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At Judicial Watch lawsuit demanding the government do more to recover Hillary Clintons emails. We will take them up with Judicial Watch president tom bitton tonight. Special Counsel Robert Mueller closing in on former National Security adviser Michael Flynn now probing clintons role in an alleged plot to a duck to muslim cleric for 15 million. We will have a full report and President Trump pushing uncompromising economic nationalism on the world stage. The president stressing in a speech in vietnam that he will put always America First and his audience of asian president s and prime ministers applauded his candor and his Straight Talk. We will have those stories and much more here tonight. We begin with the Russian Investigation which has taken a bizarre turn. Special Counsel Robert Mueller now reportedly moving far field from investigating saleh russian collusion. Now mueller is reportedly looking into whether general Michael Flynn was involved in a scheme to a muslim cleric and lives in america for much of dollars. Correspondent Catherine Herridge with our report. Fox news can confirm special counsel investigators are probing National Security adviser mike flints contact with senior turkish officials and whether they ever discuss the removal or reduction of a usbased cleric whose a critic of the turkish prison. The cleric visited pennsylvania and president erdogan blamed him for instigating an attempted coup in july 2016 at the wall street journal which today the turkish government officials offered flynn and his son 50 million during a meeting at new yorks 21 club in exchange for delivering the cleric. Fox news cant independently declare the details or whether flynn took part. All contacts are being exported. Director jim woolsey first made allegations of flynn and turkish officials discuss the issue during an earlier meeting in september when flynn was National Security adviser to the trump campaign. In this interview halsey said he joined the flynn meeting in progress. There was discussion, serious discussion of finding some way to move him out of the United States to turkey. Since i only heard part of the discussion i could have missed an early statement that put some kind of caveats on somebody but you might call a brainstorming but it was brainstorming about this serious matter that would clearly be a violation of the law. Fleckenstein doesnt usually comment on media reports but today they issued a rare statement. Allegations from kidnapping to bribery better so i registered and prejudicial that we are making exception to our rule. Woolsey had no comment today. October reported a 10 milliondollar contract to discredit the state cleric and cia director with a special counsel about those claims. Lou catherine thank you very much. An amazing story and an amazing development. Catherine herridge reporting from washington could a major blow to the search for answers in the Hillary Clinton email and at obama appointed judge has dismissed a Judicial Watch lawsuit that would have forced the federal government to work harder or thoroughly to recover then secretary of state clintons missing emails. Judge james bos bird rule that the government has done all that quote reasonably could to locating the missing emails and there are lots of them despite reports the state department is sitting now on the backlog of tens of thousands of unreleased clinton emails. Joining me now Judicial Watch president tom fenton. Its great to have you here. This is quite a night and we are delighted you are with us to sort through all of this. Lets start with the special counsel now investigating an allegation that general Michael Flynn was involved in some sort of quid pro quo apparently to extradite, abduct whatever you would a turkish cleric and dissident who has lived in this country for many years and return him to turkey for millions of dollars. Well i dont believe general flynn was involved in anything like that. The news would be these days that the special counsel exactly doing something it was hired to do which is investigate rush a collusion he really has no business investigating general flynn for this. Its outside his purview in my view and is further reason as to why it should be shut down. If theres something to be investigated the Justice Department should handle it directly but this is not what mr. Mueller was hired to do. There was another report this week and i dont hope you saw it. The wall street journal said the Justice Department and the u. S. Attorneys office are investigating a dnc hacking. Mueller is inscom this is the basis for all the russian collusion the screaming we have heard about that the russians packed to the dnc. Mueller isnt even looking at that. Hes looking at everything but what he was hired to do which suggest there aint much to look at in terms of russian collusion. Lou i think it does this logic applies in this case and that remains an open question but the logic is compelling, why is there no oversight of the special counsel before we move on to a number of other critical issues. Why is there no oversight either a justice for Republicanled Congress and senate that would return muellers attention to his mission, which is russian collusion . I think the special counsel regulation in that regard are constitutionally deficient because they hired a special counsel in this case mueller and the appointed officials we trust were confirmed by the senate answerable to the people to take a step back and let them do whatever he wants to do practically speaking and thats why i think he needs to be reined in, the regulations need to be rewritten if we needed uncompromised special counsel to do anything else. Maybe its too late with mueller but i am going to protect Hillary Clinton from a council thats out of control. Lou its stunning. Judicial watch, how upset should President Trump be when he finds out the obama appointed judge has once again blocked your lawsuit . He may not be surprised by that. Lou i didnt suggest he would be surprised. This is the second time