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Schaeffer, john tamny. Steve, will democrats regret calling the benefits crumbs . Most people will get a tax cuts and they will hope their tweets give them Something Else to run on the. The republicans made this from a grand slam into a single, but they didnt get the sweep they should have. Most americans will come out ahead and see if the republicans can communicate that in a way that people understand these are tax cuts. David bruce, even democrats that are involved in stocks and business like warren buffet say this is going to be terrific for americans. I think that democrats if they keep holding onto the idea that these are crumbs and americans see them as more than crumbs. Thats bad for democrats, no . Well, i mean, i do think that they should focus more on the president s comments about people who arent white and from norway, but i do believe that this whole idea that theyre crumbs, i think that you have to look beyond the press releases here. You have walmart giving raises, which is great. But then theyre laying off and closing, you know, 60 or so sams clubs stores. So people need to pay close attention here and watch companies and making sure theyre not doing this just for pr. People will watch and maybe the president down the line will tweet at them if they dont do anything. David youre going to begin to see effects in your salaries when you come home, the withholding less than it was, sabrina. Nevertheless, to bruces point while most people, 66 of the public think that the economy is in good or great shape right now, they give the credit not to President Trump, but to president obama. Do you think thats eventually going to change, at least before the election in november . Well, its kind of hard to know, david. Theres so much of negative press around donald trump, that maybe its hard for people to discern, what good things are coming out of the white house. That being said, i think that democrats are really treading in sort of dangerous waters here. The polls show that people think that democrats are obsessed with identity politics and that theyre ignoring the average american and important economic concerns, this is an economic concerns. They listen to steve forbes and it cuts Corporate Taxes and there may be some snow around the edges from Companies Like hallmark or walmart, and utility companies. Its going to help people like you and me and im happy with that. David walmart is not a small company, john, its a huge company all over america. They Just Announced that theyre boosting the minimum wage in addition to some of these bonuses, and then we have a comment from the head of waste management, its another huge company. He says, we wanted to find a way to help grow our economy, hes talking about his bonuses, and give some of the tax savings back to those hardworking employees. These are significant efforts, no . As always, steve is right in the sense that the republicans could have cut taxes much, much more to the benefit of everyone. But at the same time, nancy pelosi gets it backwards. When companies are thriving, a war starts of the nonshooting kind. Businesses bid for the services of workers through wage raises and also benefits. So, pelosis worried about crumbs, cut the Corporate Tax to zero and reduce taxes on those most likely to invest. David and rich, while a thousand bucks or 2,000 may seem like crumbs to multimillionaire like nancy pelosi, worth about 40 million, its a bag of groceries a week to most americans. I mean, thats a very important bonus in their life, right . It is. And you know, when chrysler employees get a 2,000 year raise, thats a good thing and its not trivial and pelosi betrays her elitism. But ill tell you, steve alluded to a problem that most of the press we know the press is largely liberal, but most of the press is also low dacated in place li new york and california and high tax states and the very people reporting on the tax plans, the minority of people hurt by the tax plan, so i dont expect the press to get behind this at all. David emack, the fact is that we all agree, the tax cut should have been bigger. We all would have liked more of our hardearned money back, however, its going to have an effect and for people like pelosi to say this effect is minuscule and crumbs is kind of demeaning to most americans, isnt it . Its demeaning. Youre right. You hit the nail on the head. Nancy pelosi is in the 1 and to her, its meaningless. It is crumbs, but to the people crying over this, this event, we had 150 companies, 2 Million People possibly getting higher bonuses and wages, it means a lot to them and the poor people who are seeing their electric utility bills and gas bills go down. Weve got a half dozen utilities passing along the tabs cuts in the form of lower energy bills. Thats a big deal. As for walmart. Walmart was working to get rid of its sams club, lower the presence of sams clubs for years, underperforming costco in profit and sales, that was in the works. Watch this, the stubbornness drains them of common sense with nancy pelosi and most democrats. Watch what you they wont say. They will not repeal the tax cuts. Ask them point blank, theyre saying, whoa, they wont answer the question. So that means they endorse the tax cut. David and steve, the bottom line, the bonuses are part of it. You are going to see growth. A lot of these companies, maybe some of the companies will do the stock buybacks and other things, but a lot of companies are going to put their money in growing, that means more jobs and higher wages, so there are all kinds of effects that are going to ripple through the economy. Thats right, david, you only get to Economic Growth through investment and you want more investment and rolling it is a step in that