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House. Theyre confident they will. President arriving in West Virginia. He is expected to maybe mention this fbi memo hopes to declassify or in hopes of sport of releasing. It is either no big deal or beginning of a constitutional crisis. The best i can do, folks, gauge how wall street reacting to this. Collectively doesnt seem to care. President is in West Virginia. He picked up his biggest victory, 42 points. They dont get a more secure base than these, than these folks. I want to listen in. You never know what is coming did you know that. Number 2, gdp percentage. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you. God bless you. [inaudible] whoa, i like this guy. Neil you never know. Sometimes these things, sometimes you break news here. I always think when you get off, when the president is leaving well of the house the other night state of the Union Address, wouldnt you know just on his way out, making response about releasing of memo, caused all the dustup. You would have missed that if you watch standard coverage. Well watch this closely. Dow up 124 points. After the bell, heavyweights, apple, amazon, alpha get google, reporting after the bell. Better than half s p 500 Companies Reporting beaten estimates furthermore, only two, only two given downward guidance in the future here. Now for varying reasons, i want to posit. But by and large that is a pretty robust report. This would wrap up, once we do wrap it up, if it bows to play here, hello, it would be six in a row quarters weve seen yearoveryear growth in earnings, if you want to include revenues, seven in a row. A lot of people get caught up in the weeds like that. We have charlie brady, our stock genius reminds me of these footnotes in history. He defer to him. He is genius. If he says its a big deal, its a big deal. Blake burman on the fbi memo, causing predictable outrage, whatever were seeing here, it is coming out, right . The question is when . Reporter white house given every indication coming out, chief of staff, the president after the state of the union on tuesday who said it would 100 come out. Chief of staff john kelly on wednesday yesterday, said it would come out pretty quick. Now this appears a when, not if. Let me take you through the timeline as best we have it. One thing apparent talking to white house officials and source, they feel, very, very good how tuesday night played out. That is kind of why youve seen a low prefile. There wasnt a press briefing for that very reason. They want tuesday nights speech to bake n a source telling me, neil, one. Reasons will not come out or hasnt come out at this point because the president is giving this speech right now in West Virginia. So they dont want release of this memo to step on this this will be a another victory lap from the president that you will hear from him talk in West Virginia. Not only of the tuesday night speech but the last year as they have seen it with the economic Success Story of this country. They dont want to put it out, at least have the president officially sign off on it as this speech is is unfolding. So my colleague john roberts is reporting that the likely scenario at this point, this memo will come out friday morning. Deputy press secretary raj shah was asked by one of our colleagues on fox news, if there is a drop deadline that the white house feels they need to put it out. He would not say friday or even monday. The inclination he will sign off on releasing this memo. By the way i should add a source telling me when that does happen it will head back over to the hill and it will be released through that channel. There is also a debate raging about exactly what changes were made to the memo by devin nunez, the Top Republican on the house intelligence committee. A spokesperson for nuon needs saying it was minor edit. Top democrat adam schiff says sd off on the memo that there were changes to it. Nancy pelosi is asking for nunez to step down. His actions make him unfit as chairman and he must be removed immediately from this position. Two separate issues a whole lot going on. Bottom line we sit here and wait. It is coming, soon. Neil wasnt she the same nancy pelosi said anything that then fbi director comey had on Hillary Clinton, he should get out for the public disinfectant of daylight . What happened . Reporter democrats slammed jim comey at the end of the race. And then jim comey was fired by this president. There was a whole, oh, my gosh why do you fire jim comey. Neil right. Reporter they have been called out from both sides of the coin here. Nancy pelosi is taking her ire out on devin nunez. Neil politicians being politicians. Thank you very much, my friend that is the issue, release of that memo, what it could mean. Already democrats are crying foul about why republicans were reluctant to release a democratic memo essentially criticized this republican memo. So i dont know it is a mess, a total mess. The president were told welcoming all of this because would call in question the fairness and veracity of the fbi period. Back and forth we go, back and forth we go. We have a former assistance fbi director ron hosko . What are your thoughts release of this period . I know politics and be aware who is in charge and when and how it fits their argument and how, but this is going to compromise the fbi and now it is republicans in cabal of embarrassing the fbi and hurting its job and misrepresenting the good, hard workable, all those good patriots like when you were there. What do you say . I think there is certainly an element of that is very true. Certainly in my conversations with onboard fbi personnel as well as those who carried the badge for a couple decades there is a, certainly an impact on morale. That is not a positive impact. And ill tell you, neil, in my discussions with any of these guys, and women, theres nobody that i have spoken with that is looking to cover up misconduct. So i think if that exists it should be exposed, it should be exposed and handed over to the Inspector General in the proper way. I just am suspicious the manner that congressman nunez is working. Theyre not working in any kind of bipartisan way with the democrats on that committee. It raises doubts in my mind about what his true intentions are. I am certainly sensing the impact on the fbi workforce. Neil now, were told right now that the president apparently welcomes all of this kerfuffle because it will call into question the fairness and the impartiality of the fbi, at least when it comes to some key individuals. And that they had a bias against them using a trumpedup dossier, politically motivated, what were told after the fact is specious material as justification for going after trump folks. If that is what is in this thing, you can make the argument, all right, this is anomaly, outside the norm for the fbi, or both sides can start digging into it as to whether there is real bias going on there and that all of this started based on a false premise, what do you think . Yeah, look, i think this fisa pointed at carter page are the argument will be made neil that former policy advisor. Starting based on something that might have been pure fiction in whole . If that is the case made by the nunez memo, there will be loud voices saying this was foundational for the mueller investigation. That the supposition that page was in some way in bed with russians or being coopted by russians was perhaps foundational to the mueller case. Neil im sorry, i want to be clear on something because youre much better at this than i am, im a ignore ram must when it comes to this stuff, the issue, whether material came to light they knew even at the time was based on something largely funded by Democrat Party, democrats argued at the time those looking into it didnt know that i dont know what is true or not that didnt get out, that democratic memo reportedly said to clarify this, never to the out. I dont know what getting the democrat memo out, if it ever comes out, versus the republican memo. All i know the fbi doesnt like all this is coming to light. So it is going to happen anyway. What happens here . I think it really puts the fbi and doj in a very difficult position, in ways paints them into a corner. Look, the fisa process is classified. The information in it is, the process itself, the machinery itself is a classified process. Then i dont see how the fbi can meaningfully respond or doj can meaningfully respond, nor do they want to get into a public tilt for at that time neil ron, you do want to explain at the people how you seized on a report to take the next element to the fisa court to go after suspected spies, right . So you do want to understand, at least, how that happened, right . Yeah. I wish there would be good means for the fbi to explain that process with clarity in a way that their explanation might be challenged. It is just very difficult to do when youre doing it with classified information. In a classified system. Neil right. Nuances are going to matter. It is how the fbi affiant for this fisa characterized their knowledge, what they believed they knew, what they believed to be true, how she characterize that is going to be very important in understanding, did they overstate their case, or worse yet, were there, politicallydriven people involved in the process . You know, one last question, then youve been enduring all of them very politely, the issue from the fbi is shock and awe at this sudden emergence of a memo that would go public but didnt the fbi kind of