Meanwhile the wall street is reporting this morning the administration is considering ways the president could testify before special Counsel Robert Mueller we have reaction from the white house and capitol hill and Police Officers want reporter waited outside as a gunman committed mass murder inside a Florida High School could that be a game changer for whether teachers should be armed a closer look at that and a lot more right now as we look ahead and sunday morning futures. President trump responding to the release of the democrats countermemo. The president calling it a total political and legal bust. Meanwhile democrats are using the document to defend the fbi and the department of justice. The rebuttal seeks to undercut claims by republicans that the two intelligence agencies abused their powers in order to obtain a fisa warrant on a Trump Campaign member. It also claims that the doj officials narrowly used information from the antitrump dossier and officials did disclose details about its author to the fisa court. Joining me is the White House PrincipalDeputy Press Secretary raj shah. Good to have you on the Program Thanks for joining us. Good morning maria. Thanks for having me on. Maria the president was on fox news last night and he said the memo, the democratic rebuttal is fraudulent. How is it fraudulent . Well, the democratic memo was designed to basically undercut the republican memo. The nunes memo and basically failed to do that. The nunes memo raised two very important points, raised a lot of important points but the two most important were that this fisa warrant would not have been sought had it not been for this democratic dossier that was funded by the Clinton Campaign. The nunes or sorry the schiff memo doesnt undercut that. This was based on testimony base the fbi, Deputy DirectorAndrew Mccabe. It doesnt even address that fact and separately the nunes memo said the Funding Sources for this dossier were not disclosed to the judge. The democratic memo again it cites the fisa application itself and it says there was somebody who funded it that was designed to discredit the president but it did not state that it was from the dnc and from the Clinton Campaign so on these two very major points about being transparent with the judge and the degree of which they utilize this dossier, this phony dossier, they were not really able to rebutt the points made in the nunes memo so the president is right it doesnt undercut the serious questions raised by the nunes memo about the fbi and the department of justices conduct the year before last in this fisa warrant and this investigation altogether. Maria because we know that they tried to say this memo tries to say that oh, you know, we did tell the fisa court that the dnc paid but it was a footnote that said this could be politically motivated instead of actually giving the facts and say look, the democrats paid for this, they went to seek dirt on an opponent a political opponent and this dossier was never verified, so what happens now, r aj . Well i think these are very legitimate questions that have been raised. I think that the fbi and department of justice have to answer for them and have to make clear the manner in which this investigation has been handled. Again this is part of an ongoing set of issues that weve seen with the fbi and it goes back to frankly the Hillary Clinton email investigation and it has to do with mishandling of that politicizing that investigation, politicizing this probe. We know that the department of justice as an Inspector General report we expect to see in the shortterm. These issues have been raised we think theyre very legitimate and the fbi director chris wray begun the process of clean ing up the northbound but we want a clean fbi that is aboveboard and a thousand agents in the fbi proud of who risk their lives and who work very hard to defend this countrys security and, you know, enforce our laws so we want to see the fbi cleaned up. We think this these dualing memos and the transparency about this process is a step in the right direction. Maria you know its hard not to connect the dots and say oh, the fbi and the doj has been so politicized focusing on this witch hunt of where is the russia collusion between this president and the russians when we know there has been zero evidence of it and then see all of the failures. Im sorry i lost the audio here. Maria raj, do you hear me now . All right, raj is obviously los ing audio were going to fix that and get right back to it in the men time lets take a quick break because we do have brand new reaction from the democrats releasing their muchhyped countermemo the original version blocked by the white house over security concerns but the redaction tied to specifics in the russia investigation my next guest one of the few lawmakers who has seen the intel behind both memos, that is congressman John Ratcliffe will join me live coming up next follow me on twitter at Maria Bartiromo at sunday morning futures let us know what youd like to hear from raj as well as John Ratcliffe as we look ahead right now on sunday morning futures. Alberto gonzalez coming up live back in a minute. Tomorrow, its a day filled with promise and new beginnings, challenges and opportunities. At ameriprise financial, we cant predict what tomorrow will bring. 