Agriculture industry and rural economy. Well bring you his speech that will begin in just moments. We have full coverage and analysis from our panel this whole hour. Dan henninger. Liz peek from fiscal times. Gop strategist, ned ryun, town halls guy benson. David we used all our brown any points to get a guests like that. Dow is showing just shy of a record but longer term moves are looking good. Nicole petallides on floor of the new york stock exchange. It is sad, nicole, so go january pose the year of first five days are not bad, right. We had one record after another. Only the Dow Jones Industrial average pulled back ever so slightly at 14 points. Dow, nasdaq, s p, russell, transportation average hit record highs today. As you noted so goes january. Dow and s p up 2 . Nasdaq is up 3. 7 right now. Great start for a few days in. Of course dow 25,000 was a lot of fun. Optimism from the tax overhaul. You can see technology, a group that did so well in 2017 continues to flourish here. In fact, all of these, the fang stocks we call them, facebook, amazon, apple, facebook, amazon, netflix, alphabet google, microsoft all at record highs today. Now i will bring you to apple. Apple a different story today under a little bit of pressure today down. 3 closing at 174 and change under the microscope about youth phone addiction. I dont know, how many of you at home have children really into their phones . Half of the teenagers say they are addicted to their phones. Jana partners a big shareholder and calsters asking apple to take a close look at Mental Health and the addiction of using a phone, this came front and center when selina gomez, the famous starks, she was experiencing depression and checked in for therapy to low selfesteem which she attributed to certain extent to social media. What is healthy and what is not . What is the phone really for . Back to you. David one thing is healthy, the tax overhaul, the president is about to talk about the regulatory overhaul which really concerns folks in Rural America. That is the president s base. It will be very interesting to hear what he has to say just moments from now. Thank you. Melissa President Trump set to take the stage in nashville as david said to address the American Farm bureau federation. Well bring you the speech live moments from now as soon as it starts. Lets go to adam shapiro on what to expect. Adam . Reporter expect the president to honor American Farm families. He will tout some of the accomplishments, tax reform as it benefits farmers. For instance, 100 expensing when you buy new equipment this year. He will also talk about ways to improve the standard of living in Rural America. One of the things he is going to bring up are the negotiations regarding nafta and trade agreements which the United States wants to be more balanced, wants to be more fair for people like American Farmers. Sonny perdue, the ag secretary was on fox earlier today and he summed it up this way. Continue year after year in the Risky Business of farming, you have to make a profit. When you make a profit there are taxed owed and farmers will benefit by the lower rates, by the passthrough rates because many of them are passthrough businesses and farmers will benefit by that, frankly from simplification, less Estate Planning with the estate moved up and this will help our farmers but less time with the accountant and more time on the tractors. Reporter weve talked a little bit about what the speech is going to say as different bits of the speech have been given to the press. It is what the president likes to do when he adlibs that everyone will really Pay Attention to see what other things he might bring up. There is the shot from nashville. You can see they are awaiting President Trump as are we. Melissa adam, thank you. David liz peek from the fiscal times, dan heninger from the wall street journal, a fox news contributor, ned ryun, american majority founder and ceo and guy benson townhall. Com, also a fox news contributor. Guy, i will start with you, the people to whom the president is about to speak could care less about 90 of what the media is talking about today, this new book about the president , oprah winfrey, et cetera. They care about what is affecting them directly and frankly this is the president s strongest base, Rural America is much stronger for the president than the cities are where the media is located. He is in his very comfortable setting, right . David, this is not an oprah segment . Im confused . David you have the wrong preview, im sorry. No, no. Look, i think part of the problem with the book that is consuming this town, washington, d. C. , is that the president keeps talking about it and tweeting about it and the white house is feeding some oxygen to that story. What the president needs to do today, and frankly at every opportunity that he has, is to tout the tax reform bill and huge success that is having with more than a million americans getting bonuses, all sorts of other wonderful, immediate benefits and outcomes from that bill latest job numbers. Gdp numbers. Deregulation is a big, big plus for this economy and economic outlook, especially job creators moving forward. That is what the white house should be hammering every single