President appointed this judge, timothy kelly, a short time ago, a very young guy but exactly what we expected. If you think this is the end of it, think again, because this will probably be appealed. Thats what were expecting right now, but this has been highly controversial because as you know Richard Cordray who ran the cfpb before this, he resigned, he supported the person he wanted to follow on his heels, they say in fact doddfrank allows this to happen. The president says no, no, no, there is a vacancies reform act which allows us to make this appointment. And in fact, the administration, through the Justice Department has maintained that it is the president s prerogative to report ahead of the cfpb. This is a very unusual agency for the federal government. They have a dedicated amount of money, revenue stream coming from the Federal Reserve that not be questioned. They have an incredible amount of power and independence and to be frank here, this Consumer Watchdog Agency for everything financial has been more like gulliver along the lilliputians putting forward the rules and regulations that some cases hurt consumers, and dont forget they werent the folks to find out that wells fargo was essentially stealing money from customers. That didnt come from the cfpb. Lots of questions about them, the way in which they do their business, but what we know for sure now is that the choice to run this agency is going to be mick mulvey, the president s budget directo and not leandrea english who is Richard Cordrays pick, liz . Liz what a bombshell, breaking news there. Lets bring in karl rove. Are we going to bring in karl rove on this guys . Heres the thing, it was striking for leandrea english, to file a lawsuit. This shows how difficult it is for the Trump Administration to drain the swamp. Have you ever seen a person, a federal official filing a lawsuit to stop the president from doing what is his job to fire and name even interim directors is what hes talking about . Its even worse than that. What people have been focused on, the plan that cordray had probably in combination with democrats on the hill, they were aware of it in advance. He was going to leave this acting director. He hoped she would be in command of the agency. The president would nominate someone to serve as the director of the agency, and the democrats would deny cloture, 40 of the democrats, at least 40 of the democrats would vote not to allow that nomination to be taken up. So literally to the end of President Trumps term in office, the agency would be led by somebody who is neither confirmed by congress nor nominated by the president. I think that was the original plan. Have somebody nominated by cordray who would run the agency until a democrat got elected president. Liz heres the thing, it was illegal, illegal and unconstitutional for Richard Cordray to name his interim director. Lets back up and explain what the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is the brain child of senator Elizabeth Warren borne out of doddfrank, it explains the Federal Reserve is not accountable to voters, doesnt answer to congress and basically sets the rules and regulations for the banks across the country. To the earlier point it was the l. A. Times fleshed out the wells fargo overcharging and booking extra accounts, fake accounts for customers. This is, i think, is such a pictureperfect example, karl, of the Administrative State. What would have stopped another leandrea english from a different person from filing suit to keep the bureaucratic job . Well, i dont mean to correct you, its worse than you describe. Its not housed at Federal Reserve. It has its own brand new taj mahal, the most expensive government building. Liz im going to it answers to the Federal Reserve. No, it doesnt answer to the Federal Reserve. Every year it tells the Federal Reserve how much money it wants to have to spend. Thats the only involvement it has with the Federal Reserve. Automatic draw on the pool of money controlled by the Federal Reserve. It doesnt answer to anybody at Federal Reserve. If they say we want x dollars, the Federal Reserve has to give x dollars and cant refuse them. Liz two bosses showed up and looks like this is a victory right now for the Trump Administration, right . Well, absolutely. Look, the legal counsel, the agency, who was appointee, of president obama said no question about this. The statute says that the director can appoint the acting director to act if he is unavailable or out of the office in essence. It doesnt say the acting outgoing director can appoint the person to serve in his place until and unless the Senate Confirms a new director. It doesnt have that kind of language. This was a stretch, this was a reach. The general counsel of the agency itself said what cordray is trying to do is not sxroept not accurate. But youre right, this is an example of government run amok. They dont have to go Congress Every year and say will you give us money . During that oversight process, have to listen to congress. They can Tell Congress to take a flying