Our president and calling instead for changing business as usual in the u. N. And fox new and chief white house corspopdant with our report. Reporter President Trump promoted America First policy and making clear here America First does not mean america alone. President president was determined to have a good first. He had bilaterals. Maconof france and netanyahu of israel. It is strong and got clarity and convictions. Reporter netanyahus praise. President laid to rest of how strong of an ally the president would be toward israel. President trump committed to see peace between israel and the palestinian. I think israel would like to see it and the palestinian would like to see and the Trump Administration would like to see it. We are working hard on it and see what happens. Historically people say it cant and i say it can. With macon, he said he appreciated trump attending bastil day in july. Our people were happy to have you and your wife in paris. President trump revealed what he thought about the military parade. He wants something here. We are thinking of 4th of july, pennsylvania avenue to have a great parade to show the military strength. President trump appeared to find a friendly audience in a meeting to discuss reform in the 72yearold organization. Neki hamel said it attendance was so high. During the campaign, the president was critical. U. N. And tweeting while it has Great Potential right now it is just people getting together and talk and having a good time. We appreciate the secretary general to fully use his authority to cut through the bureaucracy and make Firm Decisions to advance the u. N. s core mission. He appears to have a eager partner. The u. N. Secretary called for focus on process. What keeps me up at night and my answer was simple. Bureaucracy. Gutierrez promised it a reformed u. N. Would give more value for the money. We must insure that no one and no member state shoulders a disporportionate share of the birnd. Tomorrow morning, the president will address the u. N. General assembly. Terrorism, north korea and iran will be at the top of his agenda and u. N. Ambassador nikki haley said the president will slap the right people and hug the right people. Lou President Trump pointed to bureaucracy and mismanagement in the United Nations and saying results are not in line with the u. S. Investment in the institution. President trump is not pleased that the United States remains the biggest contributor. And putting in 2 billion out of the total 7. 3 billion gentlemen of the jury. My first guest it is it time for the europeans to pick up the slack and do more. Former u. N. Ambassador john balton. Great to have you here. Great to be here. Lou this is it hardly a new thing. Gutierrez saying what keeps it up at night. What is waiting on him. Bureaucracy. Like all of the portuguese socialist. Lou . What is the game here . The institution is corrupt to the core and absolutely in the and owned and operated by third world nationing most of which are socialistic, communicatistic or utterly a dictatorship. And we are watching a Security Council that is frozen by the president. And china and russia has a vito . Other than that what can go wrong . The president is optimistic man and comes in the particular swamp in the new york suburb of the washington swamp and wants to do something about it and i wish him good luck. I have seen the efforts of reform come and 30 plus years. There is only one change that can make the u. N. More response itch. Elim nate the system of mandatory contributions. And the agencies have to perform to get their money. How is that for a revolutionary thought. Lou i can see the metrics of the United Nations judged. How many peace processes and Peace Keeping adventures are resulting in pieces kept. This is an important point. The point is to freeze the conflict and perpeteate it. We started in 1992 to have a referundum of the western sahari. And we needed aid rougherundum 70000 people. And that was 26 years ago. That is still not taken place. We need to apply our money to things that are important. And other nations may am the same. Europeans like all of these activities and let them pay for them. Lou we cant get european nations to pay their fair share of nato which is created to assure their survival and they will not pay up. And to go to the United Nations to ask for equity and fairness in contribution. You know what drives me nuts about the United Nations it is a joke and failure. The europeans know if the United States put the contributions at the level it wanted to, domestic pressure on their countries would be high. A german diplomat said, why dont you decide how much to credibility. He said we have to be told how much to contribute. Lou meanwhile, we pony up the money. Why do we pert peteate it. It is a joke and Everybody Knows it is it a joke and the pretense, that somehow great political minds come together as leaders of nations or institutions make the world a safe place is a lie. Gene kir patrick was asked if the u. S. Would withdraw from the u. N. And she paused and no, it is not worth the trouble. Lou we would save a couple billion. Move to voluntarily financing. Then withdraw. Lou the president tomorrow will give an important speech we are told. I never have seen an important speech to the u. N. General assem bleechlt george bush referred to it as the annual trip to the wax museum. Well see if