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The economy. They are worried thanks cuts will add to the deficit its not the taxes. Its the spending. Their genius plan forestalled revenue is including a dumb back stop that reraises taxes if the been gentleman mins dont start flooding into the irs. Instead of relying on more money to fund your spernlgd addiction, cut spending. Dont get me started on the statist Susan Collins who is about as republican as chelsea clinton. Shes worried that cutting the mandate to force people to buy health insurance. And she is complaining the Corporate Tax rate is too low while the top individual rate isnt high enough. These people dont belong to the same party. But this twoparty cartel tribalism causes people who are actually communists to stand at the same trough. If there is no hope on tax there is no hope for anything. The federal stewards prove how useless and overwrought their charge is. And proved repeated government failure is more than enough reason to pare it down once and for all. Im kennedy. The senate is expected to keep tweaking their tax plan. Why are they acting like these two things are disconnected. Peter sun peter suderman, welcome back to the show. So there is a gross disconnect between cutting taxes and tax reform and spending money in washington, d. C. And you have point out that people in congress act like these are two completely separate events that happen in separate universes. Why is that . The reason that we read taxes and spending differently is because congress doesnt like to think of them as connected. And this is crazy. If you were doing a budget anywhere. There is a basic connection between the money that the federal government spends and the money it needs to bring in for tax. So there is a bunch of deals being made and discussions being had about doing a spending bill to keep the government open past december 8. There is also a tax bill thats happening. Nobody is talking about them in the same sentence. They are not part of the same context. What we end up with is tax bills and spending bills that dont make any sense. Kennedy they are so disconnected. I want to point out two things. Senators cork and flake are talk about a back stop that raises taxes again if the revenue doesnt come in. What they should be talking about is cutting spending if the revenue doesnt come in. And jerry moran from kansas pointed out, the failed kansas experiment if it happened to the country it would be disastrous. Im talking about cutting taxes and raising spending. But it seems like we are on that collision course with avoidable disaster. Whats going on with the budget is a giant mess. Its a mess we have seen getting worse for decades. There is not a fiction in order. There is some good elements to this tax bill. But republicans are trying to have it both ways. They are trying to say this is a tax cut for everybody. A tax cut for everybody lowers revenue. Thats what it does. But then they are trying to say it doesnt raise the deficit outside of the 10year window. But they are also trying to do this because there are a lot of senators in the Republican Party concerned about not raising the deficit. They have written this bill where all the individual thanks cuts expire in a decade. All of those tax cuts are all out the window. They are saying look at the end of this period well keep those going. They dont really expire. But then of course its a deficit hike. They are trying to have it both ways. The entire bill is a budget gimmick designed to get them a permanent reduction in the corporate thanks rate. Reducing the corporate thanks rate is a good idea. The rest of the bill is a mess. And the way they are going about this shows they are not really thinking about the larger budget problems in context with spending. Kennedy they are not thinking about the larger structural problems. If they would, they would responsibly reduce spending. You dont rely on future receipts. I understand that instinct from supply siders. You rely on responsible spending, cutting taxes, allowing people to have their own money. If more money comes in, thats fantastic. You can give that back to people and they can spend that money. The supply siders are driving a lot of the conversation and they are not totally wrong. If cutting taxes can in certain cases increase Economic Activity and bring in more revenue. Where they are wrong is to say the tax cuts are always usually paid for themselves entirely. And what that is is a cheat that allows them to get around talking about the spending cuts necessary to make these tax cuts work. Kennedy i told you he was smart. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi caught heat after she defended john conyers, calling him an icon our country. A second former staffer came out against conyers accusing him of unwanted sexual touching and unwanted sexual advances. Pelosi says she believes at least one of the women is not enough for democratic congresswoman hop called out everyone for their tribalism. Everyone is seeing us circle the wagons and protect our own. Whether its roy moore or nancy pelosi protecting john con yers and says she lights of up to him to make the right decision. Kennedy so is everyone a total hypocrite . Lets go to my party panel. Katie pavlich joins me tonight. And the host of the tom shi louvre show going to have their 100 episode tomorrow. Fox news contributor and democratic powerhouse jehmu greene in the house. Its been bached on all sides. This response to Sexual Harassment which goes to show people in washington dont know how to operate outside a politicized environment. The instinct is to politicize everything. What do you do . Ask everyone to resigning . Can we start with that . Im so thankful bravery is contagious. Nancy pelosi has some explaining to do. Dirty old men have been doing this under democratic and Republican Leadership forever. Kennedy inside and outside washington. Kennedy you heart stories from women saying i wanted to come forward and they end up paying with their careers. How will we get back that talent and insight for so many women who dropped out. We have seen tonight entertainment and journalism. What nancy pelosi failed to connect with is the mood of the country. I defended her on the show, her leadership position. Its time for her to resign as well as john conyers and al franken. I think roy moore should drop out. I think al franken should resign. I couldnt stand the press conference he had yesterday. And i dont think it president should be backing roy moore by taking down doug jones. The press conference had a Stuart Smally quality to it. Im a hugger. I like to hug. Kennedy there are a lot of nervous men still in entertainment and politics. They are worried they dont even remember the these they caressed and buttocks they groped. There has been some accountability in the private sector. But if you are a politician in the senate and house at this point in time, you get to stay. Al franken says hes not going to resign. John conyers steps down from a powerful positionen a Committee Position on a committee. It doesnt really matter because the democrats can replace him. It would be an admission of letting go power. Its all about power. If you bring accountability for ax youll harassment in a no tolerance action, a consequence is relinquishing of power, and nobody in washington, d. C. Is willing to do that. Kennedy you cant make a bunch of money while you are still in office. You have to wait until you are done before working for a highpowered law firm. The on thing they have got is power. And they are not going to let that go. The Alabama Senate race has taken another crazy turn with a little more than two weeks until election day. And it has made the possible outcomes even murkier. A retired marine general is entering the race. He launched his campaign to prevent roy moore from winning. As you know, roy moore is facing multiple accusations of sexual molestation. Republican establishments now with a third candidate in the race, who is going to win this thing. Is there a republican writein who has a chance of winning . I hope a person who is not a child molester wins this thing. We saw senator Lisa Murkowski was able to win in a writein campaign in alaska. The gop leadership would think to brand the party as the party pedophiles. There is no going back. There is no holding on to the party of family values. Thats out the window. This will be up to alabamans and i dont have a lot of faith in them as voters. Kennedy they dont have a lot of choices and moore has such high name recognition. I dont think hes going to get the traction necessary. Nor do i think hes necessarily going to make it harder on right moore. If he comes into the race and gets pressed it was like with donald trump. Roy moore has his base that will vote for him. I dont see them going over to busby. They would vote for the democrat but they will vote for busby. The makeup of voters in alabama, 70 of them are republican. Lee busby, colonel busby. Roy moore takes up republican votes. Doug jones is perceived by the majority of voters as an extremist on social conservative issues which they really care about. Maybe this guy to get some kinds of voting record. Kennedy what if he gets 2 . He could lose the race for roy moore if he pulls away 2, 3, 4 . Kennedy if hes not going anywhere you will see more outside pressure on moore and from steve bannon himself. Maybe he will come out nah. Not letting go of power. Kennedy creepy people who are masdont goaway. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. North korea and syria are joining forces with russia and cuba. How concerned should americans how concerned should americans be with this my business was going nowhere. So i built this kickin new website with godaddy. Building a website in under an hour is easy 68 of people. Who have built their website using gocentral, did it in. Under an hour, and you can too. Type in your business or idea. Pick your favourite design. Personalize it with beautiful images. And. Youre done and now business is booming. Harriet, its a double stitch not a cross stitch build a better website in under an hour. Free to try. No credit card required. Gocentral from godaddy. You supported him through four years of undergrad. And medical school. Its no wonder he said, you dont have to pick me up. At lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. And some you shouldnt have to shoulder alone. Like being able to retire more confidently, no matter what comes your way. 