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President s moving the us embassy . We will see how that affects peace efforts as we look ahead right now on sunday morning futures. A push for tax reform now in the final leg of congress this is a big week. The housesenate Conference Committee prepares to meet publicly on wednesday. To finalize a sweeping tax overhaul. There are several key differences between house and Senate Versions. Like for example, income Tax Deductions and family tax credits. Genuinely House Majority leader, Kevin Mccarthy. Congressman, thank you for joining us. Kane talk is about the status of this bill . You have been leaving this Conference Last Week into this week now. This is a big week for you. It is a very big week. We made great progress. Think of it. Moved house come back in. We were not supposed to start until tuesday of last week but we came in monday. Just so we can move to go to conference for the senate do the same. The way these founders create this to work. Two different bills. Structurally they are similar. They will work out differences. Hopefully they can get that done this week. We come back next week and about to request the committee for responsible favorite budget has a lot of reports on the bill. Saying do not the december beaded ddebt busting month. This can cost up to 2 trillion. Had he paper this . You been looking carefully on ways to pay for this tax cut bill. Where are you finding it . Is there any wiggle room on this 20 percent corporate rate for example that is being discussed now . Some people are talking maybe raise it to 22 percent from the initial 20 percent. That gives you extra money to go toward other areas like state and local Tax Deduction elimination. That is a place we can always look at but the one thing we need to do both those only reckless to 1. 5 trillion. Remember this. As we grow, 4 10 of one percent you will pay for all of this. The debt that we have is one the most critical things we have to look after. We cannot solve this debt problem without running economy. That is why we run a tax plan that is progrowth. Creates more jobs, brings more money overseas back into america. Brings more companies that have left america back into higher more people. And will simply puts more money in americas paychecks. So i think we can achieve all of that this is the first step in taking care of it. I agree lowering the corporate rate is going to move the needle on economic growth. The Corporate Tax cut, very highly looked at as very strong. But individual sign, that is what people say gets messy. Because there are 11 people that will get their taxes go up because of the elimination of the state and local Tax Deduction. What im saying is why are you lowering taxes on people who do not pay taxes and raising taxes on people who do pay taxes . Knowing that 10 percent of the highest earners pay less than one percent. And from california, a look at this and went back to top 10 percent make 133,000 and higher in this country. Looking at the tax bill, those individuals currently pay 2. 54 trillion. The joint tax analyze the bill. For those making 100,000 or more they will pay 2. 4 trillion. The numbers Say Something different. They will actually pay less. When you lower the rates overall, everybody starts off with a lower rate meaning they have to pay less. Meaning when we close different items in their that you can make a deductible you have to look at the entire book to see what you pay. Right now youre trying to lower the top rate on individuals, correct . There a couple of things i would like to do. Especially come from california. Inside the bill would put 10,000 for property Tax Deduction. I would like to add income. Saying 10,000 for one or the other. Because there are some elements in california because of proposition 13 that might not reach this on property tax. But the income could. I would also like to raise you to put 10,000 dolls to pay property taxes for or income. Either or. I do not believe at the end of the day you should punch people for being successful. Thank you and you knowing that, the 10 percent pay 70 percent but it is the movement of an economy. The Senate Already has a lower rate in the house. I would like to see if we could lower that. And when i looked at the mortgage the house has one version 500 and the senate has a million. I went to see the Senate Version make the house version go up higher. Somebody asked me earlier, is the 10,000 deduction for property tax. Could you do both . 10,000 property and 10,000 from state and local income . Taking into 20,000 . No i think it is one of the other or a combination of thereof. The double standard deduction. Only one third of america actually itemizes. They get to keep more of what you earn. An average family of four making 55,000 will pay zero tax Going Forward. When you look at the entire book, this is a part in the cynical are like to see. In the house, the version we eliminate the alternative minimum tax. If someone is paying the alternative minimum tax, that actually is a larger hit on your taxes than before. So that saves you more money in the process. In business, it would hurt those business to keep the alternative minimum tax so i would like to see that do think that you will get that . These are some of the differences we have and are working on. The structure overall is very close. I think we come to a solution very quickly. Im very surprised nothing was done with carried Interest Deduction. Because that allows private equity managers, Real Estate Developers certain people, high and rich people, to claim that certain income is capital gain. In charge 20 percent tax register 9. 