General john kelly, son was stlaislain in2010, he is tryinge record straight. This about a condolence phone call that president made to the widow of a slain soldier where a democrat congresswoman. Admits she did not have all of the details, and did not listen to the entire phone call. Because the speech was so moving, we want to play it for you. Most americans dont know what happens when we lose one of our soldiers. In combat. So let me tell you. Their buddies wrap them up in whatever passes as a shroud, puts them in a helicopter, sends them home. The first stop on the way is when they are packed in ice. Typically at the air head. Then they are flown t to usually europe. Where they are then packed in ice again, and flown to Dover Air Force base, where dover takes care of the remains, embalms them, meticulously dresses them in their uniform with the medals they have earned, emblems of their service, put them in a plane with a escort to takes them home, a very good movie to watch if you have never see seen it, g chance. It is worth seeing that. That is the process. While that is happening, a casualty officer typically goes to the home very early in the morning and waits for the first lights to come on, he knocks on the door, typically mom and dad answer or wife, if there is a wife this is happening in two develop places, if the parents are divorced three. And casualty officer breaks the heart of a Family Member, stays with that family until for a long time even after th the intn internment. They are best 1 this country produces, most of you as americans dont know them. Many of you dont know anyone who knows any one of them. But they are the very best this country produces. And they volunteered to protect our country, when there is nothing in our country any more that seem to suggest that service to nation it notony appropriate but required, that is all right. Who writes letters to the families . Typically the company commander, in my case as a marine. Secretary of defense, ti typicay service chief, and president , typically write letters, only phone calls that a family receives are most important that is from their buddies, in my case, i was after my son was killed his friends were calling us from afghanistan. Telling us what a great guy he was. Those are only phone calls that really matter. And the letters, count to a degree, but there is not much that really could take the edge off what the Family Member is going through. So, some president s have elected to call. All president s i believe have elected to send letters. If you elect to call a family like this, it is about the most difficult thing you could imagine. There no perfect way to make that phone call. When i took this job and talked to President Trump about how to do it, my first recommendation is he not do it. Because it is not the phone call that parents, Family Members are looking forward. To it is a nice to do in my opinion. Me asked me about previous president s, i said, i could tell you that president obama, who was my commander in chief on active duty, did not call my family, that was not a exrit simp. Criticism, that was to say, i dont believe that president obama call is, that not negative. I dont believe that president bush called in all cases. I dont believe any president particularly whether casualty rates for high, that president s call. I believe they are write. So when i gave that expand to our president he elected to make phone calls in the cases of 4 young men we lost in niger. He said, how do you make these calls, if you are not in the family, if you have never worn the uniform, if you have never been in combat, you cant imagine how to make that call. I think you bravely does make those calls. The call in question that he made yesterday our day before yesterday, now, were to two Family Members, remember, there is a next of kin, designated by the individual, if he is married typically the spouse, if not typically the parents. If he didnt get along with his parents he will select a sibling, but the point is that phone call is made to the next of kin only if the next of kin agrees to take the phone call, sometimes they dont. So a precall is made, president of the United States or someone would like to call, would you accept the call. And typically they all accept. He called four people the other day, expressed his condolences in the best ba way he could. He said to me, what do i say . I said to him, sir, there is nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families, let me tell you what i tell them, let me tell you what my best friend, joe dunford told me. He was my casualty officer, he said, kel, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. He knew what he was getting into by joining that 1 . He knew what the possibilities were. Because wore a were at war. And when he died, and the four cases were talking about in niger my sons case, afghanistan, when he died, he was surround bid best men on this earth his friends, that is what the president tried to say to the 4 families the other day, i was stunned when i came to work yesterday morning and broken hearted at what i saw a member of