day. This is the perfect venue. David this is perfect venue, liz, farmers care a lot about regulations. All kinds of epa rules that affected farmers what they do, during the Obama Administration and president gotten a. Trump will have to talk about this speech. Visas for people working on seasonal basis demand has gone through the roof for last five years, labor market is tied important to this particular community. Trade and workers are really important. Agricultural industry is successful, droving own prices down, producing mass amounts of corn and other products. What they want is more export markets. I think President Trump will have to address that. David dan, this is a president who likes to think out of the box. Very often comes up with solution that mainstream politicians and elite are not thinking about. Liz talked about how they dont have enough workers to do farm work theyre doing. They are just preparing, that is son any perp due. Do we want to sonny perdue. This is two minutes before the president speaks. There is something called a program where they invited workers to come in on a temporary basis. Worked fine for 30 years in america until the unions killed it. Might there be Something Like that as a solution we hear from the president . Well, david i couldnt agree with you more with you. Something like the brosaros program, allowed people to come in legally, work for a while and when the work was done go back to mexico and Central America would be ideal thing to do. I would be very startled if President Trump suggested anything like that. That would be an amazing event because running against immigration was kind of the basis of his campaign. So im not expecting that. I will be curious to pick up on lizs point, what the president will say about trade. He is lobbied heavily by trade of midwestern senators joni ernst of iowa, deb fischer of nebraska and pat from kansas as well. Roberts. They all want him not to end nafta. They are want to. That is a huge market for them. Melissa lets bring in ned ryun. Who better to ask . What will he say about that topic. Your guess is as good as mine. I would reiterate what guy is saying this is trumps first big speech about what the had. Trump should take the opportunity to remind people of successes in the first year. I know he will be talking about the tax bill and corporate raid going down from 35 to defend one and benefit to Small Business. I dont think there were as many benefits to the Small Business as i would like to have seen. Still significant step in the right direction, with 20 reduction off the top rate for these guys. A lot of. His tax plan, one of the best communicators that the white house has. Address issues coming to the forefront. Opioid crisis and highlight cutting back the regulatory state, he cut or delayed over 1500 regulations. When you have farmers fighting the epa, that is big role back of the regulatory state and how he will help rural areas deal with the Opioid Crisis among other things. Melissa guy, let me ask you, i think i may have to pause here. Seems like the president may be coming out. David there he is. David we know that theme song. Melissa lets listen in. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Youre so lucky, you know real estate. All the rooms all over this big beautiful building are packed but youre here with us. I say packed with our people. So it is great. Thank you very much. Secretary perdue for the kind introduction. No perfect person to be our secretary of agriculture. A man, known, trusted, respected by your industry, that is for sure. Im thrilled to be back. In the amazing state of tennessee. [applause] here as the state slogan goes, we see america at its absolute best. And youre doing well. Youre doing a lot better since november 8th, i might add. [applause] at the same at same time, people gathered here today in our nations former, you know that our nations farmers are just the most incredible people and we are doing a job for you. Youre seeing it like nobody else. Regulation, death tax, so much, youre a big beneficiary and youre really producing like nobody else. So i just want to thank you for that. [applause] that is why im so honored to be the first president to address the American Farm bureau in more than 25 years. What happened . Where are they . What happened . [cheers and applause] what happened . Where are they . And you know this is your 99th year. So i was very disappointed to hear that. [laughter] you understand. 