6. Is not exactly the same as it was in the past. The house version extended that out you have to invest longer and more years. Youre making a longer investment. As entrepreneurship is. A longer investment instead of one year into three years. You get the left saying this is a giveaway to the rich and we know its not, we know what the plan is and corporate rates coming down are very important. But you have got this talking points coming at you. I can understand why you would leave carried Interest Deduction in there. It basically is for the rich. It is one of those places that what would it get you . 100 billion . I do not know exactly what it would score. I do not believe the score is not high. But the thing you have to remember, we focused on progrowth meeting america competitive, simplifying in the process and that is why you get the standard deduction. Come next february, everybody should check their check because it withholdings will be better. They will get more money in their paycheck starting up. If the majority of money, you look at the survey, the people are fighting for 400 every week. This will make the fundamental difference. Those of the americans that we really were looking at from the very beginning. How do we create more jobs . We rolled this bill out, when a company that had left america and now say theyre coming back. Yes. You know repatriation better than anyone. Trillions of dollars that will come up to america, invest in american jobs. Also, pay out dividends. I agree. Every step where we come closer, what has happened with the market . How many times have we set a new record in the stock market . Which i will say based upon the move we did with regulation and tax. Totally agree is there any way this does not pass in the next two weeks . You are right, 6 trillion has a lot riding on this. People are expecting this to happen. Now the market is pricing in a bid that we will have success. Echo confident we will get this done. I remember being on your show one will read about the senate. There are ups and downs as we go over the end of the day we will get this to the president s desk. He will sign it. Ive never watched a president so engaged. I was speaking to the treasury secretary last night. I talked to the president last week. He is engaged to make sure this happens because he wants to keep his promise to create more jobs and make sure that the middle class in the country gets an increase in wages. Do think you will be done by next friday . Well, think about how big of what we are trying to accomplish here. If we are successful inside the conference, i want to make sure you go through all of the senate rules could you cross your tees and dad dot the is. We had people reading through this it will stay between the two. As soon as we can get it done. Before you go, you bought it several times her mood in the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. The president made they nancy will do that this week. It has taken a while. Give me the history on this. If you go back to almost any modern history president that was running, they made this promise that they would. This is the first president that kept the promise. As early as last june, even in the senate, they passed a resolution unanimously that would move the embassy to jerusalem. That is their capital. It is reality. It is common sense but youre able to do here. Someone kept a promise that shocked the world. I think as president he will keep his promise just as he did about tax reform. If you get this over the finish line the next two weeks will be huge. Congratulations we will keep working on it. Will keep watching this. A word about 2018 elections . If youre right about the election, you will not publish anything. One of you accomplish things a promise to do and go back to the voters and show what you are able to achieve. I think youll get a good result. We will be watching. Good to see you thank you for joining us. Mounting claims of bias with special counsel Robert Muellers team. We will be joined next to see what this means for the russian investigation. Let us know what you would like to hear. We are looking ahead on sunday morning futures right now. [alarm beeps] let our your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2018 nx 300 for 319 month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. Copdso to breathe better,athe. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. 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First of all, you have these investigators who investigated hillary clinton. They went to her party. They were partying up together and then he is interviewing her for the fbi. You have got Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying and yet, others like the fbi, no problem there. Is this investigation a shank . I do not think it is a sham. Obviously people have, everyone has an opinion. A political opinion. It is perfectly fine to have a political opinion. But when you start expressing them in public, if youre a public official, that gets dicey. Most people i think in public jobs know that. I think everyone in the job has an opinion not everyone goes in around expressing this at rallies or making contributions. It is pretty extraordinary vow to see Robert Mueller team. Had to fire one of his agents and actually he wasnt fired now he was the hr division of the fbi. But he took him off of the investigation because he was found out to be sending antitrump texts to his girlfriend. What you do about a politicization of the fbi . You expose it. And you stop it. I think that the problem with the way who attended a rally, Andrew Wiseman. It is a lot deeper than just attending a party. He participated in the enron