on this issue and it was over. Overturned on appeal one. Lou let me interject. Im not talking about the surprise. Im talking about how concerned how upset he would be or any of us in this country that a political judge has once again blocked the publics right to know and secondarily if you will take in two years to get to an answer which is no. This is outrageous in my opinion opinion. He is going to be more outrage with the fact that his administration asked the judge to do with the judge did this week. The judge in his decision would have said you know the administration change with the government is fantastic and the Obama Administration would want to do it in shockingly the Trump Administration came in and they did and want to enforce a law requiring the state department to initiate action with the Justice Department to retrieve these government records that Hillary Clinton took with her. We dont like the judges decision but the fact is we shouldnt be in court given what this president promised and his appointees would presume to want to be doing. You have the Justice Department state department defending Hillary Clinton in court and in this case blocking the judicial efforts to force them to comply with a lot to get these records. Thats the average is aspect of this, to have a judge ruled one way or the other. Lou its an additional outrage i will grant you that. We havent been able to get a straight answer. Have you . From the administration . We know what their answers are. We have been battling them in court since day one on this and i dont understand why. Lou what is the question answer to the question we are asking which is why would the Trump Administrations Justice Department not insist upon the delivery of these emails . There are is no answer. We push back and they dont give us an answer. Lou we are on exactly the same piece of ground. Let me turn a change, hopeful one in light of what must be done. Fusion gps the judge overseeing the records case reassigned and obama appointees, a bush 41 appointee being moved in its place. Why . Do you have any sense of the . I dont. My first instinct it was an administrative move by the court court. They were rebalancing caseloads or Something Like that. If it was something more substantial there might be Public Disclosure over the next few days on it. Im not aware of any effort to recuse her out right and usually a recusal issue if theres a public discussion of assad certainly curious to have the judge leave in the middle of it but Stranger Things have happened. Lou and Stranger Things away this im sure. Thank you tom fitton. We have got a lot more. Its been a day of extraordinary developments and we will be taking a look at many of them if not all. Stay with us. President trump warns kim jongun to stop this dangerous provocations. Every single step the north korean regime takes for more weapons is a step it takes into greater and greater danger. Lou we take up the present strong rhetoric against the rogue regime with general jack keane and special Counsel Robert Mueller apparently zeroing in on former top National Security adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn now under investigation for reportedly talking about expelling a turkish dissident back to his country in exchange for millions of dollars. We lou our top story tonight President Trump reaffirms his America First policies in asia. The president using his speech in vietnam saying he will protect americans against foreign exploitation every time. We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of any more. I am always going to put America First, the same way that i expect all of you in this room to put your countrys first. [applause] lou Straight Talk remarkably those president s and prime ministers, National Leaders in asia applauding the president for speaking as he does almost every time, bluntly, directly and forcefully. The president is in vietnam for the asiapacific Economic Cooperation summit, aipac. There was speculation the present would have a formal meeting with russian president let amir putin but that isnt going to happen. The two leaders however did shake hands for a moment and greeted each other before dinner. The interim chief of our teams as the Russian News Network will now register as a Foreign Agent of the United States. The department of justice began pressuring our team to register back in september after intelligence agencies concluded already operated as a propaganda arm of the kremlin during the 2016 election. In my opinion what is interesting about that is not that it occurred in september but that the entire administration president barack obama did not once ask rt to register as a Foreign Agent and the question has to be asked, why not . A further question follows. Why hasnt anyone on capitol hill as the question of the former president . The head of rt for his part says he Still Believes the request to be one that is crazy and illegal but alas they will comply. Joining me retired fourstar general fox news analyst jack kaine. General its great to see you in they have to ask it appears to be a trip that is immensely successful, on the part of President Trump. The open question is, is there any sign of progress with xi jinping on the issue of north korea . First of all i definitely agree with you strategically this is largely a successful trip. What the president has managed to do is reassure our allies that the United States leadership is back in the pacific, that we want to denuclearize north korea without a catastrophic war and we want to stand up against chinese aggression in the region rate as you mentioned in the introduction we want to push back on the significant trade and balances that we have had throughout this Indo Pacific Region so all that said a positive trip. Getting to the specifics he could enhance the relationship with president xi for sure and abe in japan and in vietnam and those are all positive. I dont think we are going to know for certain for some time whether china has really stepped up one to increase the stranglehold on korea and to within