It feels to me the next couple years should be quite strong. You will see businesses expecting and i would expect the next two years to be on the current path to be good years for the economy. Charles fire . Tammy, i have been watching these things for 20 years. Some of the classic dustups between Maxine Walters and allen greenspan. But they beat him up today and would not accept the fact that this economy is on fire. Tammy you have them on display to edit into a commercial for people back home. That does no one any good service because people at home are already benefiting from Donald Trumps tax cuts and tax reform. But they are still stuck within that pit of not being able to embrace the fact that everyones lives are improving. They are part of the government but they refuse to. But it also speaks to the fact within what they are stuck in, the financial aspects, they dont want the American People to do well because it hurts their political prospects. I want them to be a loyal opposition thats strong so the republicans will remain strong. Charles income inequality, the tax cuts. It was a hodgepodge cauldron. I saw a few episodes of Twilight Zone today. The American Consumer is optimistic. The american stock today was dillards. Thats where average americans shop. Wall street wrote this company 0 off years ago. Most of of the people on capitol hill have never been in a dillards. The dillards back in arkansas are neighbors. I will tell you years ago, they were having to reorganize and had stores closing. Look at dillards now, thriving, its great. One of the things you brought up that i thought was unbelievable. When the fed chair powell spoke today, people were look. They want to hear about rate hikes, how many rate hikes. They want to hear about inflation. Then i look up and i am hearing daca. Im no einstein in the economy, but i wouldnt be wasting precious time to get a certain amount of time to ask the fed chair a question as it relates to the future and ask him about daca, then Maxine Waters with diversity. They took up the time for the taxpayers and they waste it on that for sound bites. Charles they were grandstanding. There were long stretches where powell didnt say a word. Where one lawmaker was asked a question and used up all of his or her time and passed it on to the next person. It will be a shame because he barely got a word in edgewise. The democrats are behaving like lenin did when he took over e the gop will get their act together. Charles there are some never trumpers and democrats who conflate their animosity against the president of the United States against everybody. Go to a mall and you will see help wanted signs. People are getting raises. Not only in the top line but in the bottom line. Tammy 70 of our output is driven by the consumer. The tax breaks are only now beginning to resonate. What we worry about when it comes to the beltway and those involves in journalism, they get stuck in their own point. The president should be able to embrace the fact that at some point donald trump will be gone, but hell leave a stronger, better america in his wake. The democrats need to pick another argument to run against. Charles i guess they picked just antitrump. I dont think that will be enough. Its one thing to tell some with a clipboard in front of the mall and answer a survey. But when you gone into the voting booth, you ask am i better off today than i was. 8 months from now we could be growing 3 to 4 . When you have the ceo of Disney Holding fundraisers for schumer and they are saying the tax cuts work. That will be hard to sell. Tammy the democrats are invested in identity politic. This kind of economic renaissance affects everyone. This is the ultimate nonpartisan success of america. That is the kind of mentality i think should be certainly more pursued in washington. And its the kind of approach the president wants. If people can pay their bills and take their families on vacation, they wont be thinking oh the blacks or the whites, and more people enjoying happiness together. Charles economically success begets success. One of the goals of the Federal Reserve is to create the virtues cycle. But the money went to banks and big corporations and stayed there. As much as they talked about trickle down economics, its work. It is working. You dont have to believe the republican rhetoric. You can look for yourself. Corporations are bringing money back. The Corporate Tax cut rate has been cut. Look at the economy. It has been trickling down. Charles its been cascading down. I like the idea of an optimistic america. People on main street want to tune out dc, thats fine as long as they feel better about themselves. The better they feel, the better outcome will be for all of us. There seemed to be a disconnect within the Republican Party. Does the swamp need to be drained . And is this a generational divide . Well discuss that next. I take medication for high Blood Pressure and cholesterol. But they might not be enough to protect my heart. Adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. Because my Second Chance matters. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. The entire Community Came whtogether as a whole. T, it was such an overwhelming response to help others. No one thought that they were going to do this before it happened and everyone just did it. I think thats the way that human nature should be looked at. Ill stand by you. Ill stand by you. Wont let nobody hurt you. Ill stand by you. Was a success for lastchoicehotels. Comign badda book. Badda boom. This year, were taking it up a notch. 