For Illegal Immigrants. The white house today dismissed any connection between her murder and of the president s refusal to realize people want to play politics with the president has done everything in his power that we focus our resources on criminals. Lou really . We will take of his policies with the immigration and advocate for go the congressman is proposing legislation to require the federal government to deport Illegal Immigrants convicted of serious crimes and then 90 days. Critics are piling on to the president and his progressive policies that her murder could have them prevented but the administration refuses to secure borders or enforce the Immigration Laws or the 100 sanctuarys cities across the country. We are in San Francisco with the report. Selling tested the 45 yearold sanchez is no stranger. Sent back to mexico five times after seven felony convictions in a stunning interview he confessed it is admitted he returned because of the century policy. He was in federal custody for years and about to be deported again in march when they handed him over to the Sheriffs Department on a drug charge making it clear they wanted to back and services the was finished but instead they released him on april 15 and refused to notify of migration officials and a move that it continues to defend. There was no basis to hold him with this city ordinance. This date fired back collective local authorities had notified ice they were about to release the individual they could have taken custody of him to have removed from the country preventing the terrible tragedy. The policy in 1989 as a way to prevent lawabiding legal immigrants but it is protecting free pete offenders like ramose from 07 or. He gunned down a father and two sons as they drove home from a barbecue and this latest tragedy has those killed by Illegal Immigrants outraged. Thousands are killed each year by illegal aliens and nothing is done about it. The sad part those that are convicted go to a jail most end up on the streets again saddam Exchange Rate policies are a fact 100 cities over 33 states those with said francisco will face renewed scrutiny even after we wait for the sanchez arraignment charges if for the funeral. Lou the city of chicago is a sanctuary city when it comes to violence it is significantly worse than seven cisco. Murders and shootings are 20 higher. We have the report. The president celebrated the 200 39th birthday in washington the home city of chicago was the morning the sounds of fireworks gave way to sirens and gunshots. At this church of murder to overwhelm the city. A seven yearold among the victims. In december bystander but his death is symptomatic of violence. 65 people were shot over the weekend and then fatally last year it was 82 more than a dozen died. Despite the fact chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country. If there is one thing we can do to reduce this of violence or one life that can be saved then we have an obligation to try. It has been the focus is 2013 when the president signed 23 executive orders to address violence in america. More laws are not the answer if the Obama Administration put half as much effort into prosecuting criminals as attempting to make it harder for law abiding citizens to exercise Constitutional Rights our neighborhood would be safer spirit now theyre putting in on congressional lawmakers. The American People will have to make their voices heard. Is simply tinge important 2. 0 to they have 40 taken 3400 weapons off the streets and illinois in 2013 became the last dates in the union to authorize conceal and clearly but the strategy is now working very well. Lou it has not for years unfortunately. 144 people murdered in the First Six Months in baltimore a 50 increase iran now pushes for the United Nations arms embargo to be lifted completely. Is it should be negotiated on the Iranian Program is the demand the United States opposes and diplomats say it is out of the question. They say similar things about other issues they have relented. The powers are now in vienna one of the selfimposed deadline of tomorrow. Officials have suggested privately exactly what you would expect that the negotiations could be extended again. To face the uncertain future of 11 Million People under International Pressure to reach of a deal with its creditors as soon as possible. Last night they partied into the night as they voted for more bailouts of money as a result there now considerably closer to exiting the own to go into insolvency altogether but Officials Say they are fully aware of how crucial the situation is and today theyre dead new finance minister that could pave the way to deal they will hold an emergency meeting in brussels real will take up what this crisis means talking with the moodys chief economist coming up tonight. Stay with us. Shooting a lego woman dead elected officials are defending the policy that helped to cause this tragedy is an day crash fans are lucky to be alive very are lucky to have the video next. When walt rent were right when get excited for the 1989 world tour with exclusive behind the scenes footage all of taylor swifts music videos interviews, and more. Xfinity is the destination for all things taylor swift. Lou