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Maria welcome back we are back now with White House PrincipalDeputy Press Secretary raj shah and raj, we want to get back to our conversation of the fbi and you know its hard to not connect the dots of all of the focus on this narrative of collusion between this president and the russians, when in fact we see so many failures on the part of the fbi and the president tweeted about this a couple of weeks ago basically saying look theyre so focused on finding collusion and taking down trump that were seeing mistakes elsewhere. Lets take a look at some of the tips and warnings missed and then of course that tragedy in parkland, florida we are focused on and opened a whole new debate. We know that the fbi did get tips, the local police did get tips about nikolas cruz we have a timeline showing right now in terms of on february 5 neighbor s son tells cruz planned to shoot up the school. Then on september of 2017 a blog ger warns the fbi about alarming comments from nikolas cruz followed by november 29 the woman who took in cruz tells 911 he has a lot of weapons and we continue seeing all of these other callers telling local police that cruz could be a School Shooter in the making. I mean, this is incredible what we are looking at and thats not just it. I mean, even just a month before we had commentary from people saying that hes going to shoot up the school and hes going to be armed and dangerous. How did this happen . Well rarely do we see a situation where there is so many red flags and the danger is so clear which makes, you know, the mistakes by the Law Enforcement agencies, the fbi and local police all the more alarming and thats why when the president is talking about reforms that we need to see his focus is not on banning this type of weapon or that type of weapon this or that firearm but on ensuring dangerous individuals who pose a threat to Public Safety like mr. Cruz in this situation are not given access to any firearms its the right approach targeted toward individuals who are troubling rather than removing the Constitutional Rights of all americans so we do see a serious break down at the local, state and federal level. You know its good that the fbi is being held to account for some of this stuff but its alarming. Its very alarming. We want to make sure these types of things cannot ever happen again. Its far too important for School Safety for our children that we ensure that when there are clearly troubled individuals that have this pattern of behavior and all these red flags that we identify them and take action before a horrible incident like this. Maria whats the answer though what does the president want to see then . Well the president has been talking to teachers, talking to family members talking to students also talking to stakeholders and, you know, he wants an approach that goes after this at several levels. We want to improve the background check system and a focus on Mental Health and also may want to raise the age for purchasing semiautomatic weapons hes looking at ways to harden schools and ensure that teachers who are trained can carry concealed weapons and deter these types of incidents so hes looking at several options and ways to again, the focus is on hardening our protection so that way were frankly playing offense and not just defense with these types of situations but also making sure that when you have troubled individuals we strip their access to all weapon s rather than taking all weapons from all individuals. Maria all right you know what were going to leave it there because were going to talk with John Ratcliffe about this as well. The White House Legal Team apparently considering ways the president could testify before Robert Mueller. Is this going to happen . Well the special counsel has been in touch with the president s personal attorneys and legal team. You know were going to allow them to carry on that conversation as the white house and administration weve been fully cooperative with the special counsel because as the president stated many times, theres no collusion. Theres no obstruction there will be no findings of wrongdoing and we look forward to the special counsel finishing their process and exonerating the president. Maria we will leave it there ra j, thanks very much for your insight we will see you soon raj shah joining us this morning at the white house, the white house intelligence releasing a redacted memo yesterday by the democrats after President Trump blocked its release two weeks ago over security concerns there were methods and sources in there. In this memo the committees top democrat adam schiff refutes claim and he states that the fbi and Justice Department did not abuse their surveillance powers when they sought a fisa warrant but this rebet all leaves out key facts about the fisa russia investigation how it came to the decision to investigate former Trump Officials want to bring in texas congressman John Ratcliffe one of only three lawmakers who has seen the intel and sits on the house judiciary and Homeland Security committee and is a former federal prosecutor. Good to see you congressman thanks for joining us. Hi, maria. Maria your most important takeaway from the democratic memo. Well whats important to takeaway is on page 5 of the democratic memo where they admit that although Hillary Clinton and the dnc were not disclosed to the fisa court they argue that the court was provided with sufficient information from which to understand the political context of steeles dossier. The problem with that is theyre saying the court could have figured