leap because they have an automatic draw on the federal treasury through the Federal Reserve and answerable to nobody except for the one moment that the director is confirmed and im convinced they had a plot in place in order to make certain there was no director confirmed to replace cordray until there was a democrat in the white house. Liz interesting, karl. 12 members of the Senate Budget committee have sent for a full senate floor vote, the tax bill. It looks like bob corker supported it. It appears senator jeff flake is in on it. Im not sure john mccain was at the meeting with the president earlier today. Whats your outlook right now on tax reform . I think were going to get it but still got a lot of work to do. Three groups of senators, danes and johnson, danes of montana and johnson of wisconsin. Small businesses that pay on the personal table and corporation. You cant resolve all of that problem without a huge amount of money. They are trying to make it better, not necessarily insist on it being perfect. Have you some liz go ahead, karl. You have two senators, moran of kansas, collins of maine who are concerned whether you include the repeal of obamacare individual mandate in there. Frankly my view thats a tax on moderate and poor people. 80 of the people who make that tax make 50,000 or less a year. But that question needs to be resolved. Big one are the deficit hawks, flake and corker and lange ford and maybe mccain, and the question is are we better off passing a tax reform that increases Economic Growth over the next decade or better off with the status quo . I think the issue of spending and deficits is important, you cant solve the problem by keeping the tax code the way it is or having the tax code reformed. You can solve part of the problem by having economy that grows faster but have to constrain spending and cant be done inside the tax bill. That has to be done year by year by Congress Voting to restrain future growth particularly in entitlements, entitlements, mandatory spending and interest are 70 of the federal budget. Theyre on automatic control and will be nearly 80 within the decade if we dont do something you. Need growth to pay for the entitlements. Judge Andrew Napolitano is here. Good to see you. Yes. Liz breaking news, the Trump Administration has won, Mick Mulvaney will be director of the cfpb, you argued the bureau is unconstitutional in the way its been launched, right . Karl rove gave a brilliant description of it. Its not recognized under the constitution. The constitution says no money shall be drawn other than publicly and in accordance with the vote by congress. So by putting this under the Federal Reserve, the congress and the obama years was attempting to insulate this from the accountability that the constitution contemplates for all government. But the issue here is narrower than that. Three issues that the judge had to resolve. The first is, is mrs. English likely to prevail ultimately after theres a trial and examination of all the law . If the answer is no, she doesnt get the preliminary injunction, which is what he basically ruled 15 minutes ago. The other issue is which law applies . Does the 1998 law that says when theres a vacancy at the head of the agency does the temporary director apply . Does the 2010 doddfrank law which says when theres a vacancy at the head of this agency, that person is replaced by the deputy director. Does that apply . We dont know if the judge reached those twoshs yet or if he just decided on you know what . Youre not going to prevail mrs. English and i am not going to interfere. Liz karl and i said this is the Administrative State run amok. What would stop another bureaucrat from filing suit like mrs. English did to keep his or her job . Think about this, not only does this extend the obama legacy of heavyhanded bureaucratic regulation of the banks, remember, this is an Administrative Agency that writes its own rules, enforces the rules, interprets those rules and punishes banks that disagree with the rules. Congress has nothing do about it. 60 vote in the senate to interfere or narrowly congress can interfere because of its control of the purse but doesnt control the purse of the Federal Reserve and as karl said. Liz for the bureau . Correct. As karl said the Federal Reserve does not regulate this, this is a spigot on Federal Reserve funds. It doesnt come from taxpayer dollars, it comes from the ways that we all know the Federal Reserve earns its money. Liz karl, heres the irony. I was at the wall street journal when the wall street journal broke the stories in the 90s about red lining, that banks are doing red lining of minority districts of bank loans. What happened was the Clinton Administration responded to the story and said were going to pressure hud, were going to open the spigots at fannie mae and freddie mac and solve income inequality by giving everybody a house even if you couldnt afford it. This is how the democrats respond after opening the spigots causing the housing collapse that started in the government, they basically have a back handed way of putting in a bureau thats unaccountable to nobody. Not accountable to anybody rather, right . What is going on here . Youre right. Heres the other great irony. Fannie and freddy were the two largest Financial Institutions in america. The Bush Administration attempted to rein them, in got legislation through the Senate Banking committee in 2005, and then 40 democrats led by senator barack obama of illinois signed a letter saying they would filibuster any effort to rein in fannie and freddie. Here we are today after the financial crisis largely brought on by the highly leveraged institutions. When we came into office in 2001 leveraged 111. By the time. Collapse leveraged 701. A 1. 