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There is always a reason for it. We talk about the irrationality of kim jongun but there always seems to be a method to his madness. Here is what they have been seeing. Defector, defector. They have been doing live pressers every day with updates on the defectors medical condition. He all stove smuggled several thousand frowned worms into south korea. North korea has been very embarrassed by there is. And kpop is take over music. They literally react to this. They dont like them looking foolish. One of their elite soldiers has rounds worms. What happened kennedy you think it round worms are groupies. They are all fans of hot pink. They did this launch with a 53minute time of flight, it flew higher than the International Space station at 3 00 a. M. In around 20 degree temperatures with a half moon illumination and overcast. So what this was. This is not a missile test. They know the spholtd fuel rockets work. This was realistic combat training. I have an inders case the american i have an indication that the Reconnaissance Aircraft had not taken off yet indicating the North Koreans had somebody on scene who could launch this before we had our routine patrol up in the air. This is so we can rea so wen realistically launch this thing. Kennedy what do we do . Nothing. Take it seriously. Dont make fun of him. Take this seriously. Let them know we are take knowledge it seriously. You have our attention. Weve can do whatever you do, we can do a thousand times more. But what their capabilities are realistic its not a joke and its time to tweeting and joking about his silly air cut. Kennedy sir jar, north korea, problematic . No, in the big picture syria is not in our interest. The new crown prince soon to be king of saudi arabia realigning the middle east and we are on the outside looking in and we should not be. Kennedy north korea may be part of that a exirks of that. Kennedy first Hillary Clinton couldnt accept that she is not the president. Now she cant accept she isnt secretary of state. She had sun solicited Foreign Policy advice for the president telling people . Beijing that president should soften up. She told beijing inaction is a choice as well with north korea. What will it take for hillary to take her own advice and realize inaction is the choice for her as well. Joining us is the host of the Richard Fowler show. Welcome back to the show. A lot of people on twitter whenever i post anything about hillary, why cant you just let sit know go, she lost. City would love to do that. I will tell you who didnt do that in 2000 and 2001. Albert gore lost in spectacular fashion. He had every reason to be a good fly and a thorn in the president s craw. President George Walker bush. But he went away and made little movies that were factually inaccurate. However, hes not Hillary Clinton. Here is the thing. Im giving an example of somebody who didnt blah, blah, blah when he could have. Al gore has made his issue climate change. After losing he didnt disappear. Mitt romney didnt disappear. He gave a lecture on why we shouldnt buy trump steaks and wines. Ken will is say difference between somebody who makes a movie and pretty much goes away, and somebody who hogs the spotlight and then this one time russia and wisconsin voting laws, and james comey is too tall and im a woman. Al gore created a television station that had progressive programming. The larger points is this. I dont necessarily agree with Hillary Clinton. She can do whatever she wants. But as far as it comes to north korea. Inaction is not an answer. We need to couple with veal solutions. With that being said, im not sure if the it in option should be the first option. Now more than ever we should be focused on some level of diplomacy. Any type of military action in that particular region could harm millions of innocents civilians and put our blood and pressure and troops in harms way. Kennedy i dont disagree with you about that. I would hate to see a shot war erupt on the korean peninsula. Thats the kinds of stuff she is saying. Its just ridiculous. Im not saying we should be nice. Kennedy joe biden and donna brazile, is she so bored she cant take a hint . She is getting invitations. Kennedy they know shell Say Something stupid. Business leaders invited her and she received the invitation. They wanted to shear Hillary Clinton speak. With that being said. Farce north korea goes, the Missile Launch we saw today, i think there has to be talks where we sit all the relative parties involved here, what is it you want, is going to cause you to deescalate this. Kennedy thats like giving a 3dyearold show is having a tantrum in a Grocery Store a chocolate donut. We need to do something to cool this down and put this on dry nice quickly. Kennedy i are understand what you are saying. I take to heart much more watch say than the former secretary of state. Meantime, a new bombshell in the clinton seem scandal. If the government watchdog who played a big role in that investigation said he faced backlash from children upon allies. The Clinton Campaign threatened to fire him for revealing hillarys emails. Charles mccullough spoke to catherine herridge. I