President Trump has the same result. Lou fourth day of profest in st. Louis in the acquittal of a Police Officer in the shooting of a black man. Mreels arrestedve Police Arrested 80 people haft night and weapons were found. And in missouri and california, one state closer to being a sanctuary state. A few things about the great state of the california. Well have much more, stay with us. President trump will pursue middle east peace in the first u. N. Meeting. Well discuss many things and among them peace between the palestinians and israel. It would be a fantastic achievement. And take upment president s debut in the United Nations and what to do with kim jongun. And will another hurricane rolling toward puerto rico. Evacuation recalleds issued in puerto rico as Hurricane Maria is upgraded to a category 4 storm. Storm. Welllll Liberty Mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. I just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. My Insurance Company definitely doesnt have that. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance. Music yea, you can be the greatest you can be the best you can be the king kong bangin on your chest you can beat the world you can beat the war you can talk to god while bangin on his door you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock you can move a mountain you can break rocks you can be a master dont wait for luck dedicate yourself and you can find yourself standin in the hall of fame yea and the worlds gonna know your name, yea and youll be on the walls of the hall of fame you can be a champion be a champion in the walls of the hall of fame be students, be teachers be politicians, be preachers yea, yea be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions standin in the hall of fame lou the special council, has he or not exceed his authority and how corrupt are the leaderships of a number of our intelligence agencies. We are joined by the president of Judicial Watch and hes leading much of the charge to find out what happened in the obama nrgz and what some of the agencies are doing against the interest of the American People. Good to be here. Loupe lou starting with the revelations today. That bob mueller the special counsel interviewed Rob Rosenstein who is his boss and he has oversight over mueller and the special counsel. And yet, after an interview, rosenstein doesnt recuse himself and mueller just moves ahead, what is going on here . Well, hes investigating himself in my view. The firing of comey led to his appointment and will comeys leakingful information led to his appointment and sessions recused himself from anything relating to clinton and the russia scandal and we are faced with a constitutional mess over in the Justice Department where rosenstein is interviewed by the guy hes supposed to super vise in theory. And whom he also appointed. Right. And he appointed him because sessions recused himself. So by rosensteins own lights he is not be super vising mueller. I think the special counsel regulations and muellers appointment are suspect. Heap is not a u. S. Attorney and not subject to Senate Confirmation and not super vised in a daytoday by them. He can be fired at the fact but will not go to them for a subpeona or raid mr. Mant forts home with guns drawn. That is suspect. Who is it he work for . He doesnt work for the American People and he is an appointed bureaucrat who is exercising powers hes not to do. We think that and not american the way the thing is proceedings. We have seen previous if councils and this one went so far beyond his charter it is stunning. And the Republican Leadership of the september and house are not raising their hand a moment to say we need to have discussion about the way you are comporting yourself and moving ahead. This is under investigation as you know, the so call would collusion for a year by the fbi and now five months by the so called special counsel. It is at this point, the American People have to be wondering after watching clapper lie and brennans lies unfold before us. What in want world is this government, so called that was left behind by bark bookkeep w ransid and is it . You have the leader manafort being surveyed by the obama administration, you really have improper intervention in the elections. It goes back to 2012. Obama used the irs, Robert Muellers fbi collaborated to prosecute the groups that the irs was targeting and suppress the tea party and steal the election in 2012. And 2016 fbi and doj protecting Hillary Clinton and targeting donald trump and unsuccessful in the election. And mueller is a witness. He intrude for the job. I understand. Lou loupe what can we do about it. The American People are moment going to sit here and be roll would over by a corrupt federal gflt. We need to make sure the officials who have the public trust and responsibility step up to the plate. Lou loupe lou who is that . Turn to the speaker of the house and Intelligence Agency and Law Enforcement agency that is the fbi whose leaders are so corrupt it is it disgusting most americans cant stomach the today. I think if session doesnt unrecuse himself and take control over the rogue special counsel investigation,ment president should exercise his authority and police the Justice Department and remove mr. Mueller. Lou he would be eaten alive by his own party. That is not a possibility for him in the near term . I dont know