investigation. Every criminal trial in that case ended in a conviction was reversed either entirely or in part by appeal. And in large measure, with the Arthur Anderson conviction that resulted in destruction of an accounting firm, reversed by the Supreme Court because he had pushed the obstruction statute 24. He was responsible for that. And he is, guess what . Investing in case it is alleged to involve obstruction. I do not know that i would be lying his judgment and how far do you go with the obstruction case . That is interesting people do not understand that everything with enron was turned around. Not everything but many things. There was no conviction after a trial listed completely. What should be done in terms of the Robert Mueller investigation . Every day we hear more interviews being done, the pr woman at the white house, people that you know, in the media is getting it wrong. He saw the hysteria a week ago that the president directed Michael Flynn. Then we learned it was actually december, one month before he would take office. Is there anything that should be done right now in terms of this Robert Mueller investigation . We are continuing to look for collision that we all know does not exist . I think that the best thing to do is wait for the outcome. Not involved in speculation about what the outcome might be. What is the outcome . This has been going on a long time. How much is this costing american taxpayers . Tens of millions of dollars . It is a lot but also in Divergent Energy and attention. I think in a way, it is a higher price to pay. In terms of politics. What is your assessment of this thing . Well, i think we have to wait to see where, if anywhere, it goes. I am hoping that in the end, they live up to a lot of the advance notice about the reputation he has the courage to say there is nothing there. Christian testified this is what he had to say. As i sit here today, i am not aware of, since i have been on the job, there has been no effort i have seen Going Forward here. Any effort to interfere with special counsel Robert Muellers investigation. Truthful . Should we trust him . Yeah. There is no effort to interfere in Robert Mueller is investigation. That is pretty innocuous. Right. The bigger story, are they looking at the right things . Are they investigating the clinton team . Not we just talked about the fact that cheryl mills and huma abedin lied to the fbi and then cheryl mills got immunity. That response is what is going on now in an effort for absence of effort to interfere with the investigation. What about the clinton investigation . Is there one . Or are we just going to keep turning over rocks looking for collision with donald trump . I think will be interesting to find out what chairman nunez discloses an devastation his committee is carrying on here which is going on fairly quietly but steadily. I think we will find out quite a bit. There is an effort though to keep that aside. Keep it under wraps. Keep this whole clinton part of the investigation under wraps, frankly. So the American People do not really understand what is happening. You are saying that we will, the investigation will yield results. If the investigation is ongoing it belongs under wraps. Okay. In the meantime, we hear about is donald trump inclusion with russia. I understand it is all speculation. Is all speculation. If you look at it, it is all hot air. Yes. You know, you cannot censor people in the media in talking about speculating about what they want to talk about speculating. Would you expect from this nunez investigation . I dont know. But i expect at some point there will be. Attorney general, thank you. And turning deadly near the and turning deadly near the palestinian no matter how the markets change. And turning deadly near the palestinian at t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. And the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. 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The congress enjoins me larry not now, it is always good to see you. Thank you maria. Everything that the attorney general so i think this investigation, is removing Robert Mueller, not because he do such a great job with the president s lawyers are confident this is going in the right direction. I dont want to give them an opportunity to blow this up. Im glad that you bring up in a mysterious thing but the bottom line is, it is getting old listening to Robert Mueller calling people into his office to interview. Really . Come on donald junior. All of these interviews. Then in the media, they speculated if there was collusion between donald trump and the russian will have been the one year ago. I was with donald trump jr. He, he answered every question. He is very precise. Nobody listened to the interview thinking that there was collusion. I do not want to give them a chance to talk about another saturday night massacre. Another special counsel and dragging on. President s lawyers, i think its better to go along with it right now and get it wrapped up and over and done with. Actually understand that the people also want to see justice on the other side, congressman. I agree. We know that huma abedin lied to the fbi and Loretta Lynch told her deputy, jim call me running the app you have to call a criminal investigation and matter. People want to see justice congressman. I agree with you totally i am on the investigation of another deal. We can finish focusing on everything. Why james comey did what he did, why there are investigators involved in that. And the bias. What happened with cheryl mills and huma abedin. We just need to get this issue out of the way. You are on the committee overseeing the uranium