100 is so much cooler, i have to be honest. So i will be back i think next year. I will come back. [cheers and applause] well come back. I want to thank governor haslem and mrs. Haslem, wonderful people, for joining us along with members of the tennessee congressional delegation. And i sort of have this beautiful list that i wrote, some of us came in on air force one and they are great people and they are fighting for you. In addition to the governor and your great secretary. Senator bob corker. Theyre out here someplace. Bob . [applause] senator Lamar Alexander is here. Senator pat roberts. [applause] thank you, pat. Oh, does he love the farmers, pat. Does he love those farmers. Right, pat. Stand up, pat. Do you love the farmers, pat . Yes. [applause] he will come in, were talking about a different subject because, what about the farmers . Thats good, that is why they love you. Representative diane black, terrific woman. Representative Marcia Blackburn, marcia . Representative scott desjarlais. I love that name. Hi, scott, thank you, scott, right from the beginning. Representative chuck fleishman. [applause] representative david kustof, thank you, david. Representative phil rowe. [applause] i talk about zippy. I dont have to mention zippy duval. I talk about him. [applause] tom nash, where is tom . Thank you, tom. And mark morris, state Senate Majority leader. All right, i have done my job, now, all right. Okay. I have done my job. Did i do a good job . Did i leave out anybody . I hope not. Always trouble when you do that. You leave out one person, for the rest of your life they never speak to you, so. It is always very dangerous. Thank you very much. Im also thrilled to see one of my good friends and early supporters, and that is tom. I just said, president ceo tom nasser. I also want to thank the American Farm bureau, and zippy, i said i was going to mention you, because i will mention you. You have been there from the beginning, and that tractor that you drove during the inauguration was a very, very special moment, so i want to thank zippy duval. [applause] thank you, zippy. Thank you. Thank you. It is a special day. From that day on we have been working every day to deliver for americas farmers just as they work every single day to deliver for us. We know that our nation was founded by farmers, our independence was won by farmers. Our continent was tamed by farmers. So true. Our armies have been fed by farmers. And made of farmers. Throughout our history, farmers have always, always, always, led the way. Are you surprised to hear that farmers . I dont think so. You have led the way. Great people. [applause] the men and women in this room come from different backgrounds and from all across our land. But each of you carries the same title, that has been proudly born by patriots and pioneers, inventors, an proudly the American Farmer. Thank you very much. [applause] you embody the values of hard work, grit, selfreliance, sheer determination we need to hear, did you ever hear this expression, make America Great again . Has anybody ever heard that . [cheers and applause] were seeing already, very early, 11 months the incredible results. Weve created more than 2 million new jobs since the election. Substantially more. Economic growth has surged past 3 . Something that wasnt supposed to happen for a long time. Were way ahead of schedule. Unemployment is at a 17year low. By the way, africanamerican unemployment is the lowest it has ever been in the history of our records. [applause] great. I told you, the stock market is hitting one alltime record after another. Boosting your 401 k s and retirement accounts for everyday americans. Everybody happy with your 401 k . [applause] because if youre not, there is something very wrong. I had a policeman in new york come up to me and said, mr. President , or shaking hands, i do we love our police and our uniformed [cheers and applause] he came up. We were on line. Taking pictures, nice event. And he said, sir, i want to thank you for my 401 k . I never thought this. I will use this every once in a while. My 401 k is up 39 . It is so good, my wife thinks i am, dont forget this is like in nine months when i met him, my wife thinks an investment genius. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Based on the stocks youre not doing that good. Dont tell your wife that. The American Dream roaring back to life, weve signed into law the most significant tax cuts and reforms in American History. [applause] a total of 5. 5 trillion in tax cuts, with most of those benefits going to working families, Small Businesses and who . The family farmer. [applause] i hate to say this, but youre competing party wants to raise those taxes. They want to raise them. Cant let that happen. We worked too hard to get them. Businesses across america have already started to raise wages. More than 100 companies have given bonuses and other benefits to hundreds of thousand of workers as a result of these massive tax cuts. You see it happening every day. Today they Just Announced more. 1000, sometimes more, per employee. Hundreds of thousands of employees overall millions of employees. We have over a million workers already received a tax cut bonus, something that nobody even thought when we made the bill. Nobody thought of that. It happened at t came out. Another one came out. Another one. Then they started copying. Now the ones that didnt get it everyone is saying wheres mine . They all will have it. We never thought about it. Frankly that worked out fantastically well, even before the february date where you will start seeing a lot more money in your paycheck. And yet every democrat in the house and every democrat in the senate voted against tax cuts for the American Farmer and for the american worker, but republicans came together and delivered historic relief for our farmers and our middle class. [applause] and it wasnt easy. We can not let anything ever to happen to that. If the democrats had a chance, the first thing they