2 decline in the value of underlying assets, mortgages would bankrupt the two largest Financial Institutions in the country. Thats exactly what happened. We have not solved that problem, instead created this agency to go after lots of weird stuff with uncontrolled powers and no oversight, and weve not solved the problem that helped bring on the financial crisis in the first place to government sponsored institutions that had the good faith and credit of the American People ostensibly standing behind them. Liz fannie and freddie were major offbalance sheet cash funds. I could not agree with karl more. Not because hes a friend and colleague but giving accurate and largely unexamined history of what caused that collapse. Liz exactly. This is engineered by the democrats, too. Ccb is the creature of the democrats created by the democrats, housed by democrats and death by democrats. President trump will have his nominee in place, i dont know if its Mick Mulvaney, might want to keep him at omb. This is temporary and should get a permanent director right away to stop the financial seesh frurts seizures from the banks. Liz breaking down that news for you and the viewer. Coming up, a longtime montana trucker given the honor to deliver to capitol hill the christmas treatment hes here to talk about his legendary epic trip across the United States to deliver the tree. Former governor Mike Huckabee taking heat talking about the trumppocahontas controversy involving Elizabeth Warren. Asking if the movie is, quote, racist for making a billion dollars from the franchise . Weve got a guest saying you know what . Governor huckabee has a point about that. North korea did launch another icbm today. 2800 miles into space. 1,000 miles more than the last one two months ago, it landed in the sea of japan. All u. S. Cities now within reach of the icbm. The Technology Keeps improving in north korea. Well break down the story for and you who can speed the check of the powers on north korea. Well have that. Dont go away. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. 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Fox news confirming north korea launched another icbm today at 2800 miles into space. It landed in the sea of japan. Thats a thousand miles high than the prior launch two months ago, that launch occurred over japan. And this happened weeks after President Trump visited the region and reinstated north korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. Again, this is the 23rd Missile Launch from north korea this year. Take a check of u. S. Defense stocks. They are jumping on the news. Stocks like Lockheed Martin and raytheon. The president responding minutes ago. A missile was launched from north korea, i will only tell you that we will take care of it. We have general mattis in the room with us, and weve had a long discussion on it. It is a situation that we will handle. Liz joining me now, Ford Oconnell and jessica tarlov. Good to see you both. Ford, again, this launch was a thousand miles further into space, the pentagon saying it is most powerful missile to date. China is not responding. It is the check on north korea, is china doing snuff. No, if they were we wouldnt have had the 23rd launch this year. We have to keep putting pressure on china until this stops, one thing concerning to all americans is north korea is saberrattling out of desperation due to being called a state sponsor of terror. Were going to have to go back and do serious military spending if we want to keep americans safe. Liz north koreas Technology Keeps getting better. Miniaturized Nuclear Warheads on icbms within range of all u. S. Cities. Japan is getting the short end of the stick and did over the summer. I was there over the summer speaking with a number of people in the government. Liz in japan . Japan, and said it is a daily fear, you have no idea whats going on and werent coming down with how President Trump is keeling with it, if youre getting freaked out, think about what were dealing with on a daily basis. Hopefully well have resolution and President Trump along with general mattis will have a good plan. I think were moving closer and closer to a military option. Liz wow. Elizabeth warren said President Trump did make a racial slur yesterday when he mocked her with his nickname, quote, pocahontas. Native american groups said they didnt