Of homes. The hurricane is on a collision course with south florida. North korea says it detonated a hydrogen bomb. A tough week for investors. The dow, nasdaq and s p all closing down for the week. Equifax the latest victim of a security breach. They say it happened in july of this year. It includes birthdates, addresses within in some cases drivers violence numbers and credit card numbers for 200,000 consumers. They detected the breach a month ago. Amazon announced its looking for a second Corporate Headquarters in north america. It will provide 50,000 jobs and cost 5 billion. Back to you, maria. Maria the market took a hit on north korea fears and quickly stabilized. When yield on Corporate Bonds are lower than corporate stocks, blankfein said that unnerves me. I share his concern. But its nothing new. It started with the feds pushing Interest Rates down. There is 44 of the stocks on the s p with higher dividend yields that fortune companies. The market sees them as lower risks than the u. S. Treasury. So you have i think it feds unuse Monetary Policy has creates these distortions. But the fed is starting to normalize rates which will lead to a better allegation of capital. It does start the shot clock on the recession sometime down the road. But its better. You want free markets to work. You dont want them to be manipulated by the central bank. Maria you are the second person today who brought up the word recession. Im talking about the growth and the treasury, Steven Mnuchin is talking about 3 growth. Where is this recession idea coming from . I dont think its going to happen for quite a while. Higher inflation, and a policy error and the third is an event like the oil shock. None of those things are present now. I think the policy looks good. Inflation is very tame. The point is you want a situation where you have companies both succeed and fail equally. You dont want a situation where no one fails because that create a lot distortions in the market. Eventually you will have a recession. You want free markets to work. You dont want a rigged system by the central bank. Maria what are you expecting in terms of tax reform. Well talk with the treasury secretary in a moment about the debt deal between the president and democrats. Republicans are saying this will get in the way of a tax package by year end. As an american frankly im kind of thrilled that the president did this. Maria you didnt want more fights. You cant have two armed camps who never talk to one another, who never create deals. Im a republican so i understand the republicans frustration. But the leadership can never close. As a market person i say this does complicate the ability to get tax reform or tax cuts sooner. But if you get to a better outcome as a result and the country start working together politically, i think thats a good outcome. I think its going to work out again. Maria what do you want to do with your many . Year look at a nice game since election day. You have got an economic backdrop that seems to be getting better. Our strongest conventions have to do with the banks and the financials. Certainly the large Money Center Banks and some of the regional banks as well. One thing that is already happening is you are seeing significant deregulation of the financial sector. That will be good for their profits. Bank america doubled last year and its trading below book value. You have a lot of opportunities there. That can happen without congress and largely by the fiat of the president and his appointments. So thats the place where i feel most of strongly. I like industrials. I like defense companies. I like tech. We like the old line tech. But well be careful on fanning, facebook, apple, netflix and google. Announcer treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin focused on tax reform. 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Some say it went against with Steven Mnuchin specifically wanted. Can you tell us a little about what went none that room . Did you feel as blinds sided as some of the republicans i have spoken with as far as the president going with the democrats on this threemonth extension . Steven we are happy we have a deal. The president s priority was to have funding for harvey and we accomplished that. We could have done a longer deal. There was discussions about a oneyear deal on the table that would have required a oneyear deal for the cr and the president s priority is to refund the military and get additional funding and he didnt want to give that up. Thats the president s priority with whats going on in north korea and other parts of the world. Everybody in the room is very clear that well never let the government default. Maria but doesnt this give the democrats so much more leverage come december . When we talk about these legislative priorities on your plate. You have been great on pushing tax reform forward. Look at december 15. Look at december when the debt ceiling limit couples again. Wont the democrats say we wanted this, that and the other thing in terms of tax reform . I would say the best part about this is this clears out the next 90 days for to us focus on important things. We have the funding for harvey, year focused on tax reform. We are going to work the two committees on that and get that down to the floor so we can have a bill passed for