congress doing. Member of congress who listened in on a phone call from the president of the United States to a young wife, in his way tries to express that opinion, he was a brave man. A fallen hero. He knew what he was getting himself into, he enlisted there is no reason. He was wear he wanted to he where he wanted to be with people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. That was the message, that was message that was transmitted. It stuns me that a member of congress, would have listened in on that conversation, absolutely stuns me. I thought at least that was sacred. You know, when i was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country, women were sacred. Looked upon with great honor, that is obviously not the case any more, life, dignity of life was sacred, religion that seems to begun as well. Gold star families, that left in the convention over the summer. I just thought, selfless devotion that brings a man or woman to die in the battle feeli thought that might be sacred, and i listened to this woman, when see some said and did on tv, the only thing i could do to collect my thoughts was to go and walk among the finest men and women on this earth. You can always find them, they are in Arlington National cemetery, i was there for an hour and a half, walked among the stones, some of whom i put there. Because they were doing what i told them to do when they were killed. Ill end with this, in october april rather of 2015, still on active duty, i went to the dedication of the new fbi field was on the in miami. And field office in miami, dedicated to two men who were killed in a firefight in miami against drug traffickers in 1986, grogen and duke. Anyway, they got in a gunfight, they were killed. Three others fbi agents were there, wounded, now retired. O jim comey did a brit brilliant memorial speech to those fallen. And all of fbi. There were Family Members there. Some of the children that were there were 3 or 4 years old when their dads were kille on to street in miami died. Three of men who survived were there and gave the rendition now brave those men were. And a congresswoman stood up in long tradition of empty barrels making most noise, stood up there in all of that and talked about how she was instrumental in getting funding for that building, she took care of her constituents and she called president obama to get the money if that building. She sat down, we were stunned. Stunned, even for someone that empty a barrel we were stunned. None of us went to the press and criticized. None of us stood up and were appalled. We said, okay, fine. I still hope as you write your stories, i appeal to america, that lets not let this maybe last thing that is held 6 readyd in our society, a wron young ma, young woman going out, giving his or her life for our country, lets keep that sacred. But it eroded a great deal yesterday, by the selfish behavior of a member of congress. Liz retired Lieutenant Colonel tony shaffer joins me now, remarkable honesty from the general chief of staff. He has presented this as crew character of a man he is, he a warriors, he referenced his friend joe dunford, chairman of joint chiefs, these men have given president the best possible guidance regarding what to say, thousand say it, and how to say it and how to honor the fallen individual in this case one of the members of the 1 , i am appalled like the general like general kelly that Federico Wilson is waging this, Fredricka Wilson war against the president , this is against every moral fiber that makes us strong as a people to honor certain traditions and protect certain equities. I am sorry, President Trump was correctly instructed how to did it. And President Trump did this with courage, he did the courageous thing, not all president s do, he fell it was important enough these 4 warriors who fell in africa would be honored by the recognition they deserve by the Difficult Mission they were on. I think that john kelly laid out not only an emotional case but a factualy correct cogent rational for why this process needs to be taken out of political narrative of either party. Individuals who fall in combat or honored and their families honored for sacrifice made. Liz she has said, that he is on brink of u up peach am impeachment and boycotted his inauguration. It is a painful back and forth over our heroes. Right, i am with john kelly on this, whatever happened under president obama, happened under president obama, that is gone and done. Were now talking about is honors those who fall now. And what is essentially considered sacred, that should not be in anyway remotely politicized. I fault the congresswoman here, for being not only pe pet you lt but vicious to point to draw political blood where american blood has fallen. Here i think that general kelly said, you need to cross back over that line with all due respect, congresswoman and do the right thing, not politicize. Liz Fredricka Wilson admitted she did not hear the entire phone call. Precisely. Liz general saying this phone call is sacred to the family, he lost his own son, when general kelly lost his own son in 2010, 4 days later