investigation. You think well get into that in 2018 then . It has already started. I can tell you that. This is going ahead. Lets move on to the other big story. That is the president and recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel. It would be assuming that repeating the same formula but not produce a different or better result. Therefore, i have determined that it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. Consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy act. They are also directing the state department to begin preparation to tel aviv to jerusalem. Vega. Understanding the editors or Kevin Mccarthy say that they voted on it and they voted on this and the senator devoted some of the and it was never done. The president has so much on his plate right now give north korea, one of. Ice is in another. A tax plan in the balance. And why do they have to do this today . I think the president feels he can work with a fullcourt press and do many things at the same time. First of all, the Peace Process, there is none right now. Its a total invest and it is status quo. And there is violence. This could help to jump start the Peace Process. This is some statements of have to make. They would much rather have President Trump playing an active role in the middle east that went on jenny or bonnie is where iran was built up, they were overthrown, the president was doing his pledge they put things on the line. Then they invited the russians instead. This is the right thing to do. There is no guarantee it will work a regular thing some things needed to be done so that the palestinians know that yes, we are standing strong with israel. We are willing to be there and these European Countries that complained about us somehow setting the Peace Process, what have they done for the Peace Process for the last 50 years . France and germany, what have they done . Very good. On the Peace Process conversation. I just got back to saudi arabia and i cannot believe the mentality and sentiment about stopping out terrorists. And the future king told me directly we are going to get extremists and five percent of the country in the next couple of years but then he turns on interests all of these princes, while family members that he says got their money fraudulently to hear that crown prince alignment study with starting it is pretty stunning. Normal have thought you would have so many prominent arab leaders openly and very much behind the scenes working with the israelis. Right now the saudis, before you go, about taxes when you voted no on the tax plan. Use or Kevin Mccarthy but he says youre not not 10,000 for property taxes and another 10,000 for state and local income. It is one 10,000 property and he is hoping to be able to put toward property or state and local income. I know it is in the weasel of april what would it take for you to vote yes on a final bill . If they can get that to 20,000. Using 10,000 involved. I will tell you, im calling on the president particularly with the new york republicans on the issue. To take one final shot. He is a new yorker, he is from queens, he knows what this is about. Mr. President , we would love to sit down with you. We would love to have 10 minutes of your time to get this resolved. Kevin mccarthy, is he trying to get the top breakdown, he wants you to the top right now 39. 6. He wants to get that to 35 percent. That is what he is pushing for this upcoming week. Without offset enough for you . That would not affect, i am not opposed to it. But i would say that i want to make sure that the middle income voters in my district do not get hurt badly. Of course ron somethings going on at schwab. Oh really . Thank you clients . Well jd power did just rank them highest in Investor Satisfaction with full Service Brokerage firms. Again. And online equity trades are only 4. 95. I mean you cant have low cost and be full service. Its impossible. 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Can you give us a status check in terms of what you need to iron out this coming week . What are the last remaining sticking points . Is we had to figure out. We had to come to some agreement on how both of these bills treat castor entities that are businesses treated, they pay taxes at an individual rate. How do we deal with that . We had to figure how we deal on the International Side in particular. Ive been to visions and of that. Cost and that have approached it differently. You have to figure out how to get more middle income tax relief. And how do you reconcile things on the estate tax and Child Tax Credit into harmony. There are other things as well but those are the top line efforts. And i am confident we are living in a direction that can get that done. Would you mind doing a corporate rate of 22 percent for both pastors and corporate . Rather than 20 percent corporate, 24 percent passthroughs. Which was initially in house bill. Do you think we could get to a place where it is 22 percent on both . We passed the 20 and 25 for one reason. That is corporations are double taxed. They pay income tax and dividends when the money is taken out. So youre getting more or less business parity at 20 and 25. That said maria, there are a lot of numbers in play right now. There is a disposition among the conferees of trying to get to a yes on these things. Im confident will be able to get that done. I recognize that the debt is a serious issue here. 20 trillion in debt. The deficit is going to go up likely over the near term because this plan is causing 1 and a half trillion dollars. From the committee on responsible budget they say could ultimately cause 2 trillion. So you are looking for different areas to take money from to pay for this. Im scratching my head and wondering why carried interest was not touched. I understand theres not a lot of money but why do so carried Interest Deduction in the air which allows some managers, hedge fund managers, private executives to claim a 20 percent tax rate when in fact, some people say that should go to the high rate of 39. 