Learn to count to keep my mind occupied. Im counting 0 to 1,000 and 1,000 to 0. 80 minutes into the 90minute flight we bank to the south and im counting 556, 557, 558. As im counting for some reason i remember to quote from george w. Bush on 9 11 freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward. And freedom will be defended. And i kind of got goose bumps and how in the world did i just remember that . And i then i thought forget counting. I started to say that over and over again. Freedom was attacked this morning. After weeks of training 82 minutes into the training, im like, im on this mission and were going to kill him. For god and country. Geronimo. Good evening. Im peter doocy. Over the next two nights, you will meet one of americas bravest warriors. For more than a decade he served through multiple wars and Dangerous Missions too numerous to count. He served as a navy s. E. A. L. , a member of the famed s. E. A. L. Team 6 and on the night of may 1st, 2011 he was a part of operation neptune spear. As the second man through the door into the room where the worlds most wanted terrorist was hiding he fired the fateful shot that brought the biggest manhunt in World History to an end. His name is robert oneill. And he is the man who killed Osama Bin Laden. The face we are looking at is the last face that Osama Bin Laden saw on earth. Yeah. I mean, if it was light enough, i was definitely the last person he saw. You trained on targets with his face on them. Yeah. What was it like to kill the actual guy . It wasnt real. It was another guy in a house we shot. It didnt sink in. It didnt sink in for a while. Has it sunk in now . Yeah, it has now. Ive thought about it every day for a number of years. Im still trying to figure out if its the worst or best thing ive ever done. How is it the best . We accomplished the mission and i was a big part of it. I was a part of it. How could it be the worst . I dont know whats going to happen. And thats something i have to live with every day. Before the war on terror and the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, took rob to the furthest reaches of the globe, the quiet mining town of butte, montana, was home. This is where his story begins. Rob oneill had a normal chide hood. He basketballed for the high school, worked odd jobs around town and was always surrounded by family and friends. Whats it like coming back to butte . Its always great coming back the butte, just the view of the city up on the hill. Big m. The locals i. s a great home feeling. This is home. This is where i grew up and everything is 0 familiar with me. Hasnt really changed in 20 years. Where are you taking me many. We are going into the freeway for a whats called a watt job and the first stop every time i fly in if i fly in to butte, we come here. Driving on the way over, i text everyone saying were getting chops. They know what we mean. Here they are. Thats what we need. Thank you. This is your favorite sandwich in the world . In the world. Yeah. This is this is a reason to come home. To butte. To get one of these. Yeah. Cheers. Uhhuh. Butte was a copper boom town in the late 1800s and later grew into montanas fifth largest city. Its just a really good town blue collar town with a lot of history with the mines. People working hard people playing hard. People eating hard. A lot of good food here. Its great people, great attitudes. Like many montana natives much of robs childhood was spent outdoors. A lot of skiing, a lot of snowboarding, hunting when its time to hunt. Fishing. Good mountains for hiking. Outdoor type stuff. Shooting. How old were you when you first fired a gun . I was probably 13 maybe 12 or 13. Right around the time my dad and i started hunting. You have to be a certain age but i could go hunting. Once he was old enough, hunting trips with his father became a favorite past time. We go at it. We go out every chance we have. Every weekend and then, you know, permission was given during the week. After high school graduation, rob didnt really know what was next. I had a job at mcdonalds. I worked at the blue villa a pizza place uptown butte and bar. Awesome, best taco pizza in the world. I moved furniture for a little while. Worked in a mine for a few months. Rather than follow the path of many who turned jobs in the mips into a lifelong career, rob wanted something different. It was here that he learned to drive a warcar. Fate intervened and led him through the doors of a military recruiting office. I was in a relationship with a young lady and that went sideways. And that was kind of the Tipping Point time to leave town. And it was funny, when i got to the navy, 95 of the guys there were there for the same reason. That was the point when i was in i needed to get out of town mode. That was the easiest way to get out of town and i went in to join the marine corps. Marines are just cool and good at marketing and the best uniforms. It is cool. And so i walked in. He wasnt there and the navy guy was there and i talked to him basically went to ask him where the marine was. And he told me you know, asked me why. He told me about s. E. A. L. S. Did they ask you if you knew how to swim . Well, no. Being a recruiter, theyre not always truthful. He wanted to bill us fill the