the president to sign. Maria lets talk about tax reform. We know there are only a few days left in terms of legislative time. Is this a First Quarter tax cut plan for tax reform . Can you go through what you see as viable . I think its viable to get it done this year. I have been working on this since january with the leadership. We made a lot of progress. We are meeting again today. There is a lot thats done. The major blueprint has been outlined. It will go to the committees. The committees will add to different parts of this. We are hopeful we can get it done. Thats the president and my number one priority at the moment. Maria where is the common ground. You talked about the corporate rate. You want to get it down from 35 . The highest in the trialized world. What is done . Tax simplification, 95 of americans will be able to do their taxes on a big postcard. Its about creating a middle income tax cut, its about make our businesses competitive. We have one of the highest rates in the world. We need to make this competitive so money comes back so the companies can employ workers and puts that money to work in america. Thats what the president talked about in north dakota and he will continue to talk about. Maria i am looking at a story from inside if the freedom caucuss tax plan. They have their own plan that will come out in the next couple days. How is it different than your plan . Steven im meeting with them today. I hope there isnt an intents on a separate plan. There is one plan. The committees can add what they want and it will go through. The members will have the opportunity to make changes. But we are optimistic about getting tax reform done. Maria the issues that have been leaked from the freedom caucus. They want to cut the Corporate Tax rate, abandon the differ dpenld knew traltd. Does the plan need to be deficit neutral . Steven we said all along we are focused on the size of the dead. It has grown from 10 trillion to 20 trillion. We want to be financially responsible. But we believe we can get to 3 gdp which will add revenue. Under the joint tax numbers with lower scoring when we get to it, that will be one of the things the committees will have input on and we have levers that can move the plan to adjust it. We would like to get the corporate rate as low as we can. The president said since the campaign, ideally we get it down to 15 . Well make sure we have a competitive business rate when we get tax reform passed. Maria some people will say there is no way i can vote for something that eliminates the deduction on state income. If you dont get those agreements, would you be happy with just cutting taxes . Steven i think we said our objective is to do comprehensive tax reform. It hasnt been done in 31 years. Thats our objective and thats what we are trying to do. Maria do you think you can have agreement in the next 12 days . Are you talking about the year end or before thanksgiving . Steven we are talking about between now and year end. Things can change. A lot of things can occur. There are major hurricanes and big issues people are focused on. Our objective is to get this done as quickly as we can and our objective is still to get it done this year. Maria i wonder if anything has changed after yesterdays meeting. Are you worried about a gop revolt and are you worried come december the democrats have all the leverage. They may say we are not going to agree to cutting taxes on the rich by one penny. If you dont cut taxes on the highest earners you are not for cutting taxes because highest earners pay all the taxes. Steve steven im not worried about a gop revolt at all. We have been meeting with them on the tax plan and have an understanding on the tax plan and moving forward on the tax plan. Thats something we are focused on doing and we are working with the leadership every day and i hope we have democrats come across the aisle and support tax reform. Maria are you saying nothing changed yesterday as far as the democrats having more leverage. Steven yesterday weave cleared the next 90 days to have more focus on taxes. The president and i are focused on selling this to the american people, why this is good for the economy and why we need this. We have to create Economic Growth and thats what this is all about. I suspect well have democrats that understand that and will come along and vote with us. Well have much more when wall street week comes right back. Announcer amazon doblg up whole foods. So what does this acquisition mean for you and your shopping cart . Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. With some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. You didnt know that. No. Yeah. But, wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease and lower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. So we need tablets installed. With the menu app ready to roll. In 12 weeks. Yeah. The world of fast food is being changed by faster networks. Data, applications, customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Fast connections everywhere. Thats how you outmaneuver. Maria consumers are seeing the impact of amazons acquisition of whole foods with lower prices. But it will also impact the Home Delivery business. Adam, great to see you. Explain what Home Logistics done as how you are trying to expand into a whole other area