create this by ignoring constant requests, demands from congress which has oversight and we could have avoided this entire situation by at least a little bit more cooperation on the part of the fbi . I know how politics plays out, believe me, but that in a way this rage or this sort of, hey, this is very damaging what youre doing is, has a little bit of phoniness to it . Well, that is a good question, neil. If thats true, then there is a price to be paid for. Ive been told by reasonablyinformed people that the fbi has been bending over backward to he provide congress all it asked for. Neil okay. I dont know the truth of that my fear we the public, we the people will not know the truth of this. I would prefer something in the open and perhaps something led by the doj Inspector General that gives us clarity on all of this. Neil get it all out there. Were at the stage now this hiding stuff is no longer filling the bill. Ron, very good having you, my friend. My pleasure. Neil the president will address this republican retreat very, very soon. Republican congressman Thomas Massey is there. Glad to know you made it safe, sir. We have had it back and forth on the whole fbi memo thing, if you dont mind me belaboring this with you. People saying republicans are playing politics. Not surprising coming from democrats who once said the same about the investigation by jim comey of Hillary Clinton. I understand how it is played. The fbi could be saying what you republicans are doing, what you devin nunez are doing, is bad. What do you say . Well, the memo needs to be released. If anybody is mad about whats happened here and the bias at the fbi, they shouldnt be mad at be gop republicans or devin nunez, they should be mad at james comey and mccabe and other highranking officials at the fbi because i think you will see evidence of bias in an organization that is supposed to be unbiased. Neil separately, sir, senator rand paul has wanted to know how it is peter strzok and lisa page had the access and influence they did . Certainly the level of access they did because of course they were very instrumental earlier on pushing for this investigation into trump personnel, namely carter page. What do you make of that and his request to find out how high up the security food chain were . I think its a great request. Dont forget peter strzok and page were working on the clinton email investigation. Neil right. They went straight to this other investigation. I really cant talk about how involved they were in it but yeah, its a great request by senator paul. Neil another senator john thune, said proceed carefully on release of this memo, expressing concern, other members of the Senate Intelligence committee havent seen that and he, he is concerned that this could, this could be delicate and be careful what you wish for, because it could lead to some props. What do you say . Well, i think chairman nunez has walk ad fine line and done it in a right way. The memo is only four pages long. The memo itself does not disclose methods or sources. I think it is fine to release the memo the as i read it i dont think anything in it should be considered National Security concern, other than making sure the folks at the fbi are conducting this investigation in an unbiased way, that is a National Security concern. Neil do you think regardless what happens with the release of this memo, were told the thinking of the president pushing for the release it would discredit the russian probe. He is not saying that. These are reports that were getting. Do you agree at minimum it discredits this whole investigation . Well i think the investigation should shut down now, or at the least mueller should tell us how much he spent, what he has right now and Tell Congress that in order to proceed because its, i think it is just going to metastasize, become a wild goose chase if it hasnt already. For myself, i think the investigation, the integrity of it already has been called into question. Neil sir, thank you very much for your patience on very busy breaking news day. We have to get back to hearing from the president of the United States. That West Virginia confab is on. President of the United States will do a lot of crowing about the tax cuts and the like he says are helping the economy. One more Company Heading into the mix of those, helping to share the loot with their workers. Lowes following its rival home depot with 1000dollar bonuses for staff. In case you think we keep a pecking order, it is about a quarter of fortune 500 companies sharing loot with close to four million workers getting average of 1000 bonuses at minimum. Well have more after this. We use our phones and computers the same way these days. So why do we pay to have a phone connected when were already paying for internet . Shouldnt it all just be one thing . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You can get 5 lines of talk and text included at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. Choose by the gig or unlimited. And now, get a 200 prepaid card when you buy an iphone. Its a new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfnitymobile. Com. Neil all right. For regulars viewers of this show, i follow a shows across a couple networks, never by the consensus, always dangerous to do so. Just look at contrarian points of views. For example, one of the more popular ones especially with the tax cut it would be very damaging to housing. Now it still might. But that consensus view seems to get stung every time we get a new number out even in anticipation of the tax cut to come, something that would be damaging presumably to homeownership, so far not proven to be the case. Weve seen that in u. S. Construction spending which continues to rise, buoyed now a lot of private money coming in to keep the goose goosed a little bit. National association of homebuilders ceo jerry howard is here. Jerry, when this was first cooked up in the house was not keen what he saw. Ultimately came out and supported it. Ultimately hopes with fingers crossed, eyes heaven ward it works out. So far so good, right . We are very pleased what were seeing. Number of new jobs being created in our sector, in all sectors of the economy, with will really drive housing demand. We believe the pendup demand combined from the recession and Strong Economy that it will counterbalance potential negative effects the tax bill might have had. Neil i come from the hightaxed states, new jersey. As you know my new governor, democratic governor, positive governors of connecticut and new york, that it will adversely impact them in unfair way. Housing in their state as well. For those in those states, what do you say . Is it bifurcated, i hate using that word, because i dont think i know what it means, but a different market in states like that from what is going on in the rest of the country but do they have a case . All housing is local. There are more than 20 markets here in the metropolitan new york area are absolutely distinct from one another. In some markets, i think in high taxed states, we expect a slight decline in house values. Neil mozilo says in those states, exact ally what is happening. We believe it will be shortlived. Neil really . We believe the natural economic drivers will take over. People in highend housing in hightaxed states, buy the houses they want to live there, not because there is a tax benefit to doing so. We think ultimately neil you dont want the value of what you have declining, right . If the value what you have declining isnt the fear it spreads . Maybe firepot spreads but will you sell house at declined value when you think you have equity put into it . Neil i understand. A lot of highend people felt in states hardest hit by the recession. They held on their homes and equity came back. I think hysteria for the tax bill will be shortlived and well have a strong housing market. Neil we have see individuals have chance to peek at paychex, with more takehome pay, many benefiting from corporations sharing the well with them, you think that offsets whatever those same individuals might lose on housing . Absolutely. More than that i think jobs that are being created will push up the demand for firsttime home buyers. Firsttime home buyers really drive the market. If we have a strong resurgence in middle class jobs and firsttime homebuyers, People Living in their parents basements in the recession neil not just in the basements. They could be on the main floor. Let me ask you about that. One thought on this is Interest Rates have been rising. We have a 10year note closing at 2. 8 . That is going to continue. Also whatever advantages you get from taxes. What do you think . We expect the fed to raise rates probably three times this year and two times next year. That will put 30year fixedrate mortgage at 5 . That is still historically low. Neil yeah. I dont think youre at a point yet, well not be in the near term neil youre not worried about Market Forces run amok . Another theory, that notes and treasury bond are hitting the market that is leading to backup in rates . Were more concerned about the costs of land and the costs of Construction Materials and president noted in state of the union, shortage of labor. Those are the biggest headwind were facing right now. Neil do you see a good housing year ahead . Were looking forward to it. Neil jerry howard, National Association of home bidders ceo. Were waiting the president of the United States. He will talk at the republican retreat. Were told he might make a brief reference to that fbi mem my e he could cover a lot of issues in the speech, including immigration where theyre trying to cobble together a deal. It could be falling apart. Well brief you on that. A lot more after this. The things we do to get ahead. Rising before dawn. Sweating it out. Tough to do it all. But we can always find time to listen to great thinkers and explorers whose stories take us places our hamstrings cant. All we have to do is listen. Download audible to start listening. Welcome back to cavuto coast to coast. Im Nicole Petraeus on live on floor of new york stock exchange. A turnaround on wall street. The dow had been down over 130 points. It is up 132. Highest point up 160, led by boeing, disney and pfizer. A close book at facebook, new alltime high for facebook today, approaching the 200 mark. Got as high as 195. 