it. And the media wont report on it either, trish, because theyre not reporters, theyre actually part of the story that have been applauding democrats, encouraging democrats, you know, keeping the story alive for two years as mueller investigated donald trump. So you have democrats in the media saying we dont want any transparency because were going to be incredibly embarrassed. Not only that, when we start to see all the bad acts maybe it was the insurance policy that page and strzok had talked about when we start to find that out, thats going to take the energy, all the air out of the room for the stupid attempted obstruction impeachment proceedings that the democrats are trying to push on the hill right now. Well all be talking about how corrupt our intel and fbi agents were at the highest levelings. Levels. Trish how did it get this far . Dont you think the people in the Democrat Party knew or had some kind of inkling about it, congressman . Dont you think they would have somehow shut down the whole Mueller Report to begin with . Didnt they at some point figure out people might be asking the question, hey, why did you guys do this . I think they were dumb enough to think we would never find out. I mean, the investigation was going on for six, seven months before we even knew that the dirties dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. They were trying to keep that secret. But the oh point here is they the other point here is they hate donald trump so much that theyre blinded with rage, and theyre trying to undo the will of the last election. Not only that, as long as they keep the hoax of the investigation alive, they dont have to talk about the smoke smoking hot economy in places like wisconsin where there are more job openings than people to fill the jobs. Everybodys wages are rising. This is amazing, what donald trump has done. They have to talk about the economy and how great it is, and my goodness, they dont want to do that because that could actually get donald trump reelected. Trish so how would you characterize them right now . To me, at some point youve got to leave the partisanship behind. Youve got to get tough done. Youve got to protect your constituents and our country which means not allowing intel departments to go rogue if, in fact, that is what happened. And, you know, you think that somebody this in washington, i dont care what party. Doesnt anybody just want to do whats right . Heres whats happening, i think, trish. On the democrat side theres a lot of good people. A lot of them are my friends. The socialist wing of the Democrat Party that hate are President Trump so much, thats the base that they go home to every weekend, and theyre the ones that go to town halls, theyre the ones that gave him money, knocked doors for them, and theyre the ones that say you have to impeach donald trump. And if they say no, they get major push from their own base, and they think theyre going to lose in a primary. So though they may not want to do it im not talking about the aocs or the maxine waters, im talking about the more moderate ones they feel a tremendous amount of pressure to actually go with this narrative that they want to impeach donald trump. By the way, that is going to be horrible for america, but its going to be great for donald trump, because hes going to get reelected, and republicans may very well take the house because americans want you to fight for them. They dont want you to fight donald trump, they want you to fight to make their lives bigger, their paychecks better and futures brighter. Only republicans have done it, and thats why i think theyre going to reward us in 2020. Trish right . You have only to look at how the republicans suffered after impeaching bill clinton. And i wonder, because im watching nancy pelosi very carefully, and she seems a little reluctant. I mean, there is, as you said, all that pressure. And yet shes having a hard time, i guess, managing the people [laughter] managing the party when shes got aoc and talib and the rest of them out there gallivanting around and parading for this impeachment thing. But, you know, if she cant quite manage them, then shes going to have a much bigger problem, and shes going to be out of a job, i would think, as speaker of the house. Yeah. First of all, i think that, you know, the party of the democrats has gone so far left that now nancy pelosi is the moderate one in the Democrat Party . But she is, and she is the responsible one, and shes been around enough to know that if they go down this path, its going to be devastating for their party. And shes trying to hold the party back from that devastation if they go forward with impeachment. The horses are out of the barn, and theyre running, and she cannot restrain them. She will lose the speakership, they will take her out, or shell move forward with impeachment. If you look at the loudest members, the most popular members in the Democrat Party, it is the aocs, it is the tlaibs, this new freshman socialist group thats driving the narrative. Nancys lost all control over the narrative and the legislation of the Democrat Party, and thats why i think theyre going to be successful in pushing, you know, the impeachment proceedings which, again, is devastating for the Democrat Party. Trish wow. Wow, wow, wow. Unbelievable to watch, and weve got a front row seat. Congressman sean duffy, thank you so much. The intolling rant left, really intolerant, right . You just heard as the congressman describes, just loves to push this narrative that conservative women, meanwhile, cant decide for themselves. When the president was elected, he had a majority of white women. These women were voting their husbands politics, voting their husbands ideology. Trish now as ucberkeley, a school well known for shutting down conservative speech, new social Sciences Dean is accusing conservatives of wanting to put women back in their place. Coming up, weve got all the details on that one and my thoughts. Also tonight, take a look at this unbelievable, amazing vehicle. This is an Iowa Little League team thats warming up while a huge tornado is looming in the background. Why didnt these kids react . My goodness, if i was their mom on the sidelines, id be going nuts. Well tell you all about it. But first, President Trump using tariffs against mexico to using tariffs against mexico to try to stem the illegal flow of cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. Back then, we checked our zero times a day. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why theres ocuvite. Screen light. Sunlight. Longer hours. Eyes today are stressed but ocuvite has vital nutrients to help protect them. Ocuvite. Eye nutrition for today. Sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Its the final days to save 1000 on the new queen sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, only 1,799. Ends sunday. danny s voice of course you donte because you didnt . Your job isnt doing hard work. Its making them do hard work. And getting paid for it. vo snap and sort your expenses to save over 4,600 at tax time. Quickbooks. Backing you. Trish President Trump using tariffs aa penalty against mexico in an attempt to try to force the country to [audio difficulty] pretty mixed reviews. And right now mexicos enroute to d. C. For a meeting with white house officials. Mexico cant stop this somehow by [inaudible] then 5 tariffs, and the tariffs will keep increasing if the administration decides that mexicos not doing enough. All the way up to 25 tariffs by october 1st. Finish now, point out something that should be obvious, and, you know, nobody likes to [audio difficulty] im just going to point out something that should be obvious. And, you know, nobody likes tariffs. I agree theyre sometimes a good influencing tool, and they can help to influence behavior. But in this particular case, didnt we just do a deal, right, with mexico and canada . Isnt the Vice President , you know, touting this deal with trudeau right now . So if we just did a deal, why didnt anybody talk about this in the deal . Couldnt they have layered these tariffs into the deal itself . Not to mention that if youre trying to have leverage with china, then you might want to keep the pressure on china. Because by now putting it on mexico as well, this means any of those chinese entities, american entities that were operating in china that were maybe thinking about moving to mexico because, you know, it would balance out, you wouldnt have as much in the way of transportation costs, etc. Well, now suddenly thats not going to make as much sense, so maybe you have a little less leverage for china at a time when you kind of need it. Anyway, its still a problem that we have this many people trying to cross illegally into our country, more than 500,000. But is tariffs really the right approach to deal with that . Former acting i. C. E. Director tom homan, joining me now. I know youre not an economist, but i i want you to walk us through the problem and what you think mexico can do in order to show that it is trying to stop the flow of all these Illegal Migrants into the u. S. Mexico needs to keep their promises to this country. Every so often you hear mexicos arresting this group and deporting them, or theyre stopping people on the border in small numbers. Theres always a dog and pony show, but theres no sustained operation in the country of mexico. And, look, if you look at the facts, you know, the criminal cartels are operating with impunity in mexico. I mean, its against the law in the country of mexico the traffic women and children. But hundreds of thousands of women and children have been trafficked through mexico in broad daylight, and nothings being done about the criminal cartels that are controlling this. And the president s making the right move right now. I know its controversial, but its the right move because its a critical time on our southern border, trish. Were releasing family units, were releasing children because of Court Decisions and the trafficking victims act, but were at a crossroads where i. C. E. Is running out of money and beds, and we may be at a point in the near future they may be releasing single adults trish can i jump in for a second, because a lot of these people are coming from, as i understand it, central america, right . So mexico, in some ways, has kind of the same problem that we do, right . In other words, we cant control our border, mexico cant control its border. So youve got people coming from honduras, guatemala, probably very soon people coming from venezuela because they have a severe crisis there as a result of the economic challenges. So everybodys going to be coming up. They come through mexico to come to u. S. What does mexico need to do to stop the them coming into mexico in the first place . Do they need walls . Well, they need to secure their southern border, but what they really need to do is dismantle the criminal cartels that are running these operations. Look, these people arent coming up by themselves, thousands of people. That group of a thousand that was arrested a couple of days ago, thats not by accident. Theyre pushing them through one sector of the border trish i guess im getting at, you know, its our country, and i realize that the democrats arent so willing to help out on this one, but it is our country. And so, you know, theoretically we should be policing our border. And, yeah, mexico can help. I dont disagree with that. But i do question how exactly are we going to measure their help, tom . In other words, if they do they just need, does the president , does the administration need to see a little more love, a little more cooperation, or are we going to say they are numerical, you know, examples of what we consider help . We need to see sustained enforcement action. Look, i. C. E. Has several attache offices with special agents, u. S. Special agents in mexico that can watch what theyre doing. They are not doing anything, so they need to at least show our country that theyre enforcing at least their own laws to stop this trafficking in women and children. Look, this isnt a soft issue we can walk around. 