what else to do. He is the responsible official. Sessions is recuse himself and maybe he will uprecuse and do the right thing. Muler is asking the white house about everything under the sun in terms of the firings of general flip and comb ep and the white house is tourn a sunder from the investigation that is compromised from the beginning. Hugh lou we have to go. What we are watch nothing my judgment is the establishment use mueller for what hes used best. A tool against the one person, the one person who can change want direction of what is an increasing corruption in federal government and that is the president of the United States. And i think it sfrat forward. Tom, as always great to have you here and keep up your great work. Thank you. Lou do you believe if counsel mueller exceeded the original man date of his investigation. Cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs. Tweet me and up next. The state of california declared war on the Trump Administration. And the National Left wing media will not report about it. Well be right back, stay with us. [narrator] what does your character look like . Does it bounce back after each setback . Does it stand out by standing up . Does it make good on good intentions . Character is invisible until its not. 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And harris in the senate, hong time congressman resigned his seat to be appointed attorney general by the governor. He did what he did since the election of President Trump filing a lawsuit and trying to block one of the Signature Campaign promises, namely the border wall. But this is not the first such action that the democratic a g took against the white house. The california new attorney general file would two dozen lawsuits and legal breves against the Trump Administration. He doesnt have much time to do stuff in state targets. He is daca and air quality and fuel stand arounds to name a few. And the efforts to frustrate the trump agenda supported by the states leftist and Democratic Legislature that passed ten resistance bills this session have been unsuccessful and the bills offering protection for dreamer and calling for the sen sure of president president and most notable making california a sanctuary state, and a move that the attorney general sessions which he called uncoinsiable. Jerry brown will sign the state law and the california looking to increase its influence in the 2020 election. Law makers putting the primary from june to march. Californias efforts demonstrate that the state officials elected and otherwise are radicalized that they are intent on pushing their agenda through and no one should doubt the efforts to california will only strengthened by the left and taken full control of the State Government. A quotation of the evening from charles degallement politics too serious of a matter to be left to the politicians and to the media. Do you believe it will take a p counsel to show the full depth of corruption from president obama. Like me on facebook and follow me on instagram and loudobbs ponent. And well show you brave divers who come facetoface with whale sharks that are targ tangle would in a net. Huge mammals and one diver writing one out of the net and the whales stuck around to be with the rescues and nothing lou the u. S. Military flew bomber and stealth fighters over the Korean Peninsula and live drills with the japanese and south korean war planes in response to the Ballistic Missile kim jongun launched and President Trump suggested we bring back military paraileds. It was two hours of military might and tremendous thing for the fanc and spirit of france and to a large extent much what i witnessed we may do that on july 4th in washington down pennsylvania each. Lou the president referring to the bastille day parade in france and sparked interest in the military parades in this country. When was the last time you watched a military parade of any size in this country. The last military parade in washington d. C. Was 1991 to mark the end of the gulf war and included troops and tanks and a massive, massive display, victory parade and something we havent had a lot of reason to celebrate since. Joining me is restiered general jack keane. Good to be here. Lou so much that is serious and i to start with the president s idea. It seems like a grand idea. Does it appeal to you . Yeah, i was in paris prior to the parade and i saw them putting up all of the stands and i didnt realize myself that the parade and celebration of their jers verse is a military one. And i think on the 4th of july across america there are all sorts of parades and fireworks displays, but there is limited military papgsz in there. There is some to be sure. But to have one focused in the military in dc is a great idea. And also want military has a concert here. Some of the viewers may not know that. It would be a great day. Lou i would hope that every community in the count reach would have a parade, no matter it was with a military contingent nearby or veterans who ever. It is such, something that i think is a brilliant idea and i wonder why the military eliminated so many of these engagement, parade engagementes by the veers units. I suspect budget and you can suspect something worse. Our military should always be on display i think. I agree with you. The military has to be invited. We dont force ourselves on anybody. Small town america