he had to give a eulogy for two other soldiers slain in battle, he asked the officer introducing him do not bring up my son, this is say rare thing for general john kel to talk about his son in public here, is what he said, this is about lear heros who have about heroes who have it in their dna not to run, and serve in eternitty. I heard left attacking this speech. Believe it or not, they say he is john kelly is quote, unquote doing this to beg for his job. Are you kidding me . John kelly, his best job by his own admission, he said, ever was as platoon sergeant in marine corps. He is not a man seeking any higher office, he is here to serve country, he talked about responding to this going to Arlington National cemetery to honor the officers and enlisted men who fell under his command, that is the man, i am appalled, Mainstream Media even now, is attempting to pile on and make this a political issue, this is not a political issue, people should step away and heed general kellys comments. Liz thank you colonel shafer. Thank you. Liz gold star mother lost her navy seal son aaron, killed in afghanistan in 2011, karen vaughn is joining us next with her response. Dispatcher 911 emergency. Caller my husbandhes having trouble breathing. First responders hear it a lot. And everyone age 65 and older needs to hear it, too. The flu, and its complications, can be deadly. Especially for those with a chronic medical condition. Thats why there are higherstrength flu vaccines made for seniors. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for a senior flu shot. Do it today. Before the flu. 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The best 1 this country produces. Liz saying that contribute simp ocriticism ofthe president is ue bringing in gold star mother carnerakaren vaughn who lost hen afghanistan, what do you think what of general said today. I listen to that speech and i cried two times, he did such a beautiful job bringing it back to reality of what it is were witnessing when a young man returns home to american soil, i remember that knock on the door, i remember speaking to my precious daughterinlaw to morning and find out she collapsed on the floor, and her mother caught their baby just she hit the floor. It was a very touching for me for him to center this back on reality of what were looking at in a moment like this. How violated a gold star family feels when someone tries to use that for political fodder, that is the wrong time, his words were beautiful. Liz were standing with you, next you to right now, we are with you for your family and your sacrifice, i think that country does in the not hear from media enough to your point what gold star gam families like your own have gone through , what do you make of congresswoman listening in on the phone call, this is a sacred call. The congresswoman admits she did not hear the phone call in the knoentirety. And then went off and claimed that president said what she said. I cant imagine that someone would eavesdrop, it is stunning reality, that is breaking something sacred, personal and emotional. To sieve eavesdrop on it, she st out loud what she thought about the phone call, it was rude enough. Then she dug in and kept giving interviews and tweeting about it. She accuses our president was not having any compassion for the fallen, she was th the epite of lack of comp compassion to keep harping on it. I wish i lived closer to arlington myself. That was a rone a wonderful thio and walk among those. Liz he said, general kelly, he rarely talks about the loss of his son, he said these men and women, it is in their dna not to run, they serve into eternitty. And President Trump sat down with him, and said how should i handle this phone call. Do you think that president meant well with this phone call . Absolutely. You know, i really appreciate general kelly explaining to the nation that president had come to him for guidance. I cannot fathom a more difficult call for a commander in chief to make. Then to the next of kin. He sought counsel for it, tells me what i already knew, his care and the way he loves and respects the military, he has done more for the military in his first few months of presidency than i have seen in over a decade, to say he took the time to find out what to say from someone that experienced that call or knock, tells me how deeply reverent his heart was toward the family and this beautiful young widow, i grief with this family, their new reality is a world that none of us want to experience. And yes, he had reference for her. Reverence for her to secret service council. Liz karen vaughn, thank you so much for joining us, we are so sorry for the loss of your son. Thank you. Liz collin cappe kaepernick fig back at nfl commissioner ronly r goodell, next. Im living that yacht life, life, life top speed fifty knots life on the caribbean seas its a champagne and models potpourri on my yacht made of cuban mahogany, gany, gany, gany watch this dont get mad bell mnemonic get e trade and get invested liz welcome back, nfl meetings this week. The nfl player who started it all, collin kaepernick, firing back. Tweeting