it out and thats not the standard. The court, the fisa court must be told. They must be told clearly, expressly, and fully and in this case they clearly were not told about Hillary Clinton and the dnc, about steele hating trump and being desperate from keeping him to becoming president for his relationship with bruce ohr and his wife at the department of justice or the fact that steele was the source of the yahoo article. All of those thins should have been disclosed expressly to the fisa court and warrant and the democratic memo acknowledges that. Maria thats the primary take away but theyre saying it was in a footnote that maybe it was politically motivated but you stated out as your colleague devon nunes did this weekend at cpac. Here is what congressman nunes said on saturday. One of the things in the democratic memo theyre all hot to talk about is that in a footnote before the fisa court, they had put in a very convoluted complicated answer for something that was, you know , buried at the end, okay, of the application about that this was politico lit beingly motivated. Wouldnt it have been a lot easier just to say mr. Judge, we want to let you know that the hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic Party paid a lawyer who hired a firm who hired a Foreign Agent to go to the russians and get dirt on mr. Trump. Maria so there you go. I mean they investigated and wiretapped somebody because they could. They saw an opening isnt that right congressman . It is, and as devon said, you know, it would have been easier but what he didnt say was it was also required. Again, the fisa court is an ex parte proceeding where the other side is not represented so the government has the duty for full disclosure. Maria as federal prosecutors we have that obligation in every criminal case to give to the other side even when they represented the worse parts of the case and thats where a party is represented imagine what the burden is when theyre not represented and thats where we get into what should have been expressly told to the court , that very clearly wasnt. The other point worth emphasiz ing is adam schiff goes at length to talk about the fact that republicans criticized fbi agent peter strzok and doj lawyer bruce ohr and that theyre unfairly aligned in this process. You know who doesnt think ohr and strzok did a good job . The fbi and the department of justice unless of course you believe that fbi agent peter strzok asked to go from Counter IntelligenceCommittee Agent to Human Resources clerk or believe that bruce ohr asked to be demoted not once but twice in a twoweek period. The fbi knows and department of justice knows they have a problem with the conduct of those individuals. Maria thats why weve seen what about 10 people either reassigned or fired from the department of justice or the fbi in the last six months. I mean obviously just reassure signing people for personal reasons doesnt tell the story but there are people who seem to be losing their position as a result but people want to know how will justice be served, congressman. I mean theres clearly nothing new here and the democrats have, well they have done what they wanted to do and that is muddy the water so tell us, where is the justice . Well i think that were putting a spotlight and bringing attention on processes here that the public hasnt seen before and i will say in the long term i think dualing memos from republicans and democrats about National Security issues is not healthy for the National Security debate but maria, we ought to be able to as members of congress agree on what is an abuse of the fisa process and one of the most troubling takeaways here is you have members of the house Intelligence Committee that apparently when presented with clear evidence of what is a fisa abuse dont recognize it so thats one of the focuses and takeaways here that i think we need to continue to explore. Maria there are way too much politicization going on in these agencies. Were going to get the Inspector General report in march because if it werent for the ig, we would not have known about the incredible bias at the top of the fbi. I do expect that to be out in about a month and what i expect it to say is that when adam schiff says that the fbi and the department of justice did everything right in this process , that the Inspector General will disagree with that. I think that the Inspector General will find significant departures of policies and procedures and protocols and precedents at the fbi and the department of justice and that theyre significant, so, you know, well see it will be about a month before we get that but thats what i fully expect because again, as a former federal prosecutor, maria, i see one unprecedented coincidence after another in these cases of things that ive never seen before in my time as a federal prosecutor dealing with National Security issues. Maria so you think people will be held accountable then . I do. And i think that thats part of having this discussion in the public view right now is ultimately healthy so we can make the reforms that are necessary to some of these processes. Maria congressman thanks so much for joining us this morning we appreciate it. You bet. Maria be sure to catch mornings with maria on the Fox Business Network tomorrow ill be live coming from washington tomorrow with two exclusive interviews with the chairman of the House Intel Committee devon nunes, my special guest tomorrow, ill also be speaking with House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy tomorrow big program out of washington for mornings with maria on the Fox Business Network please join me tomorrow 6 009 00 a. M. Eastern but first when we come right back were talking with former attorney general Alberto Gonzalez, were looking ahead on sunday morning futures right now back in a moment. Hello. Hi. Hows it going . Alright, how ya doing . Welcome so, this is the allnew chevy traverse. What do ya think . This looks better than 99 of the suvs out there. Its very modern. Sleek. Maybe the most impressive part of the allnew traverse. Is whats on the inside. 