32. Jumping up over 4 at this time. Reporting as digital powered surge in profits for social media giant, despite fact users shave amount of time they use facebook. The stock is up 46 since last february. That is over the last year. And the rise in the profit for the Fourth Quarter was 61 . Today after the bell well have it here on fox business, well watch for google, amazon, apple, all reporting today after the bell on their quarterly reports keep it here on fox biz. We will give you the numbers as soon as they break. Neil. Neil we do. Look what is happening in West Virginia. The president of the United States ready to address the republicans gathered there for their retreat. The noise around all of this is fbi memo, whether that is pushing out all the other news that the administration would prefer getting out there. It really is in the eyes of the beholder on all of this. Washington examiner, White House Reporter and former george w. Bush speechwriter anna green. Im looking at this, what is at stake, gabby, the president could rightly feel a little paranoid here. Every time he has a good day or good night something happens to collapse it. This fbi thing might be the latest example of that. He always talks about, and white house talks about how that is deliberate. What do you think of that . I dont think this is deliberate. This is news weve been following for several weeks. It happened to coincide with the state of the union. Neil by the way this one is republicaninspired distraction but go ahead. Unfortunately it sort of distractioned from the speech gave on tuesday night. 48 hours after that all we can talk about the memo. There is so much anticipation surrounding the president s decision whether or not to release it. Seems like were neil the drama is gone. It is going to be released. Well find out about it, right . Sources in the white house are saying he is leaning toward releasing it, there is concern by the doj or fbi whether or not there should be redactions to take place to prevent sources and intelligence gathering method contained in the memo being exposed. Neil on that subject, senator john thune is concerned about that, that this without redactions, im making a leap here, just raw release could be a problem. That he is concerned, and not everyone, for example, on the Senate Intelligence committee had a chance to review this so there are republicans who are concerned. What are you hearing . I think it is justified they would be concerned. After all republicans are very strong on National Security and historically they dont always want things released, particularly senators like thune, like mccain. I think that is warranted. I think that the president needs to take that into account. He has a choice whether or not to participate in this distraction. Other chief executives in the past chosen to rise above the fray. Neil by doing nothing he could have it released, right, five days, which would be yesterday i guess . He could still without saying anything get it out there, right . Right, definitely. I think he could tell the fbi he wants a version of it because people want to see. But he needs to be aware, im sure his advisors are telling him that actually feeds the flames. Becomes something then, all reporters, people like me will be picking over the memo. What are the sources, who said what and it can really length init. Neil it is easy to play politics we try very, very hard, and i tell viewers, youve been on the show many times, gabby, i try not to be red or blue but green. The green folks, the money folks dont seem to care about this. I wonder when they are so nonchalant or dismissive whether theyre walking by the graveyard here and whistling too much . That this could be problem for the markets and a problem period, what do you think . A lot of people, including senator thune talked about the National Security implications releasing Something Like this, a detailed memo contains certain government see questions and allude to certain intelligencegathering methods. If this is released without any redactions or careful edits to make sure those type of secrets are not exposed it will have some effect on the market. Leading up to this moment of whether or not it is released weve already seen some of that. So there is a certain nervousness surrounding this. And something that is certainly going to have an impact whether or not the president does decide to release it. Neil anna, what would be the dig deal if we have disinfected view of the fbi . Democrats were concerned that jim comey was on a cabal against Hillary Clinton before he was and he wasnt, and he was, who knows . Republicans have their beef with security agencies over the years. We can all remember, at least i can, im much older than you guys, the pentagon papers, people who once trusted the pentagon and our most Important National institutions for their honesty, that once we got into it, looked into it, we found out theyre not always honest, not always forth right. Theyre often times driven by political motivations. What is wrong getting that out there . People need to remember. It is not whether people are biased or not, whether you work at an agency. Everybody is biased. Has to do, whether the bias, the leaning affects how you do your job. Like you alluded to james comey, first he was, then he wasnt. People can see that. The question becomes is it bad as president to be seen feuding with his own people . He needs to set a direction but when there is always these questions, is he going to fire the special investigator, is he not, at certain point it behooves him to rise above it and let people feuding for him. Neil i agree with that sentiment. Im sorry if i misrepresented myself. If you think there is clear indication at least early on they were targeting team trump or people around him based on something that proved to be a specious memo, we dont know at the time with his dossier, that they even knew at the time it was a trumped up thing, or for that matter funded largely by democrats but it bill the means by which they would go after a president ial campaign team. And that that should be looked at . That is something we want to know for sure but it doesnt need to be the white house that gets that out there. That runs risk of looking petty. Neil fair enough. That is one thing we never want to be, petty. I built a career on petty, ladies. Thank you very, very much. What a mess. I know if wall street is worried i know you are sick of hearing it has funny way to show it. They are selling a lot more bond and treasury notes. My gosh, will people buy them . Will Interest Rates back up and people panic and sell get out of dodge . , no, life is going on. The world is still going around and around and around. Well have more after. Whoooo. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Neil all right. We are waiting the president s remarks right now. Ahead of that i think speaker paul ryan, say that again, ralph . James lankford is on stage here. Multiple, they always treat me like grandpa here. You ever notice that . Neil, it is not the president yet i understand that, guys. Fondness for flannel. I understand adam shapiro is at this big event. Adam, what can we expect out of the president . Reporter well, we expect the president to continue the themes we heard during the state of the union speech. He is going to talk about tax reform and the fact that it put 2,000 on average back into the pockets of average working men and women here in West Virginia. Here are some excerpts from the speech well hear in a few minutes. The president will tell republicans gathered here in in West Virginia that were reaching our hand across the aisle in pursuit of Common Ground and common sense reforms in good for all americans this is in reference to not only Immigration Reform and and infrastructure and the potential to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild the nations infrastructure. On Immigration Reform the president is expected to, that the senate will bring immigration bill to the floor and im asking that it be the bill that the senate votes on. The senate, its a difficult story. Here is senator thune, number three republican in the senate had to say. Senator mcconnell has indicated, i think as you know, if we arent able to reach an agreement with respect to daca, by the ebbed of next week, that he intends to bring a bill to the floor debated to allow the senate to work its will on immigration. I think if we can solve daca and border security, that may be the best we ban hope for. Reporter and so when you speak to different representatives who have come over to the press center what they expect is that the senate will pass whatever it passes if it passes something. The