things like this. This as latest gallup poll shows number of nfl fans dropping by 10 percentage point offers last 5 years, gallup saying that nba, nhl and pro soccer, the number of fans have risen. Bringing in football legend, coach lou holtz. Thank you, liz. Liz i want your reaction to goodell saying, not changing anthem policy. First of all, realize he has 32 bosses, his contract is up, he has done a tremendous job for nfl, they will decide whether his contract will be extended. When you displen a player say he cant play for 4 games, you upset owners, he trying to pacify the owners, he is not making a statement, except of ma is best interest of the league he feels at the time. Liz joe nam ath said, he agrees about speaking out about social interrupt is injustice, but saying, playing the game is their job, they should not use the football field as their stage for any cause. I agree, but you important thing to remember he has 32 owners, he does not want to say it is mandatory, everyone will stand, you have the owner of jacksonville said that President Trump is mad because high didnt get buffalo bill franchise in 2014, he is trying to walk a thin line, and it a difficult one because it not a popular position with the rest of the people, including lou holtz. Liz do you think that Football Players should stand . Absolutely. I do. I think that is your work place there, your workplace, and Supreme Court as ruled that you cant work for walmart and say negative things about it, you dont have free speech to do that to hurt the owner, et cetera. I agree, we have a lot of problem in this country we should have resolved but a football field is not the place to do it if you want to do something positive, take all 32 teams and go to innercity and teach younger people how to make good choices that would be more productive than kneeling for national anthem. I have been in service, i have been abroad, and visited troops, i know many nfl players, exoo ad coaches have done so, but you kneel, you say im against the flag, that not right. Liz lou holtz love having you on. Thank you. Liz well have more, Senate Voting on a budget could clear path for tax cuts, well have more on that after the break. Youll get clear, actionable alerts about potential Investment Opportunities in real time. Fidelity. Open an account today. Fidelity. Ca yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone can i kick it . To all the people who can quest like a tribe does. Lets give our country the best Christmas Present of all, massive tax relief. If we get tax reform deputy e this year it will be extraordinary about. This has to happen. Mccain and gra graham who parade add conservatives are not really conservative. If were not going to be conservative, i cant vote for it. Without tax reform all of the rest misses the boat. It has bp over been over 30 years since he had significant tax reform done. We have too many republicans who are not fiscally conservative. America is engaged in a global competition, the world is beating us time and again because were hurting ourselves. Liz Senate Voting tonight on a budget that clear path for tax cut, a win for President Trump could be a win for taxpayers. As governor lindsey graham, warning rand fall h paul say her not screw up tax cuts. If he did he would be Democrat Party most val able player in 2017. Lets bring in jeff dewitt, good to see you. Good to see you. Liz what do you think . What is going to happen tonight . It is say crucial vote. It is one of those times in year that Congres Congress hates thei call it put up or shut up time, i will tell you, President Trump has done a fab lowtion jo fabulf selling this to American Public, American Public and American Voters want this to happen, if congress does not get this through, they will feel it next year in ballot box. Democrats are voting for things that have tax increases, that is something this American Public dud nodiddid you not like, prest trump has taken credit rightry y so for rise in markets and low jobless claims because of his policies, if congress does not put this through, they will take the blame. Liz to your point, the heartland, does middle america, the folk out there get it . Tax cuts create jobs and growth . If you listen to democrats or cnn polling, they make it like you know tax hikes are the way to go, that is what is good, the democrats sound like Walter Mondale of early 80s, does america heart land get it . They do. They were reagan. And what happened in reagans term, and how great things worked out by the end of his term with similar things. Everyone still remembers that, looking at america electorate. I am an elected official, a lot of people vote with their own wallet this plan puts money back in their own wallets, people have easier opportunity to get jobs, they see pay raises, business impacting every this sithisis impacting everyone alr, that is why American People are sides with President Trump, they feel it in their wallet. Congress will take the blame not President Trump if this does not go through. Liz do you think that people will side with rand paul, saying he dudoes not like increase in