of industries. Homer helps businesses run local deliveries to their consumers in the same day or faster. We work with restaurants and liquor and we enable businesses to deliver products to their customers in a timely fashion. Maria you started with restaurants. Do you want to the work with home dough pose and Convenience Stores . We have moved into groceries and vert kals. It helps us employ your workforce at other hours outside just lunch and Business Time when restaurants are busy. Maria when amazon first announced the acquisition of whole foods all the grocery stocks plummets. Amazon is a very unique company. When they put their weight behind something it can change a market. I think it puts them in a unique position to have a lot of Distribution Centers centrally located close to their customer base. And it will be interesting to see what they do with meal kits. . Grocery delivery is popular. Maria you have all these companies and industries biting at your heels trying to do what you are doing. You have got even the ubers of the world wanting to become delivery services. How are you going to compete in this environment . Thats a great question. We focus only on the picking up and dropping off of the products. Most of of those companies that you mentioned, the ubers and amazons, they want you to order through their platform to own that transaction. We decided we dont want to get too spread thin in our skill sets. We want to focus on an efficient way to pick up these products from the business and deliver them to the customer. Thats how we were able to separate ourselves. Maria thats a good answer. But when you look at a company like even a ford motor. The ceo of ford was calling ford a mobility company. Everybody is trying to get in on this idea of mobility. Whats the Business Model in competing with the giants around you. One of the main differentiators is we are an employee first organization. Most of of these companies have utilizing their workforce and engaged with them in a contractor model and have them work as independent contractors. We employ people in a w2 model. It gives us the chance to brand the experience and we think that results in a better customer experience. Maria homer logistics is the company. Adam price there. 367. More wall street week after this. Can i give it to you straight . That Airline Credit card you have. It could be better. Its time to shake things up. With the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. Seriously, think of all the things you buy. Great. Is this why you asked me to coffee . Well yeah. But also to catchup. Whats in your wallet . 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Maria lets look at some of the big market events in the week ahead that could impact your money. Some key data reports will be out. The p. P. I. , and retail sales and consumer sentiment. That will give us a good window into how the consumer is doing. On the political front. Congress has its plate full, flood understand, daca, childrens understand and Defense Authorization bill. All in the todo couple. And aid for the victims of hurricane irma. I hope you will be here next week. Ill see you sunday morning on the fox news channel. One familys secret history buried in old boxes. I needed to know who i was, where our family came from. A fortune in precious art looted by the nazis. Renoir, degas, botticelli. Im sorry, the degas, the renoir . Oh, yeah. We didnt know until we started to read through these documents and discover what hed been looking for all his life. Two sons vow to keep their fathers search alive. Its about vindicating my father and my grandfather. We said, you cant sell this painting. Its ours. Its stolen. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] im jamie colby in los angeles, on my way to see two brothers and their surprise inheritance, works by some of the worlds greatest artists. The nazis stole these masterpieces, and the heirs fight to get them back uncovered something more their familys hidden history. My name is Simon Goodman, and this is my brother, nick. When our father died, we got some old cardboard boxes in the mail. Hi, simon. Im jamie. Simon goodman. Delighted to meet you, jamie. Simon invites me into his Beverly Hills home. Jamie, these are two pieces that im very proud of, a drawing and an engraving by renoir. Renoir . Yes, yes, the man himself, the great impressionist. You must have quite the collecting family. This is really just the beginning of a big story. It starts in london after world war ii. From an early age, simon and nick regard their dad as an often gloomy man of mystery. What did dad do for a living . Not really sure. He was a manufacturers agent, whatever that meant, but it allowed him to go to europe all the time. Did he ever take you on these trips . Yes, especially in the summer, but we would get parked on a beach, usually with our mother or a nanny, and dad would disappear somewhere. The boys learn that questions about their fathers past are off limits. Because, if you did, what would happen . He sunk into an even worse funk. There was something fuming in there, and it was all bottled up. The brothers know next to nothing about their dads family. Simon remembers having all sorts of questions about his grandparents. What were you told . They died. Thats it . Thats really it. They