house will pass something similar to the goodlatte bill. Perhaps a little softer that would go to conference. There would be perhaps Immigration Reform. None of it is a guarranty. Back to you, grandpa. Neil oh, boy. Thank you, adam. His final report on this broadcast. All right. We are awaiting the president of the United States. Adam, love you. Kind of mean it. Meantime we have Charlie Gasparino here. Connell mcshane, deirdre bolton. Now were seeing the leadership come it is not the president. Neil thank you, connell. Didnt that other guy look like he was testing the mic . Neil flannel is very big. The new pinstripe suit. What does the president have to do, deirdre . This is to rally the troops. Rally the troops. We saw the other evening in the state of the Union Address where pretty much half the people in the room were not responding, were not clapping and i think really the democrats did take a hit for just looking and, by some standard like brats. Come on, you have to stand up and applaud. Neil what to not be there, like 13 democrats werent or joe wilson, with president obama saying you lie . Decorum went a long time ago. Saying to any president that you lie did he score any points saying you lie, joe wilson . No. They dont score any points. Neil it is predictable. You can clap in a polite way without rahrah, usa. Neil of course. I guess what theyre saying democrats will look bad because their opposition, which might be soundlybased on tax cuts theyre getting it out the wrong way saying 1000 is crumbs, chump change, you heard it all. That is not resonating with voters. Never thought that was a good look or that necessarily helps anybody. Also when the president is talking about, even a president you dont like, an issue, infrastructure for example, that you traditionally or theoretically would support and you sit on your hand there, that is also not a great look. He is the president. There are times you dont need to get up, something youre diametrically opposed to, you stand up politely clap you would think. That is chance for the president to take traditional state of the Union Victory lap. Neil theyre standing and clapping for the president. Out lining agenda he said a couple days ago. Republican operatives are saying when it comes to the memo, get it out. Lets move on. Lets get our agenda front and center. Thank you, paul and mitch, for the introduction and for your tremendous leadership. You folks have done well. I just looked at some numbers. You even done better than you thought i think based on what we saw about ten minutes ago. I want to thank you, to the governor of this incredible state, my very good friend, jim justice, and his wonderful wife kathy who are with us and jim is now a proud member of the Republican Party. He was a democrat. He switched over. [applause] right . You dont see that too often. Maybe you will see it more and more, but, thank you, jim. The hotel is beautiful and everything is beautiful. We appreciate it. Great to be among so many friend for the second time this week. Tuesday was an incredible evening as we were all inspired [applause] and i really mean that we win inspired by americas heroes and uplifted by everyone who sacrificed in the fight for freedom. They were, and are incredible people that we saw that night and tremendous courage. And one of the people, i have to say, boy you got a very big hand, steve. Steve scalise. [applause] great hand. Were all truly blessed to be americans. Before going any further i want to send our prayers to everyone affected by the train accident yesterday. Especially to the family of the person who was so tragically killed. Our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones, and thank you. With us today on stage is our incredible leadership team, and they really have, if you look, you just look at whats happened in the last short period of time without them i could have never won the presidency i guess. Could i have won the presidency without them . Steve, yes. I dont know. But, they have become very good friends, and in battle together and friendship together, Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. Thank you, mitch. Great guy. [applause] that was a big win we had mitch. Senate majority whip, john cornyn. John, grade job. [applause] House Majority whip steve scalise. Steve, thank you. [applause] House Majority leader, kevin mccarthy. [applause] kevin. Chair john thune and house conference chair Cathy Mcmorris rodgers. [applause] did they forget your name, john . What is going on here . John cornyn, everybody knows. Didnt put his name up, that is okay. First time that ever happened. Hey, john, that will never happen again. Working together weve accomplished extraordinary things for the American People over the last year. And i really believe this is just the beginning. You know paul ryan called me the other day, i dont know if im supposed to say this, but i will say, he said to me, he has never, ever seen the Republican Party so united, so much in like with each other but literally the word united was the word he used. It is the most united he has ever seen the party. I see it too. I have so many friend in this group. And there is a great coming together that i dont think either party has seen for many, many years. So, right . Yep. Thats food. [applause] good. I was hoping he wouldnt deny that. He did call me and i thought it was very nice. Paul, thank you very much. Every day were removing government burdens and empowering our citizens to follow their hearts and live out their dreams. The priorities of republicans in congress are priorities of the American People. We believe in strong families, and we believe in strong borders. [applause] we believe in the rule of law and we support the men and women of law enforcement. [applause] we believe every american has the right to grow up in a safe home and attend a good school and have access to a really great job and we know that for americans nothing, absolutely nothing, is out of reach because we dont know the meaning of the word quit. We dont quit and Republican Party certainly hasnt quit. If we did, we wouldnt be here today. We would be sitting home saying boy that was a tough year, instead that was one of the greatest years in the history of politics, and in the history of our country for a party, what weve done and what weve accomplished. I dont think it has been done and certainly not by much. We had a year almost i would think unlike any. It was a tremendous success. I give everybody in this room the credit and i give certainly these people behind me tremendous credit what took place, especially that last month. That was a month of tremendous pressure. That was people who were able to act under pressure. They were able to act under tremendous pressure. I want to thank you all. That is what it was all about. While we were having a great year not being given credit for it, regulations in one year we knocked out more regulations than anybody, Supreme Court justice, judges all over, so many different records, so many successes. But when we got the great tax cut bill, and we call it the tax cut and jobs bill, we got that, it was like putting it all in a box and wrapping it with a beautiful ribbon. We started getting credit, not only for that but for all the other things during the year. Amazing way that happened. I was surprised actually. We got a lot of credit from a lot of people. All of sudden theyre saying, while he had a lot of accomplishment, then they went, they went on to do the thing, the fact is, you understand that. We really did. We got a lot of credit. It all came together in the final month. So i give everybody in this room, really kudos. Were a nation of builders, dreamers, strivers and fighters. Already since the election we have created 2. 4 million jobs. Thats unthinkable. And that doesnt include all of the things that are happening. [applause] youre going to see numbers that get even better. The stork market added more than 8 trillion in new wealth. Unemployment claims are at a 45year low. Which is something. After years of wage stagnation, we are finally seeing rising wages. African american and hispanic unemployment have both reached the lowest levels ever recorded. That is something very, very special. [applause] when i made that statement the other night, there was sear movement from the democrats. They sat there stone cold, no smile, no applause. You would have thought on that one they would have clapped a little bit. Which tells you perhaps they would rather see us not do well, than see our country do great. That is not good. That is not good. We have to change that. [applause] is as i said we eliminated more regulations in our first year than any administration has ever eliminated, and that means four years, eight years, or in one instance 16 years. In one year we have knocked out more regulations. It is an amazing thing. I happen to think that is every bit as important towards our success as the tax cuts. I have many business friend and many people in business that came to me and they say, including small businesses, they say the fact that they no longer have to go through years of turmoil in getting approved and getting approvals and getting rule changes and all sorts of things and getting old while theyre waiting to get them, the fact that all that is gone, is probably important or even more important than the massive tax cuts we gotten people. That is something. We signed into law the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American History and i have to say, included