defense spending. Only if they are nuts and they dont want to win their seat next year, rand paul, i dont understand, what he is doing on that, this needs to go through and get onboard, i dont think you will see many other people fall in line behind him. Liz john mccain said that wont happen either, jeff come back soon. Thank you, liz. Liz we bring that you story, arizona restaurant, in tucson, forced to shut down after a Facebook Post it put up, received backlash, they said we support President Trump, they got threats, the next guest said that is what happens whether conservative Business Owners speak their find the, columnist Lawrence Jones of the blaze will speak out next. honking beeping were on to you, diabetes. Times up, insufficient prenatal care. And administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you too. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. [fbi agent] youre a brave man, your testimony will save lives. Mr. Stevens . This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. ch baby crying eat fly me to the moon and let me play jet engine white noise airline ding bell mnemonic right in the heart of the was in his financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. It really scared him out of the markets. His advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldnt be able to retire until he was 68. The client realized, i need to get back into the markets i need to get back on track with my plan. The Financial Advisor was able to work with this client. Hes now on track to retire when hes 65. Having someone coach you through it is really the value of a Financial Advisor. Liz a restaurant in tucson arizona, forced to shut down, after a Facebook Post got a lot of backlash, saying we believe in support 100 the following our president johnal donald tru. Always standing for the national anthem. Getting rid of obamacare and legalization. The restaurant put a sign up we have to close immediately, we would like to extend a special thanks to military and first responders. Lawrence, they had to shut down because of the Facebook Post, because of threats. I have no problem with citizens deciding they didnt want to go to the restaurant, because they dont support belief system of the restaurant, but when you start to make threats against a private business because you disagree of their speech, you should be arrested and put in jail. Liz the owners of the restaurant taked with fox and friends this morn. People come into restaurant, social media in post were instance, at first, i said well have to deal with this a little bit, we expected some discussion, but it kept coming in after three hours of pure nastiness, we decided to pull it. Not our beliefs, but the post. Right now it is closed. Part of this. But we do plan to reopen. In a city hopefully near you. Liz lawrence, some things that owners did not support if their post, not respecting president or armed forces, they dont like political correctness, they dont like antifa, and they do not like late night hosts getting political, then threats your thought. See that is thing. No married what they said, it should not be a right for other americans to threaten their rights, and record, this is a serial case, we see with memories pizza because people disagreed with religious beliefs, and bakers and other seas, thercity, there is an atto silence americans when you disagree with them, especially when they are conservative, not only should conservatives be outraged but liberals should be outraged, i have to tell you, if a liberal was silenced because people disagree with them, i wound stand with them too and i am a conservative. Liz media is not really covering this story, are they joining in the intolerance of the left . Well they may not be joining but lack of courage to cover these cases. Is concerning for me, when americans rights, you know they talk about president silencing the press, that same First Amendment that applies to a private, if they are vocal about the president trying to silence them allegedly, they should be vocal about this. Liz norris jones of the blaze thank you. Thank you. Another Small Business owner. He did, he put socialist Bernie Sanders on his heels last night on cnns town hall. That Small Business owner john conrad is here to react, he will tell us what happened next. You think that makes sense. I did say all americans. Do you think that wealthy should not get tax breaks. I did say all americans. Can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone so what else is new . Humm. Shes doing good. She needs more care though. She wants to stay in her house. I dont know even where to start with that. First, lets take a look at your Financial Plan and see what we can do. Ok, so weve got. Well listen. Well talk. Well plan. Baird. Or a little internet machine . It makes you wonder shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Xfinity mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Why would you not want a tax cut across the board for all americans. Do you really believe that wealthiest family in america should get a tax break. Koch brothers should get a tax break, do you think that makes sense . I did say all americans . Do you think that wealth she noshould not get tax breaks . I did say all americans. Liz look at that, Bernie Sanders was left speechless, he stood his ground in face of Bernie Sanders, saying i believe all americans should get a tax cut, john conrad is that man he is with me now, good to see you. Thank you. It is clear you understand that Small Businesses respect their income on income tax returns. 