GHAZIABAD: For the past 90 days, Devendra Singh from Gurdwara Nanakpuri Tanda Sahib has been managing the kitchen for protesting farmers at UP Gate. Earlier, the protest site used to be dotted with langars, with people standing in long queues to receive food.
Now, there aren’t many takers and the ration requirements have come down significantly as the Ghazipur border protest site has thinned out. “There are fewer people to feed. Besides, we can’t store cooked food in this season as it will get spoiled,” said Singh.
The advent of warm weather, the practical difficulties of staying away from their farms for weeks and a hectic travel schedule that has kept away Rakesh Tikait, the BKU leader who has been leading the protest here, have all contributed to an empty look to one of the three largest rallying points for farmers opposed to the new central laws.