quota. He told me you need to do this, this and this. And me not doing the research, i figured it would just be easy to swim that distance in that time. How hard can swimming be . How hard . Pretty hard. Swimming is not that easy. Especially when you dont know how to do it. When you say you didnt know how to do it . I didnt know technique. I could keep myself alive in pool. Talked into signing up to be a navy s. E. A. L. , rob knew he needed to learn how to swim fast. He headed to the pool at the local high school and basically moved in. I would swim every day. I had some help with some friends from high school that knew how to swim really well. When you got to s. E. A. L. Training, where were you in terms of snablt. As far as swimming . Yeah. The bottom. We had guys that swam four years of College Water polo players. Mainly all high school swimmers. Competitive. And then me. So it was yeah. It was eye opening. Still to come tonight on the man who killed Osama Bin Laden it was infuriating. We wanted to go. We really wanted to do this. Thats why were all here now. After 17 years, i think its over for him. Its bin laden, they found him. Were going to get him. Rob oneil had one year of college under his belt, a job delivering pizzas and only a basic grasp of swimming when a recruiter convinced him to enlist and become a navy s. E. A. L. By january 1996, after five months of intensive swim training, rob found himself in great lakes illinois, for navy boot camp. But boot camp was nothing compared to what came next. Buds or basic underwater demolition Field Training puts recruits through some of the most grueling physical punishment anyone can endure. Most recruits dont even pass the first phase. Physical conditioning. General workouts every day eventually wear into, you know, a thousand pushups a day, a thousand situps a day, hundreds of pullups, obstacle course. First time you do it, you fall and break your neck. Miles and miles of soft sand running in all the time. Miles from where you work out to the gally and running six miles a day just to eat and then the other 12 miles on top of that. Swimming, pool drills and then just instructors and you have to run everywhere. You cant walk anywhere. Youre running and then instructors find you and drop you and like 25 pushups and then 35 and then 50. Phases go on. Theres tests every single day. Pass or fail. Like drown proofing and tie your hands behind your feet and feet together and drop you in the pool and exhaling the water to sink and then breathe and then tenminute swing and floating is hard tied up. You cant touch the bottom. Swim down and grab a mask with the teeth and flip up and show you and then let you out and thats where people lose it. Its not natural to be tied up and thrown in the pool. 5 15s nautical miles, 14mile run at one point and did the swim twice in four days. It was a friday we did it. And the instructors didnt like us very much and said opposed to swimming with the current were going to go down to mexico and swim back to coronado and the tides are going that way. We swam against the current and hit the time limit hypothermia sets in. 5 1 2 hours or whatever and pulled guys maybe 50 meters from the end. So we technically didnt finish it. We came in monday and they were like, hey, we were going to have the dive physics class today but instead since we didnt finish the swim, well do that. So go grab your fins and thats probably the meanest thing anyones ever done to me. You have a test for time. A test of fourmile run and times decrease as you go on and in between the tests you are doing call sthetices and getting your butt kicked. Part of the way through physical conditioning is hell week. Five and a half days of nonstop training, 20 hours a day, with at most 4 hours of sleep at night. During hell week recruits run more than 200 miles. The way that i remember feeling was i know i have a past. I know i came from somewhere. But thats gone and i have no future. Im going to be in hell for the rest of my life. Thats what it felt like. This is the worst place ive ever been until you get a day off and then its the best. They give you weekends off because you need a third heel. The saying is everybody wants to be a frog man on friday especially when the sun is out. Sunday youre like, here we go again. Miserable experience. The next phase is combat diving and scuba operating above water and deep beneath the surface. After that, comes land warfare, explosives and weapons training and small unit tactics. Followed by 26 weeks of more advanced s. E. A. L. Qualification training. Never really was a im sure i can do it. Im sure im not going to quit. Thats part of the attitude here. I mean, i knew there was no chance of me quitting. Theyll throw me out or im going to be hurt but i wont say you got the better of me. Some good advice that was given to me just litting things like i had an instructor tell me i wont ask you to do anything impossible. It will be really hard but not impossible. You can do it. Dont quit. Another guy said to me i dont understand how you can quit because when you quit they take your helmet off and your name is on it, theyre in line. How can you quit and put a helmet with your fathers name in the quitters line. Thats good advice. 