31 of women are being raped. Thats a Doctors Without Borders number. Children are dying. Criminal cartels are making billions of dollars, the same cartels that are murdered [inaudible] enoughs enough. Mexico needs to step up trish okay. But, you know, tom, you know, i dont disagree with you. They need some law and order in mexico. They could use a little in honduras and in ecuador and guatemala and the rest of these places, okay . But we also are responsible for ourselves, and to this i get back to democrats and their unwillingness to actually enforce the border, something that they at one point believed in. And i look at this tariff plan, and i question what kind of damage this is going to do to u. S. Because if you see this ratchet up to 25 tariffs, okay . By with october 1st, if we decide theyre not doing enough, 25 tariffs, the u. S. Consumers are going to be paying for all that. All that good stuff that we get in mexico, were going to be paying 25 more for. Look, i agree with you. Youve heard me say many times on this show and other Shows Congress has failed the american people. Chuck grassley went and did his job when we had the house, the senate and the white house and closed these loopholes trish exactly. Number one to blame, but the congress is not helping the the president , the courts arent helping the president , so this president s taken bold steps the secure this country. Hes being a president and doing everything he can to protect the United States trish look, its creative. I dont know if its going to work though. Okay, tell me what you think about [inaudible] it doesnt matter. We are in a crisis. We are losing our sovereignty. United states citizens, weve got enough angel moms and angel dads. Weve got enough of how much illegal immigration has cost this country trish so police the borders ourselves. Lets police ourselves, police the border, put the pressure on the democrats to get the money you need to do what you youve t to do to make sure were secure. Look, ive been up on the hill for the last two years trying to get them to close the loopholes, they are not doing it. They hate this president more than they care about the security of this country. Theyre not going to help. The courts arent going to help. This president s taking bold action, and i support him. You cant put a price on protecting america. You cant put a price on securing the border. Theres no downside in securing the border, theres no downside on less drugs and illegal immigration. If it costs tariffs trish okay, im going to tell you this though, tom if americans are hurting come 2020, if the economy is not doing as well as it is right now because of things like 25 tariffs on anything coming in from mexico, people are not going to be as willing im just pointing that out, okay . We need a good economy to be talking about tariffs down there, especially when we just did a trade deal. Tom, its good to see you. Thank you as always, sir. Tom homan. Dont you just love how the left loves to paint liberal women as enlightened and so independent and so great and smart. But conservative women, theyre just controlled by men. Due to ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should. Trish well, now a ucberkeley social Sciences Dean is accusing conservatives of wanting to put its nice. You got this woo of all the moments you share with your best friend, the greatest could be the moment you save her life. Every Second Counts in cardiac arrest. Learn handsonly cpr and be the difference for someone you love. Trish a shocking new report revealing that north korea has executed five officials over the failed kim trump hanoi summit. Secretary of state mike pompeo says the u. S. Is looking into these unverified reports. If true, we are not dealing with rational negotiators now, are we . If thats the case, what is the next step that the u. S. Should make in a relationship that is clearly very volatile . Joining me right now is former United Nations ambassador and former governor of new mexico, mr. Bill richardson. Governor, good to see you. Thank you, trish. Nice to be with you. Trish wow. Whats your instinct on this . I know its just a report out of a south korean newspaper, but given what we know about kim jong un and his behavior in the past, do you believe that there could be some truth to it . I believe there is truth to it. You cant confirm it until we get more information in the next few days. But this is consistent with kim jong uns behavior. Hes eliminated family members, anybody that defies him. And what i think has happened is the summit in hanoi which was a failure for both of us, the u. S. And north korea has hurt him domestically with his own people. Sanctions relief is what he wanted, and he didnt get it. So he needs a distraction. He needs somebody to blame, and the spy chief who conducted the negotiations and some of his contemptlies that were part contemporaries who were part of the negotiating team, probably the reports are true. But i think it does present in this negative assessment of kim jong un an opportunity for us to get