Today. We are new yorkers who dont live in fear. Liz panic during the morning rush hour. New york city failed suicide bomber. Breaking news here. The new york bombing suspect told officials he was inspired by isis and that he chose the new york city subway because of its christmasthemed posters. Also invoking isis stripes in europe against holiday markets. He injured himself and three others after detonating a pipe bomb in a underground subway passageway at the Port Authority near time square. This is the third terror attack in new york city since september 2016. And now this. The failed suicide bomber entered the u. S. On a chain migration visa because he had family ties here. It has been called an abused back door into the u. S. That President Trump wants to shut. Weve got the details and more. Also, this story for you. To the special election showdown in alabama. The polls all over the map on the senate race between republican roy moore and Democrat Doug Jones. The vote is tomorrow. We break down the latest fox results on who is in the lead. Now, this race could affect tax reform and your with all the. And bitcoin stock prices rocketing higher as future trading begins but prices around the world are all over the map. Now bearing down fearing pump and dump trades as cryptocurrency moves from the fringes to the mainstream. Also, one more story for you. A knockdown, dragout fight between White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders and a cnn reporter after a week of incorrect stories about the white house. Sarah is punching back hard. And guess who won . This latest round. Our guest lineup America Islamic forum for democracies. Dr. Zuhdi jasser and james mitchell, former special assistant to President Trump, mark, and representative andy biggs all here all tonight. Welcome to risk and reward im elizabeth macdonald. The dow and s p closing today at record highs despite the new york citys attempted terror attack. More on that in a moment. The biggest drivers were apple and Energy Sectors as Oil Prices Rose and an expected u. S. Federal reserve rate hike later in the week. But first to the failed new york city suicide bomber set off a rush hour explosion at one of the nations busiest terminals. The Port Authority near time square. It is a commuter subways and buses. The attack causing a stampede emptying new york city streets usually jampacked with holiday shoppers. The failed suicide bomber identified as a Bangladeshi National inspired by isis came here due to family ties via chain migration. The terror group posting a chilling image of a terrorist dressed as santa claus standing next to a box of dynamite in time square saying we meet in christmas in new york soon. This terrorist today says he was inspired by the Holiday Christmas attacks by isis in europe. Again, this is the third terrorist attack in the city since last september. Includes the bomber and also the west side attacker who killed 8. Lets get to Connell Mcshane live on the ground with more on this story. Connell, the breaking news is that he was inspired by the Christmas Holiday attacks in europe. Go ahead, connell. Yeah. Law enforcement officials have been adding to that picture about the suspected terrorist. The 27yearold that came from bangladesh. And to your point inspired, not directed, but inspired by isis. Again, 27 years old. Originally from bangladesh. Came here by using essentially his own relatives who were living legally in the United States to obtain what they call a chain migration visa. All legal, still and at the time its a program President Trump would like to do away with. But it was in place when he came into the country legally. At one point drove a new york city taxicab but gave up that job a couple of years ago. Now, for what he did here today just behind me is the busy Port Authority bus terminal which has reopened for business. But during the morning rush about 7 20 this morning, this guy showed up, and he was walking alongside a group of commuters in a subway tunnel when an explosion went off. And turned out he had a explosive device strapped to his body. But according to the new york city officials, it was what they described as a low level explosive device. So thats the good news, liz, in that there were only four minor injuries because the device was low level. Now, again, this guy was inspired by isis but according to Law Enforcement officials, the belief is he acted alone, was able to construct this device, the explosive device on his own and come here to carry out the attack earlier today. Now, as we come to you this evening in new york city, i should point out that the authorities on the scene so quickly, Port Authority Police Officers along with nypd and federal authorities have managed to get this city all but back to normal. The evening commute is underway. The streets are opening, the buses and subways are running again. Back to you. Liz thank you, connell. Good to see you. Thanks again. Since 9 11, new york city has remain for the most part immune from the terror attacks weve seen in the european cities over the past five to ten years. But that has changed. James oneal, the new York City Police department commissioner. This was captured on Transit System video. A further view and interviewing witnesses on the way. A thorough Background Investigation is being conducted by the joint terrorist task force. Liz now you have the breaking news. This latest failed suicide bomber was inspired by the isis attacks on holiday markets at christmastime in europe overseas, and he chose this new york city subway system for the christmasthemed posters thats according to the new york times. He came into the u. S. On a extended migration visa. Something President Trump has