6. I will answer the question here let me get to the debt question. Because there is a relationship. First of all, we are borrowing money intentionally in the statement you borrow to buy a house, to put it in your business, you borrow money to get something for it that is increasing in value. We are getting two things. Number one, we are getting a new tax code. We are buying a brandnew tax code which is a terrific bank for all the obvious reasons. The other thing is we are buying a more robust economy. I do not by the notion that this is somehow going to cost to trillion. I think it will likely be 1 trillion. No one is doing a candlelight vigil or a Hunger Strike for people at the very top end of the economic chain. But my point is, we have got to be very careful that this blowing up carried interest will have an adverse impact on modest real estate deals in my constituency in suburban chicago, you have a development and so forth coming together and trying to align interest. The name of the game we have chosen to lengthen the duration of the carried time. To your point earlier, it does raise a lot of money if you abolish it. What we are trying to do is create growth and lien and and ultimately have an economy that can be transformational. Nursing those deals in real estate that could go away, because they do not have carried interest 20 percent rate. That is more important than the fact that you eliminate the state and local Tax Deduction and you will see an exodus of people out of high tax states like new york. Don peebles the other day on the foxbusiness works that he is expecting real estate prices to drop 10 percent in new york because of the excess of people that will be because they are losing that deduction. That carried interest more important . I think the hyperbole and overstatement in over characterization about all of these negative things that are reported to happen if we move forward on this, is a hidden blessing. Because those things are not going to happen. What is going to happen . This economy will grow in ways that we have not seen in a long time. Im from a comparatively high tax state. If all you are doing is evaluating one state and local Tax Deduction and not looking at anything else, then yes, criticism is valid. But this has to be evaluated in totality. Look at the rates. Look at what is happening in terms of Child Tax Credit. The new family credit. In all of the other businesses. I am all for the family credit. This is another head scratcher for me. Your spending 650 billion on a family credit. A family tester that lists all families . So even a very rich family . That does not need any more deductions . Youre going to give them the family tax credit . Some of you as well means on the highend get the same tax credit to someone on the low end gets . Now everyone is arguing the alternative. Because on the one hand there is a criticism that we are not doing enough. Then on the other hand, there is a criticism that we are doing too much. I am just looking for money to pay we are trying to figure out, where do these things, where should they phase out . What is an appropriate level . Is all of the things that the Conference Committee is dealing with. Adjusting these dials that you create a tax code that people say, yeah, i have confidence in that. Yes, i want to invest in that. So yes we are getting tax relief. Are you going to put on this income . We will see. These are the things are dealing with. Ill not get ahead of this. Ill not get ahead of my chairman. Theres a number of issues that are obviously part of a discussion right now. Trying to figure out how you ultimately put this together. Because i will tell you, you cant go back. The notion of saying, love, is just too big and complicated and too much of a hassle. It is ridiculous. We made a decision. Everyone has crossed and we said we have crossed over, were going to get this done. And were going to get this done. Congressman, we know youre working hard on this and we know we will then impact on base. Thank you. The race on tuesday, polls are showing between battles with republican candidate wymore and doug jones how the president is stepping up to help. We are looking ahead right now on sunday morning futures. We are back in one minute. Welcome back we are two days away from the hotly debated special election for Alabama Senate seat. With a toothy gop majority in the senate, the race means a lot to the president s agenda. Tax reform also. Mr. Trump reported last minute robo call for roy moore. His most direct involvement in a race yet. We will bring in a panel on that. We have white house advisor to president reagan, mary kissel of the wall street journal, both fox news contributors. Thank you both. Your thoughts ahead of tuesday . I think that roy moore will end up winning. It is a very contested race and unfortunately a black and white race in the closing days. The black community obviously is very opposed. Whether they turn out or not, i think this will give us more and more the victory. Some people say the democrats when i if roy moore wins i think there are shortterm costs and longterm costs. Immediately, the gop loses whatever moral high ground it had when it comes to the treatment of women. He has been accused of misconduct with girls as young as the age of 14. It is disgusting and why