26 weeks into it its graduation week. Im going to make it. And he did. But the training didnt end at graduation. And then off to parachute school and more advanced predeployment courses. Survived s. E. A. L. Training. You become a navy s. E. A. L. Officially. What was your first job . First job i was assigned to a platoon, bravo platoon s. E. A. L. Team 2. We went to the range and we were shooting navy qul if i cases. I was a pretty good shot and my boss said this new guy is good. Send him to Sniper School n. That first they called ate wormup, the Training Cycle before forward deployment and sent me for Navy Special Warfare Sniper School and i became a sniper. Soon the boy from butte, montana, one year before delivering taco pizzas was a navy s. E. A. L. Sniper. Coming up next on the man who killed Osama Bin Laden the World Trade Center tower number 1 is on fire. The whole outside of the building, there was a huge explosion. Said the words Osama Bin Laden within 30 seconds. By the time rob was 21 years old he was navy s. E. A. L. Sniper deployed overseas. It was a fairly quiet time to serve in the United States military but then in an instant everything changed. The World Trade Center tower number 1 is on fire. The whole outside of the building, it was just a huge explosion. Looked like the plane was aiming towards the building. Second plane into the other tower tower of the trade center, major fire. One of the bildings is partially collapsed. The other tower just collapsed. Major collapse. Major collapse. I was in the Operations Office at Naval Special Warfare Group 2 which is in germany and i was catching up on emails and sitting there with a couple of the Operations Officers like that, and they went to breaking news. We have a very tragic alert for you right now. An incredible plane crash in to the World Trade Center here at the lower tip of manhattan. The first reports were, you know, small plane had hit and showed it. Its like wow. Thats the entire building. That wasnt a small plane. And then we started saying, look how clear it is. This is something else. Were actually not quite ahead of it. Another plane just flew into the second tower. We saw the second plane hit and instantly we were like thats it. We said the words Osama Bin Laden within 30 seconds. We knew everything changed. We didnt know what was going to happen. It was a shot in the gut. It was it was surreal. It was painful. And it was it was infuriating to see you know, the symbol of greatest nation gone. You know . And then you got people dancing in the streets overseas. You got the footage of Osama Bin Laden in the cave laughing about it. It was just like one of those okay, i guess its on and were going to get you. Rob and his teammates were itching to get into the fight. But at the invasion of afghanistan began they would have to wait. They were going to send the tier 1 guys in from the army and s. E. A. L. Team 6. As the war started, tactics were trickling down from s. E. A. L. Team 6. All we knew at that time, all anyone knew vietnam tactics. We hadnt been to war seriously since vietnam. Theres grenada, desert storm. A couple of hours. We only knew what we knew. We only knew vietnam. But then the guys coming back saying this is what theyre doing in the gun fight. They honed the craft and continued to train while in the middle east another storm was brewing. This hour american and Coalition Forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people and to defend the world of grave danger. 2003, the invasion in iraq is happening. So were like we are definitely going to be a part of that. So we were actually in the Mediterranean Sea on the amphibian ship. As they headed towards iraq, another crisis was flaring up. Liberias civil war had made the country extremely dangerous. So president bush ordered the s. E. A. L. S and a group of marines to evacuate all americans to safety. So we ended upturning around and going to liberia while everyone else went to war and we swam in and did a survey of the beach and grabbed the americans out so we missed the war. Thats when that happened and i figured to go to team s. E. A. L. 6 and thats the decision i med. Being a member of s. E. A. L. Team 16 the goal of many s. E. A. L. S. Known as the Development Group or deb group theyre the best of the best. The proverbial tip of the spear becoming a member, however, is no easy feat. To get into s. E. A. L. Team 6 now theyre Training Navy s. E. A. L. S to be part of a nofail team. 50 of the navy s. E. A. L. S that try out dont make it. Thats saying something. These are serious dudes. Things heated up quickly with s. E. A. L. Team 6 tasked with hunting down insurgents and highvalue tar gets in iraq and afghanistan. Probably 6 out of 7 nights a week that we would go out. Thats where we learned how to fight. We got as good as we did because we learned from the enemy. The enemy knew our tactics before we started fighting them in iraq. And they used them against us. What would a night where youre working be like . The intelligence people worked around the clock and generally go in there, find out what they had been watching all day and based on what they were watching get in the helicopters, fly away and then go into a house, find the bad guys. Take them and their stuff. Bring them back