been trying to stop. Lets bring in american Islamic Forum for democracy dr. Zuhdi jasser. With me now. Dr. Zuhdi inspired by the christmas attack in europe. What are your thoughts there . Well, again, liz, the efforts of Homeland Security no matter how much unrest or what they do, ultimately, a whackamole will get through. Will miss. The inspiration and isis brand as you can tell, this bangladeshy cant speak arabic. He doesnt know anything about syria or iraq and yet he was radicalized by the origin. Hes been here six and a half years. So he was at the here at the beginning of the arab spring even though bangladesh had nothing to dod with arab spring. We are winning the battle in syria and iraq but losing the war against jihadism. And this is a victory for them, even though there were minor injuries, thank god. The bottom line, though, is theyre all over the news. They have us on defense. We need, liz, an offense. We have no offense into the community, into the pools that are radicals these individuals. Liz some explosive numbers. 9. 3million immigrants came here to the u. S. Via chain migration. Meaning family ties. Thats from 200 2005 to 2015. Doctor, thats more than 70 of all immigration in that period. Whats your reaction to those numbers . Well, its interesting after the truck attack, we talked about the diversity program. Now were talking more about chain migration. Every point of access into the country needs to be vetted extremely. We need to start to have a whole government approach, liz, to anyone coming in whether its on visa or natural immigration. Whatever it might be, we need to start vetting against the ideology. Were not vetting against anyone about whether they believe in the system of secular governance. These individuals that divide the world into land of islam and the land of war. We never vet for those types of things. So they vet for the insurgency and after a few years, groups radicalize them and tell them this country is against them, et cetera. And at the end of the day, one little operational moment, and they decide to act like this guy did and others have before him. Liz to your point, the west side highway bike path terrorist, he killed out, wounded a dozen. He is defiant. He said he was proud of what he did. He wanted to display an isis flag in his hospital room. He came here on a visa lottery for diversity system and now we have republican representative Michael Mccall about past warnings. Roll tape. What i worry about is isis sent a message two weeks ago saying we will see you in new york for christmas soon. So we know that theyre directing targeting attacks around the christmas season. Liz to your point, these guys are defiant. We have to vet for ideology. Thats your point; right . Oh, exactly. I mean, look at the you talk about diversity programs. Thats ethnic diversity. Well, omar mateen was afghany. The truck user back a month ago was from uzbekistan, this individual is bangladeshi. Any is right for radicalization and radicalization. And once we address the ideology, which is political islam, separatism and insurgency against secular democracies, then we will begin down the right path. Otherwise, we just continue this whackamole and scratch our head and plugging each hole while the sink sips. Liz yeah. Lets do more digging into the terror attack before the bombing. The terrorist dr. Zuhdi jasser just mentioned, the truck attacker, hes lawyering up. Hes pleading not guilty. Now, this is a terrorist accused of killing eight people, injuring 12 after he drove a truck into pedestrians and bicyclists in new york city in october, again, pleading not guilty to charges of murder and terrorism. What do you think, doctor . Will todays terrorist failed suicide bomber do the same . Will he lawyer up and say not guilty . Well, these individuals weve seen many. I mean, you had boston became a hero while he was in prison claiming it was free speech even though he was sympathizing with alqaeda. All of these guys they dont care what happens with me of. They just want to become the mantles of the message of any of these others that radicalize them. And at the end of the day they will use the platform of claiming not guilty so that they can get more attention to further jihadis and use their trial as a radicalization process for other want to be jihadis, and thats why we need to remain vigilant. See something, say something, and not let these folks get away. Liz and, doctor, to your point, theyre using the u. S. System against innocent americans; right . Absolutely. I mean, they see our freedom as a weakness. And, by the way, we should not change any of that. Once we do, then weve declared that weve lost. But at the end of the day, we should call them what they are, which are traders, treasonnists, they should not be given access to come here. We should idea logical vetting, but we should not change who we are because thats really the best asset against islam have a laboratory to do things against those ideas that you just cant do. Liz to your point, theyre enemy combatants. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Well, it was a good start to the week despite what happened in new york city today. Record closes for the dow and the s p. Nicole petallides on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange with the latest. Nicole. Across the board new record close for the dow, new record close for the s p 500. So we certainly have seen three weeks of gains from both of those embassies and gains today. So records there on the nasdaq up three days in a row, so that had an up arrow as well. On the Dow Jones Industrial average, take a look at the winners. We saw disney, apple, verizon, and merck leading the way and apple acquiring shazam. Watching for the fed this week and also everybodys expecting a rate hike there. This has been a lot of optimism with the latest economic news, and we did see some Energy Stocks help lead the way today. Liz thank you so much, nicole. Coming up wait, we have breaking news coming in right now. Comcast is dropping its bid to buy 21st century fox. Now, disney is the sole suitor for the 40 billiondollar deal involving the entertainment asset including the studio, fx, and natgeo. Comcast ending 1 higher, basically 21st century also ending the day higher. Coming up, a Fiery Exchange of todays White House Press briefing. Here is a preview. Theres a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposely misleading the American People. Something that happens regularly. You cant say im not done. Liz wow that was press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders getting into it big time with the cnn reporter jim acosta over the media misleading the public. Thats what the press secretary said. Were going to show you who won this latest round and the proof. Alabama heads to the polls and the outcome of the special election tomorrow, that could impact tax reform. Were going to explain how and why. This is going to affect you and your family. The latest on who is also in the lead in alabama. Stay right there. We have more after the break. For every hour that youre idling in your car, youre sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. That amounts, over the course of the week, to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide. Growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, thats a problem. So forwardthinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. The solution was right under our feet. Asphalt. Or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. By embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to analyze the flow of traffic. 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Alabama heading to the polls in the outcome of the special election could impact tax reform. Democrat doug jones with a 10point lead over republican roy moore among likely voters. President trump recording a robocall in support of roy moore. Hi, this is president donald trump, and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore. It is so important. Were already making America Great again. Im going to make america safer and stronger and better than ever before, but we need that seat. We need roy voting for us. Liz lets bring in former special assistant to President Trump mark lotter. Good to see you, mark. Hi, thanks for having me on, liz. Liz do you trust the polls . Or people not admitting to pollsters that they are, in fact, voting for roy moore . Thats a distinct possibility. I mean, weve seen three polls come out today, including the fox poll that you mentioned. There was another poll that had roy moore up by nine and the third poll that showed the race tied. So right now, its all over the board. Its going to involve turnout, and i think there is a factor there. A lot of people are thinking one thing. They might tell pollsters another. And when they go into the ballot booth tomorrow, theyre going to have to make a decision. Do they want a senator thats going to stand by President Trump in a state that he won by 28 points, or does he want somebody representing him who represents everything the president is against . Liz you know, mark, the earliest that the state of alabama alabama can certify a winner is the 26th. So does tax reform need to be won by congress by Christmas Day . Well, the president definitely wants it by Christmas Day impeccables the americans need a great Christmas Present in terms of a large tax cut. You know, i think the votes are probably going to be there regardless. But lets get it done just in case and has it as the president wants on Christmas Day. It passed last time with 51 senators voting for it. So lets hope we can get that same 51 back this time. Liz yeah, mark, to your point. Lets get back to the turnout question. Its impossible to know who will show up to vote in a special election in an off year. You know, its december. People are at the shopping mall. But the fox poll shows that more democrats than republicans are quote extremely interested in this race. Were talking the turnout of younger voters, minorities, and women who could swing the polls for doug jones. But other polls put roy moore firmly in the lead. To your point, it is right. It is all over the map. Yeah. This race will drive enthusiasm in a couple of different ways. Obviously, it will energize the Democratic Base which is not that large in alabama. But you also have some folks on the republican side who were just as enthusiastic about supporting judge moore and then there are some who obviously have some questions about whether they should vote for him. Thats why when you look at this race from the outside, really, its going to come down to what kind of senator do they want . Do they want one thats going to support the president . Or do they want one that supports chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, and everything in blocking the president . Liz you know, the fox news poll shows one in ten are undecided and a subgroup of independents breaking for doug jones by 29 points. I mean, again, up in the air. It is. And, liz, its not unusual for a high number of undecideds in a contested controversial race such as this so folks who dont necessarily want to say either way how theyre going to vote. In some cases, theyll walk in there at the last minute and make up their mind. I think in many cases they already know who theyre going to vote for. They just dont feel comfortable telling a live telephone operator who theyre going