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I mean youve got these dualing memos about classified information. If you really cannot read the classified application and you can not read the classified source materials, its hard to know what is truthful, and its just for me its very disappointing and very disturb ing about whats going on with respect to our ins community our ins activities in washington d. C. And we really need to get this straightened out and i think it does us no good and i think theres a great deal of disappointment and discouragement within the department of justice. Clearly, some people did some things at the level that should not have been donald they should be held accountable but every time you criticize the department of justice, the fbi even if youre talking about the leadership it does great damage to the morale of the rank in file and that really disappoints me. Maria i think you make a really important point because people are not sure theres a lot of noise out there so let me ask you a question from 30,000 feet because i had Jeff Sessions on current attorney general on this program last week and i asked him, you know, why did you recuse yourself of all of these issues in the first place. Here is what he said i want to get your reaction. I believe i did the right thing the only thing i could do. I participated in this campaign and as such under explicit regulation of the department of justice on no one can participate in the investigation of a campaign in which they were an active participant. You cant ask other members of the department to follow the law and follow the rules if the attorney general himself refuses to do so. Maria i mean, your honor at this point, we know that the clinton email investigation was handled with kid gloves. We know they wrote on exoneration letter before they actually interviewed her and there was all this bias at the top of the fbi. Do you think Jeff Sessions should have recused himself of all things russia . Absolutely i think Jeff Sessions did the absolute right thing and the fact the democrats Obama Administration and clinton folks did something improper doesnt mean we should do so. Jeff sessions was advised by career individuals the right thing to do was recuse himself and he followed that advice and if he had not followed that he would have lost all credibility within the building so yes i believe Jeff Sessions did the right thing and im still confident in the department and confident at the end of the day well get to the bottom of what happened here. Maria its interesting when you have a special counsel you have to scratch your said and say you have to get somebody from the outside to investigate things what about the 93 u. S. Attorneys that work within the system or the 10,000 lawyers who perhaps could do this in terms of the special counsel you do believe then well see justice. There are a lot of open investigations right now that people are wondering where is the accountable, where is justice being served . Well theres no question listen i think when Robert Mueller was appointed i think its fair to say there was virtually universal agreement that he was the right person based upon his experience, based on his judgment and reputation and theres a lot of work thats ongoing within the department of justice. This notion that the department could not investigate the florida shootings and conduct this investigation into russian meddling is ridiculous. Maria yeah. The special counsel was the point of the focus solely on that and the rest of the fbi is focusing on the other issues the other challenges to the American Public today. Maria but does it hamper him to actually, you know, look at overseeing the fbi given that he comes from the fbi, given his relationship with james comey. It is something to be concerned about and im hopeful that bob will realize that there is proceed bias with respect to his relationship with james comey, there is perceived bias with respect to his previous experience at the fbi and that at the end of the day he will do the right thing and follow the evidence and reach the conclusion that is perfectly appropriate based upon that evidence. Maria its incredible how many leaks there have been sir. I want you to hear Jeff Sessions one more time from my interview last week tell us how many open investigations there are right now in the Justice Department where we are investigating leaks of classified data. Listen to this. There are last two years before i became attorney general there were each year there was three open investigations of classified leaks. Now we have 27 and were going after this aggressively. I have directed it personally, some of the matters involve this matter and some of it is a matter that im not recused on and we are pursuing aggressively maria so much politicization