became a shield of the right. I was told by members of congress, you are losing your credibility. There are people how the to get you. We were told we would be the first two to be fired with her administration. Kennedy fox news asked a Clinton Campaign spokes pan for comments than was no immediate response. Kennedy my party panel is back. Katie, is this assertion surprising to you that the Intelligence Community Inspector General was strong armed and bullied by members of congress and the Clinton Campaign itself . This is how the clintons operate. When they dont like something they go after you and your family. Inpick tore general is suppose to be an independent investigator so we can have accountability whether its the state department or any other area of government. This is the m. O. Of Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state. There were a number of whistleblowers. We went to the Inspector General at the state department saying there was underage abuse of girls going on by am bass doarss jeff seas. It was brushed under the rug. Then they were threatened. Their families were threatened. They didnt feel they were safe. Kennedy the same thing happened with the women bill clinton was having affairs with. Its crazy when the Inspector General becomes the whistleblower. This is the person to whom whistleblowers report. He had to come forward to members of congress and say this what we found. This is not good. They came to him and were trying to shut him up. He said this is my job. They said he would be the first one fired when she became president. This sparks the lock her up charnt. I havent been able to use that in a while. Kennedy how sick are you of Hillary Clinton . Regardless of the hearsay this man is talking about. What difference does it make . Donald trump cheated. Hillary clinton lots election and he wasnt fired. Guess who was fired . James comey by President Trump to obstruct justice. Thats what matters. We just had a lovely conversation about hillary need to go go away yet we are talking about something that is absolutely meaningless. Kennedy i would be just as outraged. There is buyinger issue of government accountability. She is not in the government anymore. Its okay for the secretary of state to bully the Inspector General at a time when she was sharing top secret classified information, putting peoples lives at risk. Its not even about Hillary Clinton. Its about government accountability. Kennedy thank you all very much. Jehmu, tom, katie pavlich. Last week the fcc announced its proposal to cancel obamas Net Neutrality. The fcc chairman ajit pai joins me next. Building a website in under an hour is easy with gocentral. From godaddy in fact, 68 of people who have built their. Website using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. Build a better website in under an hour. With gocentral from godaddy. Kennedy the heads of most of public agencies live quiet lives. But in this age of hyper partisan insanity the old rules are out the window. Federal Communications Chairman ajit pai says people have been harassing his family. Look at this picture somebody put up in front of his house claiming he murdered democracy in cold blood. He says the protesters should leave his wife and kids out of it. Let me bring in fcc chair ajit pai back to the show. What is it about Net Neutrality that creates such a political frenzy. When you were on my show last week, the most of traffic we got had nothing to do with our interview and what you said it was people attacking you directly about softening some of these rules that were only put in place since 2016. The internet is increasingly important in our daily lives. The hysteria and misinformation that has been peddled by some is whipping people up. When you say democracy is about to be destroyed and the internet toibs broken and this is the guy doing it. People become alarmed and start doing things like harassing me and my family. Kennedy george soros has a program called color of change. And hes been targeting you essentially for being racist. How is rolling back some of these Net Neutrality guidelines implicitly racist . Its absurd. They are grasping for straws. They think this is one of the pieces of spaghetti that will stick to the wall. I think people of goodwill who are reasonable will look at that as the baseless criticism it is. By the hasnt stopped people from hucialing racist insults. It doesnt contribute anything to our discourse. Kennedy this could be little bit problematic. You say twitter is part of the problem. The company has a viewpoint and uses that viewpoint to discriminate. You talk about the way twitter deactivates certain accounts and blocked certain content on ideological lines. Are you going to use your power to shut down twitter because you disagree with their political vow point . Absolutely not. Twitter came to the fcc and said these Net Neutrality regulations are critical. But when they opened their Business Practices they are suspended members of congress for views they dont like. These are not neutral arbiters of content on the internet. Kennedy in a flee market, they are not in a free market they are not required to have political neutrality. I always said if conservatives dont like the they