some kind of a deal. Trish wow. Well, youre optimistic, sir. [laughter] what do you mean . How do we get a deal with north korea . Well, this is what i would do, trish, and the president s not going to listen to me. But, one, the president should stop praising kim jong un, hes my buddy, we can work this out. Secondly, he should not contradict his National Security adviser who said that north korea shot two shortrange missiles in violation of the u. N. Resolution. The president said he didnt agree. But this is an opportunity for both sides to compromise on something that is worthy. In other words, the north koreans are not going to fully denuclearize. They have 40 nuclear weapons, a lot of missiles. But, you know, if they destroy a good portion of those with inspections and we find a way to have some sanctions relief and and let the president instead of just tweeting and deciding he can work everything out with kim jong un, let his negotiators, the special envoy, the secretary of state negotiate this. Now, it looks like the north koreans are now going to turn to Foreign Ministry people. Ive dealt with the north koreans. The Foreign Ministry people are a lot more reasonable than the intelligence people. But lets see where this thing goes. Lets not abandon it, but the president has to start listening to his key advisers which he doesnt want to do. Trish yeah, you know, its interesting you say that because i see a little bit of that myself. In other words, you see the president say one thing, both saying something else, pompeo and bolton usually a little more aligned on what theyre saying. But there are a lot of people that feel maybe ambassador bolton and donald trump are not necessarily the match made in heaven there because bolton is more from the neocon, shall we say, zip code, right . [laughter] and this president s more about just getting the deal done and not as much of a hawk, perhaps, on some of the Security Issues as bolton. So how do they is it a Good Cop Bad Cop kind of thing . How can they make that relationship work . You say he needs to listen to bolton more, but simultaneously if bolton has, you know, his heel dug in, essentially, on some of these issues, where does that leave them . Well, i think bolton is going to be shocked that im defending him here [laughter] but i do think, i mean, theres no question, theres no question, trish, that this is a violation of u. N. Resolutions. I was u. N. Ambassador. You dont have shortrange missiles ask the japanese. Theyre very, very concerned, and they said that to president on his recent trip to japan. So i think the president needs to say, okay, secretary pompeo, bolton, steven began, the negotiator who, by the way, is good work some compromise, work some other summit, which i know the president wants. He loves these summits. Work out a negotiate framework that says were going to make progress, its going to take years, but its worth the effort, because the Korean Peninsula trish [inaudible] yeah, thats what i say. And, you know, i know you just talked about mexico. I wish the president would listen to his secretary of the treasury and the trade negotiator. Apparently, theyre against these tariffs being imposed. I mean, weve got this treaty with mexico and canada that congress is going to be voting on trish kind of bad timing, right . [laughter] i dont its not good. Trish now youre putting in tariffs, so that doesnt entirely make sense. Yeah. But nobody listens to me, so thats all right. But thats why trish ucberkeley dean is singing the same exact tune, but shes taking it even further. She is accusing conservatives of wanting to put women back in their place. Coming up, you will not believe what else she had to say. Were going to show you. But first, new reports that second round talks between social dictatorship and the is an urgent message from the International Fellowship of christians and jews. There is an emergency food crisis for elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union. 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[voiceover] with your gift of just 25, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. It opened up so dnmany doors. Its a lifelong adventure finding all of these new connections all the time. New features. Greater details. Richer stories. Get your dna kit today at ancestry. Com. Trish all right. North korea, not so easy, right . Although were at the table. We are at the table. And i think donald trump gets some credit for that one. But not easy, harder than it looks. The china negotiations seem to be stalling out here, and iran, its going to take a little time. The president needs a Foreign Policy win, he could use it, and there might be one right under our noses in venezuela. Sources telling me that they actually got pretty close to a deal in norway before it all broke down, and we even learned that dictator Nicolas Maduro was willing to call for a president ial election. Thats kind of a big deal, because he said he had a sixyear term. He wassing willing to limit that. And he was willing to limit that. And the opposition was, apparently, willing to agree to that. Normally they say, no, no, no, maduros got to go. Now youve got a little coming together. Does this mean it could be salvaged, and what would that look like . My next guest says, yeah, it can be, and the president of the United States needs to lead these talks. Hans humes has been restructuring governments all around the world. Hans humes, he joins me right now. Good to see you again. Hi, trish. Trish all right. Do you think it can happen in venezuela . That would be a big Foreign Policy win for this president. How might that go down, as you see it . Well, i mean, ive said this before on your show, President Trump the a