would do, get rid of it, raise up your taxes sometimes by 40, 50, 60 higher than youre paying right now. We cant have that. That will undermine everything that weve done. You see the record business after all over the world. Talking about the United States again all over the world. We can not let anything happen to what were doing. [applause] under the really large tax cut, i always call it massive, sometimes they say huge. Not a bad word, huge tax cut. But under our huge tax cut, that we just passed americans will be paying less in taxes and keeping more of their own money to do what you want. You can save it. You can spend it. But it is all good for our country. Weve lowered tax rates, nearly doubled the standard deduction and doubled the child tax credit. [applause] it is a big thing. Under the new law a typical family of four earning 75,000 will see a income tax cut of more than 2,000 each, slashing their tax bill in half, each year. [applause] american businesses are going from the highest tax rate in the developed world last year, the highest in the developed world, think of it, to one of the most competitive this year, from 35 , which is unacceptable, all the way down to 21 , and on top of that, you have a lot of advantages. Small and midsized businesses will receive massive tax cuts. Its a lot of folks in this room. [applause] they will be able to deduct 20 of their business income. All american businesses, including American Farmers, will be able to deduct 100 of the cost of new equipment in the year you make the investment. That is something that is tremendous. [applause] that is something that i think is going to be the sleeper of the bill. You deduct it all in one year as opposed to over many years. That is a tremendous thing. From now on, most family farms and Small Business owners will, will be spared, you will be spared, it really is the word punishment, of the deeply unfair estate tax, known as the death tax. So you can keep your farms in the family. [cheers and applause] get up. [applause] that was a tough one to get. That was a tough one. [applause] obviously you love your families, otherwise you wouldnt be standing for that one. Not going to help you much. Going to help them a lot. [laughter] [cheering] whats been happening, you know, you have a farm, and it does well, but its value is more than the income, really, would justify. And what happens is, families were forced to take these farms and sell them at a firesale price, and then they go out borrow too much money and they end up losing the farm. Not going to happen anymore, folks. Not going to happen. I congratulate you. That was a tough one to get approved of all of them. [applause] in every decision we make we are honoring americas proud farming legacy. Years of crushing taxes, crippling regulations, never has been worse than before it was when i got here. It was horrible. And corrupt politics, left our communities hurting, our economy stagnant, and millions of hardworking americans completely forgotten. But they, guess what . Are not forgotten anymore. No more. [applause] i used t call them the forgotten men and wom and then whenever one saw tm coming to the polls,he other side said how do wget some of them . Gotten noor mble. Were fighting for our farrs. Thank you. [applause] and were fhting for our couny andor f our Great American flag. We want our flag respected. We want our flag respected. [applause] and we want our National Anthem respected also. [cheers and applause] usa usa usa usa there is plenty of space for people to express their views and protest. We love our flag and our anthem and we want to keep it that way. As we put money back in the pockets of all americans including our farmers and ranchers were also putting an end to the regulatory assault on your way of life and it was an assault indeed. For years many of you have endured burdensome fine, inspections, paperwork, and relentless intrusion from an army of regulators at the epa, the fda, and countless other federal agencies. Is that right by the way . [applause] that why im truly proud to report within our first eleven have months our administration canceled or delayeded 1500 planned regulatory actions or assaults, more than any other president in the history of the United States. [applause] we have cut 22 regulations for everyone new regulation. Think of that one. [applause] you remember when i would talk to you, when i would come down to tennessee and different place, id say, for every new regulation well cut one extra regulation, right . We did one better. One, and we cut 2, instead of 2 it was 22. Were very honored by that. [applause] if the democrats got their way they would reinstate every single regulation were cutting and add many more burdensome rules that dont do anything but hamstring our economy and burden our people and our farmers. My administration is in the process of rolling back a rule that hit our farmers an ranchers very, very hard. The terrible waters of the United States rule. You know about that. [cheers and applause] it sounds so nice. It sound so innocent and it was a disaster, you know that. It sounded so good, the title is so beautiful. That is where it stopped. It was absolutely, and i have to say this, when i signed