House Judiciary Committee chairman stepping up to say his piece that the aba ministry shares shares responsibility for the death of the young woman killed in an symphysis the last week. Is administration is not enforcing Immigration Laws and quite frankly i dont think they care. This tragedy and San Francisco which has repeated every day does nine get this kind of notoriety is the product of that lack of caring for respect for rule of law. The federal government and the San Francisco are wrong. Why did they ever turned him over to them they could have deported or prosecuted to illegally reenter the country and either way she would be safe. Lou sanchez has confessed to shooting her and said he went to a San Francisco because he knew its was a sanctuary city and they would not hand them over to immigration officials. Our next guest has stopped its started the stopped catching release act joining us now is congressman from the House Foreign Affairs committee. Good to have you with us. The chairman says it straight up there is a lot of responsibility the president said one life we should act and this government or this administration has clearly chosen not to say that what life. Is a lot more than one between 2010 and 2014 there were 122 murder victims by people here illegally and convicted of other crimes arrested or convicted and let out to perpetrate mayhem on our citizens and all 100 percent preventable. My bill is called gramms law named after a 21 yearold kid who was shot in the face by the illegal immigrant who came to get a pack of cigarettes and did not think he was acting fast enough then stepped over him to steal another two packs that was 100 percent preventable. My bill should be passed tomorrow to basically say that if you are arrested for a crime or convicted burglary or a murder or rape that are hardly on serious crimes if you are let go by local Law Enforcement or the jurisdiction that i sing is required to bring you back into custody and tell you are deported then this life would have been saved also 122 other lives from those who are let go on the streets. Lou i commiserate with your point of view and i applaud your intentions. But the fact is we have laws on the books that would require that to happen right now that would have eliminated sanctuary cities or secure the border that they could not cross once led a loan half a dozen times to commit heinous crimes. We have the administration that refuses to enforce security at the border or Immigration Law. The enforcement right now was just a retirement agency. There is nothing happening in terms of enforcing Immigration Law kids to legal immigrants in this country. You are 100 percent correct this administration is doing everything that can. J johnson Just Announced in relation to grant the was murdered now they have said new priory system called parity Enforcement Program it is doublespeak which is an excuse to enforce what we have on the books my law should not have to be introduced they should beke su w pts and the suspenders on to be sure we have to do their job. Lou good to have you with us. Lou be sure to vote do you agree with the congressmen who said the administration shares responsibility for the killing of kates. Frightening scene earlier this morning at the end of the nascar race in the final lap multiple cars collating in a the corner that cent of car air board. Said him into the fence the car ricocheted off the fence landing on the roof before smashed into. His car was destroyed he could walk away he only has a bruised tailbone. For pharaohs were treated for injuries one was sent to the hospital but later released a little a price for the 14 republicans who are currently seeking the nations highest office. Banda kayaker thats something a lot more than what he bargained for. Stay with us. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . My School Reunions coming fast. Could be bad. Could be a blast. Cant find a single thing to wear. Will they be looking at my hair . Wont be the same without you bro. When you go this summer, go to the new choicehotels. Com and when you stay twice get a free 50 gift card. Book now at choicehotels. Com lou the South Carolina senate voted to remove the Confederate Flag from the state house grounds and lawmakers argued it no longer represents the soldiers and represents racism it now goes to the house for approval. Now the race to the republican nomination. You remember the 11th command thou shalt not speak ill of any republican. No one is the bigger fame and then i am my wife and i even bought a mattress because of the salesman story about his biggest customer was Ronald Reagan and. I know i am paying a heretic five thrilled the republican candidates looks less like a race more like a bar room freeforall and i am not complaining by m applauding and i hope you are also because aside from the precious those headed the never comply and media most americans want and deserve a full lauren bare knuckles public debate about the issues that matter the most to them. It is beginning to book a lot like we will see something other than of the careful political correct language that has suffocated public dialogue over two decades. Think john mccain or mitt romney or john kerry