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Set a memorable wifi password with xfinity my account. One more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. Charles the gop appears to be in a state disarray ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. There is the establishment versus the antiestablishment and the thing about draining the swamp. Lets discuss this with jim demint. Jim, thanks for joining us. Charles, thanks for having me. The tax cuts have given republicans a lot of momentum and i hope they will keep it through the election. Charles if this was a race they would be laughing on the other team. One of the things is you have got a few different interests here. The antiestablishment socalled swamp and a lot of pressure being put on senator mcconnell. The younger folks are calling it the old bulls versus young turks. They want to work into the weekend. They want to get things done. Mcconnell is slow and steady as she goes. Follow the old rule book. And thats getting a lot of people frustrated. The best way to unite the Republican Party at this point is to stay on offense. We can open up Energy Markets and compress natural gas by expanding our exports all over the world. We could go through with the infrastructure bill the president talked about. Healthcare, when need to deconstruct obamacare. There is a lot of things we can do to give edrepublicans want to do to give evidence republicans want to do the right thing. Charles the urgency factor of getting it done. Today there was a report out that core anyone said infrastructure wont be discussed this year. I think everyone agrees what needs to be done. But people want to get it done. Mcconnell, why doesnt he go to the Nuclear Option. Once you cross the rubicon, they will have that ability as well. What about some the things you just mentioned . Right now we are having trouble getting 51 votes. Even with the Nuclear Option i am not sure how much it will change things and its nod good for the Congress Long term. Vote against an infrastructure bill that helps not only improve the economy but improves our infrastructure. We need to force the democrats to vote against these things the country wants. This is a class of culture a clash of culture. One of the things that drove me crazy was the penalty lets do it after the next election. Lets not do anything this year to make ourselves an issue. Thats a clash with the trump mentality. Lets get this stuff done. The republicans dont have to pass everything they try to pass. They need to show evidence they want to do the right thing and that will help them keep the momentum. Charles President Trumps businessman background there will be is always a sense of urgency and accountability. But you brought up the house and senate. We have seen tremendous clashes between republicans in the house and senate. The house feels like they are doing everything you just said. They are getting things done. But it dies on arrival at the senate. It is frustrating. I spent six years in the house and it seemed like the senate was a black hole. The senate is only working 2 1 2 days a week. Im convinced if they kept this thing open 6 or 7 days a week to get these nominees through that are sitting on the sidelines, would would see the democrats more cooperative if they couldnt go home thursday night and come back tuesday morning. Put pressure on the senate. But republicans need to recognize that the country is waiting for things to get done. Trump set that pace. If republicans sit on their hands between now and election im afraid there will and lot less republican seats when this thing is over. Charles coming up, there is outrage over black unemployment rates. But their position on illegal immigration has hurt the black community more than anything they were outraged about today. I have the details. This looks better than 99 of the suvs out there. Its very modern. Sleek. Maybe the most impressive part of the allnew traverse. Is whats on the inside. Surprise what are you doing here . Ive missed you guys. I havent seen you guys in so long whats happening . We flew her out. Its a family car, we had to put your family in it yeah, it gets 7 thumbs up democrats and republicans have to do more about black unemployment. And unfortunately when a black person challenges the system such as i do, it becomes playing the race card. So let me say today im playing the race card. Because we have for too long aloud his condition to exist. Charles that was democratic congressman al green complaining about black unemployment levels despite the rate being at a 45year low. And businesses are still rolling out the red carpet for Illegal Immigrants and thats hurting those very same black americans. Joining me gianno caldwell. , and there is a report a massive bakery. Makes little debbie cakes. I. C. E. Raided them. A lot of illegals left. They hired blacks and paid them 14 an hour when they paid the illegals 10 an hour. We are talking about chicago and illinois. In 2010 it was reported thats they hit 700,000 Illegal Immigrants in chicagoland. You think about the policies coming down the pipes from the Democratic Party nationally and locally. These numbers are counted by the census bureau. This is insanity to me that we have to have these conversations and debate on a continuous basis when people are here illegally. This should be a nobrainer. If you are in the country illegally