should use the billions of dollars from some of the conservative supporters they have to start their own social media. My point was simply when somebody comes to the fcc and says you have to regulate what my competitors very heavily, you should make sure they are practicing what they are preaching. When they are the ones actively and repeatedly policing content on the internet. Kennedy since people have been personally targeting you and your family. Is there anything inside you that makes wanted to back off some of these regulations or are you going to take a stand and keep fighting . Im going to steel my resolve and keep doing way think is right. Notwithstanding it worries me, my wife, and to some extent my kids. But at the end of the day ill focus on my job and Law Enforcement will help us keep our family safe. I would hope nobody would have to go through this nonsense. But Public Policy remains Public Policy and thats what i will be focused on. Kennedy new Jersey Police arrested the grinch but the Christmas Season isnt safe. Well have all the details in well have all the details in ththththth no matter how the markets change. Well have all the details in ththththth at t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. The uncertainties of hep c. Wondering, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. Kennedy a new study shows fans tend to drink more when their team loses. This is the topical storm. Topic number one. We begin in the lovely hamlet of edison, new jersey where police made a major breakthrough on the war on christmas. Up to your old tricks again. Trying to steal christmas again . Kennedy it looked like the grinch was robbing the place. But cops busted him for not having the collar popped up on his shirt. They filmed the arrest to raise awareness for toys for tots. The bad news is he spent three hours in jail. The good news is he was there with some cast members of the real housewives of new jersey. They have couple with a new idea for a hit show. But they will be throwing glasses of eggnog instead of wine. Is that nothing . Topic number two its no secret the stock market is soaring. The owners of arbys are buying Buffalo Wild Wings in a deal valued at . 8 billion. At 2. 8 billion. The news caused the shares of both companies to jump. Under the terms of the deal, Buffalo Wild Wings will operate as an independent brand. There wont be a juneor buffalo wings sandwich on the dollar menu anytime soon. The story has particular relevance for our show. Most of our writers get paid in arbys. Thats not true. I wish it were. Budweiser likes to call it self the king of beers. Now bud wants to become the king of mars. The company hitched a ride on a spacex rocket. Like all good beer drinkers they designated a driver. The beermaking ingredients will remain in space for 30 days. Im an astronaut, show me a beer. The bud launch is scheduled for december 4. The the brewers are going to see if they can figure out how to brew beer on the planet earth. Topic number four. Bruce springsteen likes to fancy himself as a friend of the working man. So much so he plays fourhour concerts. Well, its time for the Assembly Line to chug today red bull. Hes extending his broadway show for another six months. Springsteen on broadway. Hey, guys, i hate cops. Its doing so well they decided to keep the glory days going until june of 2018. It takes in 2. 5 million a week. Tickets are so scarce not even al fringen can grab one. But ticket scalpers have been getting 5,000 a seat piptd many the second highest ticket price on broadway. Topic number five. The cast of jersey shore. They are review night they are reuniting. Mtv has a new series called jersey shore family vacation. Little is known about the plot. But we are trying to figure out the plot from the last series. What we do know is every cast member is slated to return except sammy sweetheart couldnt take time from her busy schedule. A lot of social media are surprised. The chen the channel will pue on the air. Hey, that hurts. The feud between pecan pie has brought white house and the kennedy piegate is the most of ridiculous thing the come to capitol hill. Sanders is accused of pill ferg an internet image and passion it off as her own. She would not lie. That. And if she can tie it up so professionally. An independents press should obviously be calling truth to power. Holding those are button fingers accountable on all fronts. But front upon ones pie skills is not run of those fronts. I cant wait until she craft as pie for the neophyte from cnn who wouldnt know a pie from a strussel. Then all the reporters who attacked her on her weight can eat a pie. Tomorrow night on the show ill talk to congressman thomas massie. Buck sexton is here and Lawrence Buck sexton is here and lawrence jonesw w w w c announcer the following is a paid advertisement for time life presents the 60s. Come on, people now smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now announcer the 60s was an era marked by an explosion of a Counter Culture that shaped an entire generation. I wanna take you higher energetic music i want to take you higher its the time of the season for loving to everything, turn, turn, turn

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