or al gore. There were all losers of large part because of their language or nature. The republicans disappointed the American Public the democrats did the same and the public did not hear an honest debate not in education and radical terrorism or the Afghanistan War is or of the economy or job creation they are all issues that plagued us today. This is the time for politicians to shed their persona and campaign and their rhetoric to Start Talking straight and get honest. Republicans appear to be on the right path ignoring hillary because they think she will screwed up on her own and they have some evidence to support that. Here is the g. O. P. Field attacking one another with donald trump bearing the brunt. Key is doing this to inflame and excite and draw the attention it does represent the public can party. I have said clearly donald trump does not represent the Republican Party. I was offended. Lou then senator cruz takes a shot. I salute donald trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration has a colorful way to speak. Not the way i speak but i will not engage to throw rocks to attack other republican. What he said was wrong there is no place in the campaign and i find it ironic that ted cruz is giving lectures on republicans and violence . I give governor christie for though wind he gets credit if he actually got into the shots against rand paul. Rand paul has done to this country is the terrible thing it is disgraceful. We will look back and he should be it hearings in front of congress if there is another attack. Lou welcome governor i a much rougher civility to the nastiness but be honest as republicans can handle the roughandtumble of the political arena of the trail then perhaps we should start rehearsing because her Royal Highness will be the runaway winner sheet does not have to do you answer they just ask what is your favorite color but then they will wind up to walk backwards on a command is security to see the republicans appear ready and refuse to heard up or ditched the paddock republicans might have a chance the primary might be darwinian in deaths it is the point in the first place. The application of the evening from theodore roosevelt. The most successful politician is he who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice because he was the original roughrider. We will be right back. Theyre economy is directed at the banks are belly up. Why are they throwing a Big Fat Greek Party . They are not the ones that are owed 350 billion. Next. 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Lou the top story tonight is the integrity to shot a they add a tourist spot he came there because he knew he would not be handed over to officials sanchez is the seventh time convicted felons deported to mexico five times. The president says the fight against the Islamic State will mount the quick and the battle promises to be generational. Over the july for the weekend to the stronghold that is the largest dry cat and a cd did up pull the plug after they voted no to the latest bailout offer they have another crisis meeting tomorrow joining me now to talk about the Economic Impact moodys chief economist, john good to have to hear. In the Economic Research fellow from the heritage foundation. Start with the tales of terror and the fear should be running rampant through the streets of europe is not happening today. Get what we had the longest period of time to prepare for this bankruptcy it should be no surprise those systemically important Financial Institutions had little left of greek ted mostly held by hedge funds the world will not fall apart as greece implodes. But they showed themselves to be ungrateful. That dont like to work for pay their bills their love of very good life in the location they find themselves. The greeks zero year of 350 billion they owe europe not vice versa. The problem is there is a lack of political will to make the structural reform to make as strong as a country. So it is not fair to say they dont like to work there are a lot of restrictions that make it hard for them to work young people or collegeage almost half are unemployed the country has a lot of problems and theyre trying to motivate greece to offer assistance to make those reforms to make all of them better off. Lou these are beautiful words to accurately reflect the socialist european but if you were german or french arent you hacked off the treasury 88 government here reward those people who dont like to work and they have 350 billion that they cannot pay off . To read precisely they exploited the europe to live in the land of makebelieve. They are a group of philosophers forgetting that socrates and plato is dead. The way there trade deficit exploded tellers to their adopted globally competitive the have to wake up to face reality. Is a case perhaps something government cannot fix they will not pay off debt 350 billion i did my very your generous spirit but they celebrate to say no. I dont know they see it that way theyve done what restrictions placed on them but as a german i can tell germany is tired of having to bail out greece and the taxpayers are saying why should we continue . Why are we paying the greeks to stay in the European Union . What is the