to vote for in this way. Liz mark, good to have you on. Thank you so much for coming on. Thanks. Liz and you can watch our special coverage of the alabama election with neil cavuto tomorrow night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time right here on fox business. Now look at this story. Wow the. The amazon echo coming to 28 more countries. That means amazons Music Streaming Service and prime could be going in there as well. The service is called amazon music unlimited. Little over 40 million songs, thousands of play lists and stations. Amazon, look at the stock closing today in the green. It was a knockdown dragout fight between White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders and a cnn reporter. Sarah sanders punching back very hard. And guess who won this latest round . Weve got the details. This could replace Mcgregor Mayweather as the fight of the century. But first, Bitcoin Futures trading begins despite bubble warnings. Were going to give you the money guys in whether you should get in or short it. Thats after this. Stay right there his late 50s right in the heart of the financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. It really scared him out of the markets. His advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldnt be able to retire until he was 68. The client realized, i need to get back into the markets i need to get back on track with my plan. The Financial Advisor was able to work with this client. Hes now on track to retire when hes 65. Having someone coach you through it is really the value of a Financial Advisor. Liz the futures market for bitcoin opening today. But will the bitcoin price surge, could it possibly he would not in pump and dump tears . Warn bit coins for now are lightly irregulated. Its a thinlytraded market and ownership is heavily concentrated. We have one report saying that 40 of bitcoin is owned by just 1,000 people. Lets bring in kings View Asset Management chief Investment Officer scott martin. Advisers jason. Bitcoin, the market value now approaches burning. Should web worried about pump and dump here . Thats a little worrisome i think. When were comparing it to stocks, one thing. When youre comparing it to bond or gold or other asset classes, thats exactly what its not. Its not a traditional asset class. So when youre thinking about investing it if youre sitting at home saying gosh, should i buy bitcoin now, which im not advising per se. That is true risk capital, though, that you should be taking into account now. Because bitcoin from my research is trading on demand only. And as you mentioned, weve got these exchanges now listing it, which is great because thats going to add liquidity to it and find out what true price is in the next, say, weeks or months. Liz im going to get to that in a second. Scott, have you bought bitcoin . I have in the past. Im a recovering bitcoin owner, but i dont own any right now. Liz price for discovery. Heres whats going on. Huge price differences, jason, between different Bitcoin Trading venues, depending on where you trade. I mean, thats unheard of. At one point, bitcoin was trading at 19,000 plus in Southern California at the same time trading at 14,000 plus in taiwan. I mean, isnt that an issue . Its an issue which tells me were still very, very early and that all the naysayers that say its going to crash, its going to correct, i think those people are incorrect. Were still so early and bitcoin is just getting to be more and more legitimatized, again, by the futures exchanges. Theres not even an estimated and bitcoin is almost at 20k. So i dont think the run is over. At the very least. Liz thats a great point. The way to play it through nvidia, which has chips like tesla cars or amd. Is this a bubble in search of a pin . Its being called, you know, market shops, the market to end all bubbles. What do you think . I think its a bubble that lets say, and i guess i agree with jason here. Not going to have the crazy amount of inflation of air like it has in, say, the last couple of months or years. But its probably here to say and the fact the demand is real. Whether it is the billions of dollars that are trying to leave china or the far east, theres certainly demand there. Now, the only question is, which i think you brought up about the pricing. Remember, this is not something that the u. S. Or other governments have come out and said. Okay. Were going to regulate this or accept this. What happens, e mac if you and i open up a store and say we accept bitcoin. Do we pay taxes on that . What happens when bitcoin becomes more mainstream or some of these others. How does the government treat that from a tax perspective and reporting perspective . Liz yeah, thats a great point. By the way, the latest close 17,000 for bitcoin. Apps for buying and selling bitcoin rocketing to the top of the apple charts. People are really going nuts over this. Yeah. I mean, you have no idea how many friends, associates people that i know a little bit, people that i know a lot are reaching out saying tell me about this bitcoin. Is it true theres only 21 million that are ever going to be in existence . How should i buy it . Do i boy it now . And theres clearly a friends. But at the same time, the bottom line for me is that bitcoin as well as the big picture, the whole block chain crypto space is really going to keep going much, much higher. Liz scott, jason, thank you very much. The money guys. The experts on bitcoin. Next, it was a fiery fight and exchange at the White House Press briefing. This after a week of reporters at abc, cnn, and the Washington Post correcting erroneous stories in the white house. This over the last couple of weeks. Sarah Huckabee Sanders mixing it up big time with a cnn reporter. Were bringing in the panel to react and show you exactly what went down. Watch. 