2 3s of Small Businesses do that, you get it, does Bernie Sanders get it. Yeah, he is always talking about 1 . And whether people feel they should be tacked or not. Taxed or not, people they earned that money, they work for it, in a pay majority of taxes any way, a tax cut across board would be fair. Liz you are first man in this country who left berndt bern speecBernie Sandersspeechless. Top 10 , they pay about 70 of total income revenue, politicians who preach like Bernie Sanders, you know not paying their fair share, i think they are ignore a ignorant of te facts. I agree, all they want is you know worlds free, they use word free, there nothing free in this world, we have to work for it whether you are a small the business owner, an employee at a small company, a minimum wageworker or a ceo of a fortune 500 company, you have to earn what you get. Liz somehow Bernie Sanders is a millionaire, owns many homes and always late filing, democrats today are nothing like jfk who agrees that tax cuts create jobs and growth, they are creating class warfare to divide the country. Lets listen and lets listen to jfk versus the democrats offed it. Across the board, top to bottom cuts, in both corporate and personal income taxes. The well sh wealthy should e fair sure. Long needed tax reform. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody, you built a factory out there, good for you. Every dollar releases from taxation that is spend or verved investorred will help create a new job. He is going to bring all these jobs back, what magic wand do you have . The new jobs and new salaries can create other jobs and more salaries. Slashes taxes on wealthiest 1 . Explodes deficit. Liz nancy pelosi has her facts wrong, what do you think . It is amazing. It is trust it rahing frustrating as you they want to do is tax and tax. We need some relief, top 1 they are paying majority. They deserve a break like everyone else. How much do you really think that american should pay in taxes when some pay 39. Something percent, it crazy, how much more do you want to take from the american worker. Liz do other small the Business People agree with you . Do they get it . Absolutely. Absolutely. Liz you know, Bernie Sanders getting back to it, his Senate Campaign spent 40,000 on luxury private jet travel last quarter. Chronically late filing. So, sort of like do as i say not as i do, right . That is correct. Do you are right. Do. Liz did you get to talk to Bernie Sanders after the town hall. Not directly, he was more interested in talking to young people who were inriverred in in free college, and free hell heh insurance. Liz thank you, john conrad for joining us. If you made money today you will mine out find out after this. My business was going nowhere. So i built this kickin new website with godaddy. Building a website in under an hour is easy 68 of people. Who have built their website using gocentral, did it in. Under an hour, and you can too. Type in your business or idea. Pick your favourite design. Personalize it with beautiful images. And. Youre done and now business is booming. Harriet, its a double stitch not a cross stitch build a better website in under an hour. Free to try. No credit card required. Gocentral from godaddy. Liz we have breaking news, hollywood director quentin teran tino admitting he knew about the rumors involving harvey wine steins Sexual Harassment behavior for decades. In a new interview to the New York Times saying he knew enough to do more than he did and he regrets he didnt know anything so the shock to a lot of investors the dow is getting off a nearly 100 point drop over fears of spain and again hitting a newnab high as the dow just closes above 23,000 like yesterday would have been the fourth shortest span ever between the thousand point milestones so 24,000 is that in their sights . Well watch that for you, thank you for watching Charles Payne is here now with making money. Charles thank you very much and good evening im Charles Payne. Were following two major stories out of washington. The senate very close to voting on the 2018 budget and that of course paves the way to tax reform. Today, also as emac mentioned a remarkable day on an anniversary in the stock market but first the most remarkable and moving moment of the entire day. White house chief of staff john kelly gave an emotional lesson on exactly what happens when a member of the Armed Services is killed in action. Kelly talked about when his own son robert was killed in action and what it meant to him to get a call he got from his sons friends. Kelly says he didnt want his sons death politicized and

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