you have to face the consequences or penalty of law for that illegal action. If you put together a million black people there wouldnt be a conversation about being humane. A lot of people would be going to jail. Charles require doesnt seem like it helps the lawmakers and their constituents to advocate for the sanctuary policies and invite illegals into their neighborhoods. Thats the idea is everyone cant in as many Illegal Immigrants pass possible and it will all work its way out. Hispanic illegal immigration disproportionately affects black lowwage workers. So when you are competing for those same jobs, you have each ploirs who will exploit who will exploit Illegal Immigrants. I can under pay you as long as you dont go to the government to report it. Charles thats a hell of a falsiaafausian deal. Mayor man wells plan is to give i. D. S and killing the rule of law to Illegal Immigrants. Hes providing safe harbor for those who want not city. But yet you have shootings every weekend. You are putting resources into programs for folks who arent citizens. Although unemployment is down, illinois is still the highest unemployment of africanamericans much any state. You have policies being pushed forth and it makes no sense. I know why hes doing it. If he does havent a good hispanic turnout he wont win reelection for mayor. Charles i wish we had more time on this. I have some breaking news to share. Papa johns stock tanking after hours after the chain announced its ending is envelope rrl sponsorship deal. Well bring you any update as we get them on that particular story. The stock has been a disaster for over a year and its more than just the nfl. Delta cut its ties with the nra. The question who is will blink first. Charles hazmat crews on scene in virginia. People have fallen ill after a litter containing a substance was submitted. Well keep you updated at this, in arlington. Casey kagel, fires back at delta airline, threatening to kill 50 million tax break after the airline cut ties with nra, slamming airline, saying, i will kill up unless Company Changes its work relationship, corporation cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back, digita delta headquarters is in georgia. With me now ned ryan. Without without correspondent, sarah, let me start with you. This is huge. How is it resonating in dc . I think there is a lot of outrage, on the left, at the fact you have a government, threatening retaliation against a corporation for taking up political stance they den agree with. I think from a conservative perspective, you do have a lot of skepticism upsetting this precedent where you have a corporation exercises free speech rights. Then you have a Government Official threatening a punishment in response. Georgians and people in country are free to exercise their own free speech rights and boycott delta, but i dont think that anyone wants precedence set of government involved in this political dispute. Charles ned . No, i agree. With sarah. Here is the thing, charles, delta made a political decision, and hoping they could get away without consequences. You make these emosqual decisions emotional decisions from pressure by teenage social justice lawyers you get into these mess es. Nra members dont join nra to get corporate discounts, it is the opposite. If delta wants to cut off its nose to spite its face, more poupower to them, but i agree, i dont like when republicans use government to pick winners or losers, i prefer to let American People and people of georgia pick winners and losers, saying if we dont like delta decision well just boycott them. Charles were tracking about gun de talking about gun debate, a lot of focusing on able requirement age requirement. I am not sure how much of a difference it will make and white house is on this, do you think it would be a step in right direct if we had a federal mandated age of 21 years old for handguns and rifes. I believe it is say step in right direct, but i agree, i dont know if it would have prevented any of the attacks that weve seen, i do think that congress is trying to do something. I would hope there is a lot of outcry after this parkland shooting, i think has now called for action. If this is say small step they are going to take to allow for more debate to continue to happen around what we should do and look at and what regulation maybe should change in light of this, then that is a positive step. Charles ned, you wrote an article about this two days ago. I did. You know, i think there is virtue signaling going on, average age of mass shooterrings in america is 35, not sure what bumping age to 21 gets us, i am not hearing solution from left how he make our schools safer and harder targets, i think that we need to go, i have said it before, we need to repeal 1990 Gun Free School zone act and allow teachers to have ability to center conceal carry. Instead of saying were raising age to 21. Charles sarah, it looks like a mixed solution, federal things driven by white house, local action like today in florida with a press conference of some parents of victims, they would like to focus immediately on making schools safer, and the gun debate later. You see democrats making this debate about guns, and republicans about school safety. And letsal reality you may need a legislation that addresses both. But on the issue of Arming Teachers or allowing guns into schools, that is something that is more likely to be addressed to local levels. Because states by state have vastly different regulations about the guns. And semi automatic would have affected outcome in parkland because news news wa nikolas cr9 and he legally purchased a semiautomatic weapon. All right, well continue to cover this. But weve run out of time for this segment. Thank you. Charles stocks closing lower for the session. Im not worry about that. I want to talk about new Federal Reserve chairman, he had a lot of insights, i have two of the best to help us unpack that, next. Charles President Trump reaching an agreement with boeing to reduce government Purchase Price for next generation of ai air force one aircraft, saving 1. 