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You cannot say you cannot say that its an honest mistake when youre purposefully putting out information that you know to be false or when youre taking in information that hasnt been validated or any credibility and has been continually denied with direct knowledge of an instance. Can you cite a specific story that you say is intentionally false that was intentionally put out there to mislead the American People . Sure. The abc report by brian roth. I think that was pretty misleading to the American People, and i think that its very telling that that individual had to be suspended because of that reporting. I think that shows that the network took it seriously and recognized that it was a problem. Well, you used it on something else. Jim. Not today. Were going to keep moving, guys. If i can ask about the accusations im moving to a different zone. Im sorry. I know but i need the chance to ask a question, that i wanted to ask. Jim, im going to say once and for all that im moving on to jim simpson, and im not taking another question from you at this point. Liz white house fireworks throwing down fighting with cnn jim acosta saying reporters are purposely misleading the American People with the number of stories. It was a week where we saw erroneous news reports in the Washington Post about the white house. It started a couple of weeks ago with brian ross incorrect report about general Michael Flynn that left to the suspension. Alleging that wikileaks gave donald trump jr. An advanced heads up about documents from the dnc during the president ial campaign. That was wrong. And another one from cnn. They are now quietly walking back their bombshell reporting on the trump russia collusion there. And at this time with the story about attorney general Jeff Sessions. They got that one wrong too. Theyre going to have more on that in just a second. Lets take this to Political Panel and democrat strategist daniel. Kurt, all right. Lets get to this latest bombshell report that cnn is now quietly walking back. The cnn, kurt, initially had reported that Jeff Sessions had failed to disclose meetings he had with the russian ambassador. But Jeff Sessions was saying all along, kurt, that he was told by the fbi because hes a senator he did not have to list those meetings. He wanted to list them, but he didnt. What do you make of this fight with Sarah Sanders and cnn today . Well, liz, you know, heres the problem. We have a journalist class and a certain kind of journalist, a liberalleaning journalist in most cases that believes that they should be treated as neutral professionals who are trying to do a great job at telling the truth. Except they dont want to do the hard work of being neutral professionals who do the hard work of telling the truth. When you if i feel give false information or when you give false information and dont immediately correct it, thats a problem. When we see it, we see tweets with 30,000 retreats that gets all over the place with bad information, and then you get this small correction and, like, five people retreat that. Its ridiculous. People are tired of it, and im behind Sarah Huckabee sanders. I think its great that she calls these folks to account. All right, danielle, how do you come down . Is Sarah Sanders right or are news sources making honest mistakes . I think boston of them are right. I can understand that Sarah Huckabee sanders is extremely annoyed of what shes seeing in the media. But ive been in business long enough to know that basically the media is full of wellmeaning people liz are they making more hold on. Let me back up. Are they making more mistakes than unusual just to be first . Maybe. I think in this Political Climate where we have a huge investigation into a sitting administration. Theres a lot of points to be earned. Liz but you have to be right. Its more important to be right than first and danielle is shaking her head nodding her head yes, rather. Lets just go through it, kurt. A Washington Post reporter apologized for tweeting out a misleading photo showing a halfempty room at the pensacola florida trump rally. The president said that was wrong. It was packed. The reporter has apologized. Hes deleted that tweet. Basically, we also have more. Lets keep showing the viewer what else is happening. A false cnn report claiming wikileaks documents were given to donald trump jr. And the trump campaign. We have a sound byte on this. Lets roll tape. Cnn has exclusive new details about a message sent in the final stretch of the 2016 Campaign Offering access to hacked wikileaks documents. This email on september 4th, 2016 was sent to donald trump, then candidate donald trump, donald trump jr. And others in the trump organization. Liz it was wrong. You know what happened, kurt . That they had the date wrong for when wikileaks approached donald trump jr. It happened on the exact same day that everybody else saw the wikileaks stuff. I mean, this reporter was never reprimanded. Whats going on here, kurt. I dont know and then you have the deutsche banc thing that supposedly donald trump records are being subpoenaed from deutsche banc. Its almost like somebody put that out there and fired Robert Mueller for exceeding his mandate. Look, nobody expects perfection. Nobody. But when you screw up, we do expect that you stand up and up to it. And all weve seen today, liz, is defenseness from cnn. Excuses, whining, and finger pointing back from the people who arent getting a fair shake. That doesnt bring fair credit. Im a lawyer. I have enough problems in my profession, and we have to be very careful