gather Alabama Center has come out and denounced him. Also, if he stayed i do not know he is a great help to the Republican Party. The president thinks that he is going to be. This is a guy very close to the trial bar and also someone removed from the state Supreme Court twice that is not exactly show good judgment. Im not sure that he would be the boat the president thinks he needs in the senate and longerterm also, nesters election. What is that going to do to the gop nationally . He will be the new that his mother placed al franken out. They want to make sure, theyre taking the moral high ground on this. No offense my friend here probably obviously i think i know more about politics. If anybody lets wymore become an issue, if youre one of the republicans running for election, you run your own risk and bottom line is this has never been approved he has run five times statewide, elected four times and twice he was elected and lost two governors races. These charges never come for three to include in the president. What i ivanka trump coming up so early saying theres a place in hell for anyone i agree. If the charges are real and that is fine. Bottom line, this is 30 or 40 years ago. Theyre not backed up. And after five campaigns, active including a primary race against him. Im not saying that he is innocent or guilty. And simply saying the voters of alabama know this man well. You want to process. Yes. He has been very active against the gay community. He has been very active against, he is a fundamentalist. It is very important element to the party. He will be a safe vote for the next four years. This is a fouryear term. I do not know. The allegations particularly by the 14yearold. Unproven there are two ways to judge candidates. One in the court of law and one in the court of politics. Todd akin never made it to the senate. Imagine that roy moore does make it to the senate. He is already, love ato be fair, the politics now in alabama are not the politics nationally. There are a lot of people out there including myself who are disgusted by these allegations. And love, what kind of guy gets banned from a mall because he was Walking Around the person that made the charge is now basically saying the charge was false. I did not make it. I am just simply saying the charges, let the people of alabama make the decision. He has been in the game for 40 years. They know who he is. Why would we have such a leader in this christian right community the president s died the president tried hard not to stick his neck out. And now the tax reform clock is ticking. They are going to iron out differences by the year end. We will talk about that next. We are back in hi. Im the one clocking in when youre clocking out. Sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. I can even help with a silent night. Does your bed do that . I dont actually talk but i can tell you how you slept. Im the new sleep number 360 smart bed. 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Which is nothing but a giveaway. It is nothing progrowth, nothing for prosperity. It costs a lot of money as we see what they do here, that is the framework i would use to look at the conference results. It is one place to get money. West they better understand the build and go sell effectively. They have to finetune it. It has to be the greatest thing in the world. And it is better than the 73,000 pages we have today. My sense is we have to buy it and sell it and make sure it is effective. This is a one and and a half trillion dollar bill. And much of that is to pay for business costs. Dave has the rate possibly going to 25 or lower. Is that the right track mary . I mean you do believe that corporate rate coming down will have an Economic Impact . Yes yes, it should. I think money will come back to america. It will promote an investment boom. It was a Long Time Coming in america. We also have to do something to keep the economy going and we have a couple of quarters of three percent growth which is great. We might get another quarterback in the fourth quarter. But to keep that going you need to give businesses an incentive to take risks and invest. I think the bill will do that. I think the mistake was on the individual side, not giving everybody a tax cut. Which really at the high end, those are the people that generate jobs. And so, that is a big debate between the house and the senate. What to do there. The house really was to punish these people, maria. I think it is antigrowth. I also think will punish the party at the polls. A lot of the republicans that worked so hard to get into that top bracket, they will say why are you punishing me for that . Why do i not get a tax break . And they may stay home. That is the point. Your 10 percent earners, top 10 percent pay 71 percent of the tax. But theyre getting bullied again by the talking point that this is a giveaway to the rich when we know it is not. Its not. And i agree with you. This is what people vote on there will be a better economy. I think the highend people realize republicans are better. We will leave it there. Great to see you both. That will do it for us right now on sunday morning futures. I am maria batiromo. I will see you tomorrow morning on foxbusiness network. My smith maria 69 eastern. Tomorrow get the chairman and ceo vanguard as well as the ceo vanguard as well as the brothers who are paid liberty t eight hundred dollars when we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh. Thats my robe. Is it . You could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Copdso to breathe better,athe. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. 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