like it is aing it was insensitive. Senator warren listed herself as a minority, native american at the university of pennsylvania where she worked and harvard law school. Heres Mike Huckabee weighing in on the controversy. Disney owns abc, theyve made a billion dollars off the pocahontas franchise. Is that racist . Have they made money off racism . If so, they need to apologize and need to discontinue all of their merchandise and all of their movies regarding pocahontas. The bigger question and i think sarah alluded to this, Elizabeth Warren lied about ancestry in order to advance her career rchlt that is what ought to be outrageous to people, and why isnt the left upset about cultural appropriation. Thats something we hear about all the time. You cant culturally appropriate something, thats what shes done. Liz disney ending the day in the green. First to you, jessica, critics are saying this all started with what they say is the original insult to native americans from Elizabeth Warren when she, quote, impersonated native american, somehow did not bring up the heritage when she worked at university of texas or other applications of education. What do you say . A long held controversy. I understand people on both sides including senator warren who says i learned about my heritage like many people do across the dinner table from parents and grandparents. I think it was juvenile and crass than it was a racial slur but donald trump does have a long history of making juvenile and crass comments about native americans in the 1990s when he was in the casino business. He said on the don imus show, he had more indian blood than those on the reservations. He did not portray indians in the light that you would not want. Liz critics say disney was trying to celebrate pocahontas while trump was using it in a disparaging manner to make fuven a woman. What do you think . Inappropriate venue to do this. He did it because hes hacked off about the political stunt that Elizabeth Warren is spearheading with the cfpb scandal which is ridiculous to begin with. Get to a point that the media never, ever focuses on. Shes never been able to prove native american heritage. As someone whos taught at the university and as a lawyer, i find it astonishing, you can go from a low second tier law school to harvard law when she was the only graduate of a public law school who is a fulltime harvard faculty member. She has enriched herself by claiming she is native american. You are saying she is a fake native american, is that right, ford . She held herself out as such. If she doesnt go harvard law, she doesnt fund the cfpb and definitely doesnt become a senator from massachusetts. He began by saying this is obviously inappropriate venue. If you are honoring native americans who gave their lives during world war ii and supported our cause, you dont go around like this. What does it have to do with whats going on today or going on liz hang on, hang on, speaks to credibility. Credibility in the sense he uses the insult over and over again. Liz okay, we got to go. Okay, all right. Jessica, ford, thank you so much. President trump support of Alabama Republican Senate candidate roy moore, but my next guest says you could only hear crickets when nancy pelosi supported Democrat John conyers in the face of his growing Sexual Harassment allegations. Were bringing in caylee mcinerney whos got evidence after this. Liz look at this story. Internal review found wells fargo bankers overcharged hundreds of its Foreign Currency Exchange clients in order to pad or increase their own personal bonus. The report found that out of roughly 300 fee arrangements, just only about 35 companies were charged the actual price they had been offered for currency trades but take a check of wells fargo, shows the stock unaffected by latest controversy. The bank ended the day in the green. Next up, President Trump calling out democrat leadership over ditching his white house meeting. This happened just moments ago. Listen. Chuck schumer and nancy pelosi did not show up for our meeting today. Im not really that surprised. We have a lot of differences. Theyre weak on crime. Theyre weak on illegal immigration. They, before this meeting, before this Missile Launch much, they have been weak on military in terms of spending. Theyre very hard to get, for the military, they want it for a lot of other things, but military is only secondary to them. The other thing they want tax increases. We want major tax decreases. So they decided not to show up. They have been all talk and they have been no action. And now it is even worse. Now it is not even talk. Liz again nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer had canceled their white house meeting with the president earlier today after the president s twitter attack. What you heard the president saying just now, he basically is recapping that tweet earlier this morning. Nancy pelosi now tweeting out, saying, quote, President Trump now knows his verbal abuse will no longer be tolerated. His empty chair photo op show his more interested