died during the war. I questioned my mother about it, and she said, i strongly recommend you not bring it up. His father does explain one thing, the reason that he, as a young immigrant from holland, changed his name on the eve of world war ii. Your dad is gutmann. Yes. Youre goodman. Howd that happen . He thought being called berhard eugen Friedrich Gutmann sounded a little too german, so he changed his name to Bernard Eugene goodman. Did you ever ask your parents if you were jewish . Yes, because my brother and i this is interesting have different experiences here because hes hes blond and blueeyed. Im oliveskinned. My name is Simon Goodman. Everybody assumed i was jewish. Did you practice judaism growing up . No, my mother had had me christened in the church of england. Did that seem odd . It did seem odd. As usual, my mother interceded. She said, well, yes, some of your family had been jewish originally. And thats about as much as i knew. In the early 70s, simon and nick, now in their 20s, both moved to los angeles to pursue careers in the music business. The distance between father and sons grows ever greater, especially after their parents divorce in 1973. As we got older, he actually shut down more, so it became harder and harder to get any information out of him. I grew up with this mostly silent father. He could talk to me about cricket and innocuous subjects. I needed to know who i was, where our family came from. Bernard goodman dies in 1994 at age 80 without providing an answer. But three months after their fathers death, the brothers receive a mysterious shipment of boxes filled with old papers that reveal their fathers secret history. My grandparents were murdered in concentration camps. The nazis took everything, not just the famous artworks, but everything. But first, our strange inheritance quiz question. Which allied leader during world war ii was an accomplished painter . Winston churchill, franklin roosevelt, or josef stalin . The answer after the break. So which allied leader was an accomplished painter . Its british Prime Minister winston churchill. In fact, this churchill painting, which the Prime Minister gave to fdr, sold in 2011 for 3 million. In los angeles, brothers simon and nick goodman are sorting through boxes that came in the mail from the estate of their late father, bernard. All these old letters, and many more, were in those original boxes my brother and i received, yes, and these passports, old diaries. They uncover a secret Family History tracing back to their grandfather, fritz gutmann, who was born in germany in 1886 into a jewish banking dynasty. They learn that fritz was a passionate art collector. Extraordinary works of art by some of the great masters. For example . Well, guardi, botticelli, degas. Are you thinking this is unbelievable . This suddenly appeared as the tip of the iceberg. They find this photo of a 30room mansion near amsterdam, where their father grew up along with his little sister, lily. Then they uncover the horrifying facts that their father had kept from them. In 1940, bernard is 26 and serving in the british army after graduating from cambridge university. In april that year, hitler invades norway and denmark. Bernard fears the nazis will soon head west into holland, where his parents are still living. He sent a few cables back to holland, saying, please come to england. Bernards sister, lily, takes refuge in italy with her italian husband, but their parents refuse to leave. My grandfather was rather stubborn, and he had built a beautiful home full of wonderful things. He didnt just want to up and leave it and run. The german armies then swept over holland. In may 1940, the nazis cross the border into holland. As part of their conquest, they begin targeting jewish art collectors, including grandpa fritz. This is the last nazi inventory, room by room, of my grandparents home in holland. Oh, my goodness so this lists everything. So i see chippendale tables and paintings and yes, yes, yes. The nazis loot more than 1,200 items paintings, silver, jewelry, and antiques such as this rare 16thcentury clock given to fritz by his late father, eugen. The nazis took everything, not just the famous artworks, but everything. Nick and simon find records showing the nazis forced their grandfather to sell the items recorded on the list, worth many millions of dollars, for pennies. The germans, in their meticulousness, had paid my grandfather for the contents of the house. They didnt want to just take it. They want your signature on a piece of paper that says you sold it to them. [ dramatic music plays ] the nazis begin deporting dutch jews to concentration camps in the summer of 1942. In may 1943, ss agents arrive at the gutmann estate, arrest fritz and his wife, louise, and place them on a train bound for berlin. There, fritz is brought before nazi officials, who order him to sign over the gutmann familys massive silver collection. He refuses. So, after he refuses to sign, the train from berlin heads south, and theyre let out in the concentration camp of theresienstadt. My grandfather refused one last time to sign over the silver. Hes, by one eyewitness account, beaten to death by the wall outside the small fortress at the edge of the camp. What happened to your grandmother . Sadly, a month or two after my grandfather was