it, oh i will be killed on this one. You know what . People came to me and they saw me and they were crying. Men that were tough and strong, women that were tough and strong, they see me, tears coming down their eyes, because i gave them back their property. I gave them back their farms. They couldnt use them. [applause] we ditched the rule, i call it. We ditched the rule. [cheers and applause] were streamlining regulations that have blocked cuttingedge biotechnology, setting free our farmers to innovate, thrive, and to grow. Oh, are you happy you voted for me. You are so lucky that i gave you that privilege. [laughter] [applause] the other choice wasnt going to work out too well for the farmers. Or the miners or anybody else. Because we know that our farmers are our future, so true. Were removing harmful restrictions on forestry, so you can log more timber, plant more trees and export more Renewable Resources to other countries, make money doing it. [applause] were restoring the rule of law and protecting our cherished Second Amendment. [applause] that was another thing that would have been gone had the other side won. That wasnt so close. Didnt turn out to be, remember . There is no way to 270. There wasnt. We got 306 or 304. There was no way to 270. We ended up with 304, after two were taken away from us somehow. We had 306. Then it ended up being 304. Explain that to me some day. To level the Playing Field for our Great American exporters, our farmers and ranchers, as well as our manufacturers, were reviewing all of our trade agreements to make sure that they are fair and reciprocal, reciprocal, so important. On nafta, im working very hard to get a better deal for our country, for our farmers and for our manufacturers. It is under negotiation as we speak. [applause] but think of it, when mexicos making all of that money, when canada is making all of that money, it is not the easiest negotiation but were going to make it fair for you people again. Now we want to see even more victories for the American Farmer and for the american rancher. Here today is Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman pat roberts, and im looking forward to working with congress to pass the farm bill on time, so that it delivers for all of you, and i support a bill that includes crop insurance, unless you dont want me to. [cheers and applause] thank you. I guess you like it, right . Good. Because if i heard no applause i would say, forget it, give it up. Now i cant do that. Now were working hard on the farm bill and i think its going to go well. Were also moving swiftly to bring hope and prosperity to struggling Rural Communities. Last april i commissioned a task force to meet with farmers in local communities to find the greatest barriers to rural prosperity. Today this task force is releasing its final report and i am taking action right at that beautiful table, right out of the hills of tennessee, right there. Im going to be signing two very important bills. The task force heard from farmers that Broadband Internet access is an issue, of vital concern to their communities and businesses s that a correct statement . [applause] that is why today in a few minutes i will take the first step to expand access to Broadband Internet in Rural America. So you can compete on a level Playing Field, which you were not able to do. Not fair. [applause] i will sign two president ial orders, to provide broader and faster, and Better Internet coverage. Make sure you look up realdonaldtrump right . I have a feeling you get that anyway. [applause] it is our only way around the media. Fake media. [applause] i also want to thank congresswoman Marcia Blackburn who is here with us today for her leadership on getting broadband. She is very, very strong on it, getting it to Rural America. Thank you, marcia. [applause] the task force also focused on the need to rebuild our crumbling rural infrastructure. Weve already slashed harmful restrictions that delay Critical Infrastructure projects for decades and decades, hard to believe. And we are proposing infrastructure reforms to insure that our Rural Communities have access to the best roadways, railways, and waterways anywhere in the world and thats whats happening. Well be spending the necessary funds and well get you taken care of. Its about time. [applause] and these projects are going to be built like i do, under budget and ahead of schedule, right . [applause] we are confronting the scourge of drug addiction and overdoses that plagues far too many of our Rural Communities and claims too Many American lives all over our country. We are fighting the Opioid Epidemic and we are proudly supporting the men and women of Law Enforcement including our wonderful i. C. E. Officers and Border Patrol agents. These are incredible people who endorsed me during the campaign and they are incredible. [applause] theyre doing a great job at the border by the way. We are going to end chain migration. We are going to end the lottery system, and we are going to build the wall. [applause] every american child deserves to grow up in a Safe Community and to live a life full of dignity, purpose and hope. That is the future we all seek and we will fiercely defend for all americans. We see the promise