as lawyers not to run it down anymore. Journalists, professionals need to do the same thing. They have been to protect their profession by standing up and owning up to mistakes and correcting them right away. Liz this is such an important endeavor. Its the first amendment, its free speech. Everybody supports it. But the practitioners of it, danielle, to kurts point. I mean, you have to pony up and say i was wrong. I made a mistake here; right . Absolutely. Lies go around the world iraq and get off their moral high horse; right . I mean, really. Apologized. But, of course, the picture had gone out and everybody had seen it. Reporting on the don jr. Email had basically reporting processes let me gang, stay on this for ten more seconds. Heres the problem. When you become emotionally involved with a story, thats when you should get the hook. Thats when because youre blinded. We see it at msnbc all the time. They are so blind because theyre so emotional standing in the corner talking to each other that theyre blinded to the facts. They are not credible whats going on over there, and it is wrong. They are a lot of reporters misleading American People. They act like they embody the first amendment, that they embody free speech, and that attitude is so wrong. They are practicing journalism. Thats it. Thats their duty to the American People. Then what the president should do is file a liable action because the defense, you have hes not going to do it because i stand on the side of these journalists. I do think theyre doing right. Go ahead, kurt. Look, the president doesnt need to go to court. He simply needs to point out whats going on. And people can judge for themselves. If the press gets it right, theres not going to be any problem, and i hope they do. Liz kurt and danielle, thank you very much. We got fire here. I did. Judy giuliani saying to fox today the terror attack suspect, hes an enemy combatant. He should be treated as such. Next up, the man who interrogated 9 11 mastermind muhammad, he is the enhanced interrogation architect james mitchell, he says we could be missing out on valuable intelligence here. Thats after this. Stay right there our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. Liz the terror suspect in manhattan, the manhattan bombing this morning now says was inspired by isis and the holiday attacks in europe. By this attempted suicide bombing this morning at the Port Authority, former nypd commissioner under rudy says the terror suspect should be treated as an enemy combatant. Listen. There will be a determination made by suspect whether hes going to be treated as a criminal or whether hes going to be treated as an enemy combatant. And that determines how much we can interrogate him or not. If we treat him as a criminal, and he suddenly says he wants his lawyer, were going to have a hard time getting anything from him. On the other hand, if hes treated as an enemy combatant, we can continue to talk this could have been an enormous tragedy, and were very lucky that it was not. Yeah. He could have gotten on the subway and killed people. Joining me now, the man who interrogated 9 11 mastermind, he is james mitchell. Good to see you, sir. Thanks for having me. Liz are terrorists in this country treated as enemy combatants . Well, no, not if theyre captured in the United States. Theyre treated as ordinary criminals. Theyre tried under terrorism charges. And he should be treated as an illegal enemy combatant; right . Soldiers of foreign nations like russia or even britain, theyre enemy combatants if we happen to be at war with them or any other nation that were at war with. The problem with isis, of course, is that these people are illegal enemy combatants, and they dont have the same rights as even an enemy combatant does. Liz whats it going to take to treat them as enemy combatants . I almost said something obscene. What its going to take is congress to actually enact an act where you can actually make a decision about whether or not to do that. It turned out that three of the terrorists who that sued me; right . The aco sued me. They were not considered enemy combatants because they hadnt been officially declared enemy combatants by gitmo. Thats the way theyre interpreting that law. So person working in new york city to kill a bunch of people on the subway, lawyers are not going to think hes an enemy combatant. Even an unlawful one. Liz you sound very frustrated by this. I mean, this guy is going to get an attorney, get lawyered up. Read his miranda rights. Should he be sent to gitmo . I dont care where he goes. I think what they ought to focus on is beingsable intelligence. They ought to be focusing on perishable information. If so who, where, when, whos supporting him, round those people up before they can get rid of their hard drives, cell phones, email accounts, and that sort of stuff. They ought to be figuring out where that bomb was actually built. And if it was built in that electrical like he said it was, okay. Lets go look at that and see if theres people there who were helping the guy. And he ought to figure out if there were more am of. So there are lots of things that we waldo to ask this guy so we can stop impending potential attacks or looming potential attacks that get lost when he gets caught up in the legal system. Im going to make one other point. Liz yeah, go ahead. One other point. This guy took an oath when he became a citizen of the United States. Those oaths either mean something or they dont. If they dont mean anything, lets stop manager them because they cost us tens of millions of dollars. If they mean something, yank this guys citizenship. He broke his oath, he broke his contract with us, hes an illegal enemy combatant and