and find more targets based on what they tell you and next night the same thing. How much concern that the houses before booby trapped . A concern. They would rig it and wait for people to enter and blow it up. You have the look for whats not belonging there. We went in and face to face with a big drum of homemade explosives right in the middle of the room wired. Say the code word for what means get out of here quietly and abruptly and people jumping off the roof. Did you think you would pull the sheets down to see if there was a bed and when you look its bin laden . No. During those raids it was all low hf level thugs that were making bombs and killing americans. Every one of the guys were saving someones life because theyre in every branch of the military with a much more dangerous job than we did. We fought on our terms. We have marines, army navy guys driving around in vehicles wondering when theyre going to blow up. It was better to target ied makers taking them off the battlefield. Coming up next before the bin laden mission, rob was on the front line of another crisis that would end up as a hollywood blockbuster. The rescue of captain richard phillips. That story and never before seen video of that mission when the man who killed Osama Bin Laden cont missions executed by Naval Special Warfare Group are classified and the American People never hear about most of them but sometimes their actions made headlines back home and the public gets a small glimpse into the lives of s. E. A. L. S. April 2009. S. E. A. L. Team 6 was home in the states when 8,000 miles away the massive container ship maersk alabama was hijacked by pirates off the coast of somalia. It was portrayed in call tin phillips. Look at me. Sure. Look at me. Im the captain now. The crew fought back against the pirates but the pirates took a lifeboat and escaped with their hostage captain richard phillips. News reached the United States. An american was being held captive on a tiny lifeboat in the middle of the indian ocean. We knew we had a system in place. Thats kind of our specialty is to rescue people in the ocean. The thing unfolded and we kind of knew that somethings going to happen because theyre not negotiations arent going well and doing this and rugged. American navy ships and helicopters were able to block the lifeboat carrying captain phillips and his pirate kidnappers from reaching somalia. Even as the pirates opened fire. Shots fired shots fired the call was made. Send in the s. E. A. L. S. Good friday, april 10th, my birthday. I was at a tea party for easter at my kids preschool. And we were actually sitting the kids down and getting them stuff to eat when we got the message and were going. So i had to leave from a preschool classroom to jump into the indian ocean to rescue captain richard phillips. 7eleven outside the base. I stopped there to get some items i would want to jump with tobacco, money, stuff like that. I stopped there and theres a guy in front of me who was in no hurry an im in kind of a hurry and the guy i have a set amount of time to be there. A thing he was buying is usa today and slammed down the paper all patriotic and i sure wish someone would do something about this. If you hurry up and pay for your stuff, we will. By that time, the lifeboat ran out of fuel and the pirates agreed to have it towed but they kept the captain at gun point demanding safe passage to somalia where they could hold him for ransom. We thought we thought of everything. How to rescue people. No one thought of a fully encompassed lifeboat towed by a navy cruiser. How long from the time at the tea party that the pager went off did you have to get to base . We had a full head count in the indian ocean, everyone accounted for 15 hours 46 after the page. The s. E. A. L. S flew to the indian ocean in a c17 tranport plane. Once on sight the back opened and they dropped their boats. We have the capability of putting boats out of a plane into the water and jump behind it and find the boat. Get in and drive it somewhere. Then one after another dozens of s. E. A. L. S parachuted from the plane to the ocean below. Including one support staffer who had never jumped from a plane before. Regardless of the wars fighting, we were training back home on hostage rescue at sea. Trying to maintain our heritage of being proficient in the water which we were. Meanwhile, in the lifeboat, tension grew. With another team of s. E. A. L. Snipers positioned on the back of the bane bridge and captain phillips life in danger, the order came down. Take the shot. Execute the movie made it look cool. That wasnt the plan. We werent going there to kill people. We tried to get the guy back. The fact that you guys had a full head count 15 hours and 46 minutes after first getting the page, whats that say about the guys you work with . Incredible. Everything from whos flying the airplanes, who packed the boats up rigged the parachutes, who trained the tandem masters to jump a guy thats never jumped before. Getting the stuff to the aircraft in time. Its a moment of pride, the efficiency of the u. S. Military when it needs to be. It makes you realize if we wanted to take the gloves off and really hurt people that wouldnt be a problem. But you have rules. Were the good guys. Coming up