has the parades and there may not be military in the vicinity and to go to the parade. But they have vets in the parade and police and Fire Department in the parade and great to see. Lou our Small Community in new jersey put on a show and it is terrific one, actually year round. At every event including memorial day. And general, we turn to what is going on in north korea. And the president will talk to the General Assembly and United Nations is a failed institution incapable of achieving its mission and had at best a record of out right failure over the entire time in existence. Where can this president rely on our allies beyond japan and south korea to be supportive and have helpful in the contest that may come not only with north korea but with china. The president and secretary tillerson and ambassador haley. They will stay in the context of the u. N. And they have had success in the sanctions on north korea. They have not been as tough as they want. They have a Large International Community Support and isolating north korea and being a piriah nation it is it. Some point, china and russia are not likely to go along with the tough measures that the country wants and at that point, well pull away from the u. N. Sanction regime and have to go at the sanctions and against china ourselves. And thats the path we are on. And the other thing that is it happening here, kim jongun is racing to get nuclearized icbms. He gets it, he thinks that the United States will acquiese and negotiate the sanctions and not giving up on anything in terms of nuclear icbms. I think that is where his head is and moving rap ipdly to do this. He knows that sanctions take time to take hold and have economic impact. Would you not say that sanctions havent worked at all with north korea. They have not slowed but spurred missile necknology and with the assistance with the chinese and Nuclear Warheads that will rise on the icbms that are developed quick he. They never worked. The only thing that is different is that they are tougher than any better. The Trump Administration is clear ieped about this lou, they know that sanctions by themselves may not bring north korea to the position we want them to be. They have a full dose of skeptism of what they can believe. And believe that china can impact north korea to change its behavior. They havent given up. Lou but they are a clear eyed on what china created in the monster of north korea and the responsibility shared with china if misadventure is the result. General jack keen. Good to see you. And when equestion tacks learned about t equifax learnd about the cyber attack. And let me put it this way, we thought it was six weeks, we were wrong. Cyber security expert Morgan Wright takes up want incident and what is likely to be the fallout, next. Well be right back. Yoyoyoyoyo youve seen how recent hurricanes have devastated whole communities, flooding and destroying homes. Join habitat for humanity as we work with families to repair and rebuild. You can help someone desperately in need of a place to call home. We will rebuild. But only with your help. Visit habitat. Org to support habitats work. Or a little internet machine . It makes you wonder shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Xfinity mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Mru lou breaking news now. Bloomberg reporting that equifax officials learned about the major breach of the Computer System in march 5th months after the hack that exposed the data of 143 million americans was released to the public. Equifax said the march breach was not related to the attack in which 143 million americans and if you believe that, atz i am sure everyone does, one of bloombergs source said the breach was involvingment staple intruders. Joining us to discuss the fallout. Is Morgan Wright. Morgan, good to center you here, yes, lou. Lou this equifax is started to look like aim criminal esht prize. It really is it. What could want executive and i. T. Specialist think to keep material loss of the personal data of 143 million consumers. Call being him a criminal enterprise is giving them too much credit. They cant shoot straight. Cisco found a vulnerability and they published it in march. It looked like the state actor compromised the system in finding out we can do this. They are connected to other banks. And they had a intlugz in the canadian bankings and they are linked to the irs and so it was a jumping often point to create intrusions and entries in other systems. And the fact they only rain the investigation under attorney bright privilege. They did not dischose it. But they will have to make it public. But it was not fixed and they knew about it in march and got anymore in through the same vulnerability. And it is it possible that this is what happened. When cisco published the patch in march, it a herted equifax to the vulnerability and they discovered they were victimized and held that information from march enemy they final leap decided five months later to release to the public . Absolutely. Anybody with a lick of common sense could have predicted a fbi strchgz. And now second series of insider trading. Well see when the breach happened and they will pull the information and it is Attorney Client privilege and well get it overlaid when stock was sold. We found out fiech months too late. And straightforwardedly. Where is the sec . Why are they not