in stunts than American People. Paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell relegated to props. So sad. Kelly mcinerney good to see you. Good to see you, liz. Liz nancy pelosi and donald trump going at it. What do you think . Sad to see the democrats playing games with our budget. That could cause a National Shutdown a government shutdown. It is sad to see that happen. Only games being played are those by nancy pelosi. She talks about not tolerating the president s verbal abuse, how is it verbal abuse to share facts . The fact that theyre weak on crime. Violent crime rose across the nation or weak on the border. They want amnesty for all. That those are facts. Not verbal abuse. Nice try, nancy pelosi, not working. Nancy pelosi has personally attacked President Trump, those are the facts right . She said things any piece of republican legislation would actually kill people. Heres the thing. You know, when you see these, this high level fighting going on, and tax reform and tax cuts hang in the balance, kayleigh, what are your thoughts, immediate thoughts, about the progflows sis for tax cuts . Make no mistake, republicans are scarily focused on tax cuts. The president met with lawmakers today. He is an active president , unlike president obama who never picked up the phone to make those calls. Thats happening. Were on a path to get this done before christmas. It is exciting. Were not going to be distracted by gimmick games by democrats. We need a budget that has to happen. We dont want to see a government shutdown, meantime we will not allow their games to distract us from taxes. I want to turn to the john conyers controversy. Nancy pelosi says john conyers is due due process. But is due process to pay out hushmoney. They didnt get free lawyers. They were told to stay quite. Nancy pelosi came to the against of john conyers. Now breaking news, Congressional Black Caucus members are talking about resigning from the cbc. Nancy pelosi does say now she believes one of john conyers accusers. Is she flipflopping . Absolutely. She has been all over the map on this issue. Certainly not on the side of women on this but i think the point you raised initially is key one that everyone is missing. No matter, if these accusations are true, he is denying them, lets put them aside. It is use of 27,000 taxpayer dollars to pay off a Sexual Misconduct claim to settle with one woman who had to remain anonymous. That is inexcusable that should be enough to call for resignation. Democrats are covering for their own as they always do. Liz kayleigh, good to see you. Come back soon. Great to have you on. Thank you, liz. Liz a longtime montana trucker was given honor to deliver the capital Christmas Tree. He is here it talk about his epic trip across the United States to deliver the Christmas Tree. We have this story for you too. Federal judge, breaking news, ruling in favor of Mick Mulvaney being interim director of the cfpb. It was a Battle Royale breaking out on washington, d. C. Dont go away. The client realized, i need to get back into the markets i need to get back on track with my plan. The Financial Advisor was able to work with this client. Hes now on track to retire when hes 65. Having someone coach you through it is really the value of a Financial Advisor. Show of hands. Lets get started. Who wants customizable options chains . Ones that make it fast and easy to analyze and take action . How about some of the lowest options fees . Are you raising your hand . Good then its time for power e trade the platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Alright one quick game of rock, paper, scissors. 1, 2, 3, go. E trade. The original place to invest online. Another day at the office. Why do you put up with it . Believe it or not you actually like what you do. Even love it. 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The judge, timothy kelly, made the decision to block the appointment of basically, Leandra English saying Mick Mulvaney will be interim director for now of the consumer watchdog group. Here is Mick Mulvaney with stern words for the cfpb. Roll tape. I still have the same fundamental principled misgivings the way this bureau is structured. I think it is wrong to have completely unaccountable federal bureaucracy. By the way learning powers i have as acting director. They would frighten most of you t would worry you to see how little oversight congress has over me. Liz with me former Consumer Protection bureau, attorney ronald ruben. Flies to see you. Thank you. Liz thanks for coming in. You say this is rogue agency. Why . Basically for the reasons that mr. Mulvaney just state, that they have abused this absolute power they have been given. They have acted in secret. They have thwarted congressional oversight attempts. When asked for documents they dont turn them over. They dont act out in the open of the they have done whatever they please. Liz unclear who the cfpb answers to. It is not even housed at Federal Reserve. It gets funding from Federal Reserve. It is not accountable to voters. It