of tomorrow and the the incredible Young Farmers who joined us today, students achieving incredible things through amazing organizations like ffa and 4h. [applause] great people. Great people, thank you. The future of our country. That is the future of our country. [applause] great young people. Their devotion to our nation inspires us all, really does but to insure that our young people reach their potential and our nation fulfills its destiny we must remember and honor our history. We have to remember our history. Mostly good, some not so good but you learn from it. We have to remember our history. That is why i want to close my remarks today by commemorating one of the most important days in American History. Today, january 8th, the story began right here in tennessee and like some of the Great Stories of American History many of its heroes were American Farmers. It was a Pivotal Moment in the war of 1812. At the time the british army seemed totally unstoppable. They had just beaten napoleon in europe and set fire to the United States capitol. But that did not stop a man named general Andrew Jackson of tennessee. Did you ever hear of Andrew Jackson of tennessee . [applause] he was a great general and a great president , and his ragtag militia of patriots who were ready to fight to defend american independence. In december of 1814 jackson and his Tennessee Volunteers had made their way to new orleans to defend that crucial port from the british. Through grueling winter weeks, horrible weather, icy rain, hunger, and sleepless nights, a few thousand american patriots fought to hold back a British Force nearly twice as large and that everybody thought was totally unstoppable. Finally on this day 203 years ago the british launched their fullscale attack and it was brutal. It was brutal. They expected to secure a swift victory and seize control of the Mississippi River and that would have been catastrophic for what we were doing. It was not the first time the british had underestimated the american spirit. Do you notice how some people underestimate the americans. Theyre not underestimating us so much anymore, folks. [applause] jacksons men quickly proved them very, very wrong. Within onehalf an hour, an outnumbered force, the american force, achieved victory over one of the worlds mightiest empires and one of the strongest armies ever seen. Tennessee, congratulations, tennessee. I like you too. I like you too, tennessee. [applause] the americans held their ground. Independence was secured. Andrew jacksons name was etched into history and those patriot farmers proved once again that in the words of Andrew Jackson farmers are the basis of society and true friend of liberty. Great story. Love that story. Have Great Respect for Andrew Jackson. [applause] today the battle of new orleans lives on in the american soul and it lives on in each and everyone of you. Our task is to preserve the freedom that american soldiers have fought for and died for in every generation. Our task is to uphold the values an principles that define who we are as a nation and as a people. Our task is to love, cherish and protect the flag and the constitution of the United States. If we do these things, if we reawaken the confidence that inspired jacksons victory, our country is getting its confidence back again. The character that stormed the beaches of normandy and the courage that sent pilgrims across the ocean and astronauts to the moon. Then there is nothing we cant do. [applause] for america there is no task too great, no goal too large, no dream beyond our reach. We are witnessing a new era of patriotism, prosperity and pride. And at the forefront of this exciting new chapter is the great American Farmer. Thank you. [applause] a phrase that i have heard all my life but i will repeat right now, very simple but very, very accurate and concise, farm country is gods country. So true. [cheers and applause] thank you very much, tennessee, and thank you for the honor of speaking here this afternoon. Im thrilled to stand with you today and i will be standing with you for many years to come. Together we truly are making America Great again. God bless you. God bless everyone. Thank you, thank you very much. [cheers and applause] david donald trump is in Trump Country right now. He is in nashville, tennessee. A lot of supporters in the Rural Communities of the president. In fact many more so than in the cities and suburbs of the United States. He is talking at the American Farm Bureau Federations national conference, the first president to do so in 25 years, talking about all of those measures that he has been responsible for which he said has been of great help to the farming communities including deregulation and a host of other things including the new tax bill which of course will allow farmers all kinds of tax breaks to pass their farms on to their younger generation. Melissa. Melissa lets bring the panel back in. Dan, if you were going through that, trying to listen for the policy nuggets there, he was talking about nafta. He said im working hard to get a better deal on nafta but its not easy. It was a change in the tone and rhetoric that i will throw nafta out the window. What do you think about that . Melissa, you