in there is the individual mandate. We repealed it. Thats a big one. That is so big. By itself that would be a big achievement. We sort of take it as well, that was included. And anwar, one of the Great Potential fields anywhere in the world, and i never appreciated anwr so much. A friend of mine called up in that world and in that business, he said, is it true youre thinking about anwr . Were think about it, are you kidding that is the biggest thing by itself. Ronald reagan and every president wanted to get anwr approved. I said, make sure that is in the bill. Amazing how that had an impact. That had a impact on me, paul. I didnt care and everybody wanted it for 40 years they want wanted to get it approved and it is great for the people of alaska. Senator sullivan and senator murkowski are here someplace. Where are they . They are happy campers. Good, senator, thank you. Don young. Where is don young . He is such a quiet guy. [laughter]. Don young also. Don, thank you. [inaudible]. So, no, which were always good together. We never had a problem. But if you think about it, that by itself is a big bill. That was a big powerful bill. That added on with the massive tax cuts. I want to thank Senate Finance chairman, a very spectacular man, orrin hatch. Where is orin . Orin . Orin is, i loveliesenning to him speak. He said once, i am the single greatest president in his lifetime. He is a young man, so not that much. He once said im the greatest president in the history of our country. I said does that include lincoln and washington . He said yes. I said i love this guy. I love him. But he is, he is a special guy. House ways and means chairman kevin brady for their incredible work. [applause] where are you, kevin . What a job. I call kevin night after night, what about this, what about that . You were always there. He was always working. What did you average sleep for about four weeks, maybe nothing . I think he had no average but you did a great job. Nobody knows it better than you, kevin, thank you. Maybe well do a phase two. I dont know, well do a phase two. Are you ready for that, kevin in i think youre ready. Well get them even lower but we are proud of you. P here in West Virginia as a result of our tax cuts the typical family of four will save roughly 2,000 a year. To lower tax rates for hardworking americans we nearly doubled the standard deduction for everyone. Now, the first 24,000 earned by a married couple is completely taxfree. When i came into this beautiful building, just a little while ago, one of the people said you know, i just got a check and i have 221 more than i had last year at this time in my envelope. [applause] that, really, thats what we were waiting, we were waiting for february. And then we got hit with these corporations giving tremendous bonuses for everybody that nancy pelosi called crumbs. That was a bad that could be like deplorable . Does that make sense deplorable and crumbs . Those two word seem to have resemblance. I hope it has the same meaning. She called it crumbs when people are getting 2,000 and 3thousand dollars and 1000, that is not crumbs. That is a lot of money. We also doubled the Child Tax Credit and thats so helpful to so many. Weve gone from one of the highest tax rates in the world to one of the lower ones so our great workers and companies can compete against anyone. We have now given them the tools to go out and win. And that is what theyre doing. Theyre also pouring back a lot of you folks, you saw davos the other day. Theyre coming back. I believe i bought hundreds of billions of dollars with me back from europe. Back from switzerland when i went there the other day to make a speech. Theyre so excited about this country and whats happening here and they would never ever have come. In fact, if the opposing party had won the election you would have had tremendous new rules and regulations put on everything and other things would have happened and instead of going up almost 50 , your stock market in my opinion would have gone down 50 , i really believe that, because they were stifling it. They were getting prepared to stifle even worse than it was. The changes to our business tax alone are expected to raise average Household Income by 4,000. Roughly three million workers have already received tax cut bonuses and raises totaling thousands and thousands of dollarserworker and thats just over the past six weeks alone, because of our tax cuts, apple, is investing 350 billion in the United States. Theyre bringing 240 billion back. 240 billion. They will pay a tax of 38, mitch. They are going to invest a total of 350 billion. When i first heard the number about, i said, you dont mean billion, you mean 350 million. I have been paying to tim cook, we have to build plants here. For 350 million you can build a beautiful plant, but for 350 billion, theyre going to build a lot of plants. This would have never happened without us and the work you have done, and theyre hiring 20,000 workers by the way. [applause] and two days ago exxonmobil, in addition to many others, Just Announced that theyre investing 50 billion in the United States. So the good news just keeps on rolling in and it is going to. I want to thank senator tim scott for opportunity zones. Our tax plans encourages this investment. Where is tim . What a good guy tim is. Tim. [applause] see him over there somewheres . Thank you, tim. But were investing in distressed communities to create more jobs for those who have too often been left behind. Tim worked hard on that. We want every american to know dignity of work, pride of a paycheck and satisfaction of a job really well done. Were reaching our hand all across the aisle in pursuit of Common Ground and common sense reforms for the good of all americans. We can reform our prison system to help those who served their time, get a Second Chance of life. Watch this, i seen it, and i studied it. People get out of prison and they made a mistake. Not all. Some are very bad but many are very good. And they come home and they cant get a job. Its sad, they cant, they cant get a job. Now the best thing weve done to fix that, paul, is the fact that the economy is just booming. I mean that fixes it better than any program we can do, anything we can do at all. But, the economy is so strong now, and so good and so Many Companies are moving in, that i really believe that problem, it is a a problem, it is going to solve itself. We are working on it. We invest in job training an open new vocational schools because we want every american to be able to reach their full, god given potential. Vocational schools. Today you have Community Colleges and you have all of the when i was growing up, we had vocational schools. When i was going to school i remember, i was in high school and, there were people in class, one person in particular, he wasnt like the greatest student, and, he just wasnt and yet i saw him one day and he was able to fix a car engine blindfolded. Everybody else was saying, that is amazing how talented he is. He had a different kind of a talent and we should have vocational schools. You learn mechanical, you learn brick laying and carpentry all of these things. We dont have that very much anymore. I think word vocational is much better word than at Community College. People dont know what a Community College means or represents. Were working very hard on vocational schools, so when all the Companies Move into this country, we will have a workforce that knows exactly what theyring doing. In addition to that, when they move in were giving incentives to train people themselves. In many ways that is the best way to do it. In wisconsin we have a Great Company moving in. They make all of the apple iphones and theyre going to have a big program. Theyre going to have a tremendous program to teach people how to do this, because it is a whole new skill. It will be very successful. We can reduce the price of prescription drugs and insure that terminallyill patients have a right to try. [applause] so important, right to try. You know, those drugs, they sit in there for 12, 13, 14 years and a person is terminally ill, they have two months left, under the old system they are afraid to give them experimental medicine because theyre afraid they will be hurt. They will not be around for two months. We give them a waiver. I know people like this. They travel all over the world to try to find a cure. We have great experimental drugs but it will be years before they come on to the market. It is called, right to try. I hope you folks can approve it and i hope you agree with it. But it is so important. Scott gottlieb is heading it up. [applause] and the other thing you fet get, you learn pretty quickly how effective it is, does it work. But learn very quickly. So right to try. We can fix bad trade deals and negotiate new ones that are fair and the most important word it me on trade is, reciprocal. We have deals where companies will send in a motorbike, we charge them nothing but when we send a harleydavidson or a motorbike to those countries they charge us 100 tax. That is not fair. So they will send their motorbikes or something in to us, zero. We send it to them, 100 . Thats not fair trade. Thats not fair. So i like the word reciprocal. If theyre going to do it to us, were going to do it to them. What is going to happen your numbers will either come down or well make a lot of money. Either one is okay as far as im concerned. We can rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and we will. Streamline the horrible approval