Since the federal government has published its plan detailing expectations of carbon emissions reductions by 2030, it's certainly been the hot topic of many farming conversations. The Dairy Farmers of Canada has made a commitment for dairy to be net-zero targets for 2050, while the Grain Growers of Canada have acknowledged they will work with the government to to reach overall net-zero goals. If you haven't had a chance to read up on what this means for agriculture, take a read, here, here, or here. On the April 7th edition of the Farmer Rapid Fire on RealAg Radio, host Shaun Haney asked producers across Canada if they support the idea of the net-zero emission targets for the agriculture sector. Brett Israel of Mapleton, Ont. says, as an organic operation, a big focus out of the targets for them is soil health and carbon sequestration, and the asks are falling within the realm of possibility. "I really think if we can...