going on in these agencies, sir your reaction to that . Well i think that the fact that the numbers are so different may reflect the fact that there was less of an emphasis or focus ongoing after leaking in the previous administration. I believe its very important. We have laws on the book that criminalize leaking classified information. It is a job the department of justice led by the attorney general to prosecute those federal laws and so i think i fully support Jeff Sessions efforts to go after the leakers. Were talking about information thats important to our country and that information needs to be protected. Maria were talking about current sitting members of congress, congressman adam schiff people talk about him as far as going into meetings having confidential classified meetings leaving the room and call up reporters and leaking it well and that shouldnt happen and there are procedures within the congress that deal with members who are not doing what they should be doing but youre absolutely right. It is amazing how politicized all of this has gotten in washington and as i said at the outset this i believe jeopardize s the security of our country. Maria sir i want you to stick around. I want to ask you whether you believe that the countrys Second Amendment rights are being threatened. Stay with us well talk about that and whether or not Second Amendment is under threat when we come back and could new pressure from the trump adminitration be to reason all that as we look ahead on sunday morning futures after this short break stay with us for more Alberto Gonzalez. 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President trump frankly its a disgrace the sanctuary city situation the protection of these horrible criminals you know because youre working on it and the protection of these horrible criminals in california and other places, but in california that if we ever pulled our i. C. E. Out and said let california alone with them figure it out in two months they would be begging for us to come back. They would be begging. Maria judge whats your take on this . [laughter] well i dont think its ever going to happen because of course if you pull out that increases the threat or danger to our country not to mention the state of california. I quite frankly am of the position that listen. I have no problem with churches granting sanctuary but when you have state governments granting sanctuary in violation of federal law to me thats problematic and utilize whatever pressure you can at the federal level to ensure cooperation and compliance at the state level is something i think is worth exploring. Maria by the way were talking about individuals who are not only illegals in this country but theyre committing crimes. Well thats of course very true. Its something that obviously the American People are tired of seeing that and its something we need to get a handle on. Maria its not just that this president is saying oh, we dont want illegals and you better tell us whose illegal but hes saying we want to know when an illegal commits a crime so i have a hard time understanding how anybodies against that, but again, california wants to be sanctuary and they dont want the federal government in their business i guess. Well of course we live in a country where the notion was that most of the power of the government was supposed to reside in the states so supposed to be, you know, avenues of laboratories of innovation and trying out new ideas and so well see how it goes but again i support what the president is trying to do here. Maria we have seen too many cases of shootings at schools this year and over the last year , sir, and as a result, the conversation of gun control and the Second Amendment continues in the front and center for all of us. Your take on whether or not the Second Amendment is under attack and could be threatened . You know, i know this is a very hated political emotional issue and obviously emotions are still raw from the shootings in florida. Many of the measures that ive heard discussed i do not believe threaten the Second Amendment. Weve had background check, we know that theyre constitutional increasing them to include additional transactions would not threaten the Second Amendment. I think an assault weapons ban, not talking about all semiautomatic weapons but an assault weapons ban weve had it before and that expires that i dont believe threatens the second. Its not unconstitutional and pursuing more responsible gun ownership looking at Mental Health records making sure that our database includes more Mental Health cases where appropriate i dont believe threatens the Second Amendment so there are many things being discussed today that i dont think raise a constitutional issue. Now obviously the question is whether or not do we have the political will to get something passed to try to make our schools a little bit more safer. Maria we should also point out that we need to be following the rules that are already on the books. No question abet. And followup on tips. Obviously there are a number of warning signs with respect to mr. Cruz in florida and the system didnt work the way it should work and we need to find out way and we need to make sure it doesnt happen again. Maria sir good to have you on the program this morning thanks so much. Thank you for having me. Maria meanwhile north korea has left the door open for diplomacy with washington an en view saying that his country is willing to hold open talks with the United States. The announcement coming today as that official shared a vip box with first daughter ivanka trump at the closing ceremonies for the Winter Olympics in south korea and they did not appear to interact but it comes as the Trump Administration levels new sanctions. Joining me is gordon chang, expert on that part of the country author of nuclear show down. Good to see you gordon. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Maria your take on this an the most recent admission from the north saying we will talk to the United States. Well i think north korea wants to talk because sanctions, u. N. Sanctions and trump adminitration sanctions are starting to bite and were see ing even new evidence of this and that is for instance some people are saying the norths foreign currency reserves could run out by october and Office Number 39 which is the north korean slush fund is running low of money, so this is an indication that the north wants relief from sanctions and thinks that by talking to south korea and the United States it can get it. I dont think the trump adminitration is going to be fooled by the North Koreans this time. Maria some people say look, this is a killer. This is a person who doesnt care about human rights and talking about kim jongun and his country. Why does he care about sanctions do sanctions really work . Well sanctions will work, it depends on how much political will the administration has. It has a program which is instituted from the beginning of its time in office of really trying to come up with the money because if you dont have money kim jongun cant launch missile s and detonate nooks and engage in the giving rolexs to senior regime figures to buy their loyalty and that goes to the whole stability of the regime so sanctions are beginning to work but we need to do a lot more because we have yet to go after for instance the big power sponsors of north korea, russia and china, and until we do that were not going to be able to cutoff all the money going into pyeongchang. Maria is that what you want to see into the trump adminitration next . How has this trump approach been toward the north . Well its been good in a sense that the underlying policy is to cutoff the money. They signal to the chinese and to the russians that they got to get out of the sanctions busting business, but you know weve seen chinese ships on the ship toship transfers in the last couple of days thats a violation of last september u. N. Sanctions and theres been consistently north korean ships weve caught the chinese red handed and now we have to impose cost to stop the chinese from really very destructive conduct in supporting the north. Maria do you think china has shown a willingness to be on the side of the u. S. . I mean china, i think, has shown both ways right because china doesnt want disruption right outside of its doorstep and it doesnt want tons of refugees coming into china. Well on the refugees if theres a real collapse of the north korean regime those refugees move south because we demined about three corridors through the zone and they would rather be with other koreans than with the chinese who dont like them. They have too many conflict so they will move south but you know with regard to china, they are sort of moving in the right direction but thats only because trump has pushed them. Now trump has to i think go even further in order to get the chinese to do what we really want which is to cutoff that money flow. Maria well be watching that gordon great to see you thanks so much. Thanks, maria. Maria gordon chang weighing in there new trade talks for nafta begin this week and we want to turn back to the classified democratic memo it counters claims from republicans in the nunes memo alleging surveillance abuse at the fbi and the doj, our panel is up next with a lot on their plate as we look ahead on sunday morning futures stay with us. Experand the nx hybrid. Nx, with a class leading 31 mpg combined estimate. Take advantage of special president s day offers now through the 28th, on the 2018 nx 300. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. 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Maria you mean the fbi didnt tell the fisa court this is a democratic dossier . Thats the whole issue. And however you want to hide it and they hid it well by all of the redacting this was something paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the dnc to hurt trump and thats maria bottom line they tried to muddy the waters a lot mary kissel. This was an exercise but maria i think we should give credit to devon nunes and to the president for getting this memo out because the American People deserve to know exactly what happened in our Law Enforcement agencies, agencies which played lets be honest a very big part in the last president ial election. The gop memo made clear that the fisa court was mislead in several ways when the request was made to surveil a u. S. Citizen. The democratic memo does not in any way challenge those facts. It doesnt challenge the fact that the fisa court was not told of the dnc and the Clinton Campaign funding of the steele dossier. It doesnt challenge the fact that they used a yahoo news story that was fed by Christopher Steele and it also does not challenge the fact that bruce ohrs wife who worked for fusion gps the court was not informed of that nor was congress by the way, so whereas the gop memo was an exercise in clarification