murdered, she was put on a transport train to auschwitz, where i learned she was murdered the day she arrived. The brothers learn that, when the war in europe ends in may 1945, their dad returns to his childhood home in holland. He went to the house. Everything was gone. He grew up thinking he was going to inherit this fabulous estate, and the war comes along. He loses everything. His parents are murdered. And now i understand. It became his task in life to try and piece together what might be left of the family estate. The documents in those boxes show that in 1946, their father begins filing claims with various european governments, including the netherlands, to reclaim his familys stolen art. He also reaches out to the allies art recovery team, called the monuments men, whose story was told in the 2014 film starring George Clooney and matt damon. Nick and simon discover that their father had direct correspondence with a french woman named rose valland, the inspiration for cate blanchetts character in the film. What is all this . Peoples lives. She helped keep track of all the looted paintings that the nazis were stealing from the various collections, and at night, she would go and photograph all the paintings and make surreptitious lists of everything. This photo from the gutmann estate in holland shows a painting by swissfrench artist jeanetienne liotard. Bernard and rose track it down to austrian salt mines, where hitler stored stolen art. Bernard recovers this painting and others, but then sells them to fund his ongoing operation. How devoted to the quest do you think he was, now that you know what you know . It was his lifetime mission. This is what he was all about, trying to find his family heritage. Bernard goodman continues the search until his death in 1994. He never tells his sons what he was doing. Never. Why not . Because, if hed really felt that hed achieved what he set out to achieve, he couldve told us and been proud about it. Instead, i think, he felt defeated. As the brothers discover where their fathers quest ended, they come across an envelope containing three crinkled photo negatives. This is an unusual landscape by edgar degas. The degas . The degas. Next thing they know, theyre following in their fathers footsteps on the trail of another masterpiece. Everybody just closed the doors in our faces all the time. Nobody knew anything about nazi looted art. Nobody wanted to know anything about it. Was it the money . No, its justice. Its about vindicating my father and my grandfather. Heres another quiz question for you. A Young Adolf Hitler failed the Entrance Exam at the Vienna Academy of fine arts. Why . He was colorblind . He failed at drawing the human form . Or his drawings were too violent . The answer when we return. So new touch screens. And biometrics. In 574 branches. All done by. Yesterday. Banks arent just undergoing a face lift. Theyre undergoing a transformation. A data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Hello, mr. Deets. Every Branch Running like headquarters. Thats how you outmaneuver. So why did hitler fail his art school Entrance Exam . Its b. He was told his drawings showed a lack of appreciation for the human form. From a box of documents left to them by their father, brothers simon and nick goodman are piecing together a secret Family History. Among their fathers papers, they find a list of paintings, looted by the nazis, that he was still searching for, along with three tattered photo negatives. Im afraid theyre a bit wrinkled. Theyve been around since world war ii. Why would that be in the file . It was an envelope of negatives, and there was a letter nearby that explained that rose valland had taken these photos during the nazi occupation of paris. One of them shows a painting listed as paysage, meaning landscape in french. It appears to be the work of edward degas, the 19thcentury impressionist master best known for depicting ballet dancers. What is is like looking at a negative of a degas. Mmhmm. And knowing that it belonged to your family . Well, it was huge, and then it became clear we had to do our homework. To find a match to that timeworn negative, the brothers pore through art books and auction catalogs. After, well, a month or two, i finally hit pay dirt. Whatd you find . I found this degas landscapes, and, lo and behold. Its in the book . There it is, in color. I nearly fell off my chair when i found this. Simon discovers that the painting had been on loan to the Art Institute of chicago. It listed who the current owner was. Who was it . It says here, mr. And mrs. Daniel searle. Records show that in 1987, Daniel Searle, a chicago pharmaceuticals magnate, bought the painting from a private collector for 850 grand, so the brothers inform searle that they want their familys painting back. They said, well, go away, you know, who are you . We bought this fair and square. Searles lawyers point out that simon and nicks grandfathers name, fritz gutmann, is absent from the paintings chain of custody. True, but the list of owners does include a german art dealer, hans wendland, who did business with the nazis. The degas was taken from my grandfathers storage unit in paris and smuggled to switzerland because the strange thing was, the nazis didnt like impressionist paintings, so what they would do is theyd send those to