4 billion bucks. . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. But im not standing still. And with godaddy, ive made ideas real. I made my own way, now its time to make yours. Everything is working, just like it should charles fox came out today with vigor, because of continues sign of consumer strength. And department stores, dillards, and macys with strong earnings. Offers guidance above concensus. And earnings, and bookings, sort of mixed. As for broad market, i view today like trading that happens after the fomc meetings wrap, mostly a guessing game. Through thought the true thought analysis of what fed said well have more tomorrow, and i believe that powell, took more abuse than normal. There were questions about things outside purview of fed. Incolludeing daca. Including daca. With all that push and pulling will powell there were answers that gave us glimmers to real solution for real problem. Post tax cut corporate windfalls, after acknowledging stagnation of middle income. The check list, education, entertainment and skills. Conclusive we need a highly educated workforce, then answer to question. From representative from nevada suggesting higher minimum wage could correct of issue of rich getting richer, powellry mid over long period of time only stannable way for wages to go up is for productivity to increase, that is a funk funktion of investment and people skillings, but profi productivity has been, how do we turn that around, a sorry tally. And less than 2. 2 from 1990. So for more on powells testimony and fate of monetary policy, lets ask two of best, jeffrey cleveland, and john hill seth for wall street journal. Productivity miracle, Alan Greenspan talked about it all of the time. It ended when the Technology Bubble burst. We have this technology but that does not show up in productivity statistic, you may argue that technology is going to please our not leisure not the work, think about your kids sitting on touch playing with instagrams or twitter accounts, that goes into making americans play better, other idea that coming but not here yet. You think about artificial intelligent, machine that can scan xrays and radio rams better than humans, that is a productivity is coming but be patient. Charles after the bell, amazon anointed taking over announcing taking over ring, they know everything about us, they watch us every minute of the day. Perhaps it is about leisure, but you think with internet, artificial intelligence, robotics, big data collecttion we would do better. Two things, delayed if you think about 1990s, greenspan enjoyed after effects of the personal computer boom, that started in late 70s and early rata 0s it takes take to show, it is ahead of us still, a lot of things maybe were not capturing correctionly, you need to measure output. You know in 1990s, i had 300 cds in a tower, now i have 30 million songs on smartphone in my pocket. I paid for those cds, i pay 9 for streaming service for music. My life is better. Charles does that mean productivity is doomed. It is set to boom in years ahead. That will be great news for American Economy and american workers. For american stocks that is really the key ingredient to increase prosperity. Charles quick, john, unwinding Balance Sheet. Or unplanne unblanca gonzalez ue sheet. How do they do it . Very, very, very slowly. They allow securities to mature without reinvesting. It will take years to get that Balance Sheet down, i dont think it will be near at end of this process, where it was when financial crisis started. New normal. Will be a couple trillion at least. Charles right, jeffrey, quickly, any chance they could make a mistake . That is a big question mark . I think it is over hyped if you look at Balance Sheet a share of gtp, it is 22 percent, not gdp, if you want to pick on a central bank, big bank of japan 95 of gdp that is a bigger concern in terms of its impact on the market than Federal Reserve. Thank you very much. We have been squeezed in a couple breaking news story, a program alert, tonight, you dont want to miss, tomorrow night rather, two big time financial expert, bill miller, and jeremy siegel. Both from forbeing conference in las vegas. Well talkhe economy and stocks investing. Keep it right here on fox business. Against national security, Supreme Court looking into a case involving your privacy in microsoft, well be right back. 