already victim offed in this and where the hell is it the Justice Department . They are leading this part. Investigation and it was opened up in georgia. And the u. S. Attorney in georgia opened up the case and yeah, you will see movement on this. And the sec is going to be involve would. They are already involved. But we put people in jail, lou for financial mismanagement and ken lay and Bernie Edwards and benard madoff. What they did nemeds to be criminali criminalized. Lou there is a reason it is not criminalized and the Business Roundtable and Financial Institutions dont want it that way and it neileds to get that way as you point out. Thank you. And up next, President Trump striking back at crooked hillarys criticism of his land mark speech at the unight offed nation. Molly heard and she looks good there, dont you think . Well be right back. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement™, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Imagine no possessions i wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger a brotherhood of man imagine all the people sharing all the world. You, you may say im a dreamer but im not the only one i hope some day youll join us and the world will live as one lou we asked if you believe that shumer and pelosis criticism of President Trumps strong speech suggest they are worried about hurting the feelings of kim jongun . And 90 percent of you say yes. Joining me is molly hemmingway. Good to have you. Washington times and opinion editor. Charlie heard. And charlie, good to have you here as well. I will start with molly. Shes smarter. Lou than all of us, right. Mommy good to have you with us. I have to ask. Lets get to it right new Hillary Clinton, is this woman okay . She seems to be having trouble accepting reality. But she is not alone there. There is a good portion. Country struggling with this. Shes not showing the healthiest levelful semp introspection and she has a bunch much people enkoufrjing her to do anything but loch inward. Lou i cant imagine why she is doing what she is doing . In dont know if she is completely raze. Or more crazy than when she ran. I hope she does it. It is terrific for the Republican Party and donald trump. Every time sheep opens her mouth and gets in a squawk with the president he comes away winning and democrats would do going to get her to stop talking. Loupe lou california versus the president of the United States, mommy. Can you believe that the State Government is spending money, time and energy treeing to frustrate the president and his agenda. This is the least surprising news and they did this, they issued a joint statement after he was elected and saying they would do resistance. It is it nice for people on the left to embrace federalism. But unfortunate leap for california. Immigration is it laid out in the constitution as a power for the federal government and they may have more trouble resisting than they would like. Loupe lou resisting. Weep are watching a state implo implode. The attorney general sessions trying to explain to the goff not to sign a sanctuary state bill. Like the situation with Hillary Clinton, it is great for donald trump. There is a lot of people watching the stuff. Protest in berkley ear any of the other none stens they are seeing and in an are shaking our homicided and i cant bait for the lekdz. The depate over sanctuary is an 80 hash had everyone. In am not call anybody a name. Bullpen do you knowledge that the folks in the country in this resistance movement, do you think a one of them understands that their candidate Hillary Clintons husband never got 50 percent of the vote in two elections and in fact in his first lekdz had a lower percentage. Popular vote than President Trump won in 2016, molly . I mean, this is ignorance on parade across the entire country on the part of the democrats and left wing resichtance. What was i going to use. I can understand people on the left having difficulty accepting what happened in november. Lou why . We have law and order. The media made it seem like there was no way donald trump could win the presidency. I could understand days or weeks. But we are in late september now. It is beyond the time when people need to grow up and accept reality. And learn to deal with the fact someone they wanted didnt win the lekdz. And i need to ask you if i may. John kelly. Face palming and the strongest speech i ever heard a president give. And heaps pulling this nonsense with his body language. He did. I dont know if it was in response for the speech or not. He has to know the cameras are on him. And he needs to be careful with his body language. It did not have the boss and the people who mattered most. And it is unseemly. And unseemly. And how about. I cant get to it. And well take up. Well take up obamacare next time we it stands in the way. Its just her house in the middle of the block. She wont sell out. The 84yearold seen here turned down 1 million payout. Hes caught in the middle. I promised her that i wouldnt let them take her away. Thats a really big promise. Whats up with that . People from all over the country and even around the world have stopped by this house. They put balloons on the house, and thats how it became the up house. It is amazing. I cant believe that she held out. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]

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