switzerland, and theyd either get old masters in return or actually hard currency. In 1998, facing a costly legal battle, the brothers settle out of court for about 250,000. As part of the deal, Daniel Searle donates the degas to the Art Institute of chicago. The Art Institute of chicago today lists it clearly as donated by Daniel Searle, but from the collection of fritz and louise gutmann. My grandfather didnt just die for nothing. He didnt just disappear. Its a landmark case, the first dispute over nazilooted art settled in the us. The case renewed hope to families who might not have recovered property after world war ii, that indeed they could recover property. And as youre about to see, the goodman brothers first victory makes them all the more eager to complete their fathers quest. We went, oh, my god theres, like, at least two dozen paintings, some serious pieces of art. I thought, this belongs to us. Well find it. Whats your strange inheritance story . Wed love to tell it. Send me an email or go to our website, strangeinheritance. Com. Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Rethink your allergy pills. Flonase sensimist allergy relief helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. Most allergy pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Flonase sensimist. My friend susie cracks and hello sensitive bladder. Ring a bell . Then you have to try always discreet. I didnt think protection this thin could work. But the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. For incredible protection. Thats surprisingly thin. So its out of sight. And out of mind. Always discreet. For bladder leaks. Also in liners. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Now, back to strange inheritance. Brothers nick and Simon Goodman are on a mission to recover their familys valuable Art Collection looted by the nazis. After reclaiming one of their grandfathers most soughtafter paintings, this degas landscape, theyre on the hunt for more. My did didnt give up for 40 or 50 years, so we were just carrying on the family tradition. Their next target, a painting by the italian renaissance master sandro botticelli, listed in their fathers records with the title portrait of a young man. As luck would have it, the botticelli almost appears out of thin air. We get a call from a friend who just said, i saw your botticelli. Its in a sothebys catalog coming up for sale in a couple of weeks. Where . In new york. They actually had my grandfathers name in the provenance, listed on the catalog. We said, you cant sell this painting. Its ours. Its stolen. After some negotiation, the seller agrees to pay the goodmans a little over 100,000, about onesixth the paintings value at the time. While not ideal, the settlement avoids a costly legal battle. The painting itself ends up at the denver art museum. Do you do it for the money, or to right a wrong . Oh, to right a wrong. I mean, moneys great, but its our family heritage. Then, in 2002, after decades of dispute, the dutch government finally returns more than 250 artworks and antiques to the goodmans that have been tangled up in red tape since world war ii. The heirlooms are stockpiled in a warehouse, where simon, nick, and their 83yearold aunt, lily, who escaped to italy during the war, are invited to visit. Theyd arranged our furniture as it might have been in a home. I led her to this old chaise longue. She said, oh, look i remember this and i said, well, its ours again. Oh sit. Relax for a minute. I helped her sit in her mothers chaise longue. We picked things out that we wanted, so simon has things in his house. I have things in my house, and lily and her family have stuff in italy. In 2003, the more than 160 remaining items from the collection go up for sale at christies in london and amsterdam. This flemish tapestry hammers in at 85,000. A silver gilt double cup goes for 600,000, and this 17thcentury silver gilt pitcher just over a million. The total, more than 4 million. Is there more, simon . Theres probably at least 12 important paintings and about 300 or more antiques. And, clearly, you wont quit. No, im very grateful that im able to uncover my real roots. Through this art, i get to know what my family was like, and i can touch something they touched. And remember this 16thcentury table clock looted by the nazis from the gutmann estate in holland . After simon tracked it down to a german museum, the museum agreed to pay his family about a Million Dollars for it, and simon got Something Else that you cant put a price tag on an apology. We regret what happened to your family, the Museum Director told simon. We are grateful, however, for the opportunity to set at least this matter straight. Im jamie colby. Thanks so much for watching strange inheritance. And remember, you cant take it with you. Lou good evening, everybody. It is the time of trump. A new perspective if you will. President trump giving the ineffective leaders of the Republican Party in both the house and the senate a lesson in leadership and deal making. President trump striking a deal with democrat and securing an important legislative victory. On to the president s compromise plan, congress agreed to pass Hurricane Harvey relief funding and raise the debt ceiling and fund the government through

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