put your finger on the most important part of this speech. I have to say i thought it was very, very significant. I counted the president devoted two lines to nafta. Were working hard to melissa hang on one second. Locate broadband facilities in Rural America. [cheers and applause] might as well be efficient. Well do the other one while im here. Nice job in putting a mic at that table. [laughter] supporting broadband Power Facilities in Rural America. And federal properties managed by the department of the interior. Those towers are going to go up and you are going to have a great, great broadband. Thank you. [applause] melissa okay. So there he was talking about deploying affordable, modern, reliable high Speed Broadband to Rural America. Obviously as part of infrastructure and spending and something he had decided to do ahead of time. He has the documents there, signing them away. Dan, i want to continue what youre saying because i too think the nugget that was newsworthy out of this was about nafta. Go ahead. Exactly. Like what were looking at here, he must have spent two or three times talking about broadband in Rural Communities as he did about trade with mexico and canada and that is what most of those people in the audience were sitting there to hear, what he had to say about nafta. This is a president who threatened to pull out of nafta. Said its a terrible deal. That is something he has said over and over. Nothing like that in this speech. As i said he has been listening to senator pat roberts of kansas, joni ernst and iowa, arguing and can counseling him not going too far pulling out of nafta. This suggests to me, melissa, that is not going to happen. This was politically interesting and significant speech. Melissa ned what do you think . No, i think he, i think that is right on the head. Nafta instead of pulling out well get the best deal for american workers. That is significant shift from the campaign rhetoric. He history the right tone. He said one of the interesting ones that not one democrat voted for the tax bill. 2018 if we see multiple quarters of 4 gdp a market that might hit 26,000 points, see wages go up, jobs increase, im curious what democrats will actually run on in 2018 . He was right to hit that point t was great for him to emphasize the reforms on the estate tax, the death tax, and also tome emphasize these guys get to do 100 deduction in year one on their equipment. Melissa yeah. I think he hit the right tone. Extremely disciplined which i love. He didnt take time to go after the book. He didnt take time to go after the media. He stuck to the script. He sold his plans. He talked about the future. I thought it was excellent speech. Melissa guy benson, what is your take on that . He didnt do anything on the book or media, blah, blah, any of that. That is important. Melissa two selling points, also made news on these other issues . Because im sitting here and im listening when he goes off script and adlibs, he did it a few times im bracing to hear what he will say. A lot of people in the media are waiting to latch on to something that might be newsworthy that they blow up. Melissa theyre not covering it. Theyre talking about the book and other gossip on the panels. Theyre not covering this speech. If he mentions the book or oprah winfrey, become as giant headline all the talking heads are discussing. He didnt do that he did not bait them. He didnt take the bait and bait them in response. Instead he stuck to mostly the script, huge applause line on the death tax. I know we were told by liberals, that will not affect many farmers. Sounds like the farmers in that room disagree. Really take the fight rhetorically to democrats saying every Single Member congress with a democrat, a d next to their name, all of them voting against this bill, that helped Small Businesses and companies and gives a tax cut to 80 of american families. They all voted no. What happens if they win . What happens it your tax relief . What happens to deregulation . What happens to the Second Amendment . He stuck that in there as well. That is the type of rhetorical ammo that i think every conservative is happy to hear the president deploying. David liz peek, there may have been differences on nafta and other things but he did a gut punch there with the flag and the american National Anthem. There is something about Rural America that issues like that a lot of folks in the cities and suburbs dont get, they get immediately. When he referenced, he didnt even have to mention the nfl or the even the word football but it is clear where he was going with that. That really roused the crowd. Yeah, farm country is gods country. That is really the message. He gets what these people are about. As someone mentioned earlier it is 46 million americans constitute Rural America. This is not an insignificant part of the country, and i thought what we came out of here, folks, was the campaign for 2018. If you vote in the democrats, they are going to raise your taxes again. If you vote in democrats they will reimpose all these regulations that i have rolled back. I think that is pretty powerful stuff. David dont you think, dan, that that really affects the people, a farmers life more than anything else, the fact this