does not answer to congress. Who does it answer to . Right now, pretty much nobody you know the case you saw the judge ruled on was absolutely correct. What is really awful about it is the democrats treated this agency like a private club, almost as a child. They dont want to share it. There is this cabal of really extreme democrats who even disagreeing with their own general counsel who says that mr. Mulvaney is the director. The fact that theyre persisting with this, and theyre saying, republicans just cant cant get into our club is outrageous. Liz to make your point, it is an important one, general counsel, top lawyer for the cfpb, she is saying, Mick Mulvaney and Trump Administration is light. By the way, when have you ever heard a federal bureaucrat suing to declare himself or herself head after major u. S. Agency . What is stopping anyone else in any other federal agency from suing to keep his or her job . This is the nightmare of bureaucracy, power of Administrative State, draining of the swamp the Trump Administration is fighting, what got them elected, right . I have to tell you. People who believe in Consumer Protection, believe in this agency should be really angry. For six years they have been saying this is independent agency and yet they treat it as if it is only allowed democrats inside. And such to the point that they will hold on to this thing until it is dragged out of their hands. And what theyre doing by that, theyre just getting rid of the idea this really is a professional agency, not a political organization. So the people who believe in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the cause of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau should be most angry people. Liz what is unaccountable too . Who funded lawsuit by Leandra English, the federal bureaucrat to keep her job . We dont know the name of shadow anonymous groups funding a fight with Trump Administration, right . It could be law firms, basically, housed with democrats, right . You know, actually, she is being represented by deepak gupta, started at cfpb same day i did. A year later he opened his own firm. He represented cfpb in front of the Supreme Court and other appellate matters. I wouldnt be surprised he is representing her for free. Liz that is the thing. Funding of the lawsuit be an in issue in of itself . It could come from the organization regulating. We dont know who is funding her lawsuit, right . No. Like i said i would not be surprised if deepak is just representing her because, to be honest if republicans take over the agency i think he will lose all his business. Liz robert, good to have you on. A terrific guest. My pleasure. Liz our next guest says well switch gears. Well talk about the sanctuary city controversy. Texas state sanctuary city crackdown. My next guest wants that to go down nationwide. We have jackson county, texas sheriff, andy louder back. He wrote a great opinion piece. He is up next. Liz texas has cracked down on sanctuary cities. My next guest says that crackdown, it should go nationwide. He is saying texas should be a model for other cities across the country. It is a bill that let local Law Enforcement question immigration status of people they detain, and punish officials who do not cooperate with federal Law Enforcement. Joining me, bring in jackson county, texas, sheriff, he is aj, andy lauderback. Good to see you, sheriff. Thank you. Liz you wrote an opinion piece. It is terrific. You said state and local governments should cooperate with federal Law Enforcement in every area. They do it in every area except for immigration. Why are they not cooperating on immigration . Political . What a concept that Law Enforcement would participate and correlate would work with all Law Enforcement agencies, stayed, federal, local. What an idea. How did we get to where that doesnt happen with immigration . Its a great question. Is it political . Is it just a political statement . Liz i mean that is the thing. You point out in your opinion piece, that this is not what even democrats intended way back in 1996 when bill clinton, along with Barbara Jordan pushed back on illegal immigration. President obama said he was against it. Hillary clinton said she was against it. To your point, you hundreds of communities prohibit information sharing between local police and i. C. E. I. C. E. Has limited staff. They need boots on the frowned, right . Who gets hurt the most . Certainly we need to cooperate but who gets hurt the most . Always been a Public Safety issue. You know, our u. S. Citizens become the victims of this, and that, that is clearly a Public Safety issue, and that is why were involved here in texas. That is why this program will benefit any state that adopts it. Liz you put in your piece, you said to the sanctuary cities, effectively put up up a neon si, come here criminal illegals. You said sex trafficking is going on u. S. Corridor 59. Is that something youre wore really worried about . Certainly it is. Certainly it is. Houston, Harris County, is the corridor, is 7759 corridor into Harris