more accelerated sense of urgency to do that. Those are the two things we truly need and the other thing i would add you know it really comes down to whether xi believes trump when he says if china fails to do denuclearize north korea then i will do it and this option to do that is war. He believes that were optioned by trump is serious then hes like you to do so and if he doesnt believe that serious people probably provide reassuring words roll was a little capabilities and north korea will get a Nuclear Missile capability. Lou that calls into question president moon of south korea and his decision not to cover seoul with those that antimissile defense systems. This is becoming a bit of a strain for the United States strategically when the country that is invested so much money and sell many of our troops, some 26,000 plus a history of war that goes back six decades. This is a strange moments when it should be a moment in which there is solidarity. There are relationships out there that are not that strong in what is with his this leader and the others with the philippine leader that this is much more serious. Obviously as you mentioned hes a left of Center Leader who got into office on taking a softer diplomatic approach with north korea and also his predecessor was in corruption and some other things and was pretty strong and north korea. Since he came into office he reached out to north korea and north korea summarily ignored him and the chinese clamp down on him very hard in terms of cutting off Economic Opportunities and told him not to expand the thaad missile program. He agreed with china not expanded so i think he accommodated President Trump during his visit and didnt want to shawnee public differences with him but we dont have a stronger relationship with south korea that we have had in the past. Lou of course that coercion on china and south korea it appears that xi has missed the target that is kim jong un. As always general its great to have your insight. Greataunt andy lou. Lou are sure to vote in our poll tonight. You believe President Trump Straight Talk has been met with a warm welcome in asia and do you believe its sort of odd that Straight Talk in asia is better received than often is here at home . Thats our question. Meanwhile cast your vote on twitter lou dobbs where we will be posing the question the second half the show. Follow me on twitter lou dobbs follow me on Instagram Lou dobbs tonight. On wall street stocks closing mixed the dow down 40 points the s p down to the nasdaq up a fraction volume on the big board 3. 4 million shares for the week the dow s p and nasdaq all posting fractional losses. That hasnt happened for ages. I absolutely reject these results. We will do a recount. Reminder listen to my reports three times a day coasttocoast on the salem radio network. Up next year judged roy moore fighting back denying allegations of decadesold incidents of misconduct. Thats the allegations. Now one accuser has revealed to working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Three to go. We will have the full report for you here, next. Stay with us. Paying less for my medicare . Im open to that. Lower premiums . Extra benefits . Its open enrollment. Time to open the laptop. And compare Medicare Health plans. Why . Because plans change, so can your health needs. So, be openminded. Look at everythinglike Prescription Drug plans. And Medicare Advantage plans from private insurers. Use the tools at medicare. Gov. Or call 1800medicare. Open to Something Better . Start today. The market. Redict but through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. And im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. 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Lou Senate Candidate roy moore of alabama speaking out for the first time after decades old allegations of Sexual Misconduct were reported by the Washington Post. Moore is calling the allegations completely false and misleading. His comments come as local made what reports that one of his accusers worked for it clinton president ial campaign and other democratic campaigns as well. The republican establishment is running from moore after some say he may have been pushed by the republican establishment. Mcconnell and john mccain calling for his exit. Jonathan serrie is in moores hometown with our report. Reporter in the wake of the Washington Post bombshell report that judge roy moore made sexual advances on a 14yearold girl. The conservative candidate who runs on christian values remains defines and so are his supporters. Im not too concerned. A lot of things are fabricated so you dont know what to believe sometimes. I am a big fan of roy moore. Reporter in a statement senator Mitch Mcconnell said if these allegations are true, he must step aside. The majority leader and judge moore have a contentious relationship. Mcconnells super back spent millions of dollars trying to insure alabamas twice removed chief justice would be defeated by Luther Strange. Ed the 75day deadline has long passed to remove his name from the ballot. Its a constitutional matter. A judge could take a different approach and rule that that statutory requirement is unconstitutional and deprives people of their right to vote for the candidate of their choosing or their partys choosing. Reporter while moore may not have been a reliable republican, if Democrat Doug Jones wins that will reduce the gops majority to just one senator. Refusing to seat a duly elected and state certified senator would can difficult. Alabama law allows the governor to suspends or reschedule an election. For now they are sticking with him. But their support is not guaranteed. If they have the proof, then i agree he should step down. Reporter the nrsc, the have you can party Senate Campaign arm has earned its financing agreement with moore. Lou its interesting, too, the questions werent if true he should step down. Not a one said if false what he should do. But im sure mcconnell and mckwane forgot to add that aspect of the equation. The house and senate split on major issues in their respective tax proposals. Some house gop members coming out against the Senate Version already. Is Republican Leadership capable of delivering for middle class america . We take it up with ed rollins. These cyclists conquering the cobblestone streets of mexico. Well be right back. K. K. K. K. Dad we walk inside. And its raining. Our home was ruined. We couldnt live there. Mom our first concern was the kids. This was going to be hard on them. Chubb got us a place to stay in the same school district. Otherwise it could have been a nightmare. Dad. Chubb turned a disaster into an adventure for our kids. Mom. And no one missed a day of school. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. It can detect a threat using ai, and respond 60 times faster. It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so theyre used by no one else but you. It. Is. The cloud. The ibm cloud. The cloud thats designed for your data. Ai ready. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for business. Yours. Lou a pair of political oldtimers are pondering coming out of retirement to try to under final President Trump. Necessity include mitt romney, hes eyeing a senate run in utah next year. Romney would run on his willingness to challenge the white house. Yes, he would. Hes an interesting piece of business. Former Vice President joe biden who recently said he regrets hes not president now. Everybody who wants to try and correct the situation in 2020. He will be 77. So you see this is a generational event. Ed rollins, political director for president ronald reagan. Mitt romney . He goes after this president. He was an attack dog and he couldnt get barack obama. Ed hes running to get back in the game again. And he will be the lead i are of the opposition to President Trump. This is a guy who does not fit i would predict if you put his hand on a bible like the last two republican president s, one voted for trump and one didnt. We dont need a senator from utah. Lou folks in utah have to be thinking, hes a nice enough fellow. He was a terrible governor. He was a oneterm governor who could not get reelected. In the midterm he started running for president. And he could not be reelected in massachusetts. He was a terrible candidate when he ran for president. We dont need more moderate republicans. We need trump republicans. Lets turn to this situation with judge roy moore. Immediately, senator mcconnell, senator mccain came out and said there is the exit, you better move on. We have people saying you will have to prove your innocence. Ed there are no serious charges backed up yet. He denied the charges. He got elected fair and square with mcconnells Organization Spending millions of dollars against him and he beat them against a handspicked candidate. My sense is if you are weeks to go, let the voters of the state make their choice. Lou the Establishment Republican Party is check into whether Luther Strange can run a writein candidate. Ed he was hands picked by the governor and defeated by roy moore. Roy moore has been on the stage a long time in this state. Why with less than a month to go, unless the Washington Post is not making it up. Its a decent one. Let the voters make their choice. Voters will hear a lot about this in the next couple weeks. Lou the people offal whamma have a clear choice. They will be the people of alabama have a clear choice. Ed this is one of the most of conservative states. Very strong evangelical. He would be tough to beat. Lou lets go to the issue of the republicans. The tax cuts. We are looking at two different paths here. And yet we are hearing so much gnashing and wailing, it sounds like this isnt going down well with everybody. I dont think the senate wants a tax bill. The thing they came forth with is not passable in the house. Reality, if they need to think like a parliamentary system. Saying they all want a tax cut. Lets get a bill we can pass quickly. If you cant, you will lose big in a short period of time. Lou i think we are looking at 16 days. Ed the fact you will get two bills passed through the senate with the debt ceiling isnt going to happen if they dont fix it. Lou dont you find it interesting that President Trumps asian audience is more appreciative of his Straight Talk than the left is here at home. Please roll the video and watch as these cyclists put their skills to the test racing down narrow alleyways, and stairs in mexico. They rushed through the annual race southwest of mexico city. Ma Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell changing his tune. He made a promise on tax cuts. At the end of the day nobody in the middle class will get a tax increase. We are committed to middle class tax relief and business tax changes that keep our jobs here in america. Lou not exactly. Steve forbes joins us next. Well talk about tax reform and the mcconnell gaffe. Stay with us. Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. 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What we are seeing unfolding here is a betrayal of the president the way they did on healthcare. I think they will get a tax bill because on the house side they know if they dont, they are toast. Lou this is a little gift from the Republicanled Senate to the democratic party, and all the Democratic Candidates for congress. Why they put on themselves a straightjacket where they cant do a good straight thanks cut. Do the 20 corporate rate. Make your first 25,000 free of tax and you can give everyone a 10 tax cut. This leadership can barely agree on good morning. Thats why that old joke, if you want to stop the aging process put it before congress. It takes on more and more relevance. Lou this president has put on again another performance in asia. Starting with a peach in the south korean assembly. Lou the relationship with moon, the south Korean Leader and the president are not good because moon is playing out his accommodative stance with north korea. Thats creating immense problems. What the president did in the assembly where he praised south korea and their great progress. In terms of public opinion, i