the democratic memo was an exercise, i think lets see all of the documents including that Court Application if we can do that without endangering sources. Maria by the way one more thing they did it four times. Right. Maria lets not forget they actually had to renew that fisa warrant to actually wire tap so for a year, they were overseeing and wiretapping trump aid and they used the dossier over and over again to renew it. Its also very important again carter page was a minor player in the town. Maria but thats all they could get. A oneman operation so wanted to do business and like a lot of these people that get in on a campaign on the fringe, the foreign establishment of the Republican Party did not support trump so these minor players snuck in there and they were not significant and never had meetings and did nothing but cause a great disturbance. Maria the democratic argument makes no sense at all because on one hand they say he was a major figure and the democratic memo suggests we had ample reason to surveil carter page but on the other hand you had Andrew Mccabe telling congress we couldnt have submitted this application without the steele dossier meaning that we needed evidence significant evidence that we didnt have to warrant surveiling this american citizen maria right and by the way, you have to remember that already, 10 people have been reassigned or fired at the fbi or the department of justice thats not a coincidence. They thought Hillary Clinton was going to be the president they were doing everything they could to basically maintain their role s and future roles at the fbi and Justice Department, period. Maria will there be accountability though thats what everybody wants to know because they did a very good job of muddying the waters and people arent sure where this leads next. Will we see indictments and people actually go to jail and get indicted as a result of trying to abuse their powerful position . The more important thing is what sessions said on your show last week. These leaks and thats what the investigation is the people that basically if they go to jail its the only way they go to jail. Maria 27 opened classified leak s. We will take a quick break and then when we come back President Trump fired up the crowd this weekend the annual conservative political conference cpac wrap ped up last night with a traditional straw poll. Who was the big winner well get our panels reaction as we look ahead next. Back in a minute. The day after chemo might mean a trip back to the doctors office, just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home, with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Applied the day of chemo, Neulasta Onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. 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First of all the conservative cpac is a coalition of the conservative elements of the party it was luke warm, he now owns this party and owns the conservative movement and in my lifetime there have been two other men who controlled the conservative party barry gold water in 1964 and ronald regan in 1976 and controls the party because they love what hes done. Maria thats incredible the straw poll 93 of the people said we approve. Which tells me how meaningful that straw poll actually is. I took a look at the real clear politics average maria and he still has over 50 disApproval Ratings, and another poll average shows the same kind of numbers so to me the big question is not whether President Trumps economic record is going to stand up to scrutiny but whether his popularity ratings will pull him down despite that excellent economic. Hes as popular as reagan was and as obama was at the end of the day his accomplishments his tax bill will make him more popular as time goes on hes at 50 and only one poll that is the daily poll now and 50 Approval Rating this week which is always a little higher for republicans but still moving in the right direction. Maria its gone up 50 right now ard coming to that poll but mary can he be a very successful president and also be a president who creates debate . In other words can he be our most successful president in the modern era and also our most unpopular and i think the answer is yes maria. What we learn from cpac is that look trump is trump. If we havent figured this out by now youre never going to figure it out hes not going to change this tonor style. Hes going to stick with what got him elected to the presidency. We found out in some of these interim races in virginia and elsewhere that that is really fired up the democratic base. Look at what happened in virginia for instance. Maria right. So the gamble that he takes is that look the record is going to stand by itself and my people are going to come out to vote. Who knows how thats going to turn out i have to say ed can cite polls i can but i frankly dont have a lot of confidence given what they did in the last election. Maria going into the midterms hes gotten stronger. At the end of the day people have to run on his record and if they run on his record basically he goes out and campaigns youll get a lot of his voters back out there and it will make a difference. The reality here is again its his party no one can stand up to him and if you do like john mccain did youll get slapped back as he did the other day and friends get rewarded. Maria ed rollins mary kissel good to see you both. 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But there is still