process. Roadways that take 12, 13, 14 years to get approved, we used to build them in three months and now itakes years andears of appvals. Well briha tt down, ideally to one year. Two years isur goal. Butne year is our real goal. We can get it done uerbudget and weant to get it don ahead of schedule, becau you d scdule. We can deliver for our polices r veterans and our bve rvicemembers. Nally afterecade of waiting, we can finally pass Immigration Reform that protects our country, defend our borders, and modernizes our immigration rules to serve the needs of American Workers and of american families. So important. One of the strengths of the Republican Party is that were a big tent with many diverse views but the one thing we can all agree on, and that is that in every decision we make it our highest priority to serve and to protect the American People. We want an immigration policy thats fair, equitable, but that is going to protect our people. We want people coming in to our country based on merit, and based on the fact that they are going to love our country, and they respect our people and our country. We dont want visa lottery, pick a lottery ticket. Pick a lottery. We dont want that. We want it based on merit. [applause] we have a chance now to pass into law the Immigration Reforms that the American People have been demanding for decade and that many of you have been working on for your entire careers. We have a great opportunity as a Republican Party, as the Republican Party. We have a great opportunity. We are getting very little help from the democrats but i hope after i leave this room well get a call from these people, say, lets go. They talk a good game. We have to get help from the other side, or we have to elect many more republicans. That is another way of doing it. Really that is another way of doing it. [applause] and based on the numbers we just saw, we have a real chance of doing that you know 18 will be very interesting. We have to do one or the other, they talk a good game with daca. They dont produce. They have to really work and work with more people, so we get the kind of numbers that we need to pass in a much easier fashion legislation. And to get it done, well all have to make some compromises along the kay to get it done this way. To get it done the other way we dont have to give more, we dont have to compromise so much. With the tax bill we got what we wanted because we had essentially a unanimous vote but we have to go and we have to get it done and get it done properly and were going to have to compromise unless we elect more republicans. In which case we could have it just the way everybody in this room wants it. We have to be willing to give a little in order for our country to gain a whole lot. If were united, we Work Together the good of the nation, fulfill our secret duty to our sacred duty to our country, and work with the voters we will fulfill a solemn promise. As you know i put forward a immigration framework based on many months of meeting working with tom cotton and working with john cornyn who was in the office the other day and david perdue, incredible people, and Bob Goodlatte who is out here someplace, really incredible people and its a strong bill. It is a very fair bill. And it protects our borders. We have to protect our borders. It includes reforms that are overwhelmingly popular, with the voters including democrats. The democrats want to have, the real democrats want to have their borders protected. It includes democrats, independents, republicans. Americans want an immigration system that works for everybody, and they want safety. And by the way, they also want a strong military. We have to be very powerful on our military. The our military has been depleted over the last long period of time, even beyond obama. It has been depleted. We have to build up. This should not be a party thing. This should be common sense. Without our military we might not be here talking. We have to have a strong military. I think were very much on our way from the one standpoint, were going for funding which we need and i think well get it. But we have a lot of fighting on that from the other side. We cant even think about it. We need a strong and powerful military. Well have it far more powerful than ever before. Nearly seven in 10 americans support Immigration Reform package that includes a permanent solution on daca. I mean ive been hearing about daca for some years. Some people call it dreamers. It is not dreamers. Dont fall into that trap. It is just, much different than dreamers. I said the other need we have dreamers in this country. We cant forget our dreamers here. We want to take care of daca. I hope we will. We need the support of the democrats in order to do it. They might not want to do it. They talk like they do but i dont think they do. But well find out very soon. We want something that is very, very tough an strong and in terms of the border. We need to end chain migration and we need to cancel the terrible visa lottery. [applause] and those are the four pillars that i talked about the other night. We call them the white house framework. A plan that will finally bring our immigration system into the 21st century. The republican position on immigration is the center, mainstream view of the American People with some extra strength at the border, and security at the border added in. What were asking for, and what the American People are what people are pleating for is common sense in our immigration policy. They want to defend our security and admit people who will love our country and contribute to our society. I know the senate is planning to bring in immigration bill to the floor in the coming weeks and i am asking the framework we submitted, with great flexibility, working with both parties, that something very positive will come out of it for our country, for everyone and i think that can happen. If the democrats choose to filibuster a framework that includes a generous path to citizenship or something that is not fair, we will not approve it. We will just not approve it. We will either have something fair and equitable and good insecure or will have nothing at all. This has been going on for many years. It doesnt make sense to have nothing at all because this is something that people want. We will be demonstrating that we are very, very serious, one of the reasons, i gave a number that was a very generous number was because i wanted to see whether or not they were interested in improving it. If they dont approve something within that sphere, that means they are not looking to approve it all. They want to use it for an election issue, but there is now an election issue that will go to our benefit, not their benefit. [applause] make no mistake, i will not rest until i have delivered for the citizens of our great country. 70 different things, immigration, the strong militar military. We have done an awfully good job protecting our second amendment. That was in question during the campaign and we have done a very, very good job. I have kept one promise after another. Six or seven months ago he wa was they were saying he didnt keep his promise on this or that. I had only been there for four months. Other people were here for eight years and havent got anything done and i had been there for only four months. Now we have fulfilled far more promises than we had promised and theyre having a hard time with that. And i call it thomases plus. One of the things we are doing that mitch has worked so hard o of. The judges all over the country all over the country who understand and read the constitution for what it says. Its not talked about much but it is a tremendous impact. Having a tremendous impact already and we have incredible people lined up. In many ways i think it will be one of the most important things, if not the important most important thing we are doing. Defense is always the most. Not only are we protecting america at home, we are protecting our interest abroad. Its time to finally and the defense sequester. It would be wonderful we could go back to a budget. [applause] in order to fully fund our military and do it properly, it and order properly and have it over. Of time and do it the right way, at some point i hope we can do it. Our these terrorists are unlawful com combatants. When you see what they do with the level of ferocity, we cannot treat them the way we do the ordinary terminal. As you saw on tuesday, of sign in order, keeping open our very secure detention facilities at guantanamo bay. Its another promise capped. Theres another important promise we are keeping, no longer are we making apologies for america. We dont apologize for america anymore. We are proud and grateful to our heroes and we are determined to create a Brighter Future for our people. We are restoring the bonds of love and loyalty that unite us all as friends, neighbors, americans, citizens. When americans are united, nothing at all, nothing can stop us. We win. [applause] as i said the other night, we are a nation that built the Empire State Building in one year. Actually, to be exact, we built it in less than a year. Would you believe it, working 24 hours around the clock. We built the hoover dam in record time. We built the golden gate bridge, we linked our nation together with railroads and highways. We dug out the panama canal. We are the nation that one to world wars, defeated fascism and put satellites into space and planted our Great American flag on the face of the moon. We have healed the sick, cured disease and