think moon is finding himself more acome dieght trump because accommodating to trump. Its moon who is more changing. The fact that hes dithering on having a defense system, thats backfiring. Seoul knows they are you will have they arable. Lou seoul is protected by the thaad system. These are the same people who elected him. There was no credible opposition. Lou meanwhile they dont have an antimissile program. I think in a year they will. Lou if you think this is going to last another year, you are among the few who do. This president is facing immense challenges from kim jongun. I think the chinese are beginning to realize if something meaningful isnt done. Where the leader of the north has a terrible accident they know well ramp up the real pressure. They are beginning to realize we are serious in the way the three previous president s have dealt with this. Lou alabama, judge roy moore. An eager Mitch Mcconnell and john mccain suggesting if the charges are true, you should leave the race. He says he will not. Its interesting neither mcconnell nor mccain said if the charges are false, then judge moore you should do this. Why are we watching this unfold . This is unseemly and shows the party is tremendously split. No one wants to get on the wrong side of post harvey weinstein. Truth and due process. Moore made it clear he wants due process. If they dont couple with evidence, real evidence, i think he could win. Lou the first evidence in is one of the four accusers is a Hillary Clinton supporter. Our friend tammy bruce says if moore is really a predator, you get an avalanche of revelations. If you dont lou you are anticipating her statements here. You cant trust him, tammy, you cannot trust him. Steve im setting her up. Im warmup act. Now, you get the real thing. Lou President Trump in vietnaming his predecessors for our chronic trade deficits. President trump i wish previous administrations in my country saw what was happening and did something about it. They did not but i will. Lou well take up President Trumps successes in asia. Stay with us. Heres to the heroes americas Small Business owners. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. Actually, the gyro hero owns veros gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. Ha ha thats better. So, to recap Small Business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when theyre not eating gyros delivered by ah, you know what i mean. Lou in our online poll last night we asked, do you believe the Republican Party deserves to keep its majorities in the house and senate. Only 52 of you said yes. Joining me, niger innis, and tammy bruce. Hi, tammy. And steve forbes just told us you say there is a certain quota of these charges of misconduct that has to apply to a candidate before he or she well, ill let you finish the sentence. Tammy one of the Silver Linings of the catastrophe out of hollywood is we found predators have a pattern. Multiple accusers. Same behavior, similar stories over a period of years. We dont have any of that with judge roy moore. And i think that its a serious accusation obviously. Lou it is a serious allegation by the is an allegation, and its 40 years old. Tammy this weekend will be key. If there are additional ones they will come forward. But at this point the people of alabama seem to be saying, this seems like an establishment hit job. Thats how the voters are viewing it. Lou it seems strange that only now after 40someodd years. 38 years, would we find somebody at the post decided to look into it. Tammy they interviewed over 30 people. And its interesting that it was they only determined or found one person who makes the allegation. A lot of the headlines have been wrong. Its not multiple allegations of earn assault its just one. I think that also tells you something on what they did not uncover. Lou im sure the Washington Post did as thorough a job of researching the democratic backgrounds for the job. I didnt know you were doing comedy now. Lou i cover politics, are you kidding . I think the two biggest character assassination weapons of mass destruction. One is being called a racist and the other is a sexual harasser or raper. The tragedy is the old story of the boy who cried wolf. These allegations keep coming across. They often manifest in political contests or political manifestations like Justice Clarence thomas some 30 years ago with atonighta hill. My good friends herman cain had to drop out of the president ial race where he was extremely competitive because of false allegations of sexual harassment. There is a total double standard. They did not do this kinds of investigation with bill clinton. He was alleged to have raped and brutalized several women. Hes still considered a dean of the democratic left. So there is a total double standard. Lou its important to point out that the democratic establishment was not going after bill clinton. The democratic establishment was protecting him. In this instance its pretty clear. You were the bridge to where i was going. I think the problem is, the problem is yet again we have the circle of frying squad within the Republican Party. We have this once in a Generation Opportunity to truly move our country into a positive direction and promote dramatic Economic Growth and development within our country. Lou niger we are in trouble on time. Tammy the people of alabama will make the decision. Well watch this weekend and see what happens. I agree with tammy on that. Let the people of alabama decide. Lou thank you both. We thank you for being with us. Have a great weekend. Happy birthday ma renal corps. Good night from new york. Announcer the new wall street week. Maria welcome to wall street week, the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. Coming up in just a few moments. My exclusive and marketmoving interview with steven mnuchin. But first a look at the headlines. Senate republicans unveiled their tax reform plan just days after House Republicans released theirs. The senate bill fully free peels the say the and localax

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