benefit. Lou what are the answers . It makes no sense. It is the responsibility of the germans in the french . The british look like geniuses is right now. And chances are the germans may force in greece out of the Currency Union then they will pay a heavy price with higher inflation and lower living standard. Lou your thoughts . What are the prospects . , they are welloff they have 350 billion they should not have and they will have a solution . Spirit the greatest danger for the people as they go experience the greatest pain. But grace they make up 2 of the economy and dont expect to have widespread implications however we may have to watch spain and italy and other countries may have ideas if they get away with it. Lou they already have that. Also with portugal. Is a warning you cannot lean on entitlements were foolish in this country to believe that all uncle sam to support people is so lower middleclass to support health care. Lou date you very much. And do you agree with a congressman to says the Obama Administration shares responsibility for the murder of kate stanley . Terrified moments on the beach cellphone video a single engine plane forced to crash on the beach because of engine failure. It is incredible video. They rushed away then quickly to the aid of the private a 12 yearold boy did getting gashed his head. Watched as the 42 yearold russells 350 lb bull shark who grabbed the bait from his fishing line and he fights for 20 minutes before the sharks won he is lucky to be alive considering there has been a string of shark attacks. Up next a shocking murder has reignited the illegal immigration debate more evidence that hollywood needs to make original movies. We will be right back. When a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. 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First of all, it is a the tragedy our thoughts and prayers go out to her family this should not have had been false stop the liggett the Bigger Picture it is an aberration between 1980 and 2013 the undocumented population live from 3 million a petroleum but their rate of Violent Crime has decreased by 25 said he does some represent that undocumented population. Lou it would be a terrible injustice to suggest that this man is an avatar for the entire immigrate community but to meet it is deeply troubling the immigration advocacy groups do not a college the decree by which we have the problem replaced with terrible crimes of their records with the refusal to reinforce but those who have elected those folks in congress are not represented. I tell the two extremes where they want to ask anyone than the other extreme is so was it needs to have been is look at that have to pour did over 2 Million People. What does that mean . To mckinleys at the end of the day. You cannot control your immigration. It is the balance then we can focus the resources like this individual. I wish i could say that i agree with zero that the border will be secure we know that they have pulled back and refused to reinforce interment ive not defending them let me be clear they have listened to local lawenforcement those who want to understand what the percentage of Police Chiefs is about a 60 40s but 60 percent chief. Lou they are not elected. But they enforce the laws to read not an immigration and that is at the request of the administration. It is at the request of local lawenforcement. They will do whatever they ask this is from people wanting to be safe. Lou this is 100 percent of us. The nasdaq dropped 17 re a remarkably orderly trading given the fact that crude oriole market plummeted shares tumbling more than 6 after does is it is buying a humana. Dont forget to listen to my report three times a day coast to coast, on the salem radio network. Jurassic world lowes lecter hard movie to beat competition for the franchise but it was unbeatable for the fourth straight weekend for pro i am not a shareholder. Following close behind was inside out with 30 million. A note to severs quit while you are ahead genesis to place an order brothers sequel magic mike is fourth place with 12 million. Where is fox . With the republicans and infighting help or hurt and Hillary Clinton. When you put people together like cattle than have them walk backwards just for fun . And what about the rope . Stay with us. Hy i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . 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To learn about Spiriva Respimat slowmoving mist ask your doctor or visit spirivarespimat. Com. Lou president ial hopeful Hillary Clinton has found another way to just, well, to round up reporters to do her bidding. There they are behind a rope line in front of a rope line, during a 4th of july parade in New Hampshire. Clinton aides roped off the intrepid reporters from the candidate as she walked and mingled with the lowly potential voters. The images of the press corps corralled at the event adding that Hillary Clinton is shielded from the express has extraordinary, extraordinary senses of entitlement. Joining us tonight, political consultant ashley pratte. And pulitzer prizewinning columnist Fox News Contributor michael goodwin, ashley, if you were working for the press, would you get in a rope line