cared for the poor like no other nation. We have lifted millions into prosperity and delivered millions into freedom. This is our legacy. This is our birthright. This is the foundation on which we build our very glorious future. Together, we are indeed making America Great again. Thank you, and god bless you all. Thank you very much. All right. The president going through a long list of accomplishments and something that should rally republicans. We are learning just as the president is speaking that the house could vote as early as tuesday on a stopgap bill to fund the government through march 22. I believe it with the fifths continuation to keep the government lights on. You heard him say the bipartisan challenge, i am trying to solve daca we will see if the democrats do. I feel like there are three key themes. The bipartisan call for unity, no apologies and promises kept. Heres the checklist of what weve done so far and heres what weve yet to do. Hes underlying that point on Immigration Reform and that will be the next big challenge. Part of his deal was to see what democrats would do and theyre not biting. There was no bipartisan poll here. Maybe they dont want to do it. I feel like he threw it out as a challenge. You can argue that citizens thing. Now the question is will get them talking. I think a real bipartisan challenge would have been much more appeasement, not the stuff they laid out. It was a rambling speech. He it had almost no real focus. There were achievements. Why are you such a hater . Great, but if you want to advance the agenda, you have to do better than this. Did barack obama do better addressing his trip. I dont like his agenda but he did better at advancing an agenda. The markets are constantly mentioned, he did seem to say we might not be seeing that in some polls but we will see it in november. No one can argue what weve seen from the stock market. We are in a nine year bull market. If i were president i would be talking about a right now because the tax cuts and the tax reform, if these companies dont have to pay as much they can invest that they will be reinvesting here, they will be hiring. Does this meet the high watermark of accomplishment. I dont know. I will say i dont think people are appreciating it and i think hes right on the magnitude of the tax cut. Barack obama gave you 800 billion of fiscal stimulus spending which was wasted he is giving tens of trillions. We will see how it works out. Thank you for waiting. Congressman, the president seems to be saying we are off to the races. Do you agree with that . I absolutely do. This sounded like the head coach of the team giving a halftime speech. There is just a couple small grammatical changes ensuring wasnt only grammatical changes . Theres been concern back and forth that more sinister things were done. Actually not. Ive gone in and seen the changes, it took me about 20 seconds to review the changes. A syntax change of almost no significance and one minor issue, the fbi requested that had absolutely nothing to do with the findings of a memo. It was a merely a descriptor of a person. The reason i mention that, other republicans have the fbi concerned about this but senator john thune, saying be careful, be delicate concern that members havent had a chance to look at it. Can you update us on this . Who has seen it and who has had a chance to share it. 200 republicans and house have gone down to see it. Democrats. It does not explain the sources or methods. Frankly i am hopeful part of a bipartisan debate about the intelligence and surveillance gathering that we want to have in the type of protocols and procedures, particularly in the verification of information that needs to be robust and give us confidence in these ecosystems. Youve heard obviously, from some democrats who are chasing at you are not releasing their memo or that memo and that concern. [inaudible] i have no argument with them making a case based on the information theyve seen. It will require adult responsible debate about the verification that is essential before we spy on american citizens, particularly when there is bias that seems to be at the base of all that. I would welcome the release of their memo. I do think its a little ridiculous that they are using every tactic in the book to try to block the release of this information to the American People. Lets not be obstructionist and not fight against transparency. What you think about the fbi being against that. I think there would be a lot of reasons why they would be against it due to the contents i cant discuss. They dont come out looking like a rose and theres things that need to change, there are things that are changing as a result and i think theres more to come. I would be remiss if i didnt mention your guest at the state of the Union Address. Apparently a big all right figure. Did you know that the time . Some of the claims against him are not accurate. Hes not always premises, those are unfortunate characterizations of him. I did not know he was as infamous and controversial as he was. The Capital Police asked if they could speak with them on an unrelated matter. He was a plate and appropriate guest i thought. Polite. He is not guilty of the things that some people have charged him of as it relates to those claims. Hes a controversial person. Theres plenty of controversial people. I believe his people on the right and left that you spend time with and learn more about and understand their viewpoint. Would you do it again. I dont know that i would invite him to the state of the union again, i would probably say that ticket my dad who got sick and couldnt get the ticket in the first place. Thank you. You mightve heard the president talking up those who have talent with their hands, electricians, plumbers, what have you and those locations matter. Education for those locations matter. That is exactly what theyve been talking about for years. The world has caught up to john. He is next. We should have vocation schools. You learn mechanical, learn bricklaying and carpentry, we dont have that very much anymore. I think the word vocational is a better word than Community College but a lot of people dont know what Community College means or represents. We are working very hard on vocational schools. That was music to the ears of actor john. Hes been advocating for vocational schools and recognizing the work of mechanics and plumbers and all of those. Thanks for being with us. How have you been. Im well. We joked earlier but i dont know about your plumber but my plumber has people when they come to my house. They can do quite well. Theres always this view that thats not what you want your kids to get into, but somewhat states and municipalities want to push their budget dollars into, but this is a president think maybe that should change. What do you think. The president has bucket loads of common sense because he grew up on building sites. Is actually why i became a fan of his from the start because ive been up background of a construction worker and we take that away from our kids. We stopped shop classes and homework classes, you just cant see them anymore. If the government makes that a priority, the question is how do you pursue it, and are you pushing other kids out of traditional education when in fact they might be gifted in other areas and this is now ignoring that. It doesnt stop you, it actually makes you more of a complete person to have a toolbox. Thats how i sometimes judge people that are spouting philosophies and telling us how to live our lives. Can this person put together a coffee table from ikea . Lately hollywood has been railing against the president of the United States whether its recent global wars and what have you, that is not a big shot. I always marvel at your career, whatever you think of them doing that as a wellknown conservative and a thriving career and all these pixar films, whatever, i know youre making lots of money with every one of them. You dont keep under the radar. I often think this vindictive, the response to guys like you is overstated because look, im talking to a guy whos very successful and if there is such a Scarlet Letter attached to you, you wouldnt be doing so well. Maybe theyre not so vindictive. The jury is still out on all that stuff. I just tried to do my job, show up, go home when the jobs over. I dont get into political discussions. You are a brand, regardless of your politics so im wondering, when i hear people, they go for you. Is that true . Yes, pretty much. There is that, its alive and well, but i always wonder, do you think they hurt their movie success, their own career because obviously republicans and democrats go to the movies. Yes, i think theyre eliminating half their audience, insulting half their audience. Why would you do that . Go figure. Its not for me too make them change their lives, its just a heads scratch or for me. There probably able to fix their swing doors. In the end maybe they bring it all home. Good to see you john. You to neil, thank you. In the meantime, there are two big stories developing simultaneously. The president still talking about the improving economy and markets and separately this fbi memo that might be out today or tomorrow but bottom line, it is the focus of most news networks. We been following this as well but we do have a lot of time. This is a two hour show. I do a onehour show later on, a couple hours on the weekend, theres a few Business Networks that are 24 hours. Media madness is the book. Its a thrilling work behind the scenes, not always