direction. You see new Companies Finally emerging again after a 15 year hiatus in terms of new Company Creation because of the low rates and by the way, david, only in washington would 1,000 or 2,000 be considered a crumb and those washington bureaucrats to get two to three times what their peers do in the private sector and talking about crumbs, ive got words for them. David bruce, were you talking about bad optics for President Trump and i submit there are bad optics for President Trump, but isnt this bad optics for democrats . I think they need to focus on getting it together for an economic plan and so forth, but when you talk about raising the minimum wage, what walmart is doing, that started like two years ago, they had 9, 10, 11. Thats a good story to tell and thats not just because of the tax cut and i think that you need to watch these companies when they report their 10 ks and thats theyve raised it since 2017 and nothing to do with the tax cut. Yes, it did. Nothing to do with the tax cut, thats why they started in 2016. When you go to the voter booth excuse me when you go to the voter booth you say what did you do for me . And thats what the republicans have, what did you do for me. And you kicked my family out of the country. And with the taxes and getting the economy moving again, and democrats have lost their theyre in an identity crisis. David let me go to you, sabrina, what happens in 2018. How does all of this affect the mid term elections coming up. If republicans are smart, they wont just point to the different stories, some of which might not be entirely true. But i think what they will point to is that they understand that this is our hardearned money that theyre borrowing, rather than the other way around, the way that democrats often talk about it, that were giving you money back, as if its theirs to begin with. Its not. Thats the narratives the republicans should go with. David the government didnt make it, we did. North and south korean officials meeting for the first time in more than years this week and south korea says its because of President Trump. So is trumps tough talk getting them building a website in under an hour is easy with gocentral. From godaddy in fact, 68 of people who have built their. Website using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. Build a better website in under an hour. With gocentral from godaddy. Forbes on fox. David President Trump deserves big credit for talks between south and north korea. And thats not President Trump saying it, its south korea saying that. Could the tough talk be paying off . It is, were changing the appeasement policy of the last 20 years, not only talked tough, but followed with actions, tougher sanctions, pressure on china. South korea intercepting a north korea freighter. That told north korea, its a new game, we better get used to it. David on, let me give folks an example of tough talk. A tweet from President Trump, north Korean Leader kim jongun just stated that the Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times. Would someone from his regime inform him i have a Nuclear Button, but its much bigger. That sounds like you talking. And some said that thats him akin to talking nuclear war is ridiculous. If that were to be, we would see the cascading. We did this with fidel castro needlessly. Lets not legitimize that which is not. David can we afford just to ignore him . No, theres now satellite imagery theyre getting ready to do another test, a nuclear bomb test. Thats according to news reports breaking now. You know, with north korea, their soldiers are so indoctrinated, they defend their nation with religious zeal. Im not sure the president should have tweeted that out. I thought it was impulsive. North korea is a threat with what theyre developing with Nuclear Weaponry and icbms. Theres emphasis on diplomacy and talk going on. And the white house on friday put out a statement saying their work with china trying to get them to cut back and imports and exports to north korea is working although i question a lot of that. And maybe you need to talk tough sometimes. Right . And but the diplomacy didnt pay off. We had 30 years of diplomacy that led that didnt work. Listen, even if trump is telling the truth when he says he has a lovely relationship with the north korean dictator, i think his belligerent talk is unhelpful. If he wants to win this, hes got to speak softly and build an antimissile system. David to quote truman, i guess or excuse me to quote Teddy Roosevelt, you talk softly and carry a big stick and there are some big sticks in the region now, rich, theyre b2 bombers. That makes a sharp point to the north korean dictator, right . Yeah, it does. You know, one of the big scandals of the Obama Administration that doesnt get the coverage it deserves is how his Intelligence Agency completely whiffed on how rapidly north korea was developing nuclear weapons. And trump had to inherit that. Yeah, i think that trump can layoff the tweets a little bit largely because we dont know if kim jongun is rational or not, and if hes not. I think big stick, soft talk is the way to go. David we had 30 years of this soft talk and diplomacy and being mr. Nice guy to his tough guy and his fathers tough guy and his grandfathers, that led to a Nuclear Armed crazy nation. Maybe its the tough talk thats going to pay off . Look, david, i worked for jean kirkpatrick, i believe in tough talk, i dont like whats coming out of the white house, i dont like the tweet storms, i dont think theyre helpful but i dont think that we should put too much credit into what trump is doing. I dont think that kim jongun is talking about the talk as his longevity. He wants to remain a power, wants to remain a threat to the world. He knows if he pushes too far, that