next rob and s. E. A. L. Team 6 prepare for the mission of a lifetime. Its eess bin laden. As the war of afghanistan stretched into the tenth year it was easy to think that the worlds most wanted terrorist might never be found. It even got to the point in the wars i was i would tactically question people on target specials whether or not and we would ask them almost because out of boredom. Whose house is this . Whos the man of the house . Who lives here and then wheres Osama Bin Laden . They would laugh. We would laugh. Like, who . Youre never going to find him. The cia was trying to track down Osama Bin Laden through 0 variety of different avenues. The author of black hawk down dts and the finish the killing of bin laden. A primary thread is taught to be the courier system and an individual who was known and followed him as the vehicle returned to the house. As they watched more and more they realized that the there was a man called pacer who walked around in the garden outside. And a lot of the people who had seen images of bin laden from above in the past believed that that was him. The big question was how to proceed. One of the First Options was to bomb the compound and killed everyone in it. And probably some People Living nearby. The neighbors are going to die. Everyone in the house is going to die and then never know if we got him. They also prepared the option of a very small missile or bullet if you wish shot from a drone to target an individual. That was a unl tested weapon. They werent sure they wanted to risk shooting and missing because if they shot and missed it would tip off bin laden if that was him and hed vanish again. They briefly considered a joint effort with the pakistanis and some American Forces and they quickly got rid of that one because the pakistanis will tell the people in the house were coming and then he went be there and then there was us. Sending in an s. E. A. L. Team was by far the riskiest option and not just a risk of losing those men or of come lat real damage on the ground but the intrusion in Pakistans Air space would be noticed. After much deliberation the call was made. We just gotten back from deployment number 11 for me. We went to miami to dive. We got the call from there they were calling back a couple of us. Not all of us. Other guys from other trips recalled and all senior guys and they sat us in a room and said we found a thing. And the things in a house and the house in a bowl and the bowls in a country and youre going to go to that house and get a thing and bring it back to us. That was it. We assumed it was gadhafi because it was the arab spring. How are we getting there . Cant tell you wrchlts the country . Cant tell you. Whats the thing . Cant tell you. So we assume we would be flying off a navy ship from the mediterranean into libya and then grab gadhafi and bring hem out. They told us a couple of things like were going to read you in eventually and said names that didnt make sense. We were talking a couple days later about this person this person, why would they be there . Its been bin laden. They found him. Were going to go get him. The cia had been doing extensive surveillance on the mysterious compound and built a scale model that was an exact replica. We knew it was going to be a house. We were going to separate into four teams so we were able to get an idea of what the external part of the target looked like. We knew you have part of the exterior exterior. Every opening every garden, every path. How high the walls were. We practiced flying in and assaulting. The plan was to fast roll. Were going to fast roll from dash one, the first relationship, in front of the main house out of both sides. Dash two wo would at the same time drop guys outside of the north end for external security and the rest on roof. On the roof, we could take it from the top and bottom simultaneously. We practiced the hit and leaving and doing it all again. We had the plan down. I mean, we could have launched the day they told us. No problem. What did the cia analyst whos now famous for being the subject of being zero dark 30 tell you . If you want the kill him hes on the third floor. 100 . Were you 100 . I believed her. When youre drawing up the plan in the United States, where were you supposed to be . Initially, i was going to be the team leader for external security. There was a couple of snipers and a medic and i was going to be the team leader outside. So we were going to get off the helicopter it was going to drop us off and the rest of the guys go to the roof top. The analyst told me if you want do get a shot after bin laden hes on the third floor. I talked myself out of the team leader spot to get on the helicopter and martyrs brigade and be volunteer to be on the roof and jump into the balcony and then have a shootout from bin laden from the balcony inside. The more we trained on it we realized this is a oneway mission. Were going to go and not come back. Well die when the house explodes. Well die when he explodes or be arrested by the pakistanis and spend the rest of our short lives in pakistan prison. Whats it like training for something so hard so intensely when you dont think youre going to survive the mission . It was worth it because this is it. We would have moments, wed