behindthescenes but whats happening right in front of you in the trump white house. Good to see you. Thank you. What you make of that . There is that back and forth, its either or. Or you can ignore this over here, the Trump Administration focused on all the good things happening. As if we cant walk and chew gum at the same time, as you say. The 24 hour news networks, when i was writing media madness it always seems weird when the president gives a good speech, something playing well for him but in 24 36 hours the media flips to something more controversial. Theres always Something Like that. Its all remarkably when things go well for him, how quickly it fades out of the news. Why is that. He doesnt appear to get a fair shake. Weve talked about this before, the nature of the media these days, theyve gone from being actively exposing political viewpoints, what you make of all this . When i did some interviews before the state of the union i said ua, by thursday morning the media will be on to something else. By and large thats true. I think they always get too much credit when things are going well into much blame when things are not going wellin the economy. But, if you look at this, its impossible to say that his policies didnt contribute to some of this. I think its discounted because it just seems like when he does get credit on Something Like the economy its kind of begrudging. It really doesnt help himself when he ignores the seven or eight years prior market, but having said that, you did say there were those in the administration who, over the last year or so did urged medication with the famous marine one encounters with the press where he is the exchanges, i think he handles those very well. He does, but why not more of that. Well, its more than it used to be, but ironically, for a guy who is what i described as in a state of virtual warfare and people dont like him very much. Does he like that, being in a virtual war. No, i think you would kind of like to get the coverage he got when he was a businessman here in new york. He is still stunned, he brings it up and interviews how much it has changed. I think he sometimes, it just fails, the press fails to appreciate how much access he provides. We are constantly stopping to talk, he does give most of his interviews to fox news, hes not doing in interview with nbc in the super bowl this sunday which is telling. They have had a president go on for a number of years. Yes, it started to become an annual tradition but i conservative understand him wanting to watch football and not sit down and talk. But usually, he answers questions and it suits him well because he gets to comment on the news of the day without doing the big formal News Conference but i think its unappreciated that hes actually a pretty successful person at it even though he and the press are in this highly dysfunctional. Your take on this, this goes beyond your book but id be curious, the fbi thing, they were quite happy to seize on the pentagon papers and the release that there was an institution that lied and everything else. We got that out there and they were just as many who said dont question but we hear from our authorities. There was miscommunication before 911, we dont blame individuals but they had medication about that. There was same argument by republicans in questioning the fbi in light of whats going on that you over to your readers to question whether there was bias or intent to go after a candidate just as they were questioning whether james comey was going after Hillary Clinton. So much is focused on the Russian Investigation which hasnt really produced in a real evidence of collusion but theres no doubt some commentators are pushing the envelope in going after the fact that people should go to jail and so forth. Is it that fair to question the fbi. It is fair. Especially given some of the evidence has come out. The question is is it a new story or the dominant news story. Is it more important than the allegations against president john. Mediaman is the book. Its, this book, there is a method to it. Its called accuracy. Followup reporting and we have a lot more after this. The dow has had its gains. I dont know why but you can call this the current selloff. We will explore that after this. So youll still be here to help me make smart choices . Well, with your finances that is. We had nothing to do with that tie. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. We use so why do we pay touters thave a phone connected. When were already paying for internet . Shouldnt it all just be one thing . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You can get 5 lines of talk and text included at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. Choose by the gig or unlimited. And now, get a 200 prepaid card when you buy an iphone. Its a new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfnitymobile. Com. He was hit with corporations giving tremendous the bonuses to everyone that nancy pelosi called crumbs. That could be like the pourable incomes. Does that make sense . Those two words seem to have a resemblance. I hope it has the same meaning. The other night there was zero movement from the democrats. They sat there, stone cold, no smile, no plots, you would have thought that on that one they would have sort of clapped a little bit. That tells you perhaps they would rather see us not do well then to see our country do great. Thats not good. We have to change that. [applause] all right, the president speaking at this lights off for spring event in West Virginia. You know, one of the things the president has been saying is that even if you give and i give democrats everything they want, he talks about the overtures to make citizens of the 1. 8 million illegals that are here under the daca thing, but democrats will just not come to the table and thats the way it is part what you think of the political environment . The Democrat Party is all about hate and vengeance, they still cant get over the fact they lost the election but they cant get over the fact theyve been busted cold in terms of the fbi misconduct. They still cant get over the fact they are not running the show any longer, and they still cant get over the fact that mr. Trump has had a successful first year in office. They are just bitter, bitter, bitter. Its a very sad thing. Hate is not a way to run the government. Its interesting, when reagan was president , he was disliked enormously, but not hated. They didnt have this craze and vengeance and the media didnt have this vengeance. The people in congress are crazed with vengeance against him. The democrats in congress, but the people in media have this nonstop sneer. They just near at the republicans and mr. Trump in particular, just one long sneer. Speaking of that, one of the issues regarding the tax cut where democrats are saying its just for the rich and so forth, when i was watching the state of the Union Address, he kind of called nancy pelosi to task referring to those 1000 bonuses that companies are handing out and calling them crumbs and that that was a mistake. The intent that they are tilted away from mosts folks who need them, he stands by that. I think democrats are increasingly in a bit of a pickle on this issue. What do you think . I think theyre in a very big pickle in many ways because they dont have any issues at this point. The economy is very strong, they have no form policy ideas at all, none, except for being anti israel which is really amazing for the Democrat Party. They have no ideas about anything except this fake baloney bs resistance stuff. Theres nothing to resist. He is being compromising and openhanded and kind and going down the middle, he he is offering many more people a path to citizenship than obama did. He is being a leader, down the middle and he has got very sensible ideas about how to run the country. He wants to go back there, he believes in family and lawn order and justice and the Justice System and the democrats sit on their hands and sneer. His Media Release nears. Im trying to avoid sneering now. Ive known you all your life and you have never sneered once. Always good seeing you my friend. One of the smartest people ive ever had the pleasure of interviewing over these decades. Lets take a look at the dow. The top 50 points. We have a lot more coming up. The dow is 26200. Hi, im the internet you know whats difficult . Armless bowling. Ahhhhhhhh you know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. Neil all right. A little bit of, you know, giveback on the corner of wall and broad. The dow up 42 points. Maybe a lot of people are trying to assess where things go after the closing bell. Technology, whether they can entertainment tonight their momentum. A lot of Technology Ceos planning multibilliondollar commitment in large part triggered by that tax cut. How they spend that, prioritize thats on same day we see lowes confirm, what home depot and couple dozen other Major American Companies have decided to do to share the wealth with workers. Up close to four million now. Sharing bounty from 1000 to 5,000. The meter is still running. Now trish regan. Trish thank you, neil. The president is blasting democrats for refusing to work with republicans. That the left would rather see america fail than thrive. But he vows that he will not let democrats get in the way of moving forward with his America First agenda. Were in the green right now. Up 43 points of. Off the highs of the session. We had been

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