County which jackson county, victoria, several counties and were certainly involved in that. You know, our units are working those roads every day and those are, Harris County unfortunately has a Human Trafficking reputation, and Human Trafficking statistics to go along with that. Lets do our part. Lets Work Together. Lets, lets Work Together and take care of our public the best we can. Liz you know the push back isnt that the message . The pushback, by the way, we covered a report that most california sheriffs really fiercely oppose the new sanctuary state law that california will soon implement. We spoke to a sheriff about that. Lets take a listen. When youre in Law Enforcement, my priority is to keep my community safe. Now remember, were not talking about immigrants that are here, that are working hard, that arent committing crimes, that arent getting booked into the jail. Were talking about people that actually get arrested and booked and were prohibited from speaking to i. C. E. About them. That just flies in the face of good Public Safety service. Liz what is your reaction to this california sheriff, clearly frustrated here . Well, we certainly understand. The california, you know the law there, it is reckless, lawless, and again, who will be the victim here . I mean it is clearly a Public Safety issue. It always has been. It is clearly rule of law issue. If youre going to, if youre going to clearly violate federal statutes with a state law, then what are you saying . What, what are your citizens going to do . What position have you placed, you know, california sheriffs, california Law Enforcement at that time . Sheriff andy lauderback. Thank you,. Liz the sheriff wrote a terrific opinion piece. Its a great read. I suggest you guys read it. Sheriff, thanks for coming on. Thank you. Liz my next guest made a 3500mile journey to deliver, look at that a 79foot tall Christmas Tree to capitol hill. Larry will talk to us about why he is so honored to make the trip to the capitol with that tree. Whcold sore. Et you . Grab lunch . Cold sore. 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Any stop we made along the whole journey it was happy faces. This is the tree for the people. It is the peoples tree. Liz you made 20 one tops from montana to washington, d. C. First of all, how many days did it take to you make the trip . What was that experience like . We started on the 12th of november, and we arrived in d. C. On the 26th of november. So we had a few days on the road. And visiting all the different stops across america. Liz that is really fun. Something interesting about your truck that i used to deliver the tree, people may not know it, people could sign your truck, physically sign it along the way. Can you explain that . Yeah, we had banners on the side of the trailer, and at each stop we made people, could come up and sign their name to the banner on it. And, and we got to deliver it to america. Liz it is so fun, this story. Larry, this tree is being referred to as the quote, the peoples tree. What does that tree, what does a tree represent to you . Its, been there for 77 years and, i think that being able to deliver it to the people of america and white wood transport and myself and Motor Carriers of montana being all part of it, and choose outdoors is our big leader of the whole program. And it is one proud moment for us to do this. Liz so, larry you must feel like youre famous. Youve been hauling for 49 years, but now youre famous, right . Right. This is, im going to call this the crown jewel of a driving career. And im, guess im blessed and lucky to have such an opportunity. Liz larry, good to see you. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you. Liz we have breaking news. The sole defendant in the benghazi attack has been convicted. The details coming up next. Dont go away. Liz breaking news the sole defendant in the benghazi attack , his name is ahmed katala , has been convicted of terrorism charges but not murder. Hes a libyan militant accused of being a ring leader of the 2012 benghazi attacks on u. S. Facilities convicted on terrorism charges in the assault that killed u. S. Ambassador and three other americans. That does it for us, Charles Payne here now with making money take it away charles. Charles thank you very much i am Charles Payne. Weve got several breaking stories for you that were going to cover, and stretching from wall street to washington, to north korea. In washington a judge denying le andra englishs request for a temporary restraining order there for ruling Mick Mulvaney will remain the acting director of fpbc. Well have more details later on in the show and wall street well stocks at one point began to tumble on news that north korea fired an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile for the First Time Since mid september but as it was free falling congress got its act together and we closed much higher in fact alltime highs acrosstheboard the major averages breaking through on the gop tax push in

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