joke around and laugh and then hit you again. All right. Lets get serious again. Because this is going to happen and were not coming home. Was that a sad no. Feeling . No. It was more of a well die eventually. That is good way to go and worth it to kill him because he needs to die with us. When you heard that there were some other options did any part of you hope that the president picked one that did not require sending you to possibly die . Die. The thought was there but we wanted to go. We really wanted to do this. Thats why were all here now. And just to be part of something so historic, you cant ask for more. I mean would there have been some sort of relief . Maybe. You know . Okay. We didnt go. They bombed it. Great. We wanted it bad. Why . Its it. Thats doesnt get any better. This is it. This is why were here. Were at war because of this guy and now were going to go get him. Congratulations. Youre down with crestor. Yes when diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Crestor is not for people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Im down with crestor make your move. Ask your doctor about crestor. Tell me about the letters you wrote your kids. I wont one to pretty much everybody. It was more of an explanation of why we went why it was noble and why im not afraid. With the best people in the world were going on the most Important Mission since washington crossed the delaware. And its worth it. You know . Just sorry hes doing. As i look back on it, i get choked up. Going into it you know he they might be heading to some desserted island, to do something fairly benign if thats ever possible with s. E. A. L. Team 6 guys. So i really dont know what hes up to but hes calling me last. I know that hes telling me that hes boarding the bird. Im the last one he calls and hes checking in. Kind of thanking me for a lot of things but just checking in. I couldnt say what was going on. I was like, hey, something along the lines of thats nice we got to know each other or Something Like that. Something that really got to him. And i wasnt i wasnt trying to be sad and i wasnt sad at the time. I was more excited just saying, hey he knew i had gone somewhere. He didnt know where i was and he just he knew something was up. And so, i think for a while and i have a very busy mind, even though im out here in a walmart parking lot where the biggest hazard is parallel parking for me all of a sudden things are hitting me. He told me later that he was in his truck at a walmart at the walmart right down the street here and after i hung up the phone he couldnt get out of his car for 20 minutes. There was something in the tone that got me. then he was Walking Around the walmart and he ran into his sister who is a nurse. What a better time to run into my sister. A practicing registered nurse who knows of course, everything. She sees me and theres two words i love to mispronounce ap plektic and catatonic. She kind of just takes me to the side. Whats wrong . Looking back now, i really do know whats wrong. At the time, im guessing. My mind is all over the place. But its you know, after 17 years i think its over for him. Where we typically say in every phone call is i tell rob how proud of him i am, to this day, and that i love him. In this call i remember i said, i wish i could go with you. Just what he needs. You know . Some 60plusyearold guy tagging along on an adventure that he cant even tell me about but its just the emotion now of what i know to be the importance then. You know, after three years and four months, it should get better. And it will. And then i guess he went home and a few hours later its more of a youve got to be kidding me type stuff. And then hes watching the press conference. He said he remembers watching geraldo and speculating and is everyone okay followed by a pride. You know . He knows the story better than i do. I remember making the call and getting on a hip to leave. We walked outside. There was a bonfire going. The boss on both sides, the admiral and Sergeant Major were there. As was the other s. E. A. L. S. There was a couple proud words from our bosses and a set of a usual hand shake to the s. E. A. L. S, hey, all right, see you in a couple of minutes v. A good fight. Now its hugging everyone. We all knew that the chances of dying were really high. So just hugging the other guys, looking. My brothers from the other squadron. It was just a you know, i can only imagine, a feeling in the tunnel for a nfl player to run on the field. It is time to do my job. We drove to the helicopters and then we had a minute around there. We were sitting there talking guys did their last things to do before getting on for a long ride and then got in the helicopters and launched. We were the end. We were the fists. We were the fdny. We were the nypd. We were the American People and when president bush said can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . We got him. We just ended the war. 6 it would be irresponsible of me not to give everyone else closure. I remember a guy standing up in front of me telling me, explaining to his friends daughter why did god do this . He said the devil did this. You killed the devil. I salute you for that, sir

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