i dont care where you interrogate him, but interrogate him for useful information. Liz james mitchell, we love having you go on. Thank you for coming on, sir. Thanks. Liz now the state and local Tax Deduction, it might be saved in the final republican tax cut bill. Were bringing in House Freedom caucus member. He is representative andy biggs. Hes going to react to that after this. Stay right there retail. Under pressure like never before. And its connected technology thats moving companies forward fast. Ecommerce. Real time inventory. Virtual changing rooms. Thats why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent Network Speed across multiple locations. Every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. Leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. Comcast business outmaneuver. Liz white house economic adviser gary cohn telling our own Stuart Varney that the president is open to lowering the top tax rate to ease the loss of state and local Tax Deductions. Watch. Stuart, look, the Conference Committee is working on delivering fixes for the salt states. They have the ability to drop the top rate. The president will be supportive of that. Liz with me now House Freedom caucus member arizona congressman andy biggs. Good to see you, sir. Good to be with you. Liz so whats going to happen with the state and local Tax Deductions . Whats going on . Well, i think what youre seeing is this movement, which is something ive advocating for is to try to give everybody a break on the income tax bracket rate. So if you can lower that rate for everybody, thats going to be better. The salt compromise that was reached i think is a good compromise. I think they need to keep that in place. But both of these are going to have a cost if you make much of an alteration. So i think its worth spending that money to bring the rates down. That will be very impactful for all americans. Thats what i think is important. Liz so the rates come down, theres going to be some version of state and local Tax Deductions that are capped at certain levels. Is that it . Well, my understanding is that the compromise remains in place but theyre going to probably wipe away that compromise, and thats the real question is whats going to come out . Are we going to restore it to its current fashion . I dont believe so. But we have to lower the rates for every american, and thats going to be the offset. Thats going to be the tradeoff going into the committee. Liz so is there going to be seven income tax brackets . I thought we were going to have a simpler tax structure. We should have simpler tax structure. Theres no doubt about it. But theyre keeping it close to the vest. Theyre letting a few people in on that, which is part of the problem on this. So im hopely of. Ive been trying to reach them and tell them what i think should happen, and i think every american should get their representative involved, and were trying to reach these guys and let them know what we think should happen, and this is one of the issues. Liz tell us whats happening right now with the state and local Tax Deduction. How is the compromise shaking out . Well, the compromise right now remains in place from the house. Which that version is that the income Tax Deduction goes away. But that the property tax is capped at 10,000. So thats actually a pretty good compromise for most states, most people are going to get keep the break that they have. But those high income tax states, thats where theres an issue, and thats why what youre seeing is the tradeoff, the proposal to reduce the overall tax rate for income tax to offset the loss of that deduction. And thats the debate thats going on, and its not been finalized yet. And im not sure will be finalized for the next week. Liz weve got ten seconds. Do you think its going to stay the way its looking right now . Or is there going to be dramatic changes in the backend . I think there will be significant changes. Liz okay. Congressman, were going to have you back on to discuss it. Thank you so much, sir. Great to see you. Thanks for coming on. Were going to bring you the latest of alabamas special senate election. Thats after this. Stay right there [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. 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Liz the news update for you Delta Airlines now charging passengers flying economy baggage fees up to 60 to 100 if you fly to europe or africa stock closing up more than 1 and tuesday, Alabama Special Senate election between republican roy moore and Democrat Doug Jones were all over it how could it affect a big story neil cavuto will have special election coverage tomorrow night tune in at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time thanks so much for having us in your home, Charles Payne is here now with making money. Take it away. Charles thank you very much emac. Good evening im Charles Payne. Weve got fast moving developments on making money tonight another record day on wall street both dow and s p 500 closing at record highs for the second straight trading session also tonight were learning that the new york city attack suspect entered the u. S. Via the Chain Migration Program well have a lot more on that but first we begin with that alabama special election voters getting ready to head to the polls tomorrow. They will decide whether it will be republican roy moore, Democrat Doug Jones that will fill that seat the vacant seat of attorney general jeff session s, a fox news poll showing doug jones with the 10 point lead on roy moore. Moore getting well moore actually hitting the campaign trail today one last time with an election eve drain the swamp rally in

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