Fay Maschler visits Emmanuel Macron’s favourite restaurant
Fay Maschler
It was seven years ago that Gérard Tafanel — who with his brother Serge owns the Montparnasse brasserie La Rotonde — said to one of his regular customers: “You will be president one day.” That customer, described by the waiters as “respectful, kind and polite” was the now 39-year-old Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, leader of La République en Marche! and — as of May 14 — the youngest ever President of France. By virtue of this position, it is perhaps worth noting, he is also Co-Prince of Andorra.
That his wife Brigitte Trogneux is 24 years older is, of course, riveting and encouraging, but it is Macron’s choice of where to eat at least once a week — presumably not any more — that sends me hotfoot on the Eurostar to Paris to have dinner at La Rotonde.