and walk backwards at the bidding of the candidate youre supposed to be covering, for crying out loud . No, because i dont think im branded like a cattle. They should call her out for this, and being a resident of New Hampshire for 25 years of my life, im appalled by this because the parades are a tradition thats meant to make yourself accessible to voters, to the press, thats all the beauty of the New Hampshire first in the nation primary. Kennedy arbly, you are so right, i completely lapsed, and forgive me because Hillary Clinton is synonymous with access. Right, and transparency and wait, the best one is that shes entitled to the nomination which is why she can get away with this. Kennedy what do you think . The National Media didnt have a problem of any sort with it. I like the story, the stories has the Republican Party of New Hampshire outraged. Why wasnt the media more outraged. Look Hillary Clinton is making up her own rules all the time. That is the story of her life and her husbands life. Kennedy its her parade. Lou, if i were a reporter covering the campaign, i think i would refuse to write any stories until i got access to the candidate once in a while. The idea theres another story shes taking lots of selfies, another story she stops at a chipotle. Lou great, thats what we need more of. She doesnt have to answer serious questions because the press is happy to have fluff. And she has staged events, when they cover, it theyre not allowed to talk to certain people because theyre not on the approved list. Lou the New York Times has been doing intrepid journalism they have come up with a hit piece on marco rubio. Times considering marco rubio is not considered a hero in cuba and the castros are the president s new best buddies. Ashley, i cant believe rubio is not an exciting figure for cubans. No, well, thats the thing, i think the New York Times wants to portray every republican in the worst light possible. Lou wait a minute, its not a bad light if you are not liked by communists, is it . Right, they love to expose something thats not sdmrchlt then they tag someone with that, and unfortunately it will follow them. Hopefully readers do their own homework on different candidates and realize in this election its so exciting, we have someone like governor bush able to speak fluent spanish to a bunch of hispanic voters. Thats great diversity for the party. Have you marco rubio a younger republican who can do the same thing. These arent negatives to the candidates, trying to do different outreach. Lou, i saw a little short in the paper that two cuban Baseball Players defected. They were in the United States on a tour with the Cuban National team and refused to go back. I think that tells you enough about cuba and the state of play there, that although, all the reforms supposedly coming, though america is opening relations, people are still going to escape cuba wherever they can. Kennedy were told by this president were a racist nation, that we should get used to the new normal, were not exceptional. People hes trying to reach out to are the Illegal Immigrants from Central America and mexico, theyre coming here, folks arent leaving. Right. Lou and about 10 of the population of mexico now living here who should be living in mexico, and its mindboggling that donald trump getting into such trouble because he says some of those crossing that border are belong to ms 13 or part of the cartels who are committing crimes. Look at all the countries where people are escaping to come here. Theyre not allowed those countries dont let other foreigners in. Mexico keeps southern border tightly shut. Lou ashley, you get the last 30 second words. Theres a lot of diversity in the republican side and not so much on the democratic side and thats important going forward. Lou yeah, diversity, theres an idea. Were diverse, its a matter of fact. Thats who we are as americans. Now what is the Republican Party got to offer . How about ideas . Ashley, thanks a lot. Michael, thank you, good to have you both here. A look at our online poll results. We asked is the left attacking donald trump so vigorously because they feel hes their greatest threat. Look at this. 89 of you said yes. Donald trump tweeted out a response to the poll question, he said thank you at lou dobbs news, ill be trying to prove you right. Great show. Well, there we go. Other viewer comments. Albert sent in an email saying why did they need him . They got it. Thats it for us tonight, thanks for being with us bestselling authors brad thorpe, naomi wolf join me tomorrow, the left and the right on display. Good night from new york . Kennedy hello there, im a very classy and lady im back all moved to new york ready for you, serviceable the entire summer unlike greece, i am watching the greek crisis devolve into a mudslide of undisciplined socialism and unserviceable debt and realizing as we in the u. S. Lurch toward our own brand of protectionist socialism, were not too far behind. For five years greece and the European Union have been trying to bail themselves out of a leaking sinking ship with teaspoons and scotch tape. Greece has high taxes and high unemployment and created a lo

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