natural negotiator is a natural negotiator. I watched the interview with governor richardson, and he had some valid points. I think north korea is a very tough nut to crack and, obviously, you have to know whos on the other side of the table. But were at the table with him, and were making real progress. And while i think its fair to say that if theres a violation of the missile treaty in the u. N. And, you know, President Trumps advisers say this is a violation, maybe [inaudible] but in general terms, the strategy with venezuelas been very different. Theres been no negotiation and, yeah, i hate to say it, but it feels like theres been some kind of swamp thing that that hn america last policy thats been pushed on the president. Trish wow [laughter] all right, why do you say that . Just in simple term, venezuela is, has the Largest Proven Oil reserves in the world. They have a tremendous amount of potential economically for themselves and for the u. S. Traditionally most of the production that venezuela [inaudible] went to United States. Were in a situation where its been pretty obvious for the last few months with the pressure thats been put on that the regime in venezuela wants to negotiate. Now, clearly, theres some nonnegotiable aspects, and we do want some sort of respect for human rights. But i think donald trump, he came to table with north korea. Weve gone nowhere with them. Now even governor richardson, whos a democrat, is saying that theres a deal to be had. So why [inaudible] donald trump wanted to do a deal with them. How much of an impact can north korea have on the economy of the United States . Some but not a lot. Venezuela, why shouldnt we be doing a deal . Why shouldnt we be involved in these negotiations and i think we are and come out with some type of compromise that really puts americas interest first . Not trish youre saying americas interest first, that gets back to is it a lot of oil . That would help us in terms of oil prices, it would help them in terms of having the technology that they need to get all that great oil out of the ground which right now they cant, and it would give them which would provide some stabilization for their economy . Absolutely. And we have the technology that they need to extract the oil, and our gulf refineries are dependent on their oil. I mean, i said the last time i was on here the russians are making hand over fist filling in the gaps for the oil that were not getting from venezuela now. So we use the sanctions, the country is on its heels. If they want to negotiate, i would hope that in these negotiations we have the steady hand of the president and were not listening to any kind of voices that are saying that we should be confrontational and make a political example out of the country. Trish ah. So the steady hand of the president. He understands business, he understands economics, he understands, i think, realism which is that, yeah, theyve got all that oil, that would kind of make sense given that weve got the technology to get the oil. And also we dont want the russians there. We dont want the iranians there, the chinese there. Theyre right here in our western hemisphere, makes sense for us to have some involvement. What do you mean though when you say the president needs to get involved . I mean, do you just sit juan guaido down and nicholas nicolao and say, okay, guys, were going to work it out . I think President Trump may want to come out and acknowledge that there are discussions and maybe put some sort of tacit blessing on it if it goes on for long enough, he may volunteer to get involved personally. He knows how to bring this to a held. And while flattering kim jong un might not make sense on the surface, its worked to further our own interest. Theres obviously a huge political compromise going on with north korea. If, you know, i think President Trump can understand that if we get 80 of what we want through a negotiation, we can get to point where chevron today went to the u. S. Treasury to say, hey, listen, can we have a license to do business there . Doesnt have to do that. If its a deal that venezuela welcomes chevron. My sense is every part of the political spectrum except for one small, narrow niche wants American Oil Companies there. So why are we creating a situation where youre going to have Russian Companies getting what chevron wants, exxon wants, and they can do the jobs that will create the economic trish that makes sense. Okay, so youre saying you need a businessman in the room. Gotcha. You dont need washington insiders on this one. Trish the think tank folks need to step aside. [laughter] all right. Hans humes, good to see you. Thank you so much. Yep. Trish coming up, take a look at this amazing video. This is incredible. Youve got this Little League team out in iowa, and theyre warming up while a huge tornado, check it out, looms in the background. Can you imagine seeing that . The kids didnt react at all, and were going to tell you why. But first, its [inaudible] ucberkeleys new social Sciences Dean is accusing conservatives of wanting to put women back in their place. My next guest is a conservative woman who says liberals may be shocked, but she thinks for herself, and she makes her own voting decisions. Voting decisions. Shes responding to all back then, we checked our zero times a day. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why theres ocuvite. Screen light. Sunlight. Longer hours. Eyes today are stressed but ocuvite has vital nutrients to help protect them. Ocuvite. Eye nutrition for today. At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Trish right now, the wall street jou is reporting that the Justice Department is preparing an antitrust investigation of google. Sources say the doj is expected to examine the tech companys practices related to search and other businesses. This is very, very interesting, because this is a big company, right . Were talking google. They kind of control the whole Search Engine thing, right . Nobody else has really had a chance. Nobodys really done well. Google, of course, now is a verb, the google someone, and now the dojs saying, okay, maybe youre getting a little too big. Maybe you need to splinter off. Wouldnt that be fascinating . So, again, we have just seen this, the doj is preparing in the antitrust lawsuit, this probe into how googles doing its business. Dont forget well, weve shown you before all that footage of everybody crying when donald trump got elected, remember the next day . [laughter] maybe it was more than just donald trump. Maybe it was the threat of Something Like this. Anyway, lets move to this, switching gears. The university of californiaberkeley is just announcing a new social Sciences Dean, and now a moment in one of her flashback lectures is getting a whole lot of attention, undeniably leftleaning, but her comments here measured, intellectual and refraining from attacking conservatives. However, youve got one instance thats totally making headlines because it is so awful. Watch. Trish okay. So this dean gave in the lecture on womens day back in 2017, and no one in the class pushed back. Of course no one, no one pushed back. Its academia. Joining me right now, trump 2020 Campaign Advisory board member, madison is going to push back and rightly so. Madison, first off, good to see you. Good to see you, trish. You know, i listened to this, im not at all surprised that this is coming out of the mouth of someone from ucberkeley, but at the same time, she is so off base. I look at the Republican Party as the party of eternal optimism, as the party of opportunity. We look at whats happened over just the past two years as a result of republican and rightwing ideology. Women have experienced the lowest Unemployment Rate that weve seen in over 65 years, many minority women experiencing an alltime low. We look at over 70 of women that have children under the ainge age of 18 are part of the labor force. They see deregulation impacting their businesses in a positive way, so i dont understand why people arent pushing back on this, but i do understand why a lot of people in the classroom wouldnt be because of what were seeing happening to students. I was one of those students in law school, i went through this. Trish in some ways its like they [inaudible] they are painting anybody who dares to think differently than them as uneducated, dumb right. Trish deplorables, effect effectively, right . People are saying it doesnt mean that i dont believe in equal rights for women, that im somehow racist or homophobic or xenophobic, you name it, because theyve got a whole bunch of labels for anybody who dares to think differently, dont they, madison . Of course. And the majority of republicans and conservatives are not racists, theyre not uneducated, theyre not dumb. They simply have different ideas of how we reach our goals. So a lot of these liberals are coming out consistently for years now saying they support diversity. But that support for diversity is stock for them when it comes to diversity of thought and opinion. And thats one of those important things we should be seeing on college campuses. Trish i hear ya. Madison, good to see you. Coming up next, an Iowa Little League team warming up during a huge tornado, and none ahhhh were here. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our memorial day sale. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Only at a sleep number store. Dont miss the final days to save 1000 on the new queen sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Ends sunday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Corey is living with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. 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Oral Combination Treatment termites, were on the move. 24 7. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. danny after a long day of hard work. You have to do more work . vo automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. danny every day youre nearly fried to a crisp, professionally vo you earned it, were here to make sure you get it. Quickbooks. Backing you. Trish it seems like nothing can keep these young iowa Baseball Players off the field, and i mean nothing, because check this out. Incredible video, these Little Leaguers are playing baseball despite a tornado looming in the background. This just happened a few days ago. The father who recorded this video assures they were never in danger, and most kids on the field didnt even know what was behind him. Thats dedication, right . That must have been one heck of a baseball game. Good for them. Maria bartiromos wall street week is coming up next. I want to wish all of you a great weekend, enjoy, and ill see you right back here, because weve got a lot more news to cover on monday. Enjoy it, marias next. A tv hitmaker loves animals. He turned that creativity on animal rights, and it was unbelievable. One dog he rescues is offthecharts dangerous. If its a scale from 1 to 10, columbos a 12. When the hollywood owner dies, columbo becomes their strange and expensive inheritance. Acupuncture for a dog . I know were in los angeles, but really . [ dog growls ] is it all worth it . Your kids could get hurt. Youre willing to take the risk. We made a commitment to healing dogs and showing other families how to do it. Welcome to the weird world of pet inheritance. So, are you leaving your home to the birds . [ bird squawks ]

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