wont be an option. David if anybody knows north korea, its the south korean. And the south korean president gave him credit for his tough talk. North koreans know its a whole new ball game and by the way that Teddy Roosevelt saying, trump revised it, speak loudly and carry a big stick. David and coming up trish reagan. Open and transparent, imagine that, high praise for a very public bipartisan meeting just this week. Maybe d. C. Should be doing all of its business out in the open . For taxpayers sake. Were going to talk about that and new calls to shut down Guantanamo Bay as terror suspects there sue the u. S. Government, but would closing it down open up a whole new threat . Ill see you on cashin in. David we will be watching. Up here first, after the arctic blast, the lawsuit. New york city mayor bill deblasio declaring war on the oil industry and suing them for damages. Some of his say his l nia i was physically at school, but my mind wasnt at school. I had problems at home. So when i met nornise, she started helping me a little bit, like nia i dont know what youre doing, but your future is more important. She is my strength. It takes a village to help somebody get their diploma. It changes your whole life. Narrator find free Adult Education classes near you at finishyourdiploma. Org the mayor of the big apple going after big oil. New york city mayor bill deblasio announcing his administration is suing Major Oil Companies because he says, quote, if Oil Companies are finally held accountable for what theyve done, it will affect their bottom line and their choices going forward. Now, he also announced plans to divest 5 billion from fossil fuel stocks. Rich, before i ask what you make of this, we should mention other cities in your neck of the woods, san francisco, oakland, santa cruz, doing the same thing. What do you think of it . Well, santa cruz is a california hippy beach town so that the mayor, one of the great cities of the world is taking his cue from santa cruz so theres a lot about where his head is. In effect, what hes doing when hes suing the Oil Companies, is suing us. We vote with our pocketbook and we choose to drive gas driven cars by the multimillions so he would raise prices on all of us. What hes trying to do is drive down the value of these Oil Companies. The Oil Companies didnt blink when he made his announcement this week. In fact, theyve been pretty steady for the past couple of weeks. Well, i wouldnt think that they would blink, considering donald trump has given them like our entire coastline so we can when we go on our summer beach vacations we can look at oil derricks all over. David you say deblasios move is useless . No, im not. Its more like a way to keep them in check because nobody else is. Theyre getting everything they want and all the coastline that they want. David steve, one thing theyre giving us in addition to shareholders is cleaner air and water. A lot of the water and a lot of the air that has been polluted in the past by dirty methods, is getting cleaner as everybody can notice as a result of a move from coal to natural gas, et cetera. Fossil fuel production has gotten cleaner. And were one country and emissions that concern the people, is going down. Im surprised deblasio didnt sue the vatican for god not giving us warm weather again. And one thing, in the old days they used to burn witches when the weather went bad and human sacrifice. Now they just sue Oil Companies, take it as a sign of progress. And the other state accuses oil company of having incorrect opinions about the climate. Norways fiords are pretty clean. If deblasio was concerned he wouldnt take motorcades to the gym. David sabrina last ward. The air in delhi isnt great. Gave them money it to invest, and not in trial lawyers. David and a good point about norway. I turn the table on the forbes gang. Gang. 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That was the last night the lights were on in the towers. The next awful day changed our lives, and the world, and led us to change the name of our business block to the cost of freedom. Weve been going strong since. Here is the latest crew, by the way, john hoover, tia, and nick, and palm ritter, not pictured here, steve, well still be seeing you on neils new show, but last remarks about a great 17year run. I think this show reflected a saying in Forbes Magazine over 100 years from the first issues from proverbs my grandfather put it in, with all the getting get understanding. And we need better people to get a better republic. David its a smart show and approachable. Without talking down to people you can talk about sophisticated stuff and get your point across. If we managed to do half of that in 17 years, we thank you. Most of all, thank you for tuning in every week and making this show such a tremendous success. Ill be back with neil next week and again, we hope to see you then. Thats it for forbes on fox. Have a fantastic weekend thank you for watching and keep it right here, the number one business block continues with trish regan and cashin in. It was historic. This transparent, bipartisan white house meeting getting a ton of press from the public. Instead of the closeddoor wheeling and dealing that usually ends up costing us taxpayers a whole lot more money, maybe this is how washington should be doing all of its business, right out in the open so we can see it. Hi, everyone, im trish regan, welcome to cashin in. Cashin in crew, gerri willis, david and gary mercer. Gary, what do you think, should everything be out in the open . We need more transparency so that stuff can get done . Of course we do. Of course these conversations should take place out in the open and thats whats so exciting about seeing

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