he can immediately see a deregulation policy that affects their land right now . Yeah. And trump mentioned that. He said the immediate expensing, 100 expense something the sleeper in the tax bill. He could be right about that. That certainly will be true for farmers that will expense expenses and equipment. It will be interesting to see how much they pour into their land and their equipment. And it should benefit the farm communities. Melissa ned, final thought on that, what did he miss in the speech . What could he have gotten to in terms of policy . He touched on immigration . He talked in broad strokes. We were listening for hints whats coming. He didnt really do that. No, i mean he spent, what, i think one or two lines on immigration, chain migration and the lottery system, build a wall. Really didnt talk about 2018 that is fine with me. You have midterms and members of congress, any political courage they might have had in 2017 will evaporate in 2018. I think he was right to talk about all the successes he had. Talks about the future what he could actually do. The thing i hope he will continue to do, continue to roll back the regulatory state where in his powers as the executive to get some wins in 2018. I wasnt that surprised about it. Love the tone. Loved the discipline. He hit all the right points. Great speech. Melissa he did get a lot of points on that from the crowd. You heard them cheering on that. Estate tax, that is for the rich, no one cares about that. Here we have middle america, farmers cheering for these things they know because they look at their bottom line and their pocketbook what it is really all about. Anyway, thanks to all of you. Appreciate it. David. David another big story were following this hour. A win for the house intelligence community. Despite the fusion gps trying to not hand over financial records, the house received reports records. This is the Company Behind the trump dossier. Catherine herridge is following this closely with all kinds of details nobody else has. Catherine. Reporter four big developments with this House Committee which is really driving the russian investigation. Theyre in the process of scheduling 10 interviews for this month. About eight of them are the former fbi director comeys inner circle as well as two Trump Campaign aides. Among this group is the Senior Justice Department official bruce ohr. Bruce ohrs important because we confirmed today that he has been stripped of a second title after he had these undisclosed meetings with fusion gps, the firm behind the dossier as well as christopher steele, the british spy who compiled research. Td bank complied with a house subpoena and provided the financials to the House Committee and this specifically is 70 transactions that covered clients, journalists, media organizations as well as researchers on the russia project. And the House Committee final point, forth point, got access to fbi interviews on friday which included interviews with Confidential Sources or informants. Were led to believe that was also christopher steele. So they really took home a lot of information at the end of last week, david. David catherine, we have only 30 seconds, looking at Bank Statements you can see who they wrote checks to and who they received money from. What is more important in your eyes in terms of what the investigators are looking for . What is more important here who they were paying money to specifically this allegation that they were paying reporters in offshore accounts to publish stories which were helpful to their clients, in this case the dossier which was funded by the dnc and the clinton campaign, david. David very interesting stuff. Catherine herridge, thank you very much. Youre welcome. David melissa. Melissa from in veil, to the big nashville to the big game the president is set to atlanta to jet to the College Football championship game. We have that coming up next. Melissa heading south for the big game, President Trump set to take off for tonights College Championship game in atlanta where the georgia bulldogs are set to face off against the alabama crimson tied. Two southern schools are going up against each other. David no word what the president will play in tonights game but security is expect to be tight as activists of the naacp say they plan to organize protests. The last time georgia won was when they had a running back named walker. Melissa did you pull that up out of thin air . David no, its possible we had a producer thats in love with georgia. Shes taking tomorrow off. Thats how much she loves. Melissa i like that. I respect that. Ill be watching too. Risk and reward starts right now. Trump people came to me, and they saw me, and they were crying. Men that were tough and strong. Women that were tough and strong, they see me, their tears coming down their eyes because i gaye them back their property. I gave them back their farms. They couldnt use them. We ditched the rule. I call it. We ditched the rule. Were streamlining regulations that have blocked cutting edge biotechnology, setting free our farmers to innovate, thrive, and to grow. Oh, are you happy you voted for me. You are so lucky that i gave you that privi

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