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Charles in Supreme Court hearing argument in high stake case pinning Digital Privacy again our national security, at issue whether microsoft must comply with a wa warrant from a federal agent, that has to do with d trafficking. Here to discuss former federal prosecutor doug byrnes. Let me start with you. I guess they are located physically somewhere else is one thing. Weve seen this with encryption, certain data that Tech Companies have. And wont stair. Share with law enforcement. This is an interesting case, an application of America First doctrine. This started by office of ber aria appointed by president obama, Justice Department is still continuing on this track, they are trying to get emails from abroad. This is really extending going beyond what law allows, if Congress Changes law, they should be able to get this stuff. Charles there is a bill making its way through congress, and major Tech Companies back that. Some say it could alleviate this particular issue, at least Tech Companies going to Supreme Court, saying dont let courts handle this. Those who are watching this case, say this is a class imexample of law catching up with technology. When original law was passed in ave now u did not have the now. You know. Had been reached. It will be what was first decision . In favor of microsoft. Saying that the subpoena was beyond scope of u. S. , but the think this Supreme Court may go other way. Charles how would you hani cap it . I would like to think they would rule in 5 or of microsoft, i think that problem here is that rules of favor of government, what will prevent a foreign nation from demanding property in United States, from requiring for example not physical property is it . Where the actual data is stored, microsoft uses data. Charles but there is a big wrinkleo on it, both justices kennedy and alito, you can access this in 5 minutes with key strokes here in u. S. , and you are a domestic company, it close, but dell graphic with justice telegraphic, i think that justices may go other way. Charles it may Impact National Security or individual safety does that weigh on this at all . Or nothing with the law. That is argument that government is making this would hamper law enforce. , this is say narcotic traffics case, not national security. Charles if it was a terrorist . They had terrorist locked in that. About what they are doing, what different and bill you mentioned is supposed to have carve outs for this. For Emergency Exceptions that would not affect this case. We have mutual Legal Assistance treaties. Go through that through Irish Government and get the material. Charles small went something went wrong. Thank you. Justice department targeting opioid manufacturers and distributers, is it enough, next well continue to attack Opioid Crisis from every angle and work tirelessly to bring down the number of opioid prescriptions, we think there are just too many. Reduce number of fatal over doses and protect the American People. Charles attorney general Jeff Sessions announcing creation of a new Justice Department task force targeting opioid manufacturers and best dutiors disifdistributors. A sweeping 3 day limit in opioid subscription for initial pain treatment. This is worst drug epidemic, people are worried. There are people who suffer from pain. Who are becoming worried about things like having to wait two or their days before they their pain addressed. Are we pushing too far . I think this is something that has to be studied. Looking back, at data 2016 there were there 64,000 people who died from this, this problem this epidemic is costing 500 billion a year, reflect on my past, my mom, to be exact, during the crack epidemic, and i say impacts of my family, very draconian, i know something needs to be done. I would not say were going too far atthispoint, this is a very emotional topic, i know how drugs can ruin families and lives. The government is about time for them to fully put their weight behind Everything Possible solution. And study it out so we can see where can we go. There should not be another life lost over family legacy ruined because of the drug epidemic. Charles right, i agree with giano, i have dealt with it in my own family, it devastating, the life is lost, people are walking zombies, if they dont die. Amazing potential. So, it is good to see, i think to be frank, people want to see more, including perhaps at law. Most important americans can relate, my mother was addicted to vallum that is all i knew growing up. Great news of with what the attorney general is doing. They are concentrates on criminal aspect with pushers and that and perhaps user, to some degree. But going after and they are not signing on to lawsuit, but massive lawsuits that are against pharmaceutical companies, now Justice Department, will they are not joining it but they will assist. Now lawyers will have access to what federal government has, in being able to help with these elements, it important, you got whether native American Community or lawyers representing those individuals, africanamerican communities, all of us, who now have to face this then that extra billion dollars is important, as we take people identify, they go to heroin, time, it a big job, but this is if there is a job for federal government, it should be Something Like this, that could be handled at a national level. Charles you know, these Drug Companies like maker of codeine, medicine, they saw them flying off shelves, they knew it was not extra medical demand, here is lou. Lou good evening, a number of news events that are developing. A suspicious letter sickened 11 at a Virginia Military base. Hazmat teams responding to joint base meyerhenderson